Best JavaScript code snippet using supertest
Source: supertest.test.js
...6import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'7import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'8import * as nock from 'nock'9process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';10function shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err) {11 expect(err.stack).toMatch(/test\/supertest.test.js:/)12 expect(err.stack.startsWith( + ':')).toBeTruthy()13}14describe('request(url)', function () {15 it('should be supported', function (done) {16 const app = express();17 let s;18 app.get('/', function (req, res) {19 res.send('hello');20 });21 s = app.listen(function () {22 const url = 'http://localhost:' + s.address().port;23 request(url)24 .get('/')25 .expect('hello', done);26 });27 });28 describe('.end(cb)', function () {29 it('should set `this` to the test object when calling cb', function (done) {30 const app = express();31 let s;32 app.get('/', function (req, res) {33 res.send('hello');34 });35 s = app.listen(function () {36 const url = 'http://localhost:' + s.address().port;37 const test = request(url).get('/');38 test.end(function (err, res) {39 expect(this).toEqual(test)40 done();41 });42 });43 });44 });45});46describe('request(app)', function () {47 it('should fire up the app on an ephemeral port', function (done) {48 const app = express();49 app.get('/', function (req, res) {50 res.send('hey');51 });52 request(app)53 .get('/')54 .end(function (err, res) {55 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)56 expect(res.text).toEqual('hey')57 done();58 });59 });60 it('should work with an active server', function (done) {61 const app = express();62 let server;63 app.get('/', function (req, res) {64 res.send('hey');65 });66 server = app.listen(4000, function () {67 request(server)68 .get('/')69 .end(function (err, res) {70 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)71 expect(res.text).toEqual('hey')72 done();73 });74 });75 });76 it('should work with remote server', function (done) {77 const app = express();78 app.get('/', function (req, res) {79 res.send('hey');80 });81 app.listen(4001, function () {82 request('http://localhost:4001')83 .get('/')84 .end(function (err, res) {85 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)86 expect(res.text).toEqual('hey')87 done();88 });89 });90 });91 it('should work with a https server', function (done) {92 const app = express();93 const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures');94 const server = https.createServer({95 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures, 'test_key.pem')),96 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures, 'test_cert.pem'))97 }, app);98 app.get('/', function (req, res) {99 res.send('hey');100 });101 request(server)102 .get('/')103 .end(function (err, res) {104 if (err) return done(err);105 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)106 expect(res.text).toEqual('hey')107 done();108 });109 });110 it('should work with .send() etc', function (done) {111 const app = express();112 app.use(bodyParser.json());113'/', function (req, res) {114 res.send(;115 });116 request(app)117 .post('/')118 .send({ name: 'john' })119 .expect('john', done);120 });121 it('should work when unbuffered', function (done) {122 const app = express();123 app.get('/', function (req, res) {124 res.end('Hello');125 });126 request(app)127 .get('/')128 .expect('Hello', done);129 });130 it('should default redirects to 0', function (done) {131 const app = express();132 app.get('/', function (req, res) {133 res.redirect('/login');134 });135 request(app)136 .get('/')137 .expect(302, done);138 });139 it('should handle redirects', function (done) {140 const app = express();141 app.get('/login', function (req, res) {142 res.end('Login');143 });144 app.get('/', function (req, res) {145 res.redirect('/login');146 });147 request(app)148 .get('/')149 .redirects(1)150 .end(function (err, res) {151 expect(res).toBeTruthy()152 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)153 expect(res.text).toEqual('Login')154 done();155 });156 });157 it('should handle socket errors', function (done) {158 const app = express();159 app.get('/', function (req, res) {160 res.destroy();161 });162 request(app)163 .get('/')164 .end(function (err) {165 expect(err).toBeTruthy()166 done();167 });168 });169 describe('.end(fn)', function () {170 it('should close server', function (done) {171 const app = express();172 let test;173 app.get('/', function (req, res) {174 res.send('supertest FTW!');175 });176 test = request(app)177 .get('/')178 .end(function () {179 });180 test._server.on('close', function () {181 done();182 });183 });184 it('should wait for server to close before invoking fn', function (done) {185 const app = express();186 let closed = false;187 let test;188 app.get('/', function (req, res) {189 res.send('supertest FTW!');190 });191 test = request(app)192 .get('/')193 .end(function () {194 expect(closed).toBeTruthy()195 done();196 });197 test._server.on('close', function () {198 closed = true;199 });200 });201 it('should support nested requests', function (done) {202 const app = express();203 const test = request(app);204 app.get('/', function (req, res) {205 res.send('supertest FTW!');206 });207 test208 .get('/')209 .end(function () {210 test211 .get('/')212 .end(function (err, res) {213 expect(err === null).toBeTruthy()214 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)215 expect(res.text).toEqual('supertest FTW!')216 done();217 });218 });219 });220 it('should include the response in the error callback', function (done) {221 const app = express();222 app.get('/', function (req, res) {223 res.send('whatever');224 });225 request(app)226 .get('/')227 .expect(function () {228 throw new Error('Some error');229 })230 .end(function (err, res) {231 expect(err).toBeTruthy()232 expect(res).toBeTruthy()233 // Duck-typing response, just in case.234 expect(res.status).toEqual(200)235 done();236 });237 });238 it('should set `this` to the test object when calling the error callback', function (done) {239 const app = express();240 let test;241 app.get('/', function (req, res) {242 res.send('whatever');243 });244 test = request(app).get('/');245 test.expect(function () {246 throw new Error('Some error');247 }).end(function (err, res) {248 expect(err).toBeTruthy()249 expect(this).toEqual(test)250 done();251 });252 });253 it('should handle an undefined Response', function (done) {254 const app = express();255 let server;256 app.get('/', function (req, res) {257 setTimeout(function () {258 res.end();259 }, 20);260 });261 server = app.listen(function () {262 const url = 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port;263 request(url)264 .get('/')265 .timeout(1)266 .expect(200, function (err) {267 expect(err instanceof Error).toBeTruthy()268 return done();269 });270 });271 });272 it('should handle error returned when server goes down', function (done) {273 const app = express();274 let server;275 app.get('/', function (req, res) {276 res.end();277 });278 server = app.listen(function () {279 const url = 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port;280 