Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: angular-table.js
1// author: Samuel Mueller 2// version: 1.0.7 3// license: MIT 4// homepage: 5(function() {6 var ColumnConfiguration, PageSequence, PaginatedSetup, ScopeConfigWrapper, Setup, StandardSetup, Table, TableConfiguration, configurationVariableNames, paginationTemplate,7 __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,8 __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };9 angular.module("angular-table", []);10 ColumnConfiguration = (function() {11 function ColumnConfiguration(bodyMarkup, headerMarkup) {12 this.attribute = bodyMarkup.attribute;13 this.title = bodyMarkup.title;14 this.sortable = bodyMarkup.sortable;15 this.width = bodyMarkup.width;16 this.initialSorting = bodyMarkup.initialSorting;17 if (headerMarkup) {18 this.customContent = headerMarkup.customContent;19 this.attributes = headerMarkup.attributes;20 }21 }22 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.createElement = function() {23 var th;24 return th = angular.element(document.createElement("th"));25 };26 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.renderTitle = function(element) {27 return element.html(this.customContent || this.title);28 };29 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.renderAttributes = function(element) {30 var attribute, _i, _len, _ref, _results;31 if (this.customContent) {32 _ref = this.attributes;33 _results = [];34 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {35 attribute = _ref[_i];36 _results.push(element.attr(, attribute.value));37 }38 return _results;39 }40 };41 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.renderSorting = function(element) {42 var icon;43 if (this.sortable) {44 element.attr("ng-click", "predicate = '" + this.attribute + "'; descending = !descending;");45 icon = angular.element("<i style='margin-left: 10px;'></i>");46 icon.attr("ng-class", "getSortIcon('" + this.attribute + "', predicate, descending)");47 return element.append(icon);48 }49 };50 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.renderWidth = function(element) {51 return element.attr("width", this.width);52 };53 ColumnConfiguration.prototype.renderHtml = function() {54 var th;55 th = this.createElement();56 this.renderTitle(th);57 this.renderAttributes(th);58 this.renderSorting(th);59 this.renderWidth(th);60 return th;61 };62 return ColumnConfiguration;63 })();64 configurationVariableNames = (function() {65 function configurationVariableNames(configObjectName) {66 this.configObjectName = configObjectName;67 this.itemsPerPage = "" + this.configObjectName + ".itemsPerPage";68 this.sortContext = "" + this.configObjectName + ".sortContext";69 this.fillLastPage = "" + this.configObjectName + ".fillLastPage";70 this.maxPages = "" + this.configObjectName + ".maxPages";71 this.currentPage = "" + this.configObjectName + ".currentPage";72 this.orderBy = "" + this.configObjectName + ".orderBy";73 this.paginatorLabels = "" + this.configObjectName + ".paginatorLabels";74 }75 return configurationVariableNames;76 })();77 ScopeConfigWrapper = (function() {78 function ScopeConfigWrapper(scope, configurationVariableNames, listName) {79 this.scope = scope;80 this.configurationVariableNames = configurationVariableNames;81 this.listName = listName;82 }83 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getList = function() {84 return this.scope.$eval(this.listName);85 };86 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getItemsPerPage = function() {87 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.itemsPerPage) || 10;88 };89 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getCurrentPage = function() {90 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.currentPage) || 0;91 };92 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getMaxPages = function() {93 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.maxPages) || void 0;94 };95 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getSortContext = function() {96 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.sortContext) || 'global';97 };98 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.setCurrentPage = function(currentPage) {99 return this.scope.