Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: nodeDebianServerUNL.js
1'use strict'; // is unnecessary inside of modules.2//file:///home/akaarna/react-tutorial/build/index.html3/*4Standard dirs should be:5images6pages7scripts8styles9*/10/*11Can be started as parent in build subdir:12 >node ..\nodeServerUNL.js13*/14let typeProj = ''; // 'build';15let dirName = 'build'; // React build dir as root dir.16//let dirName = ''; // root dir.17//let methodType = 'get'; // 'post' or 'get' for secure server.18//let formNameIni = 'submitFormAK-Ini';19//let formName = 'submitFormAK';20//let dirName = 'arch'; // root dir21let formNameIni = 'index.html';22//let formNameIni = 'indexForm.html';23// Using special formName /formAKchk?q=123-12345678-1234567 /formAKval?q=123-12345678-1234567 or /formAKpay?q=xxx24const addon = require('./build/addon');25const http = require('http');26const urlval = ''; // project WinTicsCheckNoSslTEST new at ''27//let reqString = urlval + '?agent=58&type=2&command=checkval&ticket_number=225-13818091-1101234';28let reqString = urlval + '?agent=58&type=2&command=checkval&ticket_number='; // + search;29const urlpay = ''; // project UnlCashExTEST ver. 3.830let reqStringPay; //= urlpay + '?agent=65&type=2&command=pay&date=20200808&txn_id=' + txn_id + '&game=6&num_of_draws=1&num_of_boards=1&sum=15.00&msisdn=0';31let txn_id = 10000000;32let rawData = '';33const parseString = require('xml2js').parseString;34const https = require('https');35const urlLegacy = require('url'); // Legacy url module.36//const { URL } = require('url'); // ES6 url module37const fs = require('fs');38// The querystring module provides utilities for parsing and formatting URL query strings.39//const qs = require('querystring'); // used as let objBody = qs.parse(body, "\r\n", "=");40//const formidable = require('formidable');41//const {userInfo} = require('./appWeb.js');42let dtVar = new Date();43console.log('Server starts ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());44/*45//var envObj = process.env;46for (let prop in process.env) {47 //console.log(prop + ": " + process.env[prop]);48}49dtVar = new Date();50console.log('==================================== ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());51*/52// https://localhost:808153//const hostname = 'localhost';54// https://unl.test:808155const hostname = 'unl.test';56//const port = process.env.PORT; // Windows - default port is 1337 for WebApp and 1542 for ConsoleApp;57const port = 8081; // for Linux must be set manually;58dtVar = new Date();59console.log('Before https.createServer() ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());60///*61let optSsl;62if (typeProj === 'build') {63 optSsl = {64 pfx: fs.readFileSync('../unl.test.pfx'), // '../../unl_works.pfx'65 passphrase: 'unl'66 };67}68else {69 optSsl = {70 pfx: fs.readFileSync('./unl.test.pfx'), // '../../unl_works.pfx'71 passphrase: 'unl'72 };73}74let options = optSsl;75//*/76//const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { // request is <http.IncomingMessage>, response is <http.ServerResponse> ...}77const server = https.createServer(options);78//const server = http.createServer();79server.on('error', (err) => {80 var dtVar = new Date();81 //throw err;82 console.log(`httpsServer 'error' event - error code: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());83 console.log(err.code);84 console.log('httpsServer error stack:');85 console.log(err.stack);86});87/*88server.on('connection', (socket) => {89 var dtVar = new Date();90 console.log(`httpsServer 'connection' event - client connected at + ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());91 console.log(socket.remoteAddress + ' ' + socket.remoteFamily + ' ' + socket.remotePort);92});93*/94server.on('request', (req, res) => { // request is <http.IncomingMessage>, response is <http.ServerResponse>95 req.on('error', (err) => {96 // This prints the error message and stack trace to `stderr`.97 console.log(`httpsServer request 'error' event - error stack: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());98 console.error(err.stack);99 });100 res.on('error', (err) => {101 console.log(`httpsServer response 'error' event - error code: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());102 console.error(err);103 });104 // The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays,105 // or properties from objects, into distinct variables.106 //const { method, url, headers } = req;107 //let aaa = new Object();108 // req.url if GET "/" for very initial and for next e.g. "styles/style.css" or "/submitFormAK?fname=Alex&sname=Raven"109 // if POST then e.g. "/submitformAK"110 let objUrl = urlLegacy.parse(req.url, true, true); // non standard object.111 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKpay"112 //console.log(; // "?q=ticreq"113 // Verify that it is very first page request or rendering page after GET or POST form submit processed.114 // After POST form submit will be processed rendering page will be as GET.115 // In req.headers Object property host: "unl.test:8081"116 // <==================== Begin of GET method form submit case ====================================================>117 if ((req.method === "GET")) {118 // for req.method === "GET" is ? + query e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567" or Null119 // req.url = "/" or e.g. "styles/style.css" or "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"120 // if req.method === "POST" then will be "" always.121 /*122 req.url = "/" or e.g. "/submitformAK?fname=al&sname=kaa"123 ObjUrl {124 href: = path: "/ or e.g. "/submitformAK?fname=al&sname=kaa"125 pathname: "/" or e.g. "/submitformAK"126 search: null or "?fname=al&sname=kaa"127 query: Object {} or {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"}128 }129 */130 if ( === null) { // very initial request https://unl.test:8081/131 let contType = '';132 if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.css')) {133 contType = 'text/css';134 }135 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.js')) {136 contType = 'application/javascript';137 }138 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.json')) {139 contType = 'application/json';140 }141 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.map')) {142 contType = 'application/map';143 }144 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.ico')) {145 contType = 'image/bmp';146 }147 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.png')) {148 contType = 'image/png';149 }150 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.jpg') || objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.jpeg')) {151 contType = 'image/jpeg';152 }153 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.htm') || objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.html')) {154 contType = 'text/html';155 }156 else if (objUrl.pathname !== '/') {157 contType = 'application/octet-stream';158 }159 console.log('contType: [' + contType + '] <==============================');160 console.log('objUrl.pathname: ' + objUrl.pathname);161 //console.log('objUrl.path: ' + objUrl.path);162 if (contType === '') { // default formNameIni e.g. indexForm.html.163 contType = 'text/html';164 console.log('Empty contType read file: ./' + dirName + '/' + formNameIni);165 fs.readFile('./' + dirName + '/' + formNameIni, (err, data) => {166 if (err) {167 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': `${contType}` });168 res.write(`Empty contType as ${dirName}/${formNameIni} not found!`);169 return res.end();170 } // throw err;171 else {172 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });173 res.write(data);174 return res.end();175 }176 });177 }178 else {179 console.log('Non empty contType read file: ./' + dirName + objUrl.pathname);180 fs.readFile('./' + dirName + objUrl.pathname, (err, data) => { // './' + dirName + "/path/name.type"181 if (err) {182 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });183 res.write(`Non empty contType ${contType} as ${dirName + objUrl.pathname} not found!`);184 return res.end();185 } // throw err;186 else {187 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': `${contType}` });188 res.write(data);189 return res.end();190 }191 });192 }193 } // end of === null -> no ? in GET request.194 else { // !== null, there is ? in GET request.195 // for req.method === "GET" is ? + query e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567" or Null if no ? in GET request.196 // req.url = "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"197 /*198 req.url = "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"199 ObjUrl {200 href: = path: /formNameIni?fname=al&sname=kaa"201 pathname: /formNameIni"202 search: "?fname=al&sname=kaa"203 query: {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"}204 }205 */206 // HACKER ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT.207 //req.connection.destroy();208 //req.url = "/formAKval?q=123-12345678-1234567"209 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKval"210 //console.log(; // "?q=123-12345678-1234567"211 if (req.url.indexOf('/formAKchk?') >= 0) {212 /*213 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });214 //res.write('');215 res.