How to use boolean method in ts-auto-mock

Best JavaScript code snippet using ts-auto-mock


Source: config.ts Github


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1/​/​ Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.2/​/​ See LICENSE.txt for license information.3import {CollapsedThreads} from '../​constants/​config';4import {ThemeKey} from './​themes';5export type ClientConfig = {6 AboutLink: string;7 AllowBannerDismissal: string;8 AllowCustomThemes: string;9 AllowedThemes: string;10 AndroidAppDownloadLink: string;11 AndroidLatestVersion: string;12 AndroidMinVersion: string;13 AppDownloadLink: string;14 AsymmetricSigningPublicKey: string;15 AvailableLocales: string;16 BannerColor: string;17 BannerText: string;18 BannerTextColor: string;19 BuildDate: string;20 BuildEnterpriseReady: string;21 BuildHash: string;22 BuildHashEnterprise: string;23 BuildNumber: string;24 CollapsedThreads: CollapsedThreads;25 CustomBrandText: string;26 CustomDescriptionText: string;27 CustomTermsOfServiceId: string;28 CustomTermsOfServiceReAcceptancePeriod: string;29 CustomUrlSchemes: string;30 CWSURL: string;31 DataRetentionEnableFileDeletion: string;32 DataRetentionEnableMessageDeletion: string;33 DataRetentionFileRetentionDays: string;34 DataRetentionMessageRetentionDays: string;35 DefaultClientLocale: string;36 DefaultTheme: ThemeKey;37 DiagnosticId: string;38 DiagnosticsEnabled: string;39 EmailLoginButtonBorderColor: string;40 EmailLoginButtonColor: string;41 EmailLoginButtonTextColor: string;42 EmailNotificationContentsType: string;43 EnableAskCommunityLink: string;44 EnableBanner: string;45 EnableBotAccountCreation: string;46 EnableChannelViewedMessages: string;47 EnableClientPerformanceDebugging: string;48 EnableCluster: string;49 EnableCommands: string;50 EnableCompliance: string;51 EnableConfirmNotificationsToChannel: string;52 EnableCustomBrand: string;53 EnableCustomEmoji: string;54 EnableCustomGroups: string;55 EnableCustomUserStatuses: string;56 EnableTimedDND: string;57 EnableCustomTermsOfService: string;58 EnableDeveloper: string;59 EnableDiagnostics: string;60 EnableEmailBatching: string;61 EnableEmailInvitations: string;62 EnableEmojiPicker: string;63 EnableFileAttachments: string;64 EnableFile: string;65 EnableGifPicker: string;66 EnableGuestAccounts: string;67 EnableIncomingWebhooks: string;68 EnableLatex: string;69 EnableInlineLatex: string;70 EnableLdap: string;71 EnableLinkPreviews: string;72 EnableMarketplace: string;73 EnableMetrics: string;74 EnableMobileFileDownload: string;75 EnableMobileFileUpload: string;76 EnableMultifactorAuthentication: string;77 EnableOAuthServiceProvider: string;78 EnableOpenServer: string;79 EnableOutgoingWebhooks: string;80 EnablePostIconOverride: string;81 EnablePostUsernameOverride: string;82 EnablePreviewFeatures: string;83 EnablePreviewModeBanner: string;84 EnablePublicLink: string;85 EnableReliableWebSockets: string;86 EnableSaml: string;87 EnableSignInWithEmail: string;88 EnableSignInWithUsername: string;89 EnableSignUpWithEmail: string;90 EnableSignUpWithGitLab: string;91 EnableSignUpWithGoogle: string;92 EnableSignUpWithOffice365: string;93 EnableSignUpWithOpenId: string;94 EnableSVGs: string;95 EnableTesting: string;96 EnableThemeSelection: string;97 EnableTutorial: string;98 EnableOnboardingFlow: string;99 EnableUserAccessTokens: string;100 EnableUserCreation: string;101 EnableUserDeactivation: string;102 EnableUserTypingMessages: string;103 EnforceMultifactorAuthentication: string;104 ExperimentalClientSideCertCheck: string;105 ExperimentalClientSideCertEnable: string;106 ExperimentalCloudBilling: string;107 ExperimentalCloudUserLimit: string;108 ExperimentalDataPrefetch: string;109 ExperimentalEnableAuthenticationTransfer: string;110 ExperimentalEnableAutomaticReplies: string;111 ExperimentalEnableClickToReply: string;112 ExperimentalEnableDefaultChannelLeaveJoinMessages: string;113 ExperimentalEnablePostMetadata: string;114 ExperimentalGroupUnreadChannels: string;115 ExperimentalPrimaryTeam: string;116 ExperimentalTimezone: string;117 ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels: string;118 FileLevel: string;119 GfycatAPIKey: string;120 GfycatAPISecret: string;121 GoogleDeveloperKey: string;122 GuestAccountsEnforceMultifactorAuthentication: string;123 HasImageProxy: string;124 HelpLink: string;125 IosAppDownloadLink: string;126 IosLatestVersion: string;127 IosMinVersion: string;128 InstallationDate: string;129 IsDefaultMarketplace: string;130 LdapFirstNameAttributeSet: string;131 LdapLastNameAttributeSet: string;132 LdapLoginButtonBorderColor: string;133 LdapLoginButtonColor: string;134 LdapLoginButtonTextColor: string;135 LdapLoginFieldName: string;136 LdapNicknameAttributeSet: string;137 LdapPositionAttributeSet: string;138 LdapPictureAttributeSet: string;139 LockTeammateNameDisplay: string;140 ManagedResourcePaths: string;141 MaxFileSize: string;142 MaxPostSize: string;143 MaxNotificationsPerChannel: string;144 MinimumHashtagLength: string;145 NoAccounts: string;146 GitLabButtonText: string;147 GitLabButtonColor: string;148 OpenIdButtonText: string;149 OpenIdButtonColor: string;150 PasswordMinimumLength: string;151 PasswordRequireLowercase: string;152 PasswordRequireNumber: string;153 PasswordRequireSymbol: string;154 PasswordRequireUppercase: string;155 PluginsEnabled: string;156 PostEditTimeLimit: string;157 PrivacyPolicyLink: string;158 ReportAProblemLink: string;159 RequireEmailVerification: string;160 RestrictDirectMessage: string;161 RunJobs: string;162 SamlFirstNameAttributeSet: string;163 SamlLastNameAttributeSet: string;164 SamlLoginButtonBorderColor: string;165 SamlLoginButtonColor: string;166 SamlLoginButtonText: string;167 SamlLoginButtonTextColor: string;168 SamlNicknameAttributeSet: string;169 SamlPositionAttributeSet: string;170 SchemaVersion: string;171 SendEmailNotifications: string;172 SendPushNotifications: string;173 ShowEmailAddress: string;174 SiteName: string;175 SiteURL: string;176 SQLDriverName: string;177 SupportEmail: string;178 TeammateNameDisplay: string;179 TermsOfServiceLink: string;180 TimeBetweenUserTypingUpdatesMilliseconds: string;181 UpgradedFromTE: string;182 Version: string;183 WebsocketPort: string;184 WebsocketSecurePort: string;185 WebsocketURL: string;186 ExperimentalSharedChannels: string;187};188export type License = {189 id: string;190 issued_at: number;191 starts_at: number;192 expires_at: string;193 customer: LicenseCustomer;194 features: LicenseFeatures;195 sku_name: string;196 short_sku_name: string;197};198export type LicenseCustomer = {199 id: string;200 name: string;201 email: string;202 company: string;203};204export type LicenseFeatures = {205 users?: number;206 ldap?: boolean;207 ldap_groups?: boolean;208 mfa?: boolean;209 google_oauth?: boolean;210 office365_oauth?: boolean;211 compliance?: boolean;212 cluster?: boolean;213 metrics?: boolean;214 mhpns?: boolean;215 saml?: boolean;216 elastic_search?: boolean;217 announcement?: boolean;218 theme_management?: boolean;219 email_notification_contents?: boolean;220 data_retention?: boolean;221 message_export?: boolean;222 custom_permissions_schemes?: boolean;223 custom_terms_of_service?: boolean;224 guest_accounts?: boolean;225 guest_accounts_permissions?: boolean;226 id_loaded?: boolean;227 lock_teammate_name_display?: boolean;228 cloud?: boolean;229 future_features?: boolean;230};231export type ClientLicense = Record<string, string>;232export type DataRetentionPolicy = {233 message_deletion_enabled: boolean;234 file_deletion_enabled: boolean;235 message_retention_cutoff: number;236 file_retention_cutoff: number;237};238export type ServiceSettings = {239 SiteURL: string;240 WebsocketURL: string;241 LicenseFileLocation: string;242 ListenAddress: string;243 ConnectionSecurity: string;244 TLSCertFile: string;245 TLSKeyFile: string;246 TLSMinVer: string;247 TLSStrictTransport: boolean;248 TLSStrictTransportMaxAge: number;249 TLSOverwriteCiphers: string[];250 UseLetsEncrypt: boolean;251 LetsEncryptCertificateCacheFile: string;252 Forward80To443: boolean;253 TrustedProxyIPHeader: string[];254 ReadTimeout: number;255 WriteTimeout: number;256 IdleTimeout: number;257 MaximumLoginAttempts: number;258 GoroutineHealthThreshold: number;259 GoogleDeveloperKey: string;260 EnableOAuthServiceProvider: boolean;261 EnableIncomingWebhooks: boolean;262 EnableOutgoingWebhooks: boolean;263 EnableCommands: boolean;264 EnablePostUsernameOverride: boolean;265 EnablePostIconOverride: boolean;266 EnableLinkPreviews: boolean;267 EnableTesting: boolean;268 EnableDeveloper: boolean;269 EnableOpenTracing: boolean;270 EnableSecurityFixAlert: boolean;271 EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections: boolean;272 AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections: string;273 EnableMultifactorAuthentication: boolean;274 EnforceMultifactorAuthentication: boolean;275 EnableUserAccessTokens: boolean;276 AllowCorsFrom: string;277 CorsExposedHeaders: string;278 CorsAllowCredentials: boolean;279 CorsDebug: boolean;280 AllowCookiesForSubdomains: boolean;281 ExtendSessionLengthWithActivity: boolean;282 SessionLengthWebInDays: number;283 SessionLengthMobileInDays: number;284 SessionLengthSSOInDays: number;285 SessionCacheInMinutes: number;286 SessionIdleTimeoutInMinutes: number;287 WebsocketSecurePort: number;288 WebsocketPort: number;289 WebserverMode: string;290 EnableCustomEmoji: boolean;291 EnableEmojiPicker: boolean;292 EnableGifPicker: boolean;293 GfycatApiKey: string;294 GfycatApiSecret: string;295 PostEditTimeLimit: number;296 TimeBetweenUserTypingUpdatesMilliseconds: number;297 EnablePostSearch: boolean;298 MinimumHashtagLength: number;299 EnableUserTypingMessages: boolean;300 EnableChannelViewedMessages: boolean;301 EnableUserStatuses: boolean;302 ExperimentalEnableAuthenticationTransfer: boolean;303 ClusterLogTimeoutMilliseconds: number;304 EnablePreviewFeatures: boolean;305 EnableTutorial: boolean;306 EnableOnboardingFlow: boolean;307 ExperimentalEnableDefaultChannelLeaveJoinMessages: boolean;308 ExperimentalGroupUnreadChannels: string;309 ExperimentalDataPrefetch: boolean;310 EnableAPITeamDeletion: boolean;311 ExperimentalEnableHardenedMode: boolean;312 ExperimentalStrictCSRFEnforcement: boolean;313 EnableEmailInvitations: boolean;314 DisableBotsWhenOwnerIsDeactivated: boolean;315 EnableBotAccountCreation: boolean;316 EnableSVGs: boolean;317 EnableLatex: boolean;318 EnableLocalMode: boolean;319 LocalModeSocketLocation: string;320 CollapsedThreads: 'disabled' | 'default_on' | 'default_off';321 ThreadAutoFollow: boolean;322};323export type TeamSettings = {324 SiteName: string;325 MaxUsersPerTeam: number;326 EnableCustomUserStatuses: boolean;327 EnableUserCreation: boolean;328 EnableOpenServer: boolean;329 EnableUserDeactivation: boolean;330 RestrictCreationToDomains: string;331 EnableCustomBrand: boolean;332 CustomBrandText: string;333 CustomDescriptionText: string;334 RestrictDirectMessage: string;335 UserStatusAwayTimeout: number;336 MaxChannelsPerTeam: number;337 MaxNotificationsPerChannel: number;338 EnableConfirmNotificationsToChannel: boolean;339 TeammateNameDisplay: string;340 ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels: boolean;341 ExperimentalEnableAutomaticReplies: boolean;342 LockTeammateNameDisplay: boolean;343 ExperimentalPrimaryTeam: string;344 ExperimentalDefaultChannels: string[];345};346export type ClientRequirements = {347 AndroidLatestVersion: string;348 AndroidMinVersion: string;349 IosLatestVersion: string;350 IosMinVersion: string;351};352export type SqlSettings = {353 DriverName: string;354 DataSource: string;355 DataSourceReplicas: string[];356 DataSourceSearchReplicas: string[];357 MaxIdleConns: number;358 ConnMaxLifetimeMilliseconds: number;359 MaxOpenConns: number;360 Trace: boolean;361 AtRestEncryptKey: string;362 QueryTimeout: number;363 DisableDatabaseSearch: boolean;364};365export type LogSettings = {366 EnableConsole: boolean;367 ConsoleLevel: string;368 ConsoleJson: boolean;369 EnableFile: boolean;370 FileLevel: string;371 FileJson: boolean;372 FileLocation: string;373 EnableWebhookDebugging: boolean;374 EnableDiagnostics: boolean;375 EnableSentry: boolean;376};377export type ExperimentalAuditSettings = {378 SysLogEnabled: boolean;379 SysLogIP: string;380 SysLogPort: number;381 SysLogTag: string;382 SysLogCert: string;383 SysLogInsecure: boolean;384 SysLogMaxQueueSize: number;385 FileEnabled: boolean;386 FileName: string;387 FileMaxSizeMB: number;388 FileMaxAgeDays: number;389 FileMaxBackups: number;390 FileCompress: boolean;391 FileMaxQueueSize: number;392};393export type NotificationLogSettings = {394 EnableConsole: boolean;395 ConsoleLevel: string;396 ConsoleJson: boolean;397 EnableFile: boolean;398 FileLevel: string;399 FileJson: boolean;400 FileLocation: string;401};402export type PasswordSettings = {403 MinimumLength: number;404 Lowercase: boolean;405 Number: boolean;406 Uppercase: boolean;407 Symbol: boolean;408};409export type FileSettings = {410 EnableFileAttachments: boolean;411 EnableMobileUpload: boolean;412 EnableMobileDownload: boolean;413 MaxFileSize: number;414 DriverName: string;415 Directory: string;416 EnablePublicLink: boolean;417 PublicLinkSalt: string;418 InitialFont: string;419 AmazonS3AccessKeyId: string;420 AmazonS3SecretAccessKey: string;421 AmazonS3Bucket: string;422 AmazonS3Region: string;423 AmazonS3Endpoint: string;424 AmazonS3SSL: boolean;425 AmazonS3SignV2: boolean;426 AmazonS3SSE: boolean;427 AmazonS3Trace: boolean;428};429export type EmailSettings = {430 EnableSignUpWithEmail: boolean;431 EnableSignInWithEmail: boolean;432 EnableSignInWithUsername: boolean;433 SendEmailNotifications: boolean;434 UseChannelInEmailNotifications: boolean;435 RequireEmailVerification: boolean;436 FeedbackName: string;437 FeedbackEmail: string;438 ReplyToAddress: string;439 FeedbackOrganization: string;440 EnableSMTPAuth: boolean;441 SMTPUsername: string;442 SMTPPassword: string;443 SMTPServer: string;444 SMTPPort: string;445 SMTPServerTimeout: number;446 ConnectionSecurity: string;447 SendPushNotifications: boolean;448 PushNotificationServer: string;449 PushNotificationContents: string;450 EnableEmailBatching: boolean;451 EmailBatchingBufferSize: number;452 EmailBatchingInterval: number;453 EnablePreviewModeBanner: boolean;454 SkipServerCertificateVerification: boolean;455 EmailNotificationContentsType: string;456 LoginButtonColor: string;457 LoginButtonBorderColor: string;458 LoginButtonTextColor: string;459};460export type RateLimitSettings = {461 Enable: boolean;462 PerSec: number;463 MaxBurst: number;464 MemoryStoreSize: number;465 VaryByRemoteAddr: boolean;466 VaryByUser: boolean;467 VaryByHeader: string;468};469export type PrivacySettings = {470 ShowEmailAddress: boolean;471 ShowFullName: boolean;472};473export type SupportSettings = {474 TermsOfServiceLink: string;475 PrivacyPolicyLink: string;476 AboutLink: string;477 HelpLink: string;478 ReportAProblemLink: string;479 SupportEmail: string;480 CustomTermsOfServiceEnabled: boolean;481 CustomTermsOfServiceReAcceptancePeriod: number;482};483export type AnnouncementSettings = {484 EnableBanner: boolean;485 BannerText: string;486 BannerColor: string;487 BannerTextColor: string;488 AllowBannerDismissal: boolean;489};490export type ThemeSettings = {491 EnableThemeSelection: boolean;492 DefaultTheme: string;493 AllowCustomThemes: boolean;494 AllowedThemes: string[];495};496export type SSOSettings = {497 Enable: boolean;498 Secret: string;499 Id: string;500 Scope: string;501 AuthEndpoint: string;502 TokenEndpoint: string;503 UserAPIEndpoint: string;504 DiscoveryEndpoint: string;505 ButtonText: string;506 ButtonColor: string;507};508export type Office365Settings = {509 Enable: boolean;510 Secret: string;511 Id: string;512 Scope: string;513 AuthEndpoint: string;514 TokenEndpoint: string;515 UserAPIEndpoint: string;516 DiscoveryEndpoint: string;517 DirectoryId: string;518};519export type LdapSettings = {520 Enable: boolean;521 EnableSync: boolean;522 LdapServer: string;523 LdapPort: number;524 ConnectionSecurity: string;525 BaseDN: string;526 BindUsername: string;527 BindPassword: string;528 UserFilter: string;529 GroupFilter: string;530 GuestFilter: string;531 EnableAdminFilter: boolean;532 AdminFilter: string;533 GroupDisplayNameAttribute: string;534 GroupIdAttribute: string;535 FirstNameAttribute: string;536 LastNameAttribute: string;537 EmailAttribute: string;538 UsernameAttribute: string;539 NicknameAttribute: string;540 IdAttribute: string;541 PositionAttribute: string;542 LoginIdAttribute: string;543 PictureAttribute: string;544 SyncIntervalMinutes: number;545 SkipCertificateVerification: boolean;546 QueryTimeout: number;547 MaxPageSize: number;548 LoginFieldName: string;549 LoginButtonColor: string;550 LoginButtonBorderColor: string;551 LoginButtonTextColor: string;552 Trace: boolean;553};554export type ComplianceSettings = {555 Enable: boolean;556 Directory: string;557 EnableDaily: boolean;558};559export type LocalizationSettings = {560 DefaultServerLocale: string;561 DefaultClientLocale: string;562 AvailableLocales: string;563};564export type SamlSettings = {565 Enable: boolean;566 EnableSyncWithLdap: boolean;567 EnableSyncWithLdapIncludeAuth: boolean;568 IgnoreGuestsLdapSync: boolean;569 Verify: boolean;570 Encrypt: boolean;571 SignRequest: boolean;572 IdpURL: string;573 IdpDescriptorURL: string;574 IdpMetadataURL: string;575 AssertionConsumerServiceURL: string;576 SignatureAlgorithm: string;577 CanonicalAlgorithm: string;578 ScopingIDPProviderId: string;579 ScopingIDPName: string;580 IdpCertificateFile: string;581 PublicCertificateFile: string;582 PrivateKeyFile: string;583 IdAttribute: string;584 GuestAttribute: string;585 EnableAdminAttribute: boolean;586 AdminAttribute: string;587 FirstNameAttribute: string;588 LastNameAttribute: string;589 EmailAttribute: string;590 UsernameAttribute: string;591 NicknameAttribute: string;592 LocaleAttribute: string;593 PositionAttribute: string;594 LoginButtonText: string;595 LoginButtonColor: string;596 LoginButtonBorderColor: string;597 LoginButtonTextColor: string;598};599export type NativeAppSettings = {600 AppDownloadLink: string;601 AndroidAppDownloadLink: string;602 IosAppDownloadLink: string;603};604export type ClusterSettings = {605 Enable: boolean;606 ClusterName: string;607 OverrideHostname: string;608 NetworkInterface: string;609 BindAddress: string;610 AdvertiseAddress: string;611 UseIPAddress: boolean;612 EnableExperimentalGossipEncryption: boolean;613 ReadOnlyConfig: boolean;614 GossipPort: number;615 StreamingPort: number;616 MaxIdleConns: number;617 MaxIdleConnsPerHost: number;618 IdleConnTimeoutMilliseconds: number;619};620export type MetricsSettings = {621 Enable: boolean;622 BlockProfileRate: number;623 ListenAddress: string;624};625export type ExperimentalSettings = {626 ClientSideCertEnable: boolean;627 ClientSideCertCheck: string;628 EnableClickToReply: boolean;629 LinkMetadataTimeoutMilliseconds: number;630 RestrictSystemAdmin: boolean;631 UseNewSAMLLibrary: boolean;632 CloudBilling: boolean;633};634export type AnalyticsSettings = {635 MaxUsersForStatistics: number;636};637export type ElasticsearchSettings = {638 ConnectionURL: string;639 Username: string;640 Password: string;641 EnableIndexing: boolean;642 EnableSearching: boolean;643 EnableAutocomplete: boolean;644 Sniff: boolean;645 PostIndexReplicas: number;646 PostIndexShards: number;647 ChannelIndexReplicas: number;648 ChannelIndexShards: number;649 UserIndexReplicas: number;650 UserIndexShards: number;651 AggregatePostsAfterDays: number;652 PostsAggregatorJobStartTime: string;653 IndexPrefix: string;654 LiveIndexingBatchSize: number;655 BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds: number;656 RequestTimeoutSeconds: number;657 SkipTLSVerification: boolean;658 Trace: string;659};660export type BleveSettings = {661 IndexDir: string;662 EnableIndexing: boolean;663 EnableSearching: boolean;664 EnableAutocomplete: boolean;665 BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds: number;666};667export type DataRetentionSettings = {668 EnableMessageDeletion: boolean;669 EnableFileDeletion: boolean;670 EnableBoardsDeletion: boolean;671 MessageRetentionDays: number;672 FileRetentionDays: number;673 BoardsRetentionDays: number;674 DeletionJobStartTime: string;675};676export type MessageExportSettings = {677 EnableExport: boolean;678 DownloadExportResults: boolean;679 ExportFormat: string;680 DailyRunTime: string;681 ExportFromTimestamp: number;682 BatchSize: number;683 GlobalRelaySettings: {684 CustomerType: string;685 SMTPUsername: string;686 SMTPPassword: string;687 EmailAddress: string;688 };689};690export type JobSettings = {691 RunJobs: boolean;692 RunScheduler: boolean;693};694export type PluginSettings = {695 Enable: boolean;696 EnableUploads: boolean;697 AllowInsecureDownloadURL: boolean;698 EnableHealthCheck: boolean;699 Directory: string;700 ClientDirectory: string;701 Plugins: Record<string, any>;702 PluginStates: Record<string, {Enable: boolean}>;703 EnableMarketplace: boolean;704 EnableRemoteMarketplace: boolean;705 AutomaticPrepackagedPlugins: boolean;706 RequirePluginSignature: boolean;707 MarketplaceURL: string;708 SignaturePublicKeyFiles: string[];709};710export type DisplaySettings = {711 CustomURLSchemes: string[];712 ExperimentalTimezone: boolean;713};714export type GuestAccountsSettings = {715 Enable: boolean;716 AllowEmailAccounts: boolean;717 EnforceMultifactorAuthentication: boolean;718 RestrictCreationToDomains: string;719};720export type ImageProxySettings = {721 Enable: boolean;722 ImageProxyType: string;723 RemoteImageProxyURL: string;724 RemoteImageProxyOptions: string;725};726export type FeatureFlags = Record<string, string>;727export type AdminConfig = {728 ServiceSettings: ServiceSettings;729 TeamSettings: TeamSettings;730 ClientRequirements: ClientRequirements;731 SqlSettings: SqlSettings;732 LogSettings: LogSettings;733 ExperimentalAuditSettings: ExperimentalAuditSettings;734 NotificationLogSettings: NotificationLogSettings;735 PasswordSettings: PasswordSettings;736 FileSettings: FileSettings;737 EmailSettings: EmailSettings;738 RateLimitSettings: RateLimitSettings;739 PrivacySettings: PrivacySettings;740 SupportSettings: SupportSettings;741 AnnouncementSettings: AnnouncementSettings;742 ThemeSettings: ThemeSettings;743 GitLabSettings: SSOSettings;744 GoogleSettings: SSOSettings;745 Office365Settings: Office365Settings;746 OpenIdSettings: SSOSettings;747 LdapSettings: LdapSettings;748 ComplianceSettings: ComplianceSettings;749 LocalizationSettings: LocalizationSettings;750 SamlSettings: SamlSettings;751 NativeAppSettings: NativeAppSettings;752 ClusterSettings: ClusterSettings;753 MetricsSettings: MetricsSettings;754 ExperimentalSettings: ExperimentalSettings;755 AnalyticsSettings: AnalyticsSettings;756 ElasticsearchSettings: ElasticsearchSettings;757 BleveSettings: BleveSettings;758 DataRetentionSettings: DataRetentionSettings;759 MessageExportSettings: MessageExportSettings;760 JobSettings: JobSettings;761 PluginSettings: PluginSettings;762 DisplaySettings: DisplaySettings;763 GuestAccountsSettings: GuestAccountsSettings;764 ImageProxySettings: ImageProxySettings;765 FeatureFlags: FeatureFlags;766};767export type EnvironmentConfigSettings<T> = {768 [P in keyof T]: boolean;769}770export type EnvironmentConfig = {771 [P in keyof AdminConfig]: EnvironmentConfigSettings<AdminConfig[P]>;772}773export type WarnMetricStatus = {774 id: string;775 limit: number;776 acked: boolean;777 store_status: string;...

