Best JavaScript code snippet using tracetest
Source: CirroTable.js
1import {2 Checkbox,3 ListItemText,4 Select,5 Table,6 TableBody,7 TableCell,8 TableContainer,9 TableHead,10 TablePagination,11 TableRow,12 TableSortLabel,13} from '@mui/material';14import Box from '@mui/material/Box';15import {visuallyHidden} from '@mui/utils';16import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';17import {intFormat} from './formatters';18import React, {useState} from 'react';19import {NATSORT} from './util';20import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';21import InputAdornment from '@mui/material/InputAdornment';22import ClearIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Clear';23import FormControl from '@mui/material/FormControl';24import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem';25import {findIndex} from 'lodash';26export default function CirroTable(props) {27 const {28 isSelected,29 onItemClick,30 rows,31 columns,32 rowId,33 renderCell,34 onSearchText,35 searchText,36 } = props;37 const [rowsPerPage, setRowsPerPage] = useState(30);38 const [page, setPage] = useState(0);39 const [order, setOrder] = useState('asc');40 const [orderBy, setOrderBy] = useState(null);41 let filteredRows = rows;42 let searchTextLower = searchText.toLowerCase().trim();43 const allColumns = columns;44 const visibleColumns = allColumns.filter(45 (column) => column.visible !== false46 );47 const [forceUpdate, setForceUpdate] = useState(false);48 if (searchTextLower != '') {49 let searchColumns = visibleColumns;50 const sepIndex = searchTextLower.indexOf(':'); // field search51 if (sepIndex !== -1) {52 let field = searchTextLower.substring(0, sepIndex);53 for (let i = 0; i < allColumns.length; i++) {54 if (field == allColumns[i].label.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_')) {55 searchColumns = [allColumns[i]];56 searchTextLower = searchTextLower.substring(sepIndex + 1).trim();57 break;58 }59 }60 }61 if (searchTextLower != '') {62 // need to check again as searchTextLower might have been updated63 const ncolumns = searchColumns.length;64 const matches = (value) =>65 value != null &&66 ('' + value).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTextLower) !== -1;67 filteredRows = filteredRows.filter((choice) => {68 for (let i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++) {69 const value = choice[searchColumns[i].field];70 if (matches(value)) {71 return true;72 }73 }74 return false;75 });76 }77 }78 if (orderBy != null) {79 filteredRows.sort((item1, item2) => {80 return NATSORT(item1[orderBy], item2[orderBy]);81 });82 if (order == 'desc') {83 filteredRows.reverse();84 }85 }86 const handleRequestSort = (event, property) => {87 const isAsc = orderBy === property && order === 'asc';88 setOrder(isAsc ? 'desc' : 'asc');89 setOrderBy(property);90 };91 const handleChangePage = (event, newPage) => {92 setPage(newPage);93 };94 function handleItemClick(item) {95 onItemClick(item);96 }97 function handleColumnsChange(event) {98 const value =;99 columns.forEach((column) => {100 column.visible = value.indexOf(column.field) !== -1;101 });102 setForceUpdate(!forceUpdate); // TODO redux style103 }104 function handleClearSearchText() {105 setPage(0);106 onSearchText('');107 }108 function onSearchChange(event) {109 setPage(0);110 onSearchText(;111 }112 return (113 <div>114 <TextField115 size="small"116 style={{paddingTop: 6}}117 type="text"118 placeholder={'Search'}119 value={searchText}120 sx={{width: '80%', maxWidth: 800}}121 onChange={onSearchChange}122 helperText={123 'Search a specific field by typing the field name followed by a colon ":" and then the term you are looking for'124 }125 InputProps={126 searchText.trim() !