server.close();281 request(url)282 .get('/')283 .expect(200, function (err) {284 expect('Error')285 return done();286 });287 });288 });289 });290 describe('.expect(status[, fn])', function () {291 it('should assert the response status', function (done) {292 const app = express();293 app.get('/', function (req, res) {294 res.send('hey');295 });296 request(app)297 .get('/')298 .expect(404)299 .end(function (err, res) {300 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected 404 "Not Found", got 200 "OK"')301 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);302 done();303 });304 });305 });306 describe('.expect(status)', function () {307 it('should handle connection error', function (done) {308 const req = new request.agent('http://localhost:1234');309 req310 .get('/')311 .expect(200)312 .end(function (err, res) {313 expect(err.message).toEqual('connect ECONNREFUSED')314 done();315 });316 });317 });318 describe('.expect(status)', function () {319 it('should assert only status', function (done) {320 const app = express();321 app.get('/', function (req, res) {322 res.send('hey');323 });324 request(app)325 .get('/')326 .expect(200)327 .end(done);328 });329 });330 describe('.expect(status, body[, fn])', function () {331 it('should assert the response body and status', function (done) {332 const app = express();333 app.get('/', function (req, res) {334 res.send('foo');335 });336 request(app)337 .get('/')338 .expect(200, 'foo', done);339 });340 describe('when the body argument is an empty string', function () {341 it('should not quietly pass on failure', function (done) {342 const app = express();343 app.get('/', function (req, res) {344 res.send('foo');345 });346 request(app)347 .get('/')348 .expect(200, '')349 .end(function (err, res) {350 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected \'\' response body, got \'foo\'')351 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);352 done();353 });354 });355 });356 });357 describe('.expect(body[, fn])', function () {358 it('should assert the response body', function (done) {359 const app = express();360 app.set('json spaces', 0);361 app.get('/', function (req, res) {362 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });363 });364 request(app)365 .get('/')366 .expect('hey')367 .end(function (err, res) {368 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected \'hey\' response body, got \'{"foo":"bar"}\'')369 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);370 done();371 });372 });373 it('should assert the status before the body', function (done) {374 const app = express();375 app.set('json spaces', 0);376 app.get('/', function (req, res) {377 res.status(500).send({ message: 'something went wrong' });378 });379 request(app)380 .get('/')381 .expect(200)382 .expect('hey')383 .end(function (err, res) {384 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected 200 "OK", got 500 "Internal Server Error"')385 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);386 done();387 });388 });389 it('should assert the response text', function (done) {390 const app = express();391 app.set('json spaces', 0);392 app.get('/', function (req, res) {393 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });394 });395 request(app)396 .get('/')397 .expect('{"foo":"bar"}', done);398 });399 it('should assert the parsed response body', function (done) {400 const app = express();401 app.set('json spaces', 0);402 app.get('/', function (req, res) {403 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });404 });405 request(app)406 .get('/')407 .expect({ foo: 'baz' })408 .end(function (err, res) {409 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected { foo: \'baz\' } response body, got { foo: \'bar\' }')410 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);411 request(app)412 .get('/')413 .expect({ foo: 'bar' })414 .end(done);415 });416 });417 it('should test response object types', function (done) {418 const app = express();419 app.get('/', function (req, res) {420 res.status(200).json({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3 });421 });422 request(app)423 .get('/')424 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3 }, done);425 });426 it('should deep test response object types', function (done) {427 const app = express();428 app.get('/', function (req, res) {429 res.status(200)430 .json({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: '5' } });431 });432 request(app)433 .get('/')434 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: 5 } })435 .end(function (err, res) {436 expect(err.message.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '')).toEqual('expected {\n stringValue: \'foo\',\n numberValue: 3,\n nestedObject: { innerString: 5 }\n} response body, got {\n stringValue: \'foo\',\n numberValue: 3,\n nestedObject: { innerString: \'5\' }\n}'.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ''))437 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);438 request(app)439 .get('/')440 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: '5' } })441 .end(done);442 });443 });444 it('should support regular expressions', function (done) {445 const app = express();446 app.get('/', function (req, res) {447 res.send('foobar');448 });449 request(app)450 .get('/')451 .expect(/^bar/)452 .end(function (err, res) {453 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected body \'foobar\' to match /^bar/')454 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);455 done();456 });457 });458 it('should assert response body multiple times', function (done) {459 const app = express();460 app.get('/', function (req, res) {461 res.send('hey tj');462 });463 request(app)464 .get('/')465 .expect(/tj/)466 .expect('hey')467 .expect('hey tj')468 .end(function (err, res) {469 expect(err.message).toEqual("expected 'hey' response body, got 'hey tj'")470 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);471 done();472 });473 });474 it('should assert response body multiple times with no exception', function (done) {475 const app = express();476 app.get('/', function (req, res) {477 res.send('hey tj');478 });479 request(app)480 .get('/')481 .expect(/tj/)482 .expect(/^hey/)483 .expect('hey tj', done);484 });485 });486 describe('.expect(field, value[, fn])', function () {487 it('should assert the header field presence', function (done) {488 const app = express();489 app.get('/', function (req, res) {490 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });491 });492 request(app)493 .get('/')494 .expect('Content-Foo', 'bar')495 .end(function (err, res) {496 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Foo" header field')497 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);498 done();499 });500 });501 it('should assert the header field value', function (done) {502 const app = express();503 app.get('/', function (req, res) {504 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });505 });506 request(app)507 .get('/')508 .