Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: compileTheCompiledTs.ts
1/* ================================= */2import { err, regexConcater, } from './helpersFns'3/* ================================= */4/* '&&', '.', '==', '>', '>=', '[', '<', '<=', '-', '%', '!=', '||', '+', ';', '/', '*', '?', 'in', 'is'} */5/* fns getReq() with no space will have conflict with asdasdfns getReq() */6/* using prettier can actually help to save spaces... */7/* ================================= */8export function compileTheCompiledTs(compiledTs: string): string {9 /* --------------- */10 const files = getFiles(compiledTs)11 if (!files || files.length == 0) return ''12 const newFiles: string[] = [];13 => {14 let new_fileContent = ''15 new_fileContent = rmImportedModules(file)16 new_fileContent = modify1(new_fileContent)17 new_fileContent = rmUselessStrings(new_fileContent)18 // new_fileContent = file.content19 new_fileContent = rm_globalVariable_(new_fileContent)20 new_fileContent = modify_ruleStructure(new_fileContent)21 newFiles.push(new_fileContent)22 })23 // console.log(files)24 /* --------------- */25 return newFiles.join('')26}27/* ================================= */28/* ================================= */29export function getFiles(compiledTs: string): ({ content: string, importedModules: string[], }[]) | false {30 /*^(define\(")(?<p1>(.*))",\s\["require",\s"exports"(?<p2>(.*))\],\sfunction\s\(require,\sexport(?<p3>(.*))\)\s\{\n(?<content>((.|\n)*?))^(\}\);\n) */31 /*\n(define\(")(?<p1>(.*))",\s\["require",\s"exports"(?<p2>(.*))\],\sfunction\s\(require,\sexport(?<p3>(.*))\)\s\{\n(?<content>((.|\n)*?))\n(\}\);\n) */32 /* todo:scape all {} */33 /* todo:but what if there was an unexpected output! like different "define" structure */34 /* note:if we use /g ,we cant use groups */35 /* note:^(at start the line) is buggy ,for example we could find "^define" easily on vscode finder but it couldnt in imported file inside with node fs*/36 // console.log('aaaaaaaaa', compiledTs)37 // const files = compiledTs.match(38 // // new RegExp('\n(define\(")(?<p1>(.*))",\s\["require",\s"exports"(?<p2>(.*))\],\sfunction\s\(require,\sexport(?<p3>(.*))\)\s\{\n(?<content>((.|\n)*?))^(\}\);\n)', 'gs')39 // /\n(define\(")(?<p1>(.*))",\s\["require",\s"exports"(?<p2>(.*))\],\sfunction\s\(require,\sexport(?<p3>(.*))\)\s\{\n(?<content>((.|\n)*?))\n(\}\);\n)/g40 // )41 const asd = [42 /(define\(")/,43 /(?<p1>(.*))/,44 /",\s\["require",\s"exports"/,45 /(?<p2>(.*))/,46 /\],\sfunction\s\(require,\sexports/,47 /(?<importedModules>(.*))/,48 /\)\s\{\n/,49 /(?<content>((.|\n)*?))/,50 /\n((\}\);))/,51 ]52 const files = compiledTs.match(regexConcater(asd, 'g'))53 // console.log(files)54 console.log('founded files:', files?.length)55 const finalResult = []56 if (files) {57 for (let fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < files.length; fileIndex++) {58 const file = files[fileIndex];59 const found = file.match(regexConcater(asd, ''))60 /* todo:add file address here */61 if (!found || !found.groups) {62 err('')63 return false /* note:this will never fires(this is tmp ,just for type matching) */64 }65 const content = found.groups['content']66 /* content could be empty */67 const importedModules = found.groups['importedModules']68 const final_importedModules: string[] = []69 if (importedModules && importedModules != '') {70 const tmp = importedModules.split(',')71 if (tmp.length > 0) {72 tmp.splice(0, 1)73 => final_importedModules.push(i.trim()))74 // =tmp75 }76 }77 // console.log({ fileIndex, importedModules, content })78 finalResult.push({ content, importedModules: final_importedModules, })79 }80 // files['input'] = ''81 // console.log(files.groups)82 // console.log(files.length)83 }84 return finalResult85}86/* ================================= */87/* ================================= */88/** Note:this is still unstable and might change */89export function rmImportedModules(file: { content: string, importedModules: string[], }): string {90 let fileContent = file.content91 => {92 // const tmp = ' ' + mdl + '.'93 const tmp = ' ' + mdl + '.'94 const tmp2 = '(' + mdl + '.'95 const tmp3 = '[' + mdl + '.'96 const tmp4 = '!' + mdl + '.'97 /* todo:use regex here */98 // console.log(tmp)99 // console.log(tmp.split(''))100 // const files = fileContent.match(regexConcater([tmp], 'gm'))101 // fileContent = fileContent.replace(regexConcater([tmp], 'gm'), ' ')102 fileContent = fileContent.split(tmp).join(' ');103 fileContent = fileContent.split(tmp2).join('(');104 fileContent = fileContent.split(tmp3).join('[');105 fileContent = fileContent.split(tmp4).join('!');106 // fileContent = fileContent.replace(importedModule.trim() + '.', '')107 })108 // return file.content109 return fileContent110}111/* ================================= */112/* ================================= */113export function modify1(fileContent: string): string {114 let new_fileContent = fileContent115 /* --------------- */116 // new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/define\("(.*?)\)(\s)\{\n/gm, '');117 // new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/^\}\);\n/gm, '');118 /* --------------- */119 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)const(\s)/gm, ' let ');120 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)var(\s)/gm, ' let ');121 /* --------------- */122 /* todo:do we really need these? */123 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)===(\s)/gm, ' == ');124 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)!==(\s)/gm, ' != ');125 /* --------------- */126 return new_fileContent127}128/* ================================= */129export function rmUselessStrings(fileContent: string): string {130 let new_fileContent = fileContent131 /* --------------- */132 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/Object\.defineProperty(.*?);/gm, '\n');133 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/"use strict";/gm, '\n');134 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/__exportStar(.*?);/gm, '\n');135 /* todo:this export could be buggy(conflict with other) ,check it carefully */136 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/exports\.(.*);/gm, '\n');137 /* --------------- */138 return new_fileContent139}140/* ================================= */141export function modify_ruleStructure(fileContent: string): string {142 let new_fileContent = fileContent143 // const ruleStructureString='_ruleStructure___'144 // const ruleStructureString='_ruleStructure_'145 // const ruleStructureString = 'setRuleStructure(() => ({'146 if (!fileContent.includes('setRuleStructure')) return fileContent /* kjasdijn3 */147 /* --------------- */148 // /(exports\.ruleStructure \= \{)/,149 const asd = regexConcater([150 // 'let _ruleStructure_ = () => ({});',151 // 'let ruleStructureString = () => ({',152 'setRuleStructure(() => ({',153 /(?<content>((.|\n)*))/,154 '}));',155 // /\}\);/,156 ], '')157 // console.log(fileContent)158 const ruleStructure = fileContent.match(asd)159 // console.log(ruleStructure)160 if (!ruleStructure) { /* this is useless(kjasdijn3) */161 return err('couldnt find ruleStructure');162 }163 // console.log({ n: ruleStructure[0] });164 // if (!ruleStructure.groups['body']) return err('couldnt find "body"')165 if (!ruleStructure.groups || !ruleStructure.groups['content']) {166 console.warn('skiping ruleStructure since there was no "ruleStructure" fn');167 return new_fileContent168 };169 /* ------------------------- */170 // const tmp2 = [171 // // /(\s)'(?<cls>((.)+))':/,172 // // // /\s\((?<param>((.)*))\)/,//id173 // // // // /((.|\n)*)/,174 // // // /\s=>\s\(\{\n/,175 // // /(?<fns>((.|\n)*))/,//groups176 // // '})',177 // // /\}\)(\,?)\n/178 // /\}\)/179 // ]180 const clss = ruleStructure.groups['content'].split('})')181 clss.splice(clss.length - 1, 1)182 // console.log(1111, clss)183 /* add a loop here */184 // const fns = ruleStructure.groups['content'].split(',').filter(i => i != '')185 // console.log(11111,fns)186 // console.log(222222221, fns[0].match(regexConcater(tmp2, '')))187 // .match()188 /* ------------------------- */189 /* todo:user_public_1. didnt get remove! */190 /* create: x.create_x(id) */191 const tmp3 = [192 /(\s*)'(?<cls>((.)+))':/,193 /\s\((?<param>((.)*))\)/,//id194 // /((.|\n)*)/,195 /\s=>\s\(\{\n/,196 /(?<fns>((.