How to use eucjpEncoder method in wpt

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Source:play.js Github


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1var XSystem35 = (function () {2 function XSystem35() {3 isInstalled().then(this.init.bind(this), function () { return show($('.unsupported')); });4 this.naclModule = $('#nacl_module');5 this.volumeControl = new VolumeControl();6 this.zoom = new ZoomManager();7 this.webMidiLinkUrl = localStorage.getItem('midi');8 var naclArgs = [];9 if (this.webMidiLinkUrl)10 naclArgs.push('-Mn');11 if (localStorage.getItem('antialias'))12 naclArgs.push('-antialias');13 var ppapiSimpleVerbosity = '2';14 var debuglv = '1';15 if ( > 1) {16 for (var _i = 0, _a ='&'); _i < _a.length; _i++) {17 var pair = _a[_i];18 var keyValue = pair.split('=');19 switch (keyValue[0]) {20 case 'debuglv':21 debuglv = keyValue[1];22 break;23 case 'ps_verbosity':24 ppapiSimpleVerbosity = keyValue[1];25 break;26 }27 }28 }29 naclArgs.push('-debuglv', debuglv);30 for (var i = 0; i < naclArgs.length; i++)31 this.naclModule.setAttribute('ARG' + (i + 1), naclArgs[i]);32 this.naclModule.setAttribute('PS_VERBOSITY', ppapiSimpleVerbosity);33 }34 XSystem35.prototype.postMessage = function (message) {35 this.naclModule.postMessage(message);36 };37 XSystem35.prototype.init = function (installed) {38 var _this = this;39 if (!installed) {40 show($('.notInstalled'));41 return;42 }43 show($('#contents'));44 document.body.classList.add('bgblack-fade');45 var listener = $('#contents');46 listener.addEventListener('progress', this.onLoadProgress.bind(this), true);47 listener.addEventListener('load', this.moduleDidLoad.bind(this), true);48 listener.addEventListener('message', this.handleMessage.bind(this), true);49 listener.addEventListener('error', this.handleError.bind(this), true);50 listener.addEventListener('crash', this.handleCrash.bind(this), true);51 setupTouchHandlers(this.naclModule);52 this.volumeControl.addEventListener(this.updateVolume.bind(this));53 requestFileSystem().then(function (fs) { return = new AudioPlayer(fs.root.toURL(), _this.volumeControl); });54 };55 XSystem35.prototype.onLoadProgress = function (e) {56 if (!e.lengthComputable)57 return;58 var progressBar = $('#progressBar');59 if (!isVisible(progressBar)) {60 show(progressBar);61 ga('send', 'event', 'play', 'slow-load');62 }63 progressBar.max =;64 progressBar.value = e.loaded;65 };66 XSystem35.prototype.moduleDidLoad = function () {67 this.updateStatus(' ');68 hide($('#progressBar'));69 this.zoom.init();70 this.volumeControl.init();71 if (this.webMidiLinkUrl)72 this.midiPlayer = new MidiPlayer(this.webMidiLinkUrl, this.volumeControl);73 };74 XSystem35.prototype.handleMessage = function (message) {75 var data =;76 switch (data.command) {77 case 'ready':78 this.onNaclReady();79 break;80 case 'exit':81 console.log('exit code: ' + data.code);82 hide($('#contents'));83 setTimeout(function () { return show($('#contents')); }, 3000);84;85 if (this.midiPlayer)86 this.midiPlayer.stop();87 break;88 case 'localtime':89 this.reply(data, this.localtime(data.time));90 break;91 case 'set_window_size':92 this.zoom.setWindowSize(data.width, data.height);93 break;94 case 'set_caption':95 this.setCaption(data.caption);96 break;97 case 'cd_play':98, data.loop);99 break;100 case 'cd_stop':101;102 break;103 case 'cd_getposition':104 this.reply(data,;105 break;106 case 'midi_start':107;108 break;109 case 'midi_stop':110 this.midiPlayer.stop();111 break;112 case 'input_string':113 this.inputString(data);114 break;115 case 'input_number':116 this.inputNumber(data);117 break;118 default:119 if (typeof data === 'string') {120 console.log(data);121 }122 else {123 console.log('unknown message');124 console.log(message);125 }126 break;127 }128 };129 XSystem35.prototype.handleError = function (event) {130 this.updateStatus('ERROR: ' + this.naclModule.lastError);131 };132 XSystem35.prototype.handleCrash = function (event) {133 ga('send', 'event', 'play', 'crashed', this.naclModule.exitStatus + '');134 if (this.naclModule.exitStatus == -1)135 this.updateStatus('CRASHED');136 else137 this.updateStatus('EXITED: ' + this.naclModule.exitStatus);138 };139 XSystem35.prototype.reply = function (data, value) {140 var result = { 'result': value,141 'naclmsg_id': data['naclmsg_id'] };142 this.postMessage({ 'naclmsg': result });143 };144 XSystem35.prototype.updateVolume = function () {145 this.postMessage({ 'setvolume': Math.round(this.volumeControl.volume() * 256) });146 };147 XSystem35.prototype.updateStatus = function (status) {148 $('.pnacl-status').textContent = status;149 };150 XSystem35.prototype.localtime = function (time_t) {151 var t = new Date(time_t * 1000);152 return [t.getSeconds(), t.getMinutes(), t.getHours(),153 t.getDate(), t.getMonth(), t.getFullYear() - 1900, t.getDay()];154 };155 XSystem35.prototype.setCaption = function (buf) {156 var decoder = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');157 var s = decoder.decode(new DataView(buf));158 var title = s.slice(s.indexOf(':') + 1);159 ga('send', 'event', 'play', 'gamestart', title);160 $('title').textContent = title + ' - 鬼畜王 on Chrome';161 };162 XSystem35.prototype.onNaclReady = function () {163 this.updateVolume();164 };165 XSystem35.prototype.inputString = function (data) {166 var decoder = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');167 var title = decoder.decode(new DataView(data.title)) + ' (全角' + data.maxlen + '文字まで)';168 var oldstring = decoder.decode(new DataView(data.oldstring));169 var newstring = window.prompt(title, oldstring);170 if (newstring) {171 var encoder = new EucjpEncoder();172 var buf = encoder.encode(newstring.substr(0, data.maxlen));173 this.reply(data, buf || data.oldstring);174 }175 else {176 this.reply(data, data.oldstring);177 }178 };179 XSystem35.prototype.inputNumber = function (data) {180 var decoder = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');181 var title = decoder.decode(new DataView(data.title)) + ' [' + data.min + '-' + data.max + ']';182 var result = window.prompt(title, data.default + '');183 if (result)184 this.reply(data, parseInt(result));185 else186 this.reply(data, data.default);187 };188 return XSystem35;189}());190var ZoomManager = (function () {191 function ZoomManager() {192 this.nonFullScreenRatio = 1;193 var naclModule = $('#nacl_module');194 this.width = Number(naclModule.getAttribute('width'));195 this.height = Number(naclModule.getAttribute('height'));196 this.zoomSelect = $('#zoom');197 this.zoomSelect.addEventListener('change', this.handleZoom.bind(this));198 document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', this.onFullScreenChange.bind(this));199 if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') != -1) {200 var opt = $('#option-fullscreen');201 opt.parentElement.removeChild(opt);202 }203 }204 ZoomManager.prototype.init = function () {205 show(this.zoomSelect);206 var ratio = localStorage.getItem('zoom');207 if (ratio != 'full' && Number(ratio) < 1 || Number(ratio) > 3)208 ratio = null;209 if (ratio && ratio != '1') {210 this.zoomSelect.value = String(ratio);211 this.handleZoom();212 }213 };214 ZoomManager.prototype.setWindowSize = function (width, height) {215 this.width = width;216 this.height = height;217 this.handleZoom();218 };219 ZoomManager.prototype.onFullScreenChange = function () {220 if (!document.webkitFullscreenElement)221 this.zoomSelect.value = String(this.nonFullScreenRatio);222 this.handleZoom();223 };224 ZoomManager.prototype.handleZoom = function () {225 var naclModule = $('#nacl_module');226 var value = this.zoomSelect.value;227 localStorage.setItem('zoom', value);228 if (value == 'full') {229 if (!document.webkitFullscreenElement) {230 naclModule.webkitRequestFullScreen();231 }232 else {233 var ratio = Math.min(window.innerWidth /​ this.width, window.innerHeight /​ this.height);234 naclModule.setAttribute('width', String(this.width * ratio));235 naclModule.setAttribute('height', String(this.height * ratio));236 }237 }238 else {239 var ratio = Number(value);240 $('#contents').style.width = (this.width * ratio) + 'px';241 naclModule.setAttribute('width', String(this.width * ratio));242 naclModule.setAttribute('height', String(this.height * ratio));243 this.nonFullScreenRatio = ratio;244 }245 };246 return ZoomManager;247}());248var TouchState;249(function (TouchState) {250 TouchState[TouchState["Up"] = 0] = "Up";251 TouchState[TouchState["Down"] = 1] = "Down";252 TouchState[TouchState["Left"] = 2] = "Left";253 TouchState[TouchState["Right"] = 3] = "Right";254 TouchState[TouchState["Tap"] = 4] = "Tap";255})(TouchState || (TouchState = {}));256;257function setupTouchHandlers(element) {258 var touchState = TouchState.Up;259 var touchTimer;260 element.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart);261 element.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove);262 element.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd);263 function onTouchStart(event) {264 if (event.touches.length != 1)265 return;266 event.preventDefault();267 var touch = event.touches[0];268 generateMouseEvent('mousemove', 0, touch);269 switch (touchState) {270 case TouchState.Tap:271 clearTimeout(touchTimer);272 case TouchState.Up:273 touchState = TouchState.Down;274 touchTimer = setTimeout(function () {275 generateMouseEvent('mousedown', 2, touch);276 touchState = TouchState.Right;277 }, 600);278 break;279 }280 }281 function onTouchMove(event) {282 if (event.touches.length != 1)283 return;284 event.preventDefault();285 var touch = event.touches[0];286 if (touchState === TouchState.Down) {287 clearTimeout(touchTimer);288 generateMouseEvent('mousedown', 0, touch);289 touchState = TouchState.Left;290 }291 generateMouseEvent('mousemove', 0, touch);292 }293 function onTouchEnd(event) {294 if (event.changedTouches.length != 1)295 return;296 event.preventDefault();297 var touch = event.changedTouches[0];298 switch (touchState) {299 case TouchState.Down:300 clearTimeout(touchTimer);301 generateMouseEvent('mousedown', 0, touch);302 touchState = TouchState.Tap;303 touchTimer = setTimeout(function () {304 generateMouseEvent('mouseup', 0, touch);305 touchState = TouchState.Up;306 }, 20);307 break;308 case TouchState.Left:309 generateMouseEvent('mouseup', 0, touch);310 touchState = TouchState.Up;311 break;312 case TouchState.Right:313 generateMouseEvent('mouseup', 2, touch);314 touchState = TouchState.Up;315 break;316 }317 }318 function generateMouseEvent(type, button, t) {319 var mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');320 mouseEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 0, t.screenX, t.screenY, t.clientX, t.clientY, false, false, false, false, button, null);321 element.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent);322 }323}324var VolumeControl = (function () {325 function VolumeControl() {326 this.vol = Number(localStorage.getItem('volume') || 1);327 this.muted = false;328 this.elem = document.getElementById('volume-control');329 this.icon = document.getElementById('volume-control-icon');330 this.slider = document.getElementById('volume-control-slider');331 this.slider.value = Math.round(this.vol * 100) + '';332 this.icon.addEventListener('click', this.onIconClicked.bind(this));333 this.slider.addEventListener('input', this.onSliderValueChanged.bind(this));334 this.slider.addEventListener('change', this.onSliderValueSettled.bind(this));335 }336 VolumeControl.prototype.init = function () {337 show(this.elem);338 };339 VolumeControl.prototype.volume = function () {340 return this.muted ? 