Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
Source: drivers_and_vehicles_BookVehicleIncpectionAdapter-impl.js
1/*2 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM3 * 5725-I43 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2013. All Rights Reserved.4 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or5 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.6 */7/**8 * MFP.Server.invokeHttp(parameters) accepts the following json object as an argument:9 * 10 * {11 * // Mandatory 12 * method : 'get' , 'post', 'delete' , 'put' or 'head' 13 * path: value,14 *15 * // Optional16 * returnedContentType: any known mime-type or one of "json", "css", "csv", "plain", "xml", "html"17 * returnedContentEncoding : 'encoding',18 * parameters: {name1: value1, ... },19 * headers: {name1: value1, ... },20 * cookies: {name1: value1, ... },21 * body: {22 * contentType: 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' or similar value,23 * content: stringValue24 * },25 * transformation: {26 * type: 'default', or 'xslFile',27 * xslFile: fileName28 * }29 * }30 */31var username_cis = "Mobstguser";32var password_cis = "m792!du)+1g";33// get all services34function getGlobalServices(vehicleType, isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){35 var bodyRequest ='<sch:getGlobalServicesRequest>';36 if (vehicleType != undefined && vehicleType != null) {37 bodyRequest += '<sch:vclId>' + vehicleType + '</sch:vclId>';38 }39 bodyRequest += '</sch:getGlobalServicesRequest>';40 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);41 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);42 MFP.Logger.warn("getGlobalServices request | " + requestObj);43 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,44 encryptionPassword);45 MFP.Logger.warn("getGlobalServices result | " + result);46 return result ;47 48}49//get all centers50function getAvailableAppointmentCenters (isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){51 var bodyRequest ="<sch:getAvailableAppointmentCentersRequest/>";52 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);53 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);54 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCenters request | " + requestObj);55 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,56 encryptionPassword);57 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCenters result | " + result);58 return result;59}60//get all centers on specific date61function getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate (date,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){62 var bodyRequest ="<sch:getAvailableAppointmentCentersRequest>";63 bodyRequest +="<sch:date>" + date + "</sch:date>";64 bodyRequest +="</sch:getAvailableAppointmentCentersRequest>";65 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);66 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);67 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate request | " + requestObj);68 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,69 encryptionPassword);70 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate result | " + result);71 return result;72}73//get lanes on specific center74function getAvailableAppointmentCenterLanes(centerId,appointmentId,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){75 76 var bodyRequest ='<sch:getAvailableAppointmentCenterLanesRequest>';77 if (centerId != undefined && centerId != null) {78 bodyRequest += '<sch:ctrId>' + centerId + '</sch:ctrId>';79 }80 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';81 bodyRequest += '</sch:getAvailableAppointmentCenterLanesRequest>';82 83 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);84 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);85 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCenterLanes request | " + requestObj);86 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,87 encryptionPassword);88 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCenterLanes result | " + result);89 return result;90}91//get all centers on specific date92function getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate (date,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){93 var bodyRequest ="<sch:getAvailableAppointmentCentersRequest>";94 bodyRequest +="<sch:date>" + date + "</sch:date>";95 bodyRequest +="</sch:getAvailableAppointmentCentersRequest>";96 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);97 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);98 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate request | " + requestObj);99 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,100 encryptionPassword);101 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentCentersByDate result | " + result);102 return result;103}104//add appointment to backet to book appoitment105function addAppointmentToBasket(vehicleType,vehiclesNumber,serviceID,ownerType,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){106 var bodyRequest ="<sch:addAppointmentToBasketRequest>";107 bodyRequest +="<sch:addSlotAppointment>";108 bodyRequest +="<sch:vclId>"+ vehicleType +"</sch:vclId>";109 bodyRequest +="<sch:noOfVehicles>"+ vehiclesNumber +"</sch:noOfVehicles>";110 bodyRequest +="<sch:selectedServices>";111 bodyRequest +="<sch:service>";112 bodyRequest +="<sch:id>"+ serviceID +"</sch:id>";113 bodyRequest +="</sch:service>";114 115 bodyRequest +="</sch:selectedServices>";116 bodyRequest +="<sch:ownerType>"+ ownerType +"</sch:ownerType>";117 bodyRequest +="</sch:addSlotAppointment>";118 119 bodyRequest +="</sch:addAppointmentToBasketRequest>"120 121 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);122 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);123 MFP.Logger.warn("addAppointmentToBasket request | " + requestObj);124 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,125 encryptionPassword);126 MFP.Logger.warn("addAppointmentToBasket result | " + result);127 return result;128}129//get available slots on specific lane130function getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots(centerId,appointmentId,updateMode,appointmentDay,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){131 132 var bodyRequest = '<sch:getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';133 bodyRequest += '<sch:vtcId>' + centerId + '</sch:vtcId>';134 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';135 bodyRequest += '<sch:isUpdateMode>' + updateMode + '</sch:isUpdateMode>';136 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointmentDay>' + appointmentDay + '</sch:appointmentDay>';137 bodyRequest += '</sch:getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';138 139 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);140 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);141 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots request | " + requestObj);142 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,143 encryptionPassword);144 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots result | " + result);145 return result ;146}147//get available slots on specific lane148function getAvailableLaneAppointmentTimeSlots(laneId,appointmentId,updateMode,appointmentDay,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){149 150 var bodyRequest = '<sch:getAvailableLaneAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';151 bodyRequest += '<sch:tlnId>' + laneId + '</sch:tlnId>';152 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';153 bodyRequest += '<sch:isUpdateMode>' + updateMode + '</sch:isUpdateMode>';154 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointmentDay>' + appointmentDay + '</sch:appointmentDay>';155 bodyRequest += '</sch:getAvailableLaneAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';156 157 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);158 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);159 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableLaneAppointmentTimeSlots request | " + requestObj);160 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,161 encryptionPassword);162 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableLaneAppointmentTimeSlots result | " + result);163 return result ;164}165//get available slots on specific lane166function getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots(centerId,appointmentId,updateMode,appointmentDay,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){167 168 var bodyRequest = '<sch:getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';169 bodyRequest += '<sch:vtcId>' + centerId + '</sch:vtcId>';170 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';171 bodyRequest += '<sch:isUpdateMode>' + updateMode + '</sch:isUpdateMode>';172 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointmentDay>' + appointmentDay + '</sch:appointmentDay>';173 bodyRequest += '</sch:getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlotsRequest>';174 175 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);176 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);177 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots request | " + requestObj);178 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,179 encryptionPassword);180 MFP.Logger.warn("getAvailableAppointmentTimeSlots result | " + result);181 return result ;182}183//submit appoitment location and time184function submitAppointmentLocationAndTime(UpdateMode,laneId,appointmentId,appointmentTimeFrome,appointmentTimeTo,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){185 186 var bodyRequest = '<sch:submitAppointmentLocationAndTimeRequest>';187 bodyRequest += '<sch:isUpdateMode>' + UpdateMode + '</sch:isUpdateMode>';188 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointment>';189 bodyRequest += '<sch:tlnId>' + laneId + '</sch:tlnId>';190 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';191 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointmentTimeFrom>' + appointmentTimeFrome + '</sch:appointmentTimeFrom>';192 bodyRequest += '<sch:appointmentTimeTo>' + appointmentTimeTo + '</sch:appointmentTimeTo>'; 193 bodyRequest += '</sch:appointment>';194 bodyRequest += '</sch:submitAppointmentLocationAndTimeRequest>';195 196 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);197 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);198 