Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1$(function() {2 var playVideo = $('video');3 var playPause = $('.playPause'); //ææ¾åæå4 var currentTime = $('.timebar .currentTime'); //å½åæ¶é´5 var duration = $('.timebar .duration'); //æ»æ¶é´6 var progress = $('.timebar .progress-bar'); //è¿åº¦æ¡7 var volumebar = $('.volumeBar .volumewrap').find('.progress-bar');8 playVideo[0].volume = 0.4; //åå§åé³é9 playPause.on('click', function() {10 playControl();11 });12 $('.playContent').on('click', function() {13 playControl();14 }).hover(function() {15 $('.turnoff').stop().animate({16 'right': 017 }, 500);18 }, function() {19 $('.turnoff').stop().animate({20 'right': -4021 }, 500);22 });23 $(document).click(function() {24 $('.volumeBar').hide();25 });26 playVideo.on('loadedmetadata', function() {27 duration.text(formatSeconds(playVideo[0].duration));28 });29 playVideo.on('timeupdate', function() {30 currentTime.text(formatSeconds(playVideo[0].currentTime));31 progress.css('width', 100 * playVideo[0].currentTime / playVideo[0].duration + '%');32 });33 playVideo.on('ended', function() {34 $('.playTip').removeClass('glyphicon-pause').addClass('glyphicon-play').fadeIn();35 playPause.toggleClass('playIcon');36 });37 38 $(window).keyup(function(event){39 event = event || window.event;40 if(event.keyCode == 32)playControl();41 if(event.keyCode == 27){42 $('.fullScreen').removeClass('cancleScreen');43 $('#willesPlay .playControll').css({44 'bottom': -4845 }).removeClass('fullControll');46 };47 event.preventDefault();48 });49 50 51 //å
¨å±52 $('.fullScreen').on('click', function() {53 if ($(this).hasClass('cancleScreen')) {54 if (document.exitFullscreen) {55 document.exitFullscreen();56 } else if (document.mozExitFullScreen) {57 document.mozExitFullScreen();58 } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {59 document.webkitExitFullscreen();60 }61 $(this).removeClass('cancleScreen');62 $('#willesPlay .playControll').css({63 'bottom': -4864 }).removeClass('fullControll');65 } else {66 if (playVideo[0].requestFullscreen) {67 playVideo[0].requestFullscreen();68 } else if (playVideo[0].mozRequestFullScreen) {69 playVideo[0].mozRequestFullScreen();70 } else if (playVideo[0].webkitRequestFullscreen) {71 playVideo[0].webkitRequestFullscreen();72 } else if (playVideo[0].msRequestFullscreen) {73 playVideo[0].msRequestFullscreen();74 }75 $(this).addClass('cancleScreen');76 $('#willesPlay .playControll').css({77 'left': 0,78 'bottom': 079 }).addClass('fullControll');80 }81 return false;82 });83 //é³é84 $('.volume').on('click', function(e) {85 e = e || window.event;86 $('.volumeBar').toggle();87 e.stopPropagation();88 });89 $('.volumeBar').on('click mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) {90 e = e || window.event;91 volumeControl(e);92 e.stopPropagation();93 return false;94 });95 $('.timebar .progress').mousedown(function(e) {96 e = e || window.event;97 updatebar(e.pageX);98 });99 //$('.playContent').on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll',function(e){100 // volumeControl(e);101 //});102 var updatebar = function(x) {103 var maxduration = playVideo[0].duration; //Video 104 var positions = x - progress.offset().left; //Click pos105 var percentage = 100 * positions / $('.timebar .progress').width();106 //Check within range107 if (percentage > 100) {108 percentage = 100;109 }110 if (percentage < 0) {111 percentage = 0;112 }113 //Update progress bar and video currenttime114 progress.css('width', percentage + '%');115 playVideo[0].currentTime = maxduration * percentage / 100;116 };117 //é³éæ§å¶118 function volumeControl(e) {119 e = e || window.event;120 var eventype = e.type;121 var delta = (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta && (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1)) || (e.originalEvent.detail && (e.originalEvent.detail > 0 ? -1 : 1));122 var positions = 0;123 var percentage = 0;124 if (eventype == "click") {125 positions = volumebar.offset().top - e.pageY;126 percentage = 100 * (positions + volumebar.height()) / $('.volumeBar .volumewrap').height();127 } else if (eventype == "mousewheel" || eventype == "DOMMouseScroll") {128 percentage = 100 * (volumebar.height() + delta) / $('.volumeBar .volumewrap').height();129 }130 if (percentage < 0) {131 percentage = 0;132 $('.otherControl .volume').attr('class', 'volume glyphicon glyphicon-volume-off');133 }134 if (percentage > 50) {135 $('.otherControl .volume').attr('class', 'volume glyphicon glyphicon-volume-up');136 }137 if (percentage > 0 && percentage <= 50) {138 $('.otherControl .volume').attr('class', 'volume glyphicon glyphicon-volume-down');139 }140 if (percentage >= 100) {141 percentage = 100;142 }143 $('.volumewrap .progress-bar').css('height', percentage + '%');144 playVideo[0].volume = percentage / 100;145 e.stopPropagation();146 e.preventDefault();147 }148 function playControl() {149 playPause.toggleClass('playIcon');150 if (playVideo[0].paused) {151 playVideo[0].play();152 $('.playTip').removeClass('glyphicon-play').addClass('glyphicon-pause').fadeOut();153 } else {154 playVideo[0].pause();155 $('.playTip').removeClass('glyphicon-pause').addClass('glyphicon-play').fadeIn();156 }157 }158 //å
³ç¯159 $('.btnLight').click(function(e) {160 e = e || window.event;161 if ($(this).hasClass('on')) {162 $(this).removeClass('on');163 $('body').append('<div class="overlay"></div>');164 $('.overlay').css({165 'position': 'absolute',166 'width': 100 + '%',167 'height': $(document).height(),168 'background': '#000',169 'opacity': 1,170 'top': 0,171 'left': 0,172 'z-index': 999173 });174 $('.playContent').css({175 'z-index': 1000176 });177 $('.playControll').css({178 'bottom': -48,179 'z-index': 1000180 });181 $('.playContent').hover(function() {182 $('.playControll').stop().animate({183 'height': 48,184 },500);185 }, function() {186 setTimeout(function() {187 $('.playControll').stop().animate({188 'height': 0,189 }, 500);190 }, 2000)191 });192 } else {193 $(this).addClass('on');194 $('.overlay').remove();195 $('.playControll').css({196 'bottom': 0,197 });198 }199 e.stopPropagation();200 e.preventDefault();201 });202});203//ç§è½¬æ¶é´204function formatSeconds(value) {205 value = parseInt(value);206 var time;207 if (value > -1) {208 hour = Math.floor(value / 3600);209 min = Math.floor(value / 60) % 60;210 sec = value % 60;211 day = parseInt(hour / 24);212 if (day > 0) {213 hour = hour - 24 * day;214 time = day + "day " + hour + ":";215 } else time = hour + ":";216 if (min < 10) {217 time += "0";218 }219 time += min + ":";220 if (sec < 10) {221 time += "0";222 }223 time += sec;224 }225 return time;...