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Source: webpack_v4.x.x.js Github


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1/​/​ flow-typed signature: a11323c6900f44e506402540d33781c22/​/​ flow-typed version: 7448070196/​webpack_v4.x.x/​flow_>=v0.104.x3import * as http from 'http';4import fs from 'fs';5declare module 'webpack' {6 declare class $WebpackError extends Error {7 constructor(message: string): WebpackError;8 inspect(): string;9 details: string;10 }11 declare type WebpackError = $WebpackError;12 declare interface Stats {13 hasErrors(): boolean;14 hasWarnings(): boolean;15 toJson(options?: StatsOptions): any;16 toString(options?: { ...StatsOptions, colors?: boolean, ... }): string;17 }18 declare type Callback = (error: WebpackError, stats: Stats) => void;19 declare type WatchHandler = (error: WebpackError, stats: Stats) => void;20 declare type Watching = {21 close(): void,22 invalidate(): void,23 ...24 };25 declare type WebpackCompiler = {26 run(callback: Callback): void,27 watch(options: WatchOptions, handler: WatchHandler): Watching,28 ...29 };30 declare type WebpackMultiCompiler = {31 run(callback: Callback): void,32 watch(options: WatchOptions, handler: WatchHandler): Watching,33 ...34 };35 declare class WebpackCompilation {36 constructor(compiler: WebpackCompiler): WebpackCompilation;37 /​/​ <...>38 }39 declare class WebpackStats {40 constructor(compilation: WebpackCompilation): WebpackStats;41 /​/​ <...>42 }43 declare type NonEmptyArrayOfUniqueStringValues = Array<string>;44 declare type EntryObject = { [k: string]: string | NonEmptyArrayOfUniqueStringValues, ... };45 declare type EntryItem = string | NonEmptyArrayOfUniqueStringValues;46 declare type EntryStatic = EntryObject | EntryItem;47 declare type EntryDynamic = () => EntryStatic | Promise<EntryStatic>;48 declare type Entry = EntryDynamic | EntryStatic;49 declare type ArrayOfStringValues = Array<string>;50 declare type ExternalItem =51 | string52 | { [k: string]:53 | string54 | { [k: string]: any, ... }55 | ArrayOfStringValues56 | boolean, ... }57 | RegExp;58 declare type Externals =59 | ((60 context: string,61 request: string,62 callback: (err?: Error, result?: string) => void63 ) => void)64 | ExternalItem65 | Array<66 | ((67 context: string,68 request: string,69 callback: (err?: Error, result?: string) => void70 ) => void)71 | ExternalItem72 >;73 declare type RuleSetCondition =74 | RegExp75 | string76 | ((value: string) => boolean)77 | RuleSetConditions78 | {79 and?: RuleSetConditions,80 exclude?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,81 include?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,82 not?: RuleSetConditions,83 or?: RuleSetConditions,84 test?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,85 ...86 };87 declare type RuleSetConditions = Array<RuleSetCondition>;88 declare type RuleSetConditionOrConditions =89 | RuleSetCondition90 | RuleSetConditions;91 declare type RuleSetLoader = string;92 declare type RuleSetQuery = { [k: string]: any, ... } | string;93 declare type RuleSetUseItem =94 | RuleSetLoader95 | Function96 | {97 ident?: string,98 loader?: RuleSetLoader,99 options?: RuleSetQuery,100 query?: RuleSetQuery,101 ...102 };103 declare type RuleSetUse = RuleSetUseItem | Function | Array<RuleSetUseItem>;104 declare type RuleSetRule = {105 compiler?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,106 enforce?: 'pre' | 'post',107 exclude?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,108 include?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,109 issuer?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,110 loader?: RuleSetLoader | RuleSetUse,111 loaders?: RuleSetUse,112 oneOf?: RuleSetRules,113 options?: RuleSetQuery,114 parser?: { [k: string]: any, ... },115 query?: RuleSetQuery,116 resolve?: ResolveOptions,117 resource?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,118 resourceQuery?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,119 rules?: RuleSetRules,120 sideEffects?: boolean,121 test?: RuleSetConditionOrConditions,122 type?:123 | 'javascript/​auto'124 | 'javascript/​dynamic'125 | 'javascript/​esm'126 | 'json'127 | 'webassembly/​experimental',128 use?: RuleSetUse,129 ...130 };131 declare type RuleSetRules = Array<RuleSetRule>;132 declare type ModuleOptions = {133 defaultRules?: RuleSetRules,134 exprContextCritical?: boolean,135 exprContextRecursive?: boolean,136 exprContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp,137 exprContextRequest?: string,138 noParse?: Array<RegExp> | RegExp | Function | Array<string> | string,139 rules?: RuleSetRules,140 strictExportPresence?: boolean,141 strictThisContextOnImports?: boolean,142 unknownContextCritical?: boolean,143 unknownContextRecursive?: boolean,144 unknownContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp,145 unknownContextRequest?: string,146 unsafeCache?: boolean | Function,147 wrappedContextCritical?: boolean,148 wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean,149 wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp,150 ...151 };152 declare type NodeOptions = {153 [k: string]: false | true | 'mock' | 'empty',154 Buffer?: false | true | 'mock',155 __dirname?: false | true | 'mock',156 __filename?: false | true | 'mock',157 console?: false | true | 'mock',158 global?: boolean,159 process?: false | true | 'mock',160 ...161 };162 declare type WebpackPluginFunction = (compiler: WebpackCompiler) => void;163 declare type WebpackPluginInstance = {164 [k: string]: any,165 apply: WebpackPluginFunction,166 ...167 };168 declare type OptimizationSplitChunksOptions = {169 automaticNameDelimiter?: string,170 cacheGroups?: { [k: string]:171 | false172 | Function173 | string174 | RegExp175 | {176 automaticNameDelimiter?: string,177 automaticNamePrefix?: string,178 chunks?: ('initial' | 'async' | 'all') | Function,179 enforce?: boolean,180 filename?: string,181 maxAsyncRequests?: number,182 maxInitialRequests?: number,183 maxSize?: number,184 minChunks?: number,185 minSize?: number,186 name?: boolean | Function | string,187 priority?: number,188 reuseExistingChunk?: boolean,189 test?: Function | string | RegExp,190 ...191 }, ... },192 chunks?: ('initial' | 'async' | 'all') | Function,193 fallbackCacheGroup?: {194 automaticNameDelimiter?: string,195 maxSize?: number,196 minSize?: number,197 ...198 },199 filename?: string,200 hidePathInfo?: boolean,201 maxAsyncRequests?: number,202 maxInitialRequests?: number,203 maxSize?: number,204 minChunks?: number,205 minSize?: number,206 name?: boolean | Function | string,207 ...208 };209 declare type OptimizationOptions = {210 checkWasmTypes?: boolean,211 chunkIds?: 'natural' | 'named' | 'size' | 'total-size' | false,212 concatenateModules?: boolean,213 flagIncludedChunks?: boolean,214 hashedModuleIds?: boolean,215 mangleWasmImports?: boolean,216 mergeDuplicateChunks?: boolean,217 minimize?: boolean,218 minimizer?: Array<WebpackPluginInstance | WebpackPluginFunction>,219 moduleIds?: 'natural' | 'named' | 'hashed' | 'size' | 'total-size' | false,220 namedChunks?: boolean,221 namedModules?: boolean,222 noEmitOnErrors?: boolean,223 nodeEnv?: false | string,224 occurrenceOrder?: boolean,225 portableRecords?: boolean,226 providedExports?: boolean,227 removeAvailableModules?: boolean,228 removeEmptyChunks?: boolean,229 runtimeChunk?:230 | boolean231 | ('single' | 'multiple')232 | { name?: string | Function, ... },233 sideEffects?: boolean,234 splitChunks?: false | OptimizationSplitChunksOptions,235 usedExports?: boolean,236 ...237 };238 declare type LibraryCustomUmdObject = {239 amd?: string,240 commonjs?: string,241 root?: string | ArrayOfStringValues,242 ...243 };244 declare type OutputOptions = {245 auxiliaryComment?:246 | string247 | {248 amd?: string,249 commonjs?: string,250 commonjs2?: string,251 root?: string,252 ...253 },254 chunkCallbackName?: string,255 chunkFilename?: string,256 chunkLoadTimeout?: number,257 crossOriginLoading?: false | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials',258 devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function,259 devtoolLineToLine?: boolean | { [k: string]: any, ... },260 devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function,261 devtoolNamespace?: string,262 filename?: string | Function,263 globalObject?: string,264 hashDigest?: string,265 hashDigestLength?: number,266 hashFunction?: string | Function,267 hashSalt?: string,268 hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string | Function,269 hotUpdateFunction?: string,270 hotUpdateMainFilename?: string | Function,271 jsonpFunction?: string,272 jsonpScriptType?: false | 'text/​javascript' | 'module',273 library?: string | Array<string> | LibraryCustomUmdObject,274 libraryExport?: string | ArrayOfStringValues,275 libraryTarget?:276 | 'var'277 | 'assign'278 | 'this'279 | 'window'280 | 'self'281 | 'global'282 | 'commonjs'283 | 'commonjs2'284 | 'commonjs-module'285 | 'amd'286 | 'amd-require'287 | 'umd'288 | 'umd2'289 | 'jsonp',290 path?: string,291 pathinfo?: boolean,292 publicPath?: string | Function,293 sourceMapFilename?: string,294 sourcePrefix?: string,295 strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean,296 umdNamedDefine?: boolean,297 webassemblyModuleFilename?: string,298 ...299 };300 declare type PerformanceOptions = {301 assetFilter?: Function,302 hints?: false | 'warning' | 'error',303 maxAssetSize?: number,304 maxEntrypointSize?: number,305 ...306 };307 declare type ArrayOfStringOrStringArrayValues = Array<string | Array<string>>;308 declare type ResolveOptions = {309 alias?:310 | { [k: string]: string, ... }311 | Array<{312 alias?: string,313 name?: string,314 onlyModule?: boolean,315 ...316 }>,317 aliasFields?: ArrayOfStringOrStringArrayValues,318 cachePredicate?: Function,319 cacheWithContext?: boolean,320 concord?: boolean,321 descriptionFiles?: ArrayOfStringValues,322 enforceExtension?: boolean,323 enforceModuleExtension?: boolean,324 extensions?: ArrayOfStringValues,325 fileSystem?: { [k: string]: any, ... },326 mainFields?: ArrayOfStringOrStringArrayValues,327 mainFiles?: ArrayOfStringValues,328 moduleExtensions?: ArrayOfStringValues,329 modules?: ArrayOfStringValues,330 plugins?: Array<WebpackPluginInstance | WebpackPluginFunction>,331 resolver?: { [k: string]: any, ... },332 symlinks?: boolean,333 unsafeCache?: boolean | { [k: string]: any, ... },334 useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean,335 ...336 };337 declare type FilterItemTypes = RegExp | string | Function;338 declare type FilterTypes = FilterItemTypes | Array<FilterItemTypes>;339 declare type StatsOptions =340 | boolean341 | ('none' | 'errors-only' | 'minimal' | 'normal' | 'detailed' | 'verbose')342 | {343 all?: boolean,344 assets?: boolean,345 assetsSort?: string,346 builtAt?: boolean,347 cached?: boolean,348 cachedAssets?: boolean,349 children?: boolean,350 chunkGroups?: boolean,351 chunkModules?: boolean,352 chunkOrigins?: boolean,353 chunks?: boolean,354 chunksSort?: string,355 colors?:356 | boolean357 | {358 bold?: string,359 cyan?: string,360 green?: string,361 magenta?: string,362 red?: string,363 yellow?: string,364 ...365 },366 context?: string,367 depth?: boolean,368 entrypoints?: boolean,369 env?: boolean,370 errorDetails?: boolean,371 errors?: boolean,372 exclude?: FilterTypes | boolean,373 excludeAssets?: FilterTypes,374 excludeModules?: FilterTypes | boolean,375 hash?: boolean,376 maxModules?: number,377 moduleAssets?: boolean,378 moduleTrace?: boolean,379 modules?: boolean,380 modulesSort?: string,381 nestedModules?: boolean,382 optimizationBailout?: boolean,383 outputPath?: boolean,384 performance?: boolean,385 providedExports?: boolean,386 publicPath?: boolean,387 reasons?: boolean,388 source?: boolean,389 timings?: boolean,390 usedExports?: boolean,391 version?: boolean,392 warnings?: boolean,393 warningsFilter?: FilterTypes,394 ...395 };396 declare type WatchOptions = {397 aggregateTimeout?: number,398 ignored?: { [k: string]: any, ... },399 poll?: boolean | number,400 stdin?: boolean,401 ...402 };403 declare type WebpackOptions = {404 amd?: { [k: string]: any, ... },405 bail?: boolean,406 cache?: boolean | { [k: string]: any, ... },407 context?: string,408 dependencies?: Array<string>,409 devServer?: {410 after?: (app: any, server: http.Server) => void,411 allowedHosts?: string[],412 before?: (app: any, server: http.Server) => void,413 bonjour?: boolean,414 clientLogLevel?: 'none' | 'info' | 'error' | 'warning',415 compress?: boolean,416 contentBase?: false | string | string[] | number,417 disableHostCheck?: boolean,418 filename?: string,419 headers?: { [key: string]: string, ... },420 historyApiFallback?:421 | boolean422 | {423 rewrites?: Array<{424 from: string,425 to: string,426 ...427 }>,428 disableDotRule?: boolean,429 ...430 },431 host?: string,432 hot?: boolean,433 hotOnly?: boolean,434 https?:435 | boolean436 | {437 key: string,438 cert: string,439 ca?: string,440 ...441 },442 index?: string,443 inline?: boolean,444 lazy?: boolean,445 noInfo?: boolean,446 open?: boolean | string,447 openPage?: string,448 overlay?:449 | boolean450 | {451 errors?: boolean,452 warnings?: boolean,453 ...454 },455 pfx?: string,456 pfxPassphrase?: string,457 port?: number,458 proxy?: Object | Array<Object | Function>,459 public?: string,460 publicPath?: string,461 quiet?: boolean,462 socket?: string,463 staticOptions?: {464 dotfiles?: string,465 etag?: boolean,466 extensions?: false | string[],467 fallthrough?: boolean,468 immutable?: boolean,469 index?: false | string,470 lastModified?: boolean,471 maxAge?: number,472 redirect?: boolean,473 setHeaders?: (474 res: http.OutgoingMessage,475 path: string,476 stat: fs.Stat477 ) => void,478 ...479 },480 stats?: StatsOptions,481 useLocalIp?: boolean,482 watchContentBase?: boolean,483 watchOptions?: WatchOptions,484 publicPath?: string,485 ...486 },487 devtool?:488 | '@cheap-eval-source-map'489 | '@cheap-module-eval-source-map'490 | '@cheap-module-source-map'491 | '@cheap-source-map'492 | '@eval-source-map'493 | '@eval'494 | '@hidden-source-map'495 | '@inline-source-map'496 | '@nosources-source-map'497 | '@source-map'498 | '#@cheap-eval-source-map'499 | '#@cheap-module-eval-source-map'500 | '#@cheap-module-source-map'501 | '#@cheap-source-map'502 | '#@eval-source-map'503 | '#@eval'504 | '#@hidden-source-map'505 | '#@inline-source-map'506 | '#@nosources-source-map'507 | '#@source-map'508 | '#cheap-eval-source-map'509 | '#cheap-module-eval-source-map'510 | '#cheap-module-source-map'511 | '#cheap-source-map'512 | '#eval-source-map'513 | '#eval'514 | '#hidden-source-map'515 | '#inline-source-map'516 | '#nosources-source-map'517 | '#source-map'518 | 'cheap-eval-source-map'519 | 'cheap-module-eval-source-map'520 | 'cheap-module-source-map'521 | 'cheap-source-map'522 | 'eval-source-map'523 | 'eval'524 | 'hidden-source-map'525 | 'inline-source-map'526 | 'nosources-source-map'527 | 'source-map'528 | false,529 entry?: Entry,530 externals?: Externals,531 loader?: { [k: string]: any, ... },532 mode?: 'development' | 'production' | 'none',533 module?: ModuleOptions,534 name?: string,535 node?: false | NodeOptions,536 optimization?: OptimizationOptions,537 output?: OutputOptions,538 parallelism?: number,539 performance?: false | PerformanceOptions,540 plugins?: Array<WebpackPluginInstance | WebpackPluginFunction>,541 profile?: boolean,542 recordsInputPath?: string,543 recordsOutputPath?: string,544 recordsPath?: string,545 resolve?: ResolveOptions,546 resolveLoader?: ResolveOptions,547 serve?: { [k: string]: any, ... },548 stats?: StatsOptions,549 target?:550 | 'web'551 | 'webworker'552 | 'node'553 | 'async-node'554 | 'node-webkit'555 | 'electron-main'556 | 'electron-renderer'557 | ((compiler: WebpackCompiler) => void),558 watch?: boolean,559 watchOptions?: WatchOptions,560 ...561 };562 declare class EnvironmentPlugin {563 constructor(env: { [string]: mixed, ... } | string[]): $ElementType<564 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,565 number566 >;567 }568 declare class DefinePlugin {569 constructor({ [string]: string, ... }): $ElementType<570 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,571 number572 >;573 }574 declare class IgnorePlugin {575 constructor(RegExp | {|576 resourceRegExp: RegExp,577 contextRegExp?: RegExp,578 |}, void | RegExp): $ElementType<579 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,580 number581 >;582 }583 declare class SourceMapDevToolPlugin {584 constructor({|585 test?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),586 include?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),587 exclude?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),588 filename?: ?string,589 append?: ?(string | false),590 moduleFilenameTemplate?: ?string,591 fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: ?string,592 namespace?: ?string,593 module?: ?boolean,594 columns?: ?boolean,595 lineToLine?: ?(boolean | {|596 test?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),597 include?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),598 exclude?: ?(string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>),599 |}),600 noSources?: ?boolean,601 publicPath?: ?string,602 fileContext?: ?string,603 |}): $ElementType<604 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,605 number606 >;607 }608 declare class HotModuleReplacementPlugin {609 constructor(): $ElementType<610 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,611 number612 >;613 }614 declare class ContextReplacementPlugin {615 constructor(616 resourceRegExp: RegExp,617 newContentRegExp?: RegExp618 ): $ElementType<619 $NonMaybeType<$PropertyType<ResolveOptions, 'plugins'>>,620 number621 >;622 }623 declare function builder(624 options: WebpackOptions,625 callback?: Callback626 ): WebpackCompiler;627 declare function builder(628 options: WebpackOptions[],629 callback?: Callback630 ): WebpackMultiCompiler;631 declare module.exports: typeof builder & {632 EnvironmentPlugin: typeof EnvironmentPlugin,633 DefinePlugin: typeof DefinePlugin,634 IgnorePlugin: typeof IgnorePlugin,635 SourceMapDevToolPlugin: typeof SourceMapDevToolPlugin,636 HotModuleReplacementPlugin: typeof HotModuleReplacementPlugin,637 ContextReplacementPlugin: typeof ContextReplacementPlugin,638 ...639 };...

