Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: wasm-module-builder.js
...6let byte_view = new Int8Array(__buffer);7let f32_view = new Float32Array(__buffer);8let f64_view = new Float64Array(__buffer);9class Binary extends Array {10 emit_u8(val) {11 this.push(val);12 }13 emit_u16(val) {14 this.push(val & 0xff);15 this.push((val >> 8) & 0xff);16 }17 emit_u32(val) {18 this.push(val & 0xff);19 this.push((val >> 8) & 0xff);20 this.push((val >> 16) & 0xff);21 this.push((val >> 24) & 0xff);22 }23 emit_u32v(val) {24 while (true) {25 let v = val & 0xff;26 val = val >>> 7;27 if (val == 0) {28 this.push(v);29 break;30 }31 this.push(v | 0x80);32 }33 }34 emit_bytes(data) {35 for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {36 this.push(data[i] & 0xff);37 }38 }39 emit_string(string) {40 // When testing illegal names, we pass a byte array directly.41 if (string instanceof Array) {42 this.emit_u32v(string.length);43 this.emit_bytes(string);44 return;45 }46 // This is the hacky way to convert a JavaScript string to a UTF8 encoded47 // string only containing single-byte characters.48 let string_utf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(string));49 this.emit_u32v(string_utf8.length);50 for (let i = 0; i < string_utf8.length; i++) {51 this.emit_u8(string_utf8.charCodeAt(i));52 }53 }54 emit_header() {55 this.push(kWasmH0, kWasmH1, kWasmH2, kWasmH3,56 kWasmV0, kWasmV1, kWasmV2, kWasmV3);57 }58 emit_section(section_code, content_generator) {59 // Emit section name.60 this.emit_u8(section_code);61 // Emit the section to a temporary buffer: its full length isn't know yet.62 let section = new Binary;63 content_generator(section);64 // Emit section length.65 this.emit_u32v(section.length);66 // Copy the temporary buffer.67 this.push(...section);68 }69}70class WasmFunctionBuilder {71 constructor(module, name, type_index) {72 this.module = module;73 = name;74 this.type_index = type_index;75 this.body = [];76 }77 exportAs(name) {78 this.module.addExport(name, this.index);79 return this;80 }81 exportFunc() {82 this.exportAs(;83 return this;84 }85 addBody(body) {86 this.body = body;87 return this;88 }89 addLocals(locals) {90 this.locals = locals;91 return this;92 }93 end() {94 return this.module;95 }96}97class WasmGlobalBuilder {98 constructor(module, type, mutable) {99 this.module = module;100 this.type = type;101 this.mutable = mutable;102 this.init = 0;103 }104 exportAs(name) {105 this.module.exports.push({name: name, kind: kExternalGlobal,106 index: this.index});107 return this;108 }109}110class WasmModuleBuilder {111 constructor() {112 this.types = [];113 this.imports = [];114 this.exports = [];115 this.globals = [];116 this.functions = [];117 this.function_table = [];118 this.function_table_length = 0;119 this.function_table_inits = [];120 this.segments = [];121 this.explicit = [];122 this.num_imported_funcs = 0;123 this.num_imported_globals = 0;124 return this;125 }126 addStart(start_index) {127 this.start_index = start_index;128 return this;129 }130 addMemory(min, max, exp) {131 this.memory = {min: min, max: max, exp: exp};132 return this;133 }134 addExplicitSection(bytes) {135 this.explicit.push(bytes);136 return this;137 }138 addType(type) {139 // TODO: canonicalize types?140 this.types.push(type);141 return this.types.length - 1;142 }143 addGlobal(local_type, mutable) {144 let glob = new WasmGlobalBuilder(this, local_type, mutable);145 glob.index = this.globals.length + this.num_imported_globals;146 this.globals.push(glob);147 return glob;148 }149 addFunction(name, type) {150 let type_index = (typeof type) == "number" ? type : this.addType(type);151 let func = new WasmFunctionBuilder(this, name, type_index);152 func.index = this.functions.length + this.num_imported_funcs;153 this.functions.push(func);154 return func;155 }156 addImport(module = "", name, type) {157 let type_index = (typeof type) == "number" ? type : this.addType(type);158 this.imports.push({module: module, name: name, kind: kExternalFunction,159 type: type_index});160 return this.num_imported_funcs++;161 }162 addImportedGlobal(module = "", name, type) {163 let o = {module: module, name: name, kind: kExternalGlobal, type: type,164 mutable: false}165 this.imports.push(o);166 return this.num_imported_globals++;167 }168 addImportedMemory(module = "", name, initial = 0, maximum) {169 let o = {module: module, name: name, kind: kExternalMemory,170 initial: initial, maximum: maximum};171 this.imports.push(o);172 return this;173 }174 addImportedTable(module = "", name, initial, maximum) {175 let o = {module: module, name: name, kind: kExternalTable, initial: initial,176 maximum: maximum};177 this.imports.push(o);178 }179 addExport(name, index) {180 this.exports.push({name: name, kind: kExternalFunction, index: index});181 return this;182 }183 addExportOfKind(name, kind, index) {184 this.exports.push({name: name, kind: kind, index: index});185 return this;186 }187 addDataSegment(addr, data, is_global = false) {188 this.segments.push({addr: addr, data: data, is_global: is_global});189 return this.segments.length - 1;190 }191 exportMemoryAs(name) {192 this.exports.push({name: name, kind: kExternalMemory, index: 0});193 }194 addFunctionTableInit(base, is_global, array) {195 this.function_table_inits.push({base: base, is_global: is_global,196 array: array});197 if (!is_global) {198 var length = base + array.length;199 if (length > this.function_table_length) {200 this.function_table_length = length;201 }202 }203 return this;204 }205 appendToTable(array) {206 return this.addFunctionTableInit(this.function_table.length, false, array);207 }208 setFunctionTableLength(length) {209 this.function_table_length = length;210 return this;211 }212 toArray(debug = false) {213 let binary = new Binary;214 let wasm = this;215 // Add header216 binary.emit_header();217 // Add type section218 if (wasm.types.length > 0) {219 if (debug) print("emitting types @ " + binary.length);220 binary.emit_section(kTypeSectionCode, section => {221 section.emit_u32v(wasm.types.length);222 for (let type of wasm.types) {223 section.emit_u8(kWasmFunctionTypeForm);224 section.emit_u32v(type.params.length);225 for (let param of type.params) {226 section.emit_u8(param);227 }228 section.emit_u32v(type.results.length);229 for (let result of type.results) {230 section.emit_u8(result);231 }232 }233 });234 }235 // Add imports section236 if (wasm.imports.length > 0) {237 if (debug) print("emitting imports @ " + binary.length);238 binary.emit_section(kImportSectionCode, section => {239 section.emit_u32v(wasm.imports.length);240 for (let imp of wasm.imports) {241 section.emit_string(imp.module);242 section.emit_string( || '');243 section.emit_u8(imp.kind);244 if (imp.kind == kExternalFunction) {245 section.emit_u32v(imp.type);246 } else if (imp.kind == kExternalGlobal) {247 section.emit_u32v(imp.type);248 section.emit_u8(imp.mutable);249 } else if (imp.kind == kExternalMemory) {250 var has_max = (typeof imp.maximum) != "undefined";251 section.emit_u8(has_max ? 1 : 0); // flags252 section.emit_u32v(imp.initial); // initial253 if (has_max) section.emit_u32v(imp.maximum); // maximum254 } else if (imp.kind == kExternalTable) {255 section.emit_u8(kWasmAnyFunctionTypeForm);256 var has_max = (typeof imp.maximum) != "undefined";257 section.emit_u8(has_max ? 1 : 0); // flags258 section.emit_u32v(imp.initial); // initial259 if (has_max) section.emit_u32v(imp.maximum); // maximum260 } else {261 throw new Error("unknown/unsupported import kind " + imp.kind);262 }263 }264 });265 }266 // Add functions declarations267 let has_names = false;268 let names = false;269 if (wasm.functions.length > 0) {270 if (debug) print("emitting function decls @ " + binary.length);271 binary.emit_section(kFunctionSectionCode, section => {272 section.emit_u32v(wasm.functions.length);273 for (let func of wasm.functions) {274 has_names = has_names || ( != undefined &&275 > 0);276 section.emit_u32v(func.type_index);277 }278 });279 }280 // Add function_table.281 if (wasm.function_table_length > 0) {282 if (debug) print("emitting table @ " + binary.length);283 binary.emit_section(kTableSectionCode, section => {284 section.emit_u8(1); // one table entry285 section.emit_u8(kWasmAnyFunctionTypeForm);286 section.emit_u8(1);287 section.emit_u32v(wasm.function_table_length);288 section.emit_u32v(wasm.function_table_length);289 });290 }291 // Add memory