Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1/* bender-tags: editor */2/* global console */3( function() {4 'use strict';5 var error,6 warn,7 _console,8 consoleEnabled = !!window.console,9 ignore = !consoleEnabled,10 errorPrefix = '[CKEDITOR] ',11 errorCodeLabel = 'Error code: ';12 // Binds function to provided object and wraps it with new function.13 // @param {Function} fn Function to be wrapped.14 // @param {Object} object Object to bind.15 // @returns {Function}16 function wrap( fn, object ) {17 return function() {18 var args = arguments );19 args.unshift( object );20 // Call function's prototype method 'call' on stored function.21 fn, args );22 };23 }24 bender.test( {25 // Ignore tests when window.console is not enabled.26 // In ie8/ie9 console is available only when development tools are opened.27 _should: {28 ignore: {29 'no log event and output after CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = 0': ignore,30 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN': ignore,31 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN | VERBOSITY_ERROR': ignore,32 'no log event and output after CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = 0': ignore,33 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_ERROR': ignore,34 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN | VERBOSITY_ERROR': ignore,35 'block default log event handler': ignore36 }37 },38 init: function() {39 // Check if console.error is present. Use console.log as fallback.40 if ( consoleEnabled ) {41 error = console.error ? 'error' : 'log';42 warn = console.warn ? 'warn' : 'log';43 }44 },45 setUp: function() {46 // In IE <= 9 console methods log(), warn() and error() are pseudo-functions that do not have47 // call/apply methods. This leads to situation when spy methods cannot work properly.48 // Because of that each function should be wrapped before use.49 // The console object should be also stubbed because newer sinon version cannot work on that object in50 // IE <= 9 ( if ( consoleEnabled && && CKEDITOR.env.version <= 9 ) {52 _console = window.console;53 window.console = {54 log: wrap( _console.log, _console ),55 warn: wrap( _console[ warn ], _console ),56 error: wrap( _console[ error ], _console )57 };58 }59 },60 tearDown: function() {61 // Cleaning wrapping made in setUp function for ie <= 9.62 if ( consoleEnabled && && CKEDITOR.env.version <= 9 ) {63 window.console = _console;64 }65 },66 'is defined': function() {67 assert.isFunction( CKEDITOR.error, 'CKEDTIOR.error function should be defined.' );68 assert.isFunction( CKEDITOR.warn, 'CKEDTIOR.warn function should be defined.' );69 },70 'no log event and output after CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = 0': function() {71 var warnStub = sinon.stub( console, warn ),72 logEventSpy = sinon.spy();73 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );74 CKEDITOR.verbosity = 0;75 CKEDITOR.warn( 'warn' );76 // Log event should not be fired.77 assert.isFalse( logEventSpy.called, 'Log event should not be fired.' );78 // Console.error should not be called.79 assert.isFalse( warnStub.called, 'Console.warn function should not be called.' );80 warnStub.restore();81 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );82 },83 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN': function() {84 var warnStub = sinon.stub( console, warn ),85 logEventSpy = sinon.spy(),86 errorCode = 'error-code',87 additionalData = {},88 data;89 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );90 CKEDITOR.verbosity = CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_WARN;91 CKEDITOR.warn( errorCode, additionalData );92 // Check if event was fired.93 assert.isTrue( logEventSpy.calledOnce, 'Log event should be fired once.' );94 data = logEventSpy.firstCall.args[ 0 ].data;95 assert.areEqual( 'warn', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "warn".' );96 assert.areEqual( errorCode, data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );97 assert.areEqual( additionalData, data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );98 // Console.warn should be called twice:99 // - first to show errorCode and data passed to CKEDITOR.warn function,100 // - second call is to show link to the documentation providing more information about errorCode.101 assert.isTrue( warnStub.calledTwice, 'Console.warn function should be called twice.' );102 assert.isTrue( warnStub.firstCall.calledWith( errorPrefix + errorCodeLabel + errorCode + '.', additionalData ), 'Console.warn should be called with errorCode and additionalData.' );103 warnStub.restore();104 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );105 },106 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.warn() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN | VERBOSITY_ERROR': function() {107 var warnStub = sinon.stub( console, warn ),108 logEventSpy = sinon.spy(),109 errorCode = 'error-code',110 additionalData = {},111 data;112 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );113 CKEDITOR.verbosity = CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_WARN | CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_ERROR;114 CKEDITOR.warn( errorCode, additionalData );115 // Check if event was fired.116 assert.isTrue( logEventSpy.calledOnce, 'Log event should be fired once.' );117 data = logEventSpy.firstCall.args[ 0 ].data;118 assert.areEqual( 'warn', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "warn".' );119 assert.areEqual( errorCode, data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );120 assert.areEqual( additionalData, data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );121 // Console.warn should be called twice:122 // - first to show errorCode and data passed to CKEDITOR.warn function,123 // - second call is to show link to the documentation providing