Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: browser_social_shareButton.js
1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this3 * file, You can obtain one at */4let prefName = "social.enabled",5 gFinishCB;6function test() {7 waitForExplicitFinish();8 // Need to load a http/https/ftp/ftps page for the social share button to appear9 let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("", {skipAnimation: true});10 tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {11 tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);12 executeSoon(tabLoaded);13 }, true);14 registerCleanupFunction(function() {15 Services.prefs.clearUserPref(prefName);16 gBrowser.removeTab(tab);17 });18}19function tabLoaded() {20 ok(Social, "Social module loaded");21 let manifest = { // normal provider22 name: "provider 1",23 origin: "",24 sidebarURL: "",25 workerURL: "",26 iconURL: ""27 };28 runSocialTestWithProvider(manifest, function (finishcb) {29 gFinishCB = finishcb;30 testInitial();31 });32}33function testInitial(finishcb) {34 ok(Social.provider, "Social provider is active");35 ok(Social.provider.enabled, "Social provider is enabled");36 let port = Social.provider.getWorkerPort();37 ok(port, "Social provider has a port to its FrameWorker");38 port.close();39 let {shareButton, unsharePopup} = SocialShareButton;40 ok(shareButton, "share button exists");41 ok(unsharePopup, "share popup exists");42 let okButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupContinueSharingButton");43 let undoButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupStopSharingButton");44 let shareStatusLabel = document.getElementById("share-button-status");45 // ensure the worker initialization and handshakes are all done and we46 // have a profile and the worker has responsed to the recommend-prompt msg.47 waitForCondition(function() Social.provider.profile && SocialShareButton.promptImages != null, function() {48 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Share button should not have 'shared' attribute before share button is clicked");49 // check dom values50 let profile = Social.provider.profile;51 let portrait = document.getElementById("socialUserPortrait").getAttribute("src");52 is(profile.portrait, portrait, "portrait is set");53 let displayName = document.getElementById("socialUserDisplayName");54 is(displayName.label, profile.displayName, "display name is set");55 ok(!document.getElementById("unsharePopupHeader").hidden, "user profile is visible");56 // Check the strings from our worker actually ended up on the button.57 is(shareButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), "Share this page", "check tooltip text is correct");58 is(shareStatusLabel.getAttribute("value"), "", "check status label text is blank");59 // Check the relative URL was resolved correctly (note this image has offsets of zero...)60 is(shareButton.src, '', "check image url is correct");61 // Test clicking the share button62 shareButton.addEventListener("click", function listener() {63 shareButton.removeEventListener("click", listener);64 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should have 'shared' attribute after share button is clicked");65 is(shareButton.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), "Unshare this page", "check tooltip text is correct");66 is(shareStatusLabel.getAttribute("value"), "This page has been shared", "check status label text is correct");67 // Check the URL and offsets were applied correctly68 is(shareButton.src, '', "check image url is correct");69 executeSoon(testSecondClick.bind(window, testPopupOKButton));70 });71;72 }, "provider didn't provide user-recommend-prompt response");73}74function testSecondClick(nextTest) {75 let {shareButton, unsharePopup} = SocialShareButton;76 unsharePopup.addEventListener("popupshown", function listener() {77 unsharePopup.removeEventListener("popupshown", listener);78 ok(true, "popup was shown after second click");79 executeSoon(nextTest);80 });81;82}83function testPopupOKButton() {84 let {shareButton, unsharePopup} = SocialShareButton;85 let okButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupContinueSharingButton");86 unsharePopup.addEventListener("popuphidden", function listener() {87 unsharePopup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", listener);88 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should still have 'shared' attribute after OK button is clicked");89 executeSoon(testSecondClick.bind(window, testPopupUndoButton));90 });91;92}93function testPopupUndoButton() {94 let {shareButton, unsharePopup} = SocialShareButton;95 let undoButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupStopSharingButton");96 unsharePopup.addEventListener("popuphidden", function listener() {97 