MFP.Logger.warn("submitAppointmentLocationAndTime request | " + requestObj);199 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,200 encryptionPassword);201 MFP.Logger.warn("submitAppointmentLocationAndTime result | " + result);202 return result203}204// submit contacts details205function submitContactDetails(appointmentId,firstName,lastName,email,mobileNo,emiCode,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){206 207 var bodyRequest = '<sch:submitContactDetailsRequest>';208 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>' + appointmentId + '</sch:aptId>';209 bodyRequest += '<sch:firstNameAr></sch:firstNameAr>';210 bodyRequest += '<sch:lastNameAr></sch:lastNameAr>';211 bodyRequest += '<sch:firstNameEn>' + firstName + '</sch:firstNameEn>';212 bodyRequest += '<sch:lastNameEn>' + lastName + '</sch:lastNameEn>';213 bodyRequest += '<sch:email>' + email + '</sch:email>';214 bodyRequest += '<sch:mobileNo>' + mobileNo + '</sch:mobileNo>';215 bodyRequest += '<sch:address></sch:address>';216 bodyRequest += '<sch:emiCode>' + emiCode + '</sch:emiCode>';217 bodyRequest += '</sch:submitContactDetailsRequest>';218 219 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);220 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);221 MFP.Logger.warn("submitContactDetails request | " + requestObj);222 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,223 encryptionPassword);224 MFP.Logger.warn("submitContactDetails result | " + result);225 return result ;226}227//confirm appointment228function confirmAppointment(appointmentId,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){229 230 var bodyRequest = '<sch:confirmAppointmentRequest>';231 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>'+ appointmentId +'</sch:aptId>';232 bodyRequest += '</sch:confirmAppointmentRequest>';233 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);234 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);235 MFP.Logger.warn("confirmAppointment request | " + requestObj);236 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,237 encryptionPassword);238 MFP.Logger.warn("confirmAppointment result | " + result);239 return result ;240}241function getAppointmentBasket(appointmentId,isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword){242 243 var bodyRequest = '<sch:getAppointmentBasketRequest>';244 bodyRequest += '<sch:aptId>'+ appointmentId +'</sch:aptId>';245 bodyRequest += '</sch:getAppointmentBasketRequest>';246 var request = getRequestString(bodyRequest);247 var requestObj = buildBody([ request ], true);248 MFP.Logger.warn("getAppointmentBasket request | " + requestObj);249 var result = invokeWebServiceString(requestObj, isEncryptResponse,250 encryptionPassword);251 MFP.Logger.warn("getAppointmentBasket result | " + result);252 return result ;253}254function buildBody(parameters, isStatic) {255 var request = "";256 if (isStatic == true) {257 request = MFP.Server.invokeProcedure({258 adapter : 'drivers_and_vehciles_utilitiesAdapter',259 procedure : 'buildBodyFromStaticRequest',260 parameters : parameters,261 });262 } else {263 request = MFP.Server.invokeProcedure({264 adapter : 'drivers_and_vehciles_utilitiesAdapter',265 procedure : 'buildBody',266 parameters : parameters267 });268 }269 return request.body;270}271function getRequestString(bodyString) {272 var requestDate = new Date(;273 var requestDateFormated = requestDate.toISOString(); // Returns274 // 2011-10-05T14:48:00.000Z275 var request = '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sch="">'276 + '<soapenv:Header>'277 + '<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:wsse=" " xmlns="" xmlns:sch="">'278 + '<wsse:UsernameToken>'279 + '<wsse:Username>'280 + username_cis281 + '</wsse:Username>'282 + '<wsse:Password>'283 + password_cis284 + '</wsse:Password>'285 + '</wsse:UsernameToken>'286 + '</wsse:Security>'287 + '</soapenv:Header>'288 + '<soapenv:Body>'289 + bodyString290 + '</soapenv:Body>' + '</soapenv:Envelope>';291 return request;292}293function invokeWebServiceString(request, isEncryptResponse, encryptionPassword) {294 MFP.Logger.warn(request);295 var input = {296 method : 'post',297 headers : {298 "SOAPAction" : ""299 },300 returnedContentType : 'HTML',301 path : '/appointmentService',302 body : {303 content : JSON.parse(request),304 contentType : 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'305 }306 };307 var webServiceResult = MFP.Server.invokeHttp(input);308 MFP.Logger.warn(webServiceResult);309 MFP.Logger.warn(JSON.stringify(webServiceResult));310 if (isEncryptResponse != undefined && isEncryptResponse == true) {311 var responseString = JSON.stringify(webServiceResult);312 var invocationData = {313 adapter : 'drivers_and_vehciles_utilitiesAdapter',314 procedure : 'encryptData',315 parameters : [ responseString, encryptionPassword ]316 };317 webServiceResult = MFP.Server.invokeProcedure(invocationData);318 }319 var invocationData = {320 adapter : 'drivers_and_vehciles_utilitiesAdapter',321 procedure : 'deleteCredientails',322 parameters : [webServiceResult]323 };324 return MFP.Server.invokeProcedure(invocationData);...
