How to use fixedInlineSize method in wpt

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Source:subform-css-layout-worklet.umd.js Github


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1(function (global, factory) {2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory() :3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :4 (factory());5}(this, (function () { 'use strict';6 const spaceValue = /^(\d)s$/;7 const _parseValue = value => {8 if (spaceValue.test(value)) {9 return { space: parseInt(value.match(spaceValue)[1]) };10 } else if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(value)) !== true) {11 return { px: parseInt(value) };12 } else {13 throw new Error(14 `Wrong value "${value}" passed into ${prop} layout property`15 );16 }17 };18 const parseValue = (prop, m) => {19 if (m.get(prop).length !== 0) {20 const value = m.get(prop)[0].trim();21 return _parseValue(value);22 }23 };24 const parseValues = (prop, m) => {25 if (m.get(prop).length !== 0) {26 const values = m27 .get(prop)[0]28 .trim()29 .split(/ +/)30 .map(v => _parseValue(v));31 return values;32 }33 };34 const CROSS_LEFT = "--cross-left";35 const CROSS_RIGHT = "--cross-right";36 const MAIN_RIGHT = "--main-right";37 const MAIN_LEFT = "--main-left";38 const MAIN_BETWEEN = "--main-between";39 const LAYOUT = "--layout";40 const GRID = "--grid";41 const GRID_COLUMNS = "--grid-columns";42 const GRID_ROWS = "--grid-rows";43 const GRID_SPACE = "--grid-space-horizontal";44 class ArtboardLayout {45 static get inputProperties() {46 return [CROSS_LEFT, CROSS_RIGHT];47 }48 *intrinsicSizes() {}49 *layout(children, edges, constraints, styleMap) {50 const fixedInlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;51 const childFragments = yield => {52 return child.layoutNextFragment({});53 });54 return { childFragments };55 }56 }57 const register = () => registerLayout("artboard", ArtboardLayout);58 class SelfDirectedLayout {59 static get inputProperties() {60 return [61 LAYOUT,62 GRID,63 GRID_COLUMNS,64 GRID_ROWS,65 GRID_SPACE,66 MAIN_RIGHT,67 MAIN_LEFT,68 MAIN_BETWEEN69 ];70 }71 static get childInputProperties() {72 return [GRID, "display"];73 }74 *intrinsicSizes() {}75 *layout(children, edges, constraints, styleMap) {76 const fixedInlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;77 const layoutType = styleMap.get(LAYOUT)[0].trim();78 if (layoutType === "grid") {79 const fixedInlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;80 const columns = parseValues(GRID_COLUMNS, styleMap);81 const rows = parseValues(GRID_ROWS, styleMap);82 const space = parseValues(GRID_SPACE, styleMap);83 const [spaceBefore, spaceBetween, spaceAfter] = (space.length > 084 ? space85 : [0, 0, 0]86 ).map(s => s.px);87 const availableInlineSize =88 fixedInlineSize -89 spaceBefore -90 spaceAfter -91 spaceBetween * (children.length - 1);92 const totalInlineSpace = columns.reduce((sum, c) => sum +, 0);93 const columnSize = availableInlineSize / totalInlineSpace;94 const sortedChildren = children95 .map((child, idx) => [...parseValues(GRID, child.styleMap), idx])96 .sort((a, b) => a[0].px - b[0].px);97 const childFragments = yield => {98 const [gridColumn, gridRow] = parseValues(GRID, child.styleMap);99 let size = columns[gridColumn.px - 1].space * columnSize;100 const props = { fixedInlineSize: size };101 if (102 child.styleMap.get("display").toString() === "layout(parent-directed)"103 ) {104 return child.layoutNextFragment(props);105 } else {106 return child.layoutNextFragment({});107 }108 });109 sortedChildren.forEach(([gridColumn, gridRow, fragmentIdx], idx) => {110 const child = children[fragmentIdx];111 const childFragment = childFragments[fragmentIdx];112 if (113 child.styleMap.get("display").toString() === "layout(parent-directed)"114 ) {115 if (fragmentIdx > 0) {116 const prevChild = childFragments[sortedChildren[idx - 1][2]];117 childFragment.inlineOffset =118 prevChild.inlineOffset + prevChild.inlineSize + spaceBetween;119 } else {120 childFragment.inlineOffset = spaceBefore;121 }122 }123 });124 return { childFragments };125 }126 if (layoutType === "horizontal") {127 const left = parseValue(MAIN_LEFT, styleMap);128 const right = parseValue(MAIN_RIGHT, styleMap);129 const between = parseValue(MAIN_BETWEEN, styleMap);130 const totalSpace =131 ( !== undefined ? : 0) +132 ( !== undefined ? : 0);133 const totalBetween = { px: between.px * (children.length - 1) };134 const childFragments = yield => {135 return child.layoutNextFragment({});136 });137 const totalChildInlineSize = childFragments.reduce(138 (sum, child) => sum + child.inlineSize,139 0140 );141 const availableInlineSize =142 fixedInlineSize -143 totalChildInlineSize -144 totalBetween.px -145 (left.px !== undefined ? left.px : 0) -146 (right.px !== undefined ? right.px : 0);147 const spaceAmount = availableInlineSize / totalSpace;148 childFragments.forEach((child, idx) => {149 child.inlineOffset = spaceAmount * + child.inlineSize * idx;150 if (idx > 0) {151 child.inlineOffset += between.px * idx;152 }153 });154 return { childFragments };155 }156 }157 }158 const register$1 = () => registerLayout("self-directed", SelfDirectedLayout);159 const register$2 = () => registerLayout("parent-directed", SelfDirectedLayout);160 register();161 register$2();162 register$1();...