unsharePopup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", listener);98 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Share button should not have 'shared' attribute after Undo button is clicked");99 executeSoon(testShortcut);100 });101;102}103function testShortcut() {104 let keyTarget = window;105 keyTarget.addEventListener("keyup", function listener() {106 keyTarget.removeEventListener("keyup", listener);107 executeSoon(checkShortcutWorked.bind(window, keyTarget));108 });109 EventUtils.synthesizeKey("l", {accelKey: true, shiftKey: true}, keyTarget);110}111function checkShortcutWorked(keyTarget) {112 let {unsharePopup, shareButton} = SocialShareButton;113 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should be in the 'shared' state after keyboard shortcut is used");114 // Test a second invocation of the shortcut115 unsharePopup.addEventListener("popupshown", function listener() {116 unsharePopup.removeEventListener("popupshown", listener);117 ok(true, "popup was shown after second use of keyboard shortcut");118 executeSoon(checkOKButton);119 });120 EventUtils.synthesizeKey("l", {accelKey: true, shiftKey: true}, keyTarget);121}122function checkOKButton() {123 let okButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupContinueSharingButton");124 let undoButton = document.getElementById("unsharePopupStopSharingButton");125 is(document.activeElement, okButton, "ok button should be focused by default");126 // the undo button text, label text, access keys, etc should be as127 // specified by the provider.128 function isEltAttr(eltid, attr, expected) {129 is(document.getElementById(eltid).getAttribute(attr), expected,130 "element '" + eltid + "' has correct value for attribute '" + attr + "'");131 }132 isEltAttr("socialUserRecommendedText", "value", "You have already shared this page");133 isEltAttr("unsharePopupContinueSharingButton", "label", "Got it!");134 isEltAttr("unsharePopupContinueSharingButton", "accesskey", "G");135 isEltAttr("unsharePopupStopSharingButton", "label", "Unshare it!");136 isEltAttr("unsharePopupStopSharingButton", "accesskey", "U");137 isEltAttr("socialUserPortrait", "aria-label", "Your pretty face");138 // This rest of particular test doesn't really apply on Mac, since buttons139 // aren't focusable by default.140 if (navigator.platform.contains("Mac")) {141 executeSoon(testCloseBySpace);142 return;143 }144 let displayName = document.getElementById("socialUserDisplayName");145 // Linux has the buttons in the [unshare] [ok] order, so displayName will come first.146 if (navigator.platform.contains("Linux")) {147 checkNextInTabOrder(displayName, function () {148 checkNextInTabOrder(undoButton, function () {149 checkNextInTabOrder(okButton, testCloseBySpace);150 });151 });152 } else {153 checkNextInTabOrder(undoButton, function () {154 checkNextInTabOrder(displayName, function () {155 checkNextInTabOrder(okButton, testCloseBySpace);156 });157 });158 }159}160function checkNextInTabOrder(element, next) {161 function listener() {162 element.removeEventListener("focus", listener);163 is(document.activeElement, element, + " should be next in tab order");164 executeSoon(next);165 }166 element.addEventListener("focus", listener);167 // Register a cleanup function to remove the listener in case this test fails168 registerCleanupFunction(function () {169 element.removeEventListener("focus", listener);170 });171 EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {});172}173function testCloseBySpace() {174 let unsharePopup = SocialShareButton.unsharePopup;175 is(, "unsharePopupContinueSharingButton", "testCloseBySpace, the ok button should be focused");176 unsharePopup.addEventListener("popuphidden", function listener() {177 unsharePopup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", listener);178 ok(true, "space closed the share popup");179 executeSoon(testStillSharedIn2Tabs);180 });181 EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_SPACE", {});182}183function testStillSharedIn2Tabs() {184 let toShare = "";185 let {shareButton} = SocialShareButton;186 let initialTab = gBrowser.selectedTab;187 if (shareButton.hasAttribute("shared")) {188 SocialShareButton.unsharePage();189 }190 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Share button should not have 'shared' for the initial tab");191 let tab1 = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare);192 let tab1b = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab1);193 tab1b.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {194 tab1b.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);195 let tab2 = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare);196 let tab2b = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab2);197 tab2b.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {198 tab2b.