How to use createGenericParameter method in ts-auto-mock

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Source:parameters.js Github


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...162 const genericParameterNames = env => `/services/${env}/${serviceName}/${name}`164 );165 const promises = =>166 dispatch(createGenericParameter({, name: gName }, overwrite))167 );168 return Promise.all(promises)169 .then(results => {170 dispatch({ type: CREATE_SERVICE_PARAMETERS_SUCCESS });171 dispatch({172 type: CREATE_SERVICE_PARAMETERS_SUCCESS,173 payload: results174 });175 return results;176 })177 .catch(err => {178 dispatch({ type: CREATE_SERVICE_PARAMETERS_FAILURE, payload: err });179 throw err;180 });...

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Source:CreationForm.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import PropTypes from 'prop-types';3import {4 Button,5 Checkbox,6 Col,7 Form,8 Input,9 notification,10 Radio,11 Row,12 Select13} from 'antd';14import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';15import { connect } from 'react-redux';16import { formShape, formDataShape } from './formDataShape.propType';17import {18 actions as parameterActions,19 selectors as parameterSelectors20} from '../ducks/parameters';21const { Option } = Select;22const { TextArea } = Input;23const ENTITY_STATUS = {24 initial: 'entity_status:initial',25 loading: 'entity_status:loading',26 loaded: 'entity_status:loaded',27 error: 'entity_status:error'28};29class CreationForm extends React.Component {30 static propTypes = {31 createGenericParameter: PropTypes.func.isRequired,32 createServiceParameters: PropTypes.func.isRequired,33 editFlow: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,34 fetchKmsKeys: PropTypes.func.isRequired,35 form: PropTypes.shape(formShape).isRequired,36 initialFormData: PropTypes.shape(formDataShape),37 kmsKeyLoadError: PropTypes.bool,38 kmsKeyLoaded: PropTypes.bool,39 kmsKeyLoading: PropTypes.bool,40 kmsKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object)41 };42 static defaultProps = {43 initialFormData: null,44 kmsKeyLoadError: false,45 kmsKeyLoaded: false,46 kmsKeyLoading: false,47 kmsKeys: []48 };49 constructor(props) {50 super(props);51 const { initialFormData, editFlow } = props;52 this.state = {53 creationType: initialFormData || editFlow ? 'generic' : 'service',54 creationState: ENTITY_STATUS.initial,55 initialFormData: initialFormData || {}56 };57 }58 componentDidMount() {59 const { fetchKmsKeys } = this.props;60 fetchKmsKeys();61 }62 handleSubmit = e => {63 e.preventDefault();64 const {65 form,66 editFlow,67 createServiceParameters,68 createGenericParameter69 } = this.props;70 const { validateFields } = form;71 validateFields((validationErr, values) => {72 if (!validationErr) {73 const { creationType } = this.state;74 const creationFn =75 creationType === 'service'76 ? createServiceParameters77 : createGenericParameter;78 this.setState({ creationState: ENTITY_STATUS.loading });79 creationFn(values, !!editFlow)80 .then(res => {81 notification.success({82 message: editFlow83 ? 'Parameter was saved.'84 : 'Parameter(s) were created.'85 });86 this.setState({ creationState: ENTITY_STATUS.loaded });87 return res;88 })89 .catch(creationError => {90 notification.error({91 message: editFlow92 ? 