How to use customReporter method in Testcafe

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Source:cli.js Github


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1var fs = require('fs'),2 path = require('path'),3 cli = require('cli').enable('glob', 'help'),4 hint = require('./hint');5function existsSync() {6 var obj = fs.existsSync ? fs : path;7 return obj.existsSync.apply(obj, arguments);8}9function _removeJsComments(str) {10 str = str || '';11 // replace everything between "/* */" in a non-greedy way12 // The English version of the regex is:13 // match '/*'14 // then match 0 or more instances of any character (including newlines)15 // except for instances of '*/'16 // then match '*/'17 str = str.replace(/\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*\*\//g, '');18 str = str.replace(/\/\/[^\n\r]*/g, ''); //everything after "//"19 return str;20}21function _loadAndParseConfig(filePath) {22 return filePath && existsSync(filePath) ?23 JSON.parse(_removeJsComments(fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"))) : {};24}25/**26 * This function searches for a file with a specified name, it starts27 * with the dir passed, and traverses up the filesystem until it either28 * finds the file, or hits the root29 *30 * @param {String} name Filename to search for (.jshintrc, .jshintignore)31 * @param {String} dir Defaults to process.cwd()32 */33function _searchFile(name, dir) {34 dir = dir || process.cwd();35 var filename = path.normalize(path.join(dir, name)),36 parent = path.resolve(dir, "..");37 if (existsSync(filename)) {38 return filename;39 }40 return dir === parent ? null : _searchFile(name, parent);41}42function _findConfig() {43 var name = ".jshintrc",44 projectConfig = _searchFile(name),45 homeConfig = path.normalize(path.join(process.env.HOME, name));46 if (projectConfig) {47 return projectConfig;48 }49 // if no project config, check $HOME50 if (existsSync(homeConfig)) {51 return homeConfig;52 }53 return false;54}55function _print(results) {56 function exit() {57 process.exit(results.length > 0 ? 1 : 0);58 }59 // avoid stdout cutoff in node 0.4.x, also supports 0.5.x60 // see try {62 if (!process.stdout.flush()) {63 process.stdout.once("drain", exit);64 } else {65 exit();66 }67 } catch (e) {68 exit();69 }70}71module.exports = {72 interpret: function (args) {73 var config, reporter, options,74 customConfig, customReporter,75 ignoreFile, ignores, extraExtensionList;76 cli.setArgv(args);77 cli.options = {};78 options = cli.parse({79 'version': ['v', 'display package version', 'boolean', false],80 'config': ['config', 'custom config file', 'string', false],81 'reporter': ['reporter', 'custom reporter', 'string', undefined],82 'jslint-reporter': ['jslint-reporter', 'use a jslint compatible xml reporter'],83 'checkstyle-reporter': ['checkstyle-reporter', 'use a CheckStyle compatible xml reporter'],84 'show-non-errors': ['show-non-errors', 'show additional data generated by jshint'],85 'extra-ext': ['extra-ext', 'comma-separated list of file extensions to use (.js is default)', 'string', '']86 });87 customConfig = options.config;88 customReporter = options.reporter ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.reporter) : null;89 extraExtensionList = options["extra-ext"];90 if (options.version) {91 cli.setApp(path.resolve(__dirname + "/../package.json"));92 process.stdout.write(cli.version + "\n");93 return;94 }95 if ( || !cli.args.length) {96 cli.getUsage();97 process.exit();98 return;99 }100 if (options['jslint-reporter']) {101 customReporter = "./reporters/jslint_xml.js";102 }103 if (options['checkstyle-reporter']) {104 customReporter = "./reporters/checkstyle.js";105 }106 if (options['show-non-errors']) {107 customReporter = "./reporters/non_error.js";108 }109 config = _loadAndParseConfig(customConfig ? customConfig : _findConfig());110 if (customReporter) {111 try {112 reporter = require(customReporter).reporter;113 } catch (r) {114 process.stdout.write("Error opening reporter file: " + customReporter);115 process.stdout.write(r + "\n");116 process.exit(1);117 }118 }119 ignoreFile = _searchFile(".jshintignore");120 if (ignoreFile) {121 ignores = fs.readFileSync(ignoreFile, "utf8").split("\n")122 .filter(function (line) {123 return !!line.trim();124 })125 .map(function (line) {126 return path.resolve(path.dirname(ignoreFile), line.trim());127 });128 }129 _print(hint.hint(cli.args, config, reporter, ignores, extraExtensionList));130 }...

