How to use usedValue method in wpt

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Source:purchaseServices.js Github


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1import React, {Component} from 'react';2import {message, Form, Slider, Row, Col} from 'antd';3import * as apiLedou from '../../api/ledou';4import {RES_TYPE, RIGHT_UNIT} from '../../config/constants';5import showModal from 'common/component/showModal';6const FormItem = Form.Item;7import {getUpgradeUrl, getChargeUrl} from 'common/util/url';8import {redirect} from 'common/util';9import './purchaseServices.less';10let purchaseServicesModal = null;11export default function purchaseServices({right, usedValue, canUpgraded = true}) {12 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {13 // 获取乐豆余额14 apiLedou.getLedouAmount().then(({data}) => {15 const amount = data;16 let total = parseInt(right.minBuyQuantity);17 let onChange = (val) => {18 total = val;19 };20 purchaseServicesModal = showModal({21 title: '购买' +,22 content: (<PurchaseServicesForm23 canUpgraded={canUpgraded}24 right={right}25 usedValue={usedValue}26 amount={amount}27 onChange={onChange}28 total={total}29 />),30 cancelText: '返回',31 okText: '确定',32 // footer: '',33 onCancel: () => {34 reject();35 },36 onOk: () => {37 const ledou = right.price * total;38 // 余额小于乐豆数额39 if (total <= 0) {40 message.error('请选择本次购买的数量!');41 return true;42 }43 // 余额小于乐豆数额44 if (amount < ledou) {45 message.error('余额不足,请先充值!');46 return true;47 }48 return new Promise((resolveConfirm) => {49 apiLedou.tradeLedou(RES_TYPE.SERVICES, {50 ledou,51 productDesc: {52 resType: RES_TYPE.SERVICES,53 pid: right.ruleId,54 name:,55 desc: right.desc,56 price: right.price,57 total: total,58 rightsMark: right.mark59 }60 }).then(() => {61 message.success('购买成功!');62 resolve();63 resolveConfirm();64 }).catch(() => {65 message.error('购买失败!');66 reject();67 resolveConfirm();68 });69 });70 }71 });72 });73 });74}75class PurchaseServicesForm extends Component {76 constructor(props) {77 super(props);78 this.state = {79 total: props.total80 };81 }82 handleChange = (total) => {83 this.setState({84 total85 }, () => this.props.onChange(total));86 }87 upgrade = () => {88 this.redirect(getUpgradeUrl());89 }90 charge = () => {91 this.redirect(getChargeUrl());92 }93 redirect = (href) => {94 redirect(href);95 purchaseServicesModal.destroy();96 }97 render() {98 // usedValue = 已经使用的数量99 let {right, usedValue, amount, canUpgraded} = this.props;100 let {total} = this.state;101 const formItemLayout = {102 labelCol: {span: 8},103 wrapperCol: {span: 16},104 };105 let maxValue = (right.maxValue - right.value);106 maxValue = maxValue - (maxValue % right.minBuyQuantity);107 const unitText = RIGHT_UNIT[right.unit];108 // 是否可用购买109 const enablePurchase = maxValue > right.minBuyQuantity;110 return (111 <Form layout="horizontal">112 {(!enablePurchase && !canUpgraded) &&113 <div className="purchase-services-empty">您已经使用数量<span114 className="text-enabled">{usedValue}</span>{unitText},已达到最大等级。115 </div>116 }117 {(!enablePurchase && canUpgraded) &&118 <div className="purchase-services-empty">您已经使用数量<span119 className="text-enabled">{usedValue}</span>{unitText},如要购买更多数量,请<a120 onClick={this.upgrade}>升级账号</a>。121 </div>122 }123 {enablePurchase &&124 <div>125 <FormItem126 {...formItemLayout}127 label="已经使用数量">128 {usedValue}({unitText}),还可购买数量:{maxValue}({unitText})129 </FormItem>130 <FormItem131 {...formItemLayout}132 label="本次购买数量"133 help={total == maxValue && canUpgraded ? (134 <span>购买更多数量,<a onClick={this.upgrade}>可升级账号</a></span>) : null}135 hasFeedback>136 <Row>137 <Col span={12}>138 <Slider min={0}139 max={maxValue}140 step={right.minBuyQuantity}141 onChange={this.handleChange}142 value={total}/>143 </Col>144 <Col span={4}><span className="purchase-services-out">{total}({unitText})</span></Col>145 </Row>146 </FormItem>147 <FormItem148 {...formItemLayout}149 label="本次交易需支付">150 <div>151 <p>{total * right.price}乐豆</p>152 </div>153 </FormItem>154 <FormItem{...formItemLayout}155 label="账户余额">156 <div>157 {amount}乐豆158 {amount < total * right.price ?159 <span className="purchase-services-out"><span className="color-err">余额不足</span>,<a160 onClick={this.charge}>请充值</a></span> : null}161 </div>162 </FormItem>163 </div>164 }165 {/*<div className="ant-modal-footer">*/}166 {/*<Button type="ghost" size="large">返 回</Button> <Button type="primary" size="large">确 定</Button>*/}167 {/*</div>*/}168 </Form>169 );170 }...