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');216 res.write('<response>');217 res.write('<ticket>225-13818091-1101234</ticket>');218 res.write('<game>2</game>');219 res.write('<sum>10.00</sum>');220 res.write(`<result>0</result>`);221 res.write('</response>');222 */223 /*224 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "PPAY", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then225 ReqStruct.sum = -1226 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "CASH", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then227 ReqStruct.sum = -2228 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "CSHX", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then229 ReqStruct.sum = -3230 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "VCAN", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then231 ReqStruct.sum = -4232 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "VDEL", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then233 ReqStruct.sum = 0234 */235 //ValTicket('225-13818091-1101234', res);236 let ticnum = '';237 // is e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567"238 ticnum ='=') + 1);239 rawData = '';240 CheckValTicket(ticnum, res);241 //console.log(`rawData in server.on('request', (req, res) ...) event :`)242 //console.log(rawData); // will be empy ''.243 //res.write(rawData);244 } // end of if (req.url.indexOf('/formAK?') >= 0)245 //req.url = "/formAKpay?q=ticreq"246 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKpay"247 //console.log(; // "?q=ticreq"248 else if (req.url.indexOf('/formAKpay?') >= 0) {249 let ticreq = '';250 // is e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567"251 ticreq ='=') + 1);252 rawData = '';253 BuyTicket(ticreq, res);254 }255 else {256 //res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });257 //res.write(`Form request submitted by GET. Action URL with search: ${req.url}`);258 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });259 res.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');260 res.write('<html lang="en">');261 res.write('<head>');262 res.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');263 res.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');264 res.write('<title>Unknown Form request submitted by GET</title>');265 res.write('<style>');266 res.write('#ticinfo {');267 //res.write('width: 70%;');268 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');269 res.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');270 res.write('border: thick solid black;');271 res.write('outline: dashed red;');272 res.write('}');273 res.write('#ticback {');274 res.write('display: block;')275 res.write('width: 10%;');276 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');277 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');278 res.write('color: white;')279 res.write('background-color: blue;');280 res.write('border: thin solid black;');281 res.write('border-radius: 15%;')282 res.write('text-decoration:none;')283 res.write('}');284 res.write('#ticket {');285 res.write('display: block;')286 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');287 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');288 res.write('background-color: white;');289 res.write('border: thin solid black;');290 res.write('}');291 res.write('</style>');292 res.write('</head>');293 res.write('<body>');294 res.write('<div id="ticinfo">');295 res.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');296 res.write('<h4>Unknown Form request submitted by GET</h4>');297 res.write(`GET action URL (form name with search included): ${req.url}`);298 res.write('</p>');299 res.write('</div>');300 res.write('</body>');301 res.write('</html>');302 res.end();303 return res.end();304 }305 //return res.end();306 }307 } // <==================== End of GET method form submit case ====================================================>308 else { // <==================== Begin of POST method form submit case ============================================>309 // POST method. NB! If req.method === "POST" then will be Null always.310 //let objUrl = urlLegacy.parse(req.url, true, true); // non standard object is got earlier befor GET or POST analyze.311 /*312 req.url = "/formNameIni"313 ObjUrl {314 href: = path: = pathname: "/formNameIni"315 search: null316 query: Object {}317 }318 later body will be319 body: "fname=al\r\nsname=kaa\r\n"320 */321 let body = '';322 req.on('data', function (data) {323 body += data;324 // 1e6 === 1 * Math.pow(10, 6) === 1 * 1000000 ~~~ 1MB.325 if (body.length > 1e6) {326 // FLOOD ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT, NUKE REQUEST.327 req.connection.destroy();328 }329 });330 req.on('end', function () {331 // e.g. body = 'fname=Alex\r\nsname=Raven\r\n' for /formNameIni332 /*333 console.log(body);334 let strVar = '';335 for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {336 strVar = strVar + body.charCodeAt(i) + ",";337 }338 console.log(strVar);339 */340 //console.log(objBody);341 //let objBody = qs.parse(body, "\r\n", "="); // using const qs = require('querystring') module.342 /*343 req.url = "/submitformAK"344 ObjUrl {345 href: = path: = pathname: "/submitformAK"346 search: null347 query: Object {}348 }349 body: "fname=al\r\nsname=kaa\r\n"350 objBody: Object {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"} }351 */352 // HACKER ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT.353 //req.connection.destroy();354 //res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });355 //res.write(`Form request submitted by POST. Action URL is ${req.url} with search as body: \r\n${body}`);356 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });357 res.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');358 res.write('<html lang="en">');359 res.write('<head>');360 res.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');361 res.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');362 res.write('<title>Form request submitted by POST</title>');363 res.write('<style>');364 res.write('#ticinfo {');365 //res.write('width: 70%;');366 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');367 res.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');368 res.write('border: thick solid black;');369 res.write('outline: dashed red;');370 res.write('}');371 res.write('#ticback {');372 res.write('display: block;')373 res.write('width: 10%;');374 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');375 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');376 res.write('color: white;')377 res.write('background-color: blue;');378 res.write('border: thin solid black;');379 res.write('border-radius: 15%;')380 res.write('text-decoration:none;')381 res.write('}');382 res.write('#ticket {');383 res.write('display: block;')384 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');385 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');386 res.write('background-color: white;');387 res.write('border: thin solid black;');388 res.write('}');389 res.write('</style>');390 res.write('</head>');391 res.write('<body>');392 res.write('<div id="ticinfo">');393 res.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');394 res.write('<h4>Form request submitted by POST</h4>');395 res.write('<p id="ticket">');396 res.write(`POST action (form name) as URL is ${req.url} with search as body: ${body}`);397 res.write('</p>');398 res.write('</div>');399 res.write('</body>');400 res.write('</html>');401 res.end();402 return res.end();403 }); // end req.on('end', function ()...404 } // <==================================== End of POST method form submit case ===================================>405}) // end of server.on('request'...)406dtVar = new Date();407console.log('After https.createServer ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());408// Begin accepting connections on the specified port and hostname.409// If hostname is omitted, server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available,410// or the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise.411server.listen(port, hostname, () => {412 // Place holders in template literals are indicated by the $ (Dollar sign) and curly braces e.g. (${expression}).413 console.log(`Server running and listening at https://${hostname}:${port}/ ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds()); // ${expression} is place holders in template literal enclosed by the back-tick (` `) (grave accent) characters.414});415dtVar = new Date();416console.log('End Serer main PROGAM path after server.listen(port, hostname, callback) ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());417// <==================================== ValTicket =====================================>418function CheckValTicket(ticnum, res2) {419 // reqString e.g. ""420 console.log(reqString + ticnum);421 http.get(reqString + ticnum, (res) => {422 const { statusCode } = res;423 const contentType = res.headers['content-type'];424 let error;425 if (statusCode !== 200) {426 error = new Error(`Request Failed.\n Status Code: ${statusCode}`);427 }428 else if (!/^text\/xml/.test(contentType)) {429 error = new Error(`Invalid content-type.\n Expected text/xml but received ${contentType}`);430 }431 if (error) {432 console.error(error.message);433 // consume response data to free up memory434 res.resume();435 //return error.message;436 }437 res.setEncoding('utf8');438 //let rawData = '';439 res.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });440 res.on('end', () => {441 try {442 //const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);443 //console.log(parsedData);444 console.log(`rawData in client http.on('end', ...) event :`)445 console.log(rawData);446 let reply;447 reply = '';448 let errmsg = '';449 parseString(rawData, function (err, result) {450 if (err !== null) {451 //console.log(err.message);452 // "Non-whitespace before first tag.\nLine: 0\nColumn: 1\nChar: ?"453 errmsg = err.message.replace('\n',' ');454 while (errmsg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {455 errmsg = errmsg.replace('\n',' ');456 }457 //console.log(errmsg);458 }459 else {460 //console.log(result);461 reply = result;462 }463 });464 let sum = '';465 let ticinfo = '';466 if (reply !== '') {467 //console.log('reply:');468 //console.log(reply.response.result[0]);469 if (reply.response.result[0] === '0') {470 sum = reply.response.sum[0];471 //console.log('sum =' + sum);472 if (sum === '-1.00') {473 ticinfo = `ÐолÑÑой вÑигÑÑÑ!!!.`474 }475 else if (sum === '-2.00') {476 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ñже вÑплаÑен.`477 }478 else if (sum === '-3.00') {479 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð²ÑплаÑен Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñм билеÑом.