Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: Applicationfeedbacksent.js
1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { Link , Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';3import { Label, Button, Card, CardBody, CardHeader, FormGroup,ListGroup,ListGroupItem, CardGroup,Modal,ModalBody,ModalFooter, Col, Container, Form, Input, InputGroup, InputGroupAddon, InputGroupText, Row } from 'reactstrap';4import axios from 'axios';5import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars';6import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';7import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';8import config from '../../config.json';9import backarrow from '../../assets/img/university/back_arrow.svg';10import Offerletter from '../../assets/img/offer-letter.jpg';11import deakinlogo from '../../assets/img/university/deakin_logo.jpg';12import downloadicon from '../../assets/img/university/download.png';13// Files required for multidownload14import JSZip from 'jszip';15import JSZipUtils from "jszip-utils";16import saveAs from 'save-as';17import './style.css';18import $ from "jquery";19import { element } from 'prop-types';20var baseurl = `${config.baseurl}`;21//API Base Url22//Download multiple file funcitonality23global.jQuery = require('jquery')24require('jquery-multidownload')25//for subsection store 26function submitForm1(contentType, data, setResponse, path) {27 axios({28 url: baseurl+`/insertdocument`,29 method: 'POST',30 data: data,31 headers: {32 'Content-Type': contentType33 }34 }).then((response) => {35 setResponse(;36 }).catch((error) => {37 setResponse("error");38 })39}40// Multiple file download functionality41function multipleFileDownloadZip(files){ 42 var zip = new JSZip();43 var count = 0;44 var zipFilename = "Application feedbac";45 files.forEach(function({link, name}){46 var filename = "filename.jpeg";47 // loading a file and add it in a zip file48 JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(link, function (err, data) {49 if(err) {50 throw err; // or handle the error51 }52 zip.file(name, data, {binary:true});53 count++;54 if (count == files.length) {55 zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'}).then(function(content) {56 saveAs(content, zipFilename);57 });58 }59 });60 });61} 62class Applicationfeedbacksent extends Component {63 constructor(props) {64 super(props);65 this.validate = this.validate.bind(this);66 this.onSubmit1 = this.onSubmit1.bind(this);67 this.state = {68 university_id: '',69 docdetails:[],70 checkrecords: [],71 totalrecords:'',72 fileLength:'',73 disabled:localStorage.getItem("fromApplicationType")==="Sent"?true:false,74 opt:'',75 universitydetails:[],76 coursedetails:[],77 docname: [],78 docid: [],79 optionid: [],80 formData: new FormData()81 };82 //alert(localStorage.getItem('studentid'));83 84 85 var param = localStorage.getItem('applicationid');86 87 axios.get(baseurl+'/getapppersonal/'+localStorage.getItem('applicationid')).then(response => 88 {89 console.log(response);90 this.setState({91 universitydetails:,92 coursedetails:,93 });94 })95 96 axios.get(baseurl+'/get_requireddoc/'+param).then(response => { 97 //alert(;98 console.log("req-doc", response);99 let doc_items = => obj.optionid == 3 || obj.optionid == 2);100 let checkrecords_items = [];101 if ( > 0){102 => e !