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Source:component.js Github


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1import { get, set, observer } from '@ember/object';2import { next } from '@ember/runloop';3import Component from '@ember/component';4import { convertToMillis } from 'shared/utils/util';5import { parseSi } from 'shared/utils/parse-unit';6import layout from './template';7import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';8const defaultRadix = 10;9const defaultIncrement = 1024;10const defaultDivisor = 1048576;11const defaultMultiplier = 3;12export default Component.extend({13 intl: service(),14 layout,15 limit: null,16 usedLimit: null,17 projectlimit: null,18 projectQuota: null,19 nsDefaultQuota: null,20 editing: null,21 isNew: null,22 quotaArray: null,23 init() {24 this._super(...arguments);25 this.initQuotaArray();26 next(() => {27 this.quotaDidChange();28 })29 },30 quotaDidChange: observer('quotaArray.@each.{key,value}', function() {31 const out = {};32 (get(this, 'quotaArray') || []).forEach((quota) => {33 if ( quota.key ) {34 let value = parseInt(get(quota, 'value'), defaultRadix);35 let max = get(quota, 'max');36 let currentUse = get(quota, 'currentProjectUse.firstObject.value');37 if ( value === undefined || value === null ) {38 out[quota.key] = '';39 return;40 }41 if (value > max || (( currentUse + value ) > max)) {42 value = set(quota, 'value', max - currentUse);43 }44 out[quota.key] = this.quotaWithUnits(quota, value);45 }46 });47 if (this.changed) {48 this.changed(Object.keys(out).length ? out : null);49 }50 this.updateLimits();51 }),52 quotaWithUnits(quota, value, readable = false) {53 let cpuNotation = readable ? 'milli CPUs' : 'm';54 let memNotation = readable ? 'MiB' : 'Mi';55 let storageNotation = readable ? 'GB' : 'Gi';56 if ( quota.key === 'limitsCpu' || quota.key === 'requestsCpu' ) {57 return `${ value }${ cpuNotation }`;58 } else if ( quota.key === 'limitsMemory' || quota.key === 'requestsMemory' ) {59 return `${ value }${ memNotation }`;60 } else if ( quota.key === 'requestsStorage' ) {61 return `${ value }${ storageNotation }`;62 } else {63 return value;64 }65 },66 updateLimits() {67 ( get(this, 'quotaArray') || [] ).forEach((quota) => {68 if ( quota.key ) {69 const intl = get(this, 'intl');70 const value = parseInt(get(quota, 'value'), defaultRadix) || 0;71 const usedValue = get(quota, 'currentProjectUse.firstObject.value');72 const newUse = get(quota, 'currentProjectUse.lastObject');73 const myNewUse = usedValue + value;74 const remaining = ( get(quota, 'max') - ( myNewUse ) ) > 0 ? ( get(quota, 'max') - ( myNewUse ) ) : 0;75 const newTotals = [76 {77 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.reserved'),78 value: this.quotaWithUnits(quota, usedValue, true),79 },80 {81 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.namespace'),82 value: this.quotaWithUnits(quota, value, true),83 },84 {85 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.available'),86 value: this.quotaWithUnits(quota, remaining, true),87 },88 {89 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.max'),90 value: this.quotaWithUnits(quota, get(quota, 'max'), true),91 }92 ];93 // if (remaining === 0) {94 // set(newUse, 'color', 'bg-error');95 // } else {96 // if (get(newUse, 'color') === 'bg-error') {97 // set(newUse, 'color', 'bg-warning');98 // }99 // }100 set(newUse, 'value', value);101 set(quota, 'totalLimits', newTotals);102 }103 });104 },105 initQuotaArray() {106 const {107 limit,108 nsDefaultQuota,109 intl110 } = this;111 const used = get(this, 'usedLimit');112 const currentProjectLimit = get(this, 'projectLimit')113 const array = [];114 Object.keys(nsDefaultQuota).forEach((key) => {115 if ( key !== 'type' && typeof nsDefaultQuota[key] === 'string') {116 let value, currentProjectUse, totalLimits, remaining;117 let usedValue = '';118 let max = '';119 let newUse = null;120 let projectUse = get(used, key) || '0';121 if ( limit && !limit[key] ) {122 array.push({123 key,124 value: '',125 currentProjectUse: [],126 });127 return;128 }129 value = limit && limit[key] ? limit[key] : nsDefaultQuota[key];130 switch (key) {131 case 'limitsCpu':132 case 'requestsCpu':133 value = convertToMillis(value);134 usedValue = convertToMillis(projectUse);135 max = convertToMillis(get(currentProjectLimit, key));136 break;137 case 'limitsMemory':138 case 'requestsMemory':139 value = parseSi(value, defaultIncrement) / defaultDivisor;140 usedValue = parseSi(projectUse, defaultIncrement) / defaultDivisor;141 max = parseSi(get(currentProjectLimit, key), defaultIncrement) / defaultDivisor;142 break;143 case 'requestsStorage':144 value = parseSi(value) / (defaultIncrement ** defaultMultiplier);145 usedValue = parseSi(projectUse) / (defaultIncrement ** defaultMultiplier);146 max = parseSi(get(currentProjectLimit, key)) / (defaultIncrement ** defaultMultiplier);147 break;148 default:149 value = parseInt(value, defaultRadix);150 usedValue = parseInt(projectUse, defaultRadix);151 max = parseInt(get(currentProjectLimit, key), defaultRadix);152 break;153 }154 if ( !get(this, 'isNew') ) {155 usedValue = usedValue - value156 }157 newUse = usedValue + value;158 remaining = ( max - newUse ) > 0 ? ( max - newUse ) : 0;159 currentProjectUse = [160 {161 // current use162 color: 'bg-primary',163 label: key,164 value: usedValue,165 },166 {167 // only need the new value here because progress-multi-bar adds this to the previous168 color: 'bg-info',169 label: key,170 value,171 }172 ];173 totalLimits = [174 {175 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.reserved'),176 value: this.quotaWithUnits(nsDefaultQuota[key], usedValue, true),177 },178 {179 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.namespace'),180 value: this.quotaWithUnits(nsDefaultQuota[key], value, true),181 },182 {183 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.available'),184 value: this.quotaWithUnits(nsDefaultQuota[key], remaining, true),185 },186 {187 label: intl.t('formResourceQuota.table.resources.max'),188 value: this.quotaWithUnits(nsDefaultQuota[key], max, true),189 }190 ];191 array.push({192 currentProjectUse,193 key,194 max,195 totalLimits,196 value,197 });198 }199 });200 set(this, 'quotaArray', array);201 }...

