How to use StrikeOutAnnotation method in wpt

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Source:strikeout-annotation.ts Github


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1import { Vec2 } from "mathador";2import { annotationTypes, lineCapStyles, lineJoinStyles } from "../../../../spec-constants";3import { CryptInfo } from "../../../../encryption/interfaces";4import { ParserResult } from "../../../../data-parse/data-parser";5import { ParserInfo } from "../../../../data-parse/parser-info";6import { DateString } from "../../../strings/date-string";7import { LiteralString } from "../../../strings/literal-string";8import { BorderStyleDict } from "../../../appearance/border-style-dict";9import { GraphicsStateDict } from "../../../appearance/graphics-state-dict";10import { ResourceDict } from "../../../appearance/resource-dict";11import { XFormStream } from "../../../streams/x-form-stream";12import { TextMarkupAnnotation, TextMarkupAnnotationDto } from "./text-markup-annotation";13export class StrikeoutAnnotation extends TextMarkupAnnotation { 14 constructor() {15 super(annotationTypes.STRIKEOUT);16 }17 18 static createFromDto(dto: TextMarkupAnnotationDto): StrikeoutAnnotation {19 if (dto.annotationType !== "/Strikeout") {20 throw new Error("Invalid annotation type");21 }22 if (!dto?.quadPoints?.length || dto.quadPoints.length % 8) {23 // the coordinates array length must be a multiple of 824 return;25 }26 const bs = new BorderStyleDict();27 bs.W = dto.strokeWidth;28 if (dto.strokeDashGap) {29 bs.D = dto.strokeDashGap;30 }31 32 const annotation = new StrikeoutAnnotation();33 annotation.$name = dto.uuid;34 annotation.NM = LiteralString.fromString(dto.uuid);35 annotation.T = LiteralString.fromString(;36 annotation.M = DateString.fromDate(new Date(dto.dateModified));37 annotation.CreationDate = DateString.fromDate(new Date(dto.dateCreated));38 annotation.Contents = dto.textContent 39 ? LiteralString.fromString(dto.textContent) 40 : null;41 42 if (dto.rect) {43 annotation.Rect = dto.rect;44 } else {45 const vectors: Vec2[] = [];46 for (let i = 0; i < dto.quadPoints.length; i += 2) {47 vectors.push(new Vec2(dto.quadPoints[i], dto.quadPoints[i + 1]));48 }49 const {min, max} = Vec2.minMax(...vectors);50 annotation.Rect = [min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y];51 }52 annotation.C = dto.color.slice(0, 3);53 annotation.CA = dto.color[3];54 annotation.BS = bs;55 annotation.QuadPoints = dto.quadPoints;56 57 annotation.generateApStream();58 annotation._added = true;59 return annotation.initProxy();60 }61 62 static async parseAsync(parseInfo: ParserInfo): Promise<ParserResult<StrikeoutAnnotation>> {63 if (!parseInfo) {64 throw new Error("Parsing information not passed");65 }66 try {67 const pdfObject = new StrikeoutAnnotation();68 await pdfObject.parsePropsAsync(parseInfo);69 return {70 value: pdfObject.initProxy(), 71 start: parseInfo.bounds.start, 72 end: parseInfo.bounds.end,73 };74 } catch (e) {75 console.log(e.message);76 return null;77 }78 } 79 80 override toArray(cryptInfo?: CryptInfo): Uint8Array {81 const superBytes = super.toArray(cryptInfo); 82 return superBytes;83 }84 85 override toDto(): TextMarkupAnnotationDto {86 const color = this.getColorRect();87 return {88 annotationType: "/Strikeout",89 uuid: this.$name,90 pageId: this.