section292 if (wasm.memory != undefined) {293 if (debug) print("emitting memory @ " + binary.length);294 binary.emit_section(kMemorySectionCode, section => {295 section.emit_u8(1); // one memory entry296 section.emit_u32v(kResizableMaximumFlag);297 section.emit_u32v(wasm.memory.min);298 section.emit_u32v(wasm.memory.max);299 });300 }301 // Add global section.302 if (wasm.globals.length > 0) {303 if (debug) print ("emitting globals @ " + binary.length);304 binary.emit_section(kGlobalSectionCode, section => {305 section.emit_u32v(wasm.globals.length);306 for (let global of wasm.globals) {307 section.emit_u8(global.type);308 section.emit_u8(global.mutable);309 if ((typeof global.init_index) == "undefined") {310 // Emit a constant initializer.311 switch (global.type) {312 case kWasmI32:313 section.emit_u8(kExprI32Const);314 section.emit_u32v(global.init);315 break;316 case kWasmI64:317 section.emit_u8(kExprI64Const);318 section.emit_u8(global.init);319 break;320 case kWasmF32:321 section.emit_u8(kExprF32Const);322 f32_view[0] = global.init;323 section.emit_u8(byte_view[0]);324 section.emit_u8(byte_view[1]);325 section.emit_u8(byte_view[2]);326 section.emit_u8(byte_view[3]);327 break;328 case kWasmF64:329 section.emit_u8(kExprF64Const);330 f64_view[0] = global.init;331 section.emit_u8(byte_view[0]);332 section.emit_u8(byte_view[1]);333 section.emit_u8(byte_view[2]);334 section.emit_u8(byte_view[3]);335 section.emit_u8(byte_view[4]);336 section.emit_u8(byte_view[5]);337 section.emit_u8(byte_view[6]);338 section.emit_u8(byte_view[7]);339 break;340 }341 } else {342 // Emit a global-index initializer.343 section.emit_u8(kExprGetGlobal);344 section.emit_u32v(global.init_index);345 }346 section.emit_u8(kExprEnd); // end of init expression347 }348 });349 }350 // Add export table.351 var mem_export = (wasm.memory != undefined && wasm.memory.exp);352 var exports_count = wasm.exports.length + (mem_export ? 1 : 0);353 if (exports_count > 0) {354 if (debug) print("emitting exports @ " + binary.length);355 binary.emit_section(kExportSectionCode, section => {356 section.emit_u32v(exports_count);357 for (let exp of wasm.exports) {358 section.emit_string(;359 section.emit_u8(exp.kind);360 section.emit_u32v(exp.index);361 }362 if (mem_export) {363 section.emit_string("memory");364 section.emit_u8(kExternalMemory);365 section.emit_u8(0);366 }367 });368 }369 // Add start function section.370 if (wasm.start_index != undefined) {371 if (debug) print("emitting start function @ " + binary.length);372 binary.emit_section(kStartSectionCode, section => {373 section.emit_u32v(wasm.start_index);374 });375 }376 // Add table elements.377 if (wasm.function_table_inits.length > 0) {378 if (debug) print("emitting table @ " + binary.length);379 binary.emit_section(kElementSectionCode, section => {380 var inits = wasm.function_table_inits;381 section.emit_u32v(inits.length);382 section.emit_u8(0); // table index383 for (let init of inits) {384 if (init.is_global) {385 section.emit_u8(kExprGetGlobal);386 } else {387 section.emit_u8(kExprI32Const);388 }389 section.emit_u32v(init.base);390 section.emit_u8(kExprEnd);391 section.emit_u32v(init.array.length);392 for (let index of init.array) {393 section.emit_u32v(index);394 }395 }396 });397 }398 // Add function bodies.399 if (wasm.functions.length > 0) {400 // emit function bodies401 if (debug) print("emitting code @ " + binary.length);402 binary.emit_section(kCodeSectionCode, section => {403 section.emit_u32v(wasm.functions.length);404 for (let func of wasm.functions) {405 // Function body length will be patched later.406 let local_decls = [];407 let l = func.locals;408 if (l != undefined) {409 let local_decls_count = 0;410 if (l.i32_count > 0) {411 local_decls.push({count: l.i32_count, type: kWasmI32});412 }413 if (l.i64_count > 0) {414 local_decls.push({count: l.i64_count, type: kWasmI64});415 }416 if (l.f32_count > 0) {417 local_decls.push({count: l.f32_count, type: kWasmF32});418 }419 if (l.f64_count > 0) {420 local_decls.push({count: l.f64_count, type: kWasmF64});421 }422 }423 let header = new Binary;424 header.emit_u32v(local_decls.length);425 for (let decl of local_decls) {426 header.emit_u32v(decl.count);427 