How to use cacheName method in wpt

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Source:cache-helper.js Github


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1/**2 * cache helper3 */4import settings from './settings';5import DataCache from './DataCache';6// 缓存数据对象。为了避免混淆,只缓存至一级结构7const dataCache = new DataCache();8// 获取时间戳9function getTime(t) {10 return t ? t.getTime() : (new Date()).getTime();11}12/**13 * 修正 cacheName14 * @param {String} cacheName 原始的值,可能是任意格式15 * @return {String} 修正后的 cacheName,以 cachePrefix 开头16 */17function adjustCacheName(cacheName) {18 if (!cacheName) {19 return '';20 }21 cacheName = encodeURIComponent(('' + cacheName).replace(/\//g, '.').replace(/^\./, '').replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ''));22 if (cacheName.indexOf(settings.cachePrefix)) {23 // cacheName.indexOf(settings.cachePrefix) !== 0 加上前缀24 cacheName = settings.cachePrefix + cacheName;25 }26 return cacheName;27}28/**29 * 根据 cacheType 取得 cacheStorage 对象30 * @param {String} cacheType31 * @return {Object}32 */33export function getCacheStor(cacheType) {34 let cacheStor = dataCache;35 if (~['sessionStorage', 'localStorage'].indexOf(cacheType)) {36 cacheStor = window[cacheType] || cacheStor;37 }38 return cacheStor;39}40/**41 * 根据 cacheName 名称层级获取对应 dataCache 中的缓存数据42 * @param {String} cacheName - 名称,以 . 分割层级,如 * @param {String} cacheType - 缓存类型:sessionStorage、localStorage 、 memory(默认)44 * @return {*} 返回读取到的数据45 */46export function getCacheDataByName(cacheName, cacheType) {47 let data;48 const undefinedVal = void 0;49 const cacheStor = getCacheStor(cacheType);50 if (!(cacheName = adjustCacheName(cacheName))) {51 return data;52 }53 data = cacheStor.getItem(cacheName);54 try {55 data = JSON.parse(data);56 } catch (e) {57 data = data;58 }59 // 缓存的数据设置了有效期 data._e60 if (data && data._e) {61 // console.log(getTime() - data._e, getTime(), data._e);62 if (getTime() - data._e < 0) {63 return data.d;64 }65 // 已过期,数据无效了,移除它66 cacheStor.removeItem(cacheName);67 return undefinedVal;68 }69 return data || undefinedVal;70}71/**72 * 根据 cacheName 名称尝试移除缓存中存在的数据73 * @param {String|RegExp} cacheName - 名称,以 . 分割层级,如。支持正则匹配74 * @param {String} cacheType - 缓存类型:sessionStorage、localStorage 、 memory(默认)75 * @return {*}76 */77export function deleteCacheDataByName(cacheName, cacheType) {78 const cacheStor = getCacheStor(cacheType);79 let item,80 i,81 len;82 // 为正则,支持模糊删除83 if (cacheName instanceof RegExp) {84 len = cacheStor.length;85 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {86 item = cacheStor.key(i);87 if (88 !item || // 兼容89 item.indexOf(settings.cachePrefix) !== 0 || // 过滤前缀90 !cacheName.test(item.slice(settings.cachePrefix.length)) // 规则检测91 ) {92 continue;93 }94 // 符合规则,移除95 cacheStor.removeItem(item);96 }97 return;98 }99 // 精确的查找与删除100 if (!(cacheName = adjustCacheName(cacheName))) {101 return;102 }103 cacheStor.removeItem(cacheName);104}105/**106 * 存储数据到本地107 * @param {String} cacheName - 用于存储的名称108 * @param {*} data - 任意类型的数据109 * @param {String} cacheType - 存储类型,支持三种方式:sessionStorage、localStorage 和内存中(默认)110 */111export function saveTOCache(cacheName, data, cfg = {}) {112 if (!(cacheName = adjustCacheName(cacheName))) {113 return;114 }115 // console.log(cacheName, data, cfg);116 const {cache: cacheType, expires} = cfg;117 const cacheStor = getCacheStor(cacheType);118 // expires 应为毫秒整数119 if (+expires) {120 data = {121 d: data,122 _e: (expires instanceof Date) ? getTime(expires) : (getTime() + expires)123 };124 }125 if (cacheStor === dataCache) {126 // 存到内存 dataCache127 cacheStor.setItem(cacheName, data);128 } else {129 cacheStor.setItem(cacheName, JSON.stringify(data));130 }131}132/**133 * 是否为类字符串134 */135export function isString(text) {136 const type = typeof text;137 return 'string' === type || 'number' === type;138}139/**140 * 返回包装done/fail API语法糖的 Promise141 * @param {Boolean} isJquery 是否为 jQuery,为true 则返回 $.Deferred142 * @return {Promise}143 */144export function getPromise(isJquery) {145 if (isJquery) {146 return $.Deferred();147 }148 let resolve, reject;149 const $p = new window.Promise((rs, rj) => {150 resolve = rs;151 reject = rj;152 });153 $p.resolve = resolve;154 $p.reject = reject;155 $p.done = function (cb) {156 return $p.then(cb);157 };158 $ = function (cb) {159 return $p.then(null, cb);160 };161 $p.always = function (cb) {162 return $p.then(cb, cb);163 };164 return $p;...