'Parameter was not saved'93 : 'One or more parameters were not created.',94 description: creationError.message || ''95 });96 this.setState({ creationState: ENTITY_STATUS.error });97 });98 }99 });100 };101 onCreationTypeChange = e => {102 this.setState({ creationType: });103 };104 render() {105 const {106 form,107 kmsKeyLoading,108 kmsKeyLoaded,109 kmsKeyLoadError,110 kmsKeys,111 editFlow112 } = this.props;113 const { getFieldDecorator } = form;114 const { creationType, creationState, initialFormData } = this.state;115 const formItemLayout = {116 labelCol: { span: 6 },117 wrapperCol: { span: 14 }118 };119 return (120 <div>121 {!editFlow && (122 <div123 style={{124 display: 'flex',125 alignItems: 'center',126 justifyContent: 'center'127 }}128 >129 <span className="ant-form-text">Parameter Type: </span>130 <Radio.Group131 buttonStyle="solid"132 onChange={this.onCreationTypeChange}133 value={creationType}134 >135 <Radio.Button value="service">Service</Radio.Button>136 <Radio.Button value="generic">Generic</Radio.Button>137 <Radio.Button value="client" disabled>138 Client139 </Radio.Button>140 </Radio.Group>141 </div>142 )}143 <Form {...formItemLayout} onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>144 {creationType === 'service' && (145 <Form.Item label="Service Name">146 {getFieldDecorator('serviceName', {147 rules: [148 {149 required: true,150 message: "Please provide the service's name."151 },152 {153 pattern: /^[^\s\\/]+$/,154 message: 'Whitespace, /, \\ is not allowed.'155 }156 ]157 })(<Input placeholder="pricingterm" />)}158 </Form.Item>159 )}160 <Form.Item label="Parameter Name">161 {getFieldDecorator('name', {162 initialValue:,163 rules: [164 {165 required: true,166 message: 'Please provide the parameter name.'167 },168 creationType === 'service' && {169 pattern: /^[^\s\\/]+$/,170 message: 'Whitespace, /, \\ is not allowed.'171 }172 ]173 })(174 <Input175 placeholder={176 creationType === 'service'177 ? 'Auth0ClientUrl'178 : '/packages/common/ClientSecretNoPermissions'179 }180 disabled={editFlow}181 />182 )}183 </Form.Item>184 <Form.Item label="Description">185 {getFieldDecorator('description', {186 initialValue: initialFormData.description187 })(188 <Input placeholder="This is used by the integration tests for the parameter store package" />189 )}190 </Form.Item>191 {creationType === 'service' && (192 <Form.Item label="Environments">193 {getFieldDecorator('environments', {194 initialValue: ['local', 'fea', 'stg', 'prd'],195 rules: [196 {197 required: true,198 message: 'Please select at least one environment',199 type: 'array'200 }201 ]202 })(203 <Checkbox.Group style={{ width: '100%' }}>204 <Row>205 <Col span={6}>206 <Checkbox value="local">local</Checkbox>207 </Col>208 <Col span={6}>209 <Checkbox value="fea">fea</Checkbox>210 </Col>211 <Col span={6}>212 <Checkbox value="stg">stg</Checkbox>213 </Col>214 <Col span={6}>215 <Checkbox value="prd">prd</Checkbox>216 </Col>217 <Col span={6}>218 <Checkbox value="common">common</Checkbox>219 </Col>220 </Row>221 </Checkbox.Group>222 )}223 </Form.Item>224 )}225 <Form.Item label="Type">226 {getFieldDecorator('type', {227 initialValue: initialFormData.type || 'String',228 rules: [229 { required: true, message: 