Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt
1//¹«¸æ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2function Xiao_Gst(){3 $.get(Jurl+Nurl+"Title", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(110,result)});4 $.get(Jurl+Nurl+"Contents", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(111,result)});5 $.get(Jurl+Nurl+"Remark", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(112,result)})}6//Ç©µ½------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7function Xiao_Ci(){$.get(Jurl+Nurl+"CheckIn", function (result) {SessionData.CheckIn=result})}8//¸üÐÂ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9function Xiao_IosUrl(){$.get(Jurl+Uurl+"PGII", function (resulti) {eval(resulti)})}10function Xiao_AndroidUrl(){$.get(Jurl+Uurl+"AZII", function (resulta) {eval(resulta)})}11//ÆÀÂÛ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12function Xiao_Iost(){$.get(Jurl+Uurl+"PGII", function (resulti) {eval(resulti)})}13function Xiao_Androidt(){$.get(Jurl+Uurl+"AZII", function (resulta) {eval(resulta)})}14//Inform------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15function Xiao_Inform(){16 $.get(Jurl+Iurl+"IsEnable", function (result) {SessionData.InformIE=result});17 $.get(Jurl+Iurl+"Number", function (result) {SessionData.InformNB=result;});18 $.get(Jurl+Iurl+"Talk", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(114,result)});19 $.get(Jurl+Iurl+"Name", function (result) {SessionData.InformNA=result;});20 $.get(Jurl+Iurl+"Way", function (result) {21 switch (parseInt(result)) {22 case 1://Ó¢ÐÛȺÏÀ´«IµÄÍæ¼ÒÊÕµ½ÏûÏ¢23 SessionData.InformIG=false;24 SessionData.InformIP=false;25 break;26 case 2://Ó¢ÐÛȺÏÀ´«IIµÄÍæ¼ÒÊÕµ½ÏûÏ¢27 SessionData.InformIG=true;28 SessionData.InformIP=false;29 break;30 case 3://ËùÓÐÍæ¼ÒÊÕµ½ÏûÏ¢31 SessionData.InformIG=true;32 SessionData.InformIP=false;33 break;34 case 4://Ìض¨Íæ¼ÒÊÕµ½ÏûÏ¢ºÍµÀ¾ß35 if ($gameActors._data[1]._name == SessionData.InformNA) {36 SessionData.InformIG=true;37 SessionData.InformIP=true;38 }else{39 SessionData.InformIG=false;40 SessionData.InformIP=false};41 break;42 case 5://Ó¢ÐÛȺÏÀ´«IIµÄÍæ¼ÒÊÕµ½ÏûÏ¢ºÍµÀ¾ß43 SessionData.InformIG=true;44 SessionData.InformIP=true;45 break;46 default:47 SessionData.InformIG=false;48 SessionData.InformIP=false}})49}50function Xiao_InformJS(){$.get(Jurl+Iurl+"Js", function (result) {eval(result)})}51//Welfare------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52function Xiao_Welfare(){53 $.get(Jurl+Wurl+"IsEnable", function (result) {SessionData.WelfareIE=result});54 $.get(Jurl+Wurl+"Number", function (result) {SessionData.WelfareNB=result});55 $.get(Jurl+Wurl+"Name", function (result) {SessionData.WelfareNA=result});56 $.get(Jurl+Wurl+"IdenCode", function (result) {SessionData.WelfareIC=result});57 $.get(Jurl+Wurl+"Contents", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(266,result)})}58function Xiao_WelfareJS(){$.get(Jurl+Wurl+"Js", function (result) {eval(result);});}59//Festival------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60function Xiao_Festival(){61 $.get(Jurl+Furl+"IsEnable", function (result) {SessionData.FestivalIE=result});62 $.get(Jurl+Furl+"Number", function (result) {SessionData.FestivalNB=result});63 $.get(Jurl+Furl+"IdenCode", function (result) {SessionData.FestivalIC=result});64 $.get(Jurl+Furl+"Contents", function (result) {$gameVariables.setValue(263,result)})}65function Xiao_FestivalJS(){$.get(Jurl+Furl+"Js", function (result) {eval(result)})}...
