Best JavaScript code snippet using ts-auto-mock
1// The module 'vscode' contains the VS Code extensibility API2// Import the module and reference it with the alias vscode in your code below3const vscode = require('vscode');4const { runner } = require('./language/generic/runner');5const { runner: phpRunner } = require('./language/php/runner');6const { runner: typescriptRunner } = require('./language/typescript/runner');7const ts = require('typescript');8const hintDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({});9// this method is called when your extension is activated10// your extension is activated the very first time the command is executed11/**12 * @param {vscode.ExtensionContext} context13 */14function activate(context) {15 let activeEditor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;16 let currentRunner = null;17 const messageHeader = 'Parameter Hints: ';18 const hideMessageAfterMs = 3000;19 const isEnabled = () => vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("parameterHints").get(20 "enabled",21 );22 const languagesEnabled = () => vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("parameterHints").get(23 "languages",24 );25 let timeout = null;26 const trigger = (identifier, editor, force, time = 100) => {27 if (currentRunner && !currentRunner.state.done) {28 currentRunner.reject();29 }30 if (timeout) {31 clearTimeout(timeout);32 }33 timeout = setTimeout(() => {34 if (editor && (isEnabled() || force)) {35 if (languagesEnabled().includes("php") && editor.document.languageId === 'php') {36 currentRunner = runner(phpRunner, editor, hints => {37 if (hints !== false && isEnabled()) {38 if (hints.length) {39 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, hints);40 } else {41 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);42 }43 }44 })45 } else if (languagesEnabled().includes("typescript") && editor.document.languageId === 'typescript') {46 currentRunner = runner(typescriptRunner, editor, hints => {47 if (hints !== false && isEnabled()) {48 if (hints.length) {49 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, hints);50 } else {51 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);52 }53 }54 }, { language: ts.ScriptKind.TS })55 } else if (languagesEnabled().includes("typescriptreact") && editor.document.languageId === 'typescriptreact') {56 currentRunner = runner(typescriptRunner, editor, hints => {57 if (hints !== false && isEnabled()) {58 if (hints.length) {59 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, hints);60 } else {61 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);62 }63 }64 }, { language: ts.ScriptKind.TSX })65 } else if (languagesEnabled().includes("javascript") && editor.document.languageId === 'javascript') {66 currentRunner = runner(typescriptRunner, editor, hints => {67 if (hints !== false && isEnabled()) {68 if (hints.length) {69 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, hints);70 } else {71 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);72 }73 }74 }, { language: ts.ScriptKind.JS })75 } else if (languagesEnabled().includes("javascriptreact") && editor.document.languageId === 'javascriptreact') {76 currentRunner = runner(typescriptRunner, editor, hints => {77 if (hints !== false && isEnabled()) {78 if (hints.length) {79 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, hints);80 } else {81 editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);82 }83 }84 }, { language: ts.ScriptKind.JSX })85 }86 }87 }, time);88 }89 const clear = (editor) => {90 if (timeout) {91 clearTimeout(timeout);92 }93 currentRunner && !currentRunner.state.done && currentRunner.reject();94 editor && editor.setDecorations(hintDecorationType, [new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 0)]);95 }96 vscode.commands.registerCommand('parameterHints.toggle', () => {97 const currentState = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('parameterHints').get('enabled');98 let message = `${messageHeader} Hints ${currentState ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'}`;99 vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('parameterHints').update('enabled', !currentState, true);100 if (currentState) {101 clear(activeEditor)102 } else {103 trigger('restart', activeEditor, true)104 }105 vscode.window.setStatusBarMessage(message, hideMessageAfterMs);106 })107 trigger('on start', activeEditor, false, 100);108 context.subscriptions.push(vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(editor => {109 activeEditor = editor;110 trigger('change_active_text_editor', activeEditor, false, 100);111 }));112 context.subscriptions.push(vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(event => {113 if (event.contentChanges.length) {114 trigger('text edited', activeEditor, false, 300);115 }116 }))117 context.subscriptions.push(vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorVisibleRanges(event => {118 activeEditor = event.textEditor;119 trigger('scroll', activeEditor, false, 100);120 }))121}122exports.activate = activate;123// this method is called when your extension is deactivated124function deactivate() { }125module.exports = {126 activate,127 deactivate...
