How to use typesArgument method in ts-auto-mock

Best JavaScript code snippet using ts-auto-mock


Source:directives.ts Github


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1import { ImportedDefinition } from "../typeInfo";2import {3 visit,4 DirectiveNode,5 DocumentNode,6 ASTNode,7 ObjectTypeDefinitionNode,8} from "graphql";9export function supportedDirectives(astNode: DocumentNode): void {10 const supportedDirectives = ["imported", "imports"];11 const unsupportedUsages: string[] = [];12 visit(astNode, {13 enter: {14 Directive: (node: DirectiveNode) => {15 const name =;16 if (!supportedDirectives.includes(name)) {17 unsupportedUsages.push(name);18 }19 },20 },21 });22 if (unsupportedUsages.length) {23 throw new Error(24 `Found the following usages of unsupported directives:${ (u) => `\n@${u}`26 )}`27 );28 }29}30export function importsDirective(astNode: DocumentNode): void {31 let lastNodeVisited = "";32 const ObjectTypeDefinition = (node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode) => {33 lastNodeVisited = node.kind;34 const badUsageLocations: string[] = [];35 const importsAllowedObjectTypes = ["Query", "Mutation"];36 const directives =37 node.directives &&38 =>;39 if (40 directives &&41 directives.includes("imports") &&42 !importsAllowedObjectTypes.includes( ) {44 badUsageLocations.push(;45 }46 if (badUsageLocations.length) {47 throw new Error(48 `@imports directive should only be used on QUERY or MUTATION type definitions, ` +49 `but it is being used on the following ObjectTypeDefinitions:${ (b) => `\n${b}`51 )}`52 );53 }54 };55 const Directive = (56 node: DirectiveNode,57 key: string | number | undefined,58 parent: ASTNode | undefined,59 path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>60 ) => {61 if ( !== "imports") {62 return;63 }64 if (lastNodeVisited !== "ObjectTypeDefinition") {65 throw new Error(66 `@imports directive should only be used on QUERY or MUTATION type definitions, ` +67 `but it is being used in the following location: ${path.join(" -> ")}`68 );69 }70 const args = node.arguments || [];71 const typesArgument = args.find((arg) => === "types");72 if (!args.length || !typesArgument) {73 throw new Error(74 `@imports directive requires argument 'types' of type [String!]!`75 );76 }77 if (args.length > 1) {78 throw new Error(79 `@imports directive takes only one argument 'types', but found: ${args80 .filter((arg) => !== "types")81 .map((arg) => `\n- ${}`)}`82 );83 }84 if (typesArgument.value.kind === "ListValue") {85 const values = typesArgument.value.values;86 if (!values.length) {87 throw new Error(88 `@imports directive's 'types' argument of type [String!]! requires at least one value`89 );90 }91 const nonStringValues = values.filter(92 (value) => value.kind !== "StringValue"93 );94 if (nonStringValues.length) {95 throw new Error(96 `@imports directive's 'types' List values must be of type String, but found: \n${ (nonStringValue) => `\n -${nonStringValue.kind}`98 )}`99 );100 }101 }102 };103 visit(astNode, {104 enter: (105 node: ASTNode,106 key: string | number | undefined,107 parent: ASTNode | undefined,108 path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>109 ) => {110 if (node.kind === "ObjectTypeDefinition") {111 ObjectTypeDefinition(node as ObjectTypeDefinitionNode);112 } else if (node.kind === "Directive") {113 Directive(node as DirectiveNode, key, parent, path);114 }115 if (node.kind !== "Name") {116 lastNodeVisited = node.kind;117 }118 },119 });120}121export function importedDirective(astNode: ASTNode): void {122 let lastNodeVisited = "";123 const Directive = (124 node: DirectiveNode,125 key: string | number | undefined,126 parent: ASTNode | undefined,127 path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>128 ) => {129 if ( !== "imported") {130 return;131 }132 if (133 lastNodeVisited !== "ObjectTypeDefinition" &&134 lastNodeVisited !== "EnumTypeDefinition"135 ) {136 throw new Error(137 `@imported directive should only be used on object or enum type definitions, ` +138 `but it is being used in the following location: ${path.join(" -> ")}`139 );140 }141 const imported: ImportedDefinition = {142 uri: "",143 namespace: "",144 nativeType: "",145 };146 const args = node.arguments || [];147 const expectedArguments = Object.keys(imported);148 const actualArguments = =>;149 const missingArguments = expectedArguments.filter(150 (expected) => !actualArguments.includes(expected)151 );152 if (missingArguments.length) {153 throw new Error(154 `@imported directive is missing the following arguments:${ (arg) => `\n- ${arg}`156 )}`157 );158 }159 const extraArguments = actualArguments.filter(160 (actual) => !expectedArguments.includes(actual)161 );162 if (extraArguments.length) {163 throw new Error(164 `@imported directive takes only 3 arguments: ${expectedArguments.join(165 ", "166 )}. But found:${ => `\n- ${arg}`)}`167 );168 }169 };170 visit(astNode, {171 enter: (172 node: ASTNode,173 key: string | number | undefined,174 parent: ASTNode | undefined,175 path: ReadonlyArray<string | number>176 ) => {177 if (node.kind === "Directive") {178 Directive(node as DirectiveNode, key, parent, path);179 }180 if (node.kind !== "Name") {181 lastNodeVisited = node.kind;182 }183 },184 });...

