Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
...204// if (onToneChange) {205// /**206// * @fires BasicDTMF#onToneChange207// */208// onToneChange(tone.tone);209// }210// };211 /**212 * @method send213 * @memberOf BasicDTMF214 * @param {DOMString} tones - The tones parameter is treated as a series of characters. The characters 0 through 9,215 * A through D, #, and * generate the associated DTMF tones. The characters a to d are216 * equivalent to A to D. The character ',' indicates a delay of 2 seconds before217 * processing the next character in the tones parameter. All other characters must be218 * considered unrecognized.219 * @param {long} [duration=100] - The duration parameter indicates the duration in ms to use for each character passed220 * in the tones parameters. The duration cannot be more than 6000 ms or less than 40 ms.221 * The default duration is 100 ms for each tone.222 * @param {long} [interToneGap=70] - The interToneGap parameter indicates the gap between tones. It must be at least 30 ms.223 * The default value is 70 ms. The browser may increase the duration and interToneGap224 * times to cause the times self DTMF start and stop to align with the boundaries of RTP225 * packets but it must not increase either of them by more than the duration of a single226 * RTP audio packet.227 */228 var send = function (tones, duration, interToneGap) {229// if (self._rtcDTMFSender) {230 self._insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap);231// debug.debug('BasicConnection.sendDTMF(): tones:', tones);232// rtcDTMFSender.insertDTMF(tones, duration, interToneGap);233// } else {234// debug.warn('BasicDTMF.sendDTMF(): _rtcDTMFSender not assigned:', self._rtcDTMFSender);235// }236 };237 self.send = send;238 self.on('_tonechange', function(tone) {239 /**240 * @fires BasicDTMF#onToneChange241 */242 if (onToneChange) { onToneChange(tone.tone); }243 })244// } else {245// self._rtcDTMFSender = null;246// debug.warn('BasicDTMF.sendDTMF(): unable to create rtcDTMFSender');247// }248 return self;...
1(function (e) {2 if (typeof module == "object" && typeof module.exports == "object") {3 var t = e(require, exports);4 t !== undefined && (module.exports = t);5 } else6 typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define("media-agent/lib/webrtc/webRtcDtmfSender", [7 "require",8 "exports",9 "../common/dtmfUtils"10 ], e);11}(function (e, t) {12 var n = e("../common/dtmfUtils"), r = function () {13 function e(e, t) {14 this.webRtcSender = null;15 this.queue = new n.DTMFQueue(e);16 this.settings = t ? t : n.defaultSettings;17 }18 return e.prototype.sendDtmf = function (e, t) {19 return !e || !e.getSenders ? Promise.reject(new Error("bad peerConnection")) : (this.syncSender(e), this.webRtcSender ? (this.webRtcSender.ontonechange = this.onToneChange.bind(this), this.webRtcSender.insertDTMF(this.webRtcSender.toneBuffer + t, this.settings.toneDuration, this.settings.toneGap), this.queue.waitForNotification(t)) : Promise.reject(new Error("not available")));20 }, e.prototype.canSendDtmf = function (e) {21 return !e || !e.getSenders ? !1 : (this.syncSender(e), this.webRtcSender ? this.webRtcSender.canInsertDTMF : !1);22 }, e.prototype.dispose = function () {23 this.queue.cleanup();24 }, e.prototype.syncSender = function (e) {25 var t = e.getSenders().filter(function (e) {26 return e.dtmf && e.dtmf.canInsertDTMF;27 })[0];28 this.webRtcSender && t && t.dtmf != this.webRtcSender && (this.webRtcSender.ontonechange = null, this.queue.cleanup());29 this.webRtcSender = t ? t.dtmf : null;30 }, e.prototype.onToneChange = function (e) {31 e.tone && this.queue.toneSent(e.tone);32 }, e;33 }();34 t.WebRtcDTMFSender = r;35 t.__esModule = !0;36 t["default"] = {37 build: function (e, t) {38 return new r(e, t);39 }40 };...
