Best JavaScript code snippet using tracetest
Source: app.js
1import $ from 'jquery';2import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework'3import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-http-client';4import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';5@inject(EventAggregator)6export class App {7 defaultView = true;8 emptyIcon = '-';9 statusDataPlaceholder = [10 {retweets: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, maxDepth: this.emptyIcon, halfLife: this.emptyIcon, percent80Life: this.emptyIcon}11 ];12 topRetweetersDataPlaceholder = [13 {entity: {name: this.emptyIcon}, spread: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, time: this.emptyIcon, level: this.emptyIcon},14 {entity: {name: this.emptyIcon}, spread: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, time: this.emptyIcon, level: this.emptyIcon},15 {entity: {name: this.emptyIcon}, spread: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, time: this.emptyIcon, level: this.emptyIcon},16 {entity: {name: this.emptyIcon}, spread: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, time: this.emptyIcon, level: this.emptyIcon},17 {entity: {name: this.emptyIcon}, spread: this.emptyIcon, reach: this.emptyIcon, time: this.emptyIcon, level: this.emptyIcon}18 ]19 constructor(EventAggregator) {20 this.server = new HttpClient();21 this.server.configure(config => {22 // config.useStandardConfiguration();//add cookie to request header23 });24 this.eventAggregator = EventAggregator;25 this.dataBack = false;26 this.fetching = false;27 this.loading = false;28 this.rootTweetId = '831527113211645959'29 this.rootTweetData = {}30 this.tweetLifeEntityTree = {};31 this.statusData = this.deepCopyData(this.statusDataPlaceholder)32 this.topRetweetersData = this.deepCopyData(this.topRetweetersDataPlaceholder)33 this.cardPanelTitles = [34 'Stats',35 'Top Retweeters who caused largest spread',36 'Cumulative Retweet Count vs Time',37 'Geographic analysis of retweeters by top profile country',38 'Word Cloud from Retweeters Bio'39 ];40 this.retweeterCardsNum = 5;41 this.dropdownTitle = 'Top 5';42 this.retweeterList = {43 'Most engaging Retweeters': {44 data:null,45 defaultView:true,46 loading:false47 },48 'Most active Retweeters': {49 data: null,50 defaultView:true,51 loading:false52 },53 'Most followed Retweeters': {54 data: null,55 defaultView:true,56 loading:false57 },58 'Most influential Retweeters': {59 data: null,60 defaultView:true,61 loading:false62 }63 }64 }65 attached() {}66 analyzeTweetlife = () => {67 let rootId = $.trim(this.rootTweetId);68 this.fetching = true;69 if(rootId && rootId.length > 0) {70 // loading71 this.loading = true;72 $('.actualRecord').addClass('hide');73 this.eventAggregator.publish('triggerFetch');74 this.defaultView = false;75 this.retweeterList['Most engaging Retweeters'].defaultView = false;76 this.retweeterList['Most active Retweeters'].defaultView = false;77 this.retweeterList['Most followed Retweeters'].defaultView = false;78 this.retweeterList['Most influential Retweeters'].defaultView = false;79 this.retweeterList['Most engaging Retweeters'].loading = true;80 this.retweeterList['Most active Retweeters'].loading = true;81 this.retweeterList['Most followed Retweeters'].loading = true;82 this.retweeterList['Most influential Retweeters'].loading = true;83 setTimeout(() => {84 this.server.createRequest('/api/os2-backend/tweetlife/' + rootId)85 .withParams({cache: false})86 .asGet()87 .send()88 // .then(response => {return response.json()})89 .then(obj => {90 this.fetching = false;91 // console.log(obj.response)92 // console.log(JSON.parse(obj.response))93 let data = JSON.parse(obj.response);94 if(data.code && data.code >= 400) {95 // this.dataBack = true;96 this.loading = false;97 let errorCode = data.code;98 let errorMsg = data.message;99 $('.fetchErrorMsg').html('Error : ' + errorCode + ', ' + errorMsg)100 }101 else {102 this.dataBack = true;103 this.loading = false;104 $('.actualRecord').removeClass('hide');105 this.allData = data;106 // set model for all the charts107 this.rootTweetData = data.originTweet;108 this.tweetLifeEntityTree = data.tweetLifeEntityTree;109 this.statusData = data.tweetLifeStat;110 this.topRetweetersData = data.topRetweeterEntities;111 this.spreadTime = data.spreadTime;112 this.geoData = data.countryCodes;113 this.wordcloudData = data.bioKeywords;114 // btm list115 this.mostEngagedRetweeters = data.mostEngagedRetweeters;116 this.mostActiveRetweeters = data.mostActiveRetweeters;117 this.mostFollowedRetweeters = data.mostFollowedRetweeters;118 this.mostInfluenceRetweeters = data.mostInfluenceRetweeters;119 this.retweeterList['Most engaging Retweeters'].data = this.mostEngagedRetweeters;120 this.retweeterList['Most active Retweeters'].data = this.mostActiveRetweeters;121 this.retweeterList['Most followed Retweeters'].data = this.mostFollowedRetweeters;122 this.retweeterList['Most influential Retweeters'].data = this.mostInfluenceRetweeters;123 this.retweeterList['Most engaging Retweeters'].loading = false;124 this.retweeterList['Most active Retweeters'].loading = false;125 this.retweeterList['Most followed Retweeters'].loading = false;126 this.retweeterList['Most influential Retweeters'].loading = false;127 this.eventAggregator.publish('tweetlifeData', data);128 this.defaultView = false;129 }130 131 })132 .catch(error => {133 // alert('api error')134 console.log(error)135 $('.fetchErrorMsg').html('error')136 }) 137 }, 1000)138 }139 else {140 // reset all forms141 this.dataBack = false;142 this.loading = false;143 this.statusData = this.deepCopyData(this.statusDataPlaceholder)144 this.topRetweetersData = this.deepCopyData(this.topRetweetersDataPlaceholder)145 this.eventAggregator.publish('noRootTweetId');146 this.defaultView = true;147 }148 149 }150 changeRetweeterTab($event) {151 let tabTitle = $event.detail;152 // if(this.allData) this.eventAggregator.publish('tweetlifeData', this.allData);153 }154 deepCopyData = (targetArr) => {155 let resultArr = [];156 targetArr.forEach((obj) => {157 let objNew = {};158 for(let key in obj) {159 objNew[key] = obj[key];160 }161 resultArr.push(objNew);162 })163 return resultArr;164 }165 changeListNum(number) {166 this.retweeterCardsNum = number;167 this.dropdownTitle = 'Top' + number;168 }...
Source: directives.js
1angular.module('recipesApp')2 .directive('myYoutube', function ($sce) {3 return {4 restrict: 'EA',5 scope: {6 code: '='7 },8 replace: true,9 template: '<div style="height:350px;"><iframe style="overflow:hidden;height:100%;width:100%" width="100%" height="100%" src="{{url}}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>',10 link: function (scope) {11 scope.$watch('code', function (newVal) {12 if (newVal) {13 scope.url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("" + newVal);14 }15 });16 }17 };18 })19.directive('myFavoriteIcon', function ($sce, Authentication, UserFavorites, RecipesFavCount, $cordovaToast, $state, $http, $localStorage) {20 return {21 restrict: 'A',22 scope: {23 favorite: '='24 },25 replace: true,26 template: '<i ng-class=" emptyIcon ? \'icon ion-ios-heart-outline\' : \'icon ion-ios-heart animated bounceIn\'" style="font-size:30px"></i>',27 link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {28 elem.on('click', function () {29 /*30 $'Moved this Recipe To Favorites', 'long', 'bottom').then(function (success) {}, function (error) {31 console.log("The toast was not shown due to " + error);32 });*/33 if (Authentication.user) {34 $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + $localStorage.token;35 if (scope.favorite) {36 if (scope.emptyIcon) {37 scope.emptyIcon = false;38 Authentication.user.favorites.push(scope.favorite.videoId);39 var favRecipe = scope.favorite;40 favRecipe.favoritesCount = scope.favorite.favoritesCount + 1;41 RecipesFavCount.update({42 recipeId: favRecipe._id43 }, favRecipe, function (res) {44 //console.log('Recipe favorite cb');45 }, function (err) {46 scope.emptyIcon = true;47 });48 } else {49 scope.emptyIcon = true;50 var favRecipe = scope.favorite;51 Authentication.user.favorites.splice(Authentication.user.favorites.indexOf(scope.favorite.videoId), 1);52 favRecipe.favoritesCount = scope.favorite.favoritesCount - 1;53 RecipesFavCount.update({54 recipeId: favRecipe._id55 }, favRecipe, function (res) {56 //console.log('Recipe Unfavorite cb');57 }, function (err) {58 scope.emptyIcon = false;59 });60 }61 var user = {62 firstName: Authentication.user.firstName,63 lastName: Authentication.user.lastName,64 favorites: scope.favorite.videoId,65 provider: Authentication.user.provider66 }67 UserFavorites.update({68 userId: Authentication.user._id69 }, user, function (res) {70 //console.log('Details User Update fav Service cb ');71 }, function (err) {72 //scope.emptyIcon = true;73 });74 } else {75 console.log('It is off!');76 }77 } else {78 $state.go('app.userNotLoggedIn');79 }80 });81 scope.$watch('favorite', function (newVal) {82 if (newVal) {83 var user = Authentication.user;84 if (user) {85 if (user.favorites.indexOf(newVal.videoId) == -1) {86 scope.emptyIcon = true;87 } else {88 scope.emptyIcon = false;89 }90 } else {91 scope.emptyIcon = true;92 }93 }94 });95 }96 };97})98.directive('myLikeIcon', function ($sce, Authentication, RecipesFavCount, $cordovaToast, UserFavorites, $state, $http, $localStorage) {99 return {100 restrict: 'A',101 scope: {102 likes: '='103 },104 replace: true,105 template: '<i ng-class=" emptyIcon ? \'ion ion-thumbsup\' : \'ion ion-thumbsup animated bounceIn\'" style="font-size:30px"></i>',106 link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {107 elem.on('click', function () {108 if (Authentication.user) {109 $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + $localStorage.token;110 if (scope.likes) {111 if (scope.emptyIcon) {112 scope.emptyIcon = false;113 Authentication.user.likes.push(scope.likes.videoId);114 var favRecipe = scope.likes;115 favRecipe.applikes = scope.likes.applikes + 1;116 RecipesFavCount.update({117 recipeId: favRecipe._id118 }, favRecipe, function (res) {119 //console.log('Recipe Liked cb ');120 }, function (err) {121 scope.emptyIcon = true;122 });123 } else {124 scope.emptyIcon = true;125 var favRecipe = scope.likes;126 Authentication.user.likes.splice(Authentication.user.likes.indexOf(scope.likes.videoId), 1);127 favRecipe.applikes = scope.likes.applikes - 1;128 RecipesFavCount.update({129 recipeId: favRecipe._id130 }, favRecipe, function (res) {131 //console.log('Recipe UnLike cb');132 }, function (err) {133 scope.emptyIcon = false;134 });135 }136 var user = {137 firstName: Authentication.user.firstName,138 lastName: Authentication.user.lastName,139 likes: scope.likes.videoId,140 provider: Authentication.user.provider141 }142 UserFavorites.update({143 userId: Authentication.user._id144 }, user, function (res) {145 //console.log('Details User Update Likes Service cb ');146 }, function (err) {147 //scope.emptyIcon = true;148 });149 } else {}150 } else {151 $state.go('app.userNotLoggedIn');152 }153 });154 scope.$watch('likes', function (newVal) {155 if (newVal) {156 var user = Authentication.user;157 if (user) {158 if (user.likes.indexOf(newVal.videoId) == -1) {159 scope.emptyIcon = true;160 } else {161 scope.emptyIcon = false;162 }163 } else {164 scope.emptyIcon = true;165 }166 }167 });168 }169 };170})171.directive('showHideContainer', function () {172 return {173 scope: {},174 controller: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {175 $ = false;176 $scope.toggleType = function ($event) {177 $event.stopPropagation();178 $event.preventDefault();179 $ = !$;180 $scope.$broadcast("toggle-type", $;181 };182 },183 templateUrl: 'templates/partials/show-hide-password.html',184 restrict: 'A',185 replace: false,186 transclude: true187 };188})189.directive('showHideInput', function () {190 return {191 scope: {},192 link: function (scope, element, attrs) {193 scope.$on("toggle-type", function (event, show) {194 var password_input = element[0],195 input_type = password_input.getAttribute('type');196 if (!show) {197 password_input.setAttribute('type', 'password');198 }199 if (show) {200 password_input.setAttribute('type', 'text');201 }202 });203 },204 require: '^showHideContainer',205 restrict: 'A',206 replace: false,207 transclude: false208 };...