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Source:config.js Github


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1const processService = require('../../utils/process/process')(process);2const maximiseParallelRun = require('./maximiseParallel');3const definitelyTyped = require('./definitelyTyped')();4const nodeReader = require('../../utils/dataFileSystem/nodeFileReader')();5const dataFileSystemReader = require('../../utils/dataFileSystem/dataFileSystemReader');6const dataReader = dataFileSystemReader(7 process.env.DEFINITELY_TYPED_DATA_URL,8 nodeReader9);10async function getRunConfig() {11 const types = getTypes();12 const batchConfig = await getBatchConfig(types);13 const typesBatch = getBatchToProcess(types, batchConfig);14 const totalTypesCount = typesBatch.length;15 const processesMaximized = maximiseParallelRun(16 getProcessesCount(),17 totalTypesCount18 );19 const sum = processesMaximized.reduce(20 (previous, current) => previous + current.items,21 022 );23 const avg = sum / processesMaximized.length;24 return {25 totalTypesCount: totalTypesCount,26 processes: processesMaximized,27 averageTypesCountPerProcess: avg,28 types: typesBatch,29 ...batchConfig,30 };31}32function getTypes() {33 const typesArgument = processService.getArgument('TYPES');34 if (typesArgument) {35 const specifiedTypes = typesArgument.toString().split(',');36 const typesMap = {};37 definitelyTyped.getTypes().forEach((t) => (typesMap[t] = true));38 return specifiedTypes.filter((t) => typesMap[t]);39 } else {40 return definitelyTyped.getTypes();41 }42}43async function getBatchConfig(types) {44 if (!processService.getArgument('OUTPUT')) {45 return {46 entryToUpdate: null,47 offsetType: 0,48 };49 }50 const listEntry = await dataReader.getDataIds();51 const latestEntry = getLatestEntry(listEntry);52 const entryToUpdate =53 latestEntry && latestEntry.typesProcessed >= types.length54 ? { id: 'NEW_ENTRY' }55 : latestEntry;56 const offsetType =57 === 'NEW_ENTRY' ? 0 : latestEntry.typesProcessed;58 return {59 entryToUpdate,60 offsetType,61 };62}63function getBatchToProcess(types, config) {64 return types.slice(config.offsetType, config.offsetType + getBatchAmount(types, config));65}66function getBatchAmount(types, config) {67 const typesDirectoriesLength = types.length - config.offsetType;68 const typesToProcess = processService.getArgument('TYPES_COUNT');69 if (typesToProcess) {70 const maybeCount = parseInt(typesToProcess);71 if (!Number.isNaN(maybeCount)) {72 return Math.min(typesDirectoriesLength, maybeCount);73 } else if (typesToProcess.toLowerCase() === 'all') {74 return typesDirectoriesLength;75 }76 }77 return 50;78}79function getLatestEntry(latestListEntry) {80 return latestListEntry.sort((a, b) => {81 return a.lastUpdatedDate > b.lastUpdatedDate ? -1 : 1;82 })[0];83}84function getProcessesCount() {85 return processService.getArgument('PROCESS_COUNT') || 1;86}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();3import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';4const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();5import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';6const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();7import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();9import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';10const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();11import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';12const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();13import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';14const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();15import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';16const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();17import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';18const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();19import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';20const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();21import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';22const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();23import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';24const myMock = typesArgument<MyInterface>();25import { typesArgument } from

