Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1!function () {2 "ace"in window || (window.ace = {}), ace.config = {3 storage_method: 0,4 cookie_expiry: 604800,5 cookie_path: ""6 }, "vars"in window.ace || (window.ace.vars = {}), ace.vars.very_old_ie = !("querySelector"in document.documentElement), ace.settings = {7 saveState: function (a, b, c, d) {8 if (!a || "string" == typeof a && !(a = document.getElementById(a)) || !a.hasAttribute("id"))return !1;9 if (!ace.hasClass(a, "ace-save-state"))return !1;10 var b = b || "class", e = a.getAttribute("id"), f ="state", "id-" + e) || {};11 if ("string" == typeof f)try {12 f = JSON.parse(f)13 } catch (g) {14 f = {}15 }16 var h, i = "undefined" != typeof c, j = !1, k = /class/i, l = /checked|disabled|readonly|value/i;17 l.test(b) ? h = i ? c : a[b] : a.hasAttribute(b) ? h = i ? c : a.getAttribute(b) : i || (j = !0), j ? delete f[b] : k.test(b) ? (f.hasOwnProperty(b) || (f[b] = {}), d === !0 ? f[b][h] = 1 : d === !1 ? f[b][h] = -1 : f[b].className = h) : f[b] = h,"state", "id-" + e, JSON.stringify(f))18 }, loadState: function (a, b) {19 if (!a || "string" == typeof a && !(a = document.getElementById(a)) || !a.hasAttribute("id"))return !1;20 var c = a.getAttribute("id"), d ="state", "id-" + c) || {};21 if ("string" == typeof d)try {22 d = JSON.parse(d)23 } catch (e) {24 d = {}25 }26 var f = function (a, b, c) {27 var d = /class/i, e = /checked|disabled|readonly|value/i;28 if (d.test(b)) {29 if ("object" == typeof c) {30 "className"in c && a.setAttribute("class", c.className);31 for (var f in c)if (c.hasOwnProperty(f)) {32 var g = c[f];33 1 == g ? ace.addClass(a, f) : -1 == g && ace.removeClass(a, f)34 }35 }36 } else e.test(b) ? a[b] = c : a.setAttribute(b, c)37 };38 if (void 0 !== b)d.hasOwnProperty(b) && null !== d[b] && f(a, b, d[b]); else for (var g in d)d.hasOwnProperty(g) && null !== d[g] && f(a, g, d[g])39 }, clearState: function (a) {40 var b = null;41 "string" == typeof a ? b = a : "hasAttribute"in a && a.hasAttribute("id") && (b = a.getAttribute("id")), b &&"state", "id-" + b)42 }43 }, function () {44 var a = function () {45 var a = !1, b = "animation", c = "", d = "Webkit Moz O ms Khtml".split(" "), e = "", f = document.createElement("div");46 if (void 0 !== && (a = !0), a === !1)for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++)if (void 0 !==[d[g] + "AnimationName"]) {47 e = d[g], b = e + "Animation", c = "-" + e.toLowerCase() + "-", a = !0;48 break49 }50 return a51 };52 if (ace.vars.animation = a(), ace.vars.animation) {53 var b = "@keyframes nodeInserted{from{outline-color:#fff}to{outline-color:#000}}@-moz-keyframes nodeInserted{from{outline-color:#fff}to{outline-color:#000}}@-webkit-keyframes nodeInserted{from{outline-color:#fff}to{outline-color:#000}}@-ms-keyframes nodeInserted{from{outline-color:#fff}to{outline-color:#000}}@-o-keyframes nodeInserted{from{outline-color:#fff}to{outline-color:#000}}.ace-save-state{animation-duration:10ms;-o-animation-duration:10ms;-ms-animation-duration:10ms;-moz-animation-duration:10ms;-webkit-animation-duration:10ms;animation-delay:0s;-o-animation-delay:0s;-ms-animation-delay:0s;-moz-animation-delay:0s;-webkit-animation-delay:0s;animation-name:nodeInserted;-o-animation-name:nodeInserted;-ms-animation-name:nodeInserted;-moz-animation-name:nodeInserted;-webkit-animation-name:nodeInserted}", c = document.createElement("style");54 c.innerHTML = b, document.head.appendChild(c);55 var d = function (a) {56 var b =;57 b && ace.hasClass(b, "ace-save-state") && ace.settings.loadState(b)58 };59 document.addEventListener("animationstart", d, !1), document.addEventListener("MSAnimationStart", d, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitAnimationStart", d, !1)60 } else {61 var e = function () {62 for (var a = document.querySelectorAll(".ace-save-state"), b = 0; b < a.length; b++)ace.settings.loadState(a[b])63 };64 "complete" == document.readyState ? e() : document.addEventListener ? document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e, !1) : document.attachEvent && document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () {65 "complete" == document.readyState && e()66 })67 }68 }(), ace.data_storage = function (a, b) {69 var c = "ace_", d = null, e = 0;70 (1 == a || a === b || 0 == a) && "localStorage"in window && null !