Source: EmptyIcon.jsx
1import React from 'react'2import styles from './emptyicon.module.scss'3import emptyicon from './../../../images/user.png'4function EmptyIcon() {5 return (6 <div className={styles.emptyicon}>7 <img src={emptyicon} alt="" />8 </div>9 )10}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var tracetest = require('tracetest');2var trace = tracetest.trace;3var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;4trace(EmptyIcon());5var tracetest = require('tracetest');6var trace = tracetest.trace;7var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;8trace(EmptyIcon());9var tracetest = require('tracetest');10var trace = tracetest.trace;11var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;12trace(EmptyIcon());13var tracetest = require('tracetest');14var trace = tracetest.trace;15var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;16trace(EmptyIcon());17var tracetest = require('tracetest');18var trace = tracetest.trace;19var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;20trace(EmptyIcon());21var tracetest = require('tracetest');22var trace = tracetest.trace;23var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;24trace(EmptyIcon());25var tracetest = require('tracetest');26var trace = tracetest.trace;27var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;28trace(EmptyIcon());29var tracetest = require('tracetest');30var trace = tracetest.trace;31var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;32trace(EmptyIcon());33var tracetest = require('tracetest');34var trace = tracetest.trace;35var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;36trace(EmptyIcon());37var tracetest = require('tracetest');38var trace = tracetest.trace;39var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;40trace(EmptyIcon());41var tracetest = require('tracetest');42var trace = tracetest.trace;
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('trace');2var tracetest = require('tracetest');3var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;4var icon = new EmptyIcon();5trace(icon);6var trace = require('trace');7var tracetest = require('tracetest');8var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;9var icon = new EmptyIcon();10trace(icon);11var trace = require('trace');12var tracetest = require('tracetest');13var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;14var icon = new EmptyIcon();15trace(icon);16var trace = require('trace');17var tracetest = require('tracetest');18var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;19var icon = new EmptyIcon();20trace(icon);21var trace = require('trace');22var tracetest = require('tracetest');23var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;24var icon = new EmptyIcon();25trace(icon);26var trace = require('trace');27var tracetest = require('tracetest');28var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;29var icon = new EmptyIcon();30trace(icon);31var trace = require('trace');32var tracetest = require('tracetest');33var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;34var icon = new EmptyIcon();35trace(icon);36var trace = require('trace');37var tracetest = require('tracetest');38var EmptyIcon = tracetest.EmptyIcon;39var icon = new EmptyIcon();40trace(icon);
Using AI Code Generation
1var trace = require('./tracetest');2trace.EmptyIcon();3module.exports.EmptyIcon = function() {4 console.log('EmptyIcon method');5};6Your name to display (optional):7Your name to display (optional):8Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require() function is used to import the module in the file. The path is relative to the file from which you are calling the require() function. So, you should use the following code:9var trace = require('./tracetest');10trace.EmptyIcon();11Your name to display (optional):12Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require() function is used to import the module in the file. The path is relative to the file from which you are calling the require() function. So, you should use the following code:13var trace = require('./tracetest');14trace.EmptyIcon();15Your name to display (optional):16Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require() function is used to import the module in the file. The path is relative to the file from which you are calling the require() function. So, you should use the following code:17var trace = require('./tracetest');18trace.EmptyIcon();19Your name to display (optional):20Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require() function is used to import the module in the file. The path is relative to the file from which you are calling the require() function. So, you should use the following code:21var trace = require('./tracetest');22trace.EmptyIcon();23Your name to display (optional):24Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require() function is used to import the module in the file. The path is relative to the file from which you are calling the require() function. So, you should use the following code:25var trace = require('./tracetest');26trace.EmptyIcon();27Your name to display (optional):28Hi, you should use the require() function to import the module. The require
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