How to use computedData method in wpt

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Source:computed.js Github


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1/**2 * computed:3 * 1. 用来解决逻辑复杂运算的结果4 * 2. 用来缓存结果,模版上可复用5 * 3. 有且当计算属性依赖的data发生变化时才会去计算6 */7 var Vue = (function(vmOpts) {8 /**9 * 里面放的是computed集合10 * {11 * total: {12 * get: function,13 * value: value,14 * dep: [] // 依赖的项 vm里data的值15 * }16 * }17 */18 var computedData = {};19 var dataPool = new Map();20 function Vue(vmOpts) {21 // 挂载到实例上22 this.$el = document.querySelector(vmOpts.el);23 this.$data = 25 this._init(vmOpts.template, vmOpts.computed)26 27 }28 Vue.prototype._init = function (template, computed) {29 var vm = this30 DataReactive(vm, vm.$data)31 computedDataReactive(vm, computed)32 render(vm, template)33 // compileTemplate(vm, container)34 // render()35 }36 function DataReactive(vm, $data) {37 for(var key in $data) {38 (function(k){39 Object.defineProperty(vm, k, {40 get() {41 return vm.$data[k]42 },43 set(value) {44 const oldVal = this.$data[k];45 if(value !== oldVal) {46 console.log('设置数据, 触发setter', key, value);47 vm.$data[k] = value48 update(vm, k)49 // 更新视图50 updateComputedData(vm, key, function(g) {51 update(vm, g)52 })53 }54 },55 enumerable: true56 })57 })(key)58 }59 }60 function update(vm, key) { 61 let dom = dataPool.get(key)62 if(dom) {63 dom.textContent = vm[key]64 }65 }66 function compileTemplate(vm, container) {67 68 const nodes = container.getElementsByTagName('*') 69 for(let i =0; i<nodes.length;i++) {70 71 let node = nodes[i]72 73 const matched = node.textContent.match(/{{(.*?)}}/) 74 if(matched && matched.length) {75 node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(/{{(.*?)}}/, function(str, key) {76 dataPool.set(key.trim(), node)77 return vm[key.trim()]78 })79 }80 } 81 return container82 83 }84 function updateComputedData(vm, key, update) {85 for(let _key in computedData) {86 let dep = computedData[_key].dep87 let keyIndex = dep.indexOf(key)88 if(keyIndex !== -1) {89 vm[_key] = computedData[_key].get()90 update(_key)91 }92 }93 }94 95 function render(vm, template) {96 var _el = vm.$el97 var container = document.createElement('div')98 container.innerHTML = template99 var _domTree = compileTemplate(vm, container)100 _el.appendChild(_domTree)101 }102 function computedDataReactive(vm, computed) {103 _initComputedData(vm, computed)104 for(let key in computedData) {105 Object.defineProperty(vm, key, {106 get() {107 return computedData[key].value108 },109 set(newValue) {110 computedData[key].value = newValue111 },112 enumerable: true113 })114 }115 }116 function _initComputedData(vm, computed) {117 for(var key in computed) {118 var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(computed, key),119 descriptorFn = descriptor.value.get 120 ? descriptor.value.get121 : descriptor.value122 computedData[key] = {} 123 computedData[key].value = computedData[key].get = descriptorFn.bind(vm)125 // 收集依赖项126 computedData[key].dep = _collectDep(descriptorFn.toString())127 }128 129 }130 function _collectDep(script) {131 var reg = /this\.(.+?)/g132 var matched = script.match(reg)133 var dep => {134 return item.split('.')[1]135 })136 return dep137 }138 return Vue139 })();140 var vm = new Vue({141 el: '#app',142 template: `143 <span>{{a}}</span>144 <span>+</span>145 <span>{{b}}</span>146 <span> = </span>147 <span>{{ total }}</span>148 `,149 data() {150 return {151 a: 1,152 b: 2153 }154 },155 computed: {156 total() {157 return this.a + this.b158 }159 }160 })161 console.log(vm);162 vm.a = 5...

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Source:create-detail-component.ts Github


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1import { computed, onMounted, PropType, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue'2import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'3import { MusicList } from '@/components'4import type { Singer } from '@/types/api/singer'5import type { Album, AlbumResp, Song } from '@/types/api/recommend'6import { processSongs } from '@/api/song'7import { loadSessionStorage } from '@/utils/cache'8interface State {9 /** 歌曲列表 */10 songs: Song[];11 /** 加载状态 */12 loading: boolean;13}14export function createDetailComponent (name: string, key: string, fetch: (params: any) => Promise<AlbumResp>): any {15 return {16 name,17 components: {18 MusicList19 },20 props: {21 /** 歌手信息 */22 data: {23 type: Object as PropType<Singer>,24 default: () => {}25 }26 },27 setup (props: any) {28 const route = useRoute()29 const router = useRouter()30 const state = reactive<State>({31 songs: [],32 loading: true33 })34 const computedData = computed(() => {35 let result = null36 const data = props.data37 if (data) {38 result = data39 } else {40 const cached = loadSessionStorage(key) as Singer | Album41 if (cached && (cached.mid || String( === {42 result = cached43 }44 }45 return result46 })47 const pic = computed(() => computedData.value?.pic)48 const title = computed(() => (computedData.value?.name || computedData.value?.title))49 /** 获取数据 */50 async function fetchData () {51 try {52 state.loading = true53 const res = await fetch((name === 'Album' || name === 'TopDetail') ? { id: computedData.value?.id } : { mid: computedData.value?.mid })54 state.songs = await processSongs(res.songs)55 state.loading = false56 } catch (e) {}57 }58 onMounted(async () => {59 if (!computedData.value) {60 const path = route.matched[0].path61 await router.push({ path })62 return63 }64 await fetchData()65 })66 return {67 ...toRefs(state),68 computedData,69 pic,70 title71 }72 }73 }...

