Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1/*global Mingus*/2jsBoot.add(Mingus.xhr.digest).as('digest');3jsBoot.use('jsBoot.service.core');4jsBoot.pack('LxxlLib.service', function(api) {5 'use strict';6 var requestor = api.core.requestor;7 var SERVICE = 'activities';8 var CMD_SEEN = 'seen';9 var CMD_REPORT = 'report';10 var CMD_UNREPORT = 'unreport';11 var CMD_PUBLISH = 'publish';12 var CMD_UNPUBLISH = 'unpublish';13 var CMD_THUMBNAIL = 'thumbnail';14 var CMD_MEDIA = 'media';15 var CMD_ATTACHMENT = 'attachment';16 var CMD_MINE = 'mine';17 var CMD_REPORTED = 'reported';18 var CMD_PUBLISHED = 'published';19 var wrapIt = function(callback) {20 return function(e) {21 delete e.details.error;22 //console.error('NETWORKERROR', JSON.stringify(e));23 // var info = $('.network-crash div');24 // info.html(info.html() + '<pre style="whitespace: pre;">' + JSON.stringify(e) + '</pre>');25 // $('.network-crash').show();26 callback();27 };28 };29 this.activities = new (function() {30 this.list = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {31 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {32 service: SERVICE,33 onsuccess: onSuccess,34 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),35 command: '#'36 });37 };38 this.listMine = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {39 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {40 service: SERVICE,41 onsuccess: onSuccess,42 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),43 command: CMD_MINE44 });45 };46 this.listReported = function(onSuccess, onFailure, params) {47 params = params || {};48 var p = {};49 Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key) {50 p['published.' + key] = params[key];51 });52 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {53 service: SERVICE,54 onsuccess: onSuccess,55 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),56 command: CMD_REPORTED,57 params: p58 });59 };60 this.listPublished = function(onSuccess, onFailure, params) {61 params = params || {};62 var p = {};63 Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key) {64 p['published.' + key] = params[key];65 });66 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {67 service: SERVICE,68 onsuccess: onSuccess,69 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),70 command: CMD_PUBLISHED,71 params: p72 });73 };74 this.create = function(onSuccess, onFailure, payload) {75 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {76 service: SERVICE,77 onsuccess: onSuccess,78 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),79 // XXX Dirty trick while manu fixes his internal redirects lacking trailing slash80 command: '#',81 payload: payload || {}82 });83 };84 this.addThumbnail = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, payload) {85 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {86 service: SERVICE,87 onsuccess: onSuccess,88 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),89 id: id,90 command: CMD_THUMBNAIL,91 payload: payload || {}92 });93 };94 this.addMedia = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, payload) {95 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {96 service: SERVICE,97 onsuccess: onSuccess,98 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),99 id: id,100 command: CMD_MEDIA,101 payload: payload || {}102 });103 };104 this.addAttachment = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, payload) {105 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {106 service: SERVICE,107 onsuccess: onSuccess,108 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),109 id: id,110 command: CMD_ATTACHMENT,111 payload: payload || {}112 });113 };114 /*115 this.removeAttachment = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, aid) {116 requestor.query(requestor.DELETE, {117 service: SERVICE,118 onsuccess: onSuccess,119 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),120 id: id,121 command: CMD_ATTACHMENT + '/' + aid122 });123 };124 */125 this.patch = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, payload) {126 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {127 service: SERVICE,128 onsuccess: onSuccess,129 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),130 // XXX Dirty trick while manu fixes his internal redirects lacking trailing slash131 id: id,132 command: '#',133 payload: payload || {}134 });135 };136 = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {137 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {138 service: SERVICE,139 onsuccess: onSuccess,140 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),141 id: id,142 command: '#'143 });144 };145 this.readUrl = function(id) {146 return requestor.url({147 service: SERVICE,148 onsuccess: function() {},149 onfailure: wrapIt(function() {}),150 id: id,151 command: 'public'152 });153 };154 this.remove = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {155 requestor.query(requestor.DELETE, {156 service: SERVICE,157 onsuccess: onSuccess,158 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),159 id: id,160 command: '#'161 });162 };163 this.publish = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {164 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {165 service: SERVICE,166 onsuccess: onSuccess,167 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),168 id: id,169 command: CMD_PUBLISH170 });171 };172 this.unpublish = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {173 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {174 service: SERVICE,175 onsuccess: onSuccess,176 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),177 id: id,178 command: CMD_UNPUBLISH179 });180 };181 this.seen = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {182 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {183 service: SERVICE,184 onsuccess: onSuccess,185 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),186 id: id,187 command: CMD_SEEN188 });189 };190 = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {191 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {192 service: SERVICE,193 onsuccess: onSuccess,194 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),195 id: id,196 command: CMD_REPORT197 });198 };199 this.unreport = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {200 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {201 service: SERVICE,202 onsuccess: onSuccess,203 onfailure: wrapIt(onFailure),204 id: id,205 command: CMD_UNREPORT206 });207 };208 })();209});210/*211Add thumbnail : /X.Y/activities/AID/thumbnail -> return blob212add media : /X.Y/activivties/AID/media -> return blob213add attachments : add media : /X.Y/activivties/AID/attachment -> return blob214update blob : /X.Y/blob/blobid/ [POST]215remove blob : /X.Y/blob/blobid/ [DELETE] -> get blob : /X.Y/blob/blobid/(draft|published)216publish / unpublish fait le ménage automatique dans les blobs217activity.draft.blobs218activity.published.blobs219-> {'thumbnail' : ['id'], 'media' : ['id', 'id'], 'attachments' : ['id'...]]}22018:54221filtres sur la commande list :222/X.Y/activities/ (all)223/X.Y/activities/mine (mine only)224/X.Y/activities/published225/X.Y/activities/reported226pour filtrer : ?author.uid=227possible de chercher sur n'importe quelle key228? =229?
