How to use pathname method in wpt

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Source:Navigator.js Github


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1import Other from "../page/product/oil";2import Meatmf from "../page/product/oil/modify";3import Vegetablemf from "../page/product/oil/modify";4import Vegetable from "../page/product/oil";5import Fruit from "../page/product/fruit";6import Oiladd from "../page/product/oil/add";78export const RouteConfig={9 home:{10 key:'home',11 title:'首页',12 pathname:'/'13 },14 user:{15 key:'user',16 title:'用户管理',17 pathname:'/user'18 },19 category:{20 key:'category',21 title:'订单列表',22 pathname:'/category'23 },24 addCategory:{25 key:'addCategory',26 title:'订单添加',27 pathname:'/categoryadd'28 },29 configList:{30 key:'configList',31 title:'非遗列表',32 pathname:'/config'33 },34 configAdd:{35 key:'configAdd',36 title:'非遗添加',37 pathname:'/configadd'38 },39 configMf:{40 key:'configMf',41 title:'非遗修改',42 pathname:'/configmf'43 },44 categoryMf:{45 key:'categoryMf',46 title:'订单修改',47 pathname:'/categorymf'48 },49 Vendorlist:{50 key:'Vendorlist',51 title:'商贩列表',52 pathname:'/vendor'53 },54 Vendoradd:{55 key:'Vendoradd',56 title:'商贩添加',57 pathname:'/vendoradd'58 },59 Vendormf:{60 key:'Vendormf',61 title:'商贩信息修改',62 pathname:'/vendormf'63 },64 Recommend:{65 key:'Recommend',66 title:'精选',67 pathname:'/recommead'68 },69 Recommendadd:{70 key:'Recommendadd',71 title:'精选添加',72 pathname:'/recommeadadd'73 },74 Recommendmd:{75 key:'Recommendmd',76 title:'精选修改',77 pathname:'/recommeadmf'78 },79 Oil:{80 key:'Oil',81 title:'粮油',82 pathname:'/oil'83 },84 Oiladd:{85 key:'Oiladd',86 title:'粮油添加',87 pathname:'/oiladd'88 },89 Oilmf:{90 key:'Oilmf',91 title:'粮油修改',92 pathname:'/oilmf'93 },94 Fruit:{95 key:'Fruit',96 title:'水果',97 pathname:'/fruit'98 },99 Fruitadd:{100 key:'Fruitadd',101 title:'水果添加',102 pathname:'/fruitadd'103 },104 Fruitmf:{105 key:'Fruitmf',106 title:'水果修改',107 pathname:'/fruitmf'108 },109 Vegetable:{110 key:'Vegetable',111 title:'蔬菜',112 pathname:'/vegetable'113 },114 Vegetableadd:{115 key:'Vegetableadd',116 title:'蔬菜添加',117 pathname:'/vegetableadd'118 },119 Vegetablemf:{120 key:'Vegetablemf',121 title:'蔬菜修改',122 pathname:'/vegetablemf'123 },124 Meat:{125 key:'Meat',126 title:'肉禽',127 pathname:'/meat'128 },129 Meatadd:{130 key:'Meatadd',131 title:'肉禽添加',132 pathname:'/meatadd'133 },134 Meatmf:{135 key:'Meatmf',136 title:'肉禽修改',137 pathname:'/meatmf'138 },139 Other:{140 key:'Other',141 title:'其他',142 pathname:'/other'143 },144 Otheradd:{145 key:'Otheradd',146 title:'其他添加',147 pathname:'/otheradd'148 },149 Othermf:{150 key:'Othermf',151 title:'其他修改',152 pathname:'/othermf'153 },154 Chart:{155 key:'Chart',156 title:'数据分析',157 pathname:'/charts'158 },159 Employ:{160 key:'Employ',161 title:'招聘推荐列表',162 pathname:'/employ'163 },164 Employadd:{165 key:'Employadd',166 title:'添加招聘',167 pathname:'/employadd'168 },169 Employmf:{170 key:'Employmf',171 title:'修改招聘',172 pathname:'/employmf'173 },174 LocalKid:{175 key:'LocalKid',176 title:'信息列表',177 pathname:'/localkid'178 },179 LocalKidadd:{180 key:'LocalKidadd',181 title:'添加信息',182 pathname:'/localkidadd'183 },184 LocalKidmf:{185 key:'LocalKidmf',186 title:'修改信息',187 pathname:'/localkidmf'188 },189 LocalOld:{190 key:'LocalOld',191 title:'信息列表',192 pathname:'/localold'193 },194 LocalOldadd:{195 key:'LocalOldadd',196 title:'添加信息',197 pathname:'/localoldadd'198 },199 LocalOldmf:{200 key:'LocalOldmf',201 title:'修改信息',202 pathname:'/localoldmf'203 },204 LocalTeen:{205 key:'LocalTeen',206 title:'信息列表',207 pathname:'/localteen'208 },209 LocalTeenadd:{210 key:'LocalTeenadd',211 title:'添加信息',212 pathname:'/localteenadd'213 },214 LocalTeenmf:{215 key:'LocalTeenmf',216 title:'修改信息',217 pathname:'/localteenmf'218 },219 Videolist:{220 key:'Videolist',221 title:'视频列表',222 pathname:'/videolist'223 },224 Videoadd:{225 key:'Videoadd',226 title:'添加视频',227 pathname:'/videoadd'228 },229 Videomf:{230 key:'Videomf',231 title:'删除视频',232 pathname:'/videomf'233 },234 ShopList:{235 key:'ShopList',236 title:'店铺列表',237 pathname:'/shoplist'238 },239 Shopadd:{240 key:'Shopadd',241 title:'添加店铺',242 pathname:'/shopadd'243 },244 Shopmf:{245 key:'Shopmf',246 title:'店铺修改',247 pathname:'/shopmf'248 }249250251};252253export default class NavigationUtil{254 static goto(route,history){255 const {pathname} = route;256 if(!history || !pathname) {257 console.log('history && pathname cannot be null.')258 }259 return params=>{260 history.push({261 pathname,262 ...(params || {})263 })264 }265 } ...

