How to use styleExists method in wpt

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Source:structures.js Github


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1//********** ParticleManager **********2var ParticleManager = function() {3 var self = this;4 5 this.chunkTime = 30000; //default chunk time size, in milliseconds6 this.currentChunkTime;7 8 this.ready = false;9 this.timeAsDate = false;10 this.startTime = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;11 this.maxTime = 0;12 this.minLat = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;13 this.minLon = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;14 this.maxLat = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;15 this.maxLon = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;16 this.maxChunkSize = 0;17 this.particles = [];18 this.particleMap = {};19 this.styles;20 21 //position-time data chunks, lists of Float32Array that are given into interleavedBuffer22 this.chunks = [];23 24 //"Public" functions25 ParticleManager.prototype.setStyles = function(styles) {26 self.styles = styles;27 }28 29 ParticleManager.prototype.addData = function(data) {30 var fields = data.split(",");31 var id = fields[0].trim();32 var time = fields[1].trim();33 var lat = fields[2].trim();34 var lon = fields[3].trim();35 var stopAttr = fields[4].trim();36 var styleId = fields[5].trim();37 38 if(typeof(self.particleMap[id]) == 'undefined') {39 self.particles.push({coordTimes: []});40 self.particleMap[id] = self.particles[self.particles.length - 1];41 42 var styleExists = false;43 if(typeof(self.styles) != 'undefined' && typeof(self.styles[styleId]) != 'undefined')44 styleExists = true;45 46 self.particleMap[id].col = {47 r: styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].r : 230,48 g: styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].g : 50,49 b: styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].b : 050 };51 self.particleMap[id].a = styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].a : 1.0;52 self.particleMap[id].s = styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].size : 1.0;53 self.particleMap[id].z = styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].z : 0.0;54 self.particleMap[id].m = styleExists ? self.styles[styleId].mode : 0;55 }56 57 var lonLat = transf(Number(lat), Number(lon));58 lon = lonLat[0];59 lat = lonLat[1];60 61 if(!$.isNumeric(time)) { //If time is given as a dateTime string convert it to unix timestamp. Otherwise leave it as a long62 self.timeAsDate = true;63 time = Date.parse(time);64 }65 66 //max time67 if(time > self.maxTime)68 self.maxTime = time;69 //start time70 if(time < self.startTime)71 self.startTime = time;72 73 //map bounds74 if(lat < self.minLat)75 self.minLat = lat;76 if(lat > self.maxLat)77 self.maxLat = lat;78 if(lon < self.minLon)79 self.minLon = lon;80 if(lon > self.maxLon)81 self.maxLon = lon;82 83 self.particleMap[id].coordTimes.push(84 {85 t: time,86 lat: lat,87 lon: lon,88 });89 }90 91 ParticleManager.prototype.createChunks = function() {92 self.maxTime -= self.startTime;93 firstPass(0);94 }95 96 ParticleManager.prototype.isChunkOutdated = function(time) {97 return (time >= self.currentChunkTime + self.chunkTime || time < self.currentChunkTime);98 }99 100 101 102 ParticleManager.prototype.getChunk = function(time) {103 self.currentChunkTime = Math.floor(time/self.chunkTime) * self.chunkTime;104 return this.chunks[Math.floor(time/self.chunkTime)];105 }106 107 108 //"Private functions"109 var firstPass = function(particleId) {110 var idLimit = particleId + 10000;111 112 console.log('ParticleManager firstPass: ', idLimit);113 114 if(idLimit > self.particles.length)115 idLimit = self.particles.length;116 117 for(var i = particleId; i < idLimit; i++) { //Check if particle coordinate-time array is sorted, sort if needed118 var particle = self.particles[i];119 120 var sorted = true;121 for(var j = 0; j < particle.coordTimes.length; j++){122 particle.coordTimes[j].t -= self.startTime;123 if(j > 0 && particle.coordTimes[j-1].t > particle.coordTimes[j].t)124 sorted = false;125 }126 if(!sorted)127 particle.coordTimes.sort( function(ct1, ct2) { return ct1.t - ct2.t } );128 }129 130 self.particles.sort( function(p1, p2) { return p1.z - p2.z } ); //Sort particles based on Z-value for correct rendering (lower Z-value particles in the beginning -> rendered first)131 132 setTimeout(function() {133 if(idLimit < self.particles.length)134 firstPass(idLimit);135 else {136 console.log('Total time chunks to be made: ', Math.ceil(self.maxTime/self.chunkTime));137 console.log('ChunkTime(s): ', self.chunkTime / 1000);138 createChunksInner(0);139 }140 }, 0)141 }142 143 var createChunksInner = function(chunkCounter) {144 if(chunkCounter*self.chunkTime > self.maxTime) {145 self.ready = true;146 return;147 }148 149 var chunkArray = [];150 for(var i = 0; i < self.particles.length; i++) {151 var particle = self.particles[i];152 153 var slot = searchTimeSlot(i, chunkCounter*self.chunkTime);154 if(typeof(slot) != 'undefined') {155 while(slot < particle.coordTimes.length-1 && particle.coordTimes[slot].t < (chunkCounter+1)*self.chunkTime) {156 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot].lon);157 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot].lat);158 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot].t);159 160 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot+1].lon);161 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot+1].lat);162 chunkArray.push(particle.coordTimes[slot+1].t);163 164 chunkArray.push(packColor(particle.col));165 chunkArray.push(particle.a);166 167 chunkArray.push(particle.s);168 chunkArray.push(particle.z);169 chunkArray.push(particle.m);170 slot++;171 }172 }173 }174 175 var arrSize = chunkArray.length;176 if(arrSize > self.maxChunkSize)177 self.maxChunkSize = arrSize;178 179 var chunk = new Float32Array(arrSize);180 181 for(var i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {182 chunk[i] = chunkArray[i];183 }184 185 self.chunks.push(chunk);186 187 setTimeout(function() {188 createChunksInner(++chunkCounter);189 }, 0)190 }191 192 var searchTimeSlot = function(id, time) {193 if(typeof(self.particles[id].coordTimes[0]) == 'undefined' || self.particles[id].coordTimes[0].t > time){194 return undefined;195 }196 197 //binary search198 var low = 0;199 var high = self.particles[id].coordTimes.length - 1;200 var middle = Math.floor((high + low)/2);201 while(low < high){202 if(time < self.particles[id].coordTimes[middle].t)203 high = middle;204 else205 low = middle+1;206 207 middle = Math.floor((high + low)/2);208 }209 210 if(self.particles[id].coordTimes[middle].t > time)211 middle--;212 213 return middle;214 }215 216 var packColor = function(color) {217 return color.r + color.g * 256.0 + color.b * 256.0 * 256.0;218 }219 ...

