How to use contentBounds method in wpt

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Source:viewport.js Github


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1/**2 * 3 * Copyright (c) 2018 - present, byteAgenten GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved.4 * 5 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the6 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.7 */8var _ = require('iag/client/util/language-utils');9var Util = require('iag/client/util/util');10var MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR = 0.01;11var MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR = 99.99;12function sanitizeZoomLevel(level) {13 return Math.max(MIN_ZOOM_FACTOR, Math.min(MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR, level));14}15var InitialState = {16 x: 0,17 y: 0,18 width: 0,19 height: 0,20 zoomLevel: 1,21 viewBounds: null,22 contentBounds: null23};24var ViewportProto = {25 get center() {26 return {27 x: this.contentBounds.x + (this.contentBounds.width / 2),28 y: this.contentBounds.y + (this.contentBounds.height / 2)29 };30 },31 change: function (state) {32 return Viewport.of(this, state);33 },34 resize: function () {35 return this.change({36 width: this.viewBounds.width / this.zoomLevel,37 height: this.viewBounds.height / this.zoomLevel38 });39 },40 moveBy: function (dx, dy) {41 return this.change({42 x: this.x + dx,43 y: this.y + dy44 });45 },46 centerAt: function (x, y) {47 return this.change({48 x: x - (this.width / 2),49 y: y - (this.height / 2)50 });51 },52 zoomTo: function (zoomLevel, target) {53 zoomLevel = sanitizeZoomLevel(zoomLevel);54 target = target || { x: this.x + (this.width / 2), y: this.y + (this.height / 2) };55 var viewBounds = this.viewBounds;56 var width = viewBounds.width / zoomLevel;57 var height = viewBounds.height / zoomLevel;58 var x = this.x - ((width - this.width) * ((target.x - this.x) / this.width));59 var y = this.y - ((height - this.height) * ((target.y - this.y) / this.height));60 return this.change({61 zoomLevel: zoomLevel,62 x: x,63 y: y,64 width: width,65 height: height66 });67 },68 zoomIn: function (factor, target) {69 return this.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel * factor, target);70 },71 zoomOut: function (factor, target) {72 return this.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel / factor, target);73 },74 zoomToFit: function (padding) {75 padding = padding || 0;76 var contentBounds = this.contentBounds;77 var viewBounds = this.viewBounds;78 var xRatio = viewBounds.width / (contentBounds.width + padding);79 var yRatio = viewBounds.height / (contentBounds.height + padding);80 var zoomLevel = Math.min(xRatio, yRatio);81 var center =;82 return this.zoomTo(zoomLevel).centerAt(center.x, center.y);83 },84 zoomToOriginal: function () {85 var center =;86 return this.zoomTo(1).centerAt(center.x, center.y);87 },88 zoomToElements: function (elements, padding) {89 var bounds = Util.getCombinedElementsBoundingBox(elements, padding);90 return this.setBounds(bounds);91 },92 setBounds: function (bounds) {93 var viewBounds = this.viewBounds;94 // Adjust the side with the higher zoom factor to preserve the current aspect ratio95 var horizontalZoom = viewBounds.width / bounds.width;96 var verticalZoom = viewBounds.height / bounds.height;97 var zoomLevel = sanitizeZoomLevel(Math.min(horizontalZoom, verticalZoom));98 var width = viewBounds.width / zoomLevel;99 var x = bounds.x - ((width - bounds.width) / 2);100 var height = viewBounds.height / zoomLevel;101 var y = bounds.y - ((height - bounds.height) / 2);102 return this.change({103 zoomLevel: zoomLevel,104 x: x,105 y: y,106 width: width,107 height: height108 });109 },110 sanitize: function () {111 var contentBounds = this.contentBounds;112 // Prevent moving out of content bounds113 var x = this.x;114 var y = this.y;115 x = Math.max(contentBounds.x - (this.width / 2), x);116 x = Math.min(contentBounds.x2 - (this.width / 2), x);117 y = Math.max(contentBounds.y - (this.height / 2), y);118 y = Math.min(contentBounds.y2 - (this.height / 2), y);119 return this.change({120 x: x,121 y: y122 });123 },124 toPx: function (point) {125 return {126 x: point.x * this.zoomLevel,127 y: point.y * this.zoomLevel128 };129 },130 fromPx: function (point) {131 return {132 x: point.x / this.zoomLevel,133 y: point.y / this.zoomLevel134 };135 }136};137function Viewport(state) {138 return _.assign(Object.create(ViewportProto), state || InitialState);139}140_.assign(Viewport, {141 of: function (viewport, state) {142 return Viewport(_.assign({}, viewport, state));143 }144});...

