How to use latestEntry method in ts-auto-mock

Best JavaScript code snippet using ts-auto-mock

Daycare Price

Source:Daycare Price Github


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1var formSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("/​*Insert ID Here*/​");2var email, hasChildInDaycare4, employeeName, childInDaycare4Name, child2Name, child2MinutesPerWeek, child3Name, child3MinutesPerWeek;3const _PRICE_PER_HOUR_FIRST_CHILD = 6.50;4const _PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD = 5.50;5const _FLAT_RATE_FOR_DAYCARE_4 = 3800.00;6const _WEEKS_PER_YEAR = 34;7const _CHILD_2_FIRST_HOUR_COL = 13;8const _CHILD_2_LAST_HOUR_COL = 27;9const _CHILD_3_FIRST_HOUR_COL = 33;10const _CHILD_3_LAST_HOUR_COL = 47;11const dayOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"];12const currency = Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {13 style: "currency",14 currency: "USD",15});16var numErrors = 0;17var errorMsg = "<ol>";18var numOfChildren = 0;19var child1Price = 0;20var child2Price = 0;21var child3Price = 0;22var emailRow = 0;23var latestEntry = [];24function manualSend() {25 var rowToSend = 62;26 emailRow = rowToSend;27 var sheetData = formSheet.getSheets()[0].getDataRange().getValues();28 for (var col = 0; col < formSheet.getLastColumn(); col++) {29 latestEntry.push(sheetData[rowToSend - 1][col]);30 }31 var e = {values: latestEntry};32 /​/​ main(e);33}34function main(e) {35 /​/​ ScriptApp.newTrigger("main").forSpreadsheet(formSheet).onFormSubmit().create();36 37 latestEntry = e.values;38 for (var i in latestEntry) {39 if ((i >= _CHILD_2_FIRST_HOUR_COL && i <= _CHILD_2_LAST_HOUR_COL) || (i >= _CHILD_3_FIRST_HOUR_COL && i <= _CHILD_3_LAST_HOUR_COL)){40 if (latestEntry[i] != "" && latestEntry[i] != "Yes" && latestEntry[i] != "No") {41 if (typeof latestEntry[i] == "object") {42 latestEntry[i] = new Time(getTimeStr(latestEntry[i]));43 }44 else {45 latestEntry[i] = new Time(latestEntry[i]);46 } 47 console.log(`${i}: ${latestEntry[i]}`);48 continue;49 }50 else {51 console.log(`${i}: ${latestEntry[i]}`);52 continue;53 }54 }55 console.log(`${i}: ${latestEntry[i]}`);56 }57 email = latestEntry[1];58employeeName = `${latestEntry[3]} ${latestEntry[2]}`;59if (latestEntry[5] == "Yes") {60 hasChildInDaycare4 = true;61 childInDaycare4Name = `${latestEntry[7]} ${latestEntry[6]}`;62 numOfChildren++;63}64else {65 hasChildInDaycare4 = false;66}67if (latestEntry[9] == "Yes") {68child2Name = `${latestEntry[11]} ${latestEntry[10]}`;69checkforErrors(_CHILD_2_FIRST_HOUR_COL, _CHILD_2_LAST_HOUR_COL);70if (numErrors == 0) {71child2MinutesPerWeek = calcTotalMinutes(_CHILD_2_FIRST_HOUR_COL, _CHILD_2_LAST_HOUR_COL);}72numOfChildren++;73}74if (latestEntry[28] == "Yes") {75child3Name = `${latestEntry[30]} ${latestEntry[29]}`;76checkforErrors(_CHILD_3_FIRST_HOUR_COL, _CHILD_3_LAST_HOUR_COL);77if (numErrors == 0) {78latestEntry[32] == "Same drop off and pick up times" ? child3MinutesPerWeek = child2MinutesPerWeek : child3MinutesPerWeek = calcTotalMinutes(_CHILD_3_FIRST_HOUR_COL, _CHILD_3_LAST_HOUR_COL);}79numOfChildren++;80}81if (emailRow == 0) {emailRow = formSheet.getSheets()[0].getLastRow();}82if (numErrors != 0) {83 emailError();84 return;85}86calcPrice();87emailPrice();88}89function checkforErrors(beg, end) {90 var day = 0;91 for (var i = beg; i < end; i += 3) {92 day++;93 beg < 30 ? childName = child2Name : childName = child3Name;94 if (latestEntry[i] == "No") {95 if (latestEntry[i + 1] != "") {96 errorMsg += `<li>You selected that ${childName} will not be in daycare on ${dayOfWeek[day]}, but you entered that they will be dropped off at ${latestEntry[i + 1]}</​li><br /​>`;97 numErrors++;98 }99 if (latestEntry[i + 2] != "") {100 errorMsg += `<li>You selected that ${childName} will not be in daycare on ${dayOfWeek[day]}, but you entered that they will be picked up at ${latestEntry[i + 2]}</​li><br /​>`;101 numErrors++;102 }103 } 104 if (latestEntry[i] == "Yes") {105 if (latestEntry[i + 1] == "") {106 errorMsg += `<li>You selected that ${childName} will be in daycare on ${dayOfWeek[day]}, but you did not enter a drop off time</​li><br /​>`;107 numErrors++;108 }109 if (latestEntry[i + 2] == "") {110 errorMsg += `<li>You selected that ${childName} will be in daycare on ${dayOfWeek[day]}, but you did not enter a pick up time</​li><br /​>`;111 