Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1( function ( $, rwmb ) {2 'use strict';3 // Object holds all methods related to fields' index when clone4 var cloneIndex = {5 /**6 * Set index for fields in a .rwmb-clone7 * @param $inputs .rwmb-clone element8 * @param index Index value9 */10 set: function ( $inputs, index ) {11 $inputs.each( function () {12 var $field = $( this );13 // Name attribute14 var name =;15 if ( name && ! $field.closest( '.rwmb-group-clone' ).length ) {16 $field.attr( 'name', cloneIndex.replace( index, name, '[', ']', false ) );17 }18 // ID attribute19 var id =;20 if ( id ) {21 $field.attr( 'id', cloneIndex.replace( index, id, '_', '', true, true ) );22 }23 $field.trigger( 'update_index', index );24 } );25 // Address button's value attribute26 var $address = $inputs.filter( '.rwmb-map-goto-address-button' );27 if ( $address.length ) {28 var value = $address.attr( 'value' );29 $address.attr( 'value', cloneIndex.replace( index, value, '_' ) );30 }31 },32 /**33 * Replace an attribute of a field with updated index34 * @param index New index value35 * @param value Attribute value36 * @param before String before returned value37 * @param after String after returned value38 * @param alternative Check if attribute does not contain any integer, will reset the attribute?39 * @param isEnd Check if we find string at the end?40 * @return string41 */42 replace: function ( index, value, before, after, alternative, isEnd ) {43 before = before || '';44 after = after || '';45 if ( typeof alternative === 'undefined' ) {46 alternative = true;47 }48 var end = isEnd ? '$' : '';49 var regex = new RegExp( cloneIndex.escapeRegex( before ) + '(\\d+)' + cloneIndex.escapeRegex( after ) + end ),50 newValue = before + index + after;51 return regex.test( value ) ? value.replace( regex, newValue ) : (alternative ? value + newValue : value );52 },53 /**54 * Helper function to escape string in regular expression55 * @link * @param string57 * @return string58 */59 escapeRegex: function ( string ) {60 return string.replace( /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&" );61 },62 /**63 * Helper function to create next index for clones64 * @param $container .rwmb-input container65 * @return integer66 */67 nextIndex: function ( $container ) {68 var nextIndex = $ 'next-index' );69 $ 'next-index', nextIndex + 1 );70 return nextIndex;71 }72 };73 // Object holds all method related to fields' value when clone.74 var cloneValue = {75 /**76 * Reset field value when clone. Expect this = current input.77 */78 reset: function() {79 cloneValue.$field = $( this );80 cloneValue.type = cloneValue.$field.attr( 'type' );81 cloneValue.isHiddenField = cloneValue.$field.hasClass( 'rwmb-hidden' );82 if ( true === cloneValue.$ 'clone-default' ) ) {83 cloneValue.resetToDefault();84 } else {85 cloneValue.clear();86 }87 },88 /**89 * Reset field value to its default.90 */91 resetToDefault: function() {92 var defaultValue = cloneValue.$ 'default' );93 if ( 'radio' === cloneValue.type ) {94 cloneValue.$field.prop( 'checked', cloneValue.$field.val() === defaultValue );95 } else if ( 'checkbox' === cloneValue.type ) {96 cloneValue.$field.prop( 'checked', !!defaultValue );97 } else if ( 'select' === cloneValue.type ) {98 cloneValue.$field.find( 'option[value="' + defaultValue + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true );99 } else if ( ! cloneValue.isHiddenField ) {100 cloneValue.$field.val( defaultValue );101 }102 },103 /**104 * Clear field value.105 */106 clear: function() {107 if ( 'radio' === cloneValue.type || 'checkbox' === cloneValue.type ) {108 cloneValue.$field.prop( 'checked', false );109 } else if ( 'select' === cloneValue.type ) {110 cloneValue.$field.prop( 'selectedIndex', - 1 );111 } else if ( ! cloneValue.isHiddenField ) {112 cloneValue.