Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1define(function(require, exports, module) {2 /*!3 ** Thenable -- Embeddable Minimum Strictly-Compliant Promises/A+ 1.1.1 Thenable4 ** Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Ralf S. Engelschall <>5 ** Licensed under The MIT License <>6 ** Source-Code distributed on <>7 */8 /* promise states [Promises/A+ 2.1] */9 var STATE_PENDING = 0; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.1] */10 var STATE_FULFILLED = 1; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.2] */11 var STATE_REJECTED = 2; /* [Promises/A+ 2.1.3] */12 /* promise object constructor */13 var Promise = function(executor) {14 /* optionally support non-constructor/plain-function call */15 if (!(this instanceof Promise))16 return new Promise(executor);17 /* initialize object */18 = 'Thenable/1.0.7';19 this.state = STATE_PENDING; /* initial state */20 this.fulfillValue = undefined; /* initial value */ /* [Promises/A+ 1.3,] */21 this.rejectReason = undefined; /* initial reason */ /* [Promises/A+ 1.5,] */22 this.onFulfilled = []; /* initial handlers */23 this.onRejected = []; /* initial handlers */24 /* support optional executor function */25 if (typeof executor === 'function')26, this.fulfill.bind(this), this.reject.bind(this));27 };28 /* Promise API methods */29 Promise.prototype = {30 /* promise resolving methods */31 fulfill: function(value) { return deliver(this, STATE_FULFILLED, 'fulfillValue', value); },32 reject: function(value) { return deliver(this, STATE_REJECTED, 'rejectReason', value); },33 /* 'The then Method' [Promises/A+ 1.1, 1.2, 2.2] */34 then: function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {35 var curr = this;36 var next = new Promise(); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.7] */37 curr.onFulfilled.push(38 resolver(onFulfilled, next, 'fulfill')); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.2/2.2.6] */39 curr.onRejected.push(40 resolver(onRejected, next, 'reject')); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.3/2.2.6] */41 execute(curr);42 return next; /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.7, 3.3] */43 }44 };45 Promise.all = function (arr) {46 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {47 var len = arr.length,48 i = 0,49 res = 0,50 results = [];51 if (len === 0) {52 resolve(results);53 }54 while (i < len) {55 arr[i].then(56 function (result) {57 results.push(result);58 if (++res === len) {59 resolve(results);60 }61 },62 function (val) {63 reject(val);64 }65 );66 i++;67 }68 });69 };70 /* deliver an action */71 var deliver = function(curr, state, name, value) {72 if (curr.state === STATE_PENDING) {73 curr.state = state; /* [Promises/A+,] */74 curr[name] = value; /* [Promises/A+,] */75 execute(curr);76 }77 return curr;78 };79 /* execute all handlers */80 var execute = function(curr) {81 if (curr.state === STATE_FULFILLED)82 execute_handlers(curr, 'onFulfilled', curr.fulfillValue);83 else if (curr.state === STATE_REJECTED)84 execute_handlers(curr, 'onRejected', curr.rejectReason);85 };86 /* execute particular set of handlers */87 var execute_handlers = function(curr, name, value) {88 /* global process: true */89 /* global setImmediate: true */90 /* global setTimeout: true */91 /* short-circuit processing */92 if (curr[name].length === 0)93 return;94 /* iterate over all handlers, exactly once */95 var handlers = curr[name];96 curr[name] = []; /* [Promises/A+,] */97 var func = function() {98 for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++)99 handlers[i](value); /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.5] */100 };101 /* execute procedure asynchronously */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.4, 3.1] */102 if (typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function')103 process.nextTick(func);104 else if (typeof setImmediate === 'function')105 setImmediate(func);106 else107 setTimeout(func, 0);108 };109 /* generate a resolver function */110 var resolver = function(cb, next, method) {111 return function(value) {112 if (typeof cb !