Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1#!/usr/bin/env node2/**3 * a (very preliminary) node implementation of the RC-620S FeliCa reader serial communication4 * with minimal dependencies.5 *6 * NOTE : before using, you should :7 *8 * (0) install npm package "serialport" globally; this package requires9 * the newest version of g++ (the Raspi3B should be fine without this step)10 *11 * sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.812 * sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 2013 * sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 5014 * sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.6 2015 * sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 5016 *17 *18 * (1) connect your RC-S620S to your Pi19 * RC-S620:VDD --> Pi:5V or 3.3V rail20 * RC-S620:GND --> Pi:GND21 * RC-S620:RxD --> Pi:UART0-TxD22 * RC-S620:TxD --> Pi:UART0-RxD23 *24 *25 * for the UART0-TxD and UART0-RxD pin number, google : Raspberry Pi GPIO26 * e.g. Raspi3B's UART0-TXD is pin #8 and UART0-RXD is pin #1027 *28 * (2) disable boot console in serial port ; modify /boot/cmdline.txt29 * change 'console=ttyAMA0,115200' --> 'console=tty1'30 * (3) for Raspberry Pi 3 models, create/append to /boot.config.txt31 * 'dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt'32 *33 * NOTE : lots of code was translated from :34 * @link */36'use strict'37const SerialPort = require('serialport'),38 {range, serial, int2strbinLE, read_number} = require('./felicaca_utils')39// -- the following function is for debug only --40//function buffer2hex(buf) {41// var out = []42// for (const value of buf.values()) {43// let o = Number(value).toString(16)44// out.push(((o.length < 2) ? '0' : '') + o)45// }46// return out.join(' ')47//}48/**49 *50 * @param {...Buffer|string} _51 * @returns {Buffer}52 */53function concat_buffer(_) {54 var ingredients = []55 for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {56 var arg = arguments[i]57 if (arg instanceof Buffer) ingredients.push(arg);58 else if (typeof arg === 'number') ingredients.push(Buffer.from(String.fromCharCode(arg), 'ascii'));59 else if (typeof arg === 'string') ingredients.push(Buffer.from(arg, 'ascii'));60 else throw 'expecting number,string,Buffer ; received : ' + JSON.stringify(arg);61 }62 return Buffer.concat(ingredients)63}64// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -65class Rcs620s {66 /**67 *68 * @param {string} port69 * path to the unix port of the connection70 * @param {number} [baudrate=115200]71 * @param {function} [on_ready]72 * called when the serial port is open and ready to use73 * if omitted then you should inspect property: is_ready74 * to determine when the serial port is ready for use75 * @param {number} [timeout=1000]76 * felica timeout in milliseconds77 */78 constructor(port = '/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate = 115200, on_ready = '', timeout = 1000) {79 //console.log(`creating SerialPort ; port = ${port}`)80 this._timeout = typeof timeout === 'number' && timeout ? timeout : 100081 this._ser = new SerialPort(port, {baudRate: baudrate})82 this._busy = false83 this._on_ready = ''84 this._is_ready = false85 if (typeof on_ready === 'function') this._on_ready = on_ready;86 this._ser.on('open', () => {87 // console.log('now open')88 this._is_ready = true89 if (typeof this._on_ready === 'function')90 this._on_ready.apply(this);91 })92 /**93 * @type {Buffer}94 * @private95 */96 this._read_buffer = ''97 this._read_queue = []98 this._ser.on('data', buffer => {99 if (!this._read_buffer) {100 this._read_buffer = buffer101 //console.log(`[read-queue] received ${buffer.length} bytes =`, buffer)102 return103 }104 this._read_buffer = Buffer.concat([this._read_buffer, buffer])105 //console.log(`[read-queue] received ${buffer.length} bytes =`, this._read_buffer)106 })107 this._read_timer = setInterval(() => {108 if (!this._read_queue || !this._read_queue.length) return;109 //console.log(colors.magenta('read timer'))110 var read_req = this._read_queue[0],111 now = (new Date).getTime()112 if (now >= read_req.time_expire) {113 read_req.ng_callback('timeout')114 this._read_buffer.shift() // delete the first item from the queues115 return116 }117 if (!this._read_buffer) return;118 let bytes_to_take = this._read_buffer.length >= read_req.bytes_needed119 ? read_req.bytes_needed120 : this._read_buffer.length121 read_req.buffers.push(this._read_buffer.slice(0, bytes_to_take))122 read_req.bytes_needed -= bytes_to_take123 this._read_buffer = this._read_buffer.slice(bytes_to_take)124 // check if the request has fulfilled125 let out_buffer = Buffer.concat(read_req.buffers),126 check_ok127 if (!read_req.bytes_needed) {128 // no more bytes needed; perform a check then either accept or reject it129 if (read_req.check) {130 check_ok = false131 if ('function' === typeof read_req.check)132 check_ok = read_req.check.apply(this, [out_buffer]);133 else if ('string' === typeof read_req.check)134 check_ok = read_req.check === out_buffer.toString('hex');135 else136 console.warn('[warn] expecting function or string in variable element "check" ; received : ',137 read_req.check);138 }139 else check_ok = true;140 if (!check_ok) {141 console.warn(`check failed; read_req.check=`, JSON.stringify(read_req.check))142 read_req.ng_callback('check-failed')143 }144 // console.log('emitting buffer :'), out_buffer)145 read_req.ok_callback(out_buffer)146 this._read_queue.shift() // delete the first item from the queues147 }148 }, 10)149 }150 /**151 * @param {number} length152 * number of bytes to expect to receive153 * @param {function|string} check154 * if string, it must be a hex string, e.g. '00112233'155 * if function, then the result Buffer is passed; to accept this data buffer, return TRUE156 * @param {number} [timeout]157 * in millisecond158 * @return {Promise}159 * if successful, resolves with : function(buffer) {..}160 * if fail, rejects with : function(err_str) {..}161 * @protected162 */163 _read(length, check = '', timeout) {164 // console.log(`[read-queue] queuing read request for ${length} bytes`)165 if (typeof timeout !== 'number' || timeout) timeout = this._timeout;166 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {167 let now = (new Date).getTime()168 this._read_queue.push({169 time_in: now,170 time_expire: now + timeout,171 bytes_needed: length,172 buffers: [],173 check: check,174 ok_callback: ok,175 ng_callback: ng176 })177 })178 }179 close(timeout = 1000) {180 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {181 var timer = 0182 this._ser.on('close', () => {183 if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);184 ok()185 })186 this._ser.close()187 setTimeout(() => ng('timeout'), timeout)188 })189 }190 /**191 * @param {function} func192 */193 set on_ready(func) {194 if (typeof func === 'function') {195 this._on_ready = func;196 if (this._is_ready) func.apply(this);197 }198 }199 /**200 *201 * @return {boolean}202 */203 get is_ready() {204 return this._is_ready205 }206 /**207 *208 * @param {Buffer} buffer209 * @returns {Promise}210 * if success, resolves with no arguments211 * if fail, rejects with err_reason_str212 * @private213 */214 _write_serial(buffer) {215 if (!(buffer instanceof Buffer)) throw `expecting Buffer instance ; received : ${buffer}`;216 // console.log('writing :'), buffer2hex(buffer))217 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {218 if (this._ser) {219 this._ser.write(buffer)220 this._ser.drain(() => ok())221 }222 else ng('serial-port-not-ready');223 })224 }225 /**226 *227 * @param {...Buffer|string} _228 * @returns {Promise}229 * @private230 */231 _concat_and_write_serial(_) {232 let buffer = concat_buffer.apply(this, [] return this._write_serial(buffer)234 }235 /**236 *237 * @param {number} length238 * @param {string} [encoding]239 * if non-empty string, then response will be encoded in this encoding240 * @param {function} [check_func]241 * should be : function (res_buffer_or_str) {..}242 * return true to accept this response243 * @returns {Buffer|string|false}244 * if fail returns false245 * @private246 */247 _read_serial(length, encoding, check_func) {248 console.log(`reading ${length} bytes from :`, this._data_in)249 let res = this._data_in_get(length)250 console.log('...', res)251 if (!res || !res.length) return false;252 if (encoding) res = res.toString(encoding);253 if (typeof check_func === 'function' && !check_func(res)) return false;254 console.log('read :', res)255 return res;256 }257 /**258 * @param {Buffer} buffer:259 * @return {number}260 */261 static _calculate_checksum(buffer) {262 var check_sum = 0263 for (const value of buffer.values()) {264 check_sum += value265 }266 // console.log('sum:', check_sum)267 let dcs = (-check_sum) & 0xff268 // console.log('dcs:', dcs)269 return dcs270 }271 /**272 *273 * @param {string|Buffer} command274 * @return {Promise}275 * @private276 */277 _card_command(command) {278 // console.log(colors.bgBlue.cyan.bold('[ex-commmand]'), command)279 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {280 let command_timeout = this._timeout >= (0x10000 / 2) ? 