Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: ice.extension.js
...21 assert_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteParameters(), null,22 'Expect no remote parameters');23}, 'RTCIceTransport initial properties are set');24test(t => {25 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);26 assert_throws_js(TypeError, () =>27 iceTransport.gather({ iceServers: null }));28}, 'gather() with { iceServers: null } should throw TypeError');29test(t => {30 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);31 iceTransport.gather({ iceServers: undefined });32}, 'gather() with { iceServers: undefined } should succeed');33test(t => {34 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);35 iceTransport.gather({ iceServers: [{36 urls: ['', ''],37 username: 'user',38 credential: 'cred',39 }] });40}, 'gather() with one turns server, one turn server, username, credential' +41 ' should succeed');42test(t => {43 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);44 iceTransport.gather({ iceServers: [{45 urls: ['', ''],46 }] });47}, 'gather() with 2 stun servers should succeed');48test(t => {49 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);50 iceTransport.stop();51 assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', () => iceTransport.gather({}));52}, 'gather() throws if closed');53test(t => {54 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);55 iceTransport.gather({});56 assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'gathering');57}, `gather() transitions gatheringState to 'gathering'`);58test(t => {59 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);60 iceTransport.gather({});61 assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError', () => iceTransport.gather({}));62}, 'gather() throws if called twice');63promise_test(async t => {64 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);65 const watcher = new EventWatcher(t, iceTransport, 'gatheringstatechange');66 iceTransport.gather({});67 await watcher.wait_for('gatheringstatechange');68 assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'complete');69}, `eventually transition gatheringState to 'complete'`);70promise_test(async t => {71 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);72 const watcher = new EventWatcher(t, iceTransport,73 [ 'icecandidate', 'gatheringstatechange' ]);74 iceTransport.gather({});75 let candidate;76 do {77 (({ candidate } = await watcher.wait_for('icecandidate')));78 } while (candidate !== null);79 assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'gathering');80 await watcher.wait_for('gatheringstatechange');81 assert_equals(iceTransport.gatheringState, 'complete');82}, 'onicecandidate fires with null candidate before gatheringState' +83 ` transitions to 'complete'`);84promise_test(async t => {85 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);86 const watcher = new EventWatcher(t, iceTransport, 'icecandidate');87 iceTransport.gather({});88 const { candidate } = await watcher.wait_for('icecandidate');89 assert_not_equals(candidate.candidate, '');90 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getLocalCandidates(), [candidate]);91}, 'gather() returns at least one host candidate');92promise_test(async t => {93 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);94 const watcher = new EventWatcher(t, iceTransport, 'icecandidate');95 iceTransport.gather({ gatherPolicy: 'relay' });96 const { candidate } = await watcher.wait_for('icecandidate');97 assert_equals(candidate, null);98 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getLocalCandidates(), []);99}, `gather() returns no candidates with { gatherPolicy: 'relay'} and no turn` +100 ' servers');101const dummyRemoteParameters = {102 usernameFragment: ICE_UFRAG,103 password: ICE_PWD,104};105test(() => {106 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();107 iceTransport.stop();108 assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError',109 () => iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters));110 assert_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteParameters(), null);111}, `start() throws if closed`);112test(() => {113 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();114 assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => iceTransport.start({}));115 assert_throws_js(TypeError,116 () => iceTransport.start({ usernameFragment: ICE_UFRAG }));117 assert_throws_js(TypeError,118 () => iceTransport.start({ password: ICE_PWD }));119 assert_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteParameters(), null);120}, 'start() throws if usernameFragment or password not set');121test(() => {122 const TEST_CASES = [123 {usernameFragment: '2sh', description: 'less than 4 characters long'},124 {125 usernameFragment: 'x'.repeat(257),126 description: 'greater than 256 characters long',127 },128 {usernameFragment: '123\n', description: 'illegal character'},129 ];130 for (const {usernameFragment, description} of TEST_CASES) {131 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();132 assert_throws_dom(133 'SyntaxError',134 () => iceTransport.start({ usernameFragment, password: ICE_PWD }),135 `illegal usernameFragment (${description}) should throw a SyntaxError`);136 }137}, 'start() throws if usernameFragment does not conform to syntax');138test(() => {139 const TEST_CASES = [140 {password: 'x'.repeat(21), description: 'less than 22 characters long'},141 {142 password: 'x'.repeat(257),143 description: 'greater than 256 characters long',144 },145 {password: ('x'.repeat(21) + '\n'), description: 'illegal character'},146 ];147 for (const {password, description} of TEST_CASES) {148 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();149 assert_throws_dom(150 'SyntaxError',151 () => iceTransport.start({ usernameFragment: ICE_UFRAG, password }),152 `illegal password (${description}) should throw a SyntaxError`);153 }154}, 'start() throws if password does not conform to syntax');155const assert_ice_parameters_equals = (a, b) => {156 assert_equals(a.usernameFragment, b.usernameFragment,157 'usernameFragments are equal');158 assert_equals(a.password, b.password, 'passwords are equal');159};160test(t => {161 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);162 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters);163 assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'new');164 assert_ice_parameters_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteParameters(),165 dummyRemoteParameters);166}, `start() does not transition state to 'checking' if no remote candidates ` +167 'added');168test(t => {169 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);170 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters);171 assert_equals(iceTransport.role, 'controlled');172}, `start() with default role sets role attribute to 'controlled'`);173test(t => {174 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);175 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters, 'controlling');176 assert_equals(iceTransport.role, 'controlling');177}, `start() sets role attribute to 'controlling'`);178const candidate1 = new RTCIceCandidate({179 candidate: 'candidate:1 1 udp 2113929471 10100 typ host',180 sdpMid: '',181});182test(() => {183 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();184 iceTransport.stop();185 assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError',186 () => iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate1));187 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), []);188}, 'addRemoteCandidate() throws if closed');189test(() => {190 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();191 assert_throws_dom('OperationError',192 () => iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(193 new RTCIceCandidate({ candidate: 'invalid', sdpMid: '' })));194 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), []);195}, 'addRemoteCandidate() throws on invalid candidate');196test(t => {197 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);198 iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate1);199 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters);200 assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'checking');201 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), [candidate1]);202}, `start() transitions state to 'checking' if one remote candidate had been ` +203 'added');204test(t => {205 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);206 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters);207 iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate1);208 assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'checking');209 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), [candidate1]);210}, `addRemoteCandidate() transitions state to 'checking' if start() had been ` +211 'called before');212test(t => {213 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);214 iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters);215 assert_throws_dom('InvalidStateError',216 () => iceTransport.start(dummyRemoteParameters, 'controlling'));217}, 'start() throws if later called with a different role');218test(t => {219 const iceTransport = makeIceTransport(t);220 iceTransport.start({221 usernameFragment: '1'.repeat(4),222 password: '1'.repeat(22),223 });224 iceTransport.addRemoteCandidate(candidate1);225 const changedRemoteParameters = {226 usernameFragment: '2'.repeat(4),227 password: '2'.repeat(22),228 };229 iceTransport.start(changedRemoteParameters);230 assert_equals(iceTransport.state, 'new');231 assert_array_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteCandidates(), []);232 assert_ice_parameters_equals(iceTransport.getRemoteParameters(),233 changedRemoteParameters);...
1'use strict';2// Construct an RTCIceTransport instance. The instance will automatically be3// cleaned up when the test finishes.4function makeIceTransport(t) {5 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();6 t.add_cleanup(() => iceTransport.stop());7 return iceTransport;8}9// Construct two RTCIceTransport instances, configure them to exchange10// candidates, then gather() them.11// Returns a 2-list: [ RTCIceTransport, RTCIceTransport ]12function makeAndGatherTwoIceTransports(t) {13 const localTransport = makeIceTransport(t);14 const remoteTransport = makeIceTransport(t);15 localTransport.onicecandidate = e => {16 if (e.candidate) {17 remoteTransport.addRemoteCandidate(e.candidate);18 }19 };20 remoteTransport.onicecandidate = e => {21 if (e.candidate) {22 localTransport.addRemoteCandidate(e.candidate);23 }24 };25 localTransport.gather({});26 remoteTransport.gather({});27 return [ localTransport, remoteTransport ];28}...
