Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1define(2 [3 "spell/math/vec2",4 "spell/math/vec3",5 "spell/math/mat3"6 ],7 function(8 vec2,9 vec3,10 mat311 ) {12 "use strict"13 var FLOAT_EPSILON = 0.00000114 describe("spell.math.mat3", function() {15 it("should create an empty matrix correctly", function() {16 var matrix = mat3.create()17 if(18 matrix[0] != 1 ||19 matrix[1] != 0 ||20 matrix[2] != 0 ||21 matrix[3] != 0 ||22 matrix[4] != 1 ||23 matrix[5] != 0 ||24 matrix[6] != 0 ||25 matrix[7] != 0 ||26 matrix[8] != 1) {27 throw 'wrong empty matrix'28 }29 })30 it("should create an matrix from another matrix correctly", function() {31 var matrix = mat3.clone([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])32 if(33 matrix[0] !== 1 ||34 matrix[1] !== 2 ||35 matrix[2] !== 3 ||36 matrix[3] !== 4 ||37 matrix[4] !== 5 ||38 matrix[5] !== 6 ||39 matrix[6] !== 7 ||40 matrix[7] !== 8 ||41 matrix[8] !== 9) {42 throw 'wrong new matrix'43 }44 })45 it("should implement the str function correctly", function() {46 var matrix = mat3.clone( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ),47 matrixStr = mat3.str( matrix),48 correctStr = 'mat3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)'49 if (matrixStr !== correctStr) {50 throw 'mat3.str( matrix ) produced ' + matrixStr + ' but ' + correctStr + ' was excpected'51 }52 })53// it("should implement the equal function correctly", function() {54// var matrixA = mat3.clone( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] ),55// matrixB = mat3.clone( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] )56//57// if(!mat3.equal( matrixA, matrixB )) {58// throw 'matrixA ' + mat3.str( matrixA ) + ' is not equal matrixB ' + mat3.str( matrixB )59// }60//61// //checkout within EPSILON62// matrixA[0] += FLOAT_EPSILON63// matrixA[1] += FLOAT_EPSILON64// matrixA[2] += FLOAT_EPSILON65// matrixA[3] += FLOAT_EPSILON66// matrixA[4] += FLOAT_EPSILON67// matrixA[5] += FLOAT_EPSILON68// matrixA[6] += FLOAT_EPSILON69// matrixA[7] += FLOAT_EPSILON70// matrixA[8] += FLOAT_EPSILON71//72// if(!mat3.equal( matrixA, matrixB )) {73// throw 'within EPSILON: matrixA ' + mat3.str( matrixA ) + ' is not equal matrixB ' + mat3.str( matrixB )74// }75//76// //check beyond EPSILON77// matrixA[0] += FLOAT_EPSILON78// matrixA[1] += FLOAT_EPSILON79// matrixA[2] += FLOAT_EPSILON80// matrixA[3] += FLOAT_EPSILON81// matrixA[4] += FLOAT_EPSILON82// matrixA[5] += FLOAT_EPSILON83// matrixA[6] += FLOAT_EPSILON84// matrixA[7] += FLOAT_EPSILON85// matrixA[8] += FLOAT_EPSILON86//87// if(mat3.equal( matrixA, matrixB )) {88// throw 'beyond EPSILON: matrixA ' + mat3.str( matrixA ) + ' is not equal matrixB ' + mat3.str( matrixB )89// }90//91// })92// it("should implement the set function correctly", function() {93// var matrixA = mat3.clone([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]),94// matrixB = mat3.clone([9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])95//96// mat3.set(matrixA, matrixB)97//98// if (!mat3.equal(matrixA, matrixB)) {99// throw 'matrixA does not equal matrixB'100// }101// })102// it("should implement setDiagonalValues and setDiagonalVec3 correctly", function() {103// var matrixA = mat3.clone(),104// matrixB = mat3.clone(),105// checkMatrix = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3 ]106//107//108// mat3.setDiagonalValues( matrixA, 1, 2, 3 )109// mat3.setDiagonalVec3( matrixB, [ 1, 2, 3 ])110//111// if (!mat3.equal(checkMatrix, matrixA)) {112// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix ) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrixA)113// }114//115// if (!mat3.equal(checkMatrix, matrixB)) {116// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix ) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrixB)117// }118//119// })120//121// it("should set 3x3-identity matrix correctly", function() {122// var matrix = mat3.create()123// mat3.identity( matrix )124//125// if(!mat3.equal( [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1], matrix)) {126// throw 'identity 3x3-matrix is wrong ' + mat3.str( matrix )127// }128// })129// it("should return the correct scale matrix", function() {130//131// var matrix = mat3.createScaleMatrix( 1, 2, 3 ),132// checkMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3]133//134//135// if (!mat3.equal(checkMatrix, matrix)) {136// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix ) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrix)137//138// }139// })140// it("should set the scale correctly for any matrix for a vec2", function() {141// var matrix = mat3.create(),142// matrixB = mat3.create(),143// testMatrix = mat3.clone([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]),144// vector = vec2.clone([2.5, -4.5]),145// scaleMatrix = mat3.createScaleMatrix(vector[0], vector[1], 1),146// checkMatrix = mat3.create()147//148// mat3.multiply( testMatrix, scaleMatrix, checkMatrix )149//150//151// mat3.set( testMatrix, matrix)152// mat3.scale( matrix, vector )153//154// if(!mat3.equal( matrix, checkMatrix )) {155// throw 'mat3.scale( matrix, vector ) syntax produced wrong result expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix) + ' got ' + mat3.str( matrix )156// }157//158// mat3.set( testMatrix, matrix)159// var anotherMatrix = mat3.scale( matrix, vector )160//161// if(!mat3.equal( anotherMatrix, checkMatrix )) {162// throw 'anotherMatrix = mat3.scale( matrix, vector ) produced a wrong result ' + mat3.str( anotherMatrix )163// }164//165// mat3.set( testMatrix, matrix)166// var anotherMatrix = mat3.scale( matrix, vector, matrixB )167// if(!mat3.equal( anotherMatrix, checkMatrix )) {168// throw 'anotherMatrix = mat3.scale( matrix, vector, matrixB ) produced a wrong result ' + mat3.str( matrixB )169// }170//171// })172// it("should correctly multiply with other 3x3 matrices", function() {173// var matrixA = mat3.clone( [12.2, 3, 6, 1, -4, 7, 2, 5, 8] ),174// matrixB = mat3.clone( [-8, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 2.4]),175// expectedResultA = mat3.clone( [ -82.6, -6, 21, 30.2, 22, 90, 34.2, -2, 66.2 ]),176// expectedResultB = mat3.clone( [ -82.6, 78.6, 108.6, 2, 22, -5.2, 5, 66, 66.2 ]),177// result = mat3.create()178//179//180// //Multiply A*B181// mat3.multiply(matrixA, matrixB, result)182//183// if (!mat3.equal(result, expectedResultA)) {184// throw 'Multiplying A*B failed. expected ' + mat3.str(expectedResultA) + ' got ' + mat3.str( result )185// }186//187// //Multiply B*A188// mat3.multiply(matrixB, matrixA, result)189//190// if (!mat3.equal(result, expectedResultB)) {191// throw 'Multiplying B*A failed. expected ' + mat3.str(expectedResultB) + ' got ' + mat3.str( result )192// }193//194//195// })196// it("should return the correct rotation matrix", function(){197//198// for (var angle = -2 * Math.PI; angle <= 2*Math.PI; angle += Math.PI/8 ) {199//200// //see var checkMatrix = [202// Math.cos( angle ),203// Math.sin( angle ),204// 0,205//206// -Math.sin( angle ),207// Math.cos( angle ),208// 0,209//210// 0,211// 0,212// 1213// ]214//215// var matrix = mat3.createRotateMatrix(angle)216//217// if (!mat3.equal(matrix, checkMatrix)) {218// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrix)219// }220// }221// })222//223// it("rotate