How to use switchTo method in taiko

Best JavaScript code snippet using taiko


Source: ios.js Github


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1!function(root, factory) {2 "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([ "exports" ], factory) : factory("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : root);3}(this, function(exports) {4 function parse(tokens) {5 function consumeAPrimitive() {6 switch (token.tokenType) {7 case "(":8 case "[":9 case "{":10 return consumeASimpleBlock();11 case "FUNCTION":12 return consumeAFunc();13 default:14 return token;15 }16 }17 function consumeASimpleBlock() {18 for (var endingTokenType = {19 "(": ")",20 "[": "]",21 "{": "}"22 }[token.tokenType], block = new SimpleBlock(token.tokenType); ;) switch (consume(), 23 token.tokenType) {24 case "EOF":25 case endingTokenType:26 return block;27 default:28 block.append(consumeAPrimitive());29 }30 }31 function consumeAFunc() {32 for (var func = new Func(token.value), arg = new FuncArg(); ;) switch (consume(), 33 token.tokenType) {34 case "EOF":35 case ")":36 return func.append(arg), func;37 case "DELIM":38 "," == token.value ? (func.append(arg), arg = new FuncArg()) : arg.append(token);39 break;40 default:41 arg.append(consumeAPrimitive());42 }43 }44 for (var token, mode = "top-level", i = -1, stylesheet = new Stylesheet(), stack = [ stylesheet ], rule = stack[0], consume = function(advance) {45 return void 0 === advance && (advance = 1), i += advance, token = i < tokens.length ? tokens[i] : new EOFToken(), 46 !0;47 }, reprocess = function() {48 return i--, !0;49 }, next = function() {50 return tokens[i + 1];51 }, switchto = function(newmode) {52 return void 0 === newmode ? "" !== rule.fillType ? mode = rule.fillType : "STYLESHEET" == rule.type ? mode = "top-level" : (console.log("Unknown rule-type while switching to current rule's content mode: ", rule), 53 mode = "") : mode = newmode, !0;54 }, push = function(newRule) {55 return rule = newRule, stack.push(rule), !0;56 }, parseerror = function(msg) {57 return console.log("Parse error at token " + i + ": " + token + ".\n" + msg), !0;58 }, pop = function() {59 var oldrule = stack.pop();60 return rule = stack[stack.length - 1], rule.append(oldrule), !0;61 }, discard = function() {62 return stack.pop(), rule = stack[stack.length - 1], !0;63 }, finish = function() {64 for (;stack.length > 1; ) pop();65 }; ;) if (consume(), "DELIM" !== token.tokenType || "\r" !== token.value) switch (mode) {66 case "top-level":67 switch (token.tokenType) {68 case "CDO":69 case "CDC":70 case "WHITESPACE":71 break;72 case "AT-KEYWORD":73 push(new AtRule(token.value)) && switchto("at-rule");74 break;75 case "{":76 parseerror("Attempt to open a curly-block at top-level.") && consumeAPrimitive();77 break;78 case "EOF":79 return finish(), stylesheet;80 default:81 push(new StyleRule()) && switchto("selector") && reprocess();82 }83 break;84 case "at-rule":85 switch (token.tokenType) {86 case ";":87 pop() && switchto();88 break;89 case "{":90 "" !== rule.fillType ? switchto(rule.fillType) : parseerror("Attempt to open a curly-block in a statement-type at-rule.") && discard() && switchto("next-block") && reprocess();91 break;92 case "EOF":93 return finish(), stylesheet;94 default:95 rule.appendPrelude(consumeAPrimitive());96 }97 break;98 case "rule":99 switch (token.tokenType) {100 case "WHITESPACE":101 break;102 case "}":103 pop() && switchto();104 break;105 case "AT-KEYWORD":106 push(new AtRule(token.value)) && switchto("at-rule");107 break;108 case "EOF":109 return finish(), stylesheet;110 default:111 push(new StyleRule()) && switchto("selector") && reprocess();112 }113 break;114 case "selector":115 switch (token.tokenType) {116 case "{":117 switchto("declaration");118 break;119 case "EOF":120 return discard() && finish(), stylesheet;121 default:122 rule.appendSelector(consumeAPrimitive());123 }124 break;125 case "declaration":126 switch (token.tokenType) {127 case "WHITESPACE":128 case ";":129 break;130 case "}":131 pop() && switchto();132 break;133 case "AT-RULE":134 push(new AtRule(token.value)) && switchto("at-rule");135 break;136 case "IDENT":137 push(new Declaration(token.value)) && switchto("after-declaration-name");138 break;139 case "EOF":140 return finish(), stylesheet;141 default:142 parseerror() && discard() && switchto("next-declaration");143 }144 break;145 case "after-declaration-name":146 switch (token.tokenType) {147 case "WHITESPACE":148 break;149 case ":":150 switchto("declaration-value");151 break;152 case ";":153 parseerror("Incomplete declaration - semicolon after property name.") && discard() && switchto();154 break;155 case "EOF":156 return discard() && finish(), stylesheet;157 default:158 parseerror("Invalid declaration - additional token after property name") && discard() && switchto("next-declaration");159 }160 break;161 case "declaration-value":162 switch (token.tokenType) {163 case "DELIM":164 "!" == token.value && "IDENTIFIER" == next().tokenType && "important" == next().value.toLowerCase() ? (consume(), 165 rule.important = !0, switchto("declaration-end")) : rule.append(token);166 break;167 case ";":168 pop() && switchto();169 break;170 case "}":171 pop() && pop() && switchto();172 break;173 case "EOF":174 return finish(), stylesheet;175 default:176 rule.append(consumeAPrimitive());177 }178 break;179 case "declaration-end":180 switch (token.tokenType) {181 case "WHITESPACE":182 break;183 case ";":184 pop() && switchto();185 break;186 case "}":187 pop() && pop() && switchto();188 break;189 case "EOF":190 return finish(), stylesheet;191 default:192 parseerror("Invalid declaration - additional token after !important.") && discard() && switchto("next-declaration");193 }194 break;195 case "next-block":196 switch (token.tokenType) {197 case "{":198 consumeAPrimitive() && switchto();199 break;200 case "EOF":201 return finish(), stylesheet;202 default:203 consumeAPrimitive();204 }205 break;206 case "next-declaration":207 switch (token.tokenType) {208 case ";":209 switchto("declaration");210 break;211 case "}":212 switchto("declaration") && reprocess();213 break;214 case "EOF":215 return finish(), stylesheet;216 default:217 consumeAPrimitive();218 }219 break;220 default:221 return void console.log("Unknown parsing mode: " + mode);222 }223 }224 function CSSParserRule() {225 return this;226 }227 function Stylesheet() {228 return this.value = [], this;229 }230 function AtRule(name) {231 return = name, this.prelude = [], this.value = [], name in AtRule.registry && (this.fillType = AtRule.registry[name]), 232 this;233 }234 function StyleRule() {235 return this.selector = [], this.value = [], this;236 }237 function Declaration(name) {238 return = name, this.value = [], this;239 }240 function SimpleBlock(type) {241 return = type, this.value = [], this;242 }243 function Func(name) {244 return = name, this.value = [], this;245 }246 function FuncArg() {247 return this.value = [], this;248 }249 CSSParserRule.prototype.fillType = "", CSSParserRule.prototype.toString = function(indent) {250 return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON(), null, indent);251 }, CSSParserRule.prototype.append = function(val) {252 return this.value.push(val), this;253 }, Stylesheet.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), Stylesheet.prototype.type = "STYLESHEET", 254 Stylesheet.prototype.toJSON = function() {255 return {256 type: "stylesheet",257 value: {258 return e.toJSON();259 })260 };261 }, AtRule.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), AtRule.prototype.type = "AT-RULE", AtRule.prototype.appendPrelude = function(val) {262 return this.prelude.push(val), this;263 }, AtRule.prototype.toJSON = function() {264 return {265 type: "at",266 name:,267 prelude: {268 return e.toJSON();269 }),270 value: {271 return e.toJSON();272 })273 };274 }, AtRule.registry = {275 "import": "",276 media: "rule",277 "font-face": "declaration",278 page: "declaration",279 keyframes: "rule",280 namespace: "",281 "counter-style": "declaration",282 supports: "rule",283 document: "rule",284 "font-feature-values": "declaration",285 viewport: "",286 "region-style": "rule"287 }, StyleRule.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), StyleRule.prototype.type = "STYLE-RULE", 288 StyleRule.prototype.fillType = "declaration", StyleRule.prototype.appendSelector = function(val) {289 return this.selector.push(val), this;290 }, StyleRule.prototype.toJSON = function() {291 return {292 type: "selector",293 selector: {294 return e.toJSON();295 }),296 value: {297 return e.toJSON();298 })299 };300 }, Declaration.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), Declaration.prototype.type = "DECLARATION", 301 Declaration.prototype.toJSON = function() {302 return {303 type: "declaration",304 name:,305 value: {306 return e.toJSON();307 })308 };309 }, SimpleBlock.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), SimpleBlock.prototype.type = "BLOCK", 310 SimpleBlock.prototype.toJSON = function() {311 return {312 type: "block",313 name:,314 value: {315 return e.toJSON();316 })317 };318 }, Func.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), Func.prototype.type = "FUNCTION", Func.prototype.toJSON = function() {319 return {320 type: "func",321 name:,322 value: {323 return e.toJSON();324 })325 };326 }, FuncArg.prototype = new CSSParserRule(), FuncArg.prototype.type = "FUNCTION-ARG", 327 FuncArg.prototype.toJSON = function() {328 return {329 return e.toJSON();330 });331 }, exports.parse = parse;332}), function(root, factory) {333 "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([ "exports" ], factory) : factory("undefined" != typeof exports ? exports : root);334}(this, function(exports) {335 function digit(code) {336 return between(code, 48, 57);337 }338 function hexdigit(code) {339 return digit(code) || between(code, 65, 70) || between(code, 97, 102);340 }341 function uppercaseletter(code) {342 return between(code, 65, 90);343 }344 function lowercaseletter(code) {345 return between(code, 97, 122);346 }347 function letter(code) {348 return uppercaseletter(code) || lowercaseletter(code);349 }350 function nonascii(code) {351 return code >= 160;352 }353 function namestartchar(code) {354 return letter(code) || nonascii(code) || 95 == code;355 }356 function namechar(code) {357 return namestartchar(code) || digit(code) || 45 == code;358 }359 function nonprintable(code) {360 return between(code, 0, 8) || between(code, 14, 31) || between(code, 127, 159);361 }362 function newline(code) {363 return 10 == code || 12 == code;364 }365 function whitespace(code) {366 return newline(code) || 9 == code || 32 == code;367 }368 function badescape(code) {369 return newline(code) || isNaN(code);370 }371 function tokenize(str, options) {372 void 0 == options && (options = {373 transformFunctionWhitespace: !1,374 scientificNotation: !1375 });376 for (var code, currtoken, i = -1, tokens = [], state = "data", line = 0, column = 0, lastLineLength = 0, incrLineno = function() {377 line += 1, lastLineLength = column, column = 0;378 }, locStart = {379 line: line,380 column: column381 }, next = function(num) {382 return void 0 === num && (num = 1), str.charCodeAt(i + num);383 }, consume = function(num) {384 return void 0 === num && (num = 1), i += num, code = str.charCodeAt(i), newline(code) ? incrLineno() : column += num, 385 !0;386 }, reconsume = function() {387 return i -= 1, newline(code) ? (line -= 1, column = lastLineLength) : column -= 1, 388 locStart.line = line, locStart.column = column, !0;389 }, eof = function() {390 return i >= str.length;391 }, donothing = function() {}, emit = function(token) {392 return token ? token.finish() : token = currtoken.finish(), options.loc === !0 && (token.loc = {}, 393 token.loc.start = {394 line: locStart.line,395 column: locStart.column396 }, locStart = {397 line: line,398 column: column399 }, token.loc.end = locStart), tokens.push(token), currtoken = void 0, !0;400 }, create = function(token) {401 return currtoken = token, !0;402 }, parseerror = function() {403 return console.log("Parse error at index " + i + ", processing codepoint 0x" + code.toString(16) + " in state " + state + "."), 404 !0;405 }, catchfire = function(msg) {406 return console.log("MAJOR SPEC ERROR: " + msg), !0;407 }, switchto = function(newstate) {408 return state = newstate, !0;409 }, consumeEscape = function() {410 if (consume(), hexdigit(code)) {411 for (var digits = [], total = 0; 6 > total && hexdigit(code); total++) digits.push(code), 412 consume();413 var value = parseInt(""), 16);414 return value > maximumallowedcodepoint && (value = 65533), whitespace(code) || reconsume(), 415 value;416 }417 return code;418 }; ;) {419 if (i > 2 * str.length) return "I'm infinite-looping!";420 switch (consume(), state) {421 case "data":422 if (whitespace(code)) for (emit(new WhitespaceToken()); whitespace(next()); ) consume(); else if (34 == code) switchto("double-quote-string"); else if (35 == code) switchto("hash"); else if (39 == code) switchto("single-quote-string"); else if (40 == code) emit(new OpenParenToken()); else if (41 == code) emit(new CloseParenToken()); else if (43 == code) digit(next()) || 46 == next() && digit(next(2)) ? switchto("number") && reconsume() : emit(new DelimToken(code)); else if (45 == code) 45 == next(1) && 62 == next(2) ? consume(2) && emit(new CDCToken()) : digit(next()) || 46 == next(1) && digit(next(2)) ? switchto("number") && reconsume() : switchto("ident") && reconsume(); else if (46 == code) digit(next()) ? switchto("number") && reconsume() : emit(new DelimToken(code)); else if (47 == code) 42 == next() ? consume() && switchto("comment") : emit(new DelimToken(code)); else if (58 == code) emit(new ColonToken()); else if (59 == code) emit(new SemicolonToken()); else if (60 == code) 33 == next(1) && 45 == next(2) && 45 == next(3) ? consume(3) && emit(new CDOToken()) : emit(new