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html')509 .end(function (err, res) {510 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Type" of "text/html", '511 + 'got "application/json; charset=utf-8"')512 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);513 done();514 });515 });516 it('should assert multiple fields', function (done) {517 const app = express();518 app.get('/', function (req, res) {519 res.send('hey');520 });521 request(app)522 .get('/')523 .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')524 .expect('Content-Length', '3')525 .end(done);526 });527 it('should support regular expressions', function (done) {528 const app = express();529 app.get('/', function (req, res) {530 res.send('hey');531 });532 request(app)533 .get('/')534 .expect('Content-Type', /^application/)535 .end(function (err) {536 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Type" matching /^application/, '537 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"')538 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);539 done();540 });541 });542 it('should support numbers', function (done) {543 const app = express();544 app.get('/', function (req, res) {545 res.send('hey');546 });547 request(app)548 .get('/')549 .expect('Content-Length', 4)550 .end(function (err) {551 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Length" of "4", got "3"')552 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);553 done();554 });555 });556 describe('handling arbitrary expect functions', function () {557 let app;558 let get;559 beforeAll(function () {560 app = express();561 app.get('/', function (req, res) {562 res.send('hey');563 });564 });565 beforeEach(function () {566 get = request(app).get('/');567 });568 it('reports errors', function (done) {569 get570 .expect(function (res) {571 throw new Error('failed');572 })573 .end(function (err) {574 expect(err.message).toEqual('failed')575 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);576 done();577 });578 });579 it(580 'ensures truthy non-errors returned from asserts are not promoted to errors',581 function (done) {582 get583 .expect(function (res) {584 return 'some descriptive error';585 })586 .end(function (err) {587 expect(err).toBeFalsy()588 done();589 });590 }591 );592 it('ensures truthy errors returned from asserts are throw to end', function (done) {593 get594 .expect(function (res) {595 return new Error('some descriptive error');596 })597 .end(function (err) {598 expect(err.message).toEqual('some descriptive error')599 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);600 expect(err instanceof Error).toBeTruthy()601 done();602 });603 });604 it("doesn't create false negatives", function (done) {605 get606 .expect(function (res) {607 })608 .end(done);609 });610 it("doesn't create false negatives on non error objects", function (done) {611 const handler = {612 get: function(target, prop, receiver) {613 throw Error('Should not be called for non Error objects');614 }615 };616 const proxy = new Proxy({}, handler); // eslint-disable-line no-undef617 get618 .expect(() => proxy)619 .end(done);620 });621 it('handles multiple asserts', function (done) {622 const calls = [];623 get624 .expect(function (res) {625 calls[0] = 1;626 })627 .expect(function (res) {628 calls[1] = 1;629 })630 .expect(function (res) {631 calls[2] = 1;632 })633 .end(function () {634 const callCount = [0, 1, 2].reduce(function (count, i) {635 return count + calls[i];636 }, 0);637 expect(callCount).toEqual(3)638 done();639 });640 });641 it('plays well with normal assertions - no false positives', function (done) {642 get643 .expect(function (res) {644 })645 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)646 .end(function (err) {647 expect(err.message).toMatch(/Content-Type/)648 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);649 done();650 });651 });652 it('plays well with normal assertions - no false negatives', function (done) {653 get654 .expect(function (res) {655 })656 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)657 .expect(function (res) {658 })659 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)660 .end(done);661 });662 });663 describe('handling multiple assertions per field', function () {664 it('should work', function (done) {665 const app = express();666 app.get('/', function (req, res) {667 res.send('hey');668 });669 request(app)670 .get('/')671 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)672 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)673 .end(done);674 });675 it('should return an error if the first one fails', function (done) {676 const app = express();677 app.get('/', function (req, res) {678 res.send('hey');679 });680 request(app)681 .get('/')682 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)683 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)684 .end(function (err) {685 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '686 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"')687 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);688 done();689 });690 });691 it('should return an error if a middle one fails', function (done) {692 const app = express();693 app.get('/', function (req, res) {694 res.send('hey');695 });696 request(app)697 .get('/')698 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)699 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)700 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)701 .end(function (err) {702 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '703 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"')704 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);705 done();706 });707 });708 it('should return an error if the last one fails', function (done) {709 const app = express();710 app.get('/', function (req, res) {711 res.send('hey');712 });713 request(app)714 .get('/')715 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)716 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)717 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)718 .end(function (err) {719 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '720 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"')721 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);722 done();723 });724 });725 });726 });727});728describe('request.agent(app)', function () {729 const app = express();730 const agent = new request.agent(app)731 .set('header', 'hey');732 app.use(cookieParser());733 app.get('/', function (req, res) {734 res.cookie('cookie', 'hey');735 res.send();736 });737 app.get('/return_cookies', function (req, res) {738 if (req.cookies.cookie) res.send(req.cookies.cookie);739 else res.send(':(');740 });741 app.get('/return_headers', function (req, res) {742 if (req.get('header')) res.send(req.get('header'));743 else res.send(':(');744 });745 it('should save cookies', function (done) {746 agent747 .get('/')748 .expect('set-cookie', 'cookie=hey; Path=/', done);749 });750 it('should send cookies', function (done) {751 agent752 .get('/return_cookies')753 .expect('hey', done);754 });755 it('should send global agent headers', function (done) {756 agent757 .get('/return_headers')758 .expect('hey', done);759 });760});761describe('', function () {762 it('should set request hostname', function (done) {763 const app = express();764 const agent = new request.agent(app);765 app.get('/', function (req, res) {766 res.send({ hostname: req.hostname });767 });768 agent769 .host('something.test')770 .get('/')771 .end(function (err, res) {772 if (err) return done(err);773 expect(res.body.hostname).toEqual('something.test')774 done();775 });776 });777});778describe('.