== null).forEach(elem => {103 console.log('check-item', elem);104 let doc_item = doc_items.filter(d => elem.docid ===;105 elem["optionid"] = doc_item[0].optionid;106 checkrecords_items.push(elem);107 });108 this.setState({checkrecords: checkrecords_items.sort((a,b)=> b.optionid-a.optionid),});109 console.log("check-records", checkrecords_items);110 }111 if(( > '0')) {112 113 this.setState({114 docdetails: doc_items,115 totalrecords: doc_items.length - checkrecords_items.length,116 });117 console.log(typeof this.state.checkrecords, this.state.checkrecords);118 }else{119 this.setState({ totalrecords: 0, });120 }121 })122 }123 124validate() {125 const errors = {};126 var minmax = /^.{0,15}$/127 128 var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/129 const email = this.state.emailst;130 if(this.state.name_st === ''){131 errors.name_st = 'Name is required';132 }else if(this.state.lastname_st === ''){133 errors.lastname_st = 'Last Name is required';134 }else if(this.state.emailst === ''){135 errors.emailst = 'Email is required';136 }else if(!email.match(re)) {137 errors.emailst = 'Invalid email';138 }else if(this.state.account_type_st === '') {139 errors.account_type_st = 'Select campus';140 }else{141 this.onSubmit(); 142 } 143 144 145 this.setState({ errors });146};147backbtn() {148 window.location.href= "/#/sendapplicationinprocess";149}150onFileChange1 = param => event => {151 //hide missing icon after adding file152 if ( > 0) {153 $("td")[2].innerHTML = "";154 }155 this.setState({fileLength:});156 if( < 3 ){157 for(let i = 0; i <; i++) {158 this.state.formData.append('upload_photo[]',[i],[i].name);159 this.state.formData.append("docid[]", param);160 }161 }162 }163 164 165 onSubmit1 = e => {166 // e.preventDefault()167 168 //console.log(this.state.formData);169 this.state.formData.append("studentid", localStorage.getItem('studentid'));170 this.state.formData.append("applicationid", localStorage.getItem('applicationid'));171 172 submitForm1("multipart/form-data", this.state.formData, (msg) => { toast.success(msg.message); setTimeout(function () { 173 window.location.reload(true); 174 }, 5000); }, 'savedocument');175 176 }177 multiFilesDownload = e => {178 e.preventDefault();179 const filesInfo = [];180{filename, orgfilename}) => {181 // let link = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([baseurl + filename], {type: 'text/plain'}));182 let fileName = orgfilename;183 let fileLink = filename;184 let fileDetail = {185 link: fileLink,186 name: fileName,187 }188 filesInfo.push(fileDetail);189 });190 console.log("download btn is clicked", filesInfo);191 multipleFileDownloadZip(filesInfo) 192 }193 render() {194 const imgpath = `${config.baseurl}`;195 const { errors } = this.state;196 const { showhide } = this.state;197 return (198 <div className="foe-studen-container app-feedback-page pt-5">199 <div className="foe-student-box pt-5">200 <ToastContainer/>201 <Container>202 <Row>203 <Col xs="12" sm="12" xl="8" md="8" lg="8" className="mx-auto" >204 <div className="row mb-3">205 <div className="col-md-2 col-lg-2">206 <div className="mb-4"> <a onClick={this.backbtn} className="col-12 backarrow mt-3" style={{cursor:"pointer"}} ><span className="pr-1"> <img src={backarrow} alt="" /></span> Back </a></div>207 </div>208 <div className="col-md-9 col-lg-9">209 <h3 className="app-title">View Response</h3>210 </div>211 </div>212 <Card className="uni-right-card app-inprogress">213 <div className="offer-header p-3">214 <Row>215 <div className="col-md-3">216 <img src={imgpath+this.state.universitydetails.logo_image} alt="" width="50px" />217 </div>218 <div className="col-md-9">219 {this.state.coursedetails.heading}220 </div>221 </Row>222 <Row className="mt-2">223 <div className="col-md-8">224 <p><b>Please attach files to complete your application</b></p>225 <span>* {this.state.totalrecords} requirements to be completed</span>226 </div>227 <div className=" text-right col-md-4 app-download" onClick = {this.multiFilesDownload}>228 <span>Download All</span> <img src={downloadicon} alt="" width="14" />229 </div>230 </Row>231 <Row>232 <div class="card-body table-responsive univ-new-table">233 {this.state.docdetails.length > 0 ?234 <table class="draft-table table table-responsive-sm display nowrap dataTable dtr-inline collapsed">235 236 {this.state.docdetails.sort((a,b)=> b.optionid-a.optionid).map((docdetails, index) => (237 <tr>238 {239 docdetails.optionid == "3" ? (240 <td className="req-feild">Required</td> 241 ): <td className="req-feild greyfield">Optional</td>242 }243 244 <td className="des-detail"><div><b>{docdetails.doc_name}</b></div>245 246 </td>247 {248 docdetails.optionid == "3" ? 249 (this.state.checkrecords[index] == "" || this.state.checkrecords[index] == undefined ? <td className="i-style"><span>i</span><div className="pt-1">Missing</div></td> : <td></td>) : <td></td>250 }251 252 {/*<td className="add-filebtn"><button class="btn btn-outline-primary">+ Add file</button></td>*/}253 <td className="add-filebtn">254 {255 this.state.checkrecords[index] !== undefined && this.state.checkrecords[index].orgfilename !== "" ? <span>256 <a257 href={258 baseurl +259 this.state.checkrecords[index].filename260 }261 target="_blank"262 download263 >264 {this.state.checkrecords[index].orgfilename}265 </a>266 </span>267 : 268 <Input type="file" id="about_upload_photo" name="upload_photo[]" accept="image/*" multiple onChange={this.onFileChange1(} ref={ref=> this.fileInput = ref}/>269 }270 271 272 </td>273 </tr>274 275 276 277 ) ) }278 </table>279 : null}280 281 {/* Download links for attachments */}282 <div id="download-links" className="d-none"></div>283 </div>284 </Row>285 {286 this.state.totalrecords !== 0 ? <Button color="success" onClick={this.onSubmit1.bind(this)} className="px-4 save-btn">Save</Button> : null287 } 288 289 </div>290 291 292 </Card>293 </Col>294 </Row>295 </Container> 296 </div> 297 </div>298 );299 }300}...
Source: check-record-detail.js
1import React, { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';2import ProForm, { ProFormText, ProFormDependency } from '@ant-design/pro-form';3import { Form, Row, Col } from 'antd';4import moment from 'moment';5import { connect } from 'react-redux';6import { LayoutContent } from '@peace/components';7import { Func } from '$utils';8import { getCheckRecords } from '../actions/record';9const FormItem = Form.Item;10function RecordDetail(props) {11 const {12 checkrecords, match, dispatch,13 actions, myStructList, authorData, user,14 } = props;15 const formRef = useRef();16 const [visible, setVisible] = useState({});17 useEffect(() => {18 dispatch(getCheckRecords());19 dispatch(actions.damCheck.getAuthorList(user?.orgId));20 dispatch(actions.damCheck.getMyStructList(user?.orgId)).then((res) => {21 if (res.success) {22 if ( > 0) {23 dispatch(actions.damCheck.getStructUsers(res?.payload?.data[0]?.id));24 }25 }26 });27 }, []);28 useEffect(() => () => {29 formRef.current?.resetFields();30 });31 let initialValues = {};32 const id = match?.params?.id;33 let form1 = []; let form2 = []; const34 form3 = [];35 if (id && checkrecords?.length > 0) {36 // æ¥è¯¢æå±ç»æç©å称åå·¡æ£äººå称37, index) => {38 s.index = index + 1;39 = myStructList.find((x) => == parseInt(s?.DamCheckPlan.structId))?.name; // æ¥è¯¢ç»æç©å称40 authorData.forEach((x) => {41 if (x.members.find((v) => == parseInt(s?.DamCheckPlan.userId))) {42 s.departmentName = x.members.find((v) => == parseInt(s?.DamCheckPlan.userId))?.departmentName;// æ¥è¯¢é¨é¨å称43 s.user = x.members.find((v) => == parseInt(s?.DamCheckPlan.userId))?.name; // æ¥è¯¢å·¡æ£äººå称44 }45 });46 return s;47 });48 const detail = checkrecords.find((s) => == parseInt(id));49 const index = checkrecords.findIndex((s) => == parseInt(id));50 initialValues = {51 ...detail,52 ...detail?.DamCheckPlan,53 start: moment(detail?.DamCheckPlan?.start).