DelimToken(code)); else if (64 == code) switchto("at-keyword"); else if (91 == code) emit(new OpenSquareToken()); else if (92 == code) badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(code)) : switchto("ident") && reconsume(); else if (93 == code) emit(new CloseSquareToken()); else if (123 == code) emit(new OpenCurlyToken()); else if (125 == code) emit(new CloseCurlyToken()); else if (digit(code)) switchto("number") && reconsume(); else if (85 == code || 117 == code) 43 == next(1) && hexdigit(next(2)) ? consume() && switchto("unicode-range") : switchto("ident") && reconsume(); else if (namestartchar(code)) switchto("ident") && reconsume(); else {423 if (eof()) return emit(new EOFToken()), tokens;424 emit(new DelimToken(code));425 }426 break;427 case "double-quote-string":428 void 0 == currtoken && create(new StringToken()), 34 == code ? emit() && switchto("data") : eof() ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : newline(code) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken()) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken()) && switchto("data") : newline(next()) ? consume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : currtoken.append(code);429 break;430 case "single-quote-string":431 void 0 == currtoken && create(new StringToken()), 39 == code ? emit() && switchto("data") : eof() ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") : newline(code) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken()) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken()) && switchto("data") : newline(next()) ? consume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : currtoken.append(code);432 break;433 case "hash":434 namechar(code) ? create(new HashToken(code)) && switchto("hash-rest") : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(35)) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new HashToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto("hash-rest") : emit(new DelimToken(35)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();435 break;436 case "hash-rest":437 namechar(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();438 break;439 case "comment":440 42 == code ? 47 == next() ? consume() && switchto("data") : donothing() : eof() ? parseerror() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : donothing();441 break;442 case "at-keyword":443 45 == code ? namestartchar(next()) ? create(new AtKeywordToken(45)) && switchto("at-keyword-rest") : 92 != next(1) || badescape(next(2)) ? parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(64)) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new AtKeywordtoken(45)) && switchto("at-keyword-rest") : namestartchar(code) ? create(new AtKeywordToken(code)) && switchto("at-keyword-rest") : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(35)) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new AtKeywordToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto("at-keyword-rest") : emit(new DelimToken(64)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();444 break;445 case "at-keyword-rest":446 namechar(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();447 break;448 case "ident":449 45 == code ? namestartchar(next()) ? create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto("ident-rest") : 92 != next(1) || badescape(next(2)) ? emit(new DelimToken(45)) && switchto("data") : create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto("ident-rest") : namestartchar(code) ? create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto("ident-rest") : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new IdentifierToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto("ident-rest") : catchfire("Hit the generic 'else' clause in ident state.") && switchto("data") && reconsume();450 break;451 case "ident-rest":452 namechar(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : 40 == code ? currtoken.ASCIImatch("url") ? switchto("url") : emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto("data") : whitespace(code) && options.transformFunctionWhitespace ? switchto("transform-function-whitespace") && reconsume() : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();453 break;454 case "transform-function-whitespace":455 whitespace(next()) ? donothing() : 40 == code ? emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto("data") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();456 break;457 case "number":458 create(new NumberToken()), 45 == code ? digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 45, code ]) && switchto("number-rest") : 46 == next(1) && digit(next(2)) ? consume(2) && currtoken.append([ 45, 46, code ]) && switchto("number-fraction") : switchto("data") && reconsume() : 43 == code ? digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 43, code ]) && switchto("number-rest") : 46 == next(1) && digit(next(2)) ? consume(2) && currtoken.append([ 43, 46, code ]) && switchto("number-fraction") : switchto("data") && reconsume() : digit(code) ? currtoken.append(code) && switchto("number-rest") : 46 == code && digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 46, code ]) && switchto("number-fraction") : switchto("data") && reconsume();459 break;460 case "number-rest":461 digit(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 46 == code ? digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 46, code ]) && switchto("number-fraction") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : 37 == code ? emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto("data") : 69 == code || 101 == code ? digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 37, code ]) && switchto("sci-notation") : 43 != next(1) && 45 != next(1) || !digit(next(2)) ? create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto("dimension") : currtoken.append([ 37, next(1), next(2) ]) && consume(2) && switchto("sci-notation") : 45 == code ? namestartchar(next()) ? consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [ 45, code ])) && switchto("dimension") : 92 == next(1) && badescape(next(2)) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : 92 == next(1) ? consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [ 45, consumeEscape() ])) && switchto("dimension") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : namestartchar(code) ? create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto("dimension") : 92 == code ? badescape(next) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, consumeEscape)) && switchto("dimension") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();462 break;463 case "number-fraction":464 currtoken.type = "number", digit(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 37 == code ? emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto("data") : 69 == code || 101 == code ? digit(next()) ? consume() && currtoken.append([ 101, code ]) && switchto("sci-notation") : 43 != next(1) && 45 != next(1) || !digit(next(2)) ? create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto("dimension") : currtoken.append([ 101, next(1), next(2) ]) && consume(2) && switchto("sci-notation") : 45 == code ? namestartchar(next()) ? consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [ 45, code ])) && switchto("dimension") : 92 == next(1) && badescape(next(2)) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : 92 == next(1) ? consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [ 45, consumeEscape() ])) && switchto("dimension") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : namestartchar(code) ? create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto("dimension") : 92 == code ? badescape(next) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, consumeEscape())) && switchto("dimension") : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();465 break;466 case "dimension":467 namechar(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();468 break;469 case "sci-notation":470 currtoken.type = "number", digit(code) ? currtoken.append(code) : emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();471 break;472 case "url":473 eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : 34 == code ? switchto("url-double-quote") : 39 == code ? switchto("url-single-quote") : 41 == code ? emit(new URLToken()) && switchto("data") : whitespace(code) ? donothing() : switchto("url-unquoted") && reconsume();474 break;475 case "url-double-quote":476 currtoken instanceof URLToken || create(new URLToken()), eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : 34 == code ? switchto("url-end") : newline(code) ? parseerror() && switchto("bad-url") : 92 == code ? newline(next()) ? consume() : badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : currtoken.append(code);477 break;478 case "url-single-quote":479 currtoken instanceof URLToken || create(new URLToken()), eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : 39 == code ? switchto("url-end") : newline(code) ? parseerror() && switchto("bad-url") : 92 == code ? newline(next()) ? consume() : badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") && reconsume() : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : currtoken.append(code);480 break;481 case "url-end":482 eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : whitespace(code) ? donothing() : 41 == code ? emit() && switchto("data") : parseerror() && switchto("bad-url") && reconsume();483 break;484 case "url-unquoted":485 currtoken instanceof URLToken || create(new URLToken()), eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : whitespace(code) ? switchto("url-end") : 41 == code ? emit() && switchto("data") : 34 == code || 39 == code || 40 == code || nonprintable(code) ? parseerror() && switchto("bad-url") : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? parseerror() && switchto("bad-url") : currtoken.append(consumeEscape()) : currtoken.append(code);486 break;487 case "bad-url":488 eof() ? parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : 41 == code ? emit(new BadURLToken()) && switchto("data") : 92 == code ? badescape(next()) ? donothing() : consumeEscape() : donothing();489 break;490 case "unicode-range":491 for (var start = [ code ], end = [ code ], total = 1; 6 > total && hexdigit(next()); total++) consume(), 492 start.push(code), end.push(code);493 if (63 == next()) {494 for (;6 > total && 63 == next(); total++) consume(), start.push("0".charCodeAt(0)), 495 end.push("f".charCodeAt(0));496 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start, end)) && switchto("data");497 } else if (45 == next(1) && hexdigit(next(2))) {498 consume(), consume(), end = [ code ];499 for (var total = 1; 6 > total && hexdigit(next()); total++) consume(), end.push(code);500 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start, end)) && switchto("data");501 } else emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start)) && switchto("data");502 break;503 default:504 catchfire("Unknown state '" + state + "'");505 }506 }507 }508 function stringFromCodeArray(arr) {509 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr.filter(function(e) {510 return e;511 }));512 }513 function CSSParserToken() {514 return this;515 }516 function BadStringToken() {517 return this;518 }519 function BadURLToken() {520 return this;521 }522 function WhitespaceToken() {523 return this;524 }525 function CDOToken() {526 return this;527 }528 function CDCToken() {529 return this;530 }531 function ColonToken() {532 return this;533 }534 function SemicolonToken() {535 return this;536 }537 function OpenCurlyToken() {538 return this;539 }540 function CloseCurlyToken() {541 return this;542 }543 function OpenSquareToken() {544 return this;545 }546 function CloseSquareToken() {547 return this;548 }549 function OpenParenToken() {550 return this;551 }552 function CloseParenToken() {553 return this;554 }555 function EOFToken() {556 return this;557 }558 function DelimToken(code) {559 return this.value = String.fromCharCode(code), this;560 }561 function StringValuedToken() {562 return this;563 }564 function IdentifierToken(val) {565 this.value = [], this.append(val);566 }567 function FunctionToken(val) {568 this.value = val.finish().value;569 }570 function AtKeywordToken(val) {571 this.value = [], this.append(val);572 }573 function HashToken(val) {574 this.value = [], this.append(val);575 }576 function StringToken(val) {577 this.value = [], this.append(val);578 }579 function URLToken(val) {580 this.value = [], this.append(val);581 }582 function NumberToken(val) {583 this.value = [], this.append(val), this.type = "integer";584 }585 function PercentageToken(val) {586 val.finish(), this.value = val.value, this.repr = val.repr;587 }588 function DimensionToken(val, unit) {589 val.finish(), this.num = val.value, this.unit = [], this.repr = val.repr, this.append(unit);590 }591 function UnicodeRangeToken(start, end) {592 return start = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(start), 16), end = void 0 === end ? start + 1 : parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(end), 16), 593 start > maximumallowedcodepoint && (end = start), start > end && (end = start), 594 end > maximumallowedcodepoint && (end = maximumallowedcodepoint), this.start = start, 595 this.end = end, this;596 }597 var between = function(num, first, last) {598 return num >= first && last >= num;599 }, maximumallowedcodepoint = 1114111;600 CSSParserToken.prototype.finish = function() {601 return this;602 }, CSSParserToken.prototype.toString = function() {603 return this.tokenType;604 }, CSSParserToken.prototype.toSourceString = CSSParserToken.prototype.toString, 605 CSSParserToken.prototype.toJSON = function() {606 return this.toString();607 }, BadStringToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), BadStringToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADSTRING", 608 BadURLToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), BadURLToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADURL", 609 WhitespaceToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), WhitespaceToken.prototype.tokenType = "WHITESPACE", 610 WhitespaceToken.prototype.toString = function() {611 return "WS";612 }, WhitespaceToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {613 return " ";614 }, CDOToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), CDOToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDO", 615 CDCToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), CDCToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDC", 616 ColonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), ColonToken.prototype.tokenType = ":", 617 SemicolonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), SemicolonToken.prototype.tokenType = ";", 618 OpenCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), OpenCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "{", 619 CloseCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), CloseCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "}", 620 OpenSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), OpenSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "[", 621 CloseSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), CloseSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "]", 622 OpenParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), OpenParenToken.prototype.tokenType = "(", 623 CloseParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), CloseParenToken.prototype.tokenType = ")", 624 EOFToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), EOFToken.prototype.tokenType = "EOF", 625 DelimToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), DelimToken.prototype.tokenType = "DELIM", 626 DelimToken.prototype.toString = function() {627 return "DELIM(" + this.value + ")";628 }, DelimToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {629 return this.value;630 }, StringValuedToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), StringValuedToken.prototype.append = function(val) {631 if (val instanceof Array) for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) this.value.push(val[i]); else this.value.push(val);632 return !0;633 }, StringValuedToken.prototype.finish = function() {634 return this.value = this.valueAsString(), this;635 }, StringValuedToken.prototype.ASCIImatch = function(str) {636 return this.valueAsString().toLowerCase() == str.toLowerCase();637 }, StringValuedToken.prototype.valueAsString = function() {638 return "string" == typeof this.value ? this.value : stringFromCodeArray(this.value);639 }, StringValuedToken.prototype.valueAsCodes = function() {640 if ("string" == typeof this.value) {641 for (var ret = [], i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) ret.push(this.value.charCodeAt(i));642 return ret;643 }644 return this.value.filter(function(e) {645 return e;646 });647 }, IdentifierToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), IdentifierToken.prototype.tokenType = "IDENT", 648 IdentifierToken.prototype.toString = function() {649 return "IDENT(" + this.value + ")";650 }, IdentifierToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {651 return this.value;652 }, FunctionToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), FunctionToken.prototype.tokenType = "FUNCTION", 653 FunctionToken.prototype.toString = function() {654 return "FUNCTION(" + this.value + ")";655 }, FunctionToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {656 return this.value;657 }, AtKeywordToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), AtKeywordToken.prototype.tokenType = "AT-KEYWORD", 658 AtKeywordToken.prototype.toString = function() {659 return "AT(" + this.value + ")";660 }, AtKeywordToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {661 return "@" + this.value;662 }, HashToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), HashToken.prototype.tokenType = "HASH", 663 HashToken.prototype.toString = function() {664 return "HASH(" + this.value + ")";665 }, HashToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {666 return "#" + this.value;667 }, StringToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), StringToken.prototype.tokenType = "STRING", 668 StringToken.prototype.toString = function() {669 return '"' + this.value + '"';670 }, StringToken.prototype.toSourceString = StringToken.prototype.toString, URLToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), 671 URLToken.prototype.tokenType = "URL", URLToken.prototype.toString = function() {672 return "URL(" + this.value + ")";673 }, URLToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {674 return "url('" + this.value + "')";675 }, NumberToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken(), NumberToken.prototype.tokenType = "NUMBER", 676 NumberToken.prototype.toString = function() {677 return "integer" == this.type ? "INT(" + this.value + ")" : "NUMBER(" + this.value + ")";678 }, NumberToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {679 return "integer" == this.type ? this.value : this.value;680 }, NumberToken.prototype.finish = function() {681 return this.repr = this.valueAsString(), this.value = 1 * this.repr, Math.abs(this.value) % 1 != 0 && (this.type = "number"), 682 this;683 }, PercentageToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), PercentageToken.prototype.tokenType = "PERCENTAGE", 684 PercentageToken.prototype.toString = function() {685 return "PERCENTAGE(" + this.value + ")";686 }, PercentageToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {687 return this.value + "%";688 }, DimensionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), DimensionToken.prototype.tokenType = "DIMENSION", 689 DimensionToken.prototype.toString = function() {690 return "DIM(" + this.num + "," + this.unit + ")";691 }, DimensionToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {692 return this.num + this.unit;693 }, DimensionToken.prototype.append = function(val) {694 if (val instanceof Array) for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) this.unit.push(val[i]); else this.unit.push(val);695 return !0;696 }, DimensionToken.prototype.finish = function() {697 return this.unit = stringFromCodeArray(this.unit), this.repr += this.unit, this;698 }, UnicodeRangeToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken(), UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.tokenType = "UNICODE-RANGE", 699 UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toString = function() {700 return this.start + 1 == this.end ? "UNICODE-RANGE(" + this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ")" : this.start < this.end ? "UNICODE-RANGE(" + this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase() + "-" + this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ")" : "UNICODE-RANGE()";701 }, UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {702 return this.start + 1 == this.end ? "UNICODE-RANGE(" + this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ")" : this.start < this.end ? "UNICODE-RANGE(" + this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase() + "-" + this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ")" : "UNICODE-RANGE()";703 }, UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.contains = function(code) {704 return code >= this.start && code < this.end;705 }, exports.tokenize = tokenize;706}), function() {707 var XMLHttpFactories, ajax, createXMLHTTPObject, getViewportSize, initLayoutEngine;708 XMLHttpFactories = [ function() {709 return new XMLHttpRequest();710 }, function() {711 return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");712 }, function() {713 return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP");714 }, function() {715 return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");716 } ], createXMLHTTPObject = function() {717 var e, i, xmlhttp;718 for (xmlhttp = !1, i = 0; i < XMLHttpFactories.length; ) {719 try {720 xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i++]();721 } catch (_error) {722 e = _error;723 continue;724 }725 break;726 }727 return xmlhttp;728 }, ajax = function(url, onload) {729 var xmlhttp;730 xmlhttp = createXMLHTTPObject(), xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {731 if (4 === xmlhttp.readyState) {732 if (200 !== xmlhttp.status) throw "Error!";733 onload(xmlhttp.responseText);734 }735 },"GET", url, !0), xmlhttp.send();736 }, getViewportSize = function() {737 var x, y;738 return x = 0, y = 0, window.innerHeight ? (x = window.innerWidth, y = window.innerHeight) : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ? (x = document.documentElement.clientWidth, 739 y = document.documentElement.clientHeight) : document.body && (x = document.body.clientWidth, 740 y = document.body.clientHeight), {741 width: x,742 height: y743 };744 }, (initLayoutEngine = function() {745 var analyzeStyleRule, analyzeStylesheet, head, i, innerSheetCount, links, onresize, outerSheetCount, sheets, styleElement, _i, _len;746 for (analyzeStyleRule = function(rule) {747 var declaration, declarations, hasDimension, token, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;748 for (declarations = [], _ref = rule.value, _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++) {749 for (declaration = _ref[_i], hasDimension = !1, _ref1 = declaration.value, _j = 0, 750 _len1 = _ref1.length; _len1 > _j; _j++) token = _ref1[_j], "DIMENSION" !== token.tokenType || "vmin" !== token.unit && "vh" !== token.unit && "vw" !== token.unit || (hasDimension = !0);751 hasDimension && declarations.push(declaration);752 }753 return rule.value = declarations, declarations;754 }, analyzeStylesheet = function(sheet) {755 var atRules, decs, rule, rules, _i, _len, _ref;756 for (rules = [], _ref = sheet.value, _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++) switch (rule = _ref[_i], 757 rule.type) {758 case "STYLE-RULE":759 decs = analyzeStyleRule(rule), 0 !== decs.length && rules.push(rule);760 break;761 case "AT-RULE":762 atRules = analyzeStylesheet(rule), 0 !== atRules.length && rules.push(rule);763 }764 return sheet.value = rules, rules;765 }, onresize = function() {766 var css, dims, generateRuleCode, generateSheetCode, map, sheet, url, vpAspectRatio, vpDims;767 vpDims = getViewportSize(), dims = {768 vh: vpDims.height /​ 100,769 vw: vpDims.width /​ 100770 }, dims.vmin = Math.min(dims.vh, dims.vw), vpAspectRatio = vpDims.width /​ vpDims.height, 771 map = function(a, f) {772 var a1, e, _i, _len;773 if (null != return;774 for (a1 = [], _i = 0, _len = a.length; _len > _i; _i++) e = a[_i], a1.push(f(e));775 return a1;776 }, generateRuleCode = function(rule) {777 var declaration, declarations, ruleCss, token, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;778 for (declarations = [], ruleCss = map(rule.selector, function(o) {779 return null != o.toSourceString ? o.toSourceString() : "";780 }).join(""), ruleCss += "{", _ref = rule.value, _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++) {781 for (declaration = _ref[_i], ruleCss +=, ruleCss += ":", _ref1 = declaration.value, 782 _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _len1 > _j; _j++) token = _ref1[_j], ruleCss += "DIMENSION" !== token.tokenType || "vmin" !== token.unit && "vh" !== token.unit && "vw" !== token.unit ? token.toSourceString() : "" + Math.floor(token.num * dims[token.unit]) + "px";783 ruleCss += ";";784 }785 return ruleCss += "}\r";786 }, generateSheetCode = function(sheet) {787 var mar, nums, prelude, rule, sheetCss, source, t, t1, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;788 for (sheetCss = "", _ref = sheet.value, _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _len > _i; _i++) switch (rule = _ref[_i], 789 rule.type) {790 case "STYLE-RULE":791 sheetCss += generateRuleCode(rule);792 break;793 case "AT-RULE":794 if ("media" === {795 for (prelude = "", mar = !1, nums = [], _ref1 = rule.prelude, _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _len1 > _j; _j++) if (t = _ref1[_j], 796 "(" === {797 for (prelude += "(", _ref2 = t.value, _k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _len2 > _k; _k++) t1 = _ref2[_k], 798 source = null != t1.toSourceString ? t1.toSourceString() : "", "IDENT" === t1.tokenType && "max-aspect-ratio" === source && (mar = !0), 799 "NUMBER" === t1.tokenType && nums.push(parseInt(source)), prelude += source;800 prelude += ")";801 } else prelude += t.toSourceString();802 vpAspectRatio < nums[0] /​ nums[1] && (sheetCss += generateSheetCode(rule));803 } else {804 for (prelude = "", _ref3 = rule.prelude, _l = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _len3 > _l; _l++) t = _ref3[_l], 805 "(" === ? (prelude += "(", prelude += map(t.value, function(o) {806 return null != o.toSourceString ? o.toSourceString() : "";807 }).join(""), prelude += ")") : prelude += t.toSourceString();808 sheetCss += "@" + + " " + prelude + " {", sheetCss += generateSheetCode(rule), 809 sheetCss += "}\n";810 }811 }812 return sheetCss;813 }, css = "";814 for (url in sheets) sheet = sheets[url], css += generateSheetCode(sheet);815 return null != styleElement.styleSheet ? styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css : styleElement.innerHTML = css;816 }, sheets = {}, styleElement = document.createElement("style"), head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], 817 head.appendChild(styleElement), links = document.getElementsByTagName("link"), innerSheetCount = 0, 818 outerSheetCount = 0, _i = 0, _len = links.length; _len > _i; _i++) i = links[_i], 819 "stylesheet" === i.rel && (innerSheetCount++, ajax(i.href, function(cssText) {820 var sheet, tokenlist;821 tokenlist = tokenize(cssText), sheet = parse(tokenlist), analyzeStylesheet(sheet), 822 sheets[i.href] = sheet, outerSheetCount++, outerSheetCount === innerSheetCount && window.onresize();823 }));824 window.onresize = onresize;825 })();...