1/*global Mingus*/2jsBoot.add(Mingus.xhr.digest).as('digest');3jsBoot.use('jsBoot.service.core');4jsBoot.pack('LxxlLib.service', function(api) {5 'use strict';6 var requestor = api.core.requestor;7 // User sub commands8 var SERVICE = 'users';9 var ACL = 'acl';10 var USER_PROFILE = 'profile';11 var USER_AVATAR = 'avatar';12 var USER_SETTINGS = 'settings';13 var USER_PREFERENCES = 'preferences';14 var USER_REMINDER = 'reminder';15 var USER_DEACTIVATE = 'deactivate';16 var CHANGE_PASSWORD = 'password';17 // var USER_CMD_LIST = 'list';18 this.user = new (function() {19 this.list = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {20 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {21 service: SERVICE,22 onsuccess: onSuccess,23 onfailure: onFailure24 // command: USER_CMD_LIST25 });26 };27 this.deactivate = function(onSuccess, onFailure, uid) {28 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {29 service: SERVICE,30 onsuccess: onSuccess,31 onfailure: onFailure,32 id: uid,33 command: USER_DEACTIVATE34 });35 };36 this.changePassword = function(onSuccess, onFailure, uid, newPass) {37 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {38 service: SERVICE,39 onsuccess: onSuccess,40 onfailure: onFailure,41 id: uid,42 command: CHANGE_PASSWORD,43 payload: {44 password: newPass45 }46 });47 };48 this.reminderChangePassword = function(onSuccess, onFailure, email, code, password) {49 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {50 service: SERVICE,51 onsuccess: onSuccess,52 onfailure: onFailure,53 command: USER_REMINDER,54 payload: {55 email: email,56 code: code,57 password: password58 }59 });60 };61 this.reminderRequestPassword = function(onSuccess, onFailure, email) {62 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {63 service: SERVICE,64 onsuccess: onSuccess,65 onfailure: onFailure,66 command: USER_REMINDER + '?email=' + email67 });68 };69 this.profile = new (function() {70 this.push = function(onSuccess, onFailure, payload, id) {71 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {72 service: SERVICE,73 onsuccess: onSuccess,74 onfailure: onFailure,75 id: id ||,76 command: USER_PROFILE,77 payload: payload78 });79 };80 this.pull = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {81 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {82 service: SERVICE,83 onsuccess: onSuccess,84 onfailure: onFailure,85 id: id ||,86 command: USER_PROFILE87 });88 };89 })();90 this.acl = new (function() {91 this.push = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id, level) {92 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {93 service: SERVICE,94 onsuccess: onSuccess,95 onfailure: onFailure,96 id: id,97 command: ACL + '/' + (level == 3 ? 'admin' : 'author'),98 payload: {}99 });100 };101 })();102 this.preferences = new (function() {103 this.push = function(onSuccess, onFailure, payload) {104 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {105 service: SERVICE,106 onsuccess: onSuccess,107 onfailure: onFailure,108 id:,109 command: USER_PREFERENCES,110 payload: payload111 });112 };113 this.pull = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {114 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {115 service: SERVICE,116 onsuccess: onSuccess,117 onfailure: onFailure,118 id: id ||,119 command: USER_PREFERENCES120 });121 };122 })();123 this.settings = new (function() {124 this.push = function(onSuccess, onFailure, payload) {125 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {126 service: SERVICE,127 onsuccess: onSuccess,128 onfailure: onFailure,129 id:,130 command: USER_SETTINGS,131 payload: payload132 });133 };134 this.pull = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {135 requestor.query(requestor.GET, {136 service: SERVICE,137 onsuccess: onSuccess,138 onfailure: onFailure,139 id: id ||,140 command: USER_SETTINGS141 });142 };143 })();144 this.avatar = new (function() {145 this.push = function(onSuccess, onFailure, payload, id) {146 requestor.query(requestor.POST, {147 service: SERVICE,148 onsuccess: onSuccess,149 onfailure: onFailure,150 id: id ||,151 command: USER_AVATAR,152 payload: payload153 });154 };155 this.remove = function(onSuccess, onFailure, id) {156 requestor.query(requestor.DELETE, {157 service: SERVICE,158 onsuccess: onSuccess,159 onfailure: onFailure,160 id: id ||,161 command: USER_AVATAR162 });163 };164 this.getUrl = function(id) {165 /*jshint regexp:false*/166 var url = '/' + requestor.version + '/' + SERVICE;167 if (id)168 url += '/' + id;169 // var seed = Math.round(Math.abs((url.charCodeAt(url.length - 5) - 28) / 10));170 // var crap = requestor.hostPort.replace(/^([^.]+)(\..*)/, '$1' + seed + '$2');171 url += '/' + USER_AVATAR;172 return '//' + requestor.hostPort + url;173 };174 })();175 })();...