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Source:main.js Github


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1// Modules to control application life and create native browser window and view2const { app, BrowserView, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')3const path = require('path')4const {ipcMain} = require('electron');5// This method will be called when Electron has finished6// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.7// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.8app.whenReady().then(() => {9 ipcMain.on('set-title', handleSetTitle)10 const win = new BrowserWindow({ 11 width: 1000, 12 height: 850,13 webPreferences: {14 preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')15 }16 })17 18 ////////////////////////////19 //Views/////////////////////20 ////////////////////////////21 const viewo = new BrowserView()22 const viewp = new BrowserView()23 const viewg = new BrowserView()24 const viewl = new BrowserView()25 26 function handleSetTitle (event, title) {27 var webContents = title28 29 var win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()30 if (webContents == "mytroy") {31 32 33 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()34 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;35 win.setBrowserView(viewo)36 viewo.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })37 viewo.webContents.loadURL('')38 39 40 }41 if (webContents == "office"){42 43 44 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()45 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;46 47 win.setBrowserView(viewp)48 viewp.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })49 viewp.webContents.loadURL('')50 }51 if (webContents == "canvas") {52 53 54 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()55 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;56 win.setBrowserView(viewg)57 viewg.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })58 viewg.webContents.loadURL('')59 }60 if (webContents == "library") {61 62 63 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()64 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;65 win.setBrowserView(viewl)66 viewl.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })67 viewl.webContents.loadURL('')68 }69 70 ////////////////////////////71 //TABS//////////////////////72 ////////////////////////////73 if (webContents == "btnt1") {74 win.setBrowserView(viewo);75 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()76 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;77 viewo.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })78 }79 80 if (webContents == "btnt") {81 win.setBrowserView(viewp);82 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()83 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;84 viewp.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })85 }86 87 if (webContents == "btnt2"){88 win.setBrowserView(viewg);89 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()90 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;91 viewg.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })92 }93 if (webContents == "libtab"){94 win.setBrowserView(viewl);95 var contentBounds = win.getContentBounds()96 var widthsubtract = contentBounds.width - 144;97 viewl.setBounds({ x: 144, y: 0, width: widthsubtract, height: contentBounds.height })98 }99 }100 101 win.removeMenu(true)102 win.loadFile('frontpage.html')103 104 app.on('activate', function () {105 // On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the106 // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.107 if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()108 })109})110// Quit when all windows are closed, except on macOS. There, it's common111// for applications and their menu bar to stay active until the user quits112// explicitly with Cmd + Q.113app.on('window-all-closed', function () {114 if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit()115})116//Gets the event title and depending on the title load certain URL's.117//Gets the event title and depending on the title load certain URL's.118// In this file you can include the rest of your app's specific main process...

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Source:preview.es6 Github


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1'use strict';2import {asArray} from 'widjet-utils';3export default class PreviewElement extends HTMLElement {4 get margins() {5 return this.hasAttribute('margins')6 ? this.parseMargins(this.getAttribute('margins'))7 : [0, 0, 0, 0];8 }9 constructor(options = {}) {10 super();11 if (options.margins) {12 this.setAttribute('margins', options.margins.join(' '));13 }14 }15 connectedCallback() {16 requestAnimationFrame(() => {17 const containerBounds = this.getBoundingClientRect();18 let contentBounds = {};19 asArray(this.children).forEach(n => {20 const bounds = n.getBoundingClientRect();21 contentBounds.left = contentBounds.left22 ? Math.min(bounds.left, contentBounds.left)23 : bounds.left;24 = contentBounds.top25 ? Math.min(, :;27 contentBounds.right = contentBounds.right28 ? Math.max(bounds.right, contentBounds.right)29 : bounds.right;30 contentBounds.bottom = contentBounds.bottom31 ? Math.max(bounds.bottom, contentBounds.bottom)32 : bounds.bottom;33 });34 const margins = this.margins;35 const viewport = [36 0 - margins[3],37 0 - margins[0],38 (contentBounds.right - containerBounds.left) + (margins[1] + margins[3]),39 (contentBounds.bottom - + (margins[0] + margins[2]),40 ];41 const content = this.innerHTML;42 this.innerHTML = `43 <svg viewBox="${viewport.join(' ')}">44 <foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="${viewport[2]}" height="${viewport[3]}">45 <body xmlns="">${content}</body>46 </foreignObject>47 </svg>48 `;49 });50 }51 parseMargins(string) {52 const values = string.split(' ').map(n => parseInt(n, 10));53 switch (values.length) {54 case 1: return new Array(4).fill(values[0]);55 case 2: return [values[0], values[1], values[0], values[1]];56 case 3: return [values[0], values[1], values[2], values[1]];57 case 4: return values;58 default: return [0, 0, 0, 0];59 }60 }61}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var page = require('webpage').create();2var system = require('system');3var url = system.args[1];4var res = system.args[2];, function(status) {6 if (status !== 'success') {7 console.log('Unable to access network');8 } else {9 var clipRect = page.evaluate(function() {10 return document.querySelector('body').getBoundingClientRect();11 });12 page.clipRect = {13 };14 page.render(res);15 }16 phantom.exit();17});