`480 }481 else if (sum === '-4.00') {482 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð°Ð½Ð½ÑлиÑован.`483 }484 else if (sum === '0.00') {485 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ вÑигÑал.`486 }487 else {488 ticinfo = `ÐÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð³ÑÐ°Ñ ${sum} гÑн.`489 }490 console.log(ticinfo);491 }492 else {493 ticinfo = 'Server reply with result: ' + reply.response.result[0];494 console.log(ticinfo);495 }496 }497 else {498 ticinfo = 'XML wrong format:' + errmsg;499 }500 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });501 //res2.write(rawData);502 // Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8503 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' });504 //res2.write('Ticket info: ' + ticinfo);505 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });506 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');507 res2.write('<html lang="en">');508 res2.write('<head>');509 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');510 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');511 res2.write('<title>Ticket info</title>');512 res2.write('<style>');513 res2.write('#ticinfo {');514 //res2.write('width: 70%;');515 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');516 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');517 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');518 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');519 res2.write('}');520 res2.write('#ticback {');521 res2.write('display: block;')522 res2.write('width: 10%;');523 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');524 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');525 res2.write('color: white;')526 res2.write('background-color: blue;');527 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');528 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')529 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')530 res2.write('}');531 res2.write('#ticket {');532 res2.write('display: block;')533 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');534 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');535 res2.write('background-color: white;');536 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');537 res2.write('}');538 //res2.write('');539 res2.write('</style>');540 res2.write('</head>');541 res2.write('<body>');542 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');543 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');544 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');545 res2.write(ticinfo);546 res2.write('</p>');547 res2.write('</div>');548 res2.write('</body>');549 res2.write('</html>');550 //res2.write('');551 } catch (e) {552 console.error(e.message);553 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });554 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');555 res2.write('<html lang="en">');556 res2.write('<head>');557 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');558 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');559 res2.write('<title>Ticket info processing error</title>');560 res2.write('<style>');561 res2.write('#ticinfo {');562 //res2.write('width: 70%;');563 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');564 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');565 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');566 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');567 res2.write('}');568 res2.write('#ticback {');569 res2.write('display: block;')570 res2.write('width: 10%;');571 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');572 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');573 res2.write('color: white;')574 res2.write('background-color: blue;');575 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');576 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')577 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')578 res2.write('}');579 res2.write('#ticket {');580 res2.write('display: block;')581 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');582 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');583 res2.write('background-color: white;');584 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');585 res2.write('}');586 //res2.write('');587 res2.write('</style>');588 res2.write('</head>');589 res2.write('<body>');590 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');591 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');592 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info processing error</h4>');593 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');594 res2.write(e.message);595 res2.write('</p>');596 res2.write('</div>');597 res2.write('</body>');598 res2.write('</html>');599 }600 res2.end();601 //return rawData;602 });603 }).on('error', (e) => {604 // e.message e.g. "connect ETIMEDOUT"605 console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);606 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });607 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');608 res2.write('<html lang="en">');609 res2.write('<head>');610 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');611 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');612 res2.write('<title>Ticket info network error</title>');613 res2.write('<style>');614 res2.write('#ticinfo {');615 //res2.write('width: 70%;');616 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');617 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');618 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');619 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');620 res2.write('}');621 res2.write('#ticback {');622 res2.write('display: block;')623 res2.write('width: 10%;');624 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');625 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');626 res2.write('color: white;')627 res2.write('background-color: blue;');628 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');629 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')630 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')631 res2.write('}');632 res2.write('#ticket {');633 res2.write('display: block;')634 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');635 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');636 res2.write('background-color: white;');637 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');638 res2.write('}');639 //res2.write('');640 res2.write('</style>');641 res2.write('</head>');642 res2.write('<body>');643 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');644 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');645 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info network error</h4>');646 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');647 res2.write(e.message);648 res2.write('</p>');649 res2.write('</div>');650 res2.write('</body>');651 res2.write('</html>');652 res2.end();653 //return e.message;654 });655} // end of function ValTicket(ticnum, res2)656// <==================================== ValTicket =====================================>657function BuyTicket(ticreq, res2) {658 console.log(reqStringPay + ticreq);659 reqStringPay = urlpay + '?agent=65&type=2&command=pay&date=20200808&txn_id=' + txn_id + '&game=6&num_of_draws=1&num_of_boards=1&sum=15.00&msisdn=0';660 txn_id = txn_id + 1;661 http.get(reqStringPay, (res) => { // reqStringPay + ticreq for manual non-auto.662 const { statusCode } = res;663 const contentType = res.headers['content-type'];664 let error;665 if (statusCode !== 200) {666 error = new Error(`Request Failed.\n Status Code: ${statusCode}`);667 }668 else if (!/^text\/xml/.test(contentType)) {669 error = new Error(`Invalid content-type.\n Expected text/xml but received ${contentType}`);670 }671 if (error) {672 console.error(error.message);673 // consume response data to free up memory674 res.resume();675 //return error.message;676 }677 res.setEncoding('utf8');678 //let rawData = '';679 res.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });680 res.on('end', () => {681 try {682 let dtVar = new Date();683 //const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);684 //console.log(parsedData);685 console.log(`rawData in client http.on('end', ...) event :`)686 console.log(rawData);687 let reply;688 reply = '';689 let errmsg = '';690 parseString(rawData, function (err, result) {691 if (err !== null) {692 //console.log(err.message);693 // "Non-whitespace before first tag.\nLine: 0\nColumn: 1\nChar: ?"694 errmsg = err.message.replace('\n',' ');695 while (errmsg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {696 errmsg = errmsg.replace('\n',' ');697 }698 //console.log(errmsg);699 }700 else {701 //console.log(result);702 reply = result;703 }704 });705 //let sum = '';706 let ticinfo = '';707 let decrInfo = '';708 if (reply !