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Source:useFoucFix.js Github


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1import { useEffect } from 'react';2// Temporary fix to avoid flash of unstyled content (FOUC) during route transitions.3// Keep an eye on this issue and remove this code when resolved: const useFoucFix = () => {5 useEffect(() => {6 // Gather all server-side rendered stylesheet entries.7 let ssrPageStyleSheetsEntries = Array.from(8 document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"][data-n-p]')9 ).map(element => ({10 element,11 href: element.getAttribute('href'),12 }));13 // Remove the `data-n-p` attribute to prevent Next.js from removing it early.14 ssrPageStyleSheetsEntries.forEach(({ element }) =>15 element.removeAttribute('data-n-p')16 );17 const fixedStyleHrefs = [];18 const mutationHandler = mutations => {19 // Gather all <style data-n-href="/..."> elements.20 const newStyleEntries = mutations21 .filter(22 ({ target }) =>23 target.nodeName === 'STYLE' && target.hasAttribute('data-n-href')24 )25 .map(({ target }) => ({26 element: target,27 href: target.getAttribute('data-n-href'),28 }));29 // Cycle through them and either:30 // - Remove the `data-n-href` attribute to prevent Next.js from removing it early.31 // - Remove the element if it's already present.32 newStyleEntries.forEach(({ element, href }) => {33 const styleExists = fixedStyleHrefs.includes(href);34 if (styleExists) {35 element.remove();36 } else {37 element.setAttribute('data-fouc-fix-n-href', href);38 element.removeAttribute('data-n-href');39 fixedStyleHrefs.push(href);40 }41 });42 // Cycle through the server-side rendered stylesheets and remove the ones that43 // are already present as inline <style> tags added by Next.js, so that we don't have duplicate styles.44 ssrPageStyleSheetsEntries = ssrPageStyleSheetsEntries.reduce((entries, entry) => {45 const { element, href } = entry;46 const styleExists = fixedStyleHrefs.includes(href);47 if (styleExists) {48 element.remove();49 } else {50 entries.push(entry);51 }52 return entries;53 }, []);54 };55 const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationHandler);56 observer.observe(document.head, {57 subtree: true,58 attributeFilter: ['media'],59 });60 return () => observer.disconnect();61 }, []);...