== 'function') /* [Promises/A+ 2.2.1,,] */113 next[method].call(next, value); /* [Promises/A+,] */114 else {115 var result;116 try {117 if (value instanceof Promise) {118 result = value.then(cb);119 }120 else result = cb(value);121 } /* [Promises/A+,, 2.2.5, 3.2] */122 catch (e) {123 next.reject(e); /* [Promises/A+] */124 return;125 }126 resolve(next, result); /* [Promises/A+] */127 }128 };129 };130 /* 'Promise Resolution Procedure' */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.3] */131 var resolve = function(promise, x) {132 /* sanity check arguments */ /* [Promises/A+ 2.3.1] */133 if (promise === x) {134 promise.reject(new TypeError('cannot resolve promise with itself'));135 return;136 }137 /* surgically check for a 'then' method138 (mainly to just call the 'getter' of 'then' only once) */139 var then;140 if ((typeof x === 'object' && x !== null) || typeof x === 'function') {141 try { then = x.then; } /* [Promises/A+, 3.5] */142 catch (e) {143 promise.reject(e); /* [Promises/A+] */144 return;145 }146 }147 /* handle own Thenables [Promises/A+ 2.3.2]148 and similar 'thenables' [Promises/A+ 2.3.3] */149 if (typeof then === 'function') {150 var resolved = false;151 try {152 /* call retrieved 'then' method */ /* [Promises/A+] */153,154 /* resolvePromise */ /* [Promises/A+] */155 function(y) {156 if (resolved) return; resolved = true; /* [Promises/A+] */157 if (y === x) /* [Promises/A+ 3.6] */158 promise.reject(new TypeError('circular thenable chain'));159 else160 resolve(promise, y);161 },162 /* rejectPromise */ /* [Promises/A+] */163 function(r) {164 if (resolved) return; resolved = true; /* [Promises/A+] */165 promise.reject(r);166 }167 );168 }169 catch (e) {170 if (!resolved) /* [Promises/A+] */171 promise.reject(e); /* [Promises/A+] */172 }173 return;174 }175 /* handle other values */176 promise.fulfill(x); /* [Promises/A+ 2.3.4,] */177 };178 Promise.resolve = function(value) {179 return new Promise(function(resolve) {180 resolve(value);181 });182 };183 Promise.reject = function(reason) {184 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {185 reject(reason);186 });187 };188 /* export API */189 module.exports = Promise;...
1$("#btn-created-promises").click(function () {2 $("#table-created-promises").toggle("slow");3});4$("#btn-more-created-promises").click(function () {5 user = new Object();6 = $(".user-email").text();7 user.offset = $("#table-created-promises tbody tr").length;8 getMoreCreatedPromises(user);9});10function getMoreCreatedPromises(user) {11 $("#btn-more-created-promises").hide();12 $("#table-created-promises .processing-image").show();13 var userJSON = JSON.stringify(user);14 $.ajax({15 type: "POST",16 url: getMoreCreatedPromisesUrl,17 data: {user: userJSON},18 success: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {19 var json = JSON.parse(data);20 if (json.success) {21 fillTableCreatedPromises(json);22 }23 },24 fail: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {25 console.log(txtStatus);26 console.log("fail");27 $("#table-created-promises .alert-danger").text("Error inesperado, prueba mas tarde.");28 $("#table-created-promises").find(".processing-image").hide();29 },30 error: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {31 var json = JSON.parse(data.responseText);32 if (json.error) {33 $("#table-created-promises .alert-danger").text(json.error);34 }35 },36 complete: function () {37 $("#table-created-promises").find(".processing-image").hide();38 }39 });40}41function fillTableCreatedPromises(json) {42 