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Source: 15.6.2.js Github


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1/​* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public2 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file3 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of4 * the License at http:/​/​​NPL/​5 *6 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS7 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or8 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing9 * rights and limitations under the License.10 *11 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March12 * 31, 1998.13 *14 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications15 * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are16 * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All17 * Rights Reserved.18 *19 * Contributor(s): 20 * 21 */​22/​**23 File Name: 15.6.2.js24 ECMA Section: 15.6.2 The Boolean Constructor25 new Boolean( value )26 new Boolean()27 This test verifies that the Boolean constructor28 initializes a new object (typeof should return29 "object"). The prototype of the new object should30 be Boolean.prototype. The value of the object31 should be ToBoolean( value ) (a boolean value).32 Description:33 Author: christine@netscape.com34 Date: june 27, 199735*/​36 var SECTION = "15.6.2";37 var VERSION = "ECMA_1";38 startTest();39 var TITLE = "15.6.2 The Boolean Constructor; new Boolean( value ); new Boolean()";40 writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);41 var testcases = getTestCases();42 test();43function getTestCases() {44 var array = new Array();45 var item = 0;46 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof (new Boolean(1))", "object", typeof (new Boolean(1)) );47 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(1)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(1)).constructor );48 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,49 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(1);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",50 "[object Boolean]",51 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(1);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );52 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(1)).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean(1)).valueOf() );53 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(1)", "object", typeof new Boolean(1) );54 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(0)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(0)).constructor );55 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,56 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(0);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",57 "[object Boolean]",58 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(0);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );59 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(0)).valueOf()", false, (new Boolean(0)).valueOf() );60 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(0)", "object", typeof new Boolean(0) );61 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(-1)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(-1)).constructor );62 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,63 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(-1);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",64 "[object Boolean]",65 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(-1);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );66 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(-1)).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean(-1)).valueOf() );67 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(-1)", "object", typeof new Boolean(-1) );68 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('1')).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean('1')).constructor );69 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,70 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean('1');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",71 "[object Boolean]",72 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean('1');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );73 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('1')).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean('1')).valueOf() );74 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean('1')", "object", typeof new Boolean('1') );75 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('0')).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean('0')).constructor );76 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,77 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean('0');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",78 "[object Boolean]",79 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean('0');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );80 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('0')).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean('0')).valueOf() );81 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean('0')", "object", typeof new Boolean('0') );82 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('-1')).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean('-1')).constructor );83 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,84 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean('-1');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",85 "[object Boolean]",86 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean('-1');TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );87 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean('-1')).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean('-1')).valueOf() );88 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean('-1')", "object", typeof new Boolean('-1') );89 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(new Boolean(true))).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(new Boolean(true))).constructor );90 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,91 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(new Boolean(true));TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",92 "[object Boolean]",93 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(new Boolean(true));TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );94 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(new Boolean(true))).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean(new Boolean(true))).valueOf() );95 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(new Boolean(true))", "object", typeof new Boolean(new Boolean(true)) );96 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.NaN)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(Number.NaN)).constructor );97 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,98 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.NaN);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",99 "[object Boolean]",100 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.NaN);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );101 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.NaN)).valueOf()", false, (new Boolean(Number.NaN)).valueOf() );102 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(Number.NaN)", "object", typeof new Boolean(Number.NaN) );103 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(null)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(null)).constructor );104 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,105 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(null);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",106 "[object Boolean]",107 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(null);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );108 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(null)).valueOf()", false, (new Boolean(null)).valueOf() );109 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(null)", "object", typeof new Boolean(null) );110 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(void 0)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(void 0)).constructor );111 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,112 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(void 0);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",113 "[object Boolean]",114 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(void 0);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );115 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(void 0)).valueOf()", false, (new Boolean(void 0)).valueOf() );116 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(void 0)", "object", typeof new Boolean(void 0) );117 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).constructor );118 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,119 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",120 "[object Boolean]",121 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );122 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)).valueOf() );123 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)", "object", typeof new Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) );124 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).constructor );125 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,126 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",127 "[object Boolean]",128 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );129 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).valueOf()", true, (new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).valueOf() );130 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "typeof new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)", "object", typeof new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) );131 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "(new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).constructor", Boolean.prototype.constructor, (new Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)).constructor );132 array[item++] = new TestCase( "",133 "TESTBOOL=new Boolean();TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()",134 "[object Boolean]",135 eval("TESTBOOL=new Boolean();TESTBOOL.toString=Object.prototype.toString;TESTBOOL.toString()") );136 array[item++] = new TestCase( "", "(new Boolean()).valueOf()", false, (new Boolean()).valueOf() );137 array[item++] = new TestCase( "", "typeof new Boolean()", "object", typeof new Boolean() );138 return ( array );139}140function test() {141 for ( tc = 0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {142 testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(143 testcases[tc].expect,144 testcases[tc].actual,145 testcases[tc].description +" = "+ testcases[tc].actual );146 testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";147 }148 stopTest();149 return ( testcases );...

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Source: toBoolean.js Github


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1/​/​ приведения различных данных к boolean2/​/​ ==========================3/​/​ === число к булю ===4let value = "billi billi";5console.log(value);6console.log(typeof value);7/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean8let toBoolean = Boolean(value);9console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);10console.log(11 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,12 typeof toBoolean13);14/​/​ 2 способ !!15toBoolean = !!value;16console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);17console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);18/​/​ ==========================19/​/​ === строчное число к булю ===20value = "1234";21console.log(value);22console.log(typeof value);23/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean24toBoolean = Boolean(value);25console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);26console.log(27 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,28 typeof toBoolean29);30/​/​ 2 способ !!31toBoolean = !!value;32console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);33console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);34/​/​ ==========================35/​/​ === пустая строка к булю ===36value = "";37console.log(value);38console.log(typeof value);39/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean40toBoolean = Boolean(value);41console.log(`пустая строка ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);42console.log(43 `тип данных пустой строки ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,44 typeof toBoolean45);46/​/​ 2 способ !!47toBoolean = !!value;48console.log(`пустая стррока ${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);49console.log(`тип данных пустой строки ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);50/​/​ ==========================51/​/​ === пустая строка с пробелом к булю ===52value = " ";53console.log(value);54console.log(typeof value);55/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean56toBoolean = Boolean(value);57console.log(`пустая строка с пробелом ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);58console.log(59 `тип данных пустой строки с пробелом ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,60 typeof toBoolean61);62/​/​ 2 способ !!63toBoolean = !!value;64console.log(`пустая стррока с пробелом ${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);65console.log(`тип данных пустой строки с пробелом ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);66/​/​ ==========================67/​/​ === число к булю ===68value = 0;69console.log(value);70console.log(typeof value);71/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean72toBoolean = Boolean(value);73console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);74console.log(75 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,76 typeof toBoolean77);78/​/​ 2 способ !!79toBoolean = !!value;80console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);81console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);82/​/​ ==========================83/​/​ === число к булю ===84value = 1;85console.log(value);86console.log(typeof value);87/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean88toBoolean = Boolean(value);89console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);90console.log(91 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,92 typeof toBoolean93);94/​/​ 2 способ !!95toBoolean = !!value;96console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);97console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);98/​/​ ==========================99/​/​ === undefined к булю ===100value = undefined;101console.log(value);102console.log(typeof value);103/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean104toBoolean = Boolean(value);105console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);106console.log(107 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,108 typeof toBoolean109);110/​/​ 2 способ !!111toBoolean = !!value;112console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);113console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);114/​/​ ==========================115/​/​ === null к булю ===116value = null;117console.log(value);118console.log(typeof value);119/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean120toBoolean = Boolean(value);121console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);122console.log(123 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,124 typeof toBoolean125);126/​/​ 2 способ !!127toBoolean = !!value;128console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);129console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);130/​/​ ==========================131/​/​ === NaN к булю ===132value = NaN;133console.log(value);134console.log(typeof value);135/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean136toBoolean = Boolean(value);137console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);138console.log(139 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,140 typeof toBoolean141);142/​/​ 2 способ !!143toBoolean = !!value;144console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);145console.log(`тип данных ${value}, через !! : `, typeof toBoolean);146/​/​ ==========================147/​/​ === Infinity к булю ===148value = Infinity;149console.log(value);150console.log(typeof value);151/​/​ 1 способ конструктор Boolean152toBoolean = Boolean(value);153console.log(`${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `, toBoolean);154console.log(155 `тип данных ${value}, через конструктор Boolean(): `,156 typeof toBoolean157);158/​/​ 2 способ !!159toBoolean = !!value;160console.log(`${value}, через !! : `, toBoolean);...