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Source:create-detail-component.js Github


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...21 loading: true22 }23 },24 computed: {25 computedData() {26 let ret = null;27 const data =;28 if (data) {29 ret = data;30 } else {31 const catched = storage.session.get(key);32 const routeId = this.$;33 if (catched && (catched.mid || + '') === routeId) {34 ret = catched;35 }36 }37 return ret;38 },39 title() {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});10wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {11 if (err) {12 console.log(err);13 } else {14 console.log(data);15 }16});17wpt.getTestStatus('141113_6E_1d9a6a9c2f0f6d7a6b8e6fca8f8f1b0c', function(err, data) {18 if (err) {19 console.log(err);20 } else {21 console.log(data);22 }23});24wpt.getTestResults('141113_6E_1d9a6a9c2f0f6d7a6b8e6fca8f8f1b0c', function(err, data) {25 if (err) {26 console.log(err);27 } else {28 console.log(data);29 }30});31wpt.getTestResults('141113_6E_1d9a6a9c2f0f6d7a6b8e6fca8f8f1b0c', {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {4 if(err) {5 console.log(err);6 }7 else {8 console.log(data);9 }10});11var wpt = require('webpagetest');12var wpt = new WebPageTest('');13wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {14 if(err) {15 console.log(err);16 }17 else {18 console.log(data);19 }20});21var wpt = require('webpagetest');22var wpt = new WebPageTest('');23wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {24 if(err) {25 console.log(err);26 }27 else {28 console.log(data);29 }30});31var wpt = require('webpagetest');32var wpt = new WebPageTest('');33wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {34 if(err) {35 console.log(err);36 }37 else {38 console.log(data);39 }40});41var wpt = require('webpagetest');42var wpt = new WebPageTest('');43wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {44 if(err) {45 console.log(err);46 }47 else {48 console.log(data);49 }50});51var wpt = require('webpagetest');52var wpt = new WebPageTest('');53wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {54 if(err) {55 console.log(err);56 }57 else {58 console.log(data);59 }60});61var wpt = require('webpagetest');62var wpt = new WebPageTest('');63wpt.getTestHistory(function(err, data) {64 if(err) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptdriver = require('wptdriver');2wptdriver.computedData( function(data) {3 console.log(data);4});5 wptdriver.computedData( function(data) {6 console.log(data);7 });8Field Description bytesIn The number of bytes received by the browser. bytesOut The number of bytes sent by the browser. bytesOutDoc The number of bytes sent by the browser for the main document. bytesOutHTML The number of bytes sent by the browser for HTML. bytesOutOther The number of bytes sent by the browser for non-HTML content (images, stylesheets, etc.). bytesOutScript The number of bytes sent by the browser for JavaScript. bytesOutCSS The number of bytes sent by the browser for CSS. bytesInDoc The number of bytes received by the browser for the main document. bytesInHTML The number of bytes received by the browser for HTML. bytesInOther The number of bytes received by the browser for non-HTML content (images, stylesheets, etc.). bytesInScript The number of bytes received by the browser for JavaScript. bytesInCSS The number of bytes received by the browser for CSS. connections The number of connections opened by the browser. requests The number of requests made by the browser. requestsDoc The number of requests made by the browser for the main document. requestsHTML The number of requests made by the browser for HTML. requestsOther The number of requests made by the browser for non-HTML content (images, stylesheets, etc.). requestsScript The number of requests made by the browser for JavaScript. requestsCSS The number of requests made by the browser for CSS. responses_200 The number of requests that responded with a 200 status code. responses_404 The number of requests that responded with a 404 status code. responses_other The number of requests that responded with a status code other than 200 or 404. result The result code of the test. 0 = test completed successfully, 1 = test failed, 2 = test timed out, 3 = test not started, 4 = test not finished, 5 = test not run. render The time in milliseconds to render the

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var element = document.getElementById("test");2var computedStyle = wpt.computedData(element);3console.log(computedStyle);4console.log(computedStyle["border-color"]);5console.log(computedStyle["background-color"]);6console.log(computedStyle["font-size"]);7console.log(computedStyle["font-family"]);8console.log(computedStyle["font-weight"]);9console.log(computedStyle["font-style"]);10console.log(computedStyle["text-decoration"]);11console.log(computedStyle["text-transform"]);12console.log(computedStyle["text-align"]);13console.log(computedStyle["line-height"]);14console.log(computedStyle["letter-spacing"]);15console.log(computedStyle["word-spacing"]);16console.log(computedStyle["vertical-align"]);17console.log(computedStyle["width"]);18console.log(computedStyle["height"]);19console.log(computedStyle["position"]);20console.log(computedStyle["top"]);21console.log(computedStyle["right"]);22console.log(computedStyle["bottom"]);23console.log(computedStyle["left"]);

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