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Source:index.js Github


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1'use strict';2var through = require('through2'),3 util = require('gulp-util'),4 pluginName = 'gulp-remember', // name of our plugin for error logging purposes5 caches = {}, // will hold named file caches6 defaultName = '_default'; // name to give a cache if not provided7/**8 * Return a through stream that will:9 * 1. Remember all files that ever pass through it.10 * 2. Add all remembered files back into the stream when not present.11 * @param cacheName {string} Name to give your cache.12 * Caches with different names can know about different sets of files.13 */14function gulpRemember(cacheName) {15 var cache; // the files we've ever put our hands on in the current stream16 if (cacheName !== undefined && typeof cacheName !== 'number' && typeof cacheName !== 'string') {17 throw new util.PluginError(pluginName, 'Usage: require("gulp-remember")(name); where name is undefined, number or string');18 }19 cacheName = cacheName || defaultName; // maybe need to use a default cache20 caches[cacheName] = caches[cacheName] || {}; // maybe initialize the named cache21 cache = caches[cacheName];22 function transform(file, enc, callback) {23 var fileKey = file.path.toLowerCase();24 cache[fileKey] = file; // add file to our cache25 callback();26 }27 function flush(callback) {28 // add all files we've ever seen back into the stream29 for (var key in cache) {30 if (cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) {31 this.push(cache[key]); // add this file back into the current stream32 }33 }34 callback();35 }36 return through.obj(transform, flush);37}38/**39 * Forget about a file.40 * A warning is logged if either the named cache or file do not exist.41 *42 * @param cacheName {string} name of the cache from which to drop the file43 * @param path {string} path of the file to forget44 */45gulpRemember.forget = function (cacheName, path) {46 if (arguments.length === 1) {47 path = cacheName;48 cacheName = defaultName;49 }50 path = path.toLowerCase();51 if (typeof cacheName !== 'number' && typeof cacheName !== 'string') {52 throw new util.PluginError(pluginName, 'Usage: require("gulp-remember").forget(cacheName, path); where cacheName is undefined, number or string and path is a string');53 }54 if (caches[cacheName] === undefined) {55 util.log(pluginName, '- .forget() warning: cache ' + cacheName + ' not found');56 } else if (caches[cacheName][path] === undefined) {57 util.log(pluginName, '- .forget() warning: file ' + path + ' not found in cache ' + cacheName);58 } else {59 delete caches[cacheName][path];60 }61};62/**63 * Forget all files in one cache.64 * A warning is logged if the cache does not exist.65 *66 * @param cacheName {string} name of the cache to wipe67 */68gulpRemember.forgetAll = function (cacheName) {69 if (arguments.length === 0) {70 cacheName = defaultName;71 }72 if (typeof cacheName !== 'number' && typeof cacheName !== 'string') {73 throw new util.PluginError(pluginName, 'Usage: require("gulp-remember").forgetAll(cacheName); where cacheName is undefined, number or string');74 }75 if (caches[cacheName] === undefined) {76 util.log(pluginName, '- .forget() warning: cache ' + cacheName + ' not found');77 } else {78 caches[cacheName] = {};79 }80}81/**82 * Return a raw cache by name.83 * Useful for checking state. Manually adding or removing files is NOT recommended.84 *85 * @param cacheName {string} name of the cache to retrieve86 */87gulpRemember.cacheFor = function (cacheName) {88 if (arguments.length === 0) {89 cacheName = defaultName;90 }91 if (typeof cacheName !== 'number' && typeof cacheName !== 'string') {92 throw new util.PluginError(pluginName, 'Usage: require("gulp-remember").cacheFor(cacheName); where cacheName is undefined, number or string');93 }94 return caches[cacheName];95}...