more information about errorCode.124 assert.isTrue( warnStub.calledTwice, 'Console.warn function should be called twice.' );125 assert.isTrue( warnStub.firstCall.calledWith( errorPrefix + errorCodeLabel + errorCode + '.', additionalData ), 'Console.warn should be called with errorCode and additionalData.' );126 warnStub.restore();127 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );128 },129 'no log event and output after CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = 0': function() {130 var errorStub = sinon.stub( console, error ),131 logEventSpy = sinon.spy();132 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );133 CKEDITOR.verbosity = 0;134 CKEDITOR.error( 'error' );135 // Log event should not be fired.136 assert.isFalse( logEventSpy.called, 'Log event should not be fired.' );137 // Console.error should not be called.138 assert.isFalse( errorStub.called, 'Console.error function should not be called.' );139 errorStub.restore();140 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );141 },142 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_ERROR': function() {143 var errorStub = sinon.stub( console, error ),144 logEventSpy = sinon.spy(),145 errorCode = 'error-code',146 additionalData = {},147 data;148 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );149 CKEDITOR.verbosity = CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_ERROR;150 CKEDITOR.error( errorCode, additionalData );151 // Check if event was fired.152 assert.isTrue( logEventSpy.calledOnce, 'Log event should be fired once.' );153 data = logEventSpy.firstCall.args[ 0 ].data;154 assert.areEqual( 'error', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "error".' );155 assert.areEqual( errorCode, data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );156 assert.areEqual( additionalData, data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );157 // Console.error should be called twice:158 // - first to show errorCode and data passed to CKEDITOR.error function,159 // - second call is to show link to the documentation providing more information about errorCode.160 assert.isTrue( errorStub.calledTwice, 'Console.error function should be called twice.' );161 assert.isTrue( errorStub.firstCall.calledWith( errorPrefix + errorCodeLabel + errorCode + '.', additionalData ), 'Console.error should be called with errorCode and additionalData.' );162 errorStub.restore();163 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );164 },165 'log event and output from CKEDITOR.error() when verbosity = VERBOSITY_WARN | VERBOSITY_ERROR': function() {166 var errorStub = sinon.stub( console, error ),167 logEventSpy = sinon.spy(),168 errorCode = 'error-code',169 additionalData = {},170 data;171 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', logEventSpy );172 CKEDITOR.verbosity = CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_WARN | CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_ERROR;173 CKEDITOR.error( errorCode, additionalData );174 // Check if event was fired.175 assert.isTrue( logEventSpy.calledOnce, 'Log event should be fired once.' );176 data = logEventSpy.firstCall.args[ 0 ].data;177 assert.areEqual( 'error', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "error".' );178 assert.areEqual( errorCode, data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );179 assert.areEqual( additionalData, data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );180 // Console.error should be called twice:181 // - first to show errorCode and data passed to CKEDITOR.error function,182 // - second call is to show link to the documentation providing more information about errorCode.183 assert.isTrue( errorStub.calledTwice, 'Console.error function should be called twice.' );184 assert.isTrue( errorStub.firstCall.calledWith( errorPrefix + errorCodeLabel + errorCode + '.', additionalData ), 'Console.error should be called with errorCode and additionalData.' );185 errorStub.restore();186 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', logEventSpy );187 },188 'block default log event handler': function() {189 var spy,190 errorStub = sinon.stub( console, error ),191 warnStub = sinon.stub( console, warn ),192 errorCode = [ 'error-1', 'error-2' ],193 additionalData = [ {}, {} ],194 data;195 // Create log event handler that will block default handler's execution.196 spy = sinon.spy( function( evt ) {197 evt.cancel();198 } );199 CKEDITOR.on( 'log', spy );200 CKEDITOR.verbosity = CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_WARN | CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_ERROR;201 CKEDITOR.error( errorCode[ 0 ], additionalData[ 0 ] );202 CKEDITOR.warn( errorCode[ 1 ], additionalData[ 1 ] );203 assert.isFalse( errorStub.called, 'Console.error should not be called when default "log" event handler is blocked.' );204 assert.isFalse( warnStub.called, 'Console.warn should not be called when default "log" event handler is blocked.' );205 assert.isTrue( spy.calledTwice, 'Event handler should be called twice.' );206 data = spy.firstCall.args[ 0 ].data;207 assert.areEqual( 'error', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "error".' );208 assert.areEqual( errorCode[ 0 ], data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );209 assert.areEqual( additionalData[ 0 ], data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );210 data = spy.secondCall.args[ 0 ].data;211 assert.areEqual( 'warn', data.type, 'Event data.type should be equal to "warn".' );212 assert.areEqual( errorCode[ 1 ], data.errorCode, 'Event data.errorCode should match provided errorCode.' );213 assert.areEqual( additionalData[ 1 ], data.additionalData, 'Event data.additionalData should match provided additionalData.' );214 errorStub.restore();215 warnStub.restore();216 CKEDITOR.removeListener( 'log', spy );217 }218 } );...