0 : parseInt(this.slider.value) /​ 100;341 };342 VolumeControl.prototype.addEventListener = function (handler) {343 this.elem.addEventListener('volumechange', handler);344 };345 VolumeControl.prototype.onIconClicked = function (e) {346 this.muted = !this.muted;347 if (this.muted) {348 this.icon.classList.remove('fa-volume-up');349 this.icon.classList.add('fa-volume-off');350 this.slider.value = '0';351 }352 else {353 this.icon.classList.remove('fa-volume-off');354 this.icon.classList.add('fa-volume-up');355 this.slider.value = String(Math.round(this.vol * 100));356 }357 this.dispatchEvent();358 };359 VolumeControl.prototype.onSliderValueChanged = function (e) {360 this.vol = parseInt(this.slider.value) /​ 100;361 if (this.vol > 0 && this.muted) {362 this.muted = false;363 this.icon.classList.remove('fa-volume-off');364 this.icon.classList.add('fa-volume-up');365 }366 this.dispatchEvent();367 };368 VolumeControl.prototype.onSliderValueSettled = function (e) {369 localStorage.setItem('volume', this.vol + '');370 };371 VolumeControl.prototype.dispatchEvent = function () {372 var event = new CustomEvent('volumechange', { detail: this.volume() });373 this.elem.dispatchEvent(event);374 };375 return VolumeControl;376}());377var AudioPlayer = (function () {378 function AudioPlayer(bgmDir, volumeControl) {379 this.bgmDir = bgmDir;380 this.volumeControl = volumeControl;381 this.tracks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tracks') || '[]');382 volumeControl.addEventListener(this.onVolumeChanged.bind(this));383 }384 = function (track, loop) {385 if (this.elem)386 this.stop();387 var audio = document.createElement('audio');388 audio.setAttribute('src', this.trackURL(track));389 audio.volume = this.volumeControl.volume();390 audio.loop = (loop != 0);391 document.getElementById('contents').appendChild(audio);392 audio.load();393;394 this.elem = audio;395 this.currentTrack = track;396 };397 AudioPlayer.prototype.stop = function () {398 if (this.elem) {399 this.elem.pause();400 this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem);401 this.elem = null;402 this.currentTrack = 0;403 }404 };405 AudioPlayer.prototype.getPosition = function () {406 if (!this.elem || this.elem.ended)407 return 0;408 var time = Math.round(this.elem.currentTime * 75);409 return this.currentTrack | time << 8;410 };411 AudioPlayer.prototype.trackURL = function (n) {412 return this.bgmDir + (this.tracks[n] || 'track' + n + '.wav');413 };414 AudioPlayer.prototype.onVolumeChanged = function (evt) {415 if (this.elem)416 this.elem.volume = evt.detail;417 };418 return AudioPlayer;419}());420var MidiPlayer = (function () {421 function MidiPlayer(url, volumeControl) {422 this.volumeControl = volumeControl;423 this.worker = new Worker('js/​midi-worker.js');424 this.iframe = document.createElement('iframe');425 this.worker.addEventListener('message', this.onMessageFromWorker.bind(this));426 window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessageFromIframe.bind(this));427 this.iframe.src = url;428 document.body.appendChild(this.iframe);429 volumeControl.addEventListener(this.onVolumeChanged.bind(this));430 this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'volume', value: volumeControl.volume() });431 }432 = function (buf) {433 this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'play', smf: buf });434 };435 MidiPlayer.prototype.stop = function () {436 this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'stop' });437 };438 MidiPlayer.prototype.onMessageFromWorker = function (evt) {439 this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(, '*');440 };441 MidiPlayer.prototype.onMessageFromIframe = function (evt) {442 this.worker.postMessage(;443 };444 MidiPlayer.prototype.onVolumeChanged = function (evt) {445 this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'volume', value: evt.detail });446 };447 return MidiPlayer;448}());449var EucjpEncoder = (function () {450 function EucjpEncoder() {451 if (!EucjpEncoder.table)452 this.generateTable();453 }454 EucjpEncoder.prototype.encode = function (s) {455 var bytes = [];456 for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {457 var euc = EucjpEncoder.table[s.charAt(i)];458 if (euc) {459 bytes.push(euc >> 8);460 bytes.push(euc & 0xff);461 }462 else {463 return null;464 }465 }466 return new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer;467 };468 EucjpEncoder.prototype.generateTable = function () {469 EucjpEncoder.table = {};470 var decoder = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');471 var buf = new Uint8Array(2);472 for (var c1 = 0xa1; c1 <= 0xfc; c1++) {473 buf[0] = c1;474 for (var c2 = 0xa1; c2 <= 0xfe; c2++) {475 buf[1] = c2;476 var s = decoder.decode(buf);477 if (s.length == 1 && s != '\uFFFD')478 EucjpEncoder.table[s] = (c1 << 8) | c2;479 }480 }481 };482 return EucjpEncoder;483}());...

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Source:index.d.ts Github


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1export * from './​EUCJPDecoder';...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require("wptools");2var eucjpEncoder = wptools.eucjpEncoder;3var str = "あいうえお";4var eucjpStr = eucjpEncoder(str);5console.log(eucjpStr);6Copyright (c) 2016 Shinnosuke Watanabe

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var eucjpEncoder = wptools.eucjpEncoder;3var eucjpDecoder = wptools.eucjpDecoder;4var text = 'こんにちは';5var encodedText = eucjpEncoder(text);6console.log('encodedText: ' + encodedText);7var decodedText = eucjpDecoder(encodedText);8console.log('decodedText: ' + decodedText);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eucjpEncoder = new TextEncoder("euc-jp");2var eucjpArray = eucjpEncoder.encode("あいうえお");3console.log(eucjpArray);4var eucjpDecoder = new TextDecoder("euc-jp");5var eucjpString = eucjpDecoder.decode(eucjpArray);6console.log(eucjpString);7var utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");8var utf8Array = utf8Encoder.encode("あいうえお");9console.log(utf8Array);10var utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");11var utf8String = utf8Decoder.decode(utf8Array);12console.log(utf8String);13var sjisEncoder = new TextEncoder("shift_jis");14var sjisArray = sjisEncoder.encode("あいうえお");15console.log(sjisArray);16var sjisDecoder = new TextDecoder("shift_jis");17var sjisString = sjisDecoder.decode(sjisArray);18console.log(sjisString);19var utf16Encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-16");20var utf16Array = utf16Encoder.encode("あいうえお");21console.log(utf16Array);22var utf16Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-16");23var utf16String = utf16Decoder.decode(utf16Array);24console.log(utf16String);25var utf16beEncoder = new TextEncoder("utf-16be");26var utf16beArray = utf16beEncoder.encode("あいうえお");27console.log(utf16beArray);28var utf16beDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf-16be");29var utf16beString = utf16beDecoder.decode(utf16beArray);30console.log(utf

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var enc = new TextEncoder('euc-jp');2var dec = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');3var str = 'こんにちは';4var eucjpEncoded = enc.encode(str);5var decoded = dec.decode(eucjpEncoded);6console.log(decoded);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eucjpEncoder = new TextEncoder('euc-jp');2var eucjpString = eucjpEncoder.encode('こんにちは');3console.log(eucjpString);4var eucjpDecoder = new TextDecoder('euc-jp');5var decodedString = eucjpDecoder.decode(eucjpString);6console.log(decodedString);7Uint8Array(15) [ 129, 164, 129, 168, 129, 166, 129, 172, 129, 170, 129, 174, 129, 176, 129 ]

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