header.emit_u8(decl.type);428 }429 section.emit_u32v(header.length + func.body.length);430 section.emit_bytes(header);431 section.emit_bytes(func.body);432 }433 });434 }435 // Add data segments.436 if (wasm.segments.length > 0) {437 if (debug) print("emitting data segments @ " + binary.length);438 binary.emit_section(kDataSectionCode, section => {439 section.emit_u32v(wasm.segments.length);440 for (let seg of wasm.segments) {441 section.emit_u8(0); // linear memory index 0442 if (seg.is_global) {443 // initializer is a global variable444 section.emit_u8(kExprGetGlobal);445 section.emit_u32v(seg.addr);446 } else {447 // initializer is a constant448 section.emit_u8(kExprI32Const);449 section.emit_u32v(seg.addr);450 }451 section.emit_u8(kExprEnd);452 section.emit_u32v(;453 section.emit_bytes(;454 }455 });456 }457 // Add any explicitly added sections458 for (let exp of wasm.explicit) {459 if (debug) print("emitting explicit @ " + binary.length);460 binary.emit_bytes(exp);461 }462 // Add function names.463 if (has_names) {464 if (debug) print("emitting names @ " + binary.length);465 binary.emit_section(kUnknownSectionCode, section => {466 section.emit_string("name");467 var count = wasm.functions.length + wasm.num_imported_funcs;468 section.emit_u32v(count);469 for (var i = 0; i < wasm.num_imported_funcs; i++) {470 section.emit_u8(0); // empty string471 section.emit_u8(0); // local names count == 0472 }473 for (let func of wasm.functions) {474 var name = == undefined ? "" :;475 section.emit_string(name);476 section.emit_u8(0); // local names count == 0477 }478 });479 }480 return binary;481 }482 toBuffer(debug = false) {483 let bytes = this.toArray(debug);484 let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);485 let view = new Uint8Array(buffer);486 for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {487 let val = bytes[i];488 if ((typeof val) == "string") val = val.charCodeAt(0);489 view[i] = val | 0;490 }...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wiring-pi-test');2var pin = 0;3var value = 1;4wpt.wiringPiSetup();5wpt.pinMode(pin, wpt.OUTPUT);6wpt.emit_u8(pin, value);7var wpi = require('wiring-pi');8var emit_u8 = function(pin, value) {9 wpi.digitalWrite(pin, value);10}11module.exports.emit_u8 = emit_u8;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();3wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);4wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);5var wpt = require('wpt');6var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();7wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);8wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);9var wpt = require('wpt');10var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();11wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);12wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);13var wpt = require('wpt');14var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();15wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);16wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);17var wpt = require('wpt');18var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();19wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);20wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);21var wpt = require('wpt');22var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();23wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);24wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);25var wpt = require('wpt');26var wptObj = new wpt.Wpt();27wptObj.emit_u8(1, 2, 3);28wptObj.emit_u8(4, 5, 6);29var wpt = require('wpt');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new wpt();3wpt.emit_u8(0x00);4var wpt = require('wpt');5var wpt = new wpt();6wpt.emit_u8(0x01);7var wpt = require('wpt');8var wpt = new wpt();9wpt.emit_u8(0x02);10var wpt = require('wpt');11var wpt = new wpt();12wpt.emit_u8(0x03);13var wpt = require('wpt');14var wpt = new wpt();15wpt.emit_u8(0x04);16var wpt = require('wpt');17var wpt = new wpt();18wpt.emit_u8(0x05);19var wpt = require('wpt');20var wpt = new wpt();21wpt.emit_u8(0x06);22var wpt = require('wpt');23var wpt = new wpt();24wpt.emit_u8(0x07);25var wpt = require('wpt');26var wpt = new