<http verb> works as expected', function () {779 it('.delete should work', function (done) {780 const app = express();781 app.delete('/', function (req, res) {782 res.sendStatus(200);783 });784 request(app)785 .delete('/')786 .expect(200, done);787 });788 it('.del should work', function (done) {789 const app = express();790 app.delete('/', function (req, res) {791 res.sendStatus(200);792 });793 request(app)794 .del('/')795 .expect(200, done);796 });797 it('.get should work', function (done) {798 const app = express();799 app.get('/', function (req, res) {800 res.sendStatus(200);801 });802 request(app)803 .get('/')804 .expect(200, done);805 });806 it('.post should work', function (done) {807 const app = express();808'/', function (req, res) {809 res.sendStatus(200);810 });811 request(app)812 .post('/')813 .expect(200, done);814 });815 it('.put should work', function (done) {816 const app = express();817 app.put('/', function (req, res) {818 res.sendStatus(200);819 });820 request(app)821 .put('/')822 .expect(200, done);823 });824 it('.head should work', function (done) {825 const app = express();826 app.head('/', function (req, res) {827 res.statusCode = 200;828 res.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');829 res.set('Content-Length', '1024');830 res.status(200);831 res.end();832 });833 request(app)834 .head('/')835 .set('accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate')836 .end(function (err, res) {837 if (err) return done(err);838 expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(200)839 expect(res.headers['content-length']).toEqual('1024')840 done();841 });842 });843});844describe('assert ordering by call order', function () {845 it('should assert the body before status', function (done) {846 const app = express();847 app.set('json spaces', 0);848 app.get('/', function (req, res) {849 res.status(500).json({ message: 'something went wrong' });850 });851 request(app)852 .get('/')853 .expect('hey')854 .expect(200)855 .end(function (err, res) {856 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected \'hey\' response body, '857 + 'got \'{"message":"something went wrong"}\'')858 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);859 done();860 });861 });862 it('should assert the status before body', function (done) {863 const app = express();864 app.set('json spaces', 0);865 app.get('/', function (req, res) {866 res.status(500).json({ message: 'something went wrong' });867 });868 request(app)869 .get('/')870 .expect(200)871 .expect('hey')872 .end(function (err, res) {873 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected 200 "OK", got 500 "Internal Server Error"');874 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);875 done();876 });877 });878 it('should assert the fields before body and status', function (done) {879 const app = express();880 app.set('json spaces', 0);881 app.get('/', function (req, res) {882 res.status(200).json({ hello: 'world' });883 });884 request(app)885 .get('/')886 .expect('content-type', /html/)887 .expect('hello')888 .end(function (err, res) {889 expect(err.message).toEqual('expected "content-type" matching /html/, '890 + 'got "application/json; charset=utf-8"');891 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);892 done();893 });894 });895 it('should call the expect function in order', function (done) {896 const app = express();897 app.get('/', function (req, res) {898 res.status(200).json({});899 });900 request(app)901 .get('/')902 .expect(function (res) {903 res.body.first = 1;904 })905 .expect(function (res) {906 expect(res.body.first === 1).toBeTruthy()907 res.body.second = 2;908 })909 .end(function (err, res) {910 if (err) {911 return done(err);912 }913 expect(res.body.first === 1).toBeTruthy()914 expect(res.body.second === 2).toBeTruthy()915 done();916 });917 });918 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(status, fn) in order', function (done) {919 const app = express();920 app.get('/', function (req, res) {921 res.status(200).json({});922 });923 request(app)924 .get('/')925 .expect(function (res) {926 res.body.first = 1;927 })928 .expect(200, function (err, res) {929 expect(err === null).toBeTruthy()930 expect(res.body.first === 1).toBeTruthy()931 done();932 });933 });934 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(header,value) in order', function (done) {935 const app = express();936 app.get('/', function (req, res) {937 res938 .set('X-Some-Header', 'Some value')939 .send();940 });941 request(app)942 .get('/')943 .expect('X-Some-Header', 'Some value')944 .expect(function (res) {945 res.headers['x-some-header'] = '';946 })947 .expect('X-Some-Header', '')948 .end(done);949 });950 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(body) in order', function (done) {951 const app = express();952 app.get('/', function (req, res) {953 res.json({ somebody: 'some body value' });954 });955 request(app)956 .get('/')957 .expect(/some body value/)958 .expect(function (res) {959 res.body.somebody = 'nobody';960 })961 .expect(/some body value/) // res.text should not be modified.962 .expect({ somebody: 'nobody' })963 .expect(function (res) {964 res.text = 'gone';965 })966 .expect('gone')967 .expect(/gone/)968 .expect({ somebody: 'nobody' }) // res.body should not be modified969 .expect('gone', done);970 });971});972describe('request.get(url).query(vals) works as expected', function () {973 it('normal single query string value works', function (done) {974 const app = express();975 app.get('/', function (req, res) {976 res.status(200).send(req.query.val);977 });978 request(app)979 .get('/')980 .query({ val: 'Test1' })981 .expect(200, function (err, res) {982 expect(res.text).toEqual('Test1')983 done();984 });985 });986 it('array query string value works', function (done) {987 const app = express();988 app.get('/', function (req, res) {989 res.status(200).send(Array.isArray(req.query.val));990 });991 request(app)992 .get('/')993 .query({ 'val[]': ['Test1', 'Test2'] })994 .expect(200, function (err, res) {995 expect(res.req.path).toEqual('/?val%5B%5D=Test1&val%5B%5D=Test2')996 expect(res.text).toEqual('true')997 done();998 });999 });1000 it('array query string value work even with single value', function (done) {1001 const app = express();1002 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1003 res.status(200).send(Array.isArray(req.query.val));1004 });1005 request(app)1006 .get('/')1007 .query({ 'val[]': ['Test1'] })1008 .expect(200, function (err, res) {1009 expect(res.req.path).toEqual('/?val%5B%5D=Test1');1010 expect(res.text).toEqual('true');1011 done();1012 });1013 });1014 it('object query string value works', function (done) {1015 const app = express();1016 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1017 res.status(200).send(req.query.val.test);1018 });1019 request(app)1020 .get('/')1021 .query({ val: { test: 'Test1' } })1022 .expect(200, function (err, res) {1023 expect(res.text).toEqual('Test1');1024 done();1025 });1026 });1027 it('handles unknown errors', function (done) {1028 const app = express();1029 nock.disableNetConnect();1030 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1031 res.status(200).send('OK');1032 });1033 request(app)1034 .get('/')1035 // This expect should never get called, but exposes this issue with other1036 // errors being obscured by the response assertions1037 // .expect(200)1039 .end(function (err, res) {1040 expect('Error')1041 expect(err.message).toMatch(/Nock: Disallowed net connect/)1042 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);1043 done();1044 });1045 nock.restore();1046 });1047 it('should assert using promises', function (done) {1048 const app = express();1049 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1050 res.status(400).send({ promise: true });1051 });1052 request(app)1053 .get('/')1054 .expect(400)1055 .then((res) => {1056 expect(res.body.promise).toBeTruthy()...