$pageId,91 dateCreated: this.CreationDate?.date.toISOString() || new Date().toISOString(),92 dateModified: this.M 93 ? this.M instanceof LiteralString94 ? this.M.literal95 : : new Date().toISOString(),97 author: this.T?.literal,98 textContent: this.Contents?.literal,99 rect: this.Rect,100 bbox: this.apStream?.BBox,101 matrix: this.apStream?.Matrix,102 quadPoints: this.QuadPoints,103 color,104 strokeWidth: this.BS?.W ?? this.Border?.width ?? 1,105 strokeDashGap: this.BS?.D ?? [3, 0],106 };107 }108 109 /**110 * fill public properties from data using info/parser if available111 */112 protected override async parsePropsAsync(parseInfo: ParserInfo) {113 await super.parsePropsAsync(parseInfo);114 // const {parser, bounds} = parseInfo;115 // const start = bounds.contentStart || bounds.start;116 // const end = bounds.contentEnd || bounds.end; 117 118 // let i = parser.skipToNextName(start, end - 1);119 // let name: string;120 // let parseResult: ParseResult<string>;121 // while (true) {122 // parseResult = parser.parseNameAt(i);123 // if (parseResult) {124 // i = parseResult.end + 1;125 // name = parseResult.value;126 // switch (name) {127 // default:128 // // skip to next name129 // i = parser.skipToNextName(i, end - 1);130 // break;131 // }132 // } else {133 // break;134 // }135 // };136 }137 138 protected generateApStream() {139 if (!this.QuadPoints?.length || this.QuadPoints.length % 8) {140 return;141 }142 const apStream = new XFormStream();143 apStream.Filter = "/FlateDecode";144 apStream.LastModified = DateString.fromDate(new Date());145 apStream.BBox = [this.Rect[0], this.Rect[1], this.Rect[2], this.Rect[3]];146 // set stroke style options147 const opacity = this.CA || 1;148 const strokeWidth = this.strokeWidth;149 const strokeDash = this.BS?.D[0] ?? this.Border?.dash ?? 3;150 const strokeGap = this.BS?.D[1] ?? this.Border?.gap ?? 0;151 const gs = new GraphicsStateDict();152 gs.AIS = true;153 gs.BM = "/Normal";154 gs.CA = opacity;155 = opacity;156 gs.LW = strokeWidth;157 gs.LC = lineCapStyles.SQUARE;158 gs.LJ = lineJoinStyles.MITER;159 gs.D = [[strokeDash, strokeGap], 0];160 // get color161 const colorString = this.getColorString();162 163 // push the graphics state onto the stack164 let streamTextData = `q ${colorString} /GS0 gs`;165 // fill stream data166 const bottomLeft = new Vec2();167 const bottomRight = new Vec2();168 const topRight = new Vec2();169 const topLeft = new Vec2(); 170 const start = new Vec2();171 const end = new Vec2();172 const q = this.QuadPoints;173 for (let i = 0; i < q.length; i += 8) {174 bottomLeft.set(q[i + 4], q[i + 5]);175 bottomRight.set(q[i + 6], q[i + 7]);176 topRight.set(q[i + 2], q[i + 3]);177 topLeft.set(q[i + 0], q[i + 1]);178 start.setFromVec2(bottomLeft).add(topLeft).multiplyByScalar(0.5);179 end.setFromVec2(bottomRight).add(topRight).multiplyByScalar(0.5);180 streamTextData += `\n${start.x} ${start.y} m`;181 streamTextData += `\n${end.x} ${end.y} l`;182 streamTextData += "\nS";183 }184 // pop the graphics state back from the stack185 streamTextData += "\nQ";186 apStream.Resources = new ResourceDict();187 apStream.Resources.setGraphicsState("/GS0", gs);188 apStream.setTextStreamData(streamTextData); 189 this.apStream = apStream;190 }191 protected override initProxy(): StrikeoutAnnotation {192 return <StrikeoutAnnotation>super.initProxy();193 }194 protected override getProxy(): StrikeoutAnnotation {195 return <StrikeoutAnnotation>super.getProxy();196 } ...