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss dddd'),54 end: moment(detail?.DamCheckPlan?.end).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss dddd'),55 time: moment(detail?.time).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss dddd'),56 lastTime: index > 0 && checkrecords[index - 1] ? moment(checkrecords[index - 1].time).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss dddd') : '-',57 };58 form1 = [59 [{ name: 'name', text: 'ç»æç©å称' }],60 [{ name: 'start', text: 'å¼å§æ¶é´' }, { name: 'end', text: 'ç»ææ¶é´' }],61 [{ name: 'way', text: 'å·¡æ£æ¹å¼' }, { name: 'frequency', text: 'å·¡æ£é¢æ¬¡' }],62 [{ name: 'user', text: 'å·¡æ£äºº' }, { name: 'departmentName', text: 'å·¡æ£åä½' }],63 ];64 form2 = [65 [{ name: 'lastTime', text: 'ä¸æ¬¡å·¡æ£æ¥æ' }, { name: 'time', text: 'æ¬æ¬¡å·¡æ£æ¥æ' }],66 ];67 Object.keys(detail?.extra).forEach((key) => {68 form3.push({69 name: key,70 ...detail?.extra[key],71 });72 initialValues[`${key}desc`] = detail?.extra[key]?.desc;73 initialValues[key] = detail?.extra[key]?.state;74 });75 }76 return (77 <div perfectScroll={false} style={{ margin: 15, padding: 15, background: '#fff' }}>78 <ProForm79 title=""80 initialValues={initialValues}81 formRef={formRef}82 layout="horizontal"83 // // grid={true}84 // labelCol={{ span: 6 }}85 // wrapperCol={{ span: 14 }}86 submitter={{ render: () => '' }}87 >88 <div className="record-detail-title">å·¡æ£è¦æ±</div>89 {90, index) => (91 <ProForm.Group key={`form1${index}`}>92 {93 => (94 <ProFormText95 width="lg"96 key={}97 name={}98 label={x.text}99 disabled100 colProps={{101 span: 12,102 }}103 />104 ))105 }106 </ProForm.Group>107 ))108 }109 <div className="record-detail-title">å·¡æ£ç»æ</div>110 {111, index) => (112 <ProForm.Group key={`form2${index}`}>113 {114 => (115 <ProFormText116 width="lg"117 key={}118 name={}119 label={x.text}120 disabled121 colProps={{122 span: 12,123 }}124 />125 ))126 }127 </ProForm.Group>128 ))129 }130 {131, index) => (132 <div key={`form3-group${index}`}>133 <ProForm.Group>134 <ProFormText135 width="lg"136 key={}137 name={}138 addonAfter={s.images || s.desc ? (139 <a onClick={() => {140 const visibleToSave = { ...visible };141 visibleToSave[] = !visible[];142 setVisible(visibleToSave);143 }}144 >145 {visible[] ? 'æ¶èµ·è¯¦æ
' : 'å±å¼è¯¦æ
'}146 </a>147 ) : null}148 label={}149 disabled150 colProps={{151 span: 12,152 }}153 />154 </ProForm.Group>155 <ProFormDependency key={`form3-ProFormDependency${index}`} name={[]}>156 {({ item1 }) => {157 if (visible[]) {158 return (159 <>160 <ProFormText161 width="lg"162 name={`${}desc`}163 key={`${}desc`}164 disabled165 label="é®é¢æè¿°"166 />167 <FormItem168 label="ç°åºå¾ç"169 >170 <Row style={{ width: '70%' }}>171 {172 s.images && => {173 const src = Func.downloadFile(v);174 return (175 <Col span={8}>176 {' '}177 <img style={{ height: 150, marginTop: 15 }} src={src} />178 {' '}179 </Col>180 );181 })182 }183 </Row>184 </FormItem>185 </>186 );187 }188 }}189 </ProFormDependency>190 </div>191 ))192 }193 </ProForm>194 </div>195 );196}197function mapStateToProps(state) {198 const {199 checkrecords, myDamStructList, global, damAuthorData, auth,200 } = state;201 return {202 loading: checkrecords.isRequesting,203 checkrecords: checkrecords?.data || [],204 myStructList: myDamStructList?.data || [],205 authorData: damAuthorData?.data || [],206 actions: global.actions,207 user: auth.user,208 };209}...