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Source: tokenizer.js Github


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1(function (root, factory) {2 /​/​ Universal Module Definition (UMD) to support AMD, CommonJS/​Node.js,3 /​/​ Rhino, and plain browser loading.4 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {5 define(['exports'], factory);6 } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {7 factory(exports);8 } else {9 factory(root);10 }11}(this, function (exports) {12var between = function (num, first, last) { return num >= first && num <= last; }13function digit(code) { return between(code, 0x30,0x39); }14function hexdigit(code) { return digit(code) || between(code, 0x41,0x46) || between(code, 0x61,0x66); }15function uppercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x41,0x5a); }16function lowercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x61,0x7a); }17function letter(code) { return uppercaseletter(code) || lowercaseletter(code); }18function nonascii(code) { return code >= 0xa0; }19function namestartchar(code) { return letter(code) || nonascii(code) || code == 0x5f; }20function namechar(code) { return namestartchar(code) || digit(code) || code == 0x2d; }21function nonprintable(code) { return between(code, 0,8) || between(code, 0xe,0x1f) || between(code, 0x7f,0x9f); }22function newline(code) { return code == 0xa || code == 0xc; }23function whitespace(code) { return newline(code) || code == 9 || code == 0x20; }24function badescape(code) { return newline(code) || isNaN(code); }25/​/​ Note: I'm not yet acting smart enough to actually handle astral characters.26var maximumallowedcodepoint = 0x10ffff;27function tokenize(str, options) {28 if(options == undefined) options = {transformFunctionWhitespace:false, scientificNotation:false};29 var i = -1;30 var tokens = [];31 var state = "data";32 var code;33 var currtoken;34 /​/​ Line number information.35 var line = 0;36 var column = 0;37 /​/​ The only use of lastLineLength is in reconsume().38 var lastLineLength = 0;39 var incrLineno = function() {40 line += 1;41 lastLineLength = column;42 column = 0;43 };44 var locStart = {line:line, column:column};45 var next = function(num) { if(num === undefined) num = 1; return str.charCodeAt(i+num); };46 var consume = function(num) {47 if(num === undefined)48 num = 1;49 i += num;50 code = str.charCodeAt(i);51 if (newline(code)) incrLineno();52 else column += num;53 /​/​console.log('Consume '+i+' '+String.fromCharCode(code) + ' 0x' + code.toString(16));54 return true;55 };56 var reconsume = function() {57 i -= 1;58 if (newline(code)) {59 line -= 1;60 column = lastLineLength;61 } else {62 column -= 1;63 }64 locStart.line = line;65 locStart.column = column;66 return true;67 };68 var eof = function() { return i >= str.length; };69 var donothing = function() {};70 var emit = function(token) {71 if(token) {72 token.finish();73 } else {74 token = currtoken.finish();75 }76 if (options.loc === true) {77 token.loc = {};78 token.loc.start = {line:locStart.line, column:locStart.column};79 locStart = {line: line, column: column};80 token.loc.end = locStart;81 }82 tokens.push(token);83 /​/​console.log('Emitting ' + token);84 currtoken = undefined;85 return true;86 };87 var create = function(token) { currtoken = token; return true; };88 var parseerror = function() { console.log("Parse error at index " + i + ", processing codepoint 0x" + code.toString(16) + " in state " + state + ".");return true; };89 var catchfire = function(msg) { console.log("MAJOR SPEC ERROR: " + msg); return true;}90 var switchto = function(newstate) {91 state = newstate;92 /​/​console.log('Switching to ' + state);93 return true;94 };95 var consumeEscape = function() {96 /​/​ Assume the the current character is the \97 consume();98 if(hexdigit(code)) {99 /​/​ Consume 1-6 hex digits100 var digits = [];101 for(var total = 0; total < 6; total++) {102 if(hexdigit(code)) {103 digits.push(code);104 consume();105 } else { break; }106 }107 if( != null) {108 var value = parseInt(''), 16);109 } else {110 d1 = [];111 _len = digits.length;112 for (_i = 0; _i < _len; _i++) { d1.push(String.fromCharCode(digits[_i])); }113 var value = parseInt(d1.join(''), 16);114 }115 if( value > maximumallowedcodepoint ) value = 0xfffd;116 /​/​ If the current char is whitespace, cool, we'll just eat it.117 /​/​ Otherwise, put it back.118 if(!whitespace(code)) reconsume();119 return value;120 } else {121 return code;122 }123 };124 for(;;) {125 if(i > str.length*2) return "I'm infinite-looping!";126 consume();127 switch(state) {128 case "data":129 if(whitespace(code)) {130 emit(new WhitespaceToken);131 while(whitespace(next())) consume();132 }133 else if(code == 0x22) switchto("double-quote-string");134 else if(code == 0x23) switchto("hash");135 else if(code == 0x27) switchto("single-quote-string");136 else if(code == 0x28) emit(new OpenParenToken);137 else if(code == 0x29) emit(new CloseParenToken);138 else if(code == 0x2b) {139 if(digit(next()) || (next() == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();140 else emit(new DelimToken(code));141 }142 else if(code == 0x2d) {143 if(next(1) == 0x2d && next(2) == 0x3e) consume(2) && emit(new CDCToken);144 else if(digit(next()) || (next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();145 else switchto('ident') && reconsume();146 }147 else if(code == 0x2e) {148 if(digit(next())) switchto("number") && reconsume();149 else emit(new DelimToken(code));150 }151 else if(code == 0x2f) {152 if(next() == 0x2a) consume() && switchto("comment");153 else emit(new DelimToken(code));154 }155 else if(code == 0x3a) emit(new ColonToken);156 else if(code == 0x3b) emit(new SemicolonToken);157 else if(code == 0x3c) {158 if(next(1) == 0x21 && next(2) == 0x2d && next(3) == 0x2d) consume(3) && emit(new CDOToken);159 else emit(new DelimToken(code));160 }161 else if(code == 0x40) switchto("at-keyword");162 else if(code == 0x5b) emit(new OpenSquareToken);163 else if(code == 0x5c) {164 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(code));165 else switchto('ident') && reconsume();166 }167 else if(code == 0x5d) emit(new CloseSquareToken);168 else if(code == 0x7b) emit(new OpenCurlyToken);169 else if(code == 0x7d) emit(new CloseCurlyToken);170 else if(digit(code)) switchto("number") && reconsume();171 else if(code == 0x55 || code == 0x75) {172 if(next(1) == 0x2b && hexdigit(next(2))) consume() && switchto("unicode-range");173 else switchto('ident') && reconsume();174 }175 else if(namestartchar(code)) switchto('ident') && reconsume();176 else if(eof()) { emit(new EOFToken); return tokens; }177 else emit(new DelimToken(code));178 break;179 case "double-quote-string":180 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);181 if(code == 0x22) emit() && switchto("data");182 else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();183 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();184 else if(code == 0x5c) {185 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");186 else if(newline(next())) consume();187 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());188 }189 else currtoken.append(code);190 break;191 case "single-quote-string":192 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);193 if(code == 0x27) emit() && switchto("data");194 else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data");195 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();196 else if(code == 0x5c) {197 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");198 else if(newline(next())) consume();199 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());200 }201 else currtoken.append(code);202 break;203 case "hash":204 if(namechar(code)) create(new HashToken(code)) && switchto("hash-rest");205 else if(code == 0x5c) {206 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();207 else create(new HashToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('hash-rest');208 }209 else emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();210 break;211 case "hash-rest":212 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);213 else if(code == 0x5c) {214 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();215 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());216 }217 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();218 break;219 case "comment":220 if(code == 0x2a) {221 if(next() == 0x2f) consume() && switchto('data');222 else donothing();223 }224 else if(eof()) parseerror() && switchto('data') && reconsume();225 else donothing();226 break;227 case "at-keyword":228 if(code == 0x2d) {229 if(namestartchar(next())) create(new AtKeywordToken(0x2d)) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');230 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && !badescape(next(2))) create(new AtKeywordtoken(0x2d)) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');231 else parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();232 }233 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new AtKeywordToken(code)) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');234 else if(code == 0x5c) {235 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();236 else create(new AtKeywordToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');237 }238 else emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();239 break;240 case "at-keyword-rest":241 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);242 else if(code == 0x5c) {243 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();244 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());245 }246 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();247 break;248 case "ident":249 if(code == 0x2d) {250 if(namestartchar(next())) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('ident-rest');251 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && !badescape(next(2))) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('ident-rest');252 else emit(new DelimToken(0x2d)) && switchto('data');253 }254 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('ident-rest');255 else if(code == 0x5c) {256 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto("data") && reconsume();257 else create(new IdentifierToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('ident-rest');258 }259 else catchfire("Hit the generic 'else' clause in ident state.") && switchto('data') && reconsume();260 break;261 case "ident-rest":262 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);263 else if(code == 0x5c) {264 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();265 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());266 }267 else if(code == 0x28) {268 if(currtoken.ASCIImatch('url')) switchto('url');269 else emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');270 } 271 else if(whitespace(code) && options.transformFunctionWhitespace) switchto('transform-function-whitespace') && reconsume();272 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();273 break;274 case "transform-function-whitespace":275 if(whitespace(next())) donothing();276 else if(code == 0x28) emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');277 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();278 break;279 case "number":280 create(new NumberToken());281 if(code == 0x2d) {282 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2d,code]) && switchto('number-rest');283 else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2d,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');284 else switchto('data') && reconsume();285 }286 else if(code == 0x2b) {287 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2b,code]) && switchto('number-rest');288 else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2b,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');289 else switchto('data') && reconsume();290 }291 else if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code) && switchto('number-rest');292 else if(code == 0x2e) {293 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');294 else switchto('data') && reconsume();295 }296 else switchto('data') && reconsume();297 break;298 case "number-rest":299 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);300 else if(code == 0x2e) {301 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');302 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();303 }304 else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');305 else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {306 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x25,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');307 else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x25,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');308 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');309 }310 else if(code == 0x2d) {311 if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');312 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();313 else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');314 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();315 }316 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');317 else if(code == 0x5c) {318 if(badescape(next)) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();319 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape)) && switchto('dimension');320 }321 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();322 break;323 case "number-fraction":324 currtoken.type = "number";325 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);326 else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');327 else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {328 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x65,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');329 else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x65,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');330 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');331 }332 else if(code == 0x2d) {333 if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');334 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();335 else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');336 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();337 }338 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');339 else if(code == 0x5c) {340 if(badescape(next)) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();341 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape())) && switchto('dimension');342 }343 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();344 