|\n)*))/,//groups197 // '}),',198 ]199 let azxcas = ''200 => {201 const foundCls = currentCls.match(regexConcater(tmp3))202 if (!foundCls || !foundCls.groups) {203 return err('couldnt find ruleStructure functions!');204 }205 if (!foundCls.groups['cls'])206 return err('couldnt find "cls"');207 // if (!asd.groups['param']) return err()208 if (!foundCls.groups['fns'])209 return err('couldnt find "fns"');210 const targetPath = foundCls.groups['cls'];211 const param = foundCls.groups['param'] ? `/{${foundCls.groups['param']}}` : ''; /* this is optional so specific chars appear when its there */212 const fns = foundCls.groups['fns'].split('\n');/* todo:what if user dont use NewLine? */213 // console.log({ fns })214 /* const keyVal_fns = => i.split(': () => ')); */215 const keyVal_fns = => i.split(': '));216 keyVal_fns.splice(keyVal_fns.length - 1, 1);217 const finalFns = => '\n\t\t allow ' + i[0].trim() + ': if ' + i[1].trim().split(',').join('') + ';').join('');218 // ${asd.groups['']}219 azxcas += (`220 match /${targetPath}${param} {221 ${finalFns}222 }\n223 `)224 })225 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(asd, azxcas)226 /* --------------- */227 return new_fileContent228}229/* ================================= */230/* ================================= */231export function rm_globalVariable_(fileContent: string): string {232 let new_fileContent = fileContent233 /* todo.opt:test with double globalVariable_ */234 /* todo use match technique here */235 /* --------------- */236 /* add these to testing(with below regex ,it must returns all variables) :237 _globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle = 6;238 _globalVariables_.maximumCharsInTitle = 20;239 _globalVariables_.maximumChar_sInTsitle = 20;240 _globalVariables_._maxim23asd23ra$umChar_$sInTsitle = 20;241 _globalVariables_.$maximumChar_$sInTsi23tle = 20;242 _globalVariables_.asdasd = _globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle +243 _globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle;244 _globalVariables_.asdasd = '_globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle' ^245 '_globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle' ;246 _globalVariables_.asdasds = _globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle - _globalVariables_.minimumCharsInTitle;247 _globalVariables_1._globalVariables_.maximumCharsInTitle); 248 */249 /* convert global vars to global fn minimumCharsInTitle = 6 ==> function minimumCharsInTitle(){return 6} */250 // const aValidVariable = /(([A-Za-z\$_])([A-Za-z\$_0-9]+))/251 const aValidVariable = /(?<fname>(([A-Za-z\$_])([A-Za-z\$_0-9]+)))/252 // const aValidValue = /(?<value>(([A-Za-z\$_0-9\"\']+)))/253 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(regexConcater([254 /(\s)_globalVariables_\./,255 aValidVariable,256 /(\s)=(\s)/,257 /(?<val>((.|([\+\-\*%\^]\n))+));/, /* new line allowed when another operator comes before it */258 ], 'gm'),259 'function $<fname>(){ return $<val> ; }\n'260 );261 // (\s)_globalVariables_\.(?<fname>(([A-Za-z\$_])([A-Za-z\$_0-9]+)))(\s)=(\s)(?<val>((.|([\+\-\*%\^]\n))+));262 /*263 (\s)_globalVariables_\.(?<fname>(([A-Za-z\$_])([A-Za-z\$_0-9]+)))(\s)=(\s)(?<val>((.|(\+\n))+));264 */265 /* (\s)_globalVariables_\.(?<fname>(([A-Za-z\$_])([A-Za-z\$_0-9]+)))(\s)=(\s)(?<val>((.|([\+\-\*%\^]\n))+));266 */267 /* --------------- */268 /* --------------- */269 /* convert _globalVariables_.x to x() */270 /* todo:test this with /gm */271 /* todo:rm s */272 // new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(_globalVariables_\.)(?<fname>(.*?))(\s)/g, ' $<fname>\(\) ');273 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(regexConcater([274 /(\s)(_globalVariables_\.)/,275 aValidVariable,276 ], 'gm'),277 ' $<fname>\(\) '278 );279 /* --------------- */280 // /* todo:in best senario these must work in isolated env and without needing tothether */281 // /* even if user dont export it this still convert it */282 // /* todo:this must be scoped */283 // /* rm useless */284 // /* note:dont add gm to this one (there must be just one) */285 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)let(\s)_globalVariables_;/m, '\n');286 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)\(function(\s)\(_globalVariables_\)(\s)\{\n/m, '\n');287 new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/\}\)\(_globalVariables_(?<fname>(.*?))\n/m, '\n');288 // /* convert global vars to global fn */289 // new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)_globalVariables_\.(?<fname>(.*))(\s)=(\s)(?<val>(.*));\n/gm, 'function $<fname>(){ return $<val> ; }\n');290 // new_fileContent = new_fileContent.replace(/(\s)(_globalVariables_\.)(?<fname>(.*?))(\s)/g, ' $<fname>\(\) ');291 return new_fileContent292}...