== ''127 ? {128 endAdornment: (129 <InputAdornment position="end">130 <IconButton131 aria-label="clear"132 onClick={handleClearSearchText}133 size="large"134 >135 <ClearIcon />136 </IconButton>137 </InputAdornment>138 ),139 }140 : null141 }142 />143 <FormControl sx={{m: 1}}>144 <Select145 size={'small'}146 variant={'standard'}147 labelId="selector-columns-label"148 id="selector-columns"149 multiple150 value={ => item.field)}151 onChange={handleColumnsChange}152 renderValue={(selected) => 'Column Visibility'}153 >154 { => (155 <MenuItem key={item.field} value={item.field}>156 <Checkbox157 checked={158 findIndex(visibleColumns, (c) => c.field === item.field) !==159 -1160 }161 />162 <ListItemText primary={item.label} />163 </MenuItem>164 ))}165 </Select>166 </FormControl>167 <TableContainer>168 <Table stickyHeader size={'small'} padding={'normal'}>169 <TableHead>170 <TableRow>171 { => (172 <TableCell173 key={column.field}174 align={column.numeric ? 'right' : 'left'}175 padding={column.disablePadding ? 'none' : 'normal'}176 sortDirection={orderBy === column.field ? order : false}177 >178 <TableSortLabel179 active={orderBy === column.field}180 direction={orderBy === column.field ? order : 'asc'}181 onClick={(event) => handleRequestSort(event, column.field)}182 >183 {column.label}184 {orderBy === column.field ? (185 <Box component="span" sx={visuallyHidden}>186 {order === 'desc'187 ? 'sorted descending'188 : 'sorted ascending'}189 </Box>190 ) : null}191 </TableSortLabel>192 </TableCell>193 ))}194 </TableRow>195 </TableHead>196 <TableBody>197 {filteredRows198 .slice(page * rowsPerPage, page * rowsPerPage + rowsPerPage)199 .map((row, rowIndex) => {200 return (201 <TableRow202 selected={isSelected(row, rowIndex)}203 hover204 role="checkbox"205 tabIndex={-1}206 key={rowId(row, rowIndex)}207 onClick={(e) => handleItemClick(row)}208 >209 {, columnIndex) => {210 return (211 <TableCell key={column.field} align={column.align}>212 {renderCell(row, column, columnIndex)}213 </TableCell>214 );215 })}216 </TableRow>217 );218 })}219 </TableBody>220 </Table>221 </TableContainer>222 <TablePagination223 labelDisplayedRows={({from, to, count}) => {224 from = intFormat(from);225 to = intFormat(to);226 count = intFormat(count);227 return (228 from +229 '-' +230 to +231 ' of ' +232 count +233 (rows.length !== filteredRows.length234 ? ' (filtered from ' + intFormat(rows.length) + ' total)'235 : '')236 );237 }}238 rowsPerPageOptions={[50]}239 component="div"240 count={filteredRows.length}241 rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}242 page={page}243 onPageChange={handleChangePage}244 />245 </div>246 );...
Source: deck-store-api.ts
1import {Card, Deck, DeckHeader} from './../objects/allobjects'2import './deck-storage';3import 'underscore';4let latency = 200;5let id = 0;6/*** created to : search for remote desks, save deck to local stores */7export class DeckStoreAPI {8 isRequesting = false;9 10 /*** search for decks */11 search( searchText : string ) : Promise<DeckHeader[]>{ 12 this.isRequesting = true;13 return new Promise(resolve => {14 setTimeout(() => {15 let results = deckHeaders;16 17 if ( !!searchText){ 18 let searchTextLower = searchText.toLowerCase();19 