== '') {709 //console.log('reply:');710 //console.log(reply.response.result[0]);711 if (reply.response.result[0] === '0') {712 //sum = reply.response.sum[0];713 //console.log('sum =' + sum);714 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>УкÑаÑнÑÑка ÐаÑÑоналÑна ÐоÑеÑеÑ</li>';715 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐаÑа: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].date[0] + '</li>';716 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ЧаÑ: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].time[0] + '</li>';717 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐомбÑнаÑиÑ: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].board1a[0] + '</li>'718 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>СÑма: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].sum[0] + '</li>';719 decrInfo = decrEx(reply.response.ticket[0].gguard[0], reply.response.ticket[0].number[0]);720 //console.log(decrInfo);721 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐÑлеÑ: ' + decrInfo + '</li>'722 //ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð±ÑлеÑа: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].number[0] + '</li>';723 //ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>Ðод: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].gguard[0] + '</li>';724 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>txn_id: ' + reply.response.txn_id[0] + '</li>';725 console.log(ticinfo);726 }727 else {728 ticinfo = 'Server reply with result: ' + reply.response.result[0];729 console.log(ticinfo);730 }731 }732 else {733 ticinfo = 'XML wrong format:' + errmsg;734 }735 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });736 //res2.write(rawData);737 // Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8738 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' });739 //res2.write('Ticket info: ' + ticinfo);740 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });741 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');742 res2.write('<html lang="en">');743 res2.write('<head>');744 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');745 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');746 res2.write('<title>Ticket info</title>');747 res2.write('<style>');748 res2.write('#ticinfo {');749 //res2.write('width: 70%;');750 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');751 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');752 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');753 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');754 res2.write('}');755 res2.write('#ticback {');756 res2.write('display: block;')757 res2.write('width: 10%;');758 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');759 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');760 res2.write('color: white;')761 res2.write('background-color: blue;');762 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');763 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')764 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')765 res2.write('}');766 res2.write('#tichdr {');767 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');768 //res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');769 res2.write('}');770 res2.write('#ticket {');771 res2.write('display: block;')772 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');773 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');774 res2.write('background-color: white;');775 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');776 res2.write('}');777 //res2.write('');778 res2.write('</style>');779 res2.write('</head>');780 res2.write('<body>');781 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');782 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');783 res2.write('<h3 id="tichdr">ÐÐ°Ñ Ð±Ð¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°ÑегиÑÑÑиÑован: ' + dtVar.toLocaleString() + '</h3>');784 res2.write('<ul id="ticket">');785 res2.write(ticinfo);786 res2.write('</ul>');787 res2.write('</div>');788 res2.write('</body>');789 res2.write('</html>');790 //res2.write('');791 } catch (e) {792 console.error(e.message);793 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });794 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');795 res2.write('<html lang="en">');796 res2.write('<head>');797 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');798 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');799 res2.write('<title>Ticket info processing error</title>');800 res2.write('<style>');801 res2.write('#ticinfo {');802 //res2.write('width: 70%;');803 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');804 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');805 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');806 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');807 res2.write('}');808 res2.write('#ticback {');809 res2.write('display: block;')810 res2.write('width: 10%;');811 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');812 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');813 res2.write('color: white;')814 res2.write('background-color: blue;');815 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');816 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')817 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')818 res2.write('}');819 res2.write('#ticket {');820 res2.write('display: block;')821 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');822 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');823 res2.write('background-color: white;');824 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');825 res2.write('}');826 //res2.write('');827 res2.write('</style>');828 res2.write('</head>');829 res2.write('<body>');830 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');831 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');832 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info processing error</h4>');833 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');834 res2.write(e.message);835 res2.write('</p>');836 res2.write('</div>');837 res2.write('</body>');838 res2.write('</html>');839 }840 res2.end();841 //return rawData;842 });843 }).on('error', (e) => {844 // e.message e.g. "connect ETIMEDOUT"845 console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);846 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });847 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');848 res2.write('<html lang="en">');849 res2.write('<head>');850 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');851 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');852 res2.write('<title>Ticket info network error</title>');853 res2.write('<style>');854 res2.write('#ticinfo {');855 //res2.write('width: 70%;');856 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');857 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');858 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');859 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');860 res2.write('}');861 res2.write('#ticback {');862 res2.write('display: block;')863 res2.write('width: 10%;');864 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');865 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');866 res2.write('color: white;')867 res2.write('background-color: blue;');868 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');869 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')870 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')871 res2.write('}');872 res2.write('#ticket {');873 res2.write('display: block;')874 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');875 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');876 res2.write('background-color: white;');877 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');878 res2.write('}');879 //res2.write('');880 res2.write('</style>');881 res2.write('</head>');882 res2.write('<body>');883 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');884 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');885 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info network error</h4>');886 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');887 res2.write(e.message);888 res2.write('</p>');889 res2.write('</div>');890 res2.write('</body>');891 res2.write('</html>');892 res2.end();893 //return e.message;894 });895} // end of function BuyTicket(ticnum, res2)896function decrEx(strGGuardEnc, strTicEnc) {897 var strOut;898 var strGguardIn, strNumberIn; // var strJulian;899 var strReturn, strGGuard, strTicNum, strCheckDigits;900 var strArr; // intVar, i;901 var strGGuardArr, strJulianArr, strTicNumArr, strCheckDigitsArr;902 //console.log(`input: ${strGGuardEnc} ${strInEnc}`);903 strOut="";904 if (typeof(strGGuardEnc) != "string") return "ERROR2";905 if (typeof(strTicEnc) != "string") return "ERROR3";906 // e.g. strGGuardEnc="123456" and strTicEnc = "123-12345678-1234567"907 strGguardIn = String(strGGuardEnc);908 strNumberIn = String(strTicEnc);909 if (strGguardIn.length != 6) return "ERROR2";910 if (strNumberIn.length != 20) return "ERROR3";911 //intVar = Number(strGguardIn);912 //console.log(intVar + " " + typeof(intVar));913 if (! Number.isInteger(Number(strGguardIn))) return "ERROR2"; 914 strArr = strNumberIn.split("-");915 if (strArr.length != 3) return "ERROR3";916 if (strArr[0].length != 3) return "ERROR3";917 if (strArr[1].length != 8) return "ERROR3";918 if (strArr[2].length != 7) return "ERROR3";919 if (! Number.isInteger(Number(strArr[0]))) return "ERROR3"; 920 if (! Number.isInteger(Number(strArr[1]))) return "ERROR3"; 921 if (! Number.isInteger(Number(strArr[2]))) return "ERROR3"; 922 //var strGGuardArr, strJulianArr, strTicNumArr, strChcekDigitsArr;923 strGGuardArr = strGguardIn.split("");924 strJulianArr = strArr[0].split("");925 strTicNumArr = strArr[1].split("");926 strCheckDigitsArr = strArr[2].split("");927 strGGuard = addon.unld(strGGuardArr[0], strGGuardArr[1], strGGuardArr[2], strGGuardArr[3], strGGuardArr[4], strGGuardArr[5], "G", "G", strJulianArr[0], strJulianArr[1], strJulianArr[2]); // gGuard.928 //console.log('Return string:', strGGuard + " typeof: " + typeof(strGGuard)); // gguard.929 strTicNum = addon.unld(strTicNumArr[0], strTicNumArr[1], strTicNumArr[2], strTicNumArr[3], strTicNumArr[4], strTicNumArr[5], strTicNumArr[6], strTicNumArr[7], strJulianArr[0], strJulianArr[1], strJulianArr[2]); // external number.930 //console.log('Return string:', strTicNum + " typeof: " + typeof(strTicNum)); // TicNum external number.931 strCheckDigits = addon.unld(strCheckDigitsArr[0], strCheckDigitsArr[1], strCheckDigitsArr[2], strCheckDigitsArr[3], strCheckDigitsArr[4], strCheckDigitsArr[5], strCheckDigitsArr[6], "D", strJulianArr[0], strJulianArr[1], strJulianArr[2]); // check Digits.932 //console.log('Return string:', strCheckDigits + " typeof: " + typeof(strCheckDigits)); // gguard, num, check.933 strOut = strGGuard + " " + strArr[0] + "-" + strTicNum + "-" + strCheckDigits;934 //console.log(`output: ${strOut}`);935 //strArr = strIn.split("-");936 //strOut = strArr[2] + "-" + strArr[1] + "-" + strArr[0];937 938 ExitFunction:939 return strOut;...