1function QueryString(name) {2 var result = RegExp("[\?\&]" + name + "=([^\&]+)", "i"));3 if (result == null || result.length < 1) {4 return "";5 }6 return result[1];7}8function getCookie(name) {9 var strCookie = document.cookie;10 var arrCookie = strCookie.split("; ");11 for (var i = 0; i < arrCookie.length; i++) {12 var arr = arrCookie[i].split("=");13 if (arr[0] == name) return arr[1];14 }15 return "";16}17function setCookie(name, value, expiresHours) {18 var cookieString = name + "=" + escape(value);19 //ÅжÏÊÇ·ñÉèÖùýÆÚʱ¼ä 20 if (expiresHours > 0) {21 var date = new Date();22 date.setTime(date.getTime + expiresHours * 3600 * 1000);23 cookieString = cookieString + "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();24 }25 document.cookie = cookieString;26}27function isPhone() {28 var sUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();29 var bIsIpad = sUserAgent.match(/ipad/i) == "ipad";30 var bIsIphoneOs = sUserAgent.match(/iphone os/i) == "iphone os";31 var bIsMidp = sUserAgent.match(/midp/i) == "midp";32 var bIsUc7 = sUserAgent.match(/rv: == "rv:";33 var bIsUc = sUserAgent.match(/ucweb/i) == "ucweb";34 var bIsAndroid = sUserAgent.match(/android/i) == "android";35 var bIsCE = sUserAgent.match(/windows ce/i) == "windows ce";36 var bIsWM = sUserAgent.match(/windows mobile/i) == "windows mobile";37 if (bIsIpad || bIsIphoneOs || bIsMidp || bIsUc7 || bIsUc || bIsAndroid || bIsCE || bIsWM) {38 return true;39 } else {40 return false;41 }42}43function isTiebsUrl() {44 if (QueryString("from") == "baidu") {45 return true;46 }47 var href = location.href;48 if (href.toLowerCase().substr(0, 7) == "http://") {49 if (href.toLowerCase().substr(0, 13) == "http://tieba.") {50 return true;51 }52 } else if (href.toLowerCase().substr(0, 6) == "tieba.") {53 return true;54 }55 return false;56}57if (QueryString("view") == "pcever") {58 setCookie("pcever", "yes", 10000);59}60if (isPhone() && QueryString("view") != "pc" && getCookie("pcever") != "yes") {61 var jurl = "";62 if (typeof (jumpm_url) == "undefined") {63 if (isTiebsUrl()) {64 jurl = location.href.replace("tieba.", "m.");65 } else {66 jurl = location.href.replace("http://", "http://m.");67 }68 } else {69 jurl = jumpm_url;70 if (QueryString("from") == "tbmobile") {71 if (jurl.indexOf("?") > -1) {72 jurl += "&from=tbmobile";73 } else {74 jurl += "?from=tbmobile";75 }76 }77 if (QueryString("return_url") != "") {78 if (jurl.indexOf("?") > -1) {79 jurl += "&return_url=" + QueryString("return_url");80 } else {81 jurl += "?return_url=" + QueryString("return_url");82 }83 }84 }85 if (isTiebsUrl()) {86 jurl = jurl.replace("m.", "tieba.m.");87 }88 location.href = jurl;...
1/**2 * Koding API3 * Koding API for integrating your application with Koding services4 *5 * OpenAPI spec version: 0.0.36 * 7 *8 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.9 * * Do not edit the class manually.11 *12 */13(function(root, factory) {14 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {15 // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.16 define(['ApiClient'], factory);17 } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {18 // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.19 module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));20 } else {21 // Browser globals (root is window)22 if (!root.KodingApi) {23 root.KodingApi = {};24 }25 root.KodingApi.JUrlAlias = factory(root.KodingApi.ApiClient);26 }27}(this, function(ApiClient) {28 'use strict';29 /**30 * The JUrlAlias model module.31 * @module koding-api/JUrlAlias32 * @version 0.0.333 */34 /**35 * Constructs a new <code>JUrlAlias</code>.36 * @alias module:koding-api/JUrlAlias37 * @class38 */39 var exports = function() {40 var _this = this;41 };42 /**43 * Constructs a <code>JUrlAlias</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance.44 * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not.45 * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.46 * @param {module:koding-api/JUrlAlias} obj Optional instance to populate.47 * @return {module:koding-api/JUrlAlias} The populated <code>JUrlAlias</code> instance.48 */49 exports.constructFromObject = function(data, obj) {50 if (data) {51 obj = obj || new exports();52 if (data.hasOwnProperty('_id')) {53 obj['_id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['_id'], 'String');54 }55 if (data.hasOwnProperty('alias')) {56 obj['alias'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['alias'], 'String');57 }58 if (data.hasOwnProperty('target')) {59 obj['target'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['target'], 'String');60 }61 }62 return obj;63 }64 /**65 * @member {String} _id66 */67 exports.prototype['_id'] = undefined;68 /**69 * @member {String} alias70 */71 exports.prototype['alias'] = undefined;72 /**73 * @member {String} target74 */75 exports.prototype['target'] = undefined;76 return exports;...
