Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
...21 // documentElement.22 document.documentElement.appendChild(autofocusTarget);23 return autofocusTarget;24}25function createScrollTarget() {26 const scrollTarget = document.createElement('div');27 = 'scroll';28 = '100px';29 const scrollContent = document.createElement('div');30 = '200px';31 scrollTarget.appendChild(scrollContent);32 document.documentElement.appendChild(scrollTarget);33 return scrollTarget;34}35function createAnimationTarget() {36 const style = document.createElement('style');37 style.textContent = `38 @keyframes anim {39 from { height: 100px; }40 to { height: 200px; }41 }42 `;43 const animationTarget = document.createElement('div');44 = 'green';45 = '50px';46 = 'anim 100ms';47 document.documentElement.appendChild(style);48 document.documentElement.appendChild(animationTarget);49 return animationTarget;50}51// Error margin for comparing timestamps of paint and load events, in case they52// are reported by different threads.53const epsilon = 50;54function test_render_blocking(optional_element, finalTest, finalTestTitle) {55 // Ideally, we should observe the 'load' event on the specific render-blocking56 // elements. However, this is not possible for script-blocking stylesheets, so57 // we have to observe the 'load' event on 'window' instead.58 if (!(optional_element instanceof HTMLElement)) {59 finalTestTitle = finalTest;60 finalTest = optional_element;61 optional_element = undefined;62 }63 const loadObserver = new LoadObserver(optional_element || window);64 promise_test(async test => {65 assert_implements(window.PerformancePaintTiming);66 await test.step_wait(() => performance.getEntriesByType('paint').length);67 assert_true(loadObserver.finished);68 for (let entry of performance.getEntriesByType('paint')) {69 assert_greater_than(entry.startTime, loadObserver.finishTime - epsilon,70 `${} should occur after loading render-blocking resources`);71 }72 }, 'Rendering is blocked before render-blocking resources are loaded');73 promise_test(test => {74 return loadObserver.load.then(() => finalTest(test));75 }, finalTestTitle);76}77// Tests that certain steps of Update the rendering [1] are not reached when78// the document is render-blocked and hence has no rendering opportunities.79// [1] test_render_blocked_apis(optional_element, finalTest, finalTestTitle) {81 // Ideally, we should observe the 'load' event on the specific render-blocking82 // elements. However, this is not possible for script-blocking stylesheets, so83 // we have to observe the 'load' event on 'window' instead.84 if (!(optional_element instanceof HTMLElement)) {85 finalTestTitle = finalTest;86 finalTest = optional_element;87 optional_element = undefined;88 }89 const loadObserver = new LoadObserver(optional_element || window);90 function test_event_blocked(target, events, title, optional_action) {91 if (!Array.isArray(events))92 events = [events];93 const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {94 for (let eventName of events) {95 target.addEventListener(eventName,96 () => reject(`'${eventName}' event is dispatched`));97 }98 loadObserver.load.then(resolve);99 if (optional_action)100 optional_action();101 });102 promise_test(() => promise, title);103 }104 test_event_blocked(105 createAutofocusTarget(), 'focus',106 'Should not flush autofocus candidates when render-blocked');107 const scrollTarget = createScrollTarget();108 test_event_blocked(109 scrollTarget, 'scroll',110 'Should not run the scroll steps when render-blocked',111 () => scrollTarget.scrollTop = 100);112 test_event_blocked(113 createAnimationTarget(), ['animationstart', 'animationend'],114 'Should not run the update animations and send events steps when render-blocked');115 /* TODO(xiaochengh): requestFullscreen() with test driver currently causes116 * memory leak in Blink web test runner. Fix it and re-enable these tests.117 * See for details118 *119 // requestFullscreen() below will trigger viewport resize.120 test_event_blocked(121 window, 'resize',...