Source: nodeServerTestDiag.js
1'use strict'; // is unnecessary inside of modules.2//file:///home/akaarna/react-tutorial/build/index.html3/*4Standard dirs should be:5images6pages7scripts8styles9*/10/*11Can be started as parent in build subdir:12 >node ..\nodeServerTestDiag.js13*/14let typeProj = ''; // 'build';15let dirName = 'build'; // React build dir as root dir.16//let dirName = ''; // root dir.17//let methodType = 'get'; // 'post' or 'get' for secure server.18//let formNameIni = 'submitFormAK-Ini';19//let formName = 'submitFormAK';20//let dirName = 'arch'; // root dir.21let formNameIni = 'index.html';22//let formNameIni = 'indexForm.html';23//let formName = 'submitFormAK';24// Using special formName /formAKchk?q=123-12345678-1234567 /formAKval?q=123-12345678-1234567 or /formAKpay?q=xxx25const http = require('http');26const urlval = ''; // project WinTicsCheckNoSslTEST new at ''27//let reqString = urlval + '?agent=58&type=2&command=checkval&ticket_number=225-13818091-1101234';28let reqString = urlval + '?agent=58&type=2&command=checkval&ticket_number='; // + search;29const urlpay = ''; // project UnlCashExTEST ver. 3.830let reqStringPay; //= urlpay + '?agent=65&type=2&command=pay&date=20200808&txn_id=' + txn_id + '&game=6&num_of_draws=1&num_of_boards=1&sum=15.00&msisdn=0';31let txn_id = 10000000;32let rawData = '';33const parseString = require('xml2js').parseString;34const https = require('https');35const urlLegacy = require('url'); // Legacy url module.36//const { URL } = require('url'); // ES6 url module37const fs = require('fs');38// The querystring module provides utilities for parsing and formatting URL query strings.39//const qs = require('querystring'); // used as let objBody = qs.parse(body, "\r\n", "=");40//const formidable = require('formidable');41//const {userInfo} = require('./appWeb.js');42let dtVar = new Date();43console.log('Server starts ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());44/*45//var envObj = process.env;46for (let prop in process.env) {47 //console.log(prop + ": " + process.env[prop]);48}49dtVar = new Date();50console.log('==================================== ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());51*/52// https://localhost:808153//const hostname = 'localhost';54// https://unl.test:808155const hostname = 'unl.test';56//const port = process.env.PORT; // Windows - default port is 1337 for WebApp and 1542 for ConsoleApp;57const port = 8081; // for Linux must be set manually;58dtVar = new Date();59console.log('Before https.createServer() ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());60///*61let optSsl;62if (typeProj === 'build') {63 optSsl = {64 pfx: fs.readFileSync('../unl.test.pfx'), // '../../unl_works.pfx'65 passphrase: 'unl'66 };67}68else {69 optSsl = {70 pfx: fs.readFileSync('./unl.test.pfx'), // '../../unl_works.pfx'71 passphrase: 'unl'72 };73}74let options = optSsl;75//*/76//const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { // request is <http.IncomingMessage>, response is <http.ServerResponse> ...}77const server = https.createServer(options);78//const server = http.createServer();79server.on('error', (err) => {80 var dtVar = new Date();81 //throw err;82 console.log(`httpsServer 'error' event - error code: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());83 console.log(err.code);84 console.log('httpsServer error stack:');85 console.log(err.stack);86});87/*88server.on('connection', (socket) => {89 var dtVar = new Date();90 console.log(`httpsServer 'connection' event - client connected at + ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());91 console.log(socket.remoteAddress + ' ' + socket.remoteFamily + ' ' + socket.remotePort);92});93*/94server.on('request', (req, res) => { // request is <http.IncomingMessage>, response is <http.ServerResponse>95 req.on('error', (err) => {96 // This prints the error message and stack trace to `stderr`.97 console.log(`httpsServer request 'error' event - error stack: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());98 console.error(err.stack);99 });100 res.on('error', (err) => {101 console.log(`httpsServer response 'error' event - error code: ==> ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());102 console.error(err);103 });104 // The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays,105 // or properties from objects, into distinct variables.106 //const { method, url, headers } = req;107 //let aaa = new Object();108 // req.url if GET "/" for very initial and for next e.g. "styles/style.css" or "/submitFormAK?fname=Alex&sname=Raven"109 // if POST then e.g. "/submitformAK"110 let objUrl = urlLegacy.parse(req.url, true, true); // non standard object.111 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKpay"112 //console.log(; // "?q=ticreq"113 // Verify that it is very first page request or rendering page after GET or POST form submit processed.114 // After POST form submit will be processed rendering page will be as GET.115 // In req.headers Object property host: "unl.test:8081"116 // <==================== Begin of GET method form submit case ====================================================>117 if ((req.method === "GET")) {118 // for req.method === "GET" is ? + query e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567" or Null119 // req.url = "/" or e.g. "styles/style.css" or "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"120 // if req.method === "POST" then will be "" always.121 /*122 req.url = "/" or e.g. "/submitformAK?fname=al&sname=kaa"123 ObjUrl {124 href: = path: "/ or e.g. "/submitformAK?fname=al&sname=kaa"125 pathname: "/" or e.g. "/submitformAK"126 search: null or "?fname=al&sname=kaa"127 query: Object {} or {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"}128 }129 */130 if ( === null) { // very initial request https://unl.test:8081/131 let contType = '';132 if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.css')) {133 contType = 'text/css';134 }135 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.js')) {136 contType = 'application/javascript';137 }138 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.json')) {139 contType = 'application/json';140 }141 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.map')) {142 contType = 'application/map';143 }144 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.ico')) {145 contType = 'image/bmp';146 }147 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.png')) {148 contType = 'image/png';149 }150 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.jpg') || objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.jpeg')) {151 contType = 'image/jpeg';152 }153 else if (objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.htm') || objUrl.pathname.endsWith('.html')) {154 contType = 'text/html';155 }156 else if (objUrl.pathname !== '/') {157 contType = 'application/octet-stream';158 }159 console.log('contType: [' + contType + '] <==============================');160 console.log('objUrl.pathname: ' + objUrl.pathname);161 //console.log('objUrl.path: ' + objUrl.path);162 if (contType === '') { // default formNameIni e.g. indexForm.html.163 contType = 'text/html';164 console.log('Empty contType read file: ./' + dirName + '/' + formNameIni);165 fs.readFile('./' + dirName + '/' + formNameIni, (err, data) => {166 if (err) {167 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': `${contType}` });168 res.write(`Empty contType as ${dirName}/${formNameIni} not found!`);169 return res.end();170 } // throw err;171 else {172 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });173 res.write(data);174 return res.end();175 }176 });177 }178 else {179 console.log('Non empty contType read file: ./' + dirName + objUrl.pathname);180 fs.readFile('./' + dirName + objUrl.pathname, (err, data) => { // './' + dirName + "/path/name.type"181 if (err) {182 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });183 res.write(`Non empty contType ${contType} as ${dirName + objUrl.pathname} not found!`);184 return res.end();185 } // throw err;186 else {187 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': `${contType}` });188 res.write(data);189 return res.end();190 }191 });192 }193 } // end of === null -> no ? in GET request.194 else { // !== null, there is ? in GET request.195 // for req.method === "GET" is ? + query e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567" or Null if no ? in GET request.196 // req.url = "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"197 /*198 req.url = "/formAK?q=123-12345678-1234567"199 ObjUrl {200 href: = path: /formNameIni?fname=al&sname=kaa"201 pathname: /formNameIni"202 search: "?fname=al&sname=kaa"203 query: {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"}204 }205 */206 // HACKER ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT.207 //req.connection.destroy();208 //req.url = "/formAKval?q=123-12345678-1234567"209 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKval"210 //console.log(; // "?q=123-12345678-1234567"211 if (req.url.indexOf('/formAKchk?') >= 0) {212 /*213 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });214 //res.write('');215 res.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');216 res.write('<response>');217 res.write('<ticket>225-13818091-1101234</ticket>');218 res.write('<game>2</game>');219 res.write('<sum>10.00</sum>');220 res.write(`<result>0</result>`);221 res.write('</response>');222 */223 /*224 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "PPAY", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then225 ReqStruct.sum = -1226 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "CASH", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then227 ReqStruct.sum = -2228 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "CSHX", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then229 ReqStruct.sum = -3230 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "VCAN", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then231 ReqStruct.sum = -4232 ElseIf (InStrRev(strBuf, "VDEL", -1, CompareMethod.Text) > 0) Then233 ReqStruct.sum = 0234 */235 //ValTicket('225-13818091-1101234', res);236 let ticnum = '';237 // is e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567"238 ticnum ='=') + 1);239 rawData = '';240 CheckValTicket(ticnum, res);241 //console.log(`rawData in server.on('request', (req, res) ...) event :`)242 //console.log(rawData); // will be empy ''.243 //res.write(rawData);244 } // end of if (req.url.indexOf('/formAK?') >= 0)245 //req.url = "/formAKpay?q=ticreq"246 //console.log(objUrl.pathname); // "/formAKpay"247 //console.log(; // "?q=ticreq"248 else if (req.url.indexOf('/formAKpay?') >= 0) {249 let ticreq = '';250 // is e.g. "?q=123-12345678-1234567"251 ticreq ='=') + 1);252 rawData = '';253 BuyTicket(ticreq, res);254 }255 else {256 //res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });257 //res.write(`Form request submitted by GET. Action URL with search: ${req.url}`);258 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });259 res.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');260 res.write('<html lang="en">');261 res.write('<head>');262 res.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');263 res.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');264 res.write('<title>Unknown Form request submitted by GET</title>');265 res.write('<style>');266 res.write('#ticinfo {');267 //res.write('width: 70%;');268 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');269 res.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');270 res.write('border: thick solid black;');271 res.write('outline: dashed red;');272 res.write('}');273 res.write('#ticback {');274 res.write('display: block;')275 res.write('width: 10%;');276 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');277 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');278 res.write('color: white;')279 res.write('background-color: blue;');280 res.write('border: thin solid black;');281 res.write('border-radius: 15%;')282 res.write('text-decoration:none;')283 res.write('}');284 res.write('#ticket {');285 res.write('display: block;')286 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');287 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');288 res.write('background-color: white;');289 res.write('border: thin solid black;');290 res.write('}');291 res.write('</style>');292 res.write('</head>');293 res.write('<body>');294 res.write('<div id="ticinfo">');295 res.