numErrors++;112 }113 }114 try {115 if ((latestEntry[i + 1].getTime() > latestEntry[i + 2].getTime())) { 116 errorMsg += `<li>The pick up time for ${childName} on ${dayOfWeek[day]} (${latestEntry[i + 2]}) is not later than the drop off time (${latestEntry[i + 1]})</​li><br /​>`;117 numErrors++;118 }119 } catch (TypeError){}120 try {121 if (latestEntry[i + 1].getTime() < 510) {122 errorMsg += `<li>The drop off time for ${childName} on ${dayOfWeek[day]} (${latestEntry[i + 1]}) is earlier than 8:30 AM</​li><br /​>`;123 numErrors++;124 }125 } catch (TypeError){}126 try {127 if (day != 5 && latestEntry[i + 2].getTime() > 1050) {128 errorMsg += `<li>The pick up time for ${childName} on ${dayOfWeek[day]} (${latestEntry[i + 2]}) is later than 5:30 PM</​li><br /​>`;129 numErrors++;130 }131 } catch (TypeError){}132 try {133 if (day == 5 && latestEntry[i + 2].getTime() >= 780) {134 errorMsg += `<li>The pick up time for ${childName} on ${dayOfWeek[day]} (${latestEntry[i + 2]}) is later than 1:00 PM</​li><br /​>`;135 numErrors++;136 }137 } catch (TypeError){}138 }139 errorMsg += "</​ol>";140}141function calcTotalMinutes(beg, end) {142 var totalMinutesPerWeek = 0;143 for (var i = beg; i < end; i += 3) {144 if (latestEntry[i] == "No") {continue;} 145 totalMinutesPerWeek += (latestEntry[i + 2].getTime() - latestEntry[i + 1].getTime());146 } 147 return totalMinutesPerWeek;148}149function calcPrice() {150 if (numOfChildren == 1 && hasChildInDaycare4) {151 child1Price = _FLAT_RATE_FOR_DAYCARE_4;152 }153 if (numOfChildren == 1 && !hasChildInDaycare4) {154 child2Price = child2MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60);155 }156 if (numOfChildren == 2 && hasChildInDaycare4) {157 child1Price = _FLAT_RATE_FOR_DAYCARE_4;158 child2Price = child2MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60);159 }160 if (numOfChildren == 2 && !hasChildInDaycare4) {161 child2Price = child2MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60);162 child3Price = child3MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60); 163 }164 if (numOfChildren == 3 && hasChildInDaycare4) {165 child1Price = _FLAT_RATE_FOR_DAYCARE_4;166 child2Price = child2MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60);167 child3Price = child3MinutesPerWeek * (_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD /​ 60); 168 }169}170function emailPrice() {171 var child2Time, child3Time ;172 child2MinutesPerWeek % 60 != 0 ? child2Time = `${Math.floor(child2MinutesPerWeek /​ 60)} hrs ${child2MinutesPerWeek % 60} min` : child2Time = `${Math.floor(child2MinutesPerWeek /​ 60)} hrs`;173 child3MinutesPerWeek % 60 != 0 ? child3Time = `${Math.floor(child3MinutesPerWeek /​ 60)} hrs ${child3MinutesPerWeek % 60} min` : child3Time = `${Math.floor(child3MinutesPerWeek /​ 60)} hrs`;174 var body = `Bnos Yisroel Daycare for ${employeeName}:` + "\n";175 if (child1Price != 0) {176 body += `${childInDaycare4Name}: ${currency.format(child1Price)} (Daycare #4 Fixed rate)` + "\n";177 }178 if (child2Price != 0 && !hasChildInDaycare4) {179 body += `${child2Name}: ${child2Time} x ${currency.format(_PRICE_PER_HOUR_FIRST_CHILD)}/​hr for ${_WEEKS_PER_YEAR} weeks = ${currency.format(child2Price * _WEEKS_PER_YEAR)}` + "\n";180 }181 if (child2Price != 0 && hasChildInDaycare4) {182 body += `${child2Name}: ${child2Time} x ${currency.format(_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD)}/​hr for ${_WEEKS_PER_YEAR} weeks = ${currency.format(child2Price * _WEEKS_PER_YEAR)}` + "\n";183 }184 if (child3Price != 0 ) {185 body += `${child3Name}: ${child3Time} x ${currency.format(_PRICE_PER_HOUR_AFTER_FIRST_CHILD)}/​hr for ${_WEEKS_PER_YEAR} weeks = ${currency.format(child3Price * _WEEKS_PER_YEAR)}` + "\n";186 }187 body += "------------------------------------------------\n";188 body += `Total: ${currency.format(child1Price + (child2Price * _WEEKS_PER_YEAR) + (child3Price * _WEEKS_PER_YEAR))}`;189 console.log(body);190 GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Bnos Yisroel Daycare", body, {191 name: "Bnos Yisroel",192 bcc: "EMAIL REMOVED"193 });194 console.log(`Remaining emails: ${MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota()}`);195 formSheet.getRange("AW" + emailRow).setValue(body);196}197function getTimeStr(dateObj) {198 var hours = dateObj.getHours();199 var