Source: supertest.js
...8const bodyParser = require('body-parser');9const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');10const nock = require('nock');11process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';12function shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err) {13 err.stack.should.match(/test\/supertest.js:/);14 err.stack.should.startWith( + ':');15}16describe('request(url)', function () {17 it('should be supported', function (done) {18 const app = express();19 let s;20 app.get('/', function (req, res) {21 res.send('hello');22 });23 s = app.listen(function () {24 const url = 'http://localhost:' + s.address().port;25 request(url)26 .get('/')27 .expect('hello', done);28 });29 });30 describe('.end(cb)', function () {31 it('should set `this` to the test object when calling cb', function (done) {32 const app = express();33 let s;34 app.get('/', function (req, res) {35 res.send('hello');36 });37 s = app.listen(function () {38 const url = 'http://localhost:' + s.address().port;39 const test = request(url).get('/');40 test.end(function (err, res) {41 this.should.eql(test);42 done();43 });44 });45 });46 });47});48describe('request(app)', function () {49 it('should fire up the app on an ephemeral port', function (done) {50 const app = express();51 app.get('/', function (req, res) {52 res.send('hey');53 });54 request(app)55 .get('/')56 .end(function (err, res) {57 res.status.should.equal(200);58 res.text.should.equal('hey');59 done();60 });61 });62 it('should work with an active server', function (done) {63 const app = express();64 let server;65 app.get('/', function (req, res) {66 res.send('hey');67 });68 server = app.listen(4000, function () {69 request(server)70 .get('/')71 .end(function (err, res) {72 res.status.should.equal(200);73 res.text.should.equal('hey');74 done();75 });76 });77 });78 it('should work with remote server', function (done) {79 const app = express();80 app.get('/', function (req, res) {81 res.send('hey');82 });83 app.listen(4001, function () {84 request('http://localhost:4001')85 .get('/')86 .end(function (err, res) {87 res.status.should.equal(200);88 res.text.should.equal('hey');89 done();90 });91 });92 });93 it('should work with a https server', function (done) {94 const app = express();95 const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures');96 const server = https.createServer({97 key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures, 'test_key.pem')),98 cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures, 'test_cert.pem'))99 }, app);100 app.get('/', function (req, res) {101 res.send('hey');102 });103 request(server)104 .get('/')105 .end(function (err, res) {106 if (err) return done(err);107 res.status.should.equal(200);108 res.text.should.equal('hey');109 done();110 });111 });112 it('should work with .send() etc', function (done) {113 const app = express();114 app.use(bodyParser.json());115'/', function (req, res) {116 res.send(;117 });118 request(app)119 .post('/')120 .send({ name: 'john' })121 .expect('john', done);122 });123 it('should work when unbuffered', function (done) {124 const app = express();125 app.get('/', function (req, res) {126 res.end('Hello');127 });128 request(app)129 .get('/')130 .expect('Hello', done);131 });132 it('should default redirects to 0', function (done) {133 const app = express();134 app.get('/', function (req, res) {135 res.redirect('/login');136 });137 request(app)138 .get('/')139 .expect(302, done);140 });141 it('should handle redirects', function (done) {142 const app = express();143 app.get('/login', function (req, res) {144 res.end('Login');145 });146 app.get('/', function (req, res) {147 res.redirect('/login');148 });149 request(app)150 .get('/')151 .redirects(1)152 .end(function (err, res) {153 should.exist(res);154;155'Login');156 done();157 });158 });159 it('should handle socket errors', function (done) {160 const app = express();161 app.get('/', function (req, res) {162 res.destroy();163 });164 request(app)165 .get('/')166 .end(function (err) {167 should.exist(err);168 done();169 });170 });171 describe('.end(fn)', function () {172 it('should close server', function (done) {173 const app = express();174 let test;175 app.get('/', function (req, res) {176 res.send('supertest FTW!');177 });178 test = request(app)179 .get('/')180 .end(function () {181 });182 test._server.on('close', function () {183 done();184 });185 });186 it('should wait for server to close before invoking fn', function (done) {187 const app = express();188 let closed = false;189 let test;190 app.get('/', function (req, res) {191 res.send('supertest FTW!');192 });193 test = request(app)194 .get('/')195 .end(function () {196;197 done();198 });199 test._server.on('close', function () {200 closed = true;201 });202 });203 it('should support nested requests', function (done) {204 const app = express();205 const test = request(app);206 app.get('/', function (req, res) {207 res.send('supertest FTW!');208 });209 test210 .get('/')211 .end(function () {212 test213 .get('/')214 .end(function (err, res) {215 (err === null);216 res.status.should.equal(200);217 res.text.should.equal('supertest FTW!');218 done();219 });220 });221 });222 it('should include the response in the error callback', function (done) {223 const app = express();224 app.get('/', function (req, res) {225 res.send('whatever');226 });227 request(app)228 .get('/')229 .expect(function () {230 throw new Error('Some error');231 })232 .end(function (err, res) {233 should.exist(err);234 should.exist(res);235 // Duck-typing response, just in case.236 res.status.should.equal(200);237 done();238 });239 });240 it('should set `this` to the test object when calling the error callback', function (done) {241 const app = express();242 let test;243 app.get('/', function (req, res) {244 res.send('whatever');245 });246 test = request(app).get('/');247 test.expect(function () {248 throw new Error('Some error');249 }).end(function (err, res) {250 should.exist(err);251 this.should.eql(test);252 done();253 });254 });255 it('should handle an undefined Response', function (done) {256 const app = express();257 let server;258 app.get('/', function (req, res) {259 