Source: ModuleGraph.ts
1import { PartialResolvedId, TransformResult } from "rollup";2import { cleanUrl } from "./utils";3export class ModuleNode {4 // èµæºè®¿é® url5 url: string;6 // èµæºç»å¯¹è·¯å¾7 id: string | null = null;8 // 该模åçå¼ç¨æ¹9 importers = new Set<ModuleNode>();10 // 该模åæä¾èµç模å11 importedModules = new Set<ModuleNode>();12 // ç»è¿ transform é©ååçç¼è¯ç»æ13 transformResult: TransformResult | null = null;14 lastHMRTimestamp = 0;15 constructor(url: string) {16 this.url = url;17 }18}19export class ModuleGraph {20 // èµæº url å° ModuleNode çæ å°è¡¨21 urlToModuleMap = new Map<string, ModuleNode>();22 // èµæºç»å¯¹è·¯å¾å° ModuleNode çæ å°è¡¨23 idToModuleMap = new Map<string, ModuleNode>();24 constructor(25 private resolveId: (url: string) => Promise<PartialResolvedId | null>26 ) {}27 getModuleById(id: string): ModuleNode | undefined {28 return this.idToModuleMap.get(id);29 }30 async getModuleByUrl(rawUrl: string): Promise<ModuleNode | undefined> {31 const { url } = await this._resolve(rawUrl);32 return this.urlToModuleMap.get(url);33 }34 // æ ¹æ®urlè·åå·²æçï¼æå建æ°ç ModuleNode 35 async ensureEntryFromUrl(rawUrl: string): Promise<ModuleNode> {36 const { url, resolvedId } = await this._resolve(rawUrl);37 // é¦å
æ£æ¥ç¼å38 if (this.urlToModuleMap.has(url)) {39 return this.urlToModuleMap.get(url) as ModuleNode;40 }41 42 // è¥æ ç¼åï¼æ´æ° urlToModuleMap å idToModuleMap43 const mod = new ModuleNode(url);44 = resolvedId;45 this.urlToModuleMap.set(url, mod);46 this.idToModuleMap.set(resolvedId, mod);47 return mod;48 }49 // æ´æ° importedModules50 async updateModuleInfo(51 mod: ModuleNode,52 importedModules: Set<string | ModuleNode>53 ) {54 const prevImports = mod.importedModules;55 for (const curImports of importedModules) {56 const dep =57 typeof curImports === "string"58 ? await this.ensureEntryFromUrl(cleanUrl(curImports))59 : curImports;60 61 if (dep) {62 mod.importedModules.add(dep);63 dep.importers.add(mod);64 }65 }66 // æ¸
é¤å·²ç»ä¸å被å¼ç¨çä¾èµ67 for (const prevImport of prevImports) {68 if (!importedModules.has(prevImport.url)) {69 prevImport.importers.delete(mod);70 }71 }72 }73 // HMR 触åæ¶ä¼æ§è¡è¿ä¸ªæ¹æ³74 invalidateModule(file: string) {75 const mod = this.idToModuleMap.get(file);76 77 if (mod) {78 // æ´æ°æ¶é´æ³79 mod.lastHMRTimestamp =;80 mod.transformResult = null;81 mod.importers.forEach((importer) => {82 this.invalidateModule(!);83 });84 }85 }86 private async _resolve(87 url: string88 ): Promise<{ url: string; resolvedId: string }> {89 const resolved = await this.resolveId(url);90 const resolvedId = resolved?.id || url;91 return { url, resolvedId };92 }...