amOrPm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';200 hours % 12 == 0 ? hours = 12 : hours = Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(hours % 12);201 return `${hours}:${Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(dateObj.getMinutes())}:00 ${amOrPm}`;202}203 String.prototype.getFormTime = function () {204 return "";205};206 String.prototype.getFormDate = function () {207 var str = this.valueOf();208 if (str == "") {return "";}209 else {210 str = str.split("/​");211 return `${str[2]}-${Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(str[1])}-${Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(str[0])}`;212 }213};214 Date.prototype.getFormDate = function () {215 return `${this.getFullYear()}-${Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(this.getMonth() + 1)}-${Time.addLeadingZeroIfNone(this.getDate())}`;216 }217 function emailError() {218 var begStr;219 numErrors == 1 ? begStr = "was 1 error" : begStr = `were ${numErrors} errors`;220 var html = `<p>There ${begStr} with your form: <br /​>${errorMsg}Please fill out the form again: <a href="https:/​/​​forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSfsKSuEru2eo2s06ODZxxr2VVzOM13V1fPBjk0HMXHgIFWTmQ/​viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.1800913134=${latestEntry[1]}&entry.1042141425=${latestEntry[2]}&entry.480052026=${latestEntry[3]}&entry.33757732=${latestEntry[4]}&entry.1244777689=${latestEntry[5]}&entry.1000839449=${latestEntry[6]}&entry.82263155=${latestEntry[7]}&entry.968581035=${latestEntry[8].getFormDate()}&entry.1235376051=${latestEntry[9]}&entry.1378877323=${latestEntry[10]}&entry.1711419373=${latestEntry[11]}&entry.945587762=${latestEntry[12].getFormDate()}&entry.1388499204=${latestEntry[13]}&entry.1751498840=${latestEntry[14].getFormTime()}&entry.638022772=${latestEntry[15].getFormTime()}&entry.277205963=${latestEntry[16]}&entry.1823075640=${latestEntry[17].getFormTime()}&entry.827963157=${latestEntry[18].getFormTime()}&entry.1374580991=${latestEntry[19]}&entry.1517967336=${latestEntry[20].getFormTime()}&entry.773110373=${latestEntry[21].getFormTime()}&entry.951892293=${latestEntry[22]}&entry.84413758=${latestEntry[23].getFormTime()}&entry.1848730221=${latestEntry[24].getFormTime()}&entry.161735636=${latestEntry[25]}&entry.886445615=${latestEntry[26].getFormTime()}&entry.538688772=${latestEntry[27].getFormTime()}&entry.286811188=${latestEntry[28]}&entry.1202009627=${latestEntry[29]}&entry.1603674758=${latestEntry[30]}&entry.645693449=${latestEntry[31].getFormDate()}&entry.678308094=${latestEntry[32]}&entry.1800350375=${latestEntry[33]}&entry.1041551511=${latestEntry[34].getFormTime()}&entry.1287864189=${latestEntry[35].getFormTime()}&entry.1628039415=${latestEntry[36]}&entry.1131456671=${latestEntry[37].getFormTime()}&entry.146137624=${latestEntry[38].getFormTime()}&entry.1185188487=${latestEntry[39]}&entry.1390395854=${latestEntry[40].getFormTime()}&entry.2027872313=${latestEntry[41].getFormTime()}&entry.1817004232=${latestEntry[42]}&entry.1363729082=${latestEntry[43].getFormTime()}&entry.824744781=${latestEntry[44].getFormTime()}&entry.954951242=${latestEntry[45]}&entry.470222142=${latestEntry[46].getFormTime()}&entry.265443800=${latestEntry[47].getFormTime()}">https:/​/​​forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSfsKSuEru2eo2s06ODZxxr2VVzOM13V1fPBjk0HMXHgIFWTmQ/​viewform</​a><br /​>Thank you!</​p>`;221 GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Bnos Yisroel Daycare", "", {222 name: "Bnos Yisroel",223 htmlBody: html,224 bcc: "EMAIL REMOVED"225 });226 console.log("Sent: " + html);227 console.log(`Remaining emails: ${MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota()}`);228 formSheet.getRange("AW" + emailRow).setValue(html);...

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Source:byPatient.js Github