should rotate a identity 3x3-matrix around correctly", function() {224// var matrix = mat3.create(),225// checkMatrix = mat3.create()226//227// for ( var angle=-2*Math.PI; angle<= 2*Math.PI; angle+=Math.PI/8 ) {228// //rotate left229//230// mat3.identity( checkMatrix )231// mat3.multiply( checkMatrix, mat3.createRotateMatrix(angle) )232//233// mat3.identity( matrix )234// mat3.rotate( matrix, angle )235//236// if (!mat3.equal(matrix, checkMatrix)) {237// throw 'did not rotate matrix correctly by ' + angle + ' expected ' + mat3.str( checkMatrix ) + ' got ' + mat3.str( matrix )238// }239// }240// })241//242// it("should create a correct translate matrix", function() {243// var matrix = mat3.createTranslateMatrix(12, -4),244// checkMatrix = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 12, -4, 1 ]245//246// if (!mat3.equal(matrix, checkMatrix)) {247// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(checkMatrix) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrix)248// }249// })250//251// it("translating the identity 3x3-matrix should be the same as the translate matrix", function() {252// var matrix = mat3.create(),253// translateMatrix = mat3.createTranslateMatrix(12, -4)254//255// mat3.identity(matrix)256// mat3.translate(matrix, [12, -4])257//258// if (!mat3.equal(matrix, translateMatrix)) {259// throw 'expected ' + mat3.str(translateMatrix) + ' got ' + mat3.str(matrix)260// }261// })262//263//264// it("should compose and decompose for a combined translate, scale, rotation correctly", function() {265// var matrixA = mat3.create(),266// matrixB = mat3.create(),267// invMatrix = mat3.create(),268// scales = [269// [ 1.1, 1.2 ],270// [ -1.3, -1.4 ],271// [ -1, 1 ],272// [ -1, -1 ],273// [ 1, -1.5 ]//,274// // [ 0, 1 ],275// // [ 1, 0 ]276// ],277// translations = [278// [ 0,0 ],279// [ 1,-1 ],280// [ -1,1 ],281// [ 0,1 ],282// [ 1,0 ],283// [ 1,1 ],284// [ 15.3, -14 ],285// [ -115.32, -13 ]286// ],287// skew = vec2.create(),288// checkScale = vec2.create(),289// checkTranslation = vec2.create(),290// checkSkews = vec2.create(),291// errors = [ ]292//293//294// for (var j=0; j<scales.length; j++) {295// var scale = scales[j]296//297// for (var i=0; i<translations.length; i++) {298// var translation = translations[i]299//300// for (var angle = -2 * Math.PI; angle <= 2*Math.PI; angle += Math.PI/2 ) {301//302// mat3.identity( matrixA )303// mat3.scale( matrixA, scale )304// //mat3.skew( matrixA, skew )305// mat3.rotate( matrixA, angle )306// mat3.translate( matrixA, translation )307//308//309// mat3.decompose( matrixA, checkScale, checkSkews, checkTranslation )310//311//312// mat3.identity( matrixB )313// mat3.scale( matrixB, checkScale )314// mat3.skew( matrixB, checkSkews )315// //mat3.rotate( matrixB, 0 )316// mat3.translate( matrixB, checkTranslation )317//318// if ( !mat3.equal( matrixA, matrixB ) ) {319// var error = 'checked scale ' + vec2.str(scale) + ' angle ' + angle + ' translation ' + vec2.str(translation) + ' matrix ' + mat3.str( matrixA ) + "\n" +320// 'got scale ' + vec2.str(checkScale) + ' skews ' + vec2.str( checkSkews ) + ' translation ' + vec2.str(checkTranslation) + ' matrix ' + mat3.str( matrixB ) + "\n"321//322// errors.push( error )323//324// } else {325// var success = 'worked ' + vec2.str(scale) + ' rotation ' + angle + ' translation ' + vec2.str(translation) + ' matrix ' + mat3.str( matrixA ) + "\n"326//327// //console.log( success )328// }329// }330// }331// }332//333//334// if (errors.length) {335// throw errors.join("\n")336// }337// })338 })339 }...