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1self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {2 event.respondWith(3'test-cache').then(function(cache) {4 return cache.match(event.request).then(function(response) {5 return response || fetch(event.request);6 });7 })8 );9});

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1var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;2var cache =;3cache.then(function(cache) {4 return response.text();5 }).then(function(text) {6 console.log('cacheName: ' + text);7 });8});9var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;10var cache =;11cache.then(function(cache) {12 return response.text();13 }).then(function(text) {14 console.log('cacheName: ' + text);15 });16});17var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;18var cache =;19cache.then(function(cache) {20 cache.matchAll().then(function(responses) {21 responses.forEach(function(response) {22 response.text().then(function(text) {23 console.log('cacheName: ' + text);24 });25 });26 });27});28var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;29var cache =;30cache.then(function(cache) {31 console.log('cacheName: ' + response);32 });33});34var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;35var cache =;36cache.then(function(cache) {37 cache.keys().then(function(requests) {38 requests.forEach(function(request) {39 console.log('cacheName: ' + request.url);40 });41 });42});43var cacheName = __wptBrowsertime.cacheName;44var cache =;45cache.then(function(cache) {

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1var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;2var cache =;3cache.then(function(cache) {4 cache.addAll([5 ]).then(function() {6 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');7 });8});9var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;10var cache =;11cache.then(function(cache) {12 cache.addAll([13 ]).then(function() {14 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');15 });16});17var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;18var cache =;19cache.then(function(cache) {20 cache.addAll([21 ]).then(function() {22 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');23 });24});25var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;26var cache =;27cache.then(function(cache) {28 cache.addAll([29 ]).then(function() {30 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');31 });32});33var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;34var cache =;35cache.then(function(cache) {36 cache.addAll([37 ]).then(function() {38 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');39 });40});

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1var cacheName ='cyCache').then(function(cachhe {2 /);3 cacheName.then(function(name) {4 console.log(name/var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;5var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;6var cache =;7cache.then(function(cache) {8 cache.addAll([9 ]).then(function() {10 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');11 });12});13var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;14var cache =;15cache.then(function(cache) {16 cache.addAll([17 ]).then(function() {18 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');19 });20});21var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;22var cache =;23cache.then(function(cache) {24 cache.addAll([25 ]).then(function() {26 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');27 });28});29var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;30var cache =;31cache.then(function(cache) {32 cache.addAll([33 ]).then(function() {34 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');35 });36});37var cacheName = wpt.cacheName;38var cache =;39cache.then(function(cache) {40 cache.addAll([41 ]).then(function() {42 console.log('All resources have been fetched and cached.');43 });44});

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1var cacheName ='myCache').then(function(cache) {2 return;3});4cacheName.then(function(name) {5 console.log(name);6});

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1var cacheName ='myCache').then(function(cache) {2 return;3 });4 cacheName.then(function(name) {5 console.log(name);6 });

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