'Please select the parameter type.' }230 ]231 })(232 <Radio.Group>233 <Radio value="String">String</Radio>234 <Radio value="SecureString">SecureString</Radio>235 <Radio value="StringList" disabled>236 StringList (Not supported yet)237 </Radio>238 </Radio.Group>239 )}240 </Form.Item>241 {form.getFieldValue('type') === 'SecureString' && (242 <Form.Item label="Select KMS Key" hasFeedback>243 {getFieldDecorator('kmsKey', {244 initialValue: initialFormData.kmsKey,245 rules: [246 {247 required: true,248 message:249 'Please select the KMS Key to encrypt the Secure String.'250 }251 ]252 })(253 <Select254 placeholder="Please select a KMS key"255 loading={kmsKeyLoading}256 showSearch257 optionFilterProp="children"258 filterOption={(input, option) =>259 option.props.children260 .toLowerCase()261 .indexOf(input.toLowerCase()) >= 0262 }263 >264 {!kmsKeyLoadError &&265 kmsKeyLoaded &&266 => (267 <Option value={key.AliasName}>{key.AliasName}</Option>268 ))}269 </Select>270 )}271 </Form.Item>272 )}273 <Form.Item label="Value">274 {getFieldDecorator('value', {275 initialValue: initialFormData.value,276 rules: [277 { required: true, message: 'Please provide the value.' },278 {279 max: 4096,280 message: 'The maximum allowed length is 4096 characters.'281 }282 ]283 })(<TextArea rows={4} autosize={{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 8 }} />)}284 </Form.Item>285 {!editFlow &&286 creationType === 'service' &&287 form.getFieldValue('serviceName') &&288 form.getFieldValue('name') &&289 form.getFieldValue('environments').length && (290 <div291 style={{292 display: 'flex',293 alignItems: 'center',294 justifyContent: 'center',295 flexDirection: 'column'296 }}297 >298 <div>299 <b>{`${300 (form.getFieldValue('environments') || []).length301 } parameter(s)`}</b>{' '}302 will be created with the following name(s):303 </div>304 <div>305 {(form.getFieldValue('environments') || []).map(env => (306 <h4>307 /services/{env}/{form.getFieldValue('serviceName')}/308 {form.getFieldValue('name')}{' '}309 </h4>310 ))}311 </div>312 </div>313 )}314 {!editFlow &&315 creationType === 'generic' &&316 form.getFieldValue('name') && (317 <div318 style={{319 display: 'flex',320 alignItems: 'center',321 justifyContent: 'center',322 flexDirection: 'column'323 }}324 >325 <div>326 <b>1 parameter</b> will be created with the following name:327 </div>328 <h4>{form.getFieldValue('name')}</h4>329 </div>330 )}331 <Form.Item wrapperCol={{ span: 12, offset: 6 }}>332 <Button333 type="primary"334 htmlType="submit"335 loading={creationState === ENTITY_STATUS.loading}336 >337 {editFlow ? 'Save' : 'Create'}338 </Button>339 </Form.Item>340 </Form>341 </div>342 );343 }344}345function mapStateToProps(state) {346 return {347 kmsKeyLoaded: parameterSelectors.getIsKmsKeyLoaded(state),348 kmsKeyLoading: parameterSelectors.getIsKmsKeyLoading(state),349 kmsKeyLoadError: parameterSelectors.getKmsKeyLoadHasError(state),350 kmsKeys: parameterSelectors.getKmsKeys(state)351 };352}353function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {354 return bindActionCreators(parameterActions, dispatch);355}356const WrappedParameterCreationForm = connect(357 mapStateToProps,358 mapDispatchToProps359)(Form.create({ name: 'parameter_creation' })(CreationForm));...