$eval("" + this.configurationVariableNames.currentPage + "=" + currentPage);100 };101 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getOrderBy = function() {102 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.orderBy) || 'orderBy';103 };104 ScopeConfigWrapper.prototype.getPaginatorLabels = function() {105 var paginatorLabelsDefault;106 paginatorLabelsDefault = {107 stepBack: 'â¹',108 stepAhead: 'âº',109 jumpBack: '«',110 jumpAhead: '»',111 first: 'First',112 last: 'Last'113 };114 return this.scope.$eval(this.configurationVariableNames.paginatorLabels) || paginatorLabelsDefault;115 };116 return ScopeConfigWrapper;117 })();118 TableConfiguration = (function() {119 function TableConfiguration(tableElement, attributes) {120 this.tableElement = tableElement;121 this.attributes = attributes;122 =;123 this.config = this.attributes.atConfig;124 this.paginated = this.attributes.atPaginated != null;125 this.list = this.attributes.atList;126 this.createColumnConfigurations();127 }128 TableConfiguration.prototype.capitaliseFirstLetter = function(string) {129 if (string) {130 return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);131 } else {132 return "";133 }134 };135 TableConfiguration.prototype.extractWidth = function(classes) {136 var width;137 width = /([0-9]+px)/i.exec(classes);138 if (width) {139 return width[0];140 } else {141 return "";142 }143 };144 TableConfiguration.prototype.isSortable = function(classes) {145 var sortable;146 sortable = /(sortable)/i.exec(classes);147 if (sortable) {148 return true;149 } else {150 return false;151 }152 };153 TableConfiguration.prototype.getInitialSorting = function(td) {154 var initialSorting;155 initialSorting = td.attr("at-initial-sorting");156 if (initialSorting) {157 if (initialSorting === "asc" || initialSorting === "desc") {158 return initialSorting;159 }160 throw "Invalid value for initial-sorting: " + initialSorting + ". Allowed values are 'asc' or 'desc'.";161 }162 return void 0;163 };164 TableConfiguration.prototype.collectHeaderMarkup = function(table) {165 var customHeaderMarkups, th, tr, _i, _len, _ref;166 customHeaderMarkups = {};167 tr = table.find("tr");168 _ref = tr.find("th");169 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {170 th = _ref[_i];171 th = angular.element(th);172 customHeaderMarkups[th.attr("at-attribute")] = {173 customContent: th.html(),174 attributes: th[0].attributes175 };176 }177 return customHeaderMarkups;178 };179 TableConfiguration.prototype.collectBodyMarkup = function(table) {180 var attribute, bodyDefinition, initialSorting, sortable, td, title, width, _i, _len, _ref;181 bodyDefinition = [];182 _ref = table.find("td");183 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {184 td = _ref[_i];185 td = angular.element(td);186 attribute = td.attr("at-attribute");187 title = td.attr("at-title") || this.capitaliseFirstLetter(td.attr("at-attribute"));188 sortable = td.attr("at-sortable") !== void 0 || this.isSortable(td.attr("class"));189 width = this.extractWidth(td.attr("class"));190 initialSorting = this.getInitialSorting(td);191 bodyDefinition.push({192 attribute: attribute,193 title: title,194 sortable: sortable,195 width: width,196 initialSorting: initialSorting197 });198 }199 return bodyDefinition;200 };201 TableConfiguration.prototype.createColumnConfigurations = function() {202 var bodyMarkup, headerMarkup, i, _i, _len;203 headerMarkup = this.collectHeaderMarkup(this.tableElement);204 bodyMarkup = this.collectBodyMarkup(this.tableElement);205 this.columnConfigurations = [];206 for (_i = 0, _len = bodyMarkup.length; _i < _len; _i++) {207 i = bodyMarkup[_i];208 this.columnConfigurations.push(new ColumnConfiguration(i, headerMarkup[i.attribute]));209 }210 };211 return TableConfiguration;212 })();213 Setup = (function() {214 function Setup() {}215 Setup.prototype.setupTr = function(element, repeatString) {216 var tbody, tr;217 tbody = element.find("tbody");218 tr = tbody.find("tr");219 tr.attr("ng-repeat", repeatString);220 return tbody;221 };222 return Setup;223 })();224 StandardSetup = (function(_super) {225 __extends(StandardSetup, _super);226 function StandardSetup(configurationVariableNames, list) {227 this.list = list;228 this.repeatString = "item in " + this.list + " | orderBy:predicate:descending";229 }230 StandardSetup.prototype.compile = function(element, attributes, transclude) {231 