Using AI Code Generation
1var protocol = url.getProtocol();2var host = url.getHost();3var port = url.getPort();4var path = url.getPath();5var query = url.getQuery();6var ref = url.getRef();7var protocol = url.getProtocol();8var host = url.getHost();9var port = url.getPort();10var path = url.getPath();11var query = url.getQuery();12var ref = url.getRef();13var protocol = url.getProtocol();14var host = url.getHost();15var port = url.getPort();16var path = url.getPath();17var query = url.getQuery();18var ref = url.getRef();19var protocol = url.getProtocol();20var host = url.getHost();21var port = url.getPort();22var path = url.getPath();23var query = url.getQuery();24var ref = url.getRef();25var protocol = url.getProtocol();26var host = url.getHost();27var port = url.getPort();28var path = url.getPath();29var query = url.getQuery();30var ref = url.getRef();31var protocol = url.getProtocol();32var host = url.getHost();33var port = url.getPort();34var path = url.getPath();35var query = url.getQuery();36var ref = url.getRef();37var protocol = url.getProtocol();
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var JURL = require('url');3var page =;4page.get(function(err, info) {5 console.log(info);6});7var url = require('url');8var parsedUrl = url.parse(urlStr);9console.log(parsedUrl);
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools'); {3 console.log(;4});5var wptools = require('wptools'); {7 console.log(;8});9var wptools = require('wptools'); {11 console.log(;12});13var wptools = require('wptools'); {15 console.log(;16});17var wptools = require('wptools'); {19 console.log(;20});21var wptools = require('wptools'); {23 console.log(;24});25var wptools = require('wptools'); {27 console.log(;28});29var wptools = require('wptools'); {31 console.log(;32});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2var page ='wikipedia');3page.get(function(err, resp) {4 console.log(resp);5});6var wptools = require('wptools');7var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'json'});8page.get(function(err, resp) {9 console.log(resp);10});11var wptools = require('wptools');12var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'xml'});13page.get(function(err, resp) {14 console.log(resp);15});16var wptools = require('wptools');17var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'html'});18page.get(function(err, resp) {19 console.log(resp);20});21var wptools = require('wptools');22var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'xml', followRedirects: true});23page.get(function(err, resp) {24 console.log(resp);25});26var wptools = require('wptools');27var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'xml', followRedirects: false});28page.get(function(err, resp) {29 console.log(resp);30});31var wptools = require('wptools');32var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'xml', followRedirects: false});33page.get(function(err, resp) {34 console.log(resp);35});36var wptools = require('wptools');37var page ='wikipedia', {format: 'xml', followRedirects: true});38page.get(function(err, resp) {39 console.log(resp);40});
Using AI Code Generation
1var wptools = require('wptools');2console.log(url);3var wptools = require('wptools');4console.log(url.href);5var wptools = require('wptools');6console.log(url.href);7var wptools = require('wptools');8console.log(;9var wptools = require('wptools');10console.log(url.hostname);11var wptools = require('wptools');12console.log(url.origin);13var wptools = require('wptools');14console.log(url.pathname);15var wptools = require('wpt
Using AI Code Generation
1function getPatternContent(patternurl) {2 var patterncontent = "";3 var pattern = new JURL(patternurl);4 if (pattern) {5 patterncontent = pattern.get();6 }7 return patterncontent;8}9if (pattern) {10 var patterncontent = pattern.get();11 if (patterncontent) {12 alert(patterncontent);13 }14}15var patterncontent = getPatternContent(patternurl);16if (patterncontent) {17 alert(patterncontent);18}19var patterncontent = getPatternContent(patternurl);20if (patterncontent) {21 alert(patterncontent);22}23var patterncontent = getPatternContent(patternurl);24if (patterncontent) {25 alert(patterncontent);26}27var patterncontent = getPatternContent(patternurl);28if (patterncontent) {29 alert(patterncontent);30}31var patterncontent = getPatternContent(patternurl);32if (patterncontent
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