0xffff : this._timeout * 2,281 command_buffer = concat_buffer(282 '\xd4\xa0',283 int2strbinLE(command_timeout, 2),284 String.fromCharCode(command.length + 1),285 command286 )287 this._rw_command(command_buffer, buf =>288 buf.length >= 4289 && buf.toString('hex').indexOf('d5a100') === 0290 && buf.length === buf[3] + 3291 ).then(292 buffer => {293 let card_command_out = buffer.slice(4)294 // console.log(colors.bgBlue.cyan.bold('[ex-commmand OK]'), card_command_out)295 ok(card_command_out)296 },297 error => ng({error: 'ex-command-failed', error2: error})298 )299 })300 }301 /**302 * @param {string|Buffer} command to send303 * @param {function|string} [check]304 * if function, then the result Buffer will be passed; you should return a true to indicate acceptance305 * if string, then the buffer is converted to string and compared against this string306 * @return {Promise}307 * if success, resolves with : function (result_buffer) {..}308 * if fail, rejects with : function (err_string) {..}309 *310 */311 _rw_command(command, check) {312 return new Promise((overall_ok, overall_ng) => {313 var me = this,314 self = this.constructor,315 send_buffer = command instanceof Buffer ? command : Buffer.from(command, 'ascii'),316 len = send_buffer.length,317 dcs = self._calculate_checksum(send_buffer)318 //console.log('-------------------------------------\nwill send command :', buffer2hex(send_buffer))319 this._data_in = ''320 this._ser.flush(() => {321 //322 // 0. send: payload length323 // 1. send: payload324 // 2. send: checksum325 // 3. recv: 6-byte response326 //327 let req = '\x00\x00\xff',328 promise0329 if (len <= 255) {330 // normal frame331 promise0 = me._concat_and_write_serial(req,332 String.fromCharCode(len),333 String.fromCharCode((-len) & 0xff))334 }335 else {336 // extended frame337 // æªãã¹ãã§ã338 let buffer1 = concat_buffer(req, '\xff\xff',339 String.fromCharCode((len >> 8) & 0xff),340 String.fromCharCode((len >> 0) & 0xff)341 )342 promise0 = me._concat_and_write_serial(buffer1,343 String.fromCharCode(self._calculate_checksum(buffer1.slice(2)))344 )345 }346 promise0.then(347 () => {348 let promise1 = me._write_serial(send_buffer)349 promise1.then(350 () => {351 let promise2 = me._concat_and_write_serial(dcs, '\x00')352 promise2.then(353 () => {354 // receive an ACK355 // console.log('expecting ack'))356 me._read(6, '0000ff00ff00').then(357 res_buffer => {358 // console.log('got ack'))359 // got an ACK! receive a message360 me._read(5, buf => buf.toString('hex').indexOf('0000ff') === 0).then(361 response_body => {362 // got a message; determine response length363 let response_len = 0364 if (response_body[3] === 0xff && response_body[4] === 0xff) {365 // ???366 response_body = this._read_serial(3)367 if (!response_body || self._calculate_checksum(response_body) !== 0)368 return this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng('response-checksum-error'));369 response_len = String.fromCharCode(370 (response_body[5] << 8) | (response_body[6] << 0))371 }372 else {373 if (self._calculate_checksum(response_body.slice(3)) !== 0)374 return this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng('response-checksum-error'));375 response_len = response_body[3];376 }377 if (response_len > self.MAX_RW_RESPONSE_LEN)378 return this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng('response-too-long'));379 // wait for response body380 // console.log(`reading response : ${response_len} bytes`))381 me._read(response_len).then(382 response_body => {383 // console.log(`got response :`), response_body)384 // got response body; compute DCS385 let dcs = self._calculate_checksum(response_body)386 // console.log('* response DCS :', dcs)387 // compare DCS with provided one , which we will read now..388 me._read(2, buf => buf[0] === dcs && buf[1] === 0x00).then(389 dcs_buffer => {390 // checksum OK391 if (check) {392 let check_ok = false393 if (typeof check === 'function')394 check_ok = check.apply(this, [response_body]);395 else if (typeof check === 'string')396 check_ok = response_body.toString('hex') === check;397 else398 console.warn('expecting string or function in "check"; received :', check);399 }400 if (!check)401 return this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng('check-failed'));402 // check OK403 return overall_ok(response_body)404 },405 err => this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng({406 error: 'response-checksum-invalid',407 error2: err408 }))409 )410 },411 err => this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng({412 error: 'read-response-failed',413 error2: err414 }))415 )416 },417 err => this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng({418 error: 'no-valid-message',419 error2: err420 }))421 )422 },423 err => this._cancel().then(() => overall_ng({424 error: 'no-ack',425 error2: err426 }))427 )428 },429 err => overall_ng({error: 'promise2-failed', error2: err})430 ) // promise2.then431 },432 err => overall_ng({error: 'promise1-failed', error2: err})433 ) // promise1.then434 },435 err => overall_ng({error: 'promise0-failed', error2: err})436 ) // promise0.then437 }) // flush438 })439 } // end _send_and_receive440 /**441 * sends a cancel, duh442 * @returns {Promise}443 * if successful, resolves with no arguments;444 * if fail, resolves with one argument: err_str445 * @private446 */447 _cancel() {448 var me = this449 return new Promise(ok => {450// console.log('sending cancel command ...')451 me._concat_and_write_serial('\x00\x00\xff\x00\xff\x00').then(452 () => {453 setTimeout(() => {454 me._ser.flush()455 me._data_in = ''456 ok()457 }, 10)458 },459 err_str => ok(err_str)460 )461 })462 }463 init_device() {464 let me = this465 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {466 // console.log('serial port is now open')467 // 1. open device468 me._rw_command('\xd4\x32\x02\x00\x00\x00', 'd533').then(469 response_buffer1 => {470 // console.log('## open device OK')471 // 2. RFConfiguration (max retries)472 me._rw_command('\xd4\x32\x05\x00\x00\x00', 'd533').then(473 response_buffer2 => {474 // console.log('## RFConfiguration OK')475 // RFConfiguration (additional wait time = 24ms)476 this._rw_command('\xd4\x32\x81\xb7', 'd533').then(477 response_buffer3 => {478 // console.log('## RFConfiguration 2 OK')479 ok()480 },481 err => ng({error: 'RFConfiguration-2-failed', error2: err})482 )483 },484 err => ng({error: 'RFConfiguration-1-failed', error2: err})485 )486 },487 err => ng({error: 'open-device-failed', error2: err})488 )489 })490 }491 polling(system_code) {492 if (this._busy)493 return new Promise((ok, ng) => ng('busy'));494 this._busy = true495 // console.log("### polling")496 let me = this497 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {498 me._rw_command(499 concat_buffer('\xd4\x4a\x01\x01\x00', system_code, '\x00\x0f'),500 buf => {501 let hex = buf.toString('hex');502 return buf && (503 hex.indexOf('d54b01011201') === 0 || hex.indexOf('d54b00') === 0504 )505 }506 ).then(507 response_buffer1 => {508 me._busy = false509 let hex = response_buffer1.toString('hex');510 if (hex.indexOf('d54b01011201') === 0) {511 let idm = response_buffer1.slice(6, 6 + 8),512 pmn = response_buffer1.slice(14, 14 + 8)513 ok({idm: idm, pmn: pmn})514 }515 else ok();516 },517 err => {518 me._busy = false519 ng({error: 'InListPassiveTarget-failed', error2: err})520 }521 )522 })523 }524 /**525 *526 * @param {...Buffer|string} _527 * @returns {Buffer}528 * @private529 */530 static _concat_buffer(_) {531 let concat_from = []532 for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {533 let arg = arguments[i]534 concat_from.push(arg instanceof Buffer ? arg : new Buffer(arg, 'ascii'))535 }536 return Buffer.concat(concat_from)537 }538 _request_service(idm, service_code) {539 let me = this,540 self = this.constructor541 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {542 // construct command : 02 <IDM> 01 <SERVICE_CODE>543 let command = self._concat_buffer('\x02', idm, '\x01', service_code),544 res_prefix_expected = self._concat_buffer('\x03', idm).toString('hex')545 // console.log('requesting service; sending command:', command, '; expecting res-prefix:', res_prefix_expected)546 // console.log(colors.bgMagenta.yellow.bold('sending card-command'))547 this._card_command(command, buf => {548 // console.log(colors.bgMagenta.yellow.bold('request-service : checking buffer: '), buf)549 return buf550 && buf.length === 12551 && buf.toString('hex').indexOf(res_prefix_expected) === 0552 && buf.slice(10).toString('hex') !