break;345 case "dimension":346 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);347 else if(code == 0x5c) {348 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();349 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());350 }351 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();352 break;353 case "sci-notation":354 currtoken.type = "number";355 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);356 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();357 break;358 case "url":359 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');360 else if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-double-quote');361 else if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-single-quote');362 else if(code == 0x29) emit(new URLToken) && switchto('data');363 else if(whitespace(code)) donothing();364 else switchto('url-unquoted') && reconsume();365 break;366 case "url-double-quote":367 if(! (currtoken instanceof URLToken)) create(new URLToken);368 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');369 else if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-end');370 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');371 else if(code == 0x5c) {372 if(newline(next())) consume();373 else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();374 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());375 }376 else currtoken.append(code);377 break;378 case "url-single-quote":379 if(! (currtoken instanceof URLToken)) create(new URLToken);380 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');381 else if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-end');382 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');383 else if(code == 0x5c) {384 if(newline(next())) consume();385 else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();386 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());387 }388 else currtoken.append(code);389 break;390 case "url-end":391 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');392 else if(whitespace(code)) donothing();393 else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');394 else parseerror() && switchto('bad-url') && reconsume();395 break;396 case "url-unquoted":397 if(! (currtoken instanceof URLToken)) create(new URLToken);398 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');399 else if(whitespace(code)) switchto('url-end');400 else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');401 else if(code == 0x22 || code == 0x27 || code == 0x28 || nonprintable(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');402 else if(code == 0x5c) {403 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');404 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());405 }406 else currtoken.append(code);407 break;408 case "bad-url":409 if(eof()) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');410 else if(code == 0x29) emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');411 else if(code == 0x5c) {412 if(badescape(next())) donothing();413 else consumeEscape();414 }415 else donothing();416 break;417 case "unicode-range":418 /​/​ We already know that the current code is a hexdigit.419 var start = [code], end = [code];420 for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {421 if(hexdigit(next())) {422 consume();423 start.push(code);424 end.push(code);425 }426 else break;427 }428 if(next() == 0x3f) {429 for(;total < 6; total++) {430 if(next() == 0x3f) {431 consume();432 start.push("0".charCodeAt(0));433 end.push("f".charCodeAt(0));434 }435 else break;436 }437 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');438 }439 else if(next(1) == 0x2d && hexdigit(next(2))) {440 consume();441 consume();442 end = [code];443 for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {444 if(hexdigit(next())) {445 consume();446 end.push(code);447 }448 else break;449 }450 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');451 }452 else emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start)) && switchto('data');453 break;454 default:455 catchfire("Unknown state '" + state + "'");456 }457 }458}459function stringFromCodeArray(arr) {460 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,arr.filter(function(e){return e;}));461}462function CSSParserToken(options) { return this; }463CSSParserToken.prototype.finish = function() { return this; }464CSSParserToken.prototype.toString = function() { return this.tokenType; }465CSSParserToken.prototype.toSourceString = CSSParserToken.prototype.toString;466CSSParserToken.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }467function BadStringToken() { return this; }468BadStringToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;469BadStringToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADSTRING";470function BadURLToken() { return this; }471BadURLToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;472BadURLToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADURL";473function WhitespaceToken() { return this; }474WhitespaceToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;475WhitespaceToken.prototype.tokenType = "WHITESPACE";476WhitespaceToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "WS"; }477WhitespaceToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return " "; }478function CDOToken() { return this; }479CDOToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;480CDOToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDO";481function CDCToken() { return this; }482CDCToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;483CDCToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDC";484function ColonToken() { return this; }485ColonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;486ColonToken.prototype.tokenType = ":";487function SemicolonToken() { return this; }488SemicolonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;489SemicolonToken.prototype.tokenType = ";";490function OpenCurlyToken() { return this; }491OpenCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;492OpenCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "{";493function CloseCurlyToken() { return this; }494CloseCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;495CloseCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "}";496function OpenSquareToken() { return this; }497OpenSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;498OpenSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "[";499function CloseSquareToken() { return this; }500CloseSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;501CloseSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "]";502function OpenParenToken() { return this; }503OpenParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;504OpenParenToken.prototype.tokenType = "(";505function CloseParenToken() { return this; }506CloseParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;507CloseParenToken.prototype.tokenType = ")";508function EOFToken() { return this; }509EOFToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;510EOFToken.prototype.tokenType = "EOF";511function DelimToken(code) {512 this.value = String.fromCharCode(code);513 return this;514}515DelimToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;516DelimToken.prototype.tokenType = "DELIM";517DelimToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DELIM("+this.value+")"; }518DelimToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return this.value; }519function StringValuedToken() { return this; }520StringValuedToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;521StringValuedToken.prototype.append = function(val) {522 if(val instanceof Array) {523 for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {524 this.value.push(val[i]);525 }526 } else {527 this.value.push(val);528 }529 return true;530}531StringValuedToken.prototype.finish = function() {532 this.value = this.valueAsString();533 return this;534}535StringValuedToken.prototype.ASCIImatch = function(str) {536 return this.valueAsString().toLowerCase() == str.toLowerCase();537}538StringValuedToken.prototype.valueAsString = function() {539 if(typeof this.value == 'string') return this.value;540 return stringFromCodeArray(this.value);541}542StringValuedToken.prototype.valueAsCodes = function() {543 if(typeof this.value == 'string') {544 var ret = [];545 for(var i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++)546 ret.push(this.value.charCodeAt(i));547 return ret;548 }549 return this.value.filter(function(e){return e;});550}551function IdentifierToken(val) {552 this.value = [];553 this.append(val);554}555IdentifierToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;556IdentifierToken.prototype.tokenType = "IDENT";557IdentifierToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "IDENT("+this.value+")"; }558IdentifierToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return this.value; }559function FunctionToken(val) {560 /​/​ These are always constructed by passing an IdentifierToken561 this.value = val.finish().value;562}563FunctionToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;564FunctionToken.prototype.tokenType = "FUNCTION";565FunctionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "FUNCTION("+this.value+")"; }566FunctionToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return this.value; }567function AtKeywordToken(val) {568 this.value = [];569 this.append(val);570}571AtKeywordToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;572AtKeywordToken.prototype.tokenType = "AT-KEYWORD";573AtKeywordToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "AT("+this.value+")"; }574AtKeywordToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return "@"+this.value; }575function HashToken(val) {576 this.value = [];577 this.append(val);578}579HashToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;580HashToken.prototype.tokenType = "HASH";581HashToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "HASH("+this.value+")"; }582HashToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return "#"+this.value; }583function StringToken(val) {584 this.value = [];585 this.append(val);586}587StringToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;588StringToken.prototype.tokenType = "STRING";589StringToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "\""+this.value+"\""; }590StringToken.prototype.toSourceString = StringToken.prototype.toString;591function URLToken(val) {592 this.value = [];593 this.append(val);594}595URLToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;596URLToken.prototype.tokenType = "URL";597URLToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "URL("+this.value+")"; }598URLToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return "url('"+this.value+"')"; }599function NumberToken(val) {600 this.value = [];601 this.append(val);602 this.type = "integer";603}604NumberToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;605NumberToken.prototype.tokenType = "NUMBER";606NumberToken.prototype.toString = function() {607 if(this.type == "integer")608 return "INT("+this.value+")";609 return "NUMBER("+this.value+")";610}611NumberToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {612 if(this.type == "integer")613 return this.value;614 return this.value;615}616NumberToken.prototype.finish = function() {617 this.repr = this.valueAsString();618 this.value = this.repr * 1;619 if(Math.abs(this.value) % 1 != 0) this.type = "number";620 return this;621}622function PercentageToken(val) {623 /​/​ These are always created by passing a NumberToken as val624 val.finish();625 this.value = val.value;626 this.repr = val.repr;627}628PercentageToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;629PercentageToken.prototype.tokenType = "PERCENTAGE";630PercentageToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "PERCENTAGE("+this.value+")"; }631PercentageToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return this.value+'%'; }632function DimensionToken(val,unit) {633 /​/​ These are always created by passing a NumberToken as the val634 val.finish();635 this.num = val.value;636 this.unit = [];637 this.repr = val.repr;638 this.append(unit);639}640DimensionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;641DimensionToken.prototype.tokenType = "DIMENSION";642DimensionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DIM("+this.num+","+this.unit+")"; }643DimensionToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() { return this.num+this.unit; }644DimensionToken.prototype.append = function(val) {645 if(val instanceof Array) {646 for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {647 this.unit.push(val[i]);648 }649 } else {650 this.unit.push(val);651 }652 return true;653}654DimensionToken.prototype.finish = function() {655 this.unit = stringFromCodeArray(this.unit);656 this.repr += this.unit;657 return this;658}659function UnicodeRangeToken(start,end) {660 /​/​ start and end are array of char codes, completely finished661 start = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(start),16);662 if(end === undefined) end = start + 1;663 else end = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(end),16);664 if(start > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = start;665 if(end < start) end = start;666 if(end > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = maximumallowedcodepoint;667 this.start = start;668 this.end = end;669 return this;670}671UnicodeRangeToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;672UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.tokenType = "UNICODE-RANGE";673UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toString = function() {674 if(this.start+1 == this.end)675 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";676 if(this.start < this.end)677 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+"-"+this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";678 return "UNICODE-RANGE()";679}680UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toSourceString = function() {681 if(this.start+1 == this.end)682 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";683 if(this.start < this.end)684 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+"-"+this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";685 return "UNICODE-RANGE()";686}687UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.contains = function(code) {688 return code >= this.start && code < this.end;689}690/​/​ Exportation.691/​/​ TODO: also export the various tokens objects?692exports.tokenize = tokenize;...