Source: index.js
1// pages/record/index.js2import * as logger from '../../utils/log';3import Toast from '@vant/weapp/toast/toast';4import BizError from '../../utils/bizError';5import functionTemplate from '../../utils/functionTemplate';6const app = getApp();7Page({8 data: {9 userOptions:[],10 userOptionValue: -1,11 statusOptions: [12 { text: "å
¨é¨ç¶æ", value: -1 },13 ],14 statusOptionValue: -1,15 checkRecords: [],16 isRefreshing: false17 },18 onLoad(options) {19 app.watchUserLogin((user) => {20 Toast.clear();21 this.loadData();22 this.initDropDown();23 });24 25 if (app.globalData.hasUser) {26 this.loadData();27 this.initDropDown();28 } else {// user not login29 Toast.loading({ message: 'æ£å¨å è½½', forbidClick: true, });30 }31 },32 onShow() {33 this.getTabBar().onPageShow();34 },35 onShareAppMessage() {36 return {37 title: 'åºå
¥è®°å½'38 }39 },40 onScrollRefresh() {41 this.loadData()42 },43 initDropDown() {44 const defaultUserOption = [{ text: 'å
¨é¨ä½æ·', value: -1 }];45 const user = app.globalData.loginUser;46 functionTemplate.send({47 request: {48 service: 'userService',49 method: 'findByCertificate',50 args: user?.certificate?._id,51 },52 action: async (result) => {53 const users =;54 const userOptions = => {55 return { text:, value: u._id, disabled: true };56 });57 this.setData({58 userOptions: [...defaultUserOption, ...userOptions],59 });60 },61 });62 },63 onUserChange() {64 Toast('æä¸æ¯ææä½æ·è¿è¡çéï¼ä»
ä¾å±ç¤º');65 this.setData({66 userOptionValue: -1,67 });68 },69 loadData() {70 const certId = app.globalData.loginUser?.certificate?._id;71 if (!certId) {72 return;73 }74 functionTemplate.send({75 message: 'æ£å¨å è½½...',76 errorMessage: 'å 载失败ï¼è¯·è系管çå',77 request: {78 service: 'checkRecordService',79 method: 'findByCertificate',80 args: certId81 },82 action: async (result) => {83 const data =;84 const certificate = data.certificate;85 const checkRecords = data.checkRecords;86 app.globalData.loginUser.certificate = certificate;87 this.getTabBar().refreshOutingCount(certificate);88 this.processCheckRecord(checkRecords);89 this.setData({90 checkRecords: checkRecords,91 isRefreshing: false92 });93 },94 });95 },96 processCheckRecord(records) {97 records.forEach(record => {98 const outDateTime = record.out?.checked_at;99 if (outDateTime) {100 record.out.checked_at = new Date(outDateTime).toLocaleString('zh-CN');101 }102 const inDateTime =;103 if (inDateTime) {104 = new Date(inDateTime).toLocaleString('zh-CN');105 }106 });107 return records;108 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.checkRecords('test', function(err, data) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log(data);7 }8});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2var fs = require('fs');3var wpt = new wpt();4wpt.checkRecords(url, function(data){5 fs.writeFile('test.json', JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), function(err){6 console.log('File successfully written! - Check your project directory for the test.json file');7 })8});
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As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
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