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Source:genericDeclaration.ts Github


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...53 if (parameterToAdd?.ids) {54 parameterToAdd.ids.push(uniqueName);55 }56 }57 function createGenericParameter(58 ownerKey: string,59 nodeOwnerParameter: ts.TypeParameterDeclaration,60 genericDescriptor: ts.Expression61 ): GenericParameter {62 const uniqueName: string =63 ownerKey +;64 const genericFunction: ts.FunctionExpression = createFunctionExpression(65 createBlock([createReturnStatement(genericDescriptor)])66 );67 return {68 ids: [uniqueName],69 value: genericFunction,70 };71 }72 return {73 addFromTypeReferenceNode(74 node: ts.TypeReferenceNode,75 declarationKey: string76 ): void {77 const typeParameterDeclarations: ts.NodeArray<ts.TypeParameterDeclaration> =78 TypescriptHelper.GetParameterOfNode(node.typeName);79 if (!typeParameterDeclarations) {80 return;81 }82 typeParameterDeclarations.forEach(83 (declaration: ts.TypeParameterDeclaration, index: number) => {84 const genericNode: ts.Node = getGenericNode(node, declaration, index);85 const genericParameter: GenericParameter = createGenericParameter(86 declarationKey,87 typeParameterDeclarations[index],88 GetDescriptor(genericNode, scope)89 );90 generics.push(genericParameter);91 }92 );93 },94 addFromDeclarationExtension(95 declarationKey: string,96 extensionDeclaration: GenericDeclarationSupported,97 extensionDeclarationKey: string,98 extension: ts.ExpressionWithTypeArguments99 ): void {100 const extensionDeclarationTypeParameters:101 | ts.NodeArray<ts.TypeParameterDeclaration>102 | undefined = extensionDeclaration.typeParameters;103 if (!extensionDeclarationTypeParameters) {104 return;105 }106 extensionDeclarationTypeParameters.reduce(107 (108 acc: GenericParameter[],109 declaration: ts.TypeParameterDeclaration,110 index: number111 ) => {112 const genericNode: ts.Node = getGenericNode(113 extension,114 declaration,115 index116 );117 if (core.ts.isTypeReferenceNode(genericNode)) {118 const typeParameterDeclaration: ts.Declaration =119 TypescriptHelper.GetDeclarationFromNode(genericNode.typeName);120 const typeParameterDeclarationKey: string =121 MockDefiner.instance.getDeclarationKeyMapBasedOnScope(122 typeParameterDeclaration,123 scope124 );125 const isExtendingItself: boolean =126 typeParameterDeclarationKey === declarationKey;127 if (isExtendingItself) {128 // FIXME: Currently, circular generics aren't supported. See129 // for more130 // details.131 TransformerLogger().circularGenericNotSupported(132 genericNode.getText()133 );134 return acc;135 }136 if (core.ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(typeParameterDeclaration)) {137 addGenericParameterToExisting(138 extensionDeclarationTypeParameters[index],139 typeParameterDeclaration,140 declarationKey,141 extensionDeclarationKey142 );143 return acc;144 }145 }146 const genericParameter: GenericParameter = createGenericParameter(147 extensionDeclarationKey,148 extensionDeclarationTypeParameters[index],149 GetDescriptor(genericNode, scope)150 );151 acc.push(genericParameter);152 return acc;153 },154 generics155 );156 },157 getExpressionForAllGenerics(): ts.ObjectLiteralExpression[] {158 return GenericParameter) =>159 createObjectLiteral(160 [...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');3import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';4const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');5import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';6const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('1T');7import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';8const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('2T');9import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';10const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';3import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';4import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';5import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';6import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';7import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';8import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';9import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';10import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';11import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';12import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';13import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';14import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';15import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';16import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';17import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';2describe('test1', () => {3 it('test1', () => {4 const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');5 expect(genericParameter).toEqual('T');6 });7});8import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';9describe('test2', () => {10 it('test2', () => {11 const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');12 expect(genericParameter).toEqual('T');13 });14});15 2 | import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';16 > 4 | describe('test1', () => {17 5 | it('test1', () => {18 6 | const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');19 7 | expect(genericParameter).toEqual('T');20 at Object.<anonymous> (test1.js:4:1)21 2 | import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';22 > 4 | describe('test2', () => {23 5 | it('test2', () => {24 6 | const genericParameter = createGenericParameter('T');25 7 | expect(genericParameter).toEqual('T');26 at Object.<anonymous> (test2.js:4:1)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';2export class Test1 {3 public test1: string;4 public test2: number;5 public test3: boolean;6 public test4: Date;7 public test5: any;8 public test6: string[];9 public test7: number[];10 public test8: boolean[];11 public test9: Date[];12 public test10: any[];13 public test11: { [key: string]: string };14 public test12: { [key: string]: number };15 public test13: { [key: string]: boolean };16 public test14: { [key: string]: Date };17 public test15: { [key: string]: any };18 public test16: { [key: string]: string[] };19 public test17: { [key: string]: number[] };20 public test18: { [key: string]: boolean[] };21 public test19: { [key: string]: Date[] };22 public test20: { [key: string]: any[] };23 public test21: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } };24 public test22: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: number } };25 public test23: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: boolean } };26 public test24: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Date } };27 public test25: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: any } };28 public test26: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string[] } };29 public test27: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: number[] } };30 public test28: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: boolean[] } };31 public test29: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Date[] } };32 public test30: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: any[] } };33 public test31: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } } };34 public test32: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: number } } };35 public test33: { [key: string]: { [key: string