results = results20 .filter( x => { return searchTextLower ) > -1 21 || x.description.toLowerCase().indexOf( searchTextLower ) > -1 });22 }23 => { return <DeckHeader>{24,25 name :,26 description : x.description,27 cardCount : x.cardCount28 }});29 resolve(results);30 this.isRequesting = false;31 }, latency);32 });33 }34 /*** search locally for my decks */35 searchLocal( searchText : string ) : Promise<DeckHeader[]>{ 36 this.isRequesting = true;37 return new Promise(resolve => {38 setTimeout(() => {39 let results = decks;40 if ( !!searchText){ 41 let searchTextLower = searchText.toLowerCase();42 results = results43 .filter( x => { return searchTextLower ) > -1 44 || x.description.toLowerCase().indexOf( searchTextLower ) > -1 });45 }46 results = results 47 .map(x => { return <DeckHeader>{48,49 name :,50 description : x.description,51 cardCount : }});53 resolve(results);54 this.isRequesting = false;55 }, latency);56 });57 }58 /*** get a deck from the local cache */59 getLocalDeck(id : string) : Promise<Deck>{60 this.isRequesting = true;61 return new Promise(resolve => {62 setTimeout(() => {63 64 //clone deck65 let deck = decks.filter(x => == id)[0]; 66 let _deck = Object.assign( Deck.Create(), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(deck)));67 //clone cards68 let cards = new Array<Card>();69 for( var ix = 0; ix <; ix++ ){70 cards.push( Object.assign( Card.Create(),[ix] ));71 }72 = cards;73 resolve( _deck );74 this.isRequesting = false;75 }, latency);76 });77 }78 /*** get a deck from the server */79 getDeck(id : string) : Promise<Deck>{80 this.isRequesting = true;81 return new Promise(resolve => {82 setTimeout(() => {83 let found = deckHeaders.filter(x => == id)[0]; 84 85 let deck = new Deck(,, found.description);86 for( let i = 0; i < found.cardCount; i++){87 var cd = getCardData();88 deck.addCard( new Card(, cd.question, cd.answer ) );89 }90 91 resolve( deck );92 this.isRequesting = false;93 }, latency);94 });95 }96 /*** save a deck to local decks cache && save it to server */97 saveDeck(deck : Deck){98 this.isRequesting = true;99 return new Promise(resolve => {100 setTimeout(() => {101 let instance = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(deck));102 //save it local103 let found = decks.filter(x => ==[0];104 if(found){105 let index = decks.indexOf(found);106 decks[index] = instance;107 }else{108 = getUid();109 decks.push(instance);110 }111 saveDecks();112 //save it to server ( simulated ), it its not yours, clone it?113 let sFound = deckHeaders.filter(x => ==[0];114 if(sFound){115 =;116 sFound.decription = instance.description;117 sFound.cardCount =; 118 }else{119 let dhInstance = {120 id : getUid(),121 name :,122 description : instance.description,123 cardCount : };125 deckHeaders.push(dhInstance); 126 }127 saveDecks();128 this.isRequesting = false;129 resolve(instance);130 }, latency);131 });132 }133 /*** Delete a deck from local & server */134 deleteDeck(deck : Deck){135 this.isRequesting = true;136 return new Promise(resolve => {137 setTimeout(() => {138 139 //remove it local140 let index = _.findIndex(decks, x => == )141 decks.splice( index, 1); 142 //remove iton the server to server ( simulated ), if its not yours, do nothing?143 let sIndex = _.findIndex(deckHeaders, x => == );144 if(sIndex > 0){145 deckHeaders.splice(sIndex,1);146 }147 saveDecks();148 this.isRequesting = false;149 resolve();150 }, latency);151 });152 }153 //? save to server?...