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Source: Github


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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2"""3Copyright (c) 2006-2021 sqlmap developers (https:/​/​​)4See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission5"""6optDict = {7 # Family: {"parameter name": "parameter datatype"},8 # --OR--9 # Family: {"parameter name": ("parameter datatype", "category name used for common outputs feature")},10 "Target": {11 "direct": "string",12 "url": "string",13 "logFile": "string",14 "bulkFile": "string",15 "requestFile": "string",16 "sessionFile": "string",17 "googleDork": "string",18 "configFile": "string",19 },20 "Request": {21 "method": "string",22 "data": "string",23 "paramDel": "string",24 "cookie": "string",25 "cookieDel": "string",26 "liveCookies": "string",27 "loadCookies": "string",28 "dropSetCookie": "boolean",29 "agent": "string",30 "mobile": "boolean",31 "randomAgent": "boolean",32 "host": "string",33 "referer": "string",34 "headers": "string",35 "authType": "string",36 "authCred": "string",37 "authFile": "string",38 "ignoreCode": "string",39 "ignoreProxy": "boolean",40 "ignoreRedirects": "boolean",41 "ignoreTimeouts": "boolean",42 "proxy": "string",43 "proxyCred": "string",44 "proxyFile": "string",45 "proxyFreq": "integer",46 "tor": "boolean",47 "torPort": "integer",48 "torType": "string",49 "checkTor": "boolean",50 "delay": "float",51 "timeout": "float",52 "retries": "integer",53 "rParam": "string",54 "safeUrl": "string",55 "safePost": "string",56 "safeReqFile": "string",57 "safeFreq": "integer",58 "skipUrlEncode": "boolean",59 "csrfToken": "string",60 "csrfUrl": "string",61 "csrfMethod": "string",62 "csrfRetries": "integer",63 "forceSSL": "boolean",64 "chunked": "boolean",65 "hpp": "boolean",66 "evalCode": "string",67 },68 "Optimization": {69 "optimize": "boolean",70 "predictOutput": "boolean",71 "keepAlive": "boolean",72 "nullConnection": "boolean",73 "threads": "integer",74 },75 "Injection": {76 "testParameter": "string",77 "skip": "string",78 "skipStatic": "boolean",79 "paramExclude": "string",80 "paramFilter": "string",81 "dbms": "string",82 "dbmsCred": "string",83 "os": "string",84 "invalidBignum": "boolean",85 "invalidLogical": "boolean",86 "invalidString": "boolean",87 "noCast": "boolean",88 "noEscape": "boolean",89 "prefix": "string",90 "suffix": "string",91 "tamper": "string",92 },93 "Detection": {94 "level": "integer",95 "risk": "integer",96 "string": "string",97 "notString": "string",98 "regexp": "string",99 "code": "integer",100 "smart": "boolean",101 "textOnly": "boolean",102 "titles": "boolean",103 },104 "Techniques": {105 "technique": "string",106 "timeSec": "integer",107 "uCols": "string",108 "uChar": "string",109 "uFrom": "string",110 "dnsDomain": "string",111 "secondUrl": "string",112 "secondReq": "string",113 },114 "Fingerprint": {115 "extensiveFp": "boolean",116 },117 "Enumeration": {118 "getAll": "boolean",119 "getBanner": ("boolean", "Banners"),120 "getCurrentUser": ("boolean", "Users"),121 "getCurrentDb": ("boolean", "Databases"),122 "getHostname": "boolean",123 "isDba": "boolean",124 "getUsers": ("boolean", "Users"),125 "getPasswordHashes": ("boolean", "Passwords"),126 "getPrivileges": ("boolean", "Privileges"),127 "getRoles": ("boolean", "Roles"),128 "getDbs": ("boolean", "Databases"),129 "getTables": ("boolean", "Tables"),130 "getColumns": ("boolean", "Columns"),131 "getSchema": "boolean",132 "getCount": "boolean",133 "dumpTable": "boolean",134 "dumpAll": "boolean",135 "search": "boolean",136 "getComments": "boolean",137 "getStatements": "boolean",138 "db": "string",139 "tbl": "string",140 "col": "string",141 "exclude": "string",142 "pivotColumn": "string",143 "dumpWhere": "string",144 "user": "string",145 "excludeSysDbs": "boolean",146 "limitStart": "integer",147 "limitStop": "integer",148 "firstChar": "integer",149 "lastChar": "integer",150 "sqlQuery": "string",151 "sqlShell": "boolean",152 "sqlFile": "string",153 },154 "Brute": {155 "commonTables": "boolean",156 "commonColumns": "boolean",157 "commonFiles": "boolean",158 },159 "User-defined function": {160 "udfInject": "boolean",161 "shLib": "string",162 },163 "File system": {164 "fileRead": "string",165 "fileWrite": "string",166 "fileDest": "string",167 },168 "Takeover": {169 "osCmd": "string",170 "osShell": "boolean",171 "osPwn": "boolean",172 "osSmb": "boolean",173 "osBof": "boolean",174 "privEsc": "boolean",175 "msfPath": "string",176 "tmpPath": "string",177 },178 "Windows": {179 "regRead": "boolean",180 "regAdd": "boolean",181 "regDel": "boolean",182 "regKey": "string",183 "regVal": "string",184 "regData": "string",185 "regType": "string",186 },187 "General": {188 "trafficFile": "string",189 "answers": "string",190 "batch": "boolean",191 "base64Parameter": "string",192 "base64Safe": "boolean",193 "binaryFields": "string",194 "charset": "string",195 "checkInternet": "boolean",196 "cleanup": "boolean",197 "crawlDepth": "integer",198 "crawlExclude": "string",199 "csvDel": "string",200 "dumpFormat": "string",201 "encoding": "string",202 "eta": "boolean",203 "flushSession": "boolean",204 "forms": "boolean",205 "freshQueries": "boolean",206 "googlePage": "integer",207 "harFile": "string",208 "hexConvert": "boolean",209 "outputDir": "string",210 "parseErrors": "boolean",211 "postprocess": "string",212 "preprocess": "string",213 "repair": "boolean",214 "saveConfig": "string",215 "scope": "string",216 "skipHeuristics": "boolean",217 "skipWaf": "boolean",218 "testFilter": "string",219 "testSkip": "string",220 "webRoot": "string",221 },222 "Miscellaneous": {223 "alert": "string",224 "beep": "boolean",225 "dependencies": "boolean",226 "disableColoring": "boolean",227 "listTampers": "boolean",228 "offline": "boolean",229 "purge": "boolean",230 "resultsFile": "string",231 "tmpDir": "string",232 "unstable": "boolean",233 "updateAll": "boolean",234 "wizard": "boolean",235 "verbose": "integer",236 },237 "Hidden": {238 "dummy": "boolean",239 "disablePrecon": "boolean",240 "profile": "boolean",241 "forceDns": "boolean",242 "murphyRate": "integer",243 "smokeTest": "boolean",244 },245 "API": {246 "api": "boolean",247 "taskid": "string",248 "database": "string",249 }...

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Source: 9.2.js Github


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1/​* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public2 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file3 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of4 * the License at http:/​/​​NPL/​5 *6 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS7 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or8 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing9 * rights and limitations under the License.10 *11 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March12 * 31, 1998.13 *14 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications15 * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are16 * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All17 * Rights Reserved.18 *19 * Contributor(s): 20 * 21 */​22/​**23 File Name: 9.2.js24 ECMA Section: 9.2 Type Conversion: ToBoolean25 Description: rules for converting an argument to a boolean.26 undefined false27 Null false28 Boolean input argument( no conversion )29 Number returns false for 0, -0, and NaN30 otherwise return true31 String return false if the string is empty32 (length is 0) otherwise the result is33 true34 Object all return true35 Author: christine@netscape.com36 Date: 14 july 199737*/​38 var SECTION = "9.2";39 var VERSION = "ECMA_1";40 startTest();41 var TITLE = "ToBoolean";42 writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);43 var testcases = new Array();44 /​/​ special cases here45 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean()", false, Boolean() );46 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(var x)", false, Boolean(eval("var x")) );47 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(void 0)", false, Boolean(void 0) );48 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(null)", false, Boolean(null) );49 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(false)", false, Boolean(false) );50 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(true)", true, Boolean(true) );51 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(0)", false, Boolean(0) );52 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(-0)", false, Boolean(-0) );53 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(NaN)", false, Boolean(Number.NaN) );54 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean('')", false, Boolean("") );55 /​/​ normal test cases here56 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(Infinity)", true, Boolean(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) );57 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(-Infinity)", true, Boolean(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) );58 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(Math.PI)", true, Boolean(Math.PI) );59 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(1)", true, Boolean(1) );60 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(-1)", true, Boolean(-1) );61 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean([tab])", true, Boolean("\t") );62 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean('0')", true, Boolean("0") );63 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean('string')", true, Boolean("string") );64 /​/​ ToBoolean (object) should always return true.65 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new String() )", true, Boolean(new String()) );66 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new String('') )", true, Boolean(new String("")) );67 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Boolean(true))", true, Boolean(new Boolean(true)) );68 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Boolean(false))", true, Boolean(new Boolean(false)) );69 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Boolean() )", true, Boolean(new Boolean()) );70 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Array())", true, Boolean(new Array()) );71 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number())", true, Boolean(new Number()) );72 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(-0))", true, Boolean(new Number(-0)) );73 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(0))", true, Boolean(new Number(0)) );74 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(NaN))", true, Boolean(new Number(Number.NaN)) );75 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(-1))", true, Boolean(new Number(-1)) );76 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(Infinity))", true, Boolean(new Number(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) );77 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Number(-Infinity))",true, Boolean(new Number(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) );78 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Object())", true, Boolean(new Object()) );79 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Function())", true, Boolean(new Function()) );80 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Date())", true, Boolean(new Date()) );81 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(new Date(0))", true, Boolean(new Date(0)) );82 testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "Boolean(Math)", true, Boolean(Math) );83 test();84function test() {85 for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {86 testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(87 testcases[tc].expect,88 testcases[tc].actual,89 testcases[tc].description +" = "+90 testcases[tc].actual );91 testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";92 }93 stopTest();94 return ( testcases );...

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Source: Boolean.js Github


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1Clazz.load (["java.lang.Comparable", ""], "java.lang.Boolean", null, function () {2java.lang.Boolean = Boolean;3if (Clazz.supportsNativeObject) {4 for (var i = 0; i < Clazz.extendedObjectMethods.length; i++) {5 var p = Clazz.extendedObjectMethods[i];6 Boolean.prototype[p] = Clazz._O.prototype[p];7 }8}9Boolean.__CLASS_NAME__ = "Boolean";10Clazz.implementOf (Boolean, [, java.lang.Comparable]);11Boolean.equals = Clazz.innerFunctions.equals;12Boolean.getName = Clazz.innerFunctions.getName;13Boolean.serialVersionUID = Boolean.prototype.serialVersionUID = -3665804199014368530;14Clazz.makeConstructor (Boolean, 15function (value) {16this.valueOf = function () {17 return value;18};19}, "~B");20Clazz.makeConstructor (Boolean, 21function (s) {22this.valueOf = function () {23 return Boolean.toBoolean (s);24};25}, "~S");26Boolean.parseBoolean = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "parseBoolean", 27function (s) {28return Boolean.toBoolean (s);29}, "~S");30Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "booleanValue", 31function () {32return this.value;33});34Boolean.$valueOf = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "$valueOf", 35function (b) {36return (b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);37}, "~B");38Boolean.$valueOf = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "$valueOf", 39function (s) {40return Boolean.toBoolean (s) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;41}, "~S");42Boolean.toString = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "toString", 43function (b) {44return b ? "true" : "false";45}, "~B");46Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "toString", 47function () {48return this.valueOf () ? "true" : "false";49});50Clazz.overrideMethod(Boolean, "hashCode", 51function () {52return this.valueOf () ? 1231 : 1237;53});54Clazz.overrideMethod(Boolean, "equals", 55function (obj) {56if (Clazz.instanceOf (obj, Boolean)) {57return this.value == (obj).booleanValue ();58}return false;59}, "~O");60Boolean.getBoolean = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "getBoolean", 61function (name) {62var result = false;63try {64result = Boolean.toBoolean (System.getProperty (name));65} catch (e) {66if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, IllegalArgumentException)) {67} else if (Clazz.instanceOf (e, NullPointerException)) {68} else {69throw e;70}71}72return result;73}, "~S");74Clazz.overrideMethod(Boolean, "compareTo", 75function (b) {76return (b.value == this.value ? 0 : (this.value ? 1 : -1));77}, "Boolean");78Boolean.toBoolean = Clazz.defineMethod (Boolean, "toBoolean", 79 function (name) {80return ((name != null) && name.equalsIgnoreCase ("true"));81}, "~S");82Boolean.TRUE = Boolean.prototype.TRUE = new Boolean (true);83Boolean.FALSE = Boolean.prototype.FALSE = new Boolean (false);84Boolean.TYPE = Boolean.prototype.TYPE = Boolean;...