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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var fs = require('fs');3var page ='Albert Einstein');4page.contentBounds(function(err, bounds) {5 console.log(bounds);6 fs.writeFile('bounds.json', JSON.stringify(bounds), function(err){7 if(err) {8 console.log(err);9 } else {10 console.log('The file was saved!');11 }12 });13});

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1var button = document.querySelector('wptb-element-button');2var contentBounds = button.contentBounds;3console.log(contentBounds);4### `contentBounds() => Promise<ContentBounds>`5### `setButtonColor(color: string) => Promise<void>`6### `setButtonFontSize(fontSize: number) => Promise<void>`7### `setButtonPadding(padding: number) => Promise<void>`8### `setButtonText(text: string) => Promise<void>`9### `setTextColor(color: string) => Promise<void>`10### `setTextFontFamily(fontFamily: string) => Promise<void>`11### `setTextFontStyle(fontStyle: string) => Promise<void>`12### `setTextFontWeight(fontWeight: string) => Promise<void>`13### `setTextTextAlign(textAlign: string) => Promise<void>`14### `setTextTextDecoration(textDecoration: string) => Promise<void>`15### `setTextTextTransform(textTransform: string) => Promise<void>`

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1var wptDriver = require('wpt-driver');2wptDriver.init({browser: 'chrome'});3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 wptDriver.contentBounds(function(err, bounds) {7 console.log(bounds);8 });9 }10});11var wptDriver = require('wpt-driver');12wptDriver.init({browser: 'chrome'});13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 wptDriver.contentSize(function(err, size) {17 console.log(size);18 });19 }20});21var wptDriver = require('wpt-driver');22wptDriver.init({browser: 'chrome'});23 if (err) {24 console.log(err);25 } else {26 wptDriver.cookies(function(err, cookies) {27 console.log(cookies);28 });29 }30});31var wptDriver = require('wpt-driver');32wptDriver.init({browser: 'chrome'});33wptDriver.deleteAllCookies(function(err) {34 if (err) {35 console.log(err);36 }37});38var wptDriver = require('wpt-driver');

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1var wpt = require('wptoolkit');2var doc = app.activeDocument;3var selectedLayer = doc.activeLayer;4var bounds = wpt.contentBounds(selectedLayer);5$.writeln('contentBounds: ' + bounds);6var wpt = require('wptoolkit');7var doc = app.activeDocument;8var selectedLayer = doc.activeLayer;9var bounds = wpt.contentBounds(selectedLayer);10$.writeln('contentBounds: ' + bounds);11var wpt = require('wptoolkit');12var doc = app.activeDocument;13var selectedLayer = doc.activeLayer;14var bounds = wpt.contentBounds(selectedLayer);15$.writeln('contentBounds: ' + bounds);16var wpt = require('wptoolkit');17var doc = app.activeDocument;18var selectedLayer = doc.activeLayer;19var bounds = wpt.contentBounds(selectedLayer);20$.writeln('contentBounds: ' + bounds);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var doc = app.activeDocument;2var bounds = doc.contentBounds;3app.activeDocument.selection[0].geometricBounds = bounds;4var doc = app.activeDocument;5var bounds = doc.contentBounds;6app.activeDocument.selection[0].geometricBounds = bounds;7var doc = app.activeDocument;8var bounds = doc.contentBounds;9app.activeDocument.selection[0].geometricBounds = bounds;10var doc = app.activeDocument;11var bounds = doc.contentBounds;12app.activeDocument.selection[0].geometricBounds = bounds;13var doc = app.activeDocument;14var bounds = doc.contentBounds;15app.activeDocument.selection[0].geometricBounds = bounds;

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