setTimeout(function () {260 res.end();261 }, 20);262 });263 server = app.listen(function () {264 const url = 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port;265 request(url)266 .get('/')267 .timeout(1)268 .expect(200, function (err) {269;270 return done();271 });272 });273 });274 it('should handle error returned when server goes down', function (done) {275 const app = express();276 let server;277 app.get('/', function (req, res) {278 res.end();279 });280 server = app.listen(function () {281 const url = 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port;282 server.close();283 request(url)284 .get('/')285 .expect(200, function (err) {286;287 return done();288 });289 });290 });291 });292 describe('.expect(status[, fn])', function () {293 it('should assert the response status', function (done) {294 const app = express();295 app.get('/', function (req, res) {296 res.send('hey');297 });298 request(app)299 .get('/')300 .expect(404)301 .end(function (err, res) {302 err.message.should.equal('expected 404 "Not Found", got 200 "OK"');303 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);304 done();305 });306 });307 });308 describe('.expect(status)', function () {309 it('should handle connection error', function (done) {310 const req = request.agent('http://localhost:1234');311 req312 .get('/')313 .expect(200)314 .end(function (err, res) {315 err.message.should.equal('ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused');316 done();317 });318 });319 });320 describe('.expect(status)', function () {321 it('should assert only status', function (done) {322 const app = express();323 app.get('/', function (req, res) {324 res.send('hey');325 });326 request(app)327 .get('/')328 .expect(200)329 .end(done);330 });331 });332 describe('.expect(status, body[, fn])', function () {333 it('should assert the response body and status', function (done) {334 const app = express();335 app.get('/', function (req, res) {336 res.send('foo');337 });338 request(app)339 .get('/')340 .expect(200, 'foo', done);341 });342 describe('when the body argument is an empty string', function () {343 it('should not quietly pass on failure', function (done) {344 const app = express();345 app.get('/', function (req, res) {346 res.send('foo');347 });348 request(app)349 .get('/')350 .expect(200, '')351 .end(function (err, res) {352 err.message.should.equal('expected \'\' response body, got \'foo\'');353 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);354 done();355 });356 });357 });358 });359 describe('.expect(body[, fn])', function () {360 it('should assert the response body', function (done) {361 const app = express();362 app.set('json spaces', 0);363 app.get('/', function (req, res) {364 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });365 });366 request(app)367 .get('/')368 .expect('hey')369 .end(function (err, res) {370 err.message.should.equal('expected \'hey\' response body, got \'{"foo":"bar"}\'');371 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);372 done();373 });374 });375 it('should assert the status before the body', function (done) {376 const app = express();377 app.set('json spaces', 0);378 app.get('/', function (req, res) {379 res.status(500).send({ message: 'something went wrong' });380 });381 request(app)382 .get('/')383 .expect(200)384 .expect('hey')385 .end(function (err, res) {386 err.message.should.equal('expected 200 "OK", got 500 "Internal Server Error"');387 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);388 done();389 });390 });391 it('should assert the response text', function (done) {392 const app = express();393 app.set('json spaces', 0);394 app.get('/', function (req, res) {395 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });396 });397 request(app)398 .get('/')399 .expect('{"foo":"bar"}', done);400 });401 it('should assert the parsed response body', function (done) {402 const app = express();403 app.set('json spaces', 0);404 app.get('/', function (req, res) {405 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });406 });407 request(app)408 .get('/')409 .expect({ foo: 'baz' })410 .end(function (err, res) {411 err.message.should.equal('expected { foo: \'baz\' } response body, got { foo: \'bar\' }');412 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);413 request(app)414 .get('/')415 .expect({ foo: 'bar' })416 .end(done);417 });418 });419 it('should test response object types', function (done) {420 const app = express();421 app.get('/', function (req, res) {422 res.status(200).json({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3 });423 });424 request(app)425 .get('/')426 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3 }, done);427 });428 it('should deep test response object types', function (done) {429 const app = express();430 app.get('/', function (req, res) {431 res.status(200)432 .json({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: '5' } });433 });434 request(app)435 .get('/')436 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: 5 } })437 .end(function (err, res) {438 err.message.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '').should.equal('expected {\n stringValue: \'foo\',\n numberValue: 3,\n nestedObject: { innerString: 5 }\n} response body, got {\n stringValue: \'foo\',\n numberValue: 3,\n nestedObject: { innerString: \'5\' }\n}'.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '')); // eslint-disable-line max-len439 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);440 request(app)441 .get('/')442 .expect({ stringValue: 'foo', numberValue: 3, nestedObject: { innerString: '5' } })443 .end(done);444 });445 });446 it('should support regular expressions', function (done) {447 const app = express();448 app.get('/', function (req, res) {449 res.send('foobar');450 });451 request(app)452 .get('/')453 .expect(/^bar/)454 .end(function (err, res) {455 err.message.should.equal('expected body \'foobar\' to match /^bar/');456 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);457 done();458 });459 });460 it('should assert response body multiple times', function (done) {461 const app = express();462 app.get('/', function (req, res) {463 res.send('hey tj');464 });465 request(app)466 .get('/')467 .expect(/tj/)468 .expect('hey')469 .expect('hey tj')470 .end(function (err, res) {471 err.message.should.equal("expected 'hey' response body, got 'hey tj'");472 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);473 done();474 });475 });476 it('should assert response body multiple times with no exception', function (done) {477 const app = express();478 app.get('/', function (req, res) {479 res.send('hey tj');480 });481 request(app)482 .get('/')483 .expect(/tj/)484 .expect(/^hey/)485 .expect('hey tj', done);486 });487 });488 describe('.expect(field, value[, fn])', function () {489 it('should assert the header field presence', function (done) {490 const app = express();491 app.get('/', function (req, res) {492 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });493 });494 request(app)495 .get('/')496 .expect('Content-Foo', 'bar')497 .end(function (err, res) {498 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Foo" header field');499 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);500 done();501 });502 });503 it('should assert the header field value', function (done) {504 const app = express();505 app.get('/', function (req, res) {506 res.send({ foo: 'bar' });507 });508 request(app)509 .get('/')510 .