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Source:index.js Github


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1module.exports = () => {2 const el = document.getElementById('Demo')3 const button = document.getElementById('button')4 el.classList.add('is-loaded')5 function play () {6 document.querySelectorAll('.el').forEach((el, i) => {7 el.classList.add('no-transition')8 requestAnimationFrame(() => {9'--highlighter-progress', 0)10 setTimeout(() => {11 el.classList.remove('no-transition')12'--highlighter-progress', 1)13 }, i * 700 + 100)14 })15 })16 }17 play()18 button.addEventListener('click', play)19 ;['size', 'opacity', 'smooth', 'pen', 'easing', 'duration'].forEach(type => {20 document.getElementById('highlighter-' + type).addEventListener('input', (e) => {21 let value = if (type === 'duration') {23 value += 'ms'24 }25 let usedValue = value26 if (type === 'pen') {27 usedValue = 'url(/posts/highlighter-marker-annotations/' + value + ')'28 }29 document.querySelectorAll('.el').forEach((el, i) => {30 if (type === 'easing') {31'transition-timing-function', usedValue)32 } else if (type === 'duration') {33'transition-duration', usedValue)34 } else {35'--highlighter-' + type, usedValue)36 }37 })38 document.getElementById('valuehighlighter-' + type).innerHTML = value39 })40 })...

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 console.log(data);6});7var wpt = require('wpt');8var wpt = new WebPageTest('');9wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.error(err);11 console.log(data);12});13var wpt = require('wpt');14var wpt = new WebPageTest('');15wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {16 if (err) return console.error(err);17 console.log(data);18});19var wpt = require('wpt');20var wpt = new WebPageTest('');21wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.error(err);23 console.log(data);24});25var wpt = require('wpt');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {28 if (err) return console.error(err);29 console.log(data);30});31var wpt = require('wpt');32var wpt = new WebPageTest('');33wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {34 if (err) return console.error(err);35 console.log(data);36});37var wpt = require('wpt');38var wpt = new WebPageTest('');39wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {40 if (err) return console.error(err);41 console.log(data);42});43var wpt = require('wpt');44var wpt = new WebPageTest('');45wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {46 if (err) return console.error(err);47 console.log(data);48});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 console.log(data);6});7### new WebPageTest(server, apiKey)8 - `server` - The server to connect to (default: .runTest(url, options, callback)10### .getLocations(callback)11### .getTesters(callback)12### .getTestStatus(testId, callback)13### .getTestResults(testId, callback)14### .getTestRequests(testId, callback)15### .getTestPageSpeedResults(testId, callback)16### .getTestWaterfallImage(testId, callback)17### .getTestVideo(testId, callback)18### .getTestScreenshots(testId, callback)