1export class Log {2 error = function (data: any, additionalData?: any): void {3 console.log('\x1b[40m%s\x1b[0m', data, additionalData ? additionalData : '');4 };5 info = function (data: any, additionalData?: any): void {6 console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', data, additionalData ? additionalData : '');7 };8 package = function (data: any, additionalData?: any): void {9 console.log('\x1b[34m%s\x1b[0m', data, additionalData ? additionalData : '');10 };11 warn = function (data: any, additionalData?: any) {12 console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', data, additionalData ? additionalData : '');13 };14 emphasize = function (data: any, additionalData?: any) {15 console.log('\x1b[35m%s\x1b[0m', data, additionalData ? additionalData : '');16 };17}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2 if (err) return console.error(err);3 console.log('Test submitted to WebPagetest for %s',;4 console.log('Test ID: %s',;5});6var wpt = require('webpagetest');7 if (err) return console.error(err);8 console.log('Test submitted to WebPagetest for %s',;9 console.log('Test ID: %s',;10});11var wpt = require('webpagetest');12 if (err) return console.error(err);13 console.log('Test submitted to WebPagetest for %s',;14 console.log('Test ID: %s',;15});16var wpt = require('webpagetest');17 if (err) return console.error(err);18 console.log('Test submitted to WebPagetest for %s',;19 console.log('Test ID: %s',;20});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var client = wpt('');3var options = { location: 'Dulles:Chrome', firstViewOnly: true };4client.runTest(url, options, function(err, data) {5 if (err) return console.error(err);6 console.log(data);7 var testId =;8 client.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(data);11 });12});13{ statusCode: 200,14 { testId: '160622_3X_7d8d5f5c7f5b1c1b7e8d5a2e7c2c2f9f',
Using AI Code Generation
1wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");2wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");3wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");4wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");5wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");6wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");7wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");8wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");9wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");10wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");11wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");12wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");13wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");14wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");15wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");16wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");17wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");18wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");19wpt.additionalData("myKey", "myValue");20wpt.additionalData("myKey
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var test = wpt('API_KEY');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5});6var wpt = require('webpagetest');7var test = wpt('API_KEY');8test.getTestResults('170505_1D_6d7b6e9d9f0c1d2e0d7c6f8d6b7f8e0c', { additionalData: true }, function(err, data) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(data);11});12{ data: 13 { runs: 14 { 1: 15 { firstView: 16 { loadTime: 210,
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2}, function(err, data) {3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 console.log(data);5});6var wpt = require('webpagetest');7api.getTestResults('140821_9X_3e3b3c2b0d1fd0c1a5a7e3a3b0e7a3a9', { 8}, function(err, data) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(data);11});12var wpt = require('webpagetest');13api.getTestResults('140821_9X_3e3b3c2b0d1fd0c1a5a7e3a3b0e7a3a9', { 14}, function(err, data) {15 if (err) return console.error(err);16 console.log(data);17});18var wpt = require('webpagetest');19api.getTestResults('140821_9X_3e3b3c2b0d1fd0c1a5a7e3a3b0e7a3a9', { 20}, function(err, data) {21 if (err) return console.error(err);22 console.log(data);23});24var wpt = require('webpagetest');
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = new WebPageTest('');2 if (err) {3 console.log(err);4 } else {5 console.log(data);6 }7});8{ statusCode: 200,9 { statusCode: 200,10 data: { testId: '140924_3K_2c7c11f1a6f93d6b13b6e1c6f2d6b7c6', ownerKey: '2c7c11f1a6f93d6b13b6e1c6f2d6b7c6' } } }11wpt.getTestResults('140924_3K_2c7c11f1a6f93d6b13b6e1c6f2d6b7c6', {f:'json', location:'Dulles:Chrome', requests:1}, function(err, data) {12 if (err) {13 console.log(err);14 } else {15 console.log(data);16 }17});18{ statusCode: 200,19 { statusCode: 200,20 { testId: '140924_3K_2c7c11f1a6f93d6b13b6e1c6f2d6b7c6',
Using AI Code Generation
1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.3c2d3a8a0b6c5d6e7f8a9b0c1d2e3f4a');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {5 if (err) return console.error(err);6 console.log(data);7 });8});9wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.error(err);11 console.log(data);12});13wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', {requests: 1}, function(err, data) {14 if (err) return console.error(err);15 console.log(data);16});17wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', {requests: 1, requestsFile: "requests.txt"}, function(err, data) {18 if (err) return console.error(err);19 console.log(data);20});21wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', {requests: 1, requestsFile: "requests.txt", requestsDomain: 1}, function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.error(err);23 console.log(data);24});25wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', {requests: 1, requestsFile: "requests.txt", requestsDomain: 1, requestsCookies: 1}, function(err, data) {26 if (err) return console.error(err);27 console.log(data);28});29wpt.getTestResults('140421_9X_N3', {requests: 1, requestsFile: "requests.txt", requestsDomain: 1, requestsCookies: 1, requestsHeaders: 1}, function(err, data) {30 if (err) return console.error(err);31 console.log(data);
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