return this.setupTr(element, this.repeatString);232 };233 = function() {};234 return StandardSetup;235 })(Setup);236 PaginatedSetup = (function(_super) {237 __extends(PaginatedSetup, _super);238 function PaginatedSetup(configurationVariableNames) {239 this.configurationVariableNames = configurationVariableNames;240 this.repeatString = "item in sortedAndPaginatedList";241 }242 PaginatedSetup.prototype.compile = function(element) {243 var fillerTr, tbody, td, tdString, tds, _i, _len;244 tbody = this.setupTr(element, this.repeatString);245 tds = element.find("td");246 tdString = "";247 for (_i = 0, _len = tds.length; _i < _len; _i++) {248 td = tds[_i];249 tdString += "<td><span> </span></td>";250 }251 fillerTr = angular.element(document.createElement("tr"));252 fillerTr.attr("ng-show", this.configurationVariableNames.fillLastPage);253 fillerTr.html(tdString);254 fillerTr.attr("ng-repeat", "item in fillerArray");255 tbody.append(fillerTr);256 };257 = function($scope, $element, $attributes, $filter) {258 var cvn, getFillerArray, getSortedAndPaginatedList, update, w;259 cvn = this.configurationVariableNames;260 w = new ScopeConfigWrapper($scope, cvn, $attributes.atList);261 getSortedAndPaginatedList = function(list, currentPage, itemsPerPage, orderBy, sortContext, predicate, descending, $filter) {262 var fromPage, val;263 if (list) {264 val = list;265 fromPage = itemsPerPage * currentPage - list.length;266 if (sortContext === "global") {267 val = $filter(orderBy)(val, predicate, descending);268 val = $filter("limitTo")(val, fromPage);269 val = $filter("limitTo")(val, itemsPerPage);270 } else {271 val = $filter("limitTo")(val, fromPage);272 val = $filter("limitTo")(val, itemsPerPage);273 val = $filter(orderBy)(val, predicate, descending);274 }275 return val;276 } else {277 return [];278 }279 };280 getFillerArray = function(list, currentPage, numberOfPages, itemsPerPage) {281 var fillerLength, itemCountOnLastPage, x, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results, _results1;282 itemsPerPage = parseInt(itemsPerPage);283 if (list.length <= 0) {284 _results = [];285 for (x = _i = 0, _ref = itemsPerPage - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; x = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {286 _results.push(x);287 }288 return _results;289 } else if (currentPage === numberOfPages - 1) {290 itemCountOnLastPage = list.length % itemsPerPage;291 if (itemCountOnLastPage !== 0) {292 fillerLength = itemsPerPage - itemCountOnLastPage - 1;293 _results1 = [];294 for (x = _j = _ref1 = list.length, _ref2 = list.length + fillerLength; _ref1 <= _ref2 ? _j <= _ref2 : _j >= _ref2; x = _ref1 <= _ref2 ? ++_j : --_j) {295 _results1.push(x);296 }297 return _results1;298 } else {299 return [];300 }301 }302 };303 update = function() {304 var nop;305 $scope.sortedAndPaginatedList = getSortedAndPaginatedList(w.getList(), w.getCurrentPage(), w.getItemsPerPage(), w.getOrderBy(), w.getSortContext(), $scope.predicate, $scope.descending, $filter);306 nop = Math.ceil(w.getList().length / w.getItemsPerPage());307 return $scope.fillerArray = getFillerArray(w.getList(), w.getCurrentPage(), nop, w.getItemsPerPage());308 };309 $scope.$watch(cvn.currentPage, function() {310 return update();311 });312 $scope.$watch(cvn.itemsPerPage, function() {313 return update();314 });315 $scope.$watch(cvn.sortContext, function() {316 return update();317 });318 $scope.$watchCollection($attributes.atList, function() {319 return update();320 });321 $scope.$watch("" + $attributes.atList + ".length", function() {322 $scope.numberOfPages = Math.ceil(w.getList().length / w.getItemsPerPage());323 return update();324 });325 $scope.$watch("predicate", function() {326 return update();327 });328 return $scope.