How to use calculateAzimuth method in wpt

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Source:calculator.js Github


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...88}89function calculateLHAAltAndAz(ttime, offset, dec) {90 var LHA = calculateHourAngle(ttime, offset);91 var alt = calculateAltitude(dec, LHA);92 var az = calculateAzimuth(dec, LHA, alt);93 dayHourAngle.push(LHA);94 dayAltitude.push(alt);95 dayAzimuth.push(az);96 dayTime.push(ttime);97}98//No need to calculate if only time is modified/99//calculate when date is modified100function calculateSunDianForDay() {101 sundialXY = [];102 var alt;103 for(var i=0; i< dayAltitude.length; i++) {104 if(dayAltitude[i] <0 || dayAltitude >180) {105 continue;106 }107 var azim = dayAzimuth[i]-90;108 var shadowLength = 1/Math.tan(dayAltitude[i] * M);109 var x = shadowLength * Math.cos(azim*M);110 var y = shadowLength * Math.sin(azim*M);111 var point = [x,y];112 sundialXY.push(point);113 }114}115function calculateForEntireYear() {116 yearDeclination = [];117 yearEqOfTime = [];118 yearHourAngle = [];119 yearAltitude = [];120 yearAzimuth = [];121 var days = getNoOfDays(date);122 for(var i=1; i<=days; i++) {123 var dec = calculateDeclination(i);124 var eq = calculateEqOfTime(i);125 var offset = calculateTimeOffset(eq);126 var LHA = calculateHourAngle(time, offset);127 var alt = calculateAltitude(dec, LHA);128 var az = calculateAzimuth(dec, LHA, alt);129 yearDeclination.push(dec)130 yearEqOfTime.push(eq);131 yearHourAngle.push(LHA);132 yearAltitude.push(alt);133 yearAzimuth.push(az);134 }135}136function calculateForSpecificDateAndTime() {137 var dayOfYear = findDayOfYear(date);138 declination = calculateDeclination(dayOfYear);139 eqOfTime = calculateEqOfTime(dayOfYear);140 timeOffset = calculateTimeOffset(eqOfTime);141 hourAngle = calculateHourAngle(time,timeOffset);142 altitude = calculateAltitude(declination,hourAngle);143 azimuth = calculateAzimuth(declination, hourAngle, altitude);144 //showoff145 calculateSolarNoon();146 calculateSolarTime();147 calculateSunriseAndSunset();148}149function readInput() {150 latitude = document.formCalc.latitude.value;151 longitude = document.formCalc.longitude.value;152 timeZone = document.formCalc.timezone.value;153 var timeValues = document.formCalc.time.value.split(":");154 time = (timeValues[0]*60 ) + (timeValues[1]*1);155 date = new Date(;156}157function findDayOfYear(dateUpto) {158 year = dateUpto.getFullYear();159 var dateStart = new Date(year, 0, 0);160 var diff = dateUpto - dateStart;161 var oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;162 var dayOfYear = Math.floor(diff / oneDay)-1;163 return dayOfYear;164}165function calculateDeclination(dayOfYear) {166 var N = dayOfYear;167 var d2 = 1.914 * Math.sin(0.98565 * (N-2) * M);168 var d1 = 0.98565 * (N+10);169 var total = 0.39779 * Math.cos((d1 + d2) * M);170 var declination = -Math.asin(total) / M ;171 return declination;172}173//in minutes174function calculateEqOfTime(dayOfYear) {175 var x=dayOfYear * 2 * Math.PI/365;176 var eqOfTime = 229.18*(0.000075+0.001868* Math.cos(x)-0.032077* Math.sin(x)-0.014615* Math.cos(2*x)-0.040849* Math.sin(2*x));177 return eqOfTime;178}179function calculateTimeOffset(eqOfTimeInMinutes) {180 var timeOffset = (longitude * 4) + eqOfTimeInMinutes - (timeZone * 60);181 return timeOffset;182}183function calculateHourAngle(currentTimeInMinutes, offset) {184 var noon = 12 * 60;185 var hourAngleInMinutes = currentTimeInMinutes - noon + offset;186 var LHA = hourAngleInMinutes/4;187 return LHA;188}189/**190 * From191 * [1] Spherical law of cosines and192 * [2] sin(90-a) = cos(a)193 * [3] cos(90-a) = sin(a)194 * because altitude is 90-zenith195 */196function calculateAltitude(dec, LHA) {197 var sinα = Math.sin(dec * M)* Math.sin(latitude * M) +198 Math.cos(dec * M)* Math.cos(latitude * M)*Math.cos(LHA * M);199 var alt = Math.asin(sinα)/M;200 return alt;201}202function calculateAzimuth(dec, LHA, alt) {203 var cosα = Math.sin(dec*M)*Math.cos(latitude*M) -204 Math.cos(dec*M)*Math.sin(latitude*M)*Math.cos(LHA*M);205 cosα = cosα/Math.cos(alt*M);206 var azimuth = Math.acos(cosα)/M;207 if(LHA >0) {208 azimuth = 360-azimuth;209 }210 return azimuth;211}212function calculateSolarNoon() {213 solarNoon = (12*60) - timeOffset;214}215function calculateSolarTime() {216 solarTime = timeOffset + time;...