$field.val( '' );113 }114 }115 };116 /**117 * Clone fields118 * @param $container A div container which has all fields119 */120 function clone( $container ) {121 var $last = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).last(),122 $clone = $last.clone(),123 nextIndex = cloneIndex.nextIndex( $container );124 // Reset value for fields125 var $inputs = $clone.find( rwmb.inputSelectors );126 $inputs.each( cloneValue.reset );127 // Insert Clone128 $clone.insertAfter( $last );129 // Trigger custom event for the clone instance. Required for Group extension to update sub fields.130 $clone.trigger( 'clone_instance', nextIndex );131 // Set fields index. Must run before trigger clone event.132 cloneIndex.set( $inputs, nextIndex );133 // Trigger custom clone event.134 $inputs.trigger( 'clone', nextIndex );135 // After cloning fields.136 $inputs.trigger( 'after_clone', nextIndex );137 // Trigger custom change event for MB Blocks to update block attributes.138 $inputs.first().trigger( 'mb_change' );139 }140 /**141 * Hide remove buttons when there's only 1 of them142 *143 * @param $container .rwmb-input container144 */145 function toggleRemoveButtons( $container ) {146 var $clones = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' );147 $clones.children( '.remove-clone' ).toggle( $clones.length > 1 );148 // Recursive for nested groups.149 $container.find( '.rwmb-input' ).each( function () {150 toggleRemoveButtons( $( this ) );151 } );152 }153 /**154 * Toggle add button155 * Used with [data-max-clone] attribute. When max clone is reached, the add button is hid and vice versa156 *157 * @param $container .rwmb-input container158 */159 function toggleAddButton( $container ) {160 var $button = $container.children( '.add-clone' ),161 maxClone = parseInt( $ 'max-clone' ) ),162 numClone = $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length;163 $button.toggle( isNaN( maxClone ) || ( maxClone && numClone < maxClone ) );164 }165 function addClone( e ) {166 e.preventDefault();167 var $container = $( this ).closest( '.rwmb-input' );168 clone( $container );169 toggleRemoveButtons( $container );170 toggleAddButton( $container );171 sortClones.apply( $container[0] );172 }173 function removeClone( e ) {174 e.preventDefault();175 var $this = $( this ),176 $container = $this.closest( '.rwmb-input' );177 // Remove clone only if there are 2 or more of them178 if ( $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length < 2 ) {179 return;180 }181 $this.parent().trigger( 'remove' ).remove();182 toggleRemoveButtons( $container );183 toggleAddButton( $container );184 // Trigger custom change event for MB Blocks to update block attributes.185 $container.find( rwmb.inputSelectors ).first().trigger( 'mb_change' );186 }187 /**188 * Sort clones.189 * Expect this = .rwmb-input element.190 */191 function sortClones() {192 var $container = $( this );193 if ( undefined !== $container.sortable( 'instance' ) ) {194 return;195 }196 if ( 0 === $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length ) {197 return;198 }199 $container.sortable( {200 handle: '.rwmb-clone-icon',201 placeholder: ' rwmb-clone rwmb-sortable-placeholder',202 items: '> .rwmb-clone',203 start: function ( event, ui ) {204 // Make the placeholder has the same height as dragged item205 ui.placeholder.height( ui.item.outerHeight() );206 // Fixed WYSIWYG field blank when inside a sortable, cloneable group.207 // ui.item.find( '.rwmb-wysiwyg' ).each( function () {209 tinymce.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', false, );210 } );211 },212 update: function( event, ui ) {213 ui.item.find( '.rwmb-wysiwyg' ).each( function () {214 tinymce.execCommand( 'mceAddEditor', true, );215 } );216 ui.item.find( rwmb.inputSelectors ).first().trigger( 'mb_change' );217 }218 } );219 }220 function start() {221 var $container = $( this );222 toggleRemoveButtons( $container );223 toggleAddButton( $container );224 $ 'next-index', $container.children( '.rwmb-clone' ).length );225 sortClones.apply( this );226 }227 function init( e ) {228 $( ).find( '.rwmb-input' ).each( start );229 }230 rwmb.$document231 .on( 'mb_ready', init )232 .on( 'click', '.add-clone', addClone )233 .on( 'click', '.remove-clone', removeClone );...