$watch("descending", function() {329 return update();330 });331 };332 return PaginatedSetup;333 })(Setup);334 Table = (function() {335 function Table(element, tableConfiguration, configurationVariableNames) {336 this.element = element;337 this.tableConfiguration = tableConfiguration;338 this.configurationVariableNames = configurationVariableNames;339 }340 Table.prototype.constructHeader = function() {341 var i, tr, _i, _len, _ref;342 tr = angular.element(document.createElement("tr"));343 _ref = this.tableConfiguration.columnConfigurations;344 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {345 i = _ref[_i];346 tr.append(i.renderHtml());347 }348 return tr;349 };350 Table.prototype.setupHeader = function() {351 var header, thead, tr;352 thead = this.element.find("thead");353 if (thead) {354 header = this.constructHeader();355 tr = angular.element(thead).find("tr");356 tr.remove();357 return thead.append(header);358 }359 };360 Table.prototype.getSetup = function() {361 if (this.tableConfiguration.paginated) {362 return new PaginatedSetup(this.configurationVariableNames);363 } else {364 return new StandardSetup(this.configurationVariableNames, this.tableConfiguration.list);365 }366 };367 Table.prototype.compile = function() {368 this.setupHeader();369 this.setup = this.getSetup();370 return this.setup.compile(this.element);371 };372 Table.prototype.setupInitialSorting = function($scope) {373 var bd, _i, _len, _ref, _results;374 _ref = this.tableConfiguration.columnConfigurations;375 _results = [];376 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {377 bd = _ref[_i];378 if (bd.initialSorting) {379 if (!bd.attribute) {380 throw "initial-sorting specified without attribute.";381 }382 $scope.predicate = bd.attribute;383 _results.push($scope.descending = bd.initialSorting === "desc");384 } else {385 _results.push(void 0);386 }387 }388 return _results;389 };390 = function($scope, $element, $attributes, $filter) {391 this.setupInitialSorting($scope);392 if (!$scope.getSortIcon) {393 $scope.getSortIcon = function(predicate, currentPredicate, descending) {394 if (predicate !== $scope.predicate) {395 return "glyphicon glyphicon-minus";396 }397 if (descending) {398 return "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down";399 } else {400 return "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up";401 }402 };403 }404 return$scope, $element, $attributes, $filter);405 };406 return Table;407 })();408 PageSequence = (function() {409 function PageSequence(lowerBound, upperBound, start, length) {410 this.lowerBound = lowerBound != null ? lowerBound : 0;411 this.upperBound = upperBound != null ? upperBound : 1;412 if (start == null) {413 start = 0;414 }415 this.length = length != null ? length : 1;416 if (this.length > (this.upperBound - this.lowerBound)) {417 throw "sequence is too long";418 }419 = this.generate(start);420 }421 PageSequence.prototype.generate = function(start) {422 var x, _i, _ref, _results;423 if (start > (this.upperBound - this.length)) {424 start = this.upperBound - this.length;425 } else if (start < this.lowerBound) {426 start = this.lowerBound;427 }428 _results = [];429 for (x = _i = start, _ref = parseInt(start) + parseInt(this.length) - 1; start <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; x = start <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {430 _results.push(x);431 }432 return _results;433 };434 PageSequence.prototype.resetParameters = function(lowerBound, upperBound, length) {435 this.lowerBound = lowerBound;436 this.upperBound = upperBound;437 this.length = length;438 if (this.length > (this.upperBound - this.lowerBound)) {439 throw "sequence is too long";440 }441 return = this.generate([0]);442 };443 PageSequence.prototype.relocate = function(distance) {444 var newStart;445 newStart =[0] + distance;446 return = this.generate(newStart, newStart + this.length);447 };448 PageSequence.prototype.realignGreedy = function(page) {449 var newStart;450 if (page <[0]) {451 newStart = page;452 return = this.generate(newStart);453 } else if (page >[this.length - 1]) {454 newStart = page - (this.length - 1);455 return = this.generate(newStart);456 }457 };458 PageSequence.prototype.realignGenerous = function(page) {};459 return PageSequence;460 })();461 paginationTemplate = "<div style='margin: 0px;'> <ul class='pagination'> <li ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() <= 0}'> <a href='' ng-click='stepPage(-numberOfPages)'>{{getPaginatorLabels().first}}</a> </li> <li ng-show='showSectioning()' ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() <= 0}'> <a href='' ng-click='jumpBack()'>{{getPaginatorLabels().jumpBack}}</a> </li> <li ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() <= 0}'> <a href='' ng-click='stepPage(-1)'>{{getPaginatorLabels().stepBack}}</a> </li> <li