1const { FuseBox, SassPlugin, CSSPlugin, CSSResourcePlugin, PostCSSPlugin, QuantumPlugin } = require("fuse-box");2const typescriptRunner = FuseBox3 .init({4 homeDir: "./src",5 target: "browser@es5",6 sourceMaps: false,7 output: "public/$name.js",8 plugins: [9 QuantumPlugin({10 bakeApiIntoBundle: true,11 }),12 ],13 useTypescriptCompiler: true,14 });15typescriptRunner16 .bundle("index")17 .instructions("> client/index.ts");18typescriptRunner19 .run();20const stylesheetRunner = FuseBox21 .init({22 homeDir: "./src",23 target: "browser@es5",24 sourceMaps: false,25 output: "public/$name.js",26 writeBundles: false,27 plugins: [28 [29 /.+\.(css|scss|sass)/,30 SassPlugin({31 importer: true,32 includePaths: [33 "./node_modules/",34 ],35 omitSourceMapUrl: false,36 outFile: "",37 sourceMap: false,38 sourceComments: false,39 }),40 CSSResourcePlugin({41 inline: true,42 }),43 PostCSSPlugin([44 require("postcss-clean")(),45 ]),46 CSSPlugin({47 inject: false,48 group: "index.css",49 outFile: "public/index.css",50 minify: true,51 }),52 ],53 ],54 });55stylesheetRunner56 .bundle("stylesheet")57 .instructions("> **/*.entry.{scss,css,sass}");58stylesheetRunner...
1const { FuseBox, SassPlugin, CSSPlugin, PostCSSPlugin, CSSResourcePlugin } = require("fuse-box");2const typescriptRunner = FuseBox3 .init({4 homeDir: "./src",5 target: "browser@es5",6 sourceMaps: {7 inline: true,8 },9 output: "public/$name.js",10 plugins: [],11 useTypescriptCompiler: true,12 });13typescriptRunner14 .bundle("index")15 .instructions("> client/index.ts")16 .watch();17typescriptRunner18 .run();19const stylesheetRunner = FuseBox20 .init({21 homeDir: "./src",22 target: "browser@es5",23 sourceMaps: false,24 output: "public/$name.js",25 writeBundles: false,26 plugins: [27 [28 /.+\.(css|scss|sass)/,29 SassPlugin({30 importer: true,31 includePaths: [32 "./node_modules/",33 ],34 omitSourceMapUrl: false,35 outFile: "",36 sourceMap: false,37 sourceComments: false,38 }),39 CSSResourcePlugin({40 inline: true,41 }),42 PostCSSPlugin([43 require("postcss-clean")(),44 ]),45 CSSPlugin({46 inject: false,47 group: "index.css",48 outFile: "public/index.css",49 }),50 ],51 ],52 });53stylesheetRunner54 .bundle("stylesheet")55 .instructions("> **/*.entry.{scss,css,sass}")56 .watch();57stylesheetRunner...
Using AI Code Generation
1var tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock/dist/index.js').typescriptRunner;2var tsMocker = new tsAutoMock.TypeScriptMocker();3var result = tsMocker.mock('test1.ts');4console.log(result);5var tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock/dist/index.js').typescriptRunner;6var tsMocker = new tsAutoMock.TypeScriptMocker();7var result = tsMocker.mock('test2.ts');8console.log(result);
Using AI Code Generation
1import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';2import {Foo} from './foo';3import {Bar} from './bar';4import {Baz} from './baz';5typescriptRunner({6});7import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';8typescriptRunner({9});10import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';11typescriptRunner({12});13import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';14typescriptRunner({15});16import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';17typescriptRunner({18});19import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';20typescriptRunner({21});22import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';23typescriptRunner({24});25import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';26typescriptRunner({27});28import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts-auto-mock';29typescriptRunner({30});31import {typescriptRunner} from 'ts
Using AI Code Generation
1import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = typescriptRunner('test1.ts');3console.log(mock);4export const mock = {5 f: Symbol('f'),6 g: {7 f: Symbol('f'),8 g: {},9 },10};11import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';12const mock = typescriptRunner('test2.ts');13console.log(mock);14export const mock = {15 f: Symbol('f'),16 g: {17 f: Symbol('f'),18 g: {},19 },20};21import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';22const mock = typescriptRunner('test3.ts');23console.log(mock);24export const mock = {25 f: Symbol('f'),26 g: {27 f: Symbol('f'),28 g: {},29 },30};31import { typescriptRunner }
Using AI Code Generation
1import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { MyType } from './test2';3typescriptRunner('test2.ts', (type) => {4 const result = type<MyType>();5 console.log(result);6});7export type MyType = {8 name: string;9 age: number;10};11{12}13import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';14import { MyType } from './test2';15typescriptRunner('test2.ts', (type) => {16 const result = type<MyType>({ name: 'John' });17 console.log(result);18});19export type MyType = {20 name: string;21 age: number;22};23{24}25import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';26import { MyType } from './test2';27typescriptRunner('test2.ts', (type) => {28 const result = type<MyType>({ name: 'John', age: 20 });29 console.log(result);30});31export type MyType = {32 name: string;33 age: number;34};35{36}37import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';38import { MyType } from './test2';39typescriptRunner('test2.ts', (type) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';2typescriptRunner({3});4import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';5typescriptRunner({6});7import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';8typescriptRunner({9});10import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';11typescriptRunner({12});13import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';14typescriptRunner({15});16import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';17typescriptRunner({18});19import { typescriptRunner } from 'ts-auto-mock';20typescriptRunner({
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