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Source:custom_reporter.js Github


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1function getJasmineRequireObj() {2 if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {3 return exports;4 } else {5 window.jasmineRequire = window.jasmineRequire || {};6 return window.jasmineRequire;7 }8}9getJasmineRequireObj().CustomReporter = function () {10 var noopTimer = {11 start: function () {12 },13 elapsed: function () {14 return 0;15 }16 };17 function CustomReporter(options) {18 var onSpecDone = options.onSpecDone || function () {19 },20 onComplete = options.onComplete || function () {21 },22 timer = options.timer || noopTimer,23 currentSuite,24 specCount,25 failureCount,26 failedSpecs = [],27 pendingCount;28 this.jasmineStarted = function () {29 specCount = 0;30 failureCount = 0;31 pendingCount = 0;32 timer.start();33 };34 this.suiteStarted = function (suite) {35 currentSuite = suite;36 };37 this.specStarted = function () {38 specCount++;39 };40 this.specDone = function (spec) {41 var specResult = {};42 specResult.isPassed = isPassed(spec);43 specResult.num = specCount;44 = spec.description;45 specResult.describe = currentSuite.description;46 if (isFailed(spec)) {47 failureCount++;48 failedSpecs.push(specResult);49 }50 onSpecDone(specResult);51 };52 this.suiteDone = function () {53 };54 this.jasmineDone = function () {55 var result = {isPassed: failureCount === 0, failedSpecs: failedSpecs};56 onComplete(result);57 };58 function isPassed(spec) {59 return spec.status === 'passed';60 }61 function isPending(spec) {62 return spec.status === 'pending';63 }64 function isFailed(spec) {65 return spec.status === 'failed';66 }67 return this;68 }69 return CustomReporter;70};71(function () {72 var CustomReporter = jasmineRequire.CustomReporter();73 var options = {74 timer: new jasmine.Timer,75 onSpecDone: function (specResult) {76 console.log(specResult, 'on spec done');77 },78 onComplete: function (result) {79 console.log(result, 'on complete');80 }81 };82 var customReporter = new CustomReporter(options);83 jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(customReporter);...

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Source:validate.js Github


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1var _ = require('lodash');2var gutil = require('gulp-util');3var c = gutil.colors;4var Joi = require('joi');5var mapStream = require('map-stream');6/**7 * Custom gulp task to run joi.8 *9 * @param {Object} jobDescription The joi description10 * See for details11 *12 * @example13 * {14 * filter: gulpFilter('models/*.json'),15 * schema: Joi.object().keys({16 * name: Joi.string().required().alphanum().min(3).max(30),17 * label: Joi.string().required().alphanum().min(3).max(30),18 * attributes: Joi.array().required()19 * }),20 * options: {21 * allowUnknown: false22 * }23 * }24 */25var Validate = function(jobDescription) {26 return mapStream(function (file, cb) {27 var content = null;28 try {29 content = JSON.parse(String(file.contents));30 } catch (err) {31 return cb(err);32 }33 var options = {34 abortEarly: false35 };36 _.defaults(options, jobDescription.options);37 // Setup joi with the given jobDescription38 Joi.validate(content, jobDescription.schema, options, function (err) {39 if (err) {40 file.validate = err;41 file.validate.success = false;42 }43 cb(null, file);44 }.bind(this));45 });46};47// Default reporter48// Prints the error to the console49var defaultReporter = function(file) {50 gutil.log(c.yellow('Error on file ') + c.magenta(file.path));51 gutil.log(;52};53/**54 * Returns the stream that reports stuff55 *56 * @param {Function} customReporter Optional custom functon for reporting57 * @return {Stream}58 */59Validate.reporter = function (customReporter) {60 var reporter = defaultReporter;61 if (typeof customReporter === 'function') {62 reporter = customReporter;63 }64 return mapStream(function (file, cb) {65 if (file.validate && !file.validate.success) {66 reporter(file);67 }68 return cb(null, file);69 });70};...

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Source:my.custom.reporter.js Github


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1var util = require('util'),2 events = require('events');3var CustomReporter = function(baseReporter, config, options) {4 console.log('initialised custom reporter with the following reporter options:', options);5 this.on('start', function() {6 console.log('start');7 });8 this.on('end', function() {9 console.log('end');10 });11 this.on('suite:start', function() {12 console.log('suite:start');13 });14 this.on('suite:end', function() {15 console.log('suite:end');16 });17 this.on('test:start', function() {18 console.log('test:start');19 });20 this.on('test:end', function() {21 console.log('test:end');22 });23 this.on('hook:start', function() {24 console.log('hook:start');25 });26 this.on('hook:end', function() {27 console.log('hook:end');28 });29 this.on('test:pass', function() {30 console.log('test:pass');31 });32 this.on('test:fail', function() {33 console.log('test:fail');34 });35 this.on('test:pending', function() {36 console.log('test:pending');37 });38};39CustomReporter.reporterName = 'CustomReporter';40/**41 * Inherit from EventEmitter42 */43util.inherits(CustomReporter, events.EventEmitter);44/**45 * Expose Custom Reporter46 */...

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Source:markdown.js Github


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1'use strict';2var os = require('os');3var customReporter = require('./custom');4var defaults = require('lodash.defaults');5function parseConfig(_config) {6 var config = defaults(_config || {}, {7 padding: 2,8 newLine: os.EOL,9 transformComment: function (file, line, text, kind) {10 //jshint unused:false11 return ['| ' + file + ' | ' + line + ' | ' + text];12 },13 transformHeader: function (kind) {14 return ['### ' + kind + 's',15 '| Filename | line # | ' + kind,16 '|:------|:------:|:------'17 ];18 }19 });20 if (typeof config.transformHeader !== 'function') {21 throw new Error('transformHeader must be a function');22 }23 if (typeof config.transformComment !== 'function') {24 throw new Error('transformComment must be a function');25 }26 // padding must be a minimum of 027 // enforce padding to be a number as well28 config.padding = Math.max(0, parseInt(config.padding, 10));29 return config;30}31module.exports = function (todos, _config) {32 var config = parseConfig(_config);33 var output = customReporter.getTransformedComments(todos, config);34 return customReporter.joinBlocksByHeaders(output, config);...