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1/​*2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3 | qewd-ripple: QEWD-based Middle Tier for Ripple OSI |4 | |5 | Copyright (c) 2016-17 Ripple Foundation Community Interest Company |6 | All rights reserved. |7 | |8 | http:/​/​ |9 | Email: |10 | |11 | Author: Rob Tweed, M/​Gateway Developments Ltd |12 | |13 | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |14 | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |15 | You may obtain a copy of the License at |16 | |17 | http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.0 |18 | |19 | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |20 | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |21 | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |22 | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |23 | limitations under the License. |24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------25 8 March 201726*/​27var patientHeadingTable = require('../​patients/​patientHeadingTable');28var mpv = require('../​patients/​mpv');29var test = {30 "totalPatients": "5",31 "patientDetails": [{32 "source": "local",33 "sourceId": "9999999000",34 "name": "Marian Walsh",35 "address": "51, Douglas Road, Dublin, D8",36 "dateOfBirth": -806983200000,37 "gender": "Female",38 "nhsNumber": "9999999000",39 "vitalsHeadline": {40 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",41 "sourceId": "260d0fdd-7fde-44f7-971d-366ad6a229b8::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1",42 "latestEntry": 1456145840706,43 "totalEntries": "17"44 },45 "ordersHeadline": {46 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",47 "sourceId": "29d11186-7c0d-4ced-b35d-510b06c9eff3::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1",48 "latestEntry": 1460716236687,49 "totalEntries": "70"50 },51 "medsHeadline": {52 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",53 "sourceId": "d252dd73-3292-4bbb-a0d7-6c870636a1a6::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1",54 "latestEntry": 1476372000767,55 "totalEntries": "21"56 },57 "resultsHeadline": {58 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",59 "sourceId": "e557afc8-b386-42a0-8d23-40c27bd35a5b::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1",60 "latestEntry": 1427062262518,61 "totalEntries": "2"62 },63 "treatmentsHeadline": {64 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",65 "sourceId": "b9f06818-f458-43e0-93e7-576cecf459b9::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::1",66 "latestEntry": 1475841942123,67 "totalEntries": "18"68 }69 }, {70 "source": "local",71 "sourceId": "9999999019",72 "name": "Rachel Walsh",73 "address": "34, Summer Hill, Dublin, D8",74 "dateOfBirth": -790045200000,75 "gender": "Female",76 "nhsNumber": "9999999019",77 "vitalsHeadline": {78 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",79 "sourceId": null,80 "latestEntry": null,81 "totalEntries": "0"82 },83 "ordersHeadline": {84 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",85 "sourceId": null,86 "latestEntry": null,87 "totalEntries": "0"88 },89 "medsHeadline": {90 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",91 "sourceId": null,92 "latestEntry": null,93 "totalEntries": "0"94 },95 "resultsHeadline": {96 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",97 "sourceId": null,98 "latestEntry": null,99 "totalEntries": "0"100 },101 "treatmentsHeadline": {102 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",103 "sourceId": null,104 "latestEntry": null,105 "totalEntries": "0"106 }107 }, {108 "source": "local",109 "sourceId": "9999999022",110 "name": "Tim Walsh",111 "address": "84, High Street, Cork, CK",112 "dateOfBirth": 632016000000,113 "gender": "Male",114 "nhsNumber": "9999999022",115 "vitalsHeadline": {116 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",117 "sourceId": null,118 "latestEntry": null,119 "totalEntries": "0"120 },121 "ordersHeadline": {122 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",123 "sourceId": null,124 "latestEntry": null,125 "totalEntries": "0"126 },127 "medsHeadline": {128 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",129 "sourceId": "2ed64710-d50e-44ae-820c-0b8e8ea9f6b5::ripple_osi.ehrscape.c4h::2",130 "latestEntry": 1446480737574,131 "totalEntries": "1"132 },133 "resultsHeadline": {134 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",135 "sourceId": null,136 "latestEntry": null,137 "totalEntries": "0"138 },139 "treatmentsHeadline": {140 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",141 "sourceId": null,142 "latestEntry": null,143 "totalEntries": "0"144 }145 }, {146 "source": "local",147 "sourceId": "9999999057",148 "name": "Marian Walsh",149 "address": "24, Low Street, Dublin, D8",150 "dateOfBirth": -560649600000,151 "gender": "Female",152 "nhsNumber": "9999999057",153 "vitalsHeadline": {154 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",155 "sourceId": null,156 "latestEntry": null,157 "totalEntries": "0"158 },159 "ordersHeadline": {160 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",161 "sourceId": null,162 "latestEntry": null,163 "totalEntries": "0"164 },165 "medsHeadline": {166 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",167 "sourceId": null,168 "latestEntry": null,169 "totalEntries": "0"170 },171 "resultsHeadline": {172 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",173 "sourceId": null,174 "latestEntry": null,175 "totalEntries": "0"176 },177 "treatmentsHeadline": {178 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",179 "sourceId": null,180 "latestEntry": null,181 "totalEntries": "0"182 }183 }, {184 "source": "local",185 "sourceId": "9999999083",186 "name": "Cillian Walsh",187 "address": "75, Mallow View, Galway, GW",188 "dateOfBirth": -472435200000,189 "gender": "Male",190 "nhsNumber": "9999999083",191 "vitalsHeadline": {192 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",193 "sourceId": null,194 "latestEntry": null,195 "totalEntries": "0"196 },197 "ordersHeadline": {198 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",199 "sourceId": null,200 "latestEntry": null,201 "totalEntries": "0"202 },203 "medsHeadline": {204 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",205 "sourceId": null,206 "latestEntry": null,207 "totalEntries": "0"208 },209 "resultsHeadline": {210 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",211 "sourceId": null,212 "latestEntry": null,213 "totalEntries": "0"214 },215 "treatmentsHeadline": {216 "source": "c4hOpenEHR",217 "sourceId": null,218 "latestEntry": null,219 "totalEntries": "0"220 }221 }]222};223var pas;224function search(searchString, session, callback) {225 console.log('** in search: searchString = ' + searchString);226 var q = this;227 var headings = {228 vitalsHeadline: 'vitals', 229 ordersHeadline: 'laborders',230 medsHeadline: 'medications',231 resultsHeadline: 'labresults',232 treatmentsHeadline: 'procedures',233 };234 if (!pas) pas = require('../​' + this.userDefined.rippleUser.pasModule);235, searchString, function(results) {236 if (results.error) {237 if (callback) callback(results);238 return;239 }240 if (results.totalPatients === 0) {241 if (callback) callback(results);242 return;243 }244 /​/​ now fetch the headline data245 var patient;246 var heading;247 var patients = results.patientDetails;248 var totalPatients = results.totalPatients;249 var totalHeadings = 5;250 var headingsCount = {};251 var patientCount = 0;252 console.log('fetching headline data');253 patients.forEach(function(patient) {254 console.log('** fetching headline counts data for patient ' + patient.nhsNumber);255 headingsCount[patient.nhsNumber] = 0;256 for (heading in headings) {257 (function(patient, heading) {258 var nhsNo = patient.nhsNumber;259 var headingName = headings[heading];260 console.log('* fetching heading ' + headingName + ' for patient ' + nhsNo);261 if (headingName === 'vitals') {262 headingsCount[nhsNo]++;263 patient[heading] = {264 source: 'c4hOpenEHR',265 sourceId: null,266 latestEntry: null,267 totalEntries: 0268 };269 return;270 }271 /​/​ fetch the heading data for this patient272 var args = {273 patientId: nhsNo,274 heading: headingName,275 session: session276 };277, args, function(headingResults) {278 279 /​/​ calculate the heading headline info280 patient[heading] = {281 source: 'c4hOpenEHR',282 sourceId: null,283 latestEntry: null,284 totalEntries: 0285 };286 /​/​ invoke callback if all done287 headingsCount[nhsNo]++;288 if (headingsCount[nhsNo] === totalHeadings) {289 patientCount++;290 if (patientCount === totalPatients) {291 /​/​ clear the headings from the session to ensure patient summary retrieved in full if patient selected292$(['patients', nhsNo, 'headings']).delete();293 if (callback) callback(results);294 }295 }296 });297 }(patient, heading));298 }299 });300 }); 301}302function searchByPatient(args, callback) {303 console.log('** in searchByPatient!');304 var searchString = args.req.body.searchString;305 if (!searchString || searchString === '') {306 callback({error: 'Missing search string'});307 return;308 }309 var session = args.session;310 var patients =$('patients');311 var q = this;312 if (!patients.exists) {313;314, args, function() {315, searchString, session, callback); 316 });317 return;318 }319, searchString, session, callback); 320 /​/​var results = test;321 /​/​if (callback) callback(results);322}...