wpt();27wpt.emit_u8(0x08);28var wpt = require('wpt');29var wpt = new wpt();30wpt.emit_u8(0x09);31var wpt = require('wpt');32var wpt = new wpt();33wpt.emit_u8(0x0A);34var wpt = require('wpt');35var wpt = new wpt();36wpt.emit_u8(0x0B);37var wpt = require('wpt');38var wpt = new wpt();39wpt.emit_u8(0x0C);40var wpt = require('wpt');41var wpt = new wpt();42wpt.emit_u8(0x0D);43var wpt = require('wpt');44var wpt = new wpt();45wpt.emit_u8(0x0E);46var wpt = require('wpt');47var wpt = new wpt();48wpt.emit_u8(0x0F);49var wpt = require('wpt');50var wpt = new wpt();51wpt.emit_u8(0x10);52var wpt = require('wpt');53var wpt = new wpt();54wpt.emit_u8(0x11);55var wpt = require('
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wiringPiWrapper.js');2var wpt = new wpt.WiringPiWrapper();3wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);4wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);5wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);6wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);7wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);8wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);9wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);10wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);11wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);12wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);13wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1);14wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1);15wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0);16wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0);17wpt.emit_u8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);18wpt.emit_u8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);19wpt.emit_u8(0, 0
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptp = require('wptp');2var wptpServer = wptp.createWPTPServer(3000);3wptpServer.on('connection', function(client) {4 client.on('hello', function(data) {5 console.log('hello', data);6 client.emit_u8('world', data);7 });8});9var wptp = require('wptp');10var client = wptp.createClient(3000, 'localhost');11client.on_u8('world', function(data) {12 console.log('world', data);13});14client.emit('hello', new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4]));15var wptp = require('wptp');16var client = wptp.createClient(3000, 'localhost');17client.on_u8('world', function(data) {18 console.log('world', data);19});20client.emit('hello', new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4]));21var wptp = require('wptp');22var wptpServer = wptp.createWPTPServer(3000);23wptpServer.on('connection', function(client) {24 client.on('hello', function(data) {25 console.log('hello', data);26 client.emit_u8('world', data);27 });28});29var wptp = require('wptp');30var client = wptp.createClient(3000, 'localhost');31client.on_u8('world', function(data) {32 console.log('world', data);33});34client.emit('hello', new Buffer([1, 2, 3, 4]));35var wptp = require('wptp');
Using AI Code Generation
1wpt.emit_u8(0x11);2var msg = new Uint8Array([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);3wpt.emit_u8(msg);4var msg = new Uint8Array([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);5wpt.emit_u8(msg, 0, 2);6var msg = new Uint8Array([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);7wpt.emit_u8(msg, 2, 2);8var msg = new Uint8Array([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44]);9wpt.emit_u8(msg.buffer, 2, 2);10var msg = new ArrayBuffer(4);11var view = new Uint8Array(msg);12view[0] = 0x11;13view[1] = 0x22;14view[2] = 0x33;15view[3] = 0x44;16wpt.emit_u8(msg, 2, 2);17var msg = new ArrayBuffer(4);18var view = new Uint8Array(msg);19view[0] = 0x11;20view[1] = 0x22;21view[2] = 0x33;22view[3] = 0x44;23wpt.emit_u8(msg);24var msg = new ArrayBuffer(4);25var view = new Uint8Array(msg);26view[0] = 0x11;27view[1] = 0x22;28view[2] = 0x33;29view[3] = 0x44;30wpt.emit_u8(view);31var msg = new ArrayBuffer(4);32var view = new Uint8Array(msg);33view[0] = 0x11;34view[1] = 0x22;35view[2] = 0x33;36view[3] = 0x44;37wpt.emit_u8(view, 2, 2);38var msg = new ArrayBuffer(4);39var view = new Uint8Array(msg);40view[0] = 0x11;
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