How to use createIFrame method in Testcafe

Best JavaScript code snippet using testcafe


Source:common.js Github


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1$(document).ready(function(){2 3 var lazyImages = []"img.lazy"));4 5 6 if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) {7 let lazyImageObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {8 entries.forEach(function(entry) {9 if (entry.isIntersecting) {10 let lazyImage =;11 lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src;12 lazyImage.srcset = lazyImage.dataset.srcset;13 lazyImage.classList.remove("lazy");14 lazyImageObserver.unobserve(lazyImage);15 }16 });17 });18 lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {19 lazyImageObserver.observe(lazyImage);20 });21 } else {22 // Possibly fall back to event handlers here23 console.log('img false')24 }25 var lazyVideos = []".lazy-video"));26 if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) {27 let lazyVideoObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {28 entries.forEach(function(entry) {29 if (entry.isIntersecting) {30 let lazyImage =;31 let LazyClass =;32 lazyImage.classList.add(LazyClass);33 lazyVideoObserver.unobserve(lazyImage);34 }35 });36 });37 lazyVideos.forEach(function(lazyVideo) {38 lazyVideoObserver.observe(lazyVideo);39 });40 } else {41 // Possibly fall back to event handlers here42 console.log('img false')43 }44 var lazyIframes = []".lazy-iframe"));45 if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) {46 let lazyIframeObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {47 entries.forEach(function(entry) {48 if (entry.isIntersecting) {49 let lazyIframe =;50 let frame = lazyIframe.dataset.iframe;51 let createIframe = document.createElement("iframe");52 createIframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");53 createIframe.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay; fullscreen");54 createIframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "");55 createIframe.setAttribute("src", frame);56 lazyIframe.appendChild(createIframe);57 // lazyIframe.classList.add(LazyClass);58 lazyIframeObserver.unobserve(lazyIframe);59 }60 });61 });62 lazyIframes.forEach(function(lazyIframe) {63 lazyIframeObserver.observe(lazyIframe);64 });65 } else {66 // Possibly fall back to event handlers here67 console.log('img ifrmae');68 }69 // var articleVideo = document.getElementById("article-play-modal");70 // var articlePlay = document.getElementById("article-play");71 // // DOM ready, take it away72 // if(articlePlay){73 // articlePlay.onclick = function(){74 // articleVideo.classList.add('active');75 // let createIframe = document.createElement("iframe");76 // createIframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");77 // createIframe.setAttribute("allow", "autoplay; fullscreen");78 // createIframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "");79 // createIframe.setAttribute("src", articleVideo.dataset.src);80 // articleVideo.children[0].appendChild(createIframe);81 // articleVideo.children[0].children[0].onclick = function(){82 // articleVideo.classList.remove('active');83 // articleVideo.children[0].removeChild(articleVideo.children[0].children[1]);84 // }; 85 // };86 // }87 88}); 89 90 ...

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Source:main.js Github


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1"use strict";2require.config({3 baseUrl : "./js",4 paths : {5 init : "app/init",6 async : "lib/require/async",7 domReady : "lib/require/domReady",8 text : "lib/require/text",9 jquery : "lib/jquery/jquery-1.11.3",10 Map3D : "lib/coorun/Map3D",11 CooMap : "lib/coorun/Class",12 Util : "lib/coorun/Util",13 zTree : "lib/ztree/jquery.ztree.all",14 underscore : "lib/underscore/underscore",15 jqueryUI : "lib/jquery_ui/jquery-ui",16 createIframe : "app/iframe/createIframe",17 removeIframe : "app/iframe/removeIframe",18 adaption : "app/iframe/adaption"19 },20 shim: {21 'Map3D': {22 deps: ['CooMap', 'Util'],23 exports: 'Map3D'24 },25 'zTree': {26 deps: ['jquery']27 },28 'jqueryUI': {29 deps: ['jquery']30 }31 }32 33});34require([35 "jquery",36 "require",37 "domReady!",38 "init"39 ], function($, require, doc, init) {40 var height = document.body.clientHeight - 89;41 $("#map").css("height", height + "px");42 init.initialize("map");43 var map =;44 var SDKpath =;45 var SDKevent =;46 require([47 "createIframe"48 ], function (createIframe) {49 var root = $("body");50 // 创建左部导航栏51 createIframe.createIframe(root, "./html/navigationbar/mapleftTool.html", 52 "navigationbar", "true", {53 // "width" : "68px",54 // "height" : "445px",55 "position" : "absolute",56 "padding" : "0",57 "margin" : "0",58 "left" : "0px",59 "top" : "50%",60 "marginTop" : "-222px",61 "zIndex" : "999",62 "backgroundColor" : "transparent"63 });64 // 创建搜索框65 createIframe.createIframe(root, "./html/search/mapSearch.html", 66 "searchbar", "true", {67 "width" : "378px",68 "height" : "44px",69 "position" : "absolute",70 "padding" : "0",71 "margin" : "0",72 "left" : "80px",73 "top" : "115px",74 "zIndex" : "999",75 "backgroundColor" : "transparent"76 });77 // 创建右部工具栏78 createIframe.createIframe(root, "./html/toolbar/maprightTool.html", 79 "toolbar", "true", {80 "width" : "160px",81 "height" : "340px",82 "position" : "absolute",83 "padding" : "0",84 "margin" : "0",85 "right" : "0px",86 "top" : "50%",87 "marginTop" : "-170px",88 "zIndex" : "999",89 "backgroundColor" : "transparent"90 });91 });...