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});10{ data: 11 { locations: 12 { '0': 13 { Location: 'Dulles:Chrome',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wpt = require('wpt');2const wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 console.log(data);6});7const wpt = require('wpt');8const wpt = new WebPageTest('');9wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.error(err);11 console.log(data);12});13const wpt = require('wpt');14const wpt = new WebPageTest('');15wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {16 if (err) return console.error(err);17 console.log(data);18});19const wpt = require('wpt');20const wpt = new WebPageTest('');21wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.error(err);23 console.log(data);24});25const wpt = require('wpt');26const wpt = new WebPageTest('');27wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {28 if (err) return console.error(err);29 console.log(data);30});31const wpt = require('wpt');32const wpt = new WebPageTest('');33wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {34 if (err) return console.error(err);35 console.log(data);36});37const wpt = require('wpt');38const wpt = new WebPageTest('');39wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {40 if (err) return console.error(err);41 console.log(data);42});43const wpt = require('wpt');44const wpt = new WebPageTest('www.webpag

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.usedValue('myKey', 'mySecret', 'myTestID', 'firstView', 'SpeedIndex', function(err, data) {3 if(err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log(data);7 }8});9var wpt = require('wpt');10wpt.usedValues('myKey', 'mySecret', 'myTestID', 'firstView', function(err, data) {11 if(err) {12 console.log(err);13 } else {14 console.log(data);15 }16});17var wpt = require('wpt');18wpt.getLocations('myKey', 'mySecret', function(err, data) {19 if(err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log(data);23 }24});25var wpt = require('wpt');26wpt.getTesters('myKey', 'mySecret', function(err, data) {27 if(err) {28 console.log(err);29 } else {30 console.log(data);31 }32});33var wpt = require('wpt');34wpt.getTesters('myKey', 'mySecret', function(err, data) {35 if(err) {36 console.log(err);37 } else {38 console.log(data);39 }40});41var wpt = require('wpt');42wpt.getTesters('myKey', 'mySecret', function(err, data) {43 if(err) {44 console.log(err);45 } else {46 console.log(data);47 }48});49var wpt = require('wpt');50wpt.getTesters('myKey', 'mySecret', function(err, data) {51 if(err) {52 console.log(err);53 } else {54 console.log(data);55 }56});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt.js');2var wptTest = new wpt('KEY');3wptTest.getLocations(function (err, data) {4 console.log(data);5});6Wpt.prototype.getLocations = function (callback) {7 this.usedValue('getLocations', function (err, data) {8 callback(err, data);9 });10};11Wpt.prototype.usedValue = function (key, callback) {12 var options = {13 headers: {14 }15 };16 request(options, function (error, response, body) {17 if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {18 callback(null, JSON.parse(body));19 } else {20 callback(error, null);21 }22 });23};24var myFunction = function(callback) {25 callback();26};27describe("myFunction", function() {28 it("calls the callback", function() {29 var callback = sinon.spy();30 myFunction(callback);31 expect(callback).to.have.been.called;32 });33});34I'm trying to test my Express route which is using passport-google-oauth2. I'm using supertest and sinon to test it. I'm not sure how to test the passport.authenticate('google', { scope: ['profile', 'email'] }) function. I'm trying to test the route with the code below:35var sinon = require('sinon');36var chai = require('chai');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var key = 'A.7d2c8f0b7c8d9c9b7e2f8c8d8c8d8c8d';3var options = {4};5wpt.runTest(url, options, function (err, data) {6 if (err) {7 console.log('Error: ' + err);8 } else {9 console.log('Test ID: ' +;10 console.log('Test Status: ' +;11 console.log('Test URL: ' +;12 console.log('Test runs: ' +;13 console.log('Test location: ' +;14 console.log('Test mobile: ' +;15 console.log('Test connectivity: ' +;16 console.log('Test video: ' +;17 console.log('Test private: ' +;18 console.log('Test timeline: ' +;19 console.log('Test sensitive: ' +;20 console.log('Test block: ' +;21 console.log('Test noopt: ' +;22 console.log('Test noimages: ' +;23 console.log('Test noscript: ' +;24 console.log('Test keepua: ' +;25 console.log('Test label: ' +;26 console.log('Test web10: ' +;27 console.log('Test f: ' +;

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