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Source:strikeOutAnnotationResponse.ts Github


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1 /**2 *3 * Copyright (c) 2022 Aspose.PDF Cloud4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy5 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal6 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights7 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell8 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is9 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:10 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all11 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.12 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR13 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE15 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER16 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,17 * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE18 * SOFTWARE.19 *20 */21import { StrikeOutAnnotation } from "./strikeOutAnnotation";22import { AsposeResponse } from "./asposeResponse";23/**24* Represents response containing single strikeout annotation object25*/26export class StrikeOutAnnotationResponse extends AsposeResponse {27 /**28 * Strikeout annotation object29 */30 'annotation': StrikeOutAnnotation;31 static discriminator = undefined;32 static attributeTypeMap: Array<{name: string, baseName: string, type: string}> = [33 {34 "name": "annotation",35 "baseName": "Annotation",36 "type": "StrikeOutAnnotation"37 } ];38 static getAttributeTypeMap() {39 return super.getAttributeTypeMap().concat(StrikeOutAnnotationResponse.attributeTypeMap);40 }...

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Source:strikeOutAnnotations.ts Github


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1 /**2 *3 * Copyright (c) 2022 Aspose.PDF Cloud4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy5 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal6 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights7 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell8 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is9 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:10 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all11 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.12 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR13 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,14 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE15 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER16 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,17 * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE18 * SOFTWARE.19 *20 */21import { StrikeOutAnnotation } from "./strikeOutAnnotation";22import { LinkElement } from "./linkElement";23/**24* Object representing a list of strikeout annotations.25*/26export class StrikeOutAnnotations extends LinkElement {27 /**28 * List of strikeout annotations.29 */30 'list': Array<StrikeOutAnnotation>;31 static discriminator = undefined;32 static attributeTypeMap: Array<{name: string, baseName: string, type: string}> = [33 {34 "name": "list",35 "baseName": "List",36 "type": "Array<StrikeOutAnnotation>"37 } ];38 static getAttributeTypeMap() {39 return super.getAttributeTypeMap().concat(StrikeOutAnnotations.attributeTypeMap);40 }...

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1var page = require('webpage').create();2 var rect = page.evaluate(function() {3 var rect = document.querySelector('#hplogo').getBoundingClientRect();4 return {5 };6 });7 page.clipRect = {8 };9 page.render('google.png');10 phantom.exit();11});

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1var wptb = require('wptb');2var path = require('path');3var fs = require('fs');4var pdfPath = path.join(__dirname, 'test.pdf');5var outputPath = path.join(__dirname, 'test.pdf');6var strikeOutAnnotation = new wptb.StrikeOutAnnotation();7strikeOutAnnotation.setRect(100, 100, 400, 400);8strikeOutAnnotation.setContents('Test StrikeOut Annotation');9strikeOutAnnotation.setColor(0, 0, 1);10strikeOutAnnotation.setInteriorColor(0, 0, 1);11strikeOutAnnotation.setOpacity(0.5);12strikeOutAnnotation.setAuthor('Author Name');13strikeOutAnnotation.setSubject('Subject Name');14strikeOutAnnotation.setTitle('Title Name');15strikeOutAnnotation.setCreationDate(new Date());16strikeOutAnnotation.setModifiedDate(new Date());17strikeOutAnnotation.setFlags(wptb.PDFAnnotationFlags.Hidden);18strikeOutAnnotation.setIntent(wptb.PDFAnnotationIntent.StrikeOut);19strikeOutAnnotation.setCaption(true);20strikeOutAnnotation.setPopup(new wptb.PopupAnnotation());21strikeOutAnnotation.setInvisible(true);22strikeOutAnnotation.setLocked(true);23strikeOutAnnotation.setPrinted(true);24strikeOutAnnotation.setReadOnly(true);25strikeOutAnnotation.setNoZoom(true);26strikeOutAnnotation.setNoRotate(true);27strikeOutAnnotation.setNoView(true);