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);199 // should start without either page being shared.200 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Share button should not have 'shared' before we've done anything");201;202 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should reflect the share");203 // and switching to the first tab (with the same URL) should still reflect shared.204 gBrowser.selectedTab = tab1;205 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should reflect the share");206 // but switching back the initial one should reflect not shared.207 gBrowser.selectedTab = initialTab;208 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Initial tab should not reflect shared");209 gBrowser.selectedTab = tab1;210 SocialShareButton.unsharePage();211 gBrowser.removeTab(tab1);212 gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);213 executeSoon(testStillSharedAfterReopen);214 }, true);215 }, true);216}217function testStillSharedAfterReopen() {218 let toShare = "";219 let {shareButton} = SocialShareButton;220 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Reopen: Share button should not have 'shared' for the initial tab");221 let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare);222 let tabb = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);223 tabb.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {224 tabb.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);225 SocialShareButton.sharePage();226 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "Share button should reflect the share");227 gBrowser.removeTab(tab);228 // should be on the initial unshared tab now.229 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), false, "Initial tab should be selected and be unshared.");230 // now open the same URL - should be back to shared.231 tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare, {skipAnimation: true});232 tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {233 tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);234 executeSoon(function() {235 is(shareButton.hasAttribute("shared"), true, "New tab to previously shared URL should reflect shared");236 SocialShareButton.unsharePage();237 gBrowser.removeTab(tab);238 executeSoon(testOnlyShareCertainUrlsTabSwitch);239 });240 }, true);241 }, true);242}243function testOnlyShareCertainUrlsTabSwitch() {244 let toShare = "";245 let notSharable = "about:blank";246 let {shareButton} = SocialShareButton;247 let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare);248 let tabb = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);249 tabb.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {250 tabb.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);251 ok(!shareButton.hidden, "share button not hidden for http url");252 let tab2 = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(notSharable);253 let tabb2 = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab2);254 tabb2.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {255 tabb2.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);256 ok(shareButton.hidden, "share button hidden for about:blank");257 gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;258 ok(!shareButton.hidden, "share button re-shown when switching back to http: url");259 gBrowser.selectedTab = tab2;260 ok(shareButton.hidden, "share button re-hidden when switching back to about:blank");261 gBrowser.removeTab(tab);262 gBrowser.removeTab(tab2);263 executeSoon(testOnlyShareCertainUrlsSameTab);264 }, true);265 }, true);266}267function testOnlyShareCertainUrlsSameTab() {268 let toShare = "";269 let notSharable = "about:blank";270 let {shareButton} = SocialShareButton;271 let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(toShare);272 let tabb = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab);273 tabb.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {274 tabb.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);275 ok(!shareButton.hidden, "share button not hidden for http url");276 tabb.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {277 tabb.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);278 ok(shareButton.hidden, "share button hidden for about:blank");279 tabb.addEventListener("load", function tabLoad(event) {280 tabb.removeEventListener("load", tabLoad, true);281 ok(!shareButton.hidden, "share button re-enabled http url");282 gBrowser.removeTab(tab);283 executeSoon(testDisable);284 }, true);285 tabb.loadURI(toShare);286 }, true);287 tabb.loadURI(notSharable);288 }, true);289}290function testDisable() {291 let shareButton = SocialShareButton.shareButton;292 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, false);293 is(shareButton.hidden, true, "Share button should be hidden when pref is disabled");294 gFinishCB();...