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';2const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');3import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';4const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();5import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';6const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');7import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';8const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();9import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';10const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');11const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();12import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';13const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');14const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();15import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';16const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');17const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();18import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';19const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');20const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();21import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';22const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');23const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();24import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';25const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');26const myMock = createMock<myInterface<myParameter>>();27import { createGenericParameter, createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock/extension';28const myParameter = createGenericParameter('T');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createGenericParameter } = require("ts-auto-mock");2const { createMock } = require("ts-auto-mock");3const { createMockFunction } = require("ts-auto-mock");4const { createMockInstance } = require("ts-auto-mock");5const genericParameter = createGenericParameter("T");6const mock = createMock({ genericParameter });7console.log(mock);8const mockFunction = createMockFunction();9console.log(mockFunction);10const mockInstance = createMockInstance();11console.log(mockInstance);12const mock = createMock();13console.log(mock);

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1import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';2interface IGenericInterface<T> {3 value: T;4}5const genericInterface: IGenericInterface<number> = {6};7const genericInterface2: IGenericInterface<string> = {8};9const genericInterface3: IGenericInterface<boolean> = {10};11const genericInterface4: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<string>> = {12 value: {13 }14};15const genericInterface5: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<number>>> = {16 value: {17 value: {18 }19 }20};21const genericInterface6: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<string>>> = {22 value: {23 value: {24 }25 }26};27const genericInterface7: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<boolean>>> = {28 value: {29 value: {30 }31 }32};33import { createGenericParameter } from 'ts-auto-mock';34interface IGenericInterface<T> {35 value: T;36}37const genericInterface: IGenericInterface<number> = createGenericParameter('number');38const genericInterface2: IGenericInterface<string> = createGenericParameter('string');39const genericInterface3: IGenericInterface<boolean> = createGenericParameter('boolean');40const genericInterface4: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<string>> = createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('string'));41const genericInterface5: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<number>>> = createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('number')));42const genericInterface6: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<string>>> = createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('string')));43const genericInterface7: IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<IGenericInterface<boolean>>> = createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('IGenericInterface', createGenericParameter('boolean')));44const genericInterface = {45};

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1const createGenericParameter = require('ts-auto-mock/createGenericParameter');2const { createMock } = require('ts-auto-mock');3class Test1 {4 constructor() {5 this.test2 = createMock(Test2);6 }7}8exports.Test1 = Test1;9class Test2 {10 constructor() {11 this.test3 = createMock(Test3);12 }13}14exports.Test2 = Test2;15class Test3 {16 constructor() {17 this.test4 = createMock(Test4);18 }19}20exports.Test3 = Test3;21class Test4 {22 constructor() {23 this.test5 = createMock(Test5);24 }25}26exports.Test4 = Test4;27class Test5 {28 constructor() {29 this.test6 = createMock(Test6);30 }31}32exports.Test5 = Test5;33class Test6 {34 constructor() {35 this.test7 = createMock(Test7);36 }37}38exports.Test6 = Test6;39class Test7 {40 constructor() {41 this.test8 = createMock(Test8);42 }43}44exports.Test7 = Test7;45class Test8 {46 constructor() {47 this.test9 = createMock(Test9);48 }49}50exports.Test8 = Test8;51class Test9 {52 constructor() {53 this.test10 = createMock(Test10);54 }55}56exports.Test9 = Test9;57class Test10 {58 constructor() {59 this.test11 = createMock(Test11);60 }61}62exports.Test10 = Test10;63class Test11 {64 constructor() {65 this.test12 = createMock(Test12);66 }67}68exports.Test11 = Test11;69class Test12 {70 constructor() {71 this.test13 = createMock(Test13);72 }73}74exports.Test12 = Test12;75class Test13 {76 constructor() {77 this.test14 = createMock(Test14);78 }79}80exports.Test13 = Test13;81class Test14 {82 constructor() {83 this.test15 = createMock(Test15);84 }85}86exports.Test14 = Test14;87class Test15 {88 constructor() {89 this.test16 = createMock(Test16);90 }91}92exports.Test15 = Test15;93class Test16 {94 constructor() {95 this.test17 = createMock(Test17);96 }97}

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