How to use capturer method in wpt

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Source:call_capturer.test.js Github


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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var sinon = require('sinon');3var CallCapturer = require('../​../​../​lib/​patchers/​call_capturer');4describe('CallCapturer', function() {5 var sandbox;6 beforeEach(function() {7 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();8 });9 afterEach(function() {10 sandbox.restore();11 });12 describe('#constructor', function() {13 var jsonDoc = {14 services: {15 s3: {}16 }17 };18 it('should return a call capturer object loaded with the default JSON document', function() {19 var capturer = new CallCapturer();20 assert.instanceOf(capturer, CallCapturer);21, 'dynamodb');22 });23 it('should return a call capturer object loaded with a custom JSON document given a file location', function() {24 var capturer = new CallCapturer('./​test/​resources/​custom_whitelist.json');25 assert.instanceOf(capturer, CallCapturer);26, 's3');27 });28 it('should return a call capturer object loaded with a custom source object', function() {29 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDoc);30 assert.instanceOf(capturer, CallCapturer);31, 's3');32 });33 });34 describe('#append', function() {35 var capturer;36 beforeEach(function() {37 capturer = new CallCapturer({ services: { s3: {} }});38 });39 it('should extend the current service list', function() {40 capturer.append({ services: { dynamodb: {} }});41, 's3');42, 'dynamodb');43 });44 });45 describe('#capture', function() {46 var jsonDocDynamoParams, jsonDocDynamoDesc, jsonDocSQS, responseDynamo, responseSQS;47 beforeEach(function() {48 responseDynamo = {49 request: {50 operation: 'getItem',51 params: {52 TableName: 'myTable',53 ProjectionExpression: 'Table',54 ConsistentRead: true,55 ExpressionAttributeNames: {56 '#attrName': 'SessionID'57 }58 }59 },60 data: {61 TableNames: ['hello'],62 ConsumedCapacity: '10'63 }64 };65 responseSQS = {66 request: {67 operation: 'sendMessageBatch',68 params: {}69 },70 data: {71 Failed: [1,2,3],72 Successful: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]73 }74 };75 jsonDocDynamoParams = {76 services: {77 dynamodb: {78 operations: {79 getItem: {80 request_parameters: [ 'TableName' ],81 response_parameters: [ 'ConsumedCapacity' ]82 }83 }84 }85 }86 };87 jsonDocDynamoDesc = {88 services: {89 dynamodb: {90 operations: {91 getItem: {92 request_descriptors: {93 ExpressionAttributeNames: {94 get_keys: true,95 rename_to: 'attribute_names_substituted'96 }97 },98 response_descriptors: {99 TableNames: {100 list: true,101 get_count: true102 }103 }104 }105 }106 }107 }108 };109 jsonDocSQS = {110 services: {111 sqs: {112 operations: {113 sendMessageBatch: {114 response_descriptors: {115 Failed: {116 list: true,117 get_count: true,118 },119 Successful: {120 list: true,121 get_count: true,122 },123 }124 }125 }126 }127 }128 };129 });130 it('should capture the request and response params noted', function() {131 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoParams);132 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);133 assert.deepEqual(data, { table_name: 'myTable', consumed_capacity: '10' });134 });135 it('should capture falsey request and response params noted', function() {136 responseDynamo.request.params.TableName = false;137 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoParams);138 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);139 assert.deepEqual(data, { table_name: false, consumed_capacity: '10' });140 });141 it('should not capture the request param if missing', function() {142 delete responseDynamo.request.params.TableName;143 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoParams);144 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);145 assert.notProperty(data, 'table_name');146 assert.propertyVal(data, 'consumed_capacity', '10');147 });148 it('should not capture the response param if missing', function() {149 delete;150 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoParams);151 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);152 assert.notProperty(data, 'consumed_capacity');153 });154 it('should capture the request descriptors as noted', function() {155 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoDesc);156 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);157 assert.deepEqual(data, { attribute_names_substituted: [ '#attrName' ], table_names: 1 });158 });159 it('should capture falsey request descriptors noted', function() {160 delete;161 delete;162 responseDynamo.request.params.ExpressionAttributeNames = false;163 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoDesc);164 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);165 assert.propertyVal(data, 'expression_attribute_names', false);166 });167 it('should rename the request descriptor if noted', function() {168 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoDesc);169 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);170, 'attribute_names_substituted');171 assert.deepEqual(data.attribute_names_substituted, [ '#attrName' ]);172 });173 it('should not capture the request descriptor if missing', function() {174 delete responseDynamo.request.params.ExpressionAttributeNames;175 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocDynamoDesc);176 var data = capturer.capture('dynamodb', responseDynamo);177 assert.notProperty(data, 'attribute_names_substituted');178 });179 it('should capture the response descriptors as noted', function() {180 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocSQS);181 var data = capturer.capture('sqs', responseSQS);182 assert.deepEqual(data, { failed: 3, successful: 7 });183 });184 it('should not capture the response descriptor if missing', function() {185 delete;186 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocSQS);187 var data = capturer.capture('sqs', responseSQS);188 assert.notProperty(data, 'failed');189 assert.propertyVal(data, 'successful', 7);190 });191 it('should rename the response descriptor if noted', function() {192 = 'error';193 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocSQS);194 var data = capturer.capture('sqs', responseSQS);195 assert.propertyVal(data, 'error', 3);196 });197 it('should ignore response data if null, in the event of an error', function () {198 var capturer = new CallCapturer(jsonDocSQS);199 = null;200 var data = capturer.capture('sqs', responseSQS);201 assert.deepEqual(data, {});202 });203 });...