Source: bill-business.test.ts
1import nock from 'nock'2import { BillBusiness } from '../../business/bill-business';3import { BillDatabase } from '../../data/bill-database';4const makeBillBusiness = () => {5 const billDatabase = new BillDatabase()6 return new BillBusiness(billDatabase)7}8describe('billBusiness (unit)', () => {9 describe('addBill', () => {10 test('should throw a missing parameter error if there is no name provided', async () => {11 try {12 const bodyRequest = {13 original_price: 100, due_date: '03/01/2021'14 }15 nock('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bills')16 .post('/', bodyRequest)17 .replyWithError('Missing param: name')18 const billBusiness = makeBillBusiness()19 const addBillRequest = await billBusiness.addBill(bodyRequest)20 } catch (error) {21 expect(error.message).toBe('Missing param: name')22 }23 });24 test('should throw a missing parameter error if there is no due_date provided', async () => {25 try {26 const bodyRequest = {27 original_price: 100, name: 'bill_name'28 }29 nock('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bills')30 .post('/', bodyRequest)31 .replyWithError('Missing param: due_date')32 const billBusiness = makeBillBusiness()33 const addBillRequest = await billBusiness.addBill(bodyRequest)34 } catch (error) {35 expect(error.message).toBe('Missing param: due_date')36 }37 });38 test('should throw a missing parameter error if there is no original_price provided', async () => {39 try {40 const bodyRequest = {41 due_date: '03/01/2021', name: 'bill_name'42 }43 nock('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bills')44 .post('/', bodyRequest)45 .replyWithError('Missing param: original_price')46 const billBusiness = makeBillBusiness()47 const addBillRequest = await billBusiness.addBill(bodyRequest)48 } catch (error) {49 expect(error.message).toBe('Missing param: original_price')50 }51 });52 test('should call the addBill database method', async () => {53 const bodyRequest = {54 due_date: '03/01/2021', name: 'bill_name', original_price: 10055 }56 nock('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bills')57 .post('/', bodyRequest)58 .reply(201)59 const billBusiness = makeBillBusiness()60 const billBusinessSpy = jest.spyOn(billBusiness, 'addBill')61 await billBusiness.addBill(bodyRequest)62 expect(billBusinessSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(bodyRequest)63 });64 });65 describe('getBills', () => {66 test('call the getBills method', async () => {67 nock('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bills')68 .get('/')69 .reply(200)70 const billBusiness = makeBillBusiness()71 const billBusinessSpy = jest.spyOn(billBusiness, 'getBills')72 await billBusiness.getBills()73 expect(billBusinessSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()74 });75 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var client = wpt('');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5 client.bodyRequest(, 'getLocations', function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log(data);8 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var test = new wpt('');3var options = {4};5test.runTest(options, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 test.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {8 if (err) return console.error(err);9 console.log(data);10 });11});12 at Request._callback (/home/rahul/Downloads/webpagetest-master/node_modules/webpagetest/lib/webpagetest.js:24:7)13 at self.callback (/home/rahul/Downloads/webpagetest-master/node_modules/request/request.js:188:22)14 at emitOne (events.js:96:13)15 at Request.emit (events.js:188:7)16 at Request.onRequestError (/home/rahul/Downloads/webpagetest-master/node_modules/request/request.js:884:8)17 at emitOne (events.js:96:13)18 at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)19 at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:310:9)
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var options = {3 videoParams: {4 }5};6var wpt = new WebPageTest('', options.key);7var testScript = 'testScript.js';8var testScript = 'testScript.js';9wpt.bodyRequest(testUrl, testScript, options, function(err, data) {10 console.log(data);11});12var requests = 1;13var headers = [];14headers['X-My-Header'] = 'custom value';15var ua = 'My User Agent';16var body = 'custom request body';17var method = 'POST';18var timeout = 5000;19var priority = 3;20var encoding = 'base64';21var size = 12345;22var type = 'text/plain';23var file = 'body.txt';24var path = '/path/to/body.txt';25var mime = 'text/plain';
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var test = wpt('API_KEY');3 test.bodyRequest(, {location: 'ec2-us-west-1:Chrome'}, function(err, data) {4 console.log(data);5 });6});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('wpt');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log('Test ID: %s',;5 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log('Test completed in %d seconds',;8 });9});10var wpt = require('wpt');11var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef');12 if (err) return console.error(err);13 console.log('Test ID: %s',;14 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {15 if (err) return console.error(err);16 console.log('Test completed in %d seconds',;17 });18});19var wpt = require('wpt');20var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef');21 if (err) return console.error(err);22 console.log('Test ID: %s',;23 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {24 if (err) return console.error(err);25 console.log('Test completed in %d seconds',;26 });27});28var wpt = require('wpt');
Using AI Code Generation
1var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest'); 2var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcde1234567890abcde12');3var options = {4};5var body = {6};7wpt.bodyRequest('runtest.php', body, function(err, data) {8 if (err) return console.error(err);9 console.log('Test started: %s',;10});11var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest'); 12var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcde1234567890abcde12');13var options = {14};15wpt.runTest(url, options, function(err, data) {16 if (err) return console.error(err);17 console.log('Test started: %s',;18});19var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest'); 20var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1234567890abcde1234567890abcde12');21wpt.getTesters(function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.error(err);
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