if (json.nextCreatedPromises === "more" || json.nextCreatedPromises === "no-more")43 {44 $("#btn-created-promises").show();45 $(".panel-body hr").show();46 if (json.createdPromises) {47 for (i = 0; i < json.createdPromises.length; i++)48 {49 var description = json.createdPromises[i]["description"];50 var action = json.createdPromises[i]["action"];51 var lastDateAction = json.createdPromises[i]["dateEvent"];52 var datePromise = json.createdPromises[i]["datePromise"];53 if (json.createdPromises[i]["ownerName"])54 {55 var ownerDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["ownerName"];56 } else if (json.createdPromises[i]["ownerEmail"])57 {58 var ownerDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["ownerEmail"];59 }60 else if (json.createdPromises[i]["ownerPhone"])61 {62 var ownerDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["ownerPhone"];63 }64 if (json.createdPromises[i]["receiverName"])65 {66 var receiverDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["receiverName"];67 } else if (json.createdPromises[i]["receiverEmail"])68 {69 var receiverDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["receiverEmail"];70 }71 else if (json.createdPromises[i]["receiverPhone"])72 {73 var receiverDisplay = json.createdPromises[i]["receiverPhone"];74 }75 var ownerCode = json.createdPromises[i]["ownerCode"];76 var receiverCode = json.createdPromises[i]["receiverCode"];77 var code = json.createdPromises[i]["code"];78 //to translate to any desire language translate-actions.js79 var actionText = translateActions(action);80 if (i === 0) {81 $("#table-created-promises tbody").append("<tr class='scroll-mark'>");82 } else {83 $("#table-created-promises tbody").append("<tr>");84 }85 $("#table-created-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td ><div class='date-action'>"+datePromise+"</div><a href=promise/" + code + "><div class='description dotdotdot'>" + description + "</div></a></td>");86 if (action === "claim" || action === "review")87 {88 var userToDisplay = ownerDisplay;89 var userToDisplayCode = ownerCode;90 } else {91 var userToDisplay = receiverDisplay;92 var userToDisplayCode = receiverCode;93 }94 $("#table-created-promises tbody td:last").append("<div class='responsive-actions'><div class='date-action'>" + lastDateAction + "</div><div class='text-action'>" + actionText + userToDisplay + "</div><a href='profile?info=" + userToDisplayCode + "' > <div > <b>==> Ver perfil público</b> </div></a></td>");95 $("#table-created-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td class='actions'><div class='date-action'>" + lastDateAction + "</div><div class='text-action'>" + actionText + userToDisplay + "</div><a href='profile?info=" + userToDisplayCode + "' > <div > <b>==> Ver perfil público</b> </div></a></td>");96 if (action === "claim") {97 $("#table-created-promises tbody tr:last").addClass("table-danger");98 } else if (action === "review") {99 $("#table-created-promises tbody tr:last").addClass("table-success");100 }101 }102 $("#table-created-promises").show("slow", function () {103 $("#table-created-promises").find(".dotdotdot").dotdotdot({104 ellipsis: '... ',105 wrap: 'word',106 height: 100,107 watch: true108 });109 $("#table-created-promises").find(".description").show();110 if ($("#table-created-promises tbody tr").length > 0) {111 // $("body").animate({scrollTop: $("#table-created-promises tbody .scroll-mark:last").offset().top - 200}, 2000);112 }113 if (json.nextCreatedPromises === "more") {114 $("#count-created-promises").text("(" + $("#table-created-promises tbody tr").length + "+)");115 $("#btn-more-created-promises").show("slow");116 } else {117 $("#count-created-promises").text("(" + $("#table-created-promises tbody tr").length + ")");118 }119 });120 }121 }...