ng-class='{active: getCurrentPage() == page}' ng-repeat='page in'> <a href='' ng-click='goToPage(page)' ng-bind='page + 1'></a> </li> <li ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() >= numberOfPages - 1}'> <a href='' ng-click='stepPage(1)'>{{getPaginatorLabels().stepAhead}}</a> </li> <li ng-show='showSectioning()' ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() >= numberOfPages - 1}'> <a href='' ng-click='jumpAhead()'>{{getPaginatorLabels().jumpAhead}}</a> </li> <li ng-class='{disabled: getCurrentPage() >= numberOfPages - 1}'> <a href='' ng-click='stepPage(numberOfPages)'>{{getPaginatorLabels().last}}</a> </li> </ul> </div>";462 angular.module("angular-table").directive("atTable", [463 "$filter", function($filter) {464 return {465 restrict: "AC",466 scope: true,467 compile: function(element, attributes, transclude) {468 var cvn, table, tc;469 tc = new TableConfiguration(element, attributes);470 cvn = new configurationVariableNames(attributes.atConfig);471 table = new Table(element, tc, cvn);472 table.compile();473 return {474 post: function($scope, $element, $attributes) {475 return$scope, $element, $attributes, $filter);476 }477 };478 }479 };480 }481 ]);482 angular.module("angular-table").directive("atPagination", [483 function() {484 return {485 restrict: "E",486 scope: true,487 replace: true,488 template: paginationTemplate,489 link: function($scope, $element, $attributes) {490 var cvn, getNumberOfPages, keepInBounds, setNumberOfPages, update, w;491 cvn = new configurationVariableNames($attributes.atConfig);492 w = new ScopeConfigWrapper($scope, cvn, $attributes.atList);493 keepInBounds = function(val, min, max) {494 val = Math.max(min, val);495 return Math.min(max, val);496 };497 getNumberOfPages = function() {498 return $scope.numberOfPages;499 };500 setNumberOfPages = function(numberOfPages) {501 return $scope.numberOfPages = numberOfPages;502 };503 update = function(reset) {504 var newNumberOfPages, pagesToDisplay;505 if (w.getList()) {506 if (w.getList().length > 0) {507 newNumberOfPages = Math.ceil(w.getList().length / w.getItemsPerPage());508 setNumberOfPages(newNumberOfPages);509 if ($scope.showSectioning()) {510 pagesToDisplay = w.getMaxPages();511 } else {512 pagesToDisplay = newNumberOfPages;513 }514 $scope.pageSequence.resetParameters(0, newNumberOfPages, pagesToDisplay);515 w.setCurrentPage(keepInBounds(w.getCurrentPage(), 0, getNumberOfPages() - 1));516 return $scope.pageSequence.realignGreedy(w.getCurrentPage());517 } else {518 setNumberOfPages(1);519 $scope.pageSequence.resetParameters(0, 1, 1);520 w.setCurrentPage(0);521 return $scope.pageSequence.realignGreedy(0);522 }523 }524 };525 $scope.showSectioning = function() {526 return w.getMaxPages() && getNumberOfPages() > w.getMaxPages();527 };528 $scope.getCurrentPage = function() {529 return w.getCurrentPage();530 };531 $scope.getPaginatorLabels = function() {532 return w.getPaginatorLabels();533 };534 $scope.stepPage = function(step) {535 step = parseInt(step);536 w.setCurrentPage(keepInBounds(w.getCurrentPage() + step, 0, getNumberOfPages() - 1));537 return $scope.pageSequence.realignGreedy(w.getCurrentPage());538 };539 $scope.goToPage = function(page) {540 return w.setCurrentPage(page);541 };542 $scope.jumpBack = function() {543 return $scope.stepPage(-w.getMaxPages());544 };545 $scope.jumpAhead = function() {546 return $scope.stepPage(w.getMaxPages());547 };548 $scope.pageSequence = new PageSequence();549 $scope.$watch(cvn.itemsPerPage, function() {550 return update();551 });552 $scope.$watch(cvn.maxPages, function() {553 return update();554 });555 $scope.$watch($attributes.atList, function() {556 return update();557 });558 $scope.$watch("" + $attributes.atList + ".length", function() {559 return update();560 });561 return update();562 }563 };564 }565 ]);566 angular.module("angular-table").directive("atImplicit", [567 function() {568 return {569 restrict: "AC",570 compile: function(element, attributes, transclude) {571 var attribute;572 attribute = element.attr("at-attribute");573 if (!attribute) {574 throw "at-implicit specified without at-attribute: " + (element.html());575 }576 return element.append("<span ng-bind='item." + attribute + "'></span>");577 }578 };579 }580 ]);...