Source: BeerList.js
1import React, { useState } from "react";2import Heart from "react-heart"3import todosData from "../fullBeersList";4import BeerItem from "../components/BeerItem";5const BeerList = () => {6 const [filteredTodos, setFilteredTodos] = useState(todosData);7 const [listingFavorites, setListingFavorites] = useState(false);8 const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState("")9 const searchTextChanged = (event) => {10 setSearchText( updateFilteredTodos( };13 const handleFavoriteChange = () => {14 setListingFavorites(!listingFavorites);15 const onlyFavorites = !listingFavorites;16 if (onlyFavorites) {17 setFilteredTodos(todosData.filter((item) => { 18 return item.fSt == onlyFavorites ||19 window.localStorage.getItem( + 'isFavorite') == onlyFavorites.toString()20 }));21 } else {22 setFilteredTodos(todosData);23 }24 }25 const updateFilteredTodos = newSearchText => {26 let searchTextLower = newSearchText.toLowerCase();27 const filtered = todosData.filter((item) => {28 return (29 (item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTextLower) ||30 item.desc.toLowerCase().includes(searchTextLower) ||31 item.brewery.toLowerCase().includes(searchTextLower))32 );33 });34 console.log("listing favorites? ", listingFavorites)35 if (listingFavorites) {36 setFilteredTodos(filtered.filter(item => {37 return window.localStorage.getItem( + 'isFavorite') == true ||38 window.localStorage.getItem( + 'isFavorite') == 'true'39 }))40 } else {41 setFilteredTodos(filtered);42 }43 }44 const beers = => (45 <BeerItem key={} item={item} />46 ));47 return (48 <div className="todo-list">49 <div className='top-menu'>50 <div>51 <input className="todo-search" type="text" value={searchText} placeholder="Search" onChange={searchTextChanged} />52 </div>53 <div className="heart-filter-line">54 Show Only my <Heart isActive={listingFavorites} onClick={handleFavoriteChange} className="heart-filter" /> beers.55 </div>56 </div>57 {beers}58 </div>59 );60};...
Using AI Code Generation
1var tracetesting = require('tracetesting');2var result = tracetesting.searchTextLower('Testing');3console.log(result);4exports.searchTextLower = function(text) {5 return text.toLowerCase();6}71 passing (8ms)
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('./tracetest.js');2var test = trace.searchTextLower('this is a test');3console.log(test);4exports.searchTextLower = function(text) {5 return text.toLowerCase();6};
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('./tracetest.js');2var traceObj = new trace();3traceObj.searchTextLower();4function trace() {5 this.searchTextLower = function () {6 console.log('search text lower');7 }8}9module.exports = trace;10var trace = require('./tracetest.js');11var traceObj = new trace();12traceObj.searchTextLower();13function trace() {14 this.searchTextLower = function () {15 console.log('search text lower');16 }17}18module.exports = trace;19var trace = require('./tracetest.js');20var traceObj = new trace();21traceObj.searchTextLower();22function trace() {23 this.searchTextLower = function () {24 console.log('search text lower');25 }26}27module.exports = trace;28var trace = require('./tracetest.js');29var traceObj = new trace();30traceObj.searchTextLower();31function trace() {32 this.searchTextLower = function () {33 console.log('search text lower');34 }35}36module.exports = trace;37var trace = require('./tracetest.js');38var traceObj = new trace();39traceObj.searchTextLower();40function trace() {41 this.searchTextLower = function () {42 console.log('search text lower');43 }44}45module.exports = trace;46var trace = require('./tracetest.js');47var traceObj = new trace();48traceObj.searchTextLower();49function trace() {50 this.searchTextLower = function () {51 console.log('search
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('trace');2var text = 'This is a test';3var result = trace.searchTextLower(text, 'is');4console.log(result);5var trace = {6 searchTextLower: function(text, search) {7 var lowerText = text.toLowerCase();8 var lowerSearch = search.toLowerCase();9 var result = lowerText.indexOf(lowerSearch);10 return result;11 }12}13module.exports = trace;14 throw err;15app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));16app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('./tracetest');2var traceObj = new trace();3traceObj.searchTextLower('Hello World');4function trace() {5 this.searchTextLower = function(text) {6 console.log(text.toLowerCase());7 }8}9module.exports = trace;
Using AI Code Generation
1var tracetest = require('tracetest');2var result = tracetest.searchTextLower('I am a text string', 'text');3console.log(result);4var tracetest = require('tracetest');5var result = tracetest.searchTextLower('I am a text string', 'text');6console.log(result);7var tracetest = require('tracetest');8var assert = require('assert');9describe('searchTextLower', function(){10 it('should return true if the text contains the search string', function(){11 assert.equal(tracetest.searchTextLower('I am a text string', 'text'), true);12 });13});14var tracetest = require('tracetest');15var assert = require('assert');16describe('searchTextLower', function(){17 it('should return true if the text contains the search string', function(){18 assert.equal(tracetest.searchTextLower('I am a text string', 'text'), true);19 });20});
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