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Source: css-tokenizer.js Github


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1/​**2 * This file is taken from the below mentioned url and is under CC0 license.3 * https:/​/​​tabatkins/​css-parser/​blob/​master/​tokenizer.js4 * Please retain this comment while updating this file from upstream.5 */​6(function (root, factory) {7 /​/​ Universal Module Definition (UMD) to support AMD, CommonJS/​Node.js,8 /​/​ Rhino, and plain browser loading.9 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {10 define(['exports'], factory);11 } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {12 factory(exports);13 } else {14 factory(root);15 }16}(this, function (exports) {17var between = function (num, first, last) { return num >= first && num <= last; }18function digit(code) { return between(code, 0x30,0x39); }19function hexdigit(code) { return digit(code) || between(code, 0x41,0x46) || between(code, 0x61,0x66); }20function uppercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x41,0x5a); }21function lowercaseletter(code) { return between(code, 0x61,0x7a); }22function letter(code) { return uppercaseletter(code) || lowercaseletter(code); }23function nonascii(code) { return code >= 0xa0; }24function namestartchar(code) { return letter(code) || nonascii(code) || code == 0x5f; }25function namechar(code) { return namestartchar(code) || digit(code) || code == 0x2d; }26function nonprintable(code) { return between(code, 0,8) || between(code, 0xe,0x1f) || between(code, 0x7f,0x9f); }27function newline(code) { return code == 0xa || code == 0xc; }28function whitespace(code) { return newline(code) || code == 9 || code == 0x20; }29function badescape(code) { return newline(code) || isNaN(code); }30/​/​ Note: I'm not yet acting smart enough to actually handle astral characters.31var maximumallowedcodepoint = 0x10ffff;32function tokenize(str, options) {33 if(options == undefined) options = {transformFunctionWhitespace:false, scientificNotation:false};34 var i = -1;35 var tokens = [];36 var state = "data";37 var code;38 var currtoken;39 /​/​ Line number information.40 var line = 0;41 var column = 0;42 /​/​ The only use of lastLineLength is in reconsume().43 var lastLineLength = 0;44 var incrLineno = function() {45 line += 1;46 lastLineLength = column;47 column = 0;48 };49 var locStart = {line:line, column:column};50 var next = function(num) { if(num === undefined) num = 1; return str.charCodeAt(i+num); };51 var consume = function(num) {52 if(num === undefined)53 num = 1;54 i += num;55 code = str.charCodeAt(i);56 if (newline(code)) incrLineno();57 else column += num;58 /​/​console.log('Consume '+i+' '+String.fromCharCode(code) + ' 0x' + code.toString(16));59 return true;60 };61 var reconsume = function() {62 i -= 1;63 if (newline(code)) {64 line -= 1;65 column = lastLineLength;66 } else {67 column -= 1;68 }69 locStart.line = line;70 locStart.column = column;71 return true;72 };73 var eof = function() { return i >= str.length; };74 var donothing = function() {};75 var emit = function(token) {76 if(token) {77 token.finish();78 } else {79 token = currtoken.finish();80 }81 if (options.loc === true) {82 token.loc = {};83 token.loc.start = {line:locStart.line, column:locStart.column};84 locStart = {line: line, column: column};85 token.loc.end = locStart;86 }87 tokens.push(token);88 /​/​console.log('Emitting ' + token);89 currtoken = undefined;90 return true;91 };92 var create = function(token) { currtoken = token; return true; };93 var parseerror = function() { console.log("Parse error at index " + i + ", processing codepoint 0x" + code.toString(16) + " in state " + state + ".");return true; };94 var switchto = function(newstate) {95 state = newstate;96 /​/​console.log('Switching to ' + state);97 return true;98 };99 var consumeEscape = function() {100 /​/​ Assume the the current character is the \101 consume();102 if(hexdigit(code)) {103 /​/​ Consume 1-6 hex digits104 var digits = [];105 for(var total = 0; total < 6; total++) {106 if(hexdigit(code)) {107 digits.push(code);108 consume();109 } else { break; }110 }111 var value = parseInt(''), 16);112 if( value > maximumallowedcodepoint ) value = 0xfffd;113 /​/​ If the current char is whitespace, cool, we'll just eat it.114 /​/​ Otherwise, put it back.115 if(!whitespace(code)) reconsume();116 return value;117 } else {118 return code;119 }120 };121 for(;;) {122 if(i > str.length*2) return "I'm infinite-looping!";123 consume();124 switch(state) {125 case "data":126 if(whitespace(code)) {127 emit(new WhitespaceToken);128 while(whitespace(next())) consume();129 }130 else if(code == 0x22) switchto("double-quote-string");131 else if(code == 0x23) switchto("hash");132 else if(code == 0x27) switchto("single-quote-string");133 else if(code == 0x28) emit(new OpenParenToken);134 else if(code == 0x29) emit(new CloseParenToken);135 else if(code == 0x2b) {136 if(digit(next()) || (next() == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();137 else emit(new DelimToken(code));138 }139 else if(code == 0x2d) {140 if(next(1) == 0x2d && next(2) == 0x3e) consume(2) && emit(new CDCToken);141 else if(digit(next()) || (next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2)))) switchto("number") && reconsume();142 else if(namestartchar(next())) switchto("identifier") && reconsume();143 else emit(new DelimToken(code));144 }145 else if(code == 0x2e) {146 if(digit(next())) switchto("number") && reconsume();147 else emit(new DelimToken(code));148 }149 else if(code == 0x2f) {150 if(next() == 0x2a) switchto("comment");151 else emit(new DelimToken(code));152 }153 else if(code == 0x3a) emit(new ColonToken);154 else if(code == 0x3b) emit(new SemicolonToken);155 else if(code == 0x3c) {156 if(next(1) == 0x21 && next(2) == 0x2d && next(3) == 0x2d) consume(3) && emit(new CDOToken);157 else emit(new DelimToken(code));158 }159 else if(code == 0x40) switchto("at-keyword");160 else if(code == 0x5b) emit(new OpenSquareToken);161 else if(code == 0x5c) {162 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(code));163 else switchto("identifier") && reconsume();164 }165 else if(code == 0x5d) emit(new CloseSquareToken);166 else if(code == 0x7b) emit(new OpenCurlyToken);167 else if(code == 0x7d) emit(new CloseCurlyToken);168 else if(digit(code)) switchto("number") && reconsume();169 else if(code == 0x55 || code == 0x75) {170 if(next(1) == 0x2b && hexdigit(next(2))) consume() && switchto("unicode-range");171 else if((next(1) == 0x52 || next(1) == 0x72) && (next(2) == 0x4c || next(2) == 0x6c) && (next(3) == 0x28)) consume(3) && switchto("url");172 else switchto("identifier") && reconsume();173 }174 else if(namestartchar(code)) switchto("identifier") && reconsume();175 else if(eof()) { emit(new EOFToken); return tokens; }176 else emit(new DelimToken(code));177 break;178 case "double-quote-string":179 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);180 if(code == 0x22) emit() && switchto("data");181 else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data");182 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();183 else if(code == 0x5c) {184 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");185 else if(newline(next())) consume();186 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());187 }188 else currtoken.append(code);189 break;190 case "single-quote-string":191 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new StringToken);192 if(code == 0x27) emit() && switchto("data");193 else if(eof()) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data");194 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data") && reconsume();195 else if(code == 0x5c) {196 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadStringToken) && switchto("data");197 else if(newline(next())) consume();198 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());199 }200 else currtoken.append(code);201 break;202 case "hash":203 if(namechar(code)) create(new HashToken(code)) && switchto("hash-rest");204 else if(code == 0x5c) {205 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();206 else create(new HashToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('hash-rest');207 }208 else emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();209 break;210 case "hash-rest":211 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);212 else if(code == 0x5c) {213 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();214 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());215 }216 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();217 break;218 case "comment":219 if(code == 0x2a) {220 if(next() == 0x2f) consume() && switchto('data');221 else donothing();222 }223 else if(eof()) parseerror() && switchto('data') && reconsume();224 else donothing();225 break;226 case "at-keyword":227 if(code == 0x2d) {228 if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new AtKeywordToken([0x40,code])) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');229 else emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();230 }231 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new AtKeywordToken(code)) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');232 else if(code == 0x5c) {233 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new DelimToken(0x23)) && switchto("data") && reconsume();234 else create(new AtKeywordToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('at-keyword-rest');235 }236 else emit(new DelimToken(0x40)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();237 break;238 case "at-keyword-rest":239 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);240 else if(code == 0x5c) {241 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();242 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());243 }244 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();245 break;246 case "identifier":247 if(code == 0x2d) {248 if(namestartchar(next())) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('identifier-rest');249 else switchto('data') && reconsume();250 }251 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new IdentifierToken(code)) && switchto('identifier-rest');252 else if(code == 0x5c) {253 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto("data") && reconsume();254 else create(new IdentifierToken(consumeEscape())) && switchto('identifier-rest');255 }256 else switchto('data') && reconsume();257 break;258 case "identifier-rest":259 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);260 else if(code == 0x5c) {261 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto("data") && reconsume();262 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());263 }264 else if(code == 0x28) emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');265 else if(whitespace(code) && options.transformFunctionWhitespace) switchto('transform-function-whitespace');266 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();267 break;268 case "transform-function-whitespace":269 if(whitespace(code)) donothing();270 else if(code == 0x28) emit(new FunctionToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data');271 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();272 break;273 case "number":274 create(new NumberToken());275 if(code == 0x2d) {276 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2d,code]) && switchto('number-rest');277 else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2d,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');278 else switchto('data') && reconsume();279 }280 else if(code == 0x2b) {281 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2b,code]) && switchto('number-rest');282 else if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) consume(2) && currtoken.append([0x2b,0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');283 else switchto('data') && reconsume();284 }285 else if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code) && switchto('number-rest');286 else if(code == 0x2e) {287 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');288 else switchto('data') && reconsume();289 }290 else switchto('data') && reconsume();291 break;292 case "number-rest":293 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);294 else if(code == 0x2e) {295 if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x2e,code]) && switchto('number-fraction');296 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();297 }298 else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();299 else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {300 if(!options.scientificNotation) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');301 else if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x25,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');302 else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x25,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');303 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');304 }305 else if(code == 0x2d) {306 if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');307 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();308 else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');309 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();310 }311 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');312 else if(code == 0x5c) {313 if(badescape(next)) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();314 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape)) && switchto('dimension');315 }316 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();317 break;318 case "number-fraction":319 currtoken.type = "number";320 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);321 else if(code == 0x2e) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();322 else if(code == 0x25) emit(new PercentageToken(currtoken)) && switchto('data') && reconsume();323 else if(code == 0x45 || code == 0x65) {324 if(!options.scientificNotation) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');325 