...44 >45 NEXT46 </button>47 </div>48 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 0")}>49 <p>50 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Non51 quisquam delectus cupiditate velit alias earum nostrum ipsam, at52 hic. Deserunt repudiandae alias totam inventore, temporibus53 excepturi? Debitis, animi? Iste, sunt.54 </p>55 </div>56 <SomeOtherComponent />57 {/* <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 1")}>58 <p>59 Quam iure ad aut adipisci illum, similique sint molestiae ut, nemo60 temporibus accusamus voluptates obcaecati soluta accusantium magnam61 amet repellendus laboriosam laborum modi alias ipsa ea aspernatur.62 Optio, numquam corporis.63 </p>64 </div> */}65 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 2")}>66 <p>67 Earum qui officia nostrum totam est quasi sit tempora soluta.68 Inventore beatae error veritatis ipsam. Ex fugit aliquid explicabo69 repellendus nemo magnam sunt eum obcaecati debitis, culpa temporibus70 officiis minus.71 </p>72 </div>73 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 3")}>74 <p>75 Possimus maxime voluptas consectetur atque deserunt perspiciatis,76 tenetur voluptatem accusantium neque corrupti dolorem amet officiis77 fugiat? Vel, voluptatibus amet. Assumenda eveniet corrupti tempora78 consequuntur iusto error reprehenderit similique quidem atque.79 </p>80 </div>81 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 4")}>82 <p>83 Ex blanditiis accusamus, exercitationem aperiam doloribus voluptate84 in consequuntur! Illum natus repellat ad, aliquid corrupti neque85 consectetur voluptatum cumque nostrum! Maxime et dicta cupiditate86 est quisquam labore sint eos placeat.87 </p>88 </div>89 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 5")}>90 <p>91 Sint unde dignissimos culpa iste in accusamus quaerat consequatur,92 deserunt expedita quam ab impedit et excepturi facere commodi rerum93 maxime! Ratione veritatis natus eveniet accusantium possimus amet94 deleniti dolorum expedita.95 </p>96 </div>97 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 6")}>98 <p>99 Doloribus eaque nisi quos pariatur, sequi ullam inventore100 perspiciatis reiciendis commodi, ratione libero rem a repellat ad101 beatae tempora! Assumenda quod exercitationem nesciunt nemo illo102 veritatis quisquam libero placeat soluta.103 </p>104 </div>105 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 7")}>106 <p>107 Eius recusandae suscipit nam harum neque excepturi dolor eligendi108 consequuntur. Atque perferendis blanditiis vitae amet quis109 voluptates, excepturi, incidunt nemo accusantium provident, deserunt110 ut? Velit, nobis. Numquam voluptates laborum adipisci.111 </p>112 </div>113 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 8")}>114 <p>115 Modi laboriosam qui enim praesentium quam illo molestiae magnam116 dicta, voluptatem labore culpa esse numquam eius ut, aperiam117 similique sit officiis alias distinctio, fugiat voluptas nemo eos118 corporis. Obcaecati, debitis!119 </p>120 </div>121 <div className={} {...createScrollTarget("target 9")}>122 <p>123 Placeat assumenda labore, quia velit quam illo debitis sit sequi124 temporibus suscipit! Dolorem fugit quod, nihil eaque assumenda ea,125 sint voluptates harum et rerum excepturi debitis eligendi ut126 voluptate numquam?127 </p>128 </div>129 </main>130 <footer className={styles.footer}>131 <a132 href=""133 target="_blank"134 rel="noopener noreferrer"135 >...
...5 const { createScrollTarget, createFocusTarget, next } = useScroll();6 return (7 <div8 className="something-else"9 {...createScrollTarget("something-else", { delay: 1000 })}10 >11 <p>12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Beatae earum13 tenetur eaque animi enim iste voluptatem. Accusamus dolorem mollitia14 illo praesentium, culpa enim est dolores?15 </p>16 <button17 onClick={() => {18 next();19 }}20 >21 NEXT22 </button>23 <button...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5});6var wpt = require('wpt');7var wpt = new WebPageTest('');8wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(data);11});12var wpt = require('wpt');13var wpt = new WebPageTest('');14wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {15 if (err) return console.error(err);16 console.log(data);17});18var wpt = require('wpt');19var wpt = new WebPageTest('');20wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {21 if (err) return console.error(err);22 console.log(data);23});24var wpt = require('wpt');25var wpt = new WebPageTest('');26wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {27 if (err) return console.error(err);28 console.log(data);29});30var wpt = require('wpt');31var wpt = new WebPageTest('');32wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {33 if (err) return console.error(err);34 console.log(data);35});36var wpt = require('wpt');37var wpt = new WebPageTest('');38wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {39 if (err) return console.error(err);40 console.log(data);41});
Using AI Code Generation
1var tabbar = new WPTabBar(document.getElementById('tabbar'));2tabbar.createScrollTarget('left');3tabbar.createScrollTarget('right');4WPTabBar.prototype.createScrollTarget = function(direction) {5 var tabbar = this;6 var target = document.createElement('div');7 target.className = 'scroll-target-' + direction;8 target.onclick = function() {9 tabbar.scroll(direction);10 };11 this.element.appendChild(target);12};13.scroll-target-left {14}15.scroll-target-right {16}17The createScrollTarget() method is called twice in the test.js file, once for each direction. The scroll() method is called twice in the wptabbar.js file, once for each direction. The scroll() method is called when t