1new Vue({2 el: '#app',3 data: {4 imgURL: 'images/blank.jpg',5 scene: true,6 tiles: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],7 magicsq: [2,9,4,7,5,3,6,1,8],8 result: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],9 checkmatrix: [10 [0,1,2],11 [0,3,6],12 [0,4,8],13 [1,4,7],14 [2,4,6],15 [2,5,8],16 [3,4,5],17 [6,7,8]18 ],19 count: 0,20 player: 0,21 sum:0,22 message: 'Game in progress'23 },24 methods: {25 grid: function(index){26 if (this.tiles[index] == 0){27 return 'images/blank.jpg';28 }else if (this.tiles[index] == 1){29 return 'images/cross.jpg';30 }else{31 return'images/nought.jpg';32 }33 },34 gclick: function(index) {35 if(this.tiles[index] == 0) {36 this.count++;37 this.player = (this.player + 1) % 2;38 if (this.player == 0) {39 this.$set(this.tiles, index, 1);40 }else{41 this.$set(this.tiles, index, -1);42 }43 }44 this.checkwin();45 },46 checkwin: function(){47 for(var i = 0; i < this.result.length; i++){48 this.result[i] = this.tiles[i] * this.magicsq[i];49 } 50 51 for (var i = 0; i < this.checkmatrix.length; i++ ){52 this.sum = this.result[this.checkmatrix[i][0]] 53 + this.result[this.checkmatrix[i][1]] 54 + this.result[this.checkmatrix[i][2]];55 console.log(this.sum);56 if (this.sum === 15) { 57 console.log("X wins");58 this.message = 'x wins';59 }60 if (this.sum === -15) { 61 console.log("O wins");62 this.message = 'o wins';63 }64 } 65 if (this.count === 9 && this.message === 'Game in progress'){66 console.log("Draw");67 this.message = 'Game Draw';68 }69 console.log("Player :" + this.player)70 }71 }...
1function solve(input) {2 let matrix =>row.split(''));3 let checkMatrix =>row.toLowerCase().split(''));4 for (let row = 0; row < checkMatrix.length - 2; row++) {5 for (let col = 0; col < checkMatrix[row].length - 2; col++) {6 let char = checkMatrix[row][col];7 if (checkMatrix[row][col + 2] == char8 && checkMatrix[row + 1][col + 1] == char9 && checkMatrix[row + 2][col] == char10 && checkMatrix[row + 2][col + 2] == char) {11 matrix[row][col] = '';12 matrix[row][col + 2] = '';13 matrix[row + 1][col + 1] = '';14 matrix[row + 2][col] = '';15 matrix[row + 2][col + 2] = '';16 }17 }18 }19 for (let row of matrix) {20 console.log(row.join(''));21 }22}23solve(["8888888",24 "08*8*80",25 "808*888",...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2];3console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));4var checkMatrix = function(matrix) {5 var isMagic = false;6 var sum = 0;7 var sum2 = 0;8 for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {9 sum += matrix[i][i];10 sum2 += matrix[i][matrix.length - i - 1];11 }12 if (sum === sum2) {13 isMagic = true;14 }15 return isMagic;16};17module.exports = {18};19var wpt = require('./wpt.js');20];21console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));22var checkMatrix = function(matrix) {23 var isMagic = false;24 var sum = 0;25 var sum2 = 0;26 for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {27 sum += matrix[i][i];28 sum2 += matrix[i][matrix.length - i - 1];29 }30 if (sum === sum2) {31 isMagic = true;32 }33 return isMagic;34};35module.exports = {36};37var wpt = require('./wpt.js');38];39console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));40var checkMatrix = function(matrix) {41 var isMagic = false;42 var sum = 0;43 var sum2 = 0;44 for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.checkMatrix('', function(err, data) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log(data);7 }8});9### wpt.checkMatrix(location, callback)10* `location` - The location to check the matrix for. (e.g. 'Dulles:Chrome')