== 'ffff'553 }554 ).then(555 response_buffer => ok(),556 err => ng({error: 'request-service-failed', error2: err})557 )558 })559 }560 _read_without_encryption(idm, service_code, block_number) {561 // æå·åãªãã§èªã562 let me = this,563 self = this.constructor564 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {565 let command = self._concat_buffer('\x06', idm, '\x01', // ãµã¼ãã¹æ°566 service_code, '\x01',// ãããã¯æ°(ãªããè¤æ°æå®ããã¨ã¨ã©ã¼ãè¿ã)567 '\x80', String.fromCharCode(block_number)568 ),569 res_prefix_expected = self._concat_buffer('\x07', idm).toString('ascii')570 this._card_command(command, buf =>571 buf && buf.length === 28572 && (buf.toString('ascii').indexOf(res_prefix_expected) === 0)573 ).then(574 response_buffer => ok(response_buffer.slice(12)),575 err => ng({error: 'rw-command-failed', error2: err})576 )577 })578 }579 _read_without_encryption2(idm, service_code, block_number, length) {580 let me = this581 me._busy = true582 // console.log(colors.bgCyan.yellow.bold(`read without encryption; block ${block_number} , len ${length}`))583 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {584 let tasks = range(length).map(585 i => {586 return () => new Promise((task_ok, task_ng) => {587 me._read_without_encryption(idm, service_code, block_number + i).then(588 buf => task_ok(buf),589 err => {590 console.warn(colors.bgRed.yellow.bold(`read-without-encryption-failed ; block: ${block_number + i} ; error :`), err)591 return task_ng({592 error: 'read-without-encryption-failed',593 error2: err,594 block_number: block_number + i595 })596 }597 )598 })599 }600 )601 serial(tasks).then(602 results => {603 me._busy = false604 // console.log('tasks completed!')605 ok(Buffer.concat(results))606 },607 err => {608 me._busy = false609 return ng({error: 'read-without-encryption2-task-error', error2: err})610 }611 )612 })613 }614 read_block(idm, service_code, block_number, length) {615 // console.log(' ### reading block ### '))616 // åå¨ç¢ºèªãã¦ããèªã617 let me = this618 return new Promise((ok, ng) => {619 me._request_service(idm, service_code).then(620 () => {621 // console.log(colors.bgMagenta.yellow.bold('request service OK!'))622 me._read_without_encryption2(idm, service_code, block_number, length).then(623 buf => ok(buf),624 err => ng({error: 'read-without-encryption2-failed', error2: err})625 )626 },627 err => ng({error: 'request-service-failed', error2: err})628 )629 })630 }631 read_service(idm, sevice) {632 var self = this.constructor633 if (!sevice.service_code || !sevice.blocks)634 throw 'expecting service_dict to be {service_code:xx, blocks:xx}';635 return new Promise((read_service_ok, read_service_ng) => {636 let service_code = sevice.service_code,637 blocks = sevice.blocks,638 processing = sevice.processing,639 funcs = [];640 for (let i = 0; i < blocks; ++i) {641 funcs.push(() => this.read_block(idm, service_code, i, blocks))642 }643 // run each func sequentially644 serial(funcs).then(645 results => read_service_ok(processing(results)),646 err => read_service_ng(err)647 )648 })649 }650}651Rcs620s.SYSTEM_CODE = {652 SUICA: '\x00\x03',653 COMMON: '\xfe\x00',654 SETAMARU: '\x80\x2B',655 IRUCA: '\x80\xDE'656}657Rcs620s.SERVICES = {658 SUICA: {659 // å±æ§æ
å ± : PROPERTIES: {661 service_code: '\x8b\x00', blocks: 1, processing: results => {662 let data = results[0]663 if (!data) return;664 return {665 // card_type: 'wip',666 // card_region: 'wip',667 balance: read_number(data, 11, 2, 'LE')668 }669 }670 },671 // -- below are work in progress --672 USAGE_HISTORY: {service_code: '\x0f\x09', blocks: 20}, // å©ç¨å±¥æ´673 TICKET_HISTORY: {service_code: '\x8f\x10', blocks: 3}, // æ¹æå
¥åºå ´å±¥æ´674 SF_TICKET_HISTORY: {service_code: '\xcb\x10', blocks: 3}, // SFå
¥å ´é§
è¨é²675 FARE_HISTORY: {service_code: '\x4b\x81', blocks: 36} // æé çºå¸/æ¹æè¨é²676 }677}678Rcs620s.MAX_RW_RESPONSE_LEN = 265...