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Source:index.js Github


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...5 class() {6 if (arguments.length < 1) {7 return null;8 } else if (arguments.length === 1) {9 return this.styleExists(arguments[0]) ? this.styles[arguments[0]] : null;10 } else if (arguments.length > 1) {11 let classArray = [];12 for (let argument of arguments) {13 if (this.styleExists(argument)) {14 classArray.push(this.styles[argument]);15 }16 }17 return this.classArrayJoin(classArray);18 }19 }20 compose() {21 let classArray = [];22 for (let argument of arguments) {23 if (argument) classArray.push(argument);24 }25 return this.classArrayJoin(classArray);26 }27 styleExists(style) {28 return typeof this.styles[style] === 'undefined' ? false : true;29 }30 classArrayJoin(classArray) {31 return classArray.length > 0 ? classArray.join(' ').trim() : '';32 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptStyles = require('./wpt-styles.js');2wptStyles.styleExists('test.css', function (exists) {3 if (exists) {4 console.log('exists');5 } else {6 console.log('does not exist');7 }8});

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1var wptools = require('wptools');2wptools.styleExists('test', function(err, exists) {3 console.log(exists);4});5var wptools = require('wptools');6wptools.styleInfo('test', function(err, info) {7 console.log(info);8});9var wptools = require('wptools');10wptools.styleList(function(err, list) {11 console.log(list);12});13var wptools = require('wptools');14wptools.styleList(function(err, list) {15 console.log(list);16});17var wptools = require('wptools');18wptools.styleModuleInfo('test', function(err, info) {19 console.log(info);20});21var wptools = require('wptools');22wptools.styleModuleList(function(err, list) {23 console.log(list);24});25var wptools = require('wptools');26wptools.styleModuleSource('test', function(err, source) {27 console.log(source);28});29var wptools = require('wptools');30wptools.styleModuleTransform('test', function(err, transform) {31 console.log(transform);32});33var wptools = require('wptools');34wptools.styleModuleVersions('test', function(err, versions) {

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1var wptoolbox = require('wptoolbox');2wptoolbox.styleExists('wptoolbox', function (exists) {3 if (exists) {4 console.log('Style exists');5 } else {6 console.log('Style does not exist');7 }8});9MIT © [WPTOOLBOX](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var style =;2var styleExists = style.styleExists;3if (styleExists('test')) {4 console.log('test style exists');5}6else {7 console.log('test style does not exist');8}9if (styleExists('test2')) {10 console.log('test2 style exists');11}12else {13 console.log('test2 style does not exist');14}15if (styleExists('test3')) {16 console.log('test3 style exists');17}18else {19 console.log('test3 style does not exist');20}21if (styleExists('test4')) {22 console.log('test4 style exists');23}24else {25 console.log('test4 style does not exist');26}27if (styleExists('test5')) {28 console.log('test5 style exists');29}30else {31 console.log('test5 style does not exist');32}33if (styleExists('test6')) {34 console.log('test6 style exists');35}36else {37 console.log('test6 style does not exist');38}39if (styleExists('test7')) {40 console.log('test7 style exists');41}42else {43 console.log('test7 style does not exist');44}45if (styleExists('test8')) {46 console.log('test8 style exists');47}48else {49 console.log('test8 style does not exist');50}51if (styleExists('test9')) {52 console.log('test9 style exists');53}54else {55 console.log('test9 style does not exist');56}57if (styleExists('test10')) {58 console.log('test10 style exists');59}60else {61 console.log('test10 style does not exist');62}63if (styleExists('test11')) {64 console.log('test11 style exists');65}66else {67 console.log('test11 style does not exist');68}69if (styleExists('test12')) {70 console.log('test12 style exists');71}72else {73 console.log('test12 style does not exist');74}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('./lib/webpagetest.js');2var wptClient = new wpt('', 'A.1d8c7f9d9c6e0e2c2e8f1b0e1b6d0b6f');3wptClient.runTest(url, {4}, function(err, data) {5 if (err) {6 console.log('Error: ' + err);7 } else {8 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusCode);9 console.log('Test status text: ' + data.statusText);10 console.log('Test ID: ' +;11 console.log('Test URL: ' +;12 }13});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var style = new wptbStyle();2style.styleExists('wptb-table-main-1', 'wptb-table-main-1');3### styleExists(styleName, styleId)4var style = new wptbStyle();5style.styleExists('wptb-table-main-1', 'wptb-table-main-1');6### styleExists(styleName, styleId)7var style = new wptbStyle();8style.styleExists('wptb-table-main-1', 'wptb-table-main-1');9### styleExists(styleName, styleId)10var style = new wptbStyle();11style.styleExists('wptb-table-main-1', 'wptb-table-main-1');12### styleExists(styleName, styleId)

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