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');296 res.write('<h4>Unknown Form request submitted by GET</h4>');297 res.write(`GET action URL (form name with search included): ${req.url}`);298 res.write('</p>');299 res.write('</div>');300 res.write('</body>');301 res.write('</html>');302 res.end();303 return res.end();304 }305 //return res.end();306 }307 } // <==================== End of GET method form submit case ====================================================>308 else { // <==================== Begin of POST method form submit case ============================================>309 // POST method. NB! If req.method === "POST" then will be Null always.310 //let objUrl = urlLegacy.parse(req.url, true, true); // non standard object is got earlier befor GET or POST analyze.311 /*312 req.url = "/formNameIni"313 ObjUrl {314 href: = path: = pathname: "/formNameIni"315 search: null316 query: Object {}317 }318 later body will be319 body: "fname=al\r\nsname=kaa\r\n"320 */321 let body = '';322 req.on('data', function (data) {323 body += data;324 // 1e6 === 1 * Math.pow(10, 6) === 1 * 1000000 ~~~ 1MB.325 if (body.length > 1e6) {326 // FLOOD ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT, NUKE REQUEST.327 req.connection.destroy();328 }329 });330 req.on('end', function () {331 // e.g. body = 'fname=Alex\r\nsname=Raven\r\n' for /formNameIni332 /*333 console.log(body);334 let strVar = '';335 for (let i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {336 strVar = strVar + body.charCodeAt(i) + ",";337 }338 console.log(strVar);339 */340 //console.log(objBody);341 //let objBody = qs.parse(body, "\r\n", "="); // using const qs = require('querystring') module.342 /*343 req.url = "/submitformAK"344 ObjUrl {345 href: = path: = pathname: "/submitformAK"346 search: null347 query: Object {}348 }349 body: "fname=al\r\nsname=kaa\r\n"350 objBody: Object {fname: "al", sname: "kaa"} }351 */352 // HACKER ATTACK OR FAULTY CLIENT.353 //req.connection.destroy();354 //res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });355 //res.write(`Form request submitted by POST. Action URL is ${req.url} with search as body: \r\n${body}`);356 res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });357 res.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');358 res.write('<html lang="en">');359 res.write('<head>');360 res.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');361 res.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');362 res.write('<title>Form request submitted by POST</title>');363 res.write('<style>');364 res.write('#ticinfo {');365 //res.write('width: 70%;');366 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');367 res.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');368 res.write('border: thick solid black;');369 res.write('outline: dashed red;');370 res.write('}');371 res.write('#ticback {');372 res.write('display: block;')373 res.write('width: 10%;');374 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');375 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');376 res.write('color: white;')377 res.write('background-color: blue;');378 res.write('border: thin solid black;');379 res.write('border-radius: 15%;')380 res.write('text-decoration:none;')381 res.write('}');382 res.write('#ticket {');383 res.write('display: block;')384 res.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');385 res.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');386 res.write('background-color: white;');387 res.write('border: thin solid black;');388 res.write('}');389 res.write('</style>');390 res.write('</head>');391 res.write('<body>');392 res.write('<div id="ticinfo">');393 res.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');394 res.write('<h4>Form request submitted by POST</h4>');395 res.write('<p id="ticket">');396 res.write(`POST action (form name) as URL is ${req.url} with search as body: ${body}`);397 res.write('</p>');398 res.write('</div>');399 res.write('</body>');400 res.write('</html>');401 res.end();402 return res.end();403 }); // end req.on('end', function ()...404 } // <==================================== End of POST method form submit case ===================================>405}) // end of server.on('request'...)406dtVar = new Date();407console.log('After https.createServer ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());408// Begin accepting connections on the specified port and hostname.409// If hostname is omitted, server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available,410// or the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise.411server.listen(port, hostname, () => {412 // Place holders in template literals are indicated by the $ (Dollar sign) and curly braces e.g. (${expression}).413 console.log(`Server running and listening at https://${hostname}:${port}/ ` + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds()); // ${expression} is place holders in template literal enclosed by the back-tick (` `) (grave accent) characters.414});415dtVar = new Date();416console.log('End Serer main PROGAM path after server.listen(port, hostname, callback) ' + dtVar.getSeconds() + "." + dtVar.getMilliseconds());417// <==================================== ValTicket =====================================>418function CheckValTicket(ticnum, res2) {419 // reqString e.g. ""420 console.log(reqString + ticnum);421 http.get(reqString + ticnum, (res) => {422 const { statusCode } = res;423 const contentType = res.headers['content-type'];424 let error;425 if (statusCode !== 200) {426 error = new Error(`Request Failed.\n Status Code: ${statusCode}`);427 }428 else if (!/^text\/xml/.test(contentType)) {429 error = new Error(`Invalid content-type.\n Expected text/xml but received ${contentType}`);430 }431 if (error) {432 console.error(error.message);433 // consume response data to free up memory434 res.resume();435 //return error.message;436 }437 res.setEncoding('utf8');438 //let rawData = '';439 res.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });440 res.on('end', () => {441 try {442 //const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);443 //console.log(parsedData);444 console.log(`rawData in client http.on('end', ...) event :`)445 console.log(rawData);446 let reply;447 reply = '';448 let errmsg = '';449 parseString(rawData, function (err, result) {450 if (err !== null) {451 //console.log(err.message);452 // "Non-whitespace before first tag.\nLine: 0\nColumn: 1\nChar: ?"453 errmsg = err.message.replace('\n',' ');454 while (errmsg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {455 errmsg = errmsg.replace('\n',' ');456 }457 //console.log(errmsg);458 }459 else {460 //console.log(result);461 reply = result;462 }463 });464 let sum = '';465 let ticinfo = '';466 if (reply !== '') {467 //console.log('reply:');468 //console.log(reply.response.result[0]);469 if (reply.response.result[0] === '0') {470 sum = reply.response.sum[0];471 //console.log('sum =' + sum);472 if (sum === '-1.00') {473 ticinfo = `ÐолÑÑой вÑигÑÑÑ!!!.`474 }475 else if (sum === '-2.00') {476 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ñже вÑплаÑен.`477 }478 else if (sum === '-3.00') {479 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð²ÑплаÑен Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñм билеÑом.`480 }481 else if (sum === '-4.00') {482 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð°Ð½Ð½ÑлиÑован.`483 }484 else if (sum === '0.00') {485 ticinfo = `ÐÐ¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ вÑигÑал.`486 }487 else {488 ticinfo = `ÐÐ°Ñ Ð²Ð¸Ð³ÑÐ°Ñ ${sum} гÑн.`489 }490 console.log(ticinfo);491 }492 else {493 ticinfo = 'Server reply with result: ' + reply.response.result[0];494 console.log(ticinfo);495 }496 }497 else {498 ticinfo = 'XML wrong format:' + errmsg;499 }500 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });501 //res2.write(rawData);502 // Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8503 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' });504 //res2.write('Ticket info: ' + ticinfo);505 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });506 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');507 res2.write('<html lang="en">');508 res2.write('<head>');509 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');510 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');511 res2.write('<title>Ticket info</title>');512 res2.write('<style>');513 res2.write('#ticinfo {');514 //res2.write('width: 70%;');515 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');516 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');517 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');518 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');519 res2.write('}');520 res2.write('#ticback {');521 res2.write('display: block;')522 res2.write('width: 10%;');523 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');524 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');525 res2.write('color: white;')526 res2.write('background-color: blue;');527 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');528 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')529 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')530 res2.write('}');531 res2.write('#ticket {');532 res2.write('display: block;')533 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');534 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');535 res2.write('background-color: white;');536 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');537 res2.write('}');538 //res2.write('');539 res2.write('</style>');540 res2.write('</head>');541 res2.write('<body>');542 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');543 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');544 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');545 res2.write(ticinfo);546 res2.write('</p>');547 res2.write('</div>');548 res2.write('</body>');549 res2.write('</html>');550 //res2.write('');551 } catch (e) {552 console.error(e.message);553 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });554 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');555 res2.write('<html lang="en">');556 res2.write('<head>');557 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');558 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');559 res2.write('<title>Ticket info processing error</title>');560 res2.write('<style>');561 res2.write('#ticinfo {');562 //res2.write('width: 70%;');563 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');564 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');565 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');566 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');567 res2.write('}');568 res2.write('#ticback {');569 res2.write('display: block;')570 res2.write('width: 10%;');571 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');572 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');573 res2.write('color: white;')574 res2.write('background-color: blue;');575 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');576 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')577 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')578 res2.write('}');579 res2.write('#ticket {');580 res2.write('display: block;')581 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');582 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');583 res2.write('background-color: white;');584 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');585 res2.write('}');586 //res2.write('');587 res2.write('</style>');588 res2.write('</head>');589 res2.write('<body>');590 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');591 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');592 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info