== window.localStorage ? (d =, e = 1) : null == d && (2 == a || a === b) && "cookie"in document && null !== document.cookie && (d = ace.cookie, e = 2), this.set = function (a, b, f, g, h, i) {71 if (d)if (f === i)f = b, b = a, null == f ? d.remove(c + b) : 1 == e ? d.set(c + b, f) : 2 == e && d.set(c + b, f, ace.config.cookie_expiry, g || ace.config.cookie_path); else if (1 == e)null == f ? d.remove(c + a + "_" + b) : (h && "object" == typeof f && (f = JSON.stringify(f)), d.set(c + a + "_" + b, f)); else if (2 == e) {72 var j = d.get(c + a), k = j ? JSON.parse(j) : {};73 if (null == f) {74 if (delete k[b], 0 == ace.sizeof(k))return void d.remove(c + a)75 } else k[b] = f;76 d.set(c + a, JSON.stringify(k), ace.config.cookie_expiry, g || ace.config.cookie_path)77 }78 }, this.get = function (a, b, f, g) {79 if (!d)return null;80 if (b === g)return b = a, d.get(c + b);81 if (1 == e) {82 var h = d.get(c + a + "_" + b);83 if (f && h)try {84 h = JSON.parse(h)85 } catch (i) {86 }87 return h88 }89 if (2 == e) {90 var j = d.get(c + a), k = j ? JSON.parse(j) : {};91 return b in k ? k[b] : null92 }93 }, this.remove = function (a, b, c) {94 d && (b === c ? (b = a, this.set(b, null)) : this.set(a, b, null))95 }96 }, ace.cookie = {97 get: function (a) {98 var b, c, d = document.cookie, e = a + "=";99 if (d) {100 if (c = d.indexOf("; " + e), -1 == c) {101 if (c = d.indexOf(e), 0 != c)return null102 } else c += 2;103 return b = d.indexOf(";", c), -1 == b && (b = d.length), decodeURIComponent(d.substring(c + e.length, b))104 }105 }, set: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {106 var g = new Date;107 "object" == typeof c && c.toGMTString ? c = c.toGMTString() : parseInt(c, 10) ? (g.setTime(g.getTime() + 1e3 * parseInt(c, 10)), c = g.toGMTString()) : c = "", document.cookie = a + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b) + (c ? "; expires=" + c : "") + (d ? "; path=" + d : "") + (e ? "; domain=" + e : "") + (f ? "; secure" : "")108 }, remove: function (a, b) {109 this.set(a, "", -1e3, b)110 }111 }, = {112 get: function (a) {113 return window.localStorage.getItem(a)114 }, set: function (a, b) {115 window.localStorage.setItem(a, b)116 }, remove: function (a) {117 window.localStorage.removeItem(a)118 }119 }, ace.sizeof = function (a) {120 var b = 0;121 for (var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b++;122 return b123 }, ace.hasClass = function (a, b) {124 return (" " + a.className + " ").indexOf(" " + b + " ") > -1125 }, ace.addClass = function (a, b) {126 for (var c = b.split(/\s+/), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)if (c[d].length > 0 && !ace.hasClass(a, c[d])) {127 var e = a.className;128 a.className = e + (e.length ? " " : "") + c[d]129 }130 }, ace.removeClass = function (a, b) {131 for (var c = b.split(/\s+/), d = 0; d < c.length; d++)c[d].length > 0 && ace.replaceClass(a, c[d]);132 ace.replaceClass(a, b)133 }, ace.replaceClass = function (a, b, c) {134 var d = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + b + "(\\s|$)", "i");135 a.className = a.className.replace(d, function (a, b, d) {136 return c ? b + c + d : " "137 }).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")138 }, ace.toggleClass = function (a, b) {139 ace.hasClass(a, b) ? ace.removeClass(a, b) : ace.addClass(a, b)140 }, ace.isHTMlElement = function (a) {141 return window.HTMLElement ? a instanceof HTMLElement : "nodeType"in a ? 1 == a.nodeType : !1142 }, = new ace.data_storage(ace.config.storage_method)...