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.checkMatrix(url, function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});10var wpt = require('wpt');11var wpt = new WebPageTest('');12wpt.runTest(url, function(err, data) {13 if (err) {14 console.log(err);15 } else {16 console.log(data);17 }18});19var wpt = require('wpt');20var wpt = new WebPageTest('');21var testId = '141202_2P_2';22wpt.getTestStatus(testId, function(err, data) {23 if (err) {24 console.log(err);25 } else {26 console.log(data);27 }28});29var wpt = require('wpt');30var wpt = new WebPageTest('');31var testId = '141202_2P_2';32wpt.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {33 if (err) {34 console.log(err);35 } else {36 console.log(data);37 }38});39var wpt = require('wpt');40var wpt = new WebPageTest('');41var testId = '141202_2P_2';42var options = {43};44wpt.getTestResults(testId, options, function(err, data) {45 if (err) {46 console.log(err);47 } else {48 console.log(data);49 }50});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('./wpt.js');2];3console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));4var wpt = require('./wpt.js');5];6console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));7 ];8 console.log(wpt.checkMatrix(matrix));9## 3.1. checkMatrix(matrix)10## 3.2. checkMatrixWithMessage(matrix)
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.checkMatrix('', function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(data);8 }9});10### getLocations(callback)11var wpt = require('wpt');12var wpt = new WebPageTest('');13wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {14 if (err) {15 console.log(err);16 } else {17 console.log(data);18 }19});20### getTesters(callback)21var wpt = require('wpt');22var wpt = new WebPageTest('');23wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {24 if (err) {25 console.log(err);26 } else {27 console.log(data);28 }29});30### getTestStatus(testId, callback)31var wpt = require('wpt');32var wpt = new WebPageTest('');33wpt.getTestStatus('160620_3F_7b2e1d0c7a5d6b0c7e8f6e5f7d2e1c5f', function(err, data) {34 if (err) {35 console.log(err);36 } else {37 console.log(data);38 }39});40### getTestResults(testId, callback)41var wpt = require('wpt');42var wpt = new WebPageTest('');43wpt.getTestResults('160620_3F_7b2e1d0c7a5d6b0c7e8f6e5f7d2e
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.checkMatrix(function(err, data) {4 if (err) {5 console.log('error: ' + err);6 }7 else {8 console.log(data);9 }10});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptMatrix = require('./wptMatrix.js');2var matrix = new wptMatrix();3];4var result = matrix.checkMatrix(matrixArray);5console.log(result);6function wptMatrix() {7 this.checkMatrix = function (matrix) {8 var rows = matrix.length;9 var columns = matrix[0].length;10 var result = true;11 for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {12 for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {13 if (i < rows - 1 && j < columns - 1) {14 if (matrix[i][j] != matrix[i + 1][j + 1]) {15 result = false;16 break;17 }18 }19 }20 }21 return result;22 }23}24module.exports = wptMatrix;
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new wpt('API_KEY');3var location = 'Dulles:Chrome';4var runs = 3;5var firstViewOnly = false;6var video = true;7var pollResults = 5;8var breakDown = true;9var private = false;10var connectivity = 'DSL';11var latency = 40;12var downloadThroughput = 2000;13var uploadThroughput = 1500;14var packetLossRate = 0;15var tcpdump = false;16var timeline = false;17var netLog = false;18var fullResolutionScreenshot = false;
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