Source: index.js
1import Vue from 'vue'2import Vuex from 'vuex'3import VuexPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'4import * as mutations from './mutations'5import loginUser from './modules/loginUser/loginUser'6import crudUsers from './modules/crudUsers/crudUsers'7import breadcrumbs from './modules/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs'8import apiModules from './modules/apiModules/apiModules'9import ApiModule from './modules/apiModules/ApiModule'10const importedModules = {}11apiModules.forEach(element => {12 importedModules[] = new ApiModule(element)13})14importedModules.loginUser = loginUser15importedModules.crudUsers = crudUsers16importedModules.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs17Vue.use(Vuex)18const sessionStorage = VuexPersistedState({19 storage: window.sessionStorage20})21const localStorageMutations = ['addRUserData', 'deleteUserData']22const localStorage = VuexPersistedState({23 storage: window.localStorage,24 reducer: state => ({25 userData: state.userData26 }),27 filter: mutation => (localStorageMutations.indexOf(mutation.type) !== -1)28})29const store = new Vuex.Store({30 strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production', // check if something updates our model not through mutation31 state: {32 loading: 0,33 snackbarOptions: {snackbar: false},34 updateProperty: null,35 catalogBack: true,36 categoryBack: true37 },38 // getters39 getters: {40 snackbarOptions: state => state.snackbarOptions,41 updateProperty: state => state.updateProperty,42 loading: state => state.loading,43 catalogBack: state => state.catalogBack,44 categoryBack: state => state.categoryBack45 },46 mutations,47 plugins: [localStorage, sessionStorage],48 modules: importedModules49})...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";2import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";3import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";4import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";5import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";6import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";7import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";8import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";9import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";10import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";11import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";12import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";13import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";14import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";15import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";16import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";17import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";18import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";19import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";20import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";21import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";22import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";23import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";24import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";25import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";26import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";27import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";28import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";29import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";30import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";31import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";32import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";33import { assert_true } from "web-platform-test";34import { assert_false } from "web-platform-test";35import { assert_throws } from "web-platform-test";36import { importedModules } from "web-platform-test";37import { assert_equals } from "web-platform-test";38import { assert_true } from "
Using AI Code Generation
1import { importedModules } from "wpt";2import { importedModules } from "wpt";3import { importedModules } from "wpt";4import { importedModules } from "wpt";5const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;6const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;7const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;8import { importedModules } from "wpt";9import { importedModules } from "wpt";10import { importedModules } from "wpt";11import { importedModules } from "wpt";12const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;13const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;14const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;15import { importedModules } from "wpt";16import { importedModules } from "wpt";17import { importedModules } from "wpt";18const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;19const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;20const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;21import { importedModules } from "wpt";22import { importedModules } from "wpt";23import { importedModules } from "wpt";24const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;25const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;26const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;27import { importedModules } from "wpt";28import { importedModules } from "wpt";29import { importedModules } from "wpt";30const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;31const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;32const importedModules = wpt.importedModules;33import { importedModules } from "wpt";
Using AI Code Generation