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Source:trackingAPI.js Github


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1function createIframe(src) {2 let ifr = document.createElement("iframe");3 ifr.src = src;4 document.body.appendChild(ifr);5}6function createImage(src) {7 let img = document.createElement("img");8 img.src = src;9 img.onload = () => {10 parent.postMessage("done", "*");11 };12 document.body.appendChild(img);13}14onmessage = event => {15 switch ( {16 case "tracking":17 createIframe("");18 break;19 case "socialtracking":20 createIframe(21 ""22 );23 break;24 case "cryptomining":25 createIframe("");26 break;27 case "fingerprinting":28 createIframe("");29 break;30 case "more-tracking":31 createIframe("");32 break;33 case "more-tracking-2":34 createIframe("");35 break;36 case "cookie":37 createIframe(38 ""39 );40 break;41 case "first-party-cookie":42 // Since the content blocking log doesn't seem to get updated for43 // top-level cookies right now, we just create an iframe with the44 // first party domain...45 createIframe(46 ""47 );48 break;49 case "third-party-cookie":50 createIframe(51 ""52 );53 break;54 case "image":55 createImage(56 ""57 );58 break;59 case "window-open":60 = "",62 "_blank",63 "width=100,height=100"64 );65 break;66 case "window-close":67;68 = null;69 break;70 }...