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Source:About.container.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import { connect } from 'react-redux';3import MarkdownPagePresent from './​markdown/​MarkdownPage';4import { MarkdownPageWrapper, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps } from './​markdown';5/​/​ Date Formatting6import * as d3time from 'd3-time-format';7const monthFormatter = d3time.timeFormat("%B");8const yearFormatter = d3time.timeFormat("%Y");9class AboutWrapper extends MarkdownPageWrapper {10 endMonth() {11 const latestEntry = this.props.latestEntry;12 return (latestEntry == null) ?13 "" :14 monthFormatter(latestEntry.releaseDate);15 }16 endYear() {17 const latestEntry = this.props.latestEntry;18 return (latestEntry == null) ?19 "" :20 yearFormatter(latestEntry.releaseDate);21 }22 render() {23 let content = this.props.content;24 if (null != content) {25 content = content.replace(/​\{this.props.endmonth\}/​, this.endMonth());26 content = content.replace(/​\{this.props.endyear\}/​, this.endYear());27 }28 return <MarkdownPagePresent content={content} /​>29 }30}31const About = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AboutWrapper)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const result = latestEntry('test1.ts');3console.log(result);4import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';5const result = latestEntry('test2.ts');6console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {latestEntry} from 'ts-auto-mock';2export class Test1 {3 getLatestEntry(): string {4 return latestEntry();5 }6}7import {latestEntry} from 'ts-auto-mock';8export class Test2 {9 getLatestEntry(): string {10 return latestEntry();11 }12}13import {Test1} from './​test1';14import {Test2} from './​test2';15describe('Test', () => {16 it('should return latest entry', () => {17 const test1 = new Test1();18 const test2 = new Test2();19 expect(test1.getLatestEntry()).toBe('Test1');20 expect(test2.getLatestEntry()).toBe('Test2');21 });22});23Expected value to be (using ===):24 9 | expect(test1.getLatestEntry()).toBe('Test1');25 10 | expect(test2.getLatestEntry()).toBe('Test2');26> 11 | });27 12 | });28import {latestEntry} from 'ts-auto-mock';29jest.mock('ts-auto-mock', () => ({30 latestEntry: jest.fn(() => 'Test1'),31}));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { Container } from './​container';3const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();4console.log(container);5import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';6import { Container } from './​container';7const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();8console.log(container);9import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';10import { Container } from './​container';11const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();12console.log(container);13import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';14import { Container } from './​container';15const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();16console.log(container);17import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';18import { Container } from './​container';19const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();20console.log(container);21import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';22import { Container } from './​container';23const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();24console.log(container);25import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';26import { Container } from './​container';27const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();28console.log(container);29import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';30import { Container } from './​container';31const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();32console.log(container);33import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';34import { Container } from './​container';35const container: Container = latestEntry<Container>();36console.log(container);37import { latestEntry } from 'ts-auto-mock';

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