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2export function test1(): TypesArgument {3 return typesArgument();4}5import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';6export function test2(): TypesArgument {7 return typesArgument();8}9import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';10export function test3(): TypesArgument {11 return typesArgument();12}13import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';14export function test4(): TypesArgument {15 return typesArgument();16}17import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';18export function test5(): TypesArgument {19 return typesArgument();20}21import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';22export function test6(): TypesArgument {23 return typesArgument();24}25import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';26export function test7(): TypesArgument {27 return typesArgument();28}29import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';30export function test8(): TypesArgument {31 return typesArgument();32}33import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';34export function test9(): TypesArgument {35 return typesArgument();36}37import { typesArgument, TypesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';38export function test10(): TypesArgument {39 return typesArgument();40}41import { typesArgument, TypesArgument }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { Person } from './test2';3const person = typesArgument<Person>();4console.log(person);5console.log(;6console.log(person.age);7console.log(person.address);8export type Person = {9 name: string;10 age: number;11 address: string;12};13{ name: '', age: 0, address: '' }14import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';15import { Person } from './test2';16function test(person: Person) {17 console.log(;18 console.log(person.age);19 console.log(person.address);20}21const person = typesArgument<Person>();22test(person);23export type Person = {24 name: string;25 age: number;26 address: string;27};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {typesArgument} from 'ts-auto-mock';2const typeArg = typesArgument();3typeArg.array();4typeArg.boolean();5typeArg.function();6typeArg.number();7typeArg.object();8typeArg.string();9typeArg.symbol();10typeArg.void();11typeArg.null();12typeArg.undefined();13typeArg.any();14typeArg.never();15typeArg.unknown();16typeArg.literal('test');17typeArg.literal(1);18typeArg.literal(true);19typeArg.literal(Symbol());20typeArg.literal(null);21typeArg.literal(undefined);22typeArg.literal(Never);23typeArg.literal(unknown);24typeArg.literal(any);25typeArg.literal(void);26typeArg.literal(symbol);27typeArg.literal(string);28typeArg.literal(number);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const myFunction = (argument: string) => {};3myFunction(typesArgument<string>());4import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';5const myFunction = (argument: string) => {};6myFunction(typesArgument<string>());7import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const myFunction = (argument: string) => {};9myFunction(typesArgument<string>());10import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';11const myFunction = (argument: string) => {};12myFunction(typesArgument<string>());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';3import { MyInterface } from './test2';4import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';5import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';6import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';7import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';8import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';9import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';10import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';11import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';12import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';13import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';14import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';15import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';16import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';17import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';18import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';19import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';20import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';21import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';22import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';23import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';24import { Mocked } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';25import { createMock }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { MyInterface } from 'test2';3const myInterface: MyInterface = typesArgument<MyInterface>();4export interface MyInterface {5 a: string;6 b: number;7 c: boolean;8 d: Array<string>;9 e: Array<number>;10 f: Array<boolean>;11 g: Array<Array<string>>;12 h: Array<Array<number>>;13 i: Array<Array<boolean>>;14}15import { MyInterface } from 'test2';16export const myInterface: MyInterface = {17};18import { MyInterface } from 'test2';19import { myInterface } from 'test3';20export const myInterface2: MyInterface = {21};22import { MyInterface } from 'test2';23import { myInterface2 } from 'test4';24export const myInterface3: MyInterface = {25};26import { MyInterface } from 'test2';27import { myInterface3 } from 'test5';28export const myInterface4: MyInterface = {29};30import { MyInterface } from 'test2';31import { myInterface4 } from 'test6';32export const myInterface5: MyInterface = {33};34import { MyInterface } from 'test2';35import { myInterface5 } from 'test7';36export const myInterface6: MyInterface = {37};38import { MyInterface } from 'test2';39import { my

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { MyInterface } from './myInterface';3const type = typesArgument<MyInterface>();4export const mock = createMock<MyInterface>(type);5import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';6import { MyInterface } from './myInterface';7const type = typesArgument<MyInterface>();8export const mock = createMock<MyInterface>(type);9export interface MyInterface {10 myProperty: string;11}12{13 "compilerOptions": {14 },15}16{17 "scripts": {18 },19 "dependencies": {20 },21 "devDependencies": {22 }23}24module.exports = {25};26import { mock } from '../test1';27import { MyInterface } from '../myInterface';28describe('test1', () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';2jest.mock('your-module', () => ({3}));4import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';5jest.mock('your-module', () => ({6}));7import { typesArgument } from 'ts-auto-mock';8export const mockTypes = () => ({9});10import { mockTypes } from './helper';11jest.mock('your-module', mockTypes);12import { mockTypes } from './helper';13jest.mock('your-module', mockTypes);

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