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Source:CoordinatesUtils-test.js Github


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...43 it('test calculateAzimuth', () => {44 var point1 = [0, 0];45 var point2 = [1, 1];46 var proj = 'EPSG:900913';47 var azimuth = CoordinatesUtils.calculateAzimuth(point1, point2, proj);48 expect(azimuth.toFixed(2)).toBe('45.00');49 });50 it('test normalizeSRS', () => {51 expect(CoordinatesUtils.normalizeSRS('EPSG:900913')).toBe('EPSG:3857');52 });53 it('test normalizeSRS with allowedSRS', () => {54 expect(CoordinatesUtils.normalizeSRS('EPSG:900913', {'EPSG:900913': true})).toBe('EPSG:900913');55 });56 it('test getCompatibleSRS', () => {57 expect(CoordinatesUtils.getCompatibleSRS('EPSG:900913', {'EPSG:900913': true})).toBe('EPSG:900913');58 expect(CoordinatesUtils.getCompatibleSRS('EPSG:900913', {'EPSG:900913': true, 'EPSG:3857': true})).toBe('EPSG:900913');59 expect(CoordinatesUtils.getCompatibleSRS('EPSG:900913', {'EPSG:3857': true})).toBe('EPSG:3857');60 expect(CoordinatesUtils.getCompatibleSRS('EPSG:3857', {'EPSG:900913': true})).toBe('EPSG:900913');61 expect(CoordinatesUtils.getCompatibleSRS('EPSG:3857', {'EPSG:900913': true, 'EPSG:3857': true})).toBe('EPSG:3857');...

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Source:Angle.ts Github


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...55 * @param dotA1 - 向量A的终点56 * @return {Promise<number>} 方位角的弧度值(范围[0, 2PI))57 * 从标准真北方向起,沿顺时钟方向旋转到A0A1的角度58 */59 static async calculateAzimuth(dotA0: Dot, dotA1: Dot): Promise<number> {60 let thisObj = new Angle();61 let methodName = "calculateAzimuth"62 let paramsTypeStr = [thisObj.CLASS_DOT, thisObj.CLASS_DOT];63 let paramsStr = [dotA0.ObjId, dotA1.ObjId];64 return await thisObj.invokeByParam(methodName, paramsTypeStr, paramsStr, thisObj.NUMBER);65 }6667 /**68 * 坡度角69 * @memberOf Angle70 * @param height - 坡的铅直高度71 * @param length - 坡的水平宽度72 * @return {Promise<number>} 坡度角的弧度值(范围[0,PI/2))73 * 坡度(slope)是地表单元陡缓的程度,通常把坡度的铅直高度h 和水平宽度l的比值叫做坡度(或叫做坡比) ...

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var lat1 = 37.7699298;3var lon1 = -122.4469157;4var lat2 = 37.7683909618184;5var lon2 = -122.51089453697205;6var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);7console.log(azimuth);8var wpt = require('wpt');9var lat1 = 37.7699298;10var lon1 = -122.4469157;11var lat2 = 37.7683909618184;12var lon2 = -122.51089453697205;13var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);14console.log(azimuth);15var wpt = require('wpt');16var lat1 = 37.7699298;17var lon1 = -122.4469157;18var lat2 = 37.7683909618184;19var lon2 = -122.51089453697205;20var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);21console.log(azimuth);22var wpt = require('wpt');23var lat1 = 37.7699298;24var lon1 = -122.4469157;25var lat2 = 37.7683909618184;26var lon2 = -122.51089453697205;27var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);28console.log(azimuth);29var wpt = require('wpt');30var lat1 = 37.7699298;31var lon1 = -122.4469157;32var lat2 = 37.7683909618184;33var lon2 = -122.51089453697205;34var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);35console.log(azimuth);36var wpt = require('wpt');