1Dragon.module(['./event'], function (event) {2 var supportsCSSAnimation = Dragon.hasCssProps('AnimationName');3 function addCCRules() {4 var head = document.querySelector('head'),5 observerSheet = document.createElement("style"),6 styleText = [7 '*{',8 'animation-duration: 0.001s;',9 '-o-animation-duration: 0.001s;',10 '-ms-animation-duration: 0.001s;',11 '-moz-animation-duration: 0.001s;',12 '-webkit-animation-duration: 0.001s;',13 'animation-name: nodeInserted;',14 '-o-animation-name: nodeInserted;',15 '-ms-animation-name: nodeInserted;',16 '-moz-animation-name: nodeInserted;',17 '-webkit-animation-name: nodeInserted;',18 '}',19 '@-webkit-keyframes nodeInserted {',20 ' 50% { opacity: 1; }',21 ' }',22 '@-moz-keyframes nodeInserted {',23 ' 50% { opacity: 1; }',24 ' }',25 '@-ms-keyframes nodeInserted {',26 ' 50% { opacity: 1; }',27 ' }',28 '@-o-keyframes nodeInserted {',29 ' 50% { opacity: 1; }',30 ' }',31 '@keyframes nodeInserted {',32 ' 50% { opacity: 1; }',33 ' }'34 ];35 head.appendChild(observerSheet);36 observerSheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");37 observerSheet.setAttribute('ObserverPolyfillCSS', '');38 if (observerSheet.styleSheet)39 observerSheet.styleSheet.cssText = styleText.join('\r\n'); // IE40 else41 observerSheet.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styleText.join('\r\n')));42 }43 return Dragon.define(function (process) {44 this._listener = function (evt) {45 if (evt.animationName && evt.animationName != "nodeInserted")46 return;47 var mutaion = { type: 'childList', addedNodes: [], removedNodes: [] };48 if (evt.animationName || evt.type === "DOMNodeInserted")49 mutaion.addedNodes.push(;50 if (evt.type === "DOMNodeRemoved")51 mutaion.removedNodes.push(;52 process([mutaion]);53 };54 }, {55 observe: function (target) {56 if (supportsCSSAnimation) {57 addCCRules();58 event.add(target, 'animationstart', this._listener); // standard + firefox59 event.add(target, 'MSAnimationStart', this._listener); // IE60 event.add(target, 'webkitAnimationStart', this._listener); // Chrome + Safari61 } else {62 event.add(target, 'DOMNodeInserted', this._listener, true);63 event.add(target, 'DOMNodeRemoved', this._listener, true);64 }65 },66 });67});...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = new WebPageTest('');2}, function(err, data) {3 if (err) {4 console.error(err);5 } else {6 console.log(data);7 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {8 if (err) {9 console.error(err);10 } else {11 console.log(data);12 }13 });14 }15});16var wpt = new WebPageTest('');17}, function(err, data) {18 if (err) {19 console.error(err);20 } else {21 console.log(data);22 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {23 if (err) {24 console.error(err);25 } else {26 console.log(data);27 }28 });29 }30});31var wpt = new WebPageTest('');32}, function(err, data) {33 if (err) {34 console.error(err);35 } else {36 console.log(data);37 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {38 if (err) {39 console.error(err);40 } else {41 console.log(data);42 }43 });44 }45});46var wpt = new WebPageTest('');47}, function(err, data) {48 if (err) {49 console.error(err);50 } else {51 console.log(data);52 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {53 if (err
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3var test_url = '';4var test_location = 'Dulles:Chrome';5var test_options = {6};7var test_id;8wpt.runTest(test_url, test_options, function(err, data) {9 if (err) {10 console.log(err);11 } else {12 test_id =;13 console.log('test id: ' + test_id);14 wpt.getTestResults(test_id, function(err, data) {15 if (err) {16 console.log(err);17 } else {18 console.log(data);19 }20 });21 }22});23{ [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Using AI Code Generation