1var importedModules = wpt.importedModules;2var importedModule = importedModules[0];3var importedModule2 = importedModules[1];4var importedModule3 = importedModules[2];5var importedModule4 = importedModules[3];6var importedModule5 = importedModules[4];7var importedModule6 = importedModules[5];8var importedModule7 = importedModules[6];9var importedModule8 = importedModules[7];10var importedModule9 = importedModules[8];11var importedModule10 = importedModules[9];12var importedModule11 = importedModules[10];13var importedModule12 = importedModules[11];14var importedModule13 = importedModules[12];15var importedModule14 = importedModules[13];16var importedModule15 = importedModules[14];17var importedModule16 = importedModules[15];18var importedModule17 = importedModules[16];19var importedModule18 = importedModules[17];20var importedModule19 = importedModules[18];21var importedModule20 = importedModules[19];22var importedModule21 = importedModules[20];23var importedModule22 = importedModules[21];24var importedModule23 = importedModules[22];25var importedModule24 = importedModules[23];26var importedModule25 = importedModules[24];27var importedModule26 = importedModules[25];28var importedModule27 = importedModules[26];29var importedModule28 = importedModules[27];30var importedModule29 = importedModules[28];31var importedModule30 = importedModules[29];32var importedModule31 = importedModules[30];33var importedModule32 = importedModules[31];34var importedModule33 = importedModules[32];35var importedModule34 = importedModules[33];36var importedModule35 = importedModules[34];37var importedModule36 = importedModules[35];38var importedModule37 = importedModules[36];39var importedModule38 = importedModules[37];40var importedModule39 = importedModules[38];41var importedModule40 = importedModules[39];42var importedModule41 = importedModules[40];43var importedModule42 = importedModules[41];44var importedModule43 = importedModules[42];45var importedModule44 = importedModules[43];46var importedModule45 = importedModules[44];47var importedModule46 = importedModules[45];48var importedModule47 = importedModules[46];49var importedModule48 = importedModules[47];50var importedModule49 = importedModules[48
Using AI Code Generation
1importScripts("/resources/testharness.js");2importScripts("/resources/testharnessreport.js");3importScripts("/common/utils.js");4importScripts("../resources/utils.js");5test(function() {6 assert_true('importedModules' in self, 'importedModules is not defined');7}, 'importedModules method is defined');8test(function() {9 assert_true(self.importedModules() instanceof Promise, 'importedModules does not return a promise');10}, 'importedModules method returns a promise');11test(function() {12 self.importedModules().then(function(result) {13 assert_true(Array.isArray(result), 'importedModules does not return a promise that resolves to an array');14 });15}, 'importedModules method returns a promise that resolves to an array');16test(function() {17 self.importedModules().then(function(result) {18 assert_true(result.includes("/common/utils.js"), 'importedModules does not return a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts');19 assert_true(result.includes("../resources/utils.js"), 'importedModules does not return a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts');20 });21}, 'importedModules method returns a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts');22test(function() {23 self.importedModules().then(function(result) {24 assert_equals(result.indexOf("/common/utils.js"), 0, 'importedModules does not return a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts in the order they were imported');25 assert_equals(result.indexOf("../resources/utils.js"), 1, 'importedModules does not return a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts in the order they were imported');26 });27}, 'importedModules method returns a promise that resolves to an array containing the imported scripts in the order they were imported');28test(function() {29 self.importedModules().then(function(result
Using AI Code Generation
1import { importedModules } from "wpt";2import { assert } from "wpt";3let imported = importedModules("test.js");4assert(imported.includes("wpt"), "wpt module has been imported");5assert(imported.includes("assert"), "assert module has been imported");6import { importedModules } from "wpt";7import { assert } from "wpt";8let imported = importedModules("test.js");9assert(imported.includes("wpt"), "wpt module has been imported");10assert(imported.includes("assert"), "assert module has been imported");11import { importedModules } from "wpt";12import { assert } from "wpt";13let imported = importedModules("test.js");14assert(imported.includes("wpt"), "wpt module has been imported");15assert(imported.includes("assert"), "assert module has been imported");16import { importedModules } from "wpt";17import { assert } from "wpt";18let imported = importedModules("test.js");19assert(imported.includes("wpt"), "wpt module has been imported");20assert(imported.includes("assert"), "assert module has been imported");21import { importedModules } from "wpt";22import { assert } from "wpt";23let imported = importedModules("test.js");24assert(imported.includes("wpt"), "wpt module has been imported");25assert(imported.includes("assert"), "assert module has been imported");26import { imported
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Testing is a critical step in any web application development process. However, it can be an overwhelming task if you don’t have the right tools and expertise. A large percentage of websites still launch with errors that frustrate users and negatively affect the overall success of the site. When a website faces failure after launch, it costs time and money to fix.
We launched LT Browser in 2020, and we were overwhelmed by the response as it was awarded as the #5 product of the day on the ProductHunt platform. Today, after 74,585 downloads and 7,000 total test runs with an average of 100 test runs each day, the LT Browser has continued to help developers build responsive web designs in a jiffy.
Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.
As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.
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