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html')511 .end(function (err, res) {512 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Type" of "text/html", '513 + 'got "application/json; charset=utf-8"');514 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);515 done();516 });517 });518 it('should assert multiple fields', function (done) {519 const app = express();520 app.get('/', function (req, res) {521 res.send('hey');522 });523 request(app)524 .get('/')525 .expect('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')526 .expect('Content-Length', '3')527 .end(done);528 });529 it('should support regular expressions', function (done) {530 const app = express();531 app.get('/', function (req, res) {532 res.send('hey');533 });534 request(app)535 .get('/')536 .expect('Content-Type', /^application/)537 .end(function (err) {538 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Type" matching /^application/, '539 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"');540 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);541 done();542 });543 });544 it('should support numbers', function (done) {545 const app = express();546 app.get('/', function (req, res) {547 res.send('hey');548 });549 request(app)550 .get('/')551 .expect('Content-Length', 4)552 .end(function (err) {553 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Length" of "4", got "3"');554 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);555 done();556 });557 });558 describe('handling arbitrary expect functions', function () {559 let app;560 let get;561 before(function () {562 app = express();563 app.get('/', function (req, res) {564 res.send('hey');565 });566 });567 beforeEach(function () {568 get = request(app).get('/');569 });570 it('reports errors', function (done) {571 get572 .expect(function (res) {573 throw new Error('failed');574 })575 .end(function (err) {576 err.message.should.equal('failed');577 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);578 done();579 });580 });581 it(582 'ensures truthy non-errors returned from asserts are not promoted to errors',583 function (done) {584 get585 .expect(function (res) {586 return 'some descriptive error';587 })588 .end(function (err) {589 should.not.exist(err);590 done();591 });592 }593 );594 it('ensures truthy errors returned from asserts are throw to end', function (done) {595 get596 .expect(function (res) {597 return new Error('some descriptive error');598 })599 .end(function (err) {600 err.message.should.equal('some descriptive error');601 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);602 (err instanceof Error);603 done();604 });605 });606 it("doesn't create false negatives", function (done) {607 get608 .expect(function (res) {609 })610 .end(done);611 });612 it("doesn't create false negatives on non error objects", function (done) {613 const handler = {614 get: function(target, prop, receiver) {615 throw Error('Should not be called for non Error objects');616 }617 };618 const proxy = new Proxy({}, handler); // eslint-disable-line no-undef619 get620 .expect(() => proxy)621 .end(done);622 });623 it('handles multiple asserts', function (done) {624 const calls = [];625 get626 .expect(function (res) {627 calls[0] = 1;628 })629 .expect(function (res) {630 calls[1] = 1;631 })632 .expect(function (res) {633 calls[2] = 1;634 })635 .end(function () {636 const callCount = [0, 1, 2].reduce(function (count, i) {637 return count + calls[i];638 }, 0);639 callCount.should.equal(3, "didn't see all assertions run");640 done();641 });642 });643 it('plays well with normal assertions - no false positives', function (done) {644 get645 .expect(function (res) {646 })647 .expect('Content-Type', /json/)648 .end(function (err) {649 err.message.should.match(/Content-Type/);650 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);651 done();652 });653 });654 it('plays well with normal assertions - no false negatives', function (done) {655 get656 .expect(function (res) {657 })658 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)659 .expect(function (res) {660 })661 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)662 .end(done);663 });664 });665 describe('handling multiple assertions per field', function () {666 it('should work', function (done) {667 const app = express();668 app.get('/', function (req, res) {669 res.send('hey');670 });671 request(app)672 .get('/')673 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)674 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)675 .end(done);676 });677 it('should return an error if the first one fails', function (done) {678 const app = express();679 app.get('/', function (req, res) {680 res.send('hey');681 });682 request(app)683 .get('/')684 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)685 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)686 .end(function (err) {687 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '688 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"');689 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);690 done();691 });692 });693 it('should return an error if a middle one fails', function (done) {694 const app = express();695 app.get('/', function (req, res) {696 res.send('hey');697 });698 request(app)699 .get('/')700 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)701 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)702 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)703 .end(function (err) {704 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '705 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"');706 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);707 done();708 });709 });710 it('should return an error if the last one fails', function (done) {711 const app = express();712 app.get('/', function (req, res) {713 res.send('hey');714 });715 request(app)716 .get('/')717 .expect('Content-Type', /text/)718 .expect('Content-Type', /html/)719 .expect('Content-Type', /bloop/)720 .end(function (err) {721 err.message.should.equal('expected "Content-Type" matching /bloop/, '722 + 'got "text/html; charset=utf-8"');723 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);724 done();725 });726 });727 });728 });729});730describe('request.agent(app)', function () {731 const app = express();732 const agent = request.agent(app)733 .set('header', 'hey');734 app.use(cookieParser());735 app.get('/', function (req, res) {736 res.cookie('cookie', 'hey');737 res.send();738 });739 app.get('/return_cookies', function (req, res) {740 if (req.cookies.cookie) res.send(req.cookies.cookie);741 else res.send(':(');742 });743 app.get('/return_headers', function (req, res) {744 if (req.get('header')) res.send(req.get('header'));745 else res.send(':(');746 });747 it('should save cookies', function (done) {748 agent749 .get('/')750 .expect('set-cookie', 'cookie=hey; Path=/', done);751 });752 it('should send cookies', function (done) {753 agent754 .get('/return_cookies')755 .expect('hey', done);756 });757 it('should send global agent headers', function (done) {758 agent759 .get('/return_headers')760 .expect('hey', done);761 });762});763describe('', function () {764 it('should set request hostname', function (done) {765 const app = express();766 const agent = request.agent(app);767 app.get('/', function (req, res) {768 res.send({ hostname: req.hostname });769 });770 agent771 .host('something.test')772 .get('/')773 .end(function (err, res) {774 if (err) return done(err);775 res.body.hostname.should.equal('something.test');776 done();777 });778 });779});780describe('.