else if(digit(next())) consume() && currtoken.append([0x25,code]) && switchto('sci-notation');326 else if((next(1) == 0x2b || next(1) == 0x2d) && digit(next(2))) currtoken.append([0x25,next(1),next(2)]) && consume(2) && switchto('sci-notation');327 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,code)) && switchto('dimension');328 }329 else if(code == 0x2d) {330 if(namestartchar(next())) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,[0x2d,code])) && switchto('dimension');331 else if(next(1) == 0x5c && badescape(next(2))) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();332 else if(next(1) == 0x5c) consume() && create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, [0x2d,consumeEscape()])) && switchto('dimension');333 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();334 }335 else if(namestartchar(code)) create(new DimensionToken(currtoken, code)) && switchto('dimension');336 else if(code == 0x5c) {337 if(badescape(next)) emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();338 else create(new DimensionToken(currtoken,consumeEscape)) && switchto('dimension');339 }340 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();341 break;342 case "dimension":343 if(namechar(code)) currtoken.append(code);344 else if(code == 0x5c) {345 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();346 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());347 }348 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();349 break;350 case "sci-notation":351 if(digit(code)) currtoken.append(code);352 else emit() && switchto('data') && reconsume();353 break;354 case "url":355 if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-double-quote');356 else if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-single-quote');357 else if(code == 0x29) emit(new URLToken) && switchto('data');358 else if(whitespace(code)) donothing();359 else switchto('url-unquoted') && reconsume();360 break;361 case "url-double-quote":362 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);363 if(code == 0x22) switchto('url-end');364 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');365 else if(code == 0x5c) {366 if(newline(next())) consume();367 else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();368 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());369 }370 else currtoken.append(code);371 break;372 case "url-single-quote":373 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);374 if(code == 0x27) switchto('url-end');375 else if(newline(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');376 else if(code == 0x5c) {377 if(newline(next())) consume();378 else if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data') && reconsume();379 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());380 }381 else currtoken.append(code);382 break;383 case "url-end":384 if(whitespace(code)) donothing();385 else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');386 else parseerror() && switchto('bad-url') && reconsume();387 break;388 case "url-unquoted":389 if(currtoken == undefined) create(new URLToken);390 if(whitespace(code)) switchto('url-end');391 else if(code == 0x29) emit() && switchto('data');392 else if(code == 0x22 || code == 0x27 || code == 0x28 || nonprintable(code)) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');393 else if(code == 0x5c) {394 if(badescape(next())) parseerror() && switchto('bad-url');395 else currtoken.append(consumeEscape());396 }397 else currtoken.append(code);398 break;399 case "bad-url":400 if(code == 0x29) emit(new BadURLToken) && switchto('data');401 else if(code == 0x5c) {402 if(badescape(next())) donothing();403 else consumeEscape()404 }405 else donothing();406 break;407 case "unicode-range":408 /​/​ We already know that the current code is a hexdigit.409 var start = [code], end = [code];410 for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {411 if(hexdigit(next())) {412 consume();413 start.push(code);414 end.push(code);415 }416 else break;417 }418 if(next() == 0x3f) {419 for(;total < 6; total++) {420 if(next() == 0x3f) {421 consume();422 start.push("0".charCodeAt(0));423 end.push("f".charCodeAt(0));424 }425 else break;426 }427 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');428 }429 else if(next(1) == 0x2d && hexdigit(next(2))) {430 consume();431 consume();432 end = [code];433 for(var total = 1; total < 6; total++) {434 if(hexdigit(next())) {435 consume();436 end.push(code);437 }438 else break;439 }440 emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start,end)) && switchto('data');441 }442 else emit(new UnicodeRangeToken(start)) && switchto('data');443 break;444 default:445 console.log("Unknown state '" + state + "'");446 }447 }448}449function stringFromCodeArray(arr) {450 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,arr.filter(function(e){return e;}));451}452function CSSParserToken(options) { return this; }453CSSParserToken.prototype.finish = function() { return this; }454CSSParserToken.prototype.toString = function() { return this.tokenType; }455CSSParserToken.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }456function BadStringToken() { return this; }457BadStringToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;458BadStringToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADSTRING";459function BadURLToken() { return this; }460BadURLToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;461BadURLToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADURL";462function WhitespaceToken() { return this; }463WhitespaceToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;464WhitespaceToken.prototype.tokenType = "WHITESPACE";465WhitespaceToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "WS"; }466function CDOToken() { return this; }467CDOToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;468CDOToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDO";469function CDCToken() { return this; }470CDCToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;471CDCToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDC";472function ColonToken() { return this; }473ColonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;474ColonToken.prototype.tokenType = ":";475function SemicolonToken() { return this; }476SemicolonToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;477SemicolonToken.prototype.tokenType = ";";478function OpenCurlyToken() { return this; }479OpenCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;480OpenCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "{";481function CloseCurlyToken() { return this; }482CloseCurlyToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;483CloseCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "}";484function OpenSquareToken() { return this; }485OpenSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;486OpenSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "[";487function CloseSquareToken() { return this; }488CloseSquareToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;489CloseSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "]";490function OpenParenToken() { return this; }491OpenParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;492OpenParenToken.prototype.tokenType = "(";493function CloseParenToken() { return this; }494CloseParenToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;495CloseParenToken.prototype.tokenType = ")";496function EOFToken() { return this; }497EOFToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;498EOFToken.prototype.tokenType = "EOF";499function DelimToken(code) {500 this.value = String.fromCharCode(code);501 return this;502}503DelimToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;504DelimToken.prototype.tokenType = "DELIM";505DelimToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DELIM("+this.value+")"; }506function StringValuedToken() { return this; }507StringValuedToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;508StringValuedToken.prototype.append = function(val) {509 if(val instanceof Array) {510 for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {511 this.value.push(val[i]);512 }513 } else {514 this.value.push(val);515 }516 return true;517}518StringValuedToken.prototype.finish = function() {519 this.value = stringFromCodeArray(this.value);520 return this;521}522function IdentifierToken(val) {523 this.value = [];524 this.append(val);525}526IdentifierToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;527IdentifierToken.prototype.tokenType = "IDENT";528IdentifierToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "IDENT("+this.value+")"; }529function FunctionToken(val) {530 /​/​ These are always constructed by passing an IdentifierToken531 this.value = val.finish().value;532}533FunctionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;534FunctionToken.prototype.tokenType = "FUNCTION";535FunctionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "FUNCTION("+this.value+")"; }536function AtKeywordToken(val) {537 this.value = [];538 this.append(val);539}540AtKeywordToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;541AtKeywordToken.prototype.tokenType = "AT-KEYWORD";542AtKeywordToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "AT("+this.value+")"; }543function HashToken(val) {544 this.value = [];545 this.append(val);546}547HashToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;548HashToken.prototype.tokenType = "HASH";549HashToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "HASH("+this.value+")"; }550function StringToken(val) {551 this.value = [];552 this.append(val);553}554StringToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;555StringToken.prototype.tokenType = "STRING";556StringToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "\""+this.value+"\""; }557function URLToken(val) {558 this.value = [];559 this.append(val);560}561URLToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;562URLToken.prototype.tokenType = "URL";563URLToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "URL("+this.value+")"; }564function NumberToken(val) {565 this.value = [];566 this.append(val);567 this.type = "integer";568}569NumberToken.prototype = new StringValuedToken;570NumberToken.prototype.tokenType = "NUMBER";571NumberToken.prototype.toString = function() {572 if(this.type == "integer")573 return "INT("+this.value+")";574 return "NUMBER("+this.value+")";575}576NumberToken.prototype.finish = function() {577 this.repr = stringFromCodeArray(this.value);578 this.value = this.repr * 1;579 if(Math.abs(this.value) % 1 != 0) this.type = "number";580 return this;581}582function PercentageToken(val) {583 /​/​ These are always created by passing a NumberToken as val584 val.finish();585 this.value = val.value;586 this.repr = val.repr;587}588PercentageToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;589PercentageToken.prototype.tokenType = "PERCENTAGE";590PercentageToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "PERCENTAGE("+this.value+")"; }591function DimensionToken(val,unit) {592 /​/​ These are always created by passing a NumberToken as the val593 val.finish();594 this.num = val.value;595 this.unit = [];596 this.repr = val.repr;597 this.append(unit);598}599DimensionToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;600DimensionToken.prototype.tokenType = "DIMENSION";601DimensionToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "DIM("+this.num+","+this.unit+")"; }602DimensionToken.prototype.append = function(val) {603 if(val instanceof Array) {604 for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {605 this.unit.push(val[i]);606 }607 } else {608 this.unit.push(val);609 }610 return true;611}612DimensionToken.prototype.finish = function() {613 this.unit = stringFromCodeArray(this.unit);614 this.repr += this.unit;615 return this;616}617function UnicodeRangeToken(start,end) {618 /​/​ start and end are array of char codes, completely finished619 start = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(start),16);620 if(end === undefined) end = start + 1;621 else end = parseInt(stringFromCodeArray(end),16);622 if(start > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = start;623 if(end < start) end = start;624 if(end > maximumallowedcodepoint) end = maximumallowedcodepoint;625 this.start = start;626 this.end = end;627 return this;628}629UnicodeRangeToken.prototype = new CSSParserToken;630UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.tokenType = "UNICODE-RANGE";631UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.toString = function() {632 if(this.start+1 == this.end)633 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";634 if(this.start < this.end)635 return "UNICODE-RANGE("+this.start.toString(16).toUpperCase()+"-"+this.end.toString(16).toUpperCase()+")";636 return "UNICODE-RANGE()";637}638UnicodeRangeToken.prototype.contains = function(code) {639 return code >= this.start && code < this.end;640}641/​/​ Exportation.642/​/​ TODO: also export the various tokens objects?643module.exports = tokenize;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await closeBrowser();6 } catch (e) {7 console.error(e);8 } finally {9 }10})();11const { openBrowser, goto, switchToFrame, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');12(async () => {13 try {14 await openBrowser();15 await switchToFrame("iframeResult");16 await closeBrowser();17 } catch (e) {18 console.error(e);19 } finally {20 }21})();22const { openBrowser, goto, switchToParentFrame, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');23(async () => {24 try {25 await openBrowser();26 await switchToParentFrame();27 await closeBrowser();28 } catch (e) {29 console.error(e);30 } finally {31 }32})();33const { openBrowser, goto, tap, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');34(async () => {35 try {36 await openBrowser();37 await tap("Try it");38 await closeBrowser();39 } catch (e) {40 console.error(e);41 } finally {42 }43})();44const { openBrowser, goto, text, closeBrowser } = require('ta