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Source:input_capture.js Github


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1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {3 value: true4});5exports.inputCaptureSetWatcher = inputCaptureSetWatcher;6exports.inputCaptureRegisterElement = inputCaptureRegisterElement;7function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }8function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /​^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/​.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }9function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }10function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }11function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }12function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }13var MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE = 1;14var LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON_CODE = window.DiscordNative.process.platform === 'win32' ? 0 : 1;15var SEQUENCE_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT = 5000;16var MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 4;17var inputWatchAll = null;18var InputCapturer = /​*#__PURE__*/​function () {19 function InputCapturer(callback) {20 _classCallCheck(this, InputCapturer);21 this._timeout = null;22 this._callback = null;23 this._capturedInputSequence = [];24 this._callback = callback;25 }26 _createClass(InputCapturer, [{27 key: "start",28 value: function start() {29 var _this = this;30 if (this.isActive()) {31 return;32 }33 this._timeout = setTimeout(function () {34 return _this.stop();35 }, SEQUENCE_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT);36 InputCapturer._activeCapturers.push(this);37 if (InputCapturer._activeCapturers.length === 1) {38 inputWatchAll(InputCapturer._globalInputHandler);39 }40 }41 }, {42 key: "stop",43 value: function stop() {44 var _this2 = this;45 InputCapturer._activeCapturers = InputCapturer._activeCapturers.filter(function (x) {46 return x !== _this2;47 });48 if (InputCapturer._activeCapturers.length === 0) {49 inputWatchAll(null);50 }51 if (this._timeout != null) {52 clearTimeout(this._timeout);53 this._timeout = null;54 }55 var inputSequence = (entry) {56 return [entry[0], entry[1]];57 });58 this._capturedInputSequence = [];59 if (this._callback != null) {60 this._callback(inputSequence);61 }62 }63 }, {64 key: "isActive",65 value: function isActive() {66 return this._timeout != null;67 }68 }, {69 key: "_handleInputEvent",70 value: function _handleInputEvent(type, state, code) {71 if (state === 0) {72 var allEntriesReleased = true;73 var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this._capturedInputSequence),74 _step;75 try {76 for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {77 var entry = _step.value;78 if (entry[0] === type && entry[1] === code) {79 entry[2] = false;80 }81 allEntriesReleased = allEntriesReleased && entry[2] === false;82 }83 } catch (err) {84 _iterator.e(err);85 } finally {86 _iterator.f();87 }88 if (this._capturedInputSequence.length > 0 && allEntriesReleased) {89 this.stop();90 }91 } else {92 this._capturedInputSequence.push([type, code, true]);93 if (this._capturedInputSequence.length === MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH) {94 this.stop();95 }96 }97 }98 }], [{99 key: "_globalInputHandler",100 value: function _globalInputHandler(type, state, code) {101 if (type === MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE && code === LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON_CODE) {102 /​/​ ignore left click103 return;104 }105 var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(InputCapturer._activeCapturers),106 _step2;107 try {108 for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) {109 var capturer = _step2.value;110 capturer._handleInputEvent(type, state, code);111 }112 } catch (err) {113 _iterator2.e(err);114 } finally {115 _iterator2.f();116 }117 }118 }]);119 return InputCapturer;120}();121InputCapturer._activeCapturers = [];122function inputCaptureSetWatcher(inputWatcher) {123 inputWatchAll = inputWatcher;124}125function inputCaptureRegisterElement(elementId, callback) {126 if (inputWatchAll == null) {127 throw new Error('Input capturing is missing an input watcher');128 }129 var capturer = new InputCapturer(callback);130 var registerUserInteractionHandler =;131 var unregisterFunctions = [registerUserInteractionHandler(elementId, 'click', function (_) {132 return capturer.start();133 }), registerUserInteractionHandler(elementId, 'focus', function (_) {134 return capturer.start();135 }), registerUserInteractionHandler(elementId, 'blur', function (_) {136 return capturer.stop();137 })];138 return function () {139 var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(unregisterFunctions),140 _step3;141 try {142 for (_iterator3.s(); !(_step3 = _iterator3.n()).done;) {143 var unregister = _step3.value;144 unregister();145 }146 } catch (err) {147 _iterator3.e(err);148 } finally {149 _iterator3.f();150 }151 capturer.stop();152 };...