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Source:find-path.js Github


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1import { pick } from "@reach/router/lib/utils"2import stripPrefix from "./strip-prefix"3import normalizePagePath from "./normalize-page-path"4const pathCache = new Map()5let matchPaths = []6const trimPathname = rawPathname => {7 const pathname = decodeURIComponent(rawPathname)8 // Remove the pathPrefix from the pathname.9 const trimmedPathname = stripPrefix(pathname, __BASE_PATH__)10 // Remove any hashfragment11 .split(`#`)[0]12 // Remove search query13 .split(`?`)[0]14 return trimmedPathname15}16function absolutify(path) {17 // If it's already absolute, return as-is18 if (19 path.startsWith(`/`) ||20 path.startsWith(`https://`) ||21 path.startsWith(`http://`)22 ) {23 return path24 }25 // Calculate path relative to current location, adding a trailing slash to26 // match behavior of @reach/router27 return new URL(28 path,29 window.location.href + (window.location.href.endsWith(`/`) ? `` : `/`)30 ).pathname31}32/**33 * Set list of matchPaths34 *35 * @param {Array<{path: string, matchPath: string}>} value collection of matchPaths36 */37export const setMatchPaths = value => {38 matchPaths = value39}40/**41 * Return a matchpath url42 * if `match-paths.json` contains `{ "/foo*": "/page1", ...}`, then43 * `/foo?bar=far` => `/page1`44 *45 * @param {string} rawPathname A raw pathname46 * @return {string|null}47 */48export const findMatchPath = rawPathname => {49 const trimmedPathname = cleanPath(rawPathname)50 const pickPaths ={ path, matchPath }) => {51 return {52 path: matchPath,53 originalPath: path,54 }55 })56 const path = pick(pickPaths, trimmedPathname)57 if (path) {58 return normalizePagePath(path.route.originalPath)59 }60 return null61}62/**63 * Return a matchpath params from reach/router rules64 * if `match-paths.json` contains `{ ":bar/*foo" }`, and the path is /baz/zaz/zoo65 * then it returns66 * { bar: baz, foo: zaz/zoo }67 *68 * @param {string} rawPathname A raw pathname69 * @return {object}70 */71export const grabMatchParams = rawPathname => {72 const trimmedPathname = cleanPath(rawPathname)73 const pickPaths ={ path, matchPath }) => {74 return {75 path: matchPath,76 originalPath: path,77 }78 })79 const path = pick(pickPaths, trimmedPathname)80 if (path) {81 return path.params82 }83 return {}84}85// Given a raw URL path, returns the cleaned version of it (trim off86// `#` and query params), or if it matches an entry in87// `match-paths.json`, its matched path is returned88//89// E.g. `/foo?bar=far` => `/foo`90//91// Or if `match-paths.json` contains `{ "/foo*": "/page1", ...}`, then92// `/foo?bar=far` => `/page1`93export const findPath = rawPathname => {94 const trimmedPathname = trimPathname(absolutify(rawPathname))95 if (pathCache.has(trimmedPathname)) {96 return pathCache.get(trimmedPathname)97 }98 let foundPath = findMatchPath(trimmedPathname)99 if (!foundPath) {100 foundPath = cleanPath(rawPathname)101 }102 pathCache.set(trimmedPathname, foundPath)103 return foundPath104}105/**106 * Clean a url and converts /index.html => /107 * E.g. `/foo?bar=far` => `/foo`108 *109 * @param {string} rawPathname A raw pathname110 * @return {string}111 */112export const cleanPath = rawPathname => {113 const trimmedPathname = trimPathname(absolutify(rawPathname))114 let foundPath = trimmedPathname115 if (foundPath === `/index.html`) {116 foundPath = `/`117 }118 foundPath = normalizePagePath(foundPath)119 return foundPath...