1$("#btn-own-promises").click(function () {2 $("#table-own-promises").toggle("slow");3});4$("#btn-refresh-own-promises").click(function () {5 $("#btn-refresh-own-promises").hide();6 var offset = 0;7 $("#table-own-promises tbody tr").each(function () {8 $(this).remove();9 });10 getMoreOwnPromises(offset);11});12$("#btn-more-own-promises").click(function () {13 $("#table-own-promises .alert-danger").text("");14 user = new Object();15 var offset = $("#table-own-promises tbody tr").length;16 getMoreOwnPromises(offset);17});18function getMoreOwnPromises(offset) {19 $("#btn-more-own-promises").hide();20 $("#table-own-promises .processing-image").show();21 $.ajax({22 type: "POST",23 url: getMoreOwnPromisesUrl,24 data: {offset: offset},25 success: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {26 var json = JSON.parse(data);27 if (json.success) {28 fillTableOwnPromises(json)29 30 }31 },32 fail: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {33 console.log(txtStatus);34 console.log("fail");35 $("#table-own-promises .alert-danger").text("Error inesperado, prueba mas tarde.");36 },37 error: function (data, txtStatus, jqXHR) {38 var json = JSON.parse(data.responseText);39 if (json.error) {40 $("#table-own-promises .alert-danger").text(json.error);41 }42 },43 complete: function () {44 $("#table-own-promises").find(".processing-image").hide();45 $("#btn-refresh-own-promises").show();46 }47 });48}49function fillTableOwnPromises(json) {50 if (json.nextOwnPromises === "more" || json.nextOwnPromises === "no-more")51 {52 $("#btn-own-promises").show();53 $("#btn-refresh-own-promises").show();54 if (json.ownPromises) {55 for (i = 0; i < json.ownPromises.length; i++)56 {57 var description = json.ownPromises[i]["description"];58 var responsibleCode = json.ownPromises[i]["responsibleCode"];59 if (json.ownPromises[i]["name"])60 {61 var responsible = json.ownPromises[i]["name"];62 } else if (json.ownPromises[i]["email"])63 {64 var responsible = json.ownPromises[i]["email"];65 }66 else if (json.ownPromises[i]["phone"])67 {68 var responsible = json.createdPromises[i]["phone"];69 }70 var action = json.ownPromises[i]["action"];71 var lastDateAction = json.ownPromises[i]["dateEvent"];72 var datePromise = json.ownPromises[i]["datePromise"];73 var code = json.ownPromises[i]["code"];74 var eventCode = json.ownPromises[i]["eventCode"];75 //to translate to any desire language translate-actions.js76 var actionText = translateActions(action);77 var table_class = "";78 var scroll_mark = "";79 if (i === 0) {80 scroll_mark = "scroll-mark";81 }82 if (action === "transfer" || action === "claim") {83 table_class = "table-danger";84 }85 if (action === "review") {86 table_class = "table-success";87 }88 $("#table-own-promises tbody").append("<tr class='" + table_class + " " + scroll_mark + " '>");89 if (action === "transfer") {90 $("#table-own-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td><a href=promise/" + code + "><div class='description dotdotdot'>" + description + "</div></a>"91 + " <div class ='date-action'>" + lastDateAction + "</div><div class='text-action'>" + actionText + " ti</div><a href=activate/" + code + "&" + eventCode + ">Confirmar transferencia</a></td>");92 } else if (action === "claim") {93 $("#table-own-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td><a href=promise/" + code + "><div class='description dotdotdot'>" + description + "</div></a>"94 + "<div class='date-action'>" + lastDateAction + "</div><div class='text-action'>" + actionText + " ti</div><a href=promise/" + code + ">Comentar moneda</a></td>");95 } else {96 $("#table-own-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td ><a href=promise/" + code + "><div class='description dotdotdot'>" + description + "</div></a>" +97 "<div class='date-action'>" + lastDateAction + "</div><div class='text-action'>" + actionText + " ti</div></td>");98 }99 $("#table-own-promises tbody td:last").append("<div class='responsive-actions'><div class='date-action'>"+datePromise+"</div><div class='text-action'>Moneda creada por " + responsible + "</div><a href='profile?info=" + responsibleCode + "' > <div> <b>==> Ver perfil público</b> </div></a></div>");100 $("#table-own-promises tbody tr:last").append("<td class='actions'><div class='date-action'>"+datePromise+"</div><div class='text-action'>Moneda creada por " + responsible + "</div><a href='profile?info=" + responsibleCode + "' > <div> <b>==> Ver perfil público</b> </div></a></td>");101 }102 $("#table-own-promises .dotdotdot").dotdotdot({103 ellipsis: '... ',104 wrap: 'word',105 height: 100,106 watch: true107 });108 if ($("#table-own-promises tbody tr").length > 0) {109 // $("body").animate({scrollTop: $("#table-own-promises tbody .scroll-mark:last").offset().top - 200}, 2000);110 }111 if (json.nextOwnPromises === "more") {112 $("#count-own-promises").text("(" + $("#table-own-promises tbody tr").length + "+)");113 $("#btn-more-own-promises").show("slow");114 } else {115 $("#count-own-promises").text("(" + $("#table-own-promises tbody tr").length + ")");116 }117 }118 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var util = require('util');3var fs = require('fs');4var test = wpt('');5var testoptions = {6};7test.runTest(testurl, testoptions, function (err, data) {8 console.log('Test ID: ' +;9 console.log('View the test at: ' +;10 console.log('View the test results at: ' +;11 console.log('View the test video at: ' +;12 console.log('View the test waterfall at: ' +;13 console.log('View the test har at: ' +;14 console.log('View the test png at: ' +;15 console.log('View the test png screen shot at: ' +;16 console.log('View the test json at: ' +;17 console.log('View the test xml at: ' +;18 console.log('View the test pagespeed at: ' +;19 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized at: ' +;20 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized png at: ' +;21 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized png screen shot at: ' +;22 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized json at: ' +;23 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized xml at: ' +;24 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized har at: ' +;25 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized waterfall at: ' +;26 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized video at: ' +;27 console.log('View the test pagespeed optimized video screen shot at
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('','A.12345678901234567890123456789012');3var testPromise = function() {4 var testPromise = wpt.runTest(url);5 testPromise.then(function(data) {6 console.log('testPromise: ', data);7 }, function(err) {8 console.log('testPromise error: ', err);9 });10};11testPromise();
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3var runTest = function() {4 console.log('runTest');5 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {6 wpt.runTest(testUrl, {7 }, function(err, data) {8 if (err) {9 reject(err);10 } else {11 resolve(data);12 }13 });14 });15};16var getResults = function(data) {17 console.log('getResults');18 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {19 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {20 if (err) {21 reject(err);22 } else {23 resolve(data);24 }25 });26 });27};28runTest()29 .then(getResults)30 .then(function(data) {31 console.log(data);32 })33 .catch(function(err) {34 console.log(err);35 });36{ data:37 { testId: '160724_6N_1C',38 statusText: 'Ok' }39var wpt = require('webpagetest');40var wpt = new WebPageTest('');41var runTest = function() {42 console.log('runTest');43 return new Promise(function(resolve,
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest'),2 wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.4e8d0b7ac9c0f9e7d3f3b3d7d6c78e0f');3var test = function (url, options, callback) {4 wpt.runTest(url, options, function (err, data) {5 if (err) return console.log(err);6 console.log("Test submitted: " +;7 callback(;8 });9}10var result = function (testId, callback) {11 wpt.getTestResults(testId, function (err, data) {12 if (err) return console.log(err);13 callback(data);14 });15}16 console.log("Test Submitted");17 result(testId, function (data) {18 console.log("Test Complete");19 console.log(data);20 });21});22var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest');23var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.4e8d0b7ac9c0f9e7d3f3b3d7d6c78e0f');24var test = function (url, options) {25 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {26 wpt.runTest(url, options, function (err, data) {27 if (err) return reject(err);28 console.log("Test submitted: " +;29 resolve(;30 });31 });32}33var result = function (testId) {34 return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {35 wpt.getTestResults(testId, function (err, data) {36 if (err) return reject(err);37 resolve(data);38 });39 });40}41 .then(function (testId) {42 console.log("Test Submitted");43 return result(testId);44 })45 .then(function (data) {46 console.log("Test Complete");47 console.log(data
Using AI Code Generation
1const wpt = require('webpagetest');2const test = wpt('', 'A.9f9c4d7b8a4c0f7f0e4d4d7e4c4f4e4');3}, function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});10const wpt = require('webpagetest');11const test = wpt('', 'A.9f9c4d7b8a4c0f7f0e4d4d7e4c4f4e4');12}).then((data) => {13 console.log(data);14}).catch((err) => {15 console.log(err);16});17 if (err) {18 at Object.<anonymous> (test.js:9:8)19 at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)20 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)21 at Module.load (module.js:566:32)22 at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)23 at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)24 at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:694:10)25 at startup (bootstrap_node.js:204:16)
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