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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await switchTo("iframe");6 await click("Try it");7 await switchTo();8 await click("HTML Tutorial");9 } catch (e) {10 console.error(e);11 } finally {12 await closeBrowser();13 }14})();15const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');16(async () => {17 try {18 await openBrowser();19 await switchTo("iframe");20 await click("Try it");21 await switchTo();22 await click("HTML Tutorial");23 } catch (e) {24 console.error(e);25 } finally {26 await closeBrowser();27 }28})();29const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');30(async () => {31 try {32 await openBrowser();33 await switchTo("iframe");34 await click("Try it");35 await switchTo();36 await click("HTML Tutorial");37 } catch (e) {38 console.error(e);39 } finally {40 await closeBrowser();41 }42})();43const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');44(async () => {45 try {46 await openBrowser();47 await switchTo("iframe");48 await click("Try it");49 await switchTo();50 await click("HTML Tutorial");51 } catch (e) {52 console.error(e);53 } finally {54 await closeBrowser();55 }56})();57const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo,

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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await closeBrowser();6 } catch (e) {7 console.error(e);8 } finally {9 }10})();11const { openBrowser, goto, switchToFrame, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');12(async () => {13 try {14 await openBrowser();15 await closeBrowser();16 } catch (e) {17 console.error(e);18 } finally {19 }20})();21const { openBrowser, goto, switchToParentFrame, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');22(async () => {23 try {24 await openBrowser();25 await switchToParentFrame();26 await closeBrowser();27 } catch (e) {28 console.error(e);29 } finally {30 }31})();32const { openBrowser, goto, switchToPreviousTab, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');33(async () => {34 try {35 await openBrowser();36 await switchToPreviousTab();37 await closeBrowser();38 } catch (e) {39 console.error(e);40 } finally {41 }42})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await goto("");6 await closeBrowser();7 } catch (e) {8 console.error(e);9 } finally {10 }11})();12const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');13(async () => {14 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless:false});15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 const newPagePromise = new Promise(x => browser.once('targetcreated', target => x(;17 await Promise.all([18 ]);19 await browser.close();20})();21const { remote } = require('webdriverio');22(async () => {23 const browser = await remote({24 capabilities: {25 }26 })27 await browser.closeWindow()28 await browser.deleteSession()29})();30const { chromium } = require('playwright');31(async () => {32 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});33 const context = await browser.newContext();34 const page = await context.newPage();35 await page.close();36 await context.close();37 await browser.close();38})();39module.exports = {40 'Demo test Google' : function (browser) {41 .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)42 .assert.title('Google')43 .assert.visible('input[type=text]')44 .setValue('input

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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser, setConfig } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 setConfig({5 });6 await openBrowser();

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1const { openBrowser, goto, switchTo, closeBrowser, write, button, link, text } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({headless:false});5 await write("Taiko",into(textBox({placeholder:"Search"})));6 await click(button({type:"submit"}));7 await click(link("Taiko - A Node.js library to automate web ..."));8 await click(link("Documentation"));9 await click(link("API Reference"));10 await click(link("switchTo"));11 await click(button("Run in REPL"));12 await click(link("Console"));13 await click(link("Console"));14 await press("Enter");15 await click(link("Documentation"));16 await click(link("API Reference"));17 await click(link("switchTo"));18 await click(button("Run in REPL"));19 await click(link("Console"));20 await click(link("Console"));21 await press("Enter");22 await click(link("Documentation"));23 await click(link("API Reference"));24 await click(link("switchTo"));25 await click(button("Run in REPL"));26 await click(link("Console"));27 await click(link("Console"));28 await press("Enter");29 await click(link("Documentation"));30 await click(link("API Reference"));31 await click(link("switchTo"));32 await click(button("Run in REPL"));33 await click(link("Console"));

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1const {switchTo} = require('taiko');2await write("Taiko");3await press("Enter");4await write("Taiko");5await press("Enter");6await write("Taiko");7await press("Enter");8await write("Taiko");9await press("Enter");10await write("Taiko");11await press("Enter");12await write("Taiko");13await press("Enter");14await write("Taiko");15await press("Enter");16await write("Taiko");17await press("Enter");18await write("Taiko");19await press("Enter");20await write("Taiko");21await press("Enter");22await write("Taiko");23await press("Enter");24await write("Taiko");25await press("Enter");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { openBrowser, closeBrowser, goto, switchTo, write, click, button, textBox, dropDown, link, toRightOf, image, toLeftOf, text, waitFor, listItem, fileField } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false });5 await write("Taiko", into(textBox(toRightOf("Google Search"))));6 await click("Google Search");7 await click("Taiko - Test Automation Framework");8 await click("Get Started");9 await click("Install Taiko");10 await click("Install");11 await click("Download");12 await click("Download");13 await click("Download");

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Lack of training is something that creates a major roadblock for a tester. Often, testers working in an organization are all of a sudden forced to learn a new framework or an automation tool whenever a new project demands it. You may be overwhelmed on how to learn test automation, where to start from and how to master test automation for web applications, and mobile applications on a new technology so soon.

30 Top Automation Testing Tools In 2022

The sky’s the limit (and even beyond that) when you want to run test automation. Technology has developed so much that you can reduce time and stay more productive than you used to 10 years ago. You needn’t put up with the limitations brought to you by Selenium if that’s your go-to automation testing tool. Instead, you can pick from various test automation frameworks and tools to write effective test cases and run them successfully.

Test strategy and how to communicate it

I routinely come across test strategy documents when working with customers. They are lengthy—100 pages or more—and packed with monotonous text that is routinely reused from one project to another. Yawn once more— the test halt and resume circumstances, the defect management procedure, entrance and exit criteria, unnecessary generic risks, and in fact, one often-used model replicates the requirements of textbook testing, from stress to systems integration.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.

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