1import {ngxDeepClone} from './ngx-deep-clone';2describe('NgxDeepClone', () => {3 beforeEach(() => {4 });5 it('should light copy', () => {6 const source = {field: 1};7 const cloneValue = source;8 expect(cloneValue).toEqual(source);9 expect(cloneValue.field).toEqual(source.field);10 source.field = 1;11 expect(cloneValue.field).toEqual(1);12 });13 it('should deep copy', () => {14 const source = {field: 1};15 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);16 expect(cloneValue === source).toBeFalsy();17 expect(cloneValue.field === source.field).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should deep copy with regexp', () => {20 const source = {reg: new RegExp('/"/g')};21 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);22 expect(cloneValue === source).toBeFalsy();23 expect(cloneValue.reg === source.reg).toBeTruthy();24 });25 it('should deep copy with 5level', () => {26 const source = {level1: {level2: {level3: {level4: {level5: 'dest'}}}}};27 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);28 expect(cloneValue === source).toBeFalsy();29 expect(cloneValue === source).toBeFalsy();30 expect(cloneValue.level1 === source.level1).toBeFalsy();31 expect(cloneValue.level1.level2 === source.level1.level2).toBeFalsy();32 expect(cloneValue.level1.level2.level3 === source.level1.level2.level3).toBeFalsy();33 expect(cloneValue.level1.level2.level3.level4 === source.level1.level2.level3.level4).toBeFalsy();34 expect(cloneValue.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5 === source.level1.level2.level3.level4.level5).toBeTruthy();35 });36 it('should deep copy with same variable1', () => {37 const originVariable = {name: 'originVariable'};38 const source = {fieldA: originVariable, fieldB: originVariable};39 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);40 expect(source.fieldA === source.fieldB).toBeTruthy();41 expect(cloneValue.fieldA === source.fieldB).toBeFalsy();42 expect(source.fieldA === cloneValue.fieldB).toBeFalsy();43 expect(cloneValue.fieldA === cloneValue.fieldB).toBeTruthy();44 expect(JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldA) === JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldB)).toBeTruthy();45 });46 it('should deep copy with same variable2', () => {47 const originVariable = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3];48 const source = {array1: originVariable, array2: originVariable};49 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);50 expect(source.array1 === source.array2).toBeTruthy();51 expect(cloneValue.array1 === cloneValue.array2).toBeTruthy();52 expect(JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldA) === JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldB)).toBeTruthy();53 });54 it('should deep copy with big data', () => {55 const source = {};56 let last = source;57 for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {58 last[i] = {};59 last = last[i];60 }61 const cloneValue = ngxDeepClone(source);62 expect(source === cloneValue).toBeFalsy();63 expect(JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldA) === JSON.stringify(cloneValue.fieldB)).toBeTruthy();64 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');2var cloneValue = wptoolkit.cloneValue;3var obj = {4 c: {5 }6};7var clone = cloneValue(obj);8obj.c.e = 5;9var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');10var cloneObject = wptoolkit.cloneObject;11var obj = {12 c: {13 }14};15var clone = cloneObject(obj);16obj.c.e = 5;17var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');18var cloneArray = wptoolkit.cloneArray;19var arr = [1, 2, [3, 4]];20var clone = cloneArray(arr);21arr[2][1] = 5;22var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');23var cloneDate = wptoolkit.cloneDate;24var date = new Date();25var clone = cloneDate(date);26date.setFullYear(2018);
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;3var original = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};4var clone = cloneValue(original);5original.a = 4;6var wpt = require('wpt');7var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;8var original = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};9var clone = cloneValue(original);10original.a = 4;11var wpt = require('wpt');12var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;13var original = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};14var clone = cloneValue(original);15original.a = 4;16var wpt = require('wpt');17var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;18var original = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};19var clone = cloneValue(original);20original.a = 4;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;3var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};4var cloneObj = cloneValue(obj);5var arr = [1,2,3];6var cloneArr = cloneValue(arr);7var str = "hello";8var cloneStr = cloneValue(str);9var num = 123;10var cloneNum = cloneValue(num);11var bool = true;12var cloneBool = cloneValue(bool);13var nul = null;14var cloneNul = cloneValue(nul);15var undf = undefined;16var cloneUndf = cloneValue(undf);17var date = new Date();18var cloneDate = cloneValue(date);19var regexp = new RegExp("test");20var cloneRegexp = cloneValue(regexp);21var func = function(){};22var cloneFunc = cloneValue(func);23var wpt = require('wpt');24var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;25var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};26var cloneObj = cloneValue(obj);27var arr = [1,2,3];28var cloneArr = cloneValue(arr);29var str = "hello";30var cloneStr = cloneValue(str);31var num = 123;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;3var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};4var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);5obj2.a = 10;6obj2.b = 20;7var wpt = require('webpagetest');8var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;9var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};10var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);11obj2.a = 10;12obj2.b = 20;13var wpt = require('webpagetest');14var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;15var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};16var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);17obj2.a = 10;18obj2.b = 20;19var wpt = require('webpagetest');20var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;21var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};22var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);23obj2.a = 10;24obj2.b = 20;25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;27var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};28var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);29obj2.a = 10;30obj2.b = 20;31var wpt = require('webpagetest');32var cloneValue = wpt.cloneValue;33var obj = {a:1, b:2, c:3};34var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);35obj2.a = 10;36obj2.b = 20;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.cloneValue('test', function (err, data) {3 if (err) { throw err; }4 console.log(data);5});6module.exports = {7 cloneValue: function (test, callback) {8 var options = {9 };10 request(options, function (err, res, body) {11 if (err) { return callback(err); }12 if (res.statusCode !== 200) { return callback(new Error('Unexpected status code: ' + res.statusCode)); }13 callback(null, body);14 });15 }16};17var wpt = require('wpt');18var options = {19};20request(options, function (err, res, body) {21 if (err) { return callback(err); }22 if (res.statusCode !== 200) { return callback(new Error('Unexpected status code: ' + res.statusCode)); }23 callback(null, body);24});25var wpt = require('wpt');26var options = {
Using AI Code Generation
1var obj = {name: 'test'};2console.log(obj);3var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);4console.log(obj2);5var obj = {name: 'test'};6console.log(obj);7var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);8console.log(obj2);9var obj = {name: 'test'};10console.log(obj);11var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);12console.log(obj2);13var obj = {name: 'test'};14console.log(obj);15var obj2 = cloneValue(obj);16console.log(obj2);
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wptConfig = require('./wptConfig.json');3var wptApi = new wpt(wptConfig.apiKey, wptConfig.apiSecret);4var data = { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3 };5var clonedData = wptApi.cloneValue(data);6data.a = 10;7var clonedData = wptApi.cloneValue(data);8wptApi.getLocations(function(err, locations) {9 if(err) {10 console.log("Error: " + err);11 } else {12 console.log("Locations: " + JSON.stringify(locations));13 }14});15wptApi.getOptions(function(err, options) {16 if(err) {17 console.log("Error: " + err);18 } else {19 console.log("Options: " + JSON.stringify(options));20 }21});22wptApi.getTesters(function(err, testers) {23 if(err) {24 console.log("Error: " + err);25 } else {26 console.log("Testers: " + JSON.stringify(testers));27 }28});29wptApi.getTest(testId, function(err, test) {30 if(err) {31 console.log("Error: " + err);32 } else {33 console.log("Test: " + JSON.stringify(test));34 }35});36wptApi.getTestResults(testId, function(err, testResults) {37 if(err) {38 console.log("Error: " + err);39 } else {40 console.log("Test Results: " + JSON.stringify(testResults));41 }42});
Using AI Code Generation
1function wptbElementSetup( element, ...classes ) {2 classes.forEach( function( className ) {3 let el = element.getElementsByClassName( className );4 if( el.length > 0 ) {5 el = el[0];6 let elClone = wptbCloneValue( el );7 el.parentNode.insertBefore( elClone, el );8 }9 } );10}
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