...4export class LoginHelper {5 public login(username: string, password: string, callback: LoginCallback) {6 const call: CurlCall = new APIHelper().getKeyCall();7 call.enqueue(new class implements CurlCallback {8 onFailure(call: CurlCall, exception: CurlToolException, requestId: number) {9 callback.onFailure(-101, "ç½ç»è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥", exception)10 }11 onResponse(call: CurlCall, response: CurlResponse, requestId: number) {12 if (response.code() === 200){13 try {14 const result = JSON.parse(response.body());15 if (result["code"] === 200){16 const password_encrypted: string = RSAStaticUnit.encrypted(17 result["key"], result["hash"] + password18 );19 call = new APIHelper().getLoginCall(username, password_encrypted);20 call.enqueue(new class implements CurlCallback {21 onFailure(call: CurlCall, exception: CurlToolException, requestId: number) {22 callback.onFailure(-101, "ç½ç»è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥", exception)23 }24 onResponse(call: CurlCall, response: CurlResponse, requestId: number) {25 LoginHelper.parse(response, callback)26 }27 }())28 } else {29 callback.onFailure(-104, result["message"]);30 }31 } catch (e) {32 callback.onFailure(-103, e.message);33 }34 } else {35 callback.onFailure(-105, "æå¡å¨å
é¨åºé");36 }37 }38 }())39 }40 public springboard(access: string, callback: SpringboardCallback){41 const call = new APIHelper(access).getSpringboardCall()42 call.enqueue(new class implements CurlCallback {43 onFailure(call: CurlCall, exception: CurlToolException, requestId: number) {44 callback.onFailure(-101, "ç½ç»è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥", exception)45 }46 onResponse(call: CurlCall, response: CurlResponse, requestId: number) {47 if (response.code() === 200){48 try {49 const result = JSON.parse(response.body());50 if (result["code"] === 200){51 callback.onResult(result["location"]);52 } else {53 callback.onFailure(-114, result["message"]);54 }55 } catch (e) {56 callback.onFailure(-113, e.message);57 }58 } else {59 callback.onFailure(-115, "æå¡å¨å
é¨åºé");60 }61 }62 }())63 }64 public refreshToken(access_token: string, refresh_token: string, callback: LoginCallback){65 const call = new APIHelper(access_token, refresh_token).getRefreshTokenCall();66 call.enqueue(new class implements CurlCallback {67 onFailure(call: CurlCall, exception: CurlToolException, requestId: number) {68 callback.onFailure(-111, "ç½ç»è¯·æ±å¤±è´¥", exception)69 }70 onResponse(call: CurlCall, response: CurlResponse, requestId: number) {71 LoginHelper.parse(response, callback)72 }73 }())74 }75 private static parse(response: CurlResponse, callback: LoginCallback) {76 if (response.code() === 200){77 try {78 const result = JSON.parse(response.body());79 if (result["code"] === 200){80 callback.onResult(result["access_token"], result["refresh_token"]);81 } else {82 callback.onFailure(-104, result["message"]);83 }84 } catch (e) {85 callback.onFailure(-103, e.message);86 }87 } else {88 callback.onFailure(-105, "æå¡å¨å
é¨åºé");89 }90 }91}92export interface LoginCallback {93 onFailure(code: number, message?: string, e?: CurlToolException): void94 onResult(access: string, refresh: string): void95}96export interface SpringboardCallback {97 onFailure(code: number, message?: string, e?: CurlToolException): void98 onResult(location: string): void...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptHook = require('wptHook');2wptHook.onFailure(function(){3 console.log('test failed');4});5wptHook.onSuccess(function(){6 console.log('test passed');7});8### wptHook.onFailure(callback)9### wptHook.onSuccess(callback)10### wptHook.onComplete(callback)11### wptHook.onBefore(callback)12### wptHook.onAfter(callback)13The MIT License (MIT)14This module is inspired by the [grunt-webpagetest](
Using AI Code Generation
1wpt.on('error', function(err) {2 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);3});4 if (err) {5 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);6 } else {7 console.log('Test Results: %j', data);8 }9});10wpt.on('error', function(err) {11 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);12});13 if (err) {14 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);15 } else {16 console.log('Test Results: %j', data);17 }18});19wpt.on('error', function(err) {20 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);21});22 if (err) {23 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);24 } else {25 console.log('Test Results: %j', data);26 }27});28wpt.on('error', function(err) {29 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);30});31 if (err) {32 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);33 } else {34 console.log('Test Results: %j', data);35 }36});37wpt.on('error', function(err) {38 console.error('Error: %s', err.message);39});40 if (err) {41 console.error('Error
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