processing error</h4>');593 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');594 res2.write(e.message);595 res2.write('</p>');596 res2.write('</div>');597 res2.write('</body>');598 res2.write('</html>');599 }600 res2.end();601 //return rawData;602 });603 }).on('error', (e) => {604 // e.message e.g. "connect ETIMEDOUT"605 console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);606 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });607 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');608 res2.write('<html lang="en">');609 res2.write('<head>');610 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');611 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');612 res2.write('<title>Ticket info network error</title>');613 res2.write('<style>');614 res2.write('#ticinfo {');615 //res2.write('width: 70%;');616 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');617 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');618 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');619 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');620 res2.write('}');621 res2.write('#ticback {');622 res2.write('display: block;')623 res2.write('width: 10%;');624 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');625 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');626 res2.write('color: white;')627 res2.write('background-color: blue;');628 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');629 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')630 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')631 res2.write('}');632 res2.write('#ticket {');633 res2.write('display: block;')634 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');635 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');636 res2.write('background-color: white;');637 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');638 res2.write('}');639 //res2.write('');640 res2.write('</style>');641 res2.write('</head>');642 res2.write('<body>');643 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');644 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');645 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info network error</h4>');646 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');647 res2.write(e.message);648 res2.write('</p>');649 res2.write('</div>');650 res2.write('</body>');651 res2.write('</html>');652 res2.end();653 //return e.message;654 });655} // end of function ValTicket(ticnum, res2)656// <==================================== ValTicket =====================================>657function BuyTicket(ticreq, res2) {658 console.log(reqStringPay + ticreq);659 reqStringPay = urlpay + '?agent=65&type=2&command=pay&date=20200808&txn_id=' + txn_id + '&game=6&num_of_draws=1&num_of_boards=1&sum=15.00&msisdn=0';660 txn_id = txn_id + 1;661 http.get(reqStringPay, (res) => { // reqStringPay + ticreq for manual non-auto.662 const { statusCode } = res;663 const contentType = res.headers['content-type'];664 let error;665 if (statusCode !== 200) {666 error = new Error(`Request Failed.\n Status Code: ${statusCode}`);667 }668 else if (!/^text\/xml/.test(contentType)) {669 error = new Error(`Invalid content-type.\n Expected text/xml but received ${contentType}`);670 }671 if (error) {672 console.error(error.message);673 // consume response data to free up memory674 res.resume();675 //return error.message;676 }677 res.setEncoding('utf8');678 //let rawData = '';679 res.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; });680 res.on('end', () => {681 try {682 let dtVar = new Date();683 //const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData);684 //console.log(parsedData);685 console.log(`rawData in client http.on('end', ...) event :`)686 console.log(rawData);687 let reply;688 reply = '';689 let errmsg = '';690 parseString(rawData, function (err, result) {691 if (err !== null) {692 //console.log(err.message);693 // "Non-whitespace before first tag.\nLine: 0\nColumn: 1\nChar: ?"694 errmsg = err.message.replace('\n',' ');695 while (errmsg.indexOf('\n') !== -1) {696 errmsg = errmsg.replace('\n',' ');697 }698 //console.log(errmsg);699 }700 else {701 //console.log(result);702 reply = result;703 }704 });705 //let sum = '';706 let ticinfo = '';707 if (reply !== '') {708 //console.log('reply:');709 //console.log(reply.response.result[0]);710 if (reply.response.result[0] === '0') {711 //sum = reply.response.sum[0];712 //console.log('sum =' + sum);713 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>УкÑаÑнÑÑка ÐаÑÑоналÑна ÐоÑеÑеÑ</li>';714 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐаÑа: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].date[0] + '</li>';715 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ЧаÑ: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].time[0] + '</li>';716 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐомбÑнаÑиÑ: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].board1a[0] + '</li>'717 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>СÑма: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].sum[0] + '</li>';718 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>ÐÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð±ÑлеÑа: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].number[0] + '</li>';719 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>Ðод: ' + reply.response.ticket[0].gguard[0] + '</li>';720 ticinfo = ticinfo + '<li>txn_id: ' + reply.response.txn_id[0] + '</li>';721 console.log(ticinfo);722 }723 else {724 ticinfo = 'Server reply with result: ' + reply.response.result[0];725 console.log(ticinfo);726 }727 }728 else {729 ticinfo = 'XML wrong format:' + errmsg;730 }731 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' });732 //res2.write(rawData);733 // Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8734 //res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' });735 //res2.write('Ticket info: ' + ticinfo);736 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });737 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');738 res2.write('<html lang="en">');739 res2.write('<head>');740 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');741 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');742 res2.write('<title>Ticket info</title>');743 res2.write('<style>');744 res2.write('#ticinfo {');745 //res2.write('width: 70%;');746 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');747 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');748 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');749 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');750 res2.write('}');751 res2.write('#ticback {');752 res2.write('display: block;')753 res2.write('width: 10%;');754 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');755 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');756 res2.write('color: white;')757 res2.write('background-color: blue;');758 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');759 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')760 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')761 res2.write('}');762 res2.write('#tichdr {');763 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');764 //res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');765 res2.write('}');766 res2.write('#ticket {');767 res2.write('display: block;')768 res2.write('margin: 1% 3% 1% 3%;');769 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');770 res2.write('background-color: white;');771 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');772 res2.write('}');773 //res2.write('');774 res2.write('</style>');775 res2.write('</head>');776 res2.write('<body>');777 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');778 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');779 res2.write('<h3 id="tichdr">ÐÐ°Ñ Ð±Ð¸Ð»ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°ÑегиÑÑÑиÑован: ' + dtVar.toLocaleString() + '</h3>');780 res2.write('<ul id="ticket">');781 res2.write(ticinfo);782 res2.write('</ul>');783 res2.write('</div>');784 res2.write('</body>');785 res2.write('</html>');786 //res2.write('');787 } catch (e) {788 console.error(e.message);789 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });790 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');791 res2.write('<html lang="en">');792 res2.write('<head>');793 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');794 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');795 res2.write('<title>Ticket info processing error</title>');796 res2.write('<style>');797 res2.write('#ticinfo {');798 //res2.write('width: 70%;');799 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');800 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');801 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');802 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');803 res2.write('}');804 res2.write('#ticback {');805 res2.write('display: block;')806 res2.write('width: 10%;');807 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');808 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');809 res2.write('color: white;')810 res2.write('background-color: blue;');811 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');812 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')813 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')814 res2.write('}');815 res2.write('#ticket {');816 res2.write('display: block;')817 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');818 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');819 res2.write('background-color: white;');820 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');821 res2.write('}');822 //res2.write('');823 res2.write('</style>');824 res2.write('</head>');825 res2.write('<body>');826 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');827 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');828 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info processing error</h4>');829 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');830 res2.write(e.message);831 res2.write('</p>');832 res2.write('</div>');833 res2.write('</body>');834 res2.write('</html>');835 }836 res2.end();837 //return rawData;838 });839 }).on('error', (e) => {840 // e.message e.g. "connect ETIMEDOUT"841 console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);842 res2.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });843 res2.write('<!DOCTYPE html>');844 res2.write('<html lang="en">');845 res2.write('<head>');846 res2.write('<meta charset="utf-8" />');847 res2.write('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />');848 res2.write('<title>Ticket info network error</title>');849 res2.write('<style>');850 res2.write('#ticinfo {');851 //res2.write('width: 70%;');852 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');853 res2.write('background-color: #dfdbdb;');854 res2.write('border: thick solid black;');855 res2.write('outline: dashed red;');856 res2.write('}');857 res2.write('#ticback {');858 res2.write('display: block;')859 res2.write('width: 10%;');860 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');861 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');862 res2.write('color: white;')863 res2.write('background-color: blue;');864 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');865 res2.write('border-radius: 15%;')866 res2.write('text-decoration:none;')867 res2.write('}');868 res2.write('#ticket {');869 res2.write('display: block;')870 res2.write('margin: 3% 3% 3% 3%;');871 res2.write('padding: 1% 1% 1% 1%;');872 res2.write('background-color: white;');873 res2.write('border: thin solid black;');874 res2.write('}');875 //res2.write('');876 res2.write('</style>');877 res2.write('</head>');878 res2.write('<body>');879 res2.write('<div id="ticinfo">');880 res2.write('<a id="ticback" href="/">Back</a>');881 res2.write('<h4>Ticket info network error</h4>');882 res2.write('<p id="ticket">');883 res2.write(e.message);884 res2.write('</p>');885 res2.write('</div>');886 res2.write('</body>');887 res2.write('</html>');888 res2.end();889 //return e.message;890 });...