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Source:SelfDirectedLayout.js Github


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1import { parseValue, parseValues } from "./utils";2import {3 LAYOUT,4 GRID,5 GRID_COLUMNS,6 GRID_ROWS,7 GRID_SPACE,8 MAIN_RIGHT,9 MAIN_LEFT,10 MAIN_BETWEEN11} from "./cssProps";12export class SelfDirectedLayout {13 static get inputProperties() {14 return [15 LAYOUT,16 GRID,17 GRID_COLUMNS,18 GRID_ROWS,19 GRID_SPACE,20 MAIN_RIGHT,21 MAIN_LEFT,22 MAIN_BETWEEN23 ];24 }25 static get childInputProperties() {26 return [GRID, "display"];27 }28 *intrinsicSizes() {}29 *layout(children, edges, constraints, styleMap) {30 const fixedInlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;31 const layoutType = styleMap.get(LAYOUT)[0].trim();32 if (layoutType === "grid") {33 const fixedInlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;34 const columns = parseValues(GRID_COLUMNS, styleMap);35 const rows = parseValues(GRID_ROWS, styleMap);36 const space = parseValues(GRID_SPACE, styleMap);37 const [spaceBefore, spaceBetween, spaceAfter] = (space.length > 038 ? space39 : [0, 0, 0]40 ).map(s => s.px);41 const availableInlineSize =42 fixedInlineSize -43 spaceBefore -44 spaceAfter -45 spaceBetween * (children.length - 1);46 const totalInlineSpace = columns.reduce((sum, c) => sum +, 0);47 const columnSize = availableInlineSize / totalInlineSpace;48 const sortedChildren = children49 .map((child, idx) => [...parseValues(GRID, child.styleMap), idx])50 .sort((a, b) => a[0].px - b[0].px);51 const childFragments = yield => {52 const [gridColumn, gridRow] = parseValues(GRID, child.styleMap);53 let size = columns[gridColumn.px - 1].space * columnSize;54 const props = { fixedInlineSize: size };55 if (56 child.styleMap.get("display").toString() === "layout(parent-directed)"57 ) {58 return child.layoutNextFragment(props);59 } else {60 return child.layoutNextFragment({});61 }62 });63 sortedChildren.forEach(([gridColumn, gridRow, fragmentIdx], idx) => {64 const child = children[fragmentIdx];65 const childFragment = childFragments[fragmentIdx];66 if (67 child.styleMap.get("display").toString() === "layout(parent-directed)"68 ) {69 if (fragmentIdx > 0) {70 const prevChild = childFragments[sortedChildren[idx - 1][2]];71 childFragment.inlineOffset =72 prevChild.inlineOffset + prevChild.inlineSize + spaceBetween;73 } else {74 childFragment.inlineOffset = spaceBefore;75 }76 }77 });78 return { childFragments };79 }80 if (layoutType === "horizontal") {81 const left = parseValue(MAIN_LEFT, styleMap);82 const right = parseValue(MAIN_RIGHT, styleMap);83 const between = parseValue(MAIN_BETWEEN, styleMap);84 const totalSpace =85 ( !== undefined ? : 0) +86 ( !== undefined ? : 0);87 const totalBetween = { px: between.px * (children.length - 1) };88 const childFragments = yield => {89 return child.layoutNextFragment({});90 });91 const totalChildInlineSize = childFragments.reduce(92 (sum, child) => sum + child.inlineSize,93 094 );95 const availableInlineSize =96 fixedInlineSize -97 totalChildInlineSize -98 totalBetween.px -99 (left.px !== undefined ? left.px : 0) -100 (right.px !== undefined ? right.px : 0);101 const spaceAmount = availableInlineSize / totalSpace;102 childFragments.forEach((child, idx) => {103 child.inlineOffset = spaceAmount * + child.inlineSize * idx;104 if (idx > 0) {105 child.inlineOffset += between.px * idx;106 }107 });108 return { childFragments };109 }110 }111}112const register = () => registerLayout("self-directed", SelfDirectedLayout);...