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Source:reporter.js Github


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1'use strict';2const util = require('util'),3 chalk = require('chalk'),4 events = require('events');5const CustomReporter = function (baseReporter, config, options) {6 this.on('runner:end', function (runner) {7 const stats = baseReporter.stats;8 const results = stats.runners[runner.cid];9 const specHash = stats.getSpecHash(runner);10 const { suites } = results.specs[specHash];11 console.log(chalk.redBright('Preprocessing report...'));12 for (const specUid in suites) {13 if (suites[specUid].title === '...') {14 delete suites[specUid];15 }16 }17 });18};19CustomReporter.reporterName = 'cct-reporter';20/**21 * Inherit from EventEmitter22 */23util.inherits(CustomReporter, events.EventEmitter);24/**25 * Expose Custom Reporter26 */...

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Source:index.js Github


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1/*2this test will verify the development tools in the current workspace3#Usage4 node gulp/specs5*/6var _ = require('underscore')7, shell = require('shelljs')8, path = require('path')9, fs = require('fs')10, glob = require('glob').sync11, Jasmine = require('jasmine')12// , CustomReporter = require('./ns-jasmine-reporter.js');13var jasmineRunner = new Jasmine();14jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 99999999;15// var customReporter = new CustomReporter();16// jasmine.addReporter(customReporter);17jasmineRunner.specFiles = glob(path.join(__dirname, '*-spec.js'));...

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Source:run.js Github


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1import Jasmine from 'jasmine';2import CustomReporter from 'jasmine-console-reporter';3const jasmine = new Jasmine();4jasmine.loadConfigFile('spec/support/jasmine.json');5const customReporter = new CustomReporter();6jasmine.addReporter(customReporter);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')4 .click('#submit-button')5 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');6});7import { Selector } from 'testcafe';8test('My first test', async t => {9 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')10 .click('#submit-button')11 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');12});13import { Selector } from 'testcafe';14test('My first test', async t => {15 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')16 .click('#submit-button')17 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');18});19import { Selector } from 'testcafe';20test('My first test', async t => {21 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')22 .click('#submit-button')23 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');24});25import { Selector } from 'testcafe';26test('My

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')4 .click('#macos')5 .click('#submit-button');6});7{8 "devDependencies": {9 },10 "scripts": {11 }12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2import { customReporter } from './customReporter';3test('My first test', async t => {4 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')5 .click('#submit-button')6 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');7});8customReporter('My first test', 'test.js');9export function customReporter(testName, testFilePath) {10 console.log(testName);11 console.log(testFilePath);12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3});4 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-html' }])5 ('My first test', async t => {6 });7 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-html' }])8 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])9 ('My first test', async t => {10 });11 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-html' }])12 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])13 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])14 ('My first test', async t => {15 });16 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-html' }])17 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])18 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])19 .clientScripts([{ module: 'testcafe-reporter-json' }])20 ('My first test', async t => {21 });22 .clientScripts([{ module:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2import { customReporter } from './customReporter';3test('My first test', async t => {4 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')5 .click('#submit-button')6 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');7});8import { Selector } from 'testcafe';9import { t } from 'testcafe';10import { customReporter } from './customReporter';11import { customReporter } from './customReporter';12export const customReporter = async () => {13 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')14 .click('#submit-button')15 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');16};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2import { customReporter } from './customReporter';3test('My first test', async t => {4 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')5 .click('#submit-button')6 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!');7});8customReporter();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { customReporter } from './customReporter.js';2 .afterEach(async t => {3 await t.takeScreenshot();4 });5test('Test', async t => {6 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')7 .click('#submit-button')8 .customReporter('This is my custom message!');9});10import { Selector } from 'testcafe';11export async function customReporter (t, message) {12 .expect(Selector('.result-content').innerText).contains(message);13}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { customReporter } from './utils/customReporter';2 .beforeEach( async t => {3 .setTestSpeed(0.7)4 .setPageLoadTimeout(0);5 });6 .before( async t => {7 .maximizeWindow()8 })9 ('My test', async t => {10 .click('#populate')11 .click('#submit-button')12 .expect(Selector('#article-header').innerText).eql('Thank you, John Smith!')13 });14import { Selector } from 'testcafe';15import { t } from 'testcafe';16export async function customReporter () {17 const testName = await;18 const screenshotPath = `./screenshots/${testName}.png`;19 await t.takeScreenshot(screenshotPath);20 console.log(`Screenshot: ${screenshotPath}`);21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { customReporter } from 'testcafe-reporter-custom';2test('My test', async t => {3 .click('#input')4 .typeText('#input', 'Hello, world!');5});6customReporter({7 "reporterOption": {8 }9});

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