1windw.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", fntion(e){2 var node =;3 if (node.nodeType == 1) {4 var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();5 if (tagName == 'a') {6 var href = node.getAttribute('href');7 if (href.indexOf('ttp') == 0) {8 var img = window.adcredteElement('img');9 node.appenEChilv(img);10 }11 }12 }13}, false);
Using AI Code Generation
1document.addentListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(e){2 var node =;3 if (node.nodeType == 1) {4 var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();5 if (tagName == 'a') {6 var href = node.getAttribute('href');7 if (href.indexOf('http') == 0) {8 var img = document.createElement('img');9 node.appendChild(img);10 }11 }12 }13}, false);
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var wp = new wptools();3var test = function() {4 wp.nodeInserted("test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test");5}6test();7var wptools = function() {8 this.nodeInserted = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {ode to use nodeInserted method of wptouch9 console.log(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {10 }11}12module.exports wptools;13= var wptouch = document.querySelector('wptouch');14 wptouch.addEventListener('nodeInserted', function (e) {15 alert("nodeInserted"); wptools16varools = require('wptools');17var wp = new wptools();18var test = function() {19 wp.nodInserted("test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test", "test");20}21test();22var wptools = function() {23 this.nodeInserted = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {24 console.log(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);25 }26}27module.exports = wptools;
Using AI Code Generation
1 });2});3document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {4 var wptouch = document.querySelector('wptouch');5 wptouch.addEventListener('nodeRemoved', function (e) {6 alert("nodeRemoved");7 });8});
Using AI Code Generation
1var pattern = new wpTextPattern({2 'code': function() {3 return '%%' + this.selection + '%%';4 }5});6var view = new wp.mce.View({7 'edit': function( node ) {8 console.log( node );9 }10});11var pattern = new wpTextPattern({12 'code': function() {13 return '%%' + this.selection + '%%';14 }15});16var view = new wp.mce.View({17 'edit': function( node ) {18 console.log( node );19 }20});21var pattern = new wpTextPattern({22 'code': function() {23 return '%%' + this.selection + '%%';24 }25});26var view = new wp.mce.View({27 'edit': function( node ) {28 console.log( node );29 }30});31var pattern = new wpTextPattern({32 'code': function() {33 return '%%' + this.selection + '%%';34 }35});36var view = new wp.mce.View({37 'edit': function( node ) {38 console.log( node );39 }
Using AI Code Generation
1function testNodeInserted() {2 var test = new WPTTest("NodeInserted");3 var testDiv = document.createElement("div");4 = "testDiv";5 document.body.appendChild(testDiv);6 var testDiv2 = document.createElement("div");7 = "testDiv2";8 document.body.appendChild(testDiv2);9 var testDiv3 = document.createElement("div");10 = "testDiv3";11 document.body.appendChild(testDiv3);12 var testDiv4 = document.createElement("div");13 = "testDiv4";14 document.body.appendChild(testDiv4);15 testDiv4.addEventListener("nodeInserted", testNodeInsertedCallback, false);16 testDiv4.addEventListener("nodeRemoved", testNodeRemovedCallback, false);17 testDiv4.addEventListener("nodeInsertedIntoDocument", testNodeInsertedIntoDocumentCallback, false);18 testDiv4.addEventListener("nodeRemovedFromDocument", testNodeRemovedFromDocumentCallback, false);19 testDiv4.addEventListener("attrModified", testAttrModifiedCallback, false);20 testDiv4.addEventListener("charDataModified", testCharDataModifiedCallback, false);21 testDiv4.addEventListener("subtreeModified", testSubtreeModifiedCallback, false);22 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", testDOMAttrModifiedCallback, false);23 