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1var wpt = require('./wpt');2var wpt1 = new wpt(1,1);3var wpt2 = new wpt(2,2);4console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));5var wpt = function(lat,lon) {6 = lat;7 this.lon = lon;8};9wpt.prototype.calculateAzimuth = function(wpt2) {10 return 0;11};12module.exports = wpt;13console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));14console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));15console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));16console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));17console.log(wpt1.calculateAzimuth(wpt2));

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var lat1 = 37.422;3var lon1 = -122.084;4var lat2 = 37.421;5var lon2 = -122.084;6var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);7console.log(azimuth);8var wpt = require('wpt');9var lat1 = 37.422;10var lon1 = -122.084;11var lat2 = 37.421;12var lon2 = -122.084;13var distance = wpt.calculateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);14console.log(distance);15var wpt = require('wpt');16var lat1 = 37.422;17var lon1 = -122.084;18var lat2 = 37.421;19var lon2 = -122.084;20var midPoint = wpt.calculateMidPoint(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);21console.log(midPoint);22var wpt = require('wpt');23var lat = 37.422;24var lon = -122.084;25var azimuth = 180;26var distance = 100;27var newPoint = wpt.calculateNewPoint(lat, lon, azimuth, distance);28console.log(newPoint);29var wpt = require('wpt');30var lat = 37.422;31var lon = -122.084;32var azimuth = 180;33var distance = 100;34var newPoint = wpt.calculateNewPoint(lat, lon, azimuth, distance);35console.log(newPoint);36var wpt = require('wpt');37var lat = 37.422;38var lon = -122.084;39var azimuth = 180;40var distance = 100;41var newPoint = wpt.calculateNewPoint(lat, lon, azimuth, distance);42console.log(newPoint);

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1var wpt = require('wpt.js');2var lat1 = 38.96939;3var lon1 = -77.386398;4var lat2 = 38.96939;5var lon2 = -77.386398;6var azimuth = wpt.calculateAzimuth(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2);7console.log(azimuth);8exports.calculateAzimuth = function(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2){9 var azimuth = 0;10 return azimuth;11};

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1var wptools = require('./wptools');2var bearing = wptools.calculateAzimuth(1,1,2,2);3console.log(bearing);4var wptools = {5 calculateAzimuth: function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2){6 var dLon = lon2 - lon1;7 var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);8 var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(dLon);9 var bearing = Math.atan2(y, x);10 return bearing;11 }12}13module.exports = wptools;14var wptools = require('./wptools');15 at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16)16 at Module._compile (module.js:374:25)17 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:417:10)18 at Module.load (module.js:344:32)19 at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12)20 at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:442:10)21 at startup (node.js:136:18)

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1var tools = require('./wptools');2var result = tools.calculateAzimuth(1, 1, 5, 5);3console.log(result);4var tools = require('./wptools');5var result = tools.calculateAzimuth(1, 1, 5, 5);6console.log(result);7var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,8 py = spawn('python', ['']),9 dataString = '';10py.stdout.on('data', function(data){11 dataString += data.toString();12});13py.stdout.on('end', function(){14 console.log('Sum of numbers=',dataString);15});16py.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(data));17py.stdin.end();18Traceback (most recent call last):19 import sys, json20var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,21 py = spawn('pip', ['install', 'json']),22 dataString = '';23py.stdout.on('data', function(data){24 dataString += data.toString();25});26py.stdout.on('end', function(){27 console.log('Sum of numbers=',dataString);28});29py.stdin.write(JSON.stringify(data));30py.stdin.end();31 at errnoException (child_process.js:1001:11)32 at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:792:34)

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1const wptools = require('wptools');2const wp ='United States');3wp.get((err, data) => {4 console.log(data);5});6{ pageid: 625492,7 'The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country comprising 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles (9.8 million square kilometers), it is the world\'s third or fourth largest country by total area and is slightly smaller than the entire continent of Europe\'s 3.9 million square miles (10.1 million square kilometers). With a population of over 325 million people, the U.S. is the third most populous country. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the most populous city is New York City. Forty-eight states and the capital\'s federal district are contiguous in North America between Canada and Mexico. The State of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east and across the Bering Strait from Russia to the west. The State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U.S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, stretching across nine official time zones. The extremely diverse geography, climate, and wildlife of the United States make it one of the world\'s 17 megadiverse countries.',8 [ { title: 'File:Flag of the United States.svg',9 descriptionshort: 'File:Flag of the United States.svg' },10 { title: 'File:U.S. states.svg',

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