Source: Toby.spec.ts
...51 mystery: MysteryCard;52 option: TobyOption;53 toby: TobyInspectorStrategy;54}55function standardSetup(56 investigationMarker = 10,57 evidenceType: EvidenceType = EvidenceType.Clue,58 witnessEvidenceValue = 0,59): TobyStandardTest {60 const clue6 = evidence(6, evidenceType);61 const mystery = new MysteryCard([evidenceType], [ 1, 6 ]);62 const toby = strategy();63 const option = toby.buildOptions(turn(investigationMarker, witnessEvidenceValue), bot([mystery]))[0];64 expect(option).is.not.undefined;65 const bottomOrTop = option.action.onReveal(clue6);66 if (bottomOrTop === BottomOrTop.Top) {67 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).deep.equals(clue6);68 } else {69 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;70 }71 return { bottomOrTop, clue6, mystery, option, toby };72}73describe("TobyInspectorStrategy", function () {74 describe("buildTobyOnReveal", function () {75 it("puts the card on top if it would complete the investigation", function () {76 const { bottomOrTop } = standardSetup(14);77 expect(bottomOrTop).equals(BottomOrTop.Top);78 });79 it("puts the card on the bottom if it's too big", function () {80 const { bottomOrTop } = standardSetup(15);81 expect(bottomOrTop).equals(BottomOrTop.Bottom);82 });83 it("puts the card on the top if it could be used with a lead", function () {84 const { bottomOrTop } = standardSetup(15, EvidenceType.Witness);85 expect(bottomOrTop).equals(BottomOrTop.Top);86 });87 it("puts the card on the bottom if it would be too big for the lead", function () {88 const { bottomOrTop } = standardSetup(10, EvidenceType.Witness, 5);89 expect(bottomOrTop).equals(BottomOrTop.Bottom);90 });91 });92 describe("addCard", function () {93 it("updates the hand and resets rememberedEvidence", function () {94 const { clue6, mystery, toby } = standardSetup();95 expect(mystery.possibleCount).equals(2);96 expect(mystery.possibleValues).deep.equals([ 1, 6 ]);97 const before = toby.addCard(0, undefined, true, mystery);98 expect(before).deep.equals(clue6);99 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;100 expect(mystery.possibleCount).equals(1);101 expect(mystery.possibleValues).deep.equals([6]);102 });103 });104 describe("sawEvidenceDealt", function () {105 it("resets rememberedEvidence", function () {106 const { toby } = standardSetup();107 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;108 toby.sawEvidenceDealt();109 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;110 });111 });112 describe("sawEvidenceReturned", function () {113 it("resets rememberedEvidence on shuffle", function () {114 const { toby } = standardSetup();115 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;116 toby.sawEvidenceReturned([], BottomOrTop.Bottom, true);117 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;118 });119 it("resets rememberedEvidence on Top+new evidence", function () {120 const { toby } = standardSetup();121 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;122 toby.sawEvidenceReturned([evidence(5, EvidenceType.Witness)], BottomOrTop.Top, false);123 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;124 });125 it("resets rememberedEvidence on Top+no evidence", function () {126 const { toby } = standardSetup();127 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;128 toby.sawEvidenceReturned([], BottomOrTop.Top, false);129 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;130 });131 it("resets rememberedEvidence on Bottom+seen evidence", function () {132 const { clue6, toby } = standardSetup();133 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;134 toby.sawEvidenceReturned([clue6], BottomOrTop.Bottom, false);135 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.undefined;136 });137 it("keeps rememberedEvidence on Top+seen evidence", function () {138 const { clue6, toby } = standardSetup();139 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).is.not.undefined;140 toby.sawEvidenceReturned([clue6], BottomOrTop.Top, false);141 expect(toby.rememberedEvidence).deep.equals(clue6);142 });143 });...