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Source: Github


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1Set DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= 2BEGIN3IMPORTS Seq1 FROM SeqSetLib;4Set ::= SET 5{6 bool BOOLEAN,7 boolCon [20] BOOLEAN,8 boolPri [PRIVATE 21] BOOLEAN,9 boolApp [APPLICATION 22] BOOLEAN,10 boolExpCon [30] EXPLICIT BOOLEAN,11 boolExpPri [PRIVATE 31] EXPLICIT BOOLEAN,12 boolExpApp [APPLICATION 32] EXPLICIT BOOLEAN13}14Set1 ::= SET 15{16 bool1 BOOLEAN,17 int1 INTEGER,18 set1 SetIn19}20Set2 ::= SET 21{22 set2 SetIn,23 bool2 BOOLEAN,24 int2 INTEGER25}26Set3 ::= SET 27{28 bool3 BOOLEAN,29 set3 SetIn,30 int3 INTEGER31}32SetDef1 ::= SET 33{34 bool1 BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,35 int1 INTEGER,36 set1 SetIn DEFAULT {}37}38SetDef2 ::= SET 39{40 set2 SetIn DEFAULT {},41 bool2 BOOLEAN,42 int2 INTEGER43}44SetDef3 ::= SET 45{46 bool3 BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,47 set3 SetIn DEFAULT {},48 int3 INTEGER DEFAULT 1749}50SetOpt1 ::= SET 51{52 bool1 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,53 int1 INTEGER,54 set1 SetIn OPTIONAL55}56SetOpt2 ::= SET 57{58 set2 SetIn OPTIONAL,59 bool2 BOOLEAN,60 int2 INTEGER61}62SetOpt3 ::= SET 63{64 bool3 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,65 set3 SetIn OPTIONAL,66 int3 INTEGER OPTIONAL67}68SetIn ::= SET 69{70 boolIn BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,71 intIn INTEGER OPTIONAL72}73SetS1 ::= SET 74{75 boolS1 BOOLEAN,76 intS1 INTEGER,77 setS1 SET { boolIn BOOLEAN,78 intIn INTEGER }79}80SetS2 ::= SET 81{82 setS2 SET { boolIn BOOLEAN,83 intIn INTEGER },84 boolS2 BOOLEAN,85 intS2 INTEGER86}87SetS3 ::= SET 88{89 boolS3 BOOLEAN,90 setS3 SET { boolIn BOOLEAN,91 intIn INTEGER },92 intS3 INTEGER93}94SetImp1 ::= SET 95{96 seq Seq1,97 bool BOOLEAN,98 int INTEGER99}100SetImp2 ::= SET 101{102 bool BOOLEAN,103 seq Seq1,104 int INTEGER105}106SetImp3 ::= SET 107{108 bool BOOLEAN,109 int INTEGER,110 seq Seq1111}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';2export const test1 = boolean();3import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';4export const test2 = boolean();5import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';6export const test3 = boolean();7import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';8export const test4 = boolean();9import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';10export const test5 = boolean();11import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';12export const test6 = boolean();13import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';14export const test7 = boolean();15import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';16export const test8 = boolean();17import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';18export const test9 = boolean();19import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';20export const test10 = boolean();21import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';22export const test11 = boolean();23import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';24export const test12 = boolean();25import { boolean } from 'ts-auto-mock/​boolean';26export const test13 = boolean();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import { Test1 } from './​test1';3describe('Test1', () => {4 it('should create an instance', () => {5 expect(createMock<Test1>()).toBeTruthy();6 });7});8import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';9import { Test2 } from './​test2';10describe('Test2', () => {11 it('should create an instance', () => {12 expect(createMock<Test2>()).toBeTruthy();13 });14});15import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';16import { Test3 } from './​test3';17describe('Test3', () => {18 it('should create an instance', () => {19 expect(createMock<Test3>()).toBeTruthy();20 });21});22import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';23import { Test4 } from './​test4';24describe('Test4', () => {25 it('should create an instance', () => {26 expect(createMock<Test4>()).toBeTruthy();27 });28});29import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';30import { Test5 } from './​test5';31describe('Test5', () => {32 it('should create an instance', () => {33 expect(createMock<Test5>()).toBeTruthy();34 });35});36import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';37import { Test6 } from './​test6';38describe('Test6', () => {39 it('should create an instance', () => {40 expect(createMock<Test6>()).toBeTruthy();41 });42});43import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';44import { Test7 } from './​test7';45describe('Test7', () => {46 it('should create an instance', () => {47 expect(createMock<Test7>()).toBeTruthy();48 });49});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2interface Test1 {3 test1: boolean;4}5interface Test2 {6 test2: boolean;7}8interface Test3 {9 test3: boolean;10}11interface Test4 {12 test4: boolean;13}14interface Test5 {15 test5: boolean;16}17interface Test6 {18 test6: boolean;19}20const test1 = createMock<Test1>();21const test2 = createMock<Test2>();22const test3 = createMock<Test3>();23const test4 = createMock<Test4>();24const test5 = createMock<Test5>();25const test6 = createMock<Test6>();26import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';27interface Test1 {28 test1: boolean;29}30interface Test2 {31 test2: boolean;32}33interface Test3 {34 test3: boolean;35}36interface Test4 {37 test4: boolean;38}39interface Test5 {40 test5: boolean;41}42interface Test6 {43 test6: boolean;44}45const test1 = createMock<Test1>();46const test2 = createMock<Test2>();47const test3 = createMock<Test3>();48const test4 = createMock<Test4>();49const test5 = createMock<Test5>();50const test6 = createMock<Test6>();51import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';52interface Test1 {53 test1: boolean;54}55interface Test2 {56 test2: boolean;57}58interface Test3 {59 test3: boolean;60}61interface Test4 {62 test4: boolean;63}64interface Test5 {65 test5: boolean;66}67interface Test6 {68 test6: boolean;69}70const test1 = createMock<Test1>();71const test2 = createMock<Test2>();72const test3 = createMock<Test3>();73const test4 = createMock<Test4>();74const test5 = createMock<Test5>();75const test6 = createMock<Test6>();76import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';77interface Test1 {78 test1: boolean;79}80interface Test2 {81 test2: boolean;82}83interface Test3 {84 test3: boolean;85}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2interface TestInterface {3 testBoolean: boolean;4}5const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();6console.log(testInterface.testBoolean);7import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';8interface TestInterface {9 testString: string;10}11const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();12console.log(testInterface.testString);13import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';14interface TestInterface {15 testNumber: number;16}17const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();18console.log(testInterface.testNumber);19import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';20interface TestInterface {21 testObject: object;22}23const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();24console.log(testInterface.testObject);25import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';26interface TestInterface {27 testArray: Array<any>;28}29const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();30console.log(testInterface.testArray);31import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';32interface TestInterface {33 testFunction: Function;34}35const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();36console.log(testInterface.testFunction);37import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';38interface TestInterface {39 testSymbol: symbol;40}41const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();42console.log(testInterface.testSymbol);43import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';44interface TestInterface {45 testUndefined: undefined;46}47const testInterface: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();48console.log(testInterface.testUndefined);49import { createMock } from 'ts-auto

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2interface TestInterface {3 myBoolean: boolean;4}5const mock: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>();6import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';7interface TestInterface {8 myBoolean: boolean;9}10const mock: TestInterface = createMock<TestInterface>({11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();3console.log(mock);4import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';5const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();6console.log(mock);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';2const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();3import { createMock } from 'ts-auto-mock';4const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();5I know I can use the boolean method to get around this, but I'd rather not. Is there a way to get around this? Or is there a way to not have to import ts-auto-mock twice?6jest.mock('ts-auto-mock', () => ({7 createMock: jest.fn(() => ({})),8}));9const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();10jest.mock('ts-auto-mock', () => ({11 createMock: jest.fn(() => ({})),12}));13const mock = createMock<SomeInterface>();14I know I can use the boolean method to get around this, but I'd rather not. Is there a way to get around this? Or is there a way to not have to import ts-auto-mock twice?15const a = {16 b: {17 },18};19const b = {20 b: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { createMock } = require('ts-auto-mock');2const mock = createMock<Interface1>();3console.log(mock);4const { mock } = require('ts-mock-imports');5const mock = mock<Interface1>();6console.log(mock);7const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');8const mock = mock<Interface1>();9console.log(mock);10const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');11const mock = mock<Interface1>();12console.log(mock);13const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');14const mock = mock<Interface1>();15console.log(mock);16const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');17const mock = mock<Interface1>();18console.log(mock);19const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');20const mock = mock<Interface1>();21console.log(mock);22const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');23const mock = mock<Interface1>();24console.log(mock);25const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');26const mock = mock<Interface1>();27console.log(mock);28const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');29const mock = mock<Interface1>();30console.log(mock);31const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');32const mock = mock<Interface1>();33console.log(mock);34const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');35const mock = mock<Interface1>();36console.log(mock);37const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');38const mock = mock<Interface1>();39console.log(mock);40const { mock } = require('ts-mockito');41const mock = mock<Interface1>();42console.log(mock);

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