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Source:CaptureService.js Github


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1angular.module("CaptureService",[])2 .factory('Capture',["$http",function($http){3 var beginCapture = function(formData){4 var promise = $'/​api/​startCapture', formData);5 console.log("Logging promise: " + promise);6 return promise;7 };8 var getPackets = function(capturer) {9 console.log("Request to backend to getPackets");10 var promise = $'/​api/​getPackets',{'packmon': capturer});11 return promise;12 };13 var setCapturer = function(capturer) {14 var self = this;15 console.log("Setting capturer: " + capturer);16 self.capturer = capturer;17 console.log("Capturer type: " + capturer.constructor);18 };19 var getCapturer = function() {20 var self = this;21 return self.capturer;22 };23 var endCapture = function(capturer) {24 console.log("Stopping capture ...");25 var promise = $'/​api/​stopCapture',{'capturer': capturer});26 return promise;27 };28 return {29 startCapture: function(formData) {return beginCapture(formData);},30 getPackets: function(capturer) {return getPackets(capturer);},31 setCapturer: function(capturer) {return setCapturer(capturer);},32 getCapturer: function() {return getCapturer();},33 stopCapture: function(capturer) { return endCapture(capturer);}34 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var webPage = require('webpage');2var page = webPage.create();3var system = require('system');4var fs = require('fs');5if (system.args.length === 1) {6 console.log('Usage: test.js <some URL>');7 phantom.exit();8}9var url = system.args[1];10var filename = system.args[2];11var wptServer = system.args[3];12var wpt = require('webpagetest');13var client = wpt(wptServer);14var options = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var page = require('webpage').create();2page.viewportSize = { width: 1920, height: 1080 };3 page.render('google.png');4 phantom.exit();5});6var page = require('webpage').create();7var system = require('system');8var args = system.args;9var url = args[1];10page.viewportSize = { width: 1920, height: 1080 };, function() {12 page.render('google.png');13 phantom.exit();14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.8d8e5b7d0e0c66d7b8f0c0f1e9c9a2e2');2var options = {3};4 if (err){5 console.log(err);6 }7 else {8 console.log(data);9 }10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wpt = require('wpt-api');2const client = new wpt('A.4f6a2a2f2f1bae8f9b9ae2f7d2b2d8c1');3const options = {4 videoParams: {5 videoParams: {6 }7 }8};9client.capturer(url, options)10 .then(data => console.log(data))11 .catch(err => console.log(err));12const wpt = require('wpt-api');13const client = new wpt('A.4f6a2a2f2f1bae8f9b9ae2f7d2b2d8c1');14const options = {15 videoParams: {16 videoParams: {17 }18 }19};20client.capturer(url, options)21 .then(data => console.log(data))22 .catch(err => console.log(err));

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