Source: ice.js
1'use strict';2function makeIceTransport(t) {3 const iceTransport = new RTCIceTransport();4 t.add_cleanup(() => iceTransport.stop());5 return iceTransport;6}7function makeAndGatherTwoIceTransports(t) {8 const localTransport = makeIceTransport(t);9 const remoteTransport = makeIceTransport(t);10 localTransport.onicecandidate = e => {11 if (e.candidate) {12 remoteTransport.addRemoteCandidate(e.candidate);13 }14 };15 remoteTransport.onicecandidate = e => {16 if (e.candidate) {17 localTransport.addRemoteCandidate(e.candidate);18 }19 };20 localTransport.gather({});21 remoteTransport.gather({});22 return [localTransport, remoteTransport];23}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var iceTransport = wpt.makeIceTransport();2iceTransport.onstatechange = function() {3 console.log("state changed to: " + iceTransport.state);4}5iceTransport.onicestatechange = function() {6 console.log("ice state changed to: " + iceTransport.iceState);7}8iceTransport.ongatheringstatechange = function() {9 console.log("gathering state changed to: " + iceTransport.gatheringState);10}11iceTransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = function() {12 console.log("selected candidate pair change event");13}14iceTransport.onlocalcandidate = function(event) {15 console.log("local candidate event: " + event.candidate);16}17iceTransport.onremotecandidate = function(event) {18 console.log("remote candidate event: " + event.candidate);19}20iceTransport.oncandidateerror = function(event) {21 console.log("candidate error event: " + event.candidate);22}23iceTransport.oncandidatepairchange = function(event) {24 console.log("candidate pair change event: " + event.candidate);25}26iceTransport.onicestart = function(event) {27 console.log("ice start event");28}29iceTransport.oniceend = function(event) {30 console.log("ice end event");31}32iceTransport.onicecandidate = function(event) {33 console.log("ice candidate event");34}35iceTransport.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(event) {36 console.log("ice connection state changed to: " + iceTransport.iceConnectionState);37}38iceTransport.onicegatheringstatechange = function(event) {39 console.log("ice gathering state changed to: " + iceTransport.iceGatheringState);40}41iceTransport.onicecandidateerror = function(event) {42 console.log("ice candidate error event");43}44iceTransport.onicecandidatepairchange = function(event) {45 console.log("ice candidate pair change event");46}47iceTransport.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(event) {48 console.log("ice connection state changed to: " + iceTransport.iceConnectionState);49}50iceTransport.onicegatheringstatechange = function(event) {51 console.log("ice gathering state changed to: " + iceTransport.iceGatheringState);52}53iceTransport.onicecandidateerror = function(event) {54 console.log("ice candidate error event");55}56iceTransport.onicecandidatepairchange = function(event) {57 console.log("ice candidate pair change event");58}
Using AI Code Generation
1var iceTransport = makeIceTransport();2var iceTransport = makeIceTransport();3iceTransport.onstatechange = function() {4 if(iceTransport.state == 'completed') {5 var rtpReceiver = makeRtpReceiver();6 var rtpReceiver = makeRtpReceiver();7 rtpReceiver.ontrack = function(event) {8 var rtpSender = makeRtpSender();9 var rtpSender = makeRtpSender();10 rtpSender.replaceTrack(event.track);11 rtpSender.setParameters({encodings: [{maxBitrate: 1000}]});12 rtpSender.getParameters().then(function(params) {13 assert_true(params.encodings[0].maxBitrate == 1000, 'maxBitrate set to 1000');14 rtpSender.setParameters({encodings: [{maxBitrate: 2000}]});15 rtpSender.getParameters().then(function(params) {16 assert_true(params.encodings[0].maxBitrate == 2000, 'maxBitrate set to 2000');17 done();18 });19 });20 };21 var rtpTransceiver = makeRtpTransceiver();22 var rtpTransceiver = makeRtpTransceiver();23 rtpTransceiver.setDirection('sendrecv');24 rtpTransceiver.setCodecPreferences(['opus']);25 rtpTransceiver.getStats().then(function(stats) {26 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('inbound-rtp'), 'stats has inbound-rtp');27 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('outbound-rtp'), 'stats has outbound-rtp');28 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('track'), 'stats has track');29 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('transport'), 'stats has transport');30 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('candidate-pair'), 'stats has candidate-pair');31 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('local-candidate'), 'stats has local-candidate');32 assert_true(stats.hasOwnProperty('remote-c
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