1(function (e) {2 if (typeof module == "object" && typeof module.exports == "object") {3 var t = e(require, exports);4 t !== undefined && (module.exports = t);5 } else6 typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define("media-agent/lib/ortc/ortcDtmfSender", [7 "require",8 "exports",9 "../common/dtmfUtils"10 ], e);11}(function (e, t) {12 var n = e("../common/dtmfUtils"), r = function () {13 function e(e, t) {14 this.queue = new n.DTMFQueue(e);15 this.settings = t ? t : n.defaultSettings;16 }17 return e.prototype.sendDtmf = function (e, t) {18 return e ? (this.syncSender(e), this.ortcSender.canInsertDTMF ? (this.ortcSender.insertDTMF(this.ortcSender.toneBuffer + t, this.settings.toneDuration, this.settings.toneGap), this.queue.waitForNotification(t)) : Promise.reject(new Error("not available"))) : Promise.reject(new Error("bad sender"));19 }, e.prototype.canSendDtmf = function (e) {20 return e ? (this.syncSender(e), this.ortcSender ? this.ortcSender.canInsertDTMF : !1) : !1;21 }, e.prototype.dispose = function () {22 this.queue.cleanup();23 }, e.prototype.syncSender = function (e) {24 if (!this.ortcSender || this.ortcSender.sender !== e)25 this.ortcSender && (this.ortcSender.ontonechange = null, this.queue.cleanup(), this.ortcSender = null), this.ortcSender = new RTCDtmfSender(e), this.ortcSender.ontonechange = this.onToneChange.bind(this);26 }, e.prototype.onToneChange = function (e) {27 e.tone && this.queue.toneSent(e.tone);28 }, e;29 }();30 t.__esModule = !0;31 t["default"] = r;...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptone = new WPTone();2wptone.onToneChange(function(tone) {3 console.log(tone);4});5wptone.start();6var WPTone = function() {7 var self = this;8 var context = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();9 var oscillator = context.createOscillator();10 oscillator.type = 'sine';11 oscillator.frequency.value = 0;12 oscillator.connect(context.destination);13 oscillator.start(0);14 var analyser = context.createAnalyser();15 var dataArray = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);16 analyser.fftSize = 1024;17 analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.3;18 oscillator.connect(analyser);19 var onToneChange = function() {};20 this.onToneChange = function(callback) {21 onToneChange = callback;22 };23 this.start = function() {24 setInterval(function() {25 analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(dataArray);26 var rms = 0;27 for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {28 rms += Math.pow(dataArray[i] - 128, 2);29 }30 rms = Math.sqrt(rms / dataArray.length);31 var db = 20 * (Math.log(rms) / Math.log(10));32 var tone = Math.round(db + 100);33 onToneChange(tone);34 }, 10);35 };36};
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');2wptoolkit.onToneChange( function(tone) {3console.log(tone);4});5var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');6wptoolkit.onToneChange( function(tone) {7console.log(tone);8});9var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');10wptoolkit.onToneChange( function(tone) {11var color = 'rgb(' + tone.frequency + ', ' + tone.duration + ', ' + tone.volume + ')'; = color;13});14var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');15wptoolkit.onToneChange( function(tone) {16var color = 'rgb(' + tone.frequency + ', ' + tone.duration + ', ' + tone.volume + ')'; = color;18});
Using AI Code Generation
1import {onToneChange} from './wptone.js';2onToneChange(function(tone) {3 console.log(tone);4});5import {onToneChange} from './wptone.js';6onToneChange(function(tone) {7 console.log(tone);8});9I have a function that I want to call on a button click. The function is in a separate .js file. I have a button in a .html file which I want to call the function on click. I have tried to import the function in the .html file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .js file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .html file and call it from the .js file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .js file and call it from the .html file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .html file and call it from the .html file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .js file and call it from the .js file, but it doesn't work. I have tried to import the function in the .html file and call it from the .js file and import the function in the .js file and call it from the .html file, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Here's the code:10I have a project that uses a lot of different modules. I want to use the same module in different files. I don't want to import the same module in each file. I want to import the module once and use it in all files. I tried to use the require function. I have a file called module.js that contains the module code. I have a file called
Using AI Code Generation
1var t = new Tone();2t.onToneChange = function (tone) {3 console.log(tone);4}5var Tone = function () {6 var self = this;7 var audioContext = new AudioContext();8 var analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();9 var microphone = null;10 var javascriptNode = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1);11 javascriptNode.connect(audioContext.destination);12 analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.3;13 analyser.fftSize = 1024;14 javascriptNode.onaudioprocess = function () {15 var array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);16 analyser.getByteFrequencyData(array);17 var values = 0;18 var length = array.length;19 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {20 values += (array[i]);21 }22 var average = values / length;23 self.onToneChange(average);24 }25 navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;26 navigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (stream) {27 microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);28 microphone.connect(analyser);29 analyser.connect(javascriptNode);30 }, function (e) {31 console.log(e);32 });33}34Tone.prototype.onToneChange = function (tone) {35 console.log(tone);36}
Using AI Code Generation
1var Tone = require('wptone');2var tone = new Tone('tone1');3tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {4 console.log(tone);5});6 var tone = new Tone('tone1');7 tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {8 console.log(tone);9 });10var Tone = require('wptone');11var tone = new Tone('tone1');12tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {13 console.log(tone);14});15 var tone = new Tone('tone1');16 tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {17 console.log(tone);18 });19var Tone = require('wptone');20var tone = new Tone('tone1');21tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {22 console.log(tone);23});24 var tone = new Tone('tone1');25 tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {26 console.log(tone);27 });28var Tone = require('wptone');29var tone = new Tone('tone1');30tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {31 console.log(tone);32});33 var tone = new Tone('tone1');34 tone.onToneChange(function(tone) {35 console.log(tone);36 });37var Tone = require('wptone');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptone = require('./wptone.js');2wptone.onToneChange(function(tone){3 console.log('new tone: ' + tone);4});5var onToneChange = function(callback){6 var tone = 'B';7 callback(tone);8};9exports.onToneChange = onToneChange;
Using AI Code Generation
1wpt.onToneChange(function(tone) {2 console.log("Tone changed to: " + tone);3});4wpt.onVolumeChange(function(volume) {5 console.log("Volume changed to: " + volume);6});7wpt.onSpeechChange(function(speech) {8 console.log("Speech changed to: " + speech);9});10wpt.onToneChange(function(tone) {11 console.log("Tone changed to: " + tone);12});13wpt.onMoodChange(function(mood) {14 console.log("Mood changed to: " + mood);15});16wpt.onEmotionChange(function(emotion) {17 console.log("Emotion changed to: " + emotion);18});19wpt.onInstrumentChange(function(instrument) {20 console.log("Instrument changed to: " + instrument);21});22wpt.onInstrumentChange(function(instrument) {
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