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1var wpt = require('wpt');2var options = {3};4wpt.runTest(options, function(err, data) {5 if (err) return console.log(err);6 var testId =;7 var options = {8 };9 wpt.getTestResults(options, function(err, data) {10 if (err) return console.log(err);11 var pageData =;12 var url = pageData.url;13 var options = {14 };15 wpt.getTestResults(options, function(err, data) {16 if (err) return console.log(err);17 var pageData =;18 var url = pageData.url;19 var options = {20 };21 wpt.getTestResults(options, function(err, data) {22 if (err) return console.log(err);23 var pageData =;24 var url = pageData.url;25 var options = {26 };27 wpt.getTestResults(options, function(err, data) {28 if (err) return console.log(err);29 var pageData =;30 var url = pageData.url;31 var options = {32 };33 wpt.getTestResults(options, function(err, data) {34 if (err) return console.log(err);35 var pageData =;36 var url = pageData.url;37 var options = {

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1var page = require('webpage').create();2var fs = require('fs');3 page.evaluate(function() {4 var strikeout = new StrikeOutAnnotation();5 strikeout.setPage(1);6 strikeout.setRect(100, 100, 200, 200);7 strikeout.setColor(255, 0, 0, 0);8 strikeout.setOpacity(0.5);9 strikeout.setContents("This is a strikeout annotation");10 strikeout.setAuthor("John Doe");11 strikeout.setSubject("Strikeout");12 strikeout.setModified("D:20170101000000Z");13 strikeout.setFlags(AnnotationFlag.Print | AnnotationFlag.Hidden);14 strikeout.setIcon(AnnotationIcon.Help);15 strikeout.setIntent("Strikeout");16 strikeout.setPopupIsOpen(true);17 strikeout.setPopupRect(100, 100, 200, 200);18 strikeout.setCreationDate("D:20170101000000Z");19 strikeout.setTitle("Strikeout");20 strikeout.setOpen(true);21 strikeout.setInvisible(true);22 strikeout.setLocked(true);23 strikeout.setPrinted(true);24 strikeout.setNoZoom(true);25 strikeout.setNoRotate(true);26 strikeout.setNoView(true);27 strikeout.setReadOnly(true);28 strikeout.setLockedContents(true);29 var strikeout2 = new StrikeOutAnnotation();30 strikeout2.setPage(1);31 strikeout2.setRect(100, 100, 200, 200);32 strikeout2.setColor(255, 0, 0, 0);33 strikeout2.setOpacity(0.5);34 strikeout2.setContents("This is a strikeout annotation");35 strikeout2.setAuthor("John Doe");36 strikeout2.setSubject("Strikeout");37 strikeout2.setModified("D:20170101000000Z");38 strikeout2.setFlags(AnnotationFlag.Print | AnnotationFlag.Hidden);39 strikeout2.setIcon(AnnotationIcon.Help);40 strikeout2.setIntent("Strikeout");41 strikeout2.setPopupIsOpen(true);42 strikeout2.setPopupRect(100, 100, 200, 200

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1var page = require('webpage').create();2 page.evaluate(function() {3 var text = document.getElementById("lst-ib");4 var textRect = text.getBoundingClientRect();5 window.callPhantom({6 });7 });8 page.render("google.png");9 phantom.exit();10});

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1var document = app.activeDocument;2var page = document.pages[0];3var textFrame = page.textFrames[0];4var textFrameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;5var strikeOutAnnotation = textFrame.parentStory.strikeOutAnnotation;6strikeOutAnnotation.startStrikeOut(textFrame, 0);7strikeOutAnnotation.endStrikeOut(textFrame, textFrame.characters.length-1);8strikeOutAnnotation.applyStrikeOut();

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1var document = app.activeDocument;2var page = document.pages[0];3var textFrame = page.textFrames[0];4var textFrameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;5var strikeOutAnnotation = textFrame.parentStory.strikeOutAnnotation;6strikeOutAnnotation.startStrikeOut(textFrame, 0);7strikeOutAnnotation.endStrikeOut(textFrame, textFrame.characters.length-1);8strikeOutAnnotation.applyStrikeOut();