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Source:masonry.js Github


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1registerLayout('masonry', class {2 static get inputProperties() {3 return [ '--padding', '--columns' ];4 }5 async intrinsicSizes() { /* TODO implement :) */ }6 async layout(children, edges, constraints, styleMap) {7 // fixedInlineSize 布局盒子的宽度,相当于widht8 const inlineSize = constraints.fixedInlineSize;9 // 获取自定义属性10 const padding = parseInt(styleMap.get('--padding').toString());11 const columnValue = styleMap.get('--columns').toString();12 // 计算出有几列13 let columns = parseInt(columnValue);14 if (columnValue === 'auto' || !columns) {15 columns = Math.ceil(inlineSize / 350); // MAGIC NUMBER \o/.16 }17 // 根据列数,计算出每列的宽度18 const childInlineSize = (inlineSize - ((columns + 1) * padding)) / columns;19 const childFragments = await Promise.all( => {20 return child.layoutNextFragment({fixedInlineSize: childInlineSize});21 }));22 let autoBlockSize = 0;23 const columnOffsets = Array(columns).fill(0);24 for (let childFragment of childFragments) {25 // Select the column with the least amount of stuff in it.26 /**27 * 找出高度最小的那列28 * val 是最小那列的高度29 * idx 是最小那列的列数30 */31 const min = columnOffsets.reduce((acc, val, idx) => {32 if (!acc || val < acc.val) {33 return {idx, val};34 }35 return acc;36 }, {val: +Infinity, idx: -1});37 /**38 * inlineOffset 计算每个子元素的横向偏移位置39 * blockOffset 计算每个子元素的纵向偏移位置40 * 相当于 position 的 left 和 top41 */42 childFragment.inlineOffset = padding + (childInlineSize + padding) * min.idx;43 childFragment.blockOffset = padding + min.val;44 /**45 * 更新数组中最小列的高度46 * blockOffset + blockSize47 * like top + height48 * 再更新最外层元素的高度49 */50 columnOffsets[min.idx] = childFragment.blockOffset + childFragment.blockSize;51 autoBlockSize = Math.max(autoBlockSize, columnOffsets[min.idx] + padding);52 }53 // 最终得到所有的子元素的布局的位置及父级元素的高度54 return {autoBlockSize, childFragments};55 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {4 if (err) return console.error(err);5 console.log(data);6});7var wpt = require('wpt');8var wpt = new WebPageTest('');9wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.error(err);11 console.log(data);12});13var wpt = require('wpt');14var wpt = new WebPageTest('');15wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {16 if (err) return console.error(err);17 console.log(data);18});19var wpt = require('wpt');20var wpt = new WebPageTest('');21wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.error(err);23 console.log(data);24});25var wpt = require('wpt');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {28 if (err) return console.error(err);29 console.log(data);30});31var wpt = require('wpt');32var wpt = new WebPageTest('');33wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {34 if (err) return console.error(err);35 console.log(data);36});37var wpt = require('wpt');38var wpt = new WebPageTest('');39wpt.fixedInlineSize('', function(err, data) {40 if (err) return console.error(err);41 console.log(data

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");2var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");3wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();4var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");5var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");6wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();7var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");8var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");9wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();10var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");11var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");12wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();13var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");14var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");15wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();16var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");17var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");18wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();19var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");20var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");21wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();22var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");23var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");24wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();25var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");26var wpTextbox1 = new wptextbox.WPTextbox("wpTextbox1");27wpTextbox1.fixedInlineSize();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();2wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);3var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();4wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);5var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();6wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);7var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();8wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);9var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();10wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);11var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();12wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);13var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();14wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);15var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();16wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);17var wptextbox1 = new wptextbox();18wptextbox1.fixedInlineSize(100);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var text = new Text();2text.text = "Hello World";3text.width = 100;4text.height = 50;5text.color = "white";6text.backgroundColor = "black";7text.fixedInlineSize = true;8text.font = "30px Arial";9text.textAlign = "center";10text.textBaseline = "middle";11var stage = new Stage();12stage.addChild(text);13stage.start();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1function test() {2 var doc = new jsPDF();3 doc.text("Testing fixedInlineSize", 10, 10);4 doc.setFontSize(14);5 var text = "Testing fixedInlineSize";6 var x = 10;7 var y = 20;8 var width = 50;9 var height = 20;10 var options = {11 };12 doc.text(text, x, y, options);13"test.pdf");14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");2var wpinline = new wptextbox();3wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600);4var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");5var wpinline = new wptextbox();6wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft");7var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");8var wpinline = new wptextbox();9wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft", "Arial", 20, "red");10var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");11var wpinline = new wptextbox();12wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft", "Arial", 20, "red", "bold");13var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");14var wpinline = new wptextbox();15wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft", "Arial", 20, "red", "bold", "italic");16var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");17var wpinline = new wptextbox();18wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft", "Arial", 20, "red", "bold", "italic", "underline");19var wptextbox = require("wptextbox");20var wpinline = new wptextbox();21wpinline.fixedInlineSize("test", "test", 800, 600, "topLeft", "Arial", 20, "red", "bold

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var textbox = new wptextbox();2textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);3textbox.text("A sample text");4textbox.addToPage();5var textbox = new wptextbox();6textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);7textbox.text("A sample text");8textbox.addToPage();9var textbox = new wptextbox();10textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);11textbox.text("A sample text");12textbox.addToPage();13var textbox = new wptextbox();14textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);15textbox.text("A sample text");16textbox.addToPage();17var textbox = new wptextbox();18textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);19textbox.text("A sample text");20textbox.addToPage();21var textbox = new wptextbox();22textbox.fixedInlineSize(50);

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