1var structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s =2[3 [ "geometry", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#a1323f9132ddbfc1a40372eaaf5d2c188", null ],4 [ "init", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#a6152bfd8b6bff60b1cea6fa7bbeb7922", null ],5 [ "ioctl", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#a0fb56a4c456fa68b1227378dd8386bc8", null ],6 [ "read_req", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#a97dd0ac6ca243709e46b1ecf22cdca19", null ],7 [ "uninit", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#af6c47f6e7c7a1a93bdd85aa128ed2c14", null ],8 [ "write_req", "structnrf__block__dev__s_1_1nrf__block__dev__ops__s.html#a02e07a8988494e28521fa62608e95150", null ]...
1var searchData=2[3 ['read_5freq',['READ_REQ',['../group__ble__ancs__c.html#gga55a6187b0668d07e30b962f572933bd4a9de983b172c0f6472f18eb69b73fdfca',1,'READ_REQ(): ancs_tx_buffer.h'],['../group__ble__ancs__c.html#gga55a6187b0668d07e30b962f572933bd4a9de983b172c0f6472f18eb69b73fdfca',1,'READ_REQ(): ots_tx_buffer.h']]],4 ['reserved0',['RESERVED0',['../group__ant__sdk__profiles__bsc__page4.html#gga77cd522377caccea2ba3af2a21a78806aea61bb45ae2ff33663da99c18318dd56',1,'ant_bsc_page_4.h']]],5 ['reserved1',['RESERVED1',['../group__ant__sdk__profiles__bsc__page4.html#gga77cd522377caccea2ba3af2a21a78806a3401f88113645c341c269d49d044a020',1,'ant_bsc_page_4.h']]]...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2wpt.read_req(url, function(error, data) {3 if (error) {4 console.log(error);5 } else {6 console.log(data);7 }8});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt-api.js');2 if (err) {3 console.log(err);4 } else {5 console.log(data);6 }7});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2var config = require('./config.js');3var options = {4}5wpt.read_req(options, function (err, data) {6 if (err) {7 console.log(err);8 }9 else {10 console.log(data);11 }12})
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2var fs = require('fs');3 console.log(data);4 fs.writeFile("output.json", JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), function(err) {5 if(err) {6 console.log(err);7 } else {8 console.log("JSON saved to output.json");9 }10 }); 11});12var wpt = require('./wpt.js');13var fs = require('fs');14 console.log(data);15 fs.writeFile("output.json", JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), function(err) {16 if(err) {17 console.log(err);18 } else {19 console.log("JSON saved to output.json");20 }21 }); 22});23var wpt = require('./wpt.js');24var fs = require('fs');25 console.log(data);26 fs.writeFile("output.json", JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), function(err) {27 if(err) {28 console.log(err);29 } else {30 console.log("JSON saved to output.json");31 }32 }); 33});34var wpt = require('./wpt.js');35var fs = require('fs');36 console.log(data);37 fs.writeFile("output.json", JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), function(err) {38 if(err) {39 console.log(err);40 } else {41 console.log("JSON saved to output.json");42 }43 }); 44});45var wpt = require('./wpt.js');46var fs = require('fs');
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