...33 stopVideo();34 Test.pass('Harmless');35 },36 () => {37 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Sleep until finished');38 playVideo(pathToMp4Video1);39 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());40 sleep(3);41 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());42 sleep(2);43 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());44 },45 () => {46 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Call stopVideo() mid way');47 Test.resetTimer();48 playVideo(pathToMp4Video2);49 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());50 sleep(2);51 stopVideo();52 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());53 Test.verifyElapsedMillisBetween(2000, 2000 + millisToleranceForStarting);54 },55 () => {56 Test.logName('stopVideo(): when nothing playing');57 stopVideo();58 Test.pass('Harmless');59 },60 () => {61 Test.logName('playVideo(String, true) MP4, explicit, local, existing');62 Test.resetTimer();63 playVideo(pathToMp4Video3, true);64 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());65 Test.verifyElapsedMillisBetween(3900, 4000 + millisToleranceForStarting);66 },67 () => {68 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Unknown format');69 playVideo(pathToUnknownFormatVideo);70 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());71 },72 () => {73 Test.logName('playVideo(String, true) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Unknown format');74 playVideo(pathToUnknownFormatVideo, true);75 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());76 },77 () => {78 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, missing');79 playVideo(pathToMissingMp4Video);80 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());81 },82 () => {83 Test.logName('playVideo(String, true) MP4, explicit, local, missing');84 playVideo(pathToMissingMp4Video, true);85 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());86 },87 () => {88 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Call playVideo(String) mid way');89 playVideo(pathToMp4Video4);90 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());91 sleep(2);92 playVideo(pathToMp4Video5);93 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());94 sleep(5);95 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());96 },97 () => {98 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, local, existing: Call playVideo(String, true) mid way');99 playVideo(pathToMp4Video4);100 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());101 sleep(2);102 Test.resetTimer();103 playVideo(pathToMp4Video6, true);104 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());105 Test.verifyElapsedMillisBetween(3900, 4000 + millisToleranceForStarting);106 },107 () => {108 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, random, local, existing: Sleep until finished');109 for (let i=0; i < 3; ++i) {110 playVideo(pathToRandomMp4Video);111 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());112 sleep(3);113 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());114 sleep(2);115 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());116 }117 },118 () => {119 Test.logName('playVideo(String, true) MP4, random, local, existing');120 for (let i=0; i < 3; ++i) {121 Test.resetTimer();122 playVideo(pathToRandomMp4Video, true);123 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());124 Test.verifyElapsedMillisBetween(3900, 4000 + millisToleranceForStarting);125 }126 },127 () => {128 Test.logName('playVideo(String) MP4, explicit, remote, existing: Sleep until finished');129 logHttpServerDependency();130 playVideo(urlToMp4Video1);131 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());132 sleep(3);133 Test.verifyTrue(isPlayingVideo());134 sleep(2);135 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());136 },137 () => {138 Test.logName('playVideo(String, true) MP4, explicit, remote, existing');139 logHttpServerDependency();140 Test.resetTimer();141 playVideo(urlToMp4Video2, true);142 Test.verifyFalse(isPlayingVideo());143 Test.verifyElapsedMillisBetween(3900, 4000 + millisToleranceForStarting + millisToleranceForServer);144 },145 () => {146 Test.logName('Bad calls');147 playVideo();148 playVideo('foo', 1);149 playVideo(true, 'foo');150 }];151 TestRegister.addTestSuite('playVideo', listOfTestFunctions);...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3var options = {4 videoParams: {5 }6};7 if (err) return console.error(err);8 wpt.getVideo(, function(err, video) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(video);11 });12});13var wpt = require('webpagetest');14var wpt = new WebPageTest('');15var options = {16 videoParams: {17 }18};19 if (err) return console.error(err);20 wpt.getVideo(, function(err, video) {21 if (err) return console.error(err);22 console.log(video);23 });24});25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27var options = {28 videoParams: {29 }30};31 if (err) return console.error(err);32 wpt.getVideo(, function(err, video) {33 if (err) return console.error(err);34 console.log(video);35 });36});37var wpt = require('webpagetest');38var wpt = new WebPageTest('');39var options = {40 videoParams: {41 }42};43wpt.runTest('
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var wptools = require('wptools');3var wptools = require('wptools');4var wptools = require('wptools');5var wptools = require('wptools');6var wptools = require('wptools');7var wptools = require('wptools');
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