Source: standard.js
1//======================================================================================================================2// IMPORTS3import { Deck } from "../../deck.js";4import { TileAdjacencyList } from "../tileadjacencylist.js";5import { TileType, Ports } from "../board.js";6//======================================================================================================================7//======================================================================================================================8/**9 * @file standard.js10 * @author cammatsui11 * @date 202112 */13//======================================================================================================================14//======================================================================================================================15/**16 * Objects describing the standard board setup.17 */18var standardSetup = {19//======================================================================================================================20 //==================================================================================================================21 /**22 * The structure for the standard setup.23 */24 boardStructure : {25 tileAdjacencies : [26 new TileAdjacencyList([-1, 1, 12, 11, -1, -1]), // 027 new TileAdjacencyList([-1, 2, 13, 12, 0, -1]), // 128 new TileAdjacencyList([-1, -1, 3, 13, 1, -1]), // 229 new TileAdjacencyList([-1, -1, 4, 14, 13, 2]), // 330 new TileAdjacencyList([-1, -1, -1, 5, 14, 3]), // 431 new TileAdjacencyList([4, -1, -1, 6, 15, 14]), // 532 new TileAdjacencyList([5, -1, -1, -1, 7, 15]), // 633 new TileAdjacencyList([15, 6, -1, -1, 8, 16]), // 734 new TileAdjacencyList([16, 7, -1, -1, -1, 9]), // 835 new TileAdjacencyList([17, 16, 8, -1, -1, 10]), // 936 new TileAdjacencyList([11, 17, 9, -1, -1, -1]), // 1037 new TileAdjacencyList([0, 12, 17, 10, -1, -1]), // 1138 new TileAdjacencyList([1, 13, 18, 17, 11, 0]), // 1239 new TileAdjacencyList([2, 3, 14, 18, 12, 1]), // 1340 new TileAdjacencyList([3, 4, 5, 15, 18, 13]), // 1441 new TileAdjacencyList([14, 5, 6, 7, 16, 18]), // 1542 new TileAdjacencyList([18, 15, 7, 8, 9, 17]), // 1643 new TileAdjacencyList([12, 18, 16, 9, 10, 11]), // 1744 new TileAdjacencyList([12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]) // 1845 ],46 deserts : [18],47 portSpots : [48 [0, 5],49 [1, 0],50 [3, 0],51 [4, 1],52 [5, 2],53 [7, 2],54 [8, 3],55 [9, 4],56 [11, 4]57 ]58 } // boardStructure59 //==================================================================================================================60//======================================================================================================================61}; // var standardSetup62//======================================================================================================================63//======================================================================================================================64/**65 * Populate the <code>Deck</code>s for <code>boardPieces</code> and return <code>standardSetup</code>.66 * 67 * @returns The <code>standardSetup</code> object.68 */69export function getStandardSetup() {70 standardSetup.boardPieces = {71 tileDeck : Deck.deckFromArr([72 TileType.BRICK, TileType.BRICK, TileType.BRICK, 73 TileType.LUMBER, TileType.LUMBER, TileType.LUMBER, TileType.LUMBER,74 TileType.WOOL, TileType.WOOL, TileType.WOOL, TileType.WOOL,75 TileType.GRAIN, TileType.GRAIN, TileType.GRAIN, TileType.GRAIN,76 TileType.ORE, TileType.ORE, TileType.ORE,77 ]),78 numberDeck : Deck.deckFromArr([2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12]),79 portDeck : Deck.deckFromArr([80 Ports.MYSTERY, Ports.WOOL, Ports.MYSTERY, Ports.MYSTERY, Ports.BRICK, Ports.LUMBER, Ports.MYSTERY,81 Ports.GRAIN, Ports.ORE82 ])83 };84 return standardSetup;85} // getStandardSetup ()...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var options = {3};4wptools.standardSetup(options);5var page ='Albert Einstein');6page.get(function(err, info) {7 console.log(info);8});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wptClient = wpt('');3 console.log(data);4});5var wpt = require('webpagetest');6var wptClient = wpt('');7 console.log(data);8});9var wpt = require('webpagetest');10var wptClient = wpt('');11 console.log(data);12});13var wpt = require('webpagetest');14var wptClient = wpt('');15 console.log(data);16});17var wpt = require('webpagetest');18var wptClient = wpt('');19 console.log(data);20});21var wpt = require('webpagetest');22var wptClient = wpt('');23 console.log(data);24});25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var wptClient = wpt('');27 console.log(data);28});29var wpt = require('webpagetest');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt-api').create('API_KEY');2wpt.standardSetup(url, function(err, data) {3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5});6### wpt.standardSetup(url, options, callback)7var wpt = require('wpt-api').create('API_KEY');8var options = {9};10wpt.standardSetup(url, options, function(err, data) {11 if (err) return console.error(err);12 console.log(data);13});14### wpt.getTestResults(testId, callback)15var wpt = require('wpt-api').create('API_KEY');16var testId = 'XXXXX';17wpt.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {18 if (err) return console.error(err);19 console.log(data);20});21### wpt.getTestStatus(testId, callback)22var wpt = require('wpt-api').create('API_KEY');23var testId = 'XXXXX';24wpt.getTestStatus(testId, function(err, data) {25 if (err) return console.error(err);26 console.log(data);27});28### wpt.getLocations(callback)29var wpt = require('wpt-api').create('API_KEY');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var options = {3};4var webpagetest = wpt(options);5var params = {6};7webpagetest.runTest(url, params, function(err, data) {8 if (err) return console.error(err);9 console.log('Test status:', data.statusText);10 console.log('Test ID:',;11 console.log('Test results available at:',;12});
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