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Source:inject.js Github


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...16function vClick(ele)17{18 ele.dispatchEvent(myEvent);19}20function createIFrame(url)21{22 var ifm = document.createElement('iframe');23 ifm.width = 500;24 ifm.height = 400;25 ifm.src = url;26 console.log(url);27 document.body.appendChild(ifm);28 return ifm;29}30function clickInIFrame(ifm, time)31{32 $(ifm).load(function(){33 setTimeout(function(){ 34 var rateStar = $(ifm).contents().find('#rateStar');35 console.log($(ifm));36 if(!rateStar) return;37 var star = rateStar[0].children[4];38 vClick(star);39 console.log('time:'+time);40 }, time);41 });42}43includeJS('http://localhost/jquery-1.7.2.js', function(){44 var links = $('#hot-read .mt5 dt a');45 links.each(function(i,e){46 console.log(e.href);47 });48 49 var i, interval = 3000;50 i=10;51 ifm0 = createIFrame(links[i].href); 52 clickInIFrame(ifm0, (i%5)*interval);53 54 i++;55 ifm1 = createIFrame(links[i].href); 56 clickInIFrame(ifm1, (i%5)*interval)57 58 i++;59 ifm2 = createIFrame(links[i].href);60 clickInIFrame(ifm2, (i%5)*interval)61 62 i++;63 ifm3 = createIFrame(links[i].href); 64 clickInIFrame(ifm3, (i%5)*interval)65 66 i++;67 ifm4 = createIFrame(links[i].href);68 clickInIFrame(ifm4, (i%5)*interval)69});...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')4 .click('#submit-button');5});6import { Selector } from 'testcafe';7test('My first test', async t => {8 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')9 .click('#submit-button');10});11import { Selector } from 'testcafe';12test('My first test', async t => {13 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')14 .click('#submit-button');15});16import { Selector } from 'testcafe';17test('My first test', async t => {18 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')19 .click('#submit-button');20});21import { Selector } from 'testcafe';22test('My first test', async t => {23 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')24 .click('#submit-button');25});26import { Selector } from 'testcafe';27test('My first test', async t => {28 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')29 .click('#submit-button');30});31import { Selector } from 'testcafe';32test('My first test',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')4 .click('#submit-button')5 .click('#tried-test-cafe');6});7test('My first test', async t => {8 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')9 .click('#submit-button')10 .click('#tried-test-cafe');11});12test('My first test', async t => {13 .switchToIframe(iframe)14 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')15 .click('#submit-button')16 .click('#tried-test-cafe');17});18 at Object.<anonymous> (eval code:1:9)19 1 |import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')4 .click('#submit-button');5});6const createIFrame = ClientFunction(() => {7 const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');8 = 'test-iframe';9 document.body.appendChild(iframe);10 return iframe;11});12const iframe = Selector('#test-iframe');13test('My first test', async t => {14 .switchToIframe(iframe)15 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')16 .click('#submit-button')17 .switchToMainWindow();18});19const removeIFrame = ClientFunction(() => {20 const iframe = document.getElementById('test-iframe');21 document.body.removeChild(iframe);22});23const iframe = Selector('#test-iframe');24test('My first test', async t => {25 .switchToIframe(iframe)26 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')27 .click('#submit-button')28 .switchToMainWindow()29 .click('#remove-iframe')30 .expect(iframe.exists).notOk();31});32const removeIFrame = ClientFunction(() => {33 const iframe = document.getElementById('test-iframe');34 document.body.removeChild(iframe);35});36const iframe = Selector('#test-iframe');37test('My first test', async t => {38 .switchToIframe(iframe)39 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')40 .click('#submit-button')41 .switchToMainWindow()42 .click('#remove-iframe')43 .expect(iframe.exists).notOk();44});45const removeIFrame = ClientFunction(() => {46 const iframe = document.getElementById('test-iframe');47 document.body.removeChild(iframe);48});49const iframe = Selector('#test-iframe');50test('My first test', async t => {51 .switchToIframe(iframe)52 .typeText('#developer-name', 'John Smith')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIFrame } from 'testcafe';2import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';3import { Selector } from 'testcafe';4const getIFrameBody = ClientFunction(() => {5 return document.getElementById('iframe').contentDocument.body;6});7test('Test iframe', async t => {8 const iframeBody = await getIFrameBody();9 const button = Selector('button', { boundTestRun: t });10 .switchToIframe(iframe)11 .click(button)12 .expect(iframeBody.textContent).contains('Hello, world!');13});14 const btn = document.getElementById('btn');15 btn.addEventListener('click', () => {16 document.body.innerHTML = 'Hello, world!';17 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { createIFrame } from 'testcafe';2test('iframe test', async t => {3 .switchToIframe(iframe)4 .typeText('#input', 'test')5 .expect(Selector('#input').value).eql('test');6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';2test('My first test', async t => {3 .click('#btnCreateIFrame');4 const createIFrame = ClientFunction(() => {5 });6 const iframe = await createIFrame();7 .switchToIframe(iframe)8 .click('#btnSubmit')9 .expect(Selector('#divResult').textContent).eql('Hello World!');10});11 document.getElementById('btnSubmit').addEventListener('click', function() {12 document.getElementById('divResult').innerHTML = document.getElementById('txtInput').value;13 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Selector } from 'testcafe'2import { createIFrame } from 'testcafe-browser-provider-electron'3test('test', async t => {4 const iframe = await createIFrame('#frame')5 .switchToIframe(iframe)6 .click(Selector('button'))7 .switchToMainWindow()8 .click(Selector('button'))9})10import { Selector } from 'testcafe'11import { createIFrame } from 'testcafe-browser-provider-electron'12test('test', async t => {13 const iframe = await createIFrame('#frame')14 .switchToIframe(iframe)15 .click(Selector('button'), { timeout: 5000 })

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