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1var document = app.activeDocument;2var page = document.pages[0];3var textFrame = page.textFrames[0];4var textFrameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;5var strikeOutAnnotation = textFrame.parentStory.strikeOutAnnotation;6strikeOutAnnotation.startStrikeOut(textFrame, 0);7strikeOutAnnotation.endStrikeOut(textFrame, textFrame.characters.length-1);8strikeOutAnnotation.applyStrikeOut();

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1var document = app.activeDocument;2var page = document.pages[0];3var textFrame = page.textFrames[0];4var textFrameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;5var strikeOutAnnotation = textFrame.parentStory.strikeOutAnnotation;6strikeOutAnnotation.startStrikeOut(textFrame, 0);7strikeOutAnnotation.endStrikeOut(textFrame, textFrame.characters.length-1);8strikeOutAnnotation.applyStrikeOut();

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1var document = app.activeDocument;2var page = document.pages[0];3var textFrame = page.textFrames[0];4var textFrameBounds = textFrame.geometricBounds;5var strikeOutAnnotation = textFrame.parentStory.strikeOutAnnotation;6strikeOutAnnotation.startStrikeOut(textFrame, 0);

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1var textAnnot = new StrikeOutAnnotation();2textAnnot.SetContents("This is a strikeout annotation");3textAnnot.SetColor(0, 0, 255, 3);4textAnnot.SetQuaddingFormat(1);5textAnnot.SetDate(new Date());6textAnnot.SetRect(100, 100, 200, 200);7textAnnot.SetPageNumber(0);8textAnnot.SetFlags(4);9textAnnot.SetIntent("StrikeOut");10textAnnot.SetIconName("Comment");11textAnnot.SetOpen(true);12textAnnot.SetStateModel("Marked");13textAnnot.SetState("Accepted");14textAnnot.SetTitle("Title");15textAnnot.SetSubject("Subject");16textAnnot.SetCreationDate(new Date());17textAnnot.SetModifiedDate(new Date());18textAnnot.SetAuthor("Author");19textAnnot.SetContents("Contents");20textAnnot.SetPopupText("Popup Text");21textAnnot.SetPopupRect(150, 150, 250, 250);22textAnnot.SetPopupOpen(true);23textAnnot.SetInReplyTo("In Reply To");24textAnnot.SetRT("RT");25textAnnot.SetState("Accepted");

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1var wptext = require('./wptext.js');2var fs = require('fs');3var pdf = new wptext.PDFDocument();4var page = pdf.addPage();5page.addStrikeOutAnnotation(50, 50, 100, 100);"test.pdf");

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1var pdfDoc = require('pdfkit');2var fs = require('fs');3var wptext = require('./wptext');4var doc = new pdfDoc;5var text = "This is a test of the StrikeOutAnnotation method of wptext.js";6var word = "test";7var strikeout = wptext.StrikeOutAnnotation(text,word);8doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test.pdf'));9doc.addPage();10doc.fontSize(25);11doc.text(text);12doc.addPage();13doc.fontSize(25);14doc.text(strikeout);15doc.end();16### TextHighlightAnnotation(text,word)17var pdfDoc = require('pdfkit');18var fs = require('fs');19var wptext = require('./wptext');20var doc = new pdfDoc;21var text = "This is a test of the TextHighlightAnnotation method of wptext.js";22var word = "test";23var highlight = wptext.TextHighlightAnnotation(text,word);24doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test.pdf'));25doc.addPage();26doc.fontSize(25);27doc.text(text);28doc.addPage();29doc.fontSize(25);30doc.text(highlight);31doc.end();32### TextUnderlineAnnotation(text,word)33var pdfDoc = require('pdfkit');34var fs = require('fs');35var wptext = require('./wptext');36var doc = new pdfDoc;37var text = "This is a test of the TextUnderlineAnnotation method of wptext.js";38var word = "test";39var underline = wptext.TextUnderlineAnnotation(text,word);40doc.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test.pdf'));41doc.addPage();42doc.fontSize(25);43doc.text(text);44doc.addPage();45doc.fontSize(25);46doc.text(underline);47doc.end();48### TextSquigglyAnnotation(text,word)

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