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMCharacterDataModified", testDOMCharacterDataModifiedCallback, false);24 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", testDOMNodeInsertedCallback, false);25 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", testDOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentCallback, false);26 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemoved", testDOMNodeRemovedCallback, false);27 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument", testDOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentCallback, false);28 testDiv4.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", testDOMSubtreeModifiedCallback, false);29 testNodeInsertedCallbackCount = 0;30 testNodeRemovedCallbackCount = 0;31 testNodeInsertedIntoDocumentCallbackCount = 0;32 testNodeRemovedFromDocumentCallbackCount = 0;33 testAttrModifiedCallbackCount = 0;34 testCharDataModifiedCallbackCount = 0;35 testSubtreeModifiedCallbackCount = 0;36 testDOMAttrModifiedCallbackCount = 0;37var pattern = new wpTextPattern({38 'code': function() {39 return '%%' + this.selection + '%%';40 }41});
Using AI Code Generation
1unction init()2{3 var root = docmet.reateElemen("dv");4 dcumetbody.appendChild(root);5 var wpt = new WebKitPerformanceTest();6 wpt.setRoot(root);7 wpt.nodeInserted = function(node, parent, index)8 {9 if ( == "node0" && node.innerHTML == "node0" && parent == root && index == 0)10 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node0");11 else if ( == "node1" && node.innerHTML == "node1" && parent == root && index == 1)12 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node1");13 else if ( == "node2" && node.innerHTML == "node2" && parent == root && index == 2)14 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node2");15 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for an unknown node");16 }17 wpt.start();18 var node0 = document.createElement("div");19 = "node0";20 node0.innerHTML = "node0";21 root.appendChild(node0);22 var node1 = document.createElement("div");23 = "node1";24 node1.innerHTML = "node1";25 root.appendChild(node1);26 var node2 = document.createElement("div");27 = "node2";28 node2.innerHTML = "node2";29 root.appendChild(node2);30 wpt.stop();31}32window.addEventListener("load", init, false);33}, function(err, data) {34 if (err) return console.error(err);35 var testId =;36 console.log('Test ID: %s', testId);37 webpagetest.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {38 if (err) return console.error(err);39 console.log('Test completed in %d seconds',;40 });41});
Using AI Code Generation
1function init()2{3 var root = document.createElement("div");4 document.body.appendChild(root);5 var wpt = new WebKitPerformanceTest();6 wpt.setRoot(root);7 wpt.nodeInserted = function(node, parent, index)8 {9 if ( == "node0" && node.innerHTML == "node0" && parent == root && index == 0)10 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node0");11 else if ( == "node1" && node.innerHTML == "node1" && parent == root && index == 1)12 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node1");13 else if ( == "node2" && node.innerHTML == "node2" && parent == root && index == 2)14 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for node2");15 wpt.log("nodeInserted called for an unknown node");16 }17 wpt.start();18 var node0 = document.createElement("div");19 = "node0";20 node0.innerHTML = "node0";21 root.appendChild(node0);22 var node1 = document.createElement("div");23 = "node1";24 node1.innerHTML = "node1";25 root.appendChild(node1);26 var node2 = document.createElement("div");27 = "node2";28 node2.innerHTML = "node2";29 root.appendChild(node2);30 wpt.stop();31}32window.addEventListener("load", init, false);
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