Source: main.js
1document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {2 window.tweetHighlighted = () => {3 const settings = {4 node: "<a href='#'>Tweet</a>",5 maxLength: 280,6 extra: "",7 via: null,8 popupArgs: "width=400,height=400,toolbar=0,location=0",9 };10 let url = "";11 let text = "";12 const shareButton = document.createElement("div");13 = "none";14 shareButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => {15 e.preventDefault();16 e.stopPropagation();17, "_blank", settings.popupArgs);18 });19 const body = document.querySelector("body");20 body.appendChild(shareButton);21 document.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => {22 text = getSelectedText();23 //TODO see if we can relocate tthe button if text is rehighlight24 const btnExists = !== "none";25 if (btnExists || !text.length) {26 = "none"; // destroy the old button27 //} else if (btnExists || text.length) {28 // = "none"; // destroy the old button29 //appendShareButton(e); // make a new button30 } else {31 appendShareButton(e);32 }33 });34 //document.addEventListener("click", (e) => {35 //const btnExists = !== "none";36 //if (btnExists || !text.length) {37 //return;38 //} else {}39 //});40 const getSelectedText = () => {41 if (window.getSelection) {42 return window.getSelection().toString();43 } else if (document.selection) {44 return document.selection.createRange().text;45 }46 return "";47 };48 const appendShareButton = (e) => {49 url = getTweetURL(text, settings.extra, settings.via);50 shareButton.innerHTML = "";51 shareButton.innerHTML += settings.node;52 shareButton.innerHTML += tweetIcon;53 if (settings.cssClassess && settings.cssClassess.length) {54 shareButton.classList.add(settings.cssClassess);55 }56 = `${e.pageY}px`;57 = `${e.pageX}px`;58 = "absolute";59 = "pointer";60 = "flex";61 = "space-between";62 = "center";63 = "center";64 = .95;65 //TODO blur the background eventually66 = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";67 = "#3898EC";68 = "10px 15px";69 = "100px";70 = "5px";71 = "white";72 = "white";73 = "none";74 = "white";75 };76 const tweetIcon =77 `<svg xmlns="" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M24 4.557c-.883.392-1.832.656-2.828.775 1.017-.609 1.798-1.574 2.165-2.724-.951.564-2.005.974-3.127 1.195-.897-.957-2.178-1.555-3.594-1.555-3.179 0-5.515 2.966-4.797 6.045-4.091-.205-7.719-2.165-10.148-5.144-1.29 2.213-.669 5.108 1.523 6.574-.806-.026-1.566-.247-2.229-.616-.054 2.281 1.581 4.415 3.949 4.89-.693.188-1.452.232- 1.956 2.444 3.379 4.6 3.419-2.07 1.623-4.678 2.348-7.29 2.04 2.179 1.397 4.768 2.212 7.548 2.212 9.142 0 14.307-7.721 13.995-14.646.962-.695 1.797-1.562 2.457-2.549z"/></svg>`;78 const getTweetURL = function (text, extra, via) {79 let url = "";80 const viaUrl = `&via=${via}`;81 const maxLength = settings.maxLength > 280 ? 280 : settings.maxLength;82 const maxAllowedLength = maxLength - viaUrl.length - extra.length;83 let textToTweet = text;84 if (text.length > maxAllowedLength) {85 textToTweet = text.substring(0, maxAllowedLength - 1);86 }87 url += encodeURIComponent(textToTweet);88 if (extra) url += encodeURIComponent(" " + extra);89 if (via) url += viaUrl;90 return url;91 };92 };93 window.tweetHighlighted();...
Source: scripts.js
1const shareButton = document.querySelectorAll("button.shareButton")2shareButton[0].addEventListener("click", (e) => {3 for( let i=0; i < shareButton.length; i++ ) {4 shareButton[i].classList.toggle("open")5 shareButton[0].classList.remove("sent")6 }7})8for( let i=1; i < shareButton.length; i++ ) {9 10 shareButton[i].addEventListener("click", (e) => {11 12 for( let i=0; i < shareButton.length; i++ ) {13 shareButton[i].classList.toggle("open")14 }15 shareButton[0].classList.toggle("sent")16 })...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.shareButton({3}, function (err, data) {4 console.log(data);5});6var wpt = require('wpt');7wpt.shareButton({8}).then(function (data) {9 console.log(data);10});11var wpt = require('wpt');12wpt.shareButton({13}).then(function (data) {14 console.log(data);15}).catch(function (err) {16 console.log(err);17});18var wpt = require('wpt');19wpt.shareButton({20}, function (err, data) {21 console.log(data);22}).catch(function (err) {23 console.log(err);24});25var wpt = require('wpt');26wpt.shareButton({27}).then(function (data) {28 console.log(data);29}, function (err) {30 console.log(err);31});32var wpt = require('wpt');33wpt.shareButton({
Using AI Code Generation