Source: binaryCalculator.js
1/*For Binary Calculator*/2function fnCalSum(dno1,dno2){3 let sum=dno1+dno2;4 res.innerHTML=sum.toString(2);5}6function fnCalSub(dno1,dno2){7 let sub=dno1-dno2;8 res.innerHTML=sub.toString(2);9}10function fnCalMul(dno1,dno2){11 let mul=dno1*dno2;12 res.innerHTML=mul.toString(2);13}14function fnCalDiv(dno1,dno2){15 let div=dno1/dno2;16 res.innerHTML=div.toString(2);17}18function fnToDec(no1,no2,ch){19 let dn1=0,dn2=0;20 let i=0;21 22 while(no1!=0){23 let a=no1%10;24 dn1+=a*(2**i);25 no1=parseInt(no1/10);26 i++;27 }28 i=0;29 while(no2!=0){30 let a=no2%10;31 dn2+=a*(2**i);32 no2=parseInt(no2/10);33 i++;34 }35 36 if(ch=='+') {37 fnCalSum(dn1,dn2);38 }39 else if(ch=='-') {40 fnCalSub(dn1,dn2);41 }42 else if(ch=='*') {43 fnCalMul(dn1,dn2);44 }45 else if(ch=='/') {46 fnCalDiv(dn1,dn2);47 }48}49function fnad0() {50 let res=document.getElementById('res');51 res.innerHTML +=0;52}53function fnad1(){54 let res=document.getElementById('res');55 res.innerHTML+=1;56}57function fnClr(){58 let res=document.getElementById('res');59 res.innerHTML='';60}61function fnEql(){62 let res=document.getElementById('res');63 try{64 if(res.innerHTML.includes('+')){ 65 let operand=res.innerHTML.split('+');66 let n1=Number(operand[0]);67 let n2=Number(operand[1]);68 69 fnToDec(n1,n2,'+');70 71 72 73 }74 else if(res.innerHTML.includes('-')){ 75 let operand=res.innerHTML.split('-');76 let n1=Number(operand[0]);77 let n2=Number(operand[1]);78 fnToDec(n1,n2,'-');79 }80 else if(res.innerHTML.includes('*')){ 81 let operand=res.innerHTML.split('*');82 let n1=Number(operand[0]);83 let n2=Number(operand[1]);84 fnToDec(n1,n2,'*');85 }86 else if(res.innerHTML.includes('/')){ 87 let operand=res.innerHTML.split('/');88 let n1=Number(operand[0]);89 let n2=Number(operand[1]);90 fnToDec(n1,n2,'/');91 }92 }93 catch(e){94 res.innerHTML=e.message;95 }96}97function fnadSum(){98 let res=document.getElementById('res');99 res.innerHTML+='+';100}101function fnadSub(){102 let res=document.getElementById('res');103 res.innerHTML+='-';104}105function fnadMul(){106 let res=document.getElementById('res');107 res.innerHTML+='*';108}109function fnadDiv(){110 let res=document.getElementById('res');111 res.innerHTML+='/';112}113/*For Normal Calculator*/114function f1(){115 res2=document.getElementById('res2');116 res2.innerHTML+=1;117}118function f2(){119 res2=document.getElementById('res2');120 res2.innerHTML+=2;121}122function f3(){123 res2=document.getElementById('res2');124 res2.innerHTML+=3;125}126function fClr(){127 res2=document.getElementById('res2');128 res2.innerHTML="";129}130function fDel(){131}132function f4(){133 res2=document.getElementById('res2');134 res2.innerHTML+=4;135}136function f5(){137 res2=document.getElementById('res2');138 res2.innerHTML+=5;139}140function f6(){141 res2=document.getElementById('res2');142 res2.innerHTML+=6;143}144function f7(){145 res2=document.getElementById('res2');146 res2.innerHTML+=7;147}148function f8(){149 res2=document.getElementById('res2');150 res2.innerHTML+=8;151}152function f9(){153 res2=document.getElementById('res2');154 res2.innerHTML+=9;155}156function f0(){157 res2=document.getElementById('res2');158 res2.innerHTML+=0;159}160function fEql(){161 let res2=document.getElementById('res2');162 try{163 if(res2.innerHTML.includes('+')){ 164 let operand=res2.innerHTML.split('+');165 let n1=Number(operand[0]);166 let n2=Number(operand[1]);167 res2.innerHTML=n1+n2; 168 }169 else if(res2.innerHTML.includes('-')){ 170 let operand=res2.innerHTML.split('-');171 let n1=Number(operand[0]);172 let n2=Number(operand[1]);173 res2.innerHTML=n1-n2;174 175 }176 else if(res2.innerHTML.includes('*')){ 177 let operand=res2.innerHTML.split('*');178 let n1=Number(operand[0]);179 let n2=Number(operand[1]);180 res2.innerHTML=n1*n2;181 182 }183 else if(res2.innerHTML.includes('/')){ 184 let operand=res2.innerHTML.split('/');185 let n1=Number(operand[0]);186 let n2=Number(operand[1]);187 res2.innerHTML=n1/n2;188 }189 else if(res2.innerHTML.includes('%')){ 190 let operand=res2.innerHTML.split('%');191 let n1=Number(operand[0]);192 let n2=Number(operand[1]);193 res2.innerHTML=n1%n2;194 }195 else{ 196 res2.innerHTML="<h6>SORRY FOR TWO OPERANDS ONLY</h6>"; 197 }198 }199 catch(e){200 res2.innerHTML=e.message;201 }202}203function fSum(){204 let res2=document.getElementById('res2');205 res2.innerHTML+='+';206}207function fSub(){208 let res2=document.getElementById('res2');209 res2.innerHTML+='-';210}211function fMul(){212 let res2=document.getElementById('res2');213 res2.innerHTML+='*';214}215function fDiv(){216 let res2=document.getElementById('res2');217 res2.innerHTML+='/';218}219function fMod(){220let res2=document.getElementById('res2');221 res2.innerHTML+='%';...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log(data);8 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var options = {3};4var wpt = new WebPageTest('', options);5wpt.runTest(url, {6}, function(err, data) {7 if (err) return console.error(err);8 console.log('Test %s from %s completed',,;9 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.error(err);11 console.log('Test %s from %s completed',,;12 });13});14#### runTest(url, options, callback)15#### getTestResults(testId, callback)16#### getTestStatus(testId, callback)17#### getTestLocation(location,
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var webpagetest = new wpt('', 'A.1c7d9f8b8e0a3a4a5c6e7f8g9h0a1b2c3');3}, function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);6 if (data.statusCode === 200) {7 console.log('Test completed in ' + + 'ms');8 }9});10webpagetest.getTestResults(150529_4A_4e8f4c1b4e9e9f2f4c8c2e4d4f4a4d4, function(err, data) {11 if (err) return console.error(err);12 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);13 if (data.statusCode === 200) {14 console.log('Test completed in ' + + 'ms');15 }16});
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