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1var url = require('url');2var q = url.parse(adr, true);3var url = require('url');4var q = url.parse(adr, true);5var url = require('url');6var q = url.parse(adr, true);7var url = require('url');8var q = url.parse(adr, true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var api = wpt('');3var options = {4};5 if (err) return console.error(err);6 console.log(data);7 api.getTestStatus(, function(err, data) {8 console.log(data);9 api.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {10 console.log(data);11 });12 });13});

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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var test = wpt('API_KEY');3test.runTest(url, function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 test.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log('Test results for ' + + ':');8 console.log(;9 });10});11### wpt(apiKey, options)12### .runTest(url, options, callback)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var path = require('path');2console.log(pathname(__filename));3var path = require('path');4console.log(extname(__filename));5var path = require('path');6console.log(dirname(__filename));7var path = require('path');8console.log(parse(__filename));9var path = require('path');10console.log(format({11}));12var path = require('path');13console.log(isAbsolute(__filename));14var path = require('path');15console.log(join(__dirname, 'test', 'second.html'));16var path = require('path');17var path = require('path');18console.log(relative('C:\\orandea\\test\\aaa', 'C:\\orandea\\impl\\bbb'));19var path = require('path');20console.log(resolve('main.js'));21var path = require('path');22console.log(sep);23var path = require('path');24console.log(delimiter

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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var options = {3};4var test = wpt(options);5 if (err) return console.error(err);6 console.log('Test status', data.statusText);7 console.log('Test ID',;8 console.log('Test URL',;9 console.log('Test location',;10 console.log('Test from',;11 console.log('Test URL',;12 console.log('Test URL',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var client = new wpt('A.9E0C4D89E3A0A4E8C0E7C3D3C3D3C3D3');3client.getLocations(function(err, data) {4 if (err) console.log(err);5 else console.log(data);6});7client.getTestStatus('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {8 if (err) console.log(err);9 else console.log(data);10});11client.getTestResults('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {12 if (err) console.log(err);13 else console.log(data);14});15client.getTestViewable('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {16 if (err) console.log(err);17 else console.log(data);18});19client.getTestVideo('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {20 if (err) console.log(err);21 else console.log(data);22});23client.getTestWaterfall('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {24 if (err) console.log(err);25 else console.log(data);26});27client.getTestScreenshot('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {28 if (err) console.log(err);29 else console.log(data);30});31client.getTestRequests('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {32 if (err) console.log(err);33 else console.log(data);34});35client.getTestPageSpeed('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {36 if (err) console.log(err);37 else console.log(data);38});39client.getTestTraceroute('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {40 if (err) console.log(err);41 else console.log(data);42});43client.getTestTimings('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {44 if (err) console.log(err);45 else console.log(data);46});47client.getTestCustomMetrics('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {48 if (err) console.log(err);49 else console.log(data);50});51client.getTestBreakdown('150129_1D_3', function(err, data) {52 if (err) console.log(err);

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