1var WPT = require('./wpt.js');2var wpt = new WPT('API_KEY');3 console.log(data);4});5var wpt = function(apiKey) {6 this.apiKey = apiKey;7 this.shareButton = function(url, service, callback) {8 var request = require('request');9 request(url, function(err, response, body) {10 if (!err && response.statusCode == 200) {11 var data = JSON.parse(body);12 callback(null, data);13 } else {14 callback(err, null);15 }16 });17 }18}19module.exports = wpt;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2 console.log(result);3});4var wptools = require('wptools');5 console.log(result);6});7var wptools = require('wptools');8 console.log(result);9});10var wptools = require('wptools');11 console.log(result);12});13var wptools = require('wptools');14 console.log(result);15});16var wptools = require('wptools');17 console.log(result);18});19var wptools = require('wptools');20 console.log(result);21});22var wptools = require('wptools');23 console.log(result);24});25var wptools = require('wptools');26 console.log(result);27});28var wptools = require('wptools');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2wptools.shareButton('Barack_Obama', function(err, resp){3console.log(resp);4});5var wptools = require('wptools');6wptools.pageInfo('Barack_Obama', function(err, resp){7console.log(resp);8});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;3 console.log(button);4});5var wptools = require('wptools');6var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;7 console.log(button);8});9var wptools = require('wptools');10var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;11 console.log(button);12});13var wptools = require('wptools');14var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;15 console.log(button);16});17var wptools = require('wptools');18var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;19 console.log(button);20});21var wptools = require('wptools');22var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;23 console.log(button);24});25var wptools = require('wptools');26var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;27 console.log(button);28});29var wptools = require('wptools');30var shareButton = wptools.shareButton;31 console.log(button);32});33var wptools = require('wptools');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');2exports.shareButton = function(title, message, url) {3"Share button clicked");4 var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({5 });6 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TEXT, message);7 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_SUBJECT, title);8 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TITLE, title);9 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_STREAM, url);10 Ti.Android.currentActivity.startActivity(11 Ti.Android.createIntentChooser(intent, "Share")12 );13};14exports.shareButton = function(title, message, url) {15"Share button clicked");16 var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({17 });18 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TEXT, message);19 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_SUBJECT, title);20 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TITLE, title);21 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_STREAM, url);22 Ti.Android.currentActivity.startActivity(23 Ti.Android.createIntentChooser(intent, "Share")24 );25};26var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');27exports.shareButton = function(title, message, url) {28"Share button clicked");29 var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({30 });31 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TEXT, message);32 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_SUBJECT, title);33 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TITLE, title);34 intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_STREAM, url);35 $.index.activity.startActivity(36 Ti.Android.createIntentChooser(intent, "Share")37 );38};39function shareButton(title, message, url) {40"
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2 if(err) {3 console.log(err);4 } else {5 console.log('shareButton.png created');6 }7});8var wpt = require('wpt');9 if(err) {10 console.log(err);11 } else {12 console.log('shareButton.png created');13 }14});15var wpt = require('wpt');16 if(err) {17 console.log(err);18 } else {19 console.log('shareButton.png created');20 }21});22var wpt = require('wpt');23 if(err) {24 console.log(err);25 } else {26 console.log('shareButton.png created');27 }28});29var wpt = require('wpt');30 if(err) {31 console.log(err);32 } else {33 console.log('shareButton.png created');34 }35});36var wpt = require('wpt');37 if(err) {38 console.log(err);39 } else {40 console.log('shareButton.png created');41 }42});43var wpt = require('wpt');44 if(err) {45 console.log(err);46 } else {47 console.log('shareButton.png created');48 }49});
Using AI Code Generation
1var shareButton = require('wptShare').shareButton;2var shareButton = shareButton({3});4$.win.add(shareButton);5shareButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {6 shareButton.share();7});8var wptShare = require('wptShare');9wptShare.shareButton({10});11$.win.add(shareButton);12shareButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {13 shareButton.share();14});15var wptShare = require('wptShare');16wptShare.shareButton({17});18$.win.add(shareButton);19shareButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {20 shareButton.share();21});22var wptShare = require('wptShare');23wptShare.shareButton({24});
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