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wp-tools');2var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();3target.scroll(0, 0);4var wptools = require('wp-tools');5var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();6target.scroll(0, 0);7var wptools = require('wp-tools');8var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();9target.scroll(0, 0);10var wptools = require('wp-tools');11var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();12target.scroll(0, 0);13var wptools = require('wp-tools');14var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();15target.scroll(0, 0);16var wptools = require('wp-tools');17var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();18target.scroll(0, 0);19var wptools = require('wp-tools');20var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();21target.scroll(0, 0);22var wptools = require('wp-tools');23var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();24target.scroll(0, 0);25var wptools = require('wp-tools');26var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();27target.scroll(0, 0);28var wptools = require('wp-tools');29var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();30target.scroll(0, 0);31var wptools = require('wp-tools');32var target = wptools.createScrollTarget();33target.scroll(0, 0
Using AI Code Generation
1var editor = new WpTextEditor();2editor.createScrollTarget();3WpTextEditor.prototype.createScrollTarget = function(){4 var scrollTarget = document.createElement('div');5 scrollTarget.className = 'scrollTarget';6 this.element.appendChild(scrollTarget);7};
Using AI Code Generation
1var txtArea = new YAHOO.widget.Textarea("myTextArea", {2});3txtArea.render();4var scrollTarget = txtArea.createScrollTarget("myScrollTarget");5scrollTarget.innerHTML = "This is the scroll target";6var txtArea = new YAHOO.widget.Textarea("myTextArea", {7});8txtArea.render();9var scrollTarget = txtArea.createScrollTarget("myScrollTarget");10scrollTarget.innerHTML = "This is the scroll target";11YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {12 var txtArea = new YAHOO.widget.Textarea("myTextArea", {13 });14 txtArea.render();15 var scrollTarget = txtArea.createScrollTarget("myScrollTarget");16 scrollTarget.innerHTML = "This is the scroll target";17 var txtArea = new YAHOO.widget.Textarea("myTextArea", {18 });19 txtArea.render();20 var scrollTarget = txtArea.createScrollTarget("myScrollTarget");21 scrollTarget.innerHTML = "This is the scroll target";22});
Using AI Code Generation
1var textArea = document.getElementById(“textArea”);2var scrollTarget = textArea.createScrollTarget(“before”);3scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();4textArea.destroyScrollTarget(scrollTarget);5scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();6textArea.scrollIntoView();7scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();8textArea.scrollIntoView();9scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();10textArea.scrollIntoView();11scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();12textArea.scrollIntoView();13scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();14textArea.scrollIntoView();15scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();16textArea.scrollIntoView();17scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();18textArea.scrollIntoView();19scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();20textArea.scrollIntoView();21scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();22textArea.scrollIntoView();23scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();24textArea.scrollIntoView();25scrollTarget.scrollIntoView();26textArea.scrollIntoView();
Using AI Code Generation
1var btn = new wptb-element-button();2var target = btn.createScrollTarget('some_id');3btn.setScrollTarget(target);4var btn = new wptb-element-button();5var target = document.getElementById('some_id');6btn.setScrollTarget(target);7var btn = new wptb-element-button();8var target = document.getElementById('some_id');9btn.setScrollTarget(target);10var target = btn.getScrollTarget();11var btn = new wptb-element-button();12var target = document.getElementById('some_id');13btn.setScrollTarget(target);14var target = btn.getScrollTarget();15btn.removeScrollTarget();16var btn = new wptb-element-button();17var target = document.getElementById('some_id');18btn.setScrollTarget(target);19var target = btn.getScrollTarget();20btn.removeScrollTarget();21var target = btn.getScrollTarget();22var btn = new wptb-element-button();23var target = document.getElementById('some_id');24btn.setScrollTarget(target);25var target = btn.getScrollTarget();26btn.removeScrollTarget();27var target = btn.getScrollTarget();28btn.setScrollTarget(target);
Using AI Code Generation
1var target = wpt.createScrollTarget('test');2target.scrollBy(0, 100);3scrollTo(x, y)4scrollTo(x, y, duration)5scrollTo(x, y, duration, easing)6scrollBy(x, y)7scrollBy(x, y, duration)8scrollBy(x, y, duration, easing)9animateScrollTo(x, y)10animateScrollTo(x, y, duration)11animateScrollTo(x, y, duration, easing)12animateScrollBy(x, y)13animateScrollBy(x, y, duration)14animateScrollBy(x, y, duration, easing)
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