<http verb> works as expected', function () {781 it('.delete should work', function (done) {782 const app = express();783 app.delete('/', function (req, res) {784 res.sendStatus(200);785 });786 request(app)787 .delete('/')788 .expect(200, done);789 });790 it('.del should work', function (done) {791 const app = express();792 app.delete('/', function (req, res) {793 res.sendStatus(200);794 });795 request(app)796 .del('/')797 .expect(200, done);798 });799 it('.get should work', function (done) {800 const app = express();801 app.get('/', function (req, res) {802 res.sendStatus(200);803 });804 request(app)805 .get('/')806 .expect(200, done);807 });808 it('.post should work', function (done) {809 const app = express();810'/', function (req, res) {811 res.sendStatus(200);812 });813 request(app)814 .post('/')815 .expect(200, done);816 });817 it('.put should work', function (done) {818 const app = express();819 app.put('/', function (req, res) {820 res.sendStatus(200);821 });822 request(app)823 .put('/')824 .expect(200, done);825 });826 it('.head should work', function (done) {827 const app = express();828 app.head('/', function (req, res) {829 res.statusCode = 200;830 res.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');831 res.set('Content-Length', '1024');832 res.status(200);833 res.end();834 });835 request(app)836 .head('/')837 .set('accept-encoding', 'gzip, deflate')838 .end(function (err, res) {839 if (err) return done(err);840'statusCode', 200);841'content-length', '1024');842 done();843 });844 });845});846describe('assert ordering by call order', function () {847 it('should assert the body before status', function (done) {848 const app = express();849 app.set('json spaces', 0);850 app.get('/', function (req, res) {851 res.status(500).json({ message: 'something went wrong' });852 });853 request(app)854 .get('/')855 .expect('hey')856 .expect(200)857 .end(function (err, res) {858 err.message.should.equal('expected \'hey\' response body, '859 + 'got \'{"message":"something went wrong"}\'');860 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);861 done();862 });863 });864 it('should assert the status before body', function (done) {865 const app = express();866 app.set('json spaces', 0);867 app.get('/', function (req, res) {868 res.status(500).json({ message: 'something went wrong' });869 });870 request(app)871 .get('/')872 .expect(200)873 .expect('hey')874 .end(function (err, res) {875 err.message.should.equal('expected 200 "OK", got 500 "Internal Server Error"');876 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);877 done();878 });879 });880 it('should assert the fields before body and status', function (done) {881 const app = express();882 app.set('json spaces', 0);883 app.get('/', function (req, res) {884 res.status(200).json({ hello: 'world' });885 });886 request(app)887 .get('/')888 .expect('content-type', /html/)889 .expect('hello')890 .end(function (err, res) {891 err.message.should.equal('expected "content-type" matching /html/, '892 + 'got "application/json; charset=utf-8"');893 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);894 done();895 });896 });897 it('should call the expect function in order', function (done) {898 const app = express();899 app.get('/', function (req, res) {900 res.status(200).json({});901 });902 request(app)903 .get('/')904 .expect(function (res) {905 res.body.first = 1;906 })907 .expect(function (res) {908 (res.body.first === 1);909 res.body.second = 2;910 })911 .end(function (err, res) {912 if (err) return done(err);913 (res.body.first === 1);914 (res.body.second === 2);915 done();916 });917 });918 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(status, fn) in order', function (done) {919 const app = express();920 app.get('/', function (req, res) {921 res.status(200).json({});922 });923 request(app)924 .get('/')925 .expect(function (res) {926 res.body.first = 1;927 })928 .expect(200, function (err, res) {929 (err === null);930 (res.body.first === 1);931 done();932 });933 });934 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(header,value) in order', function (done) {935 const app = express();936 app.get('/', function (req, res) {937 res938 .set('X-Some-Header', 'Some value')939 .send();940 });941 request(app)942 .get('/')943 .expect('X-Some-Header', 'Some value')944 .expect(function (res) {945 res.headers['x-some-header'] = '';946 })947 .expect('X-Some-Header', '')948 .end(done);949 });950 it('should call expect(fn) and expect(body) in order', function (done) {951 const app = express();952 app.get('/', function (req, res) {953 res.json({ somebody: 'some body value' });954 });955 request(app)956 .get('/')957 .expect(/some body value/)958 .expect(function (res) {959 res.body.somebody = 'nobody';960 })961 .expect(/some body value/) // res.text should not be modified.962 .expect({ somebody: 'nobody' })963 .expect(function (res) {964 res.text = 'gone';965 })966 .expect('gone')967 .expect(/gone/)968 .expect({ somebody: 'nobody' }) // res.body should not be modified969 .expect('gone', done);970 });971});972describe('request.get(url).query(vals) works as expected', function () {973 it('normal single query string value works', function (done) {974 const app = express();975 app.get('/', function (req, res) {976 res.status(200).send(req.query.val);977 });978 request(app)979 .get('/')980 .query({ val: 'Test1' })981 .expect(200, function (err, res) {982'Test1');983 done();984 });985 });986 it('array query string value works', function (done) {987 const app = express();988 app.get('/', function (req, res) {989 res.status(200).send(Array.isArray(req.query.val));990 });991 request(app)992 .get('/')993 .query({ 'val[]': ['Test1', 'Test2'] })994 .expect(200, function (err, res) {995'/?val%5B%5D=Test1&val%5B%5D=Test2');996'true');997 done();998 });999 });1000 it('array query string value work even with single value', function (done) {1001 const app = express();1002 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1003 res.status(200).send(Array.isArray(req.query.val));1004 });1005 request(app)1006 .get('/')1007 .query({ 'val[]': ['Test1'] })1008 .expect(200, function (err, res) {1009'/?val%5B%5D=Test1');1010'true');1011 done();1012 });1013 });1014 it('object query string value works', function (done) {1015 const app = express();1016 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1017 res.status(200).send(req.query.val.test);1018 });1019 request(app)1020 .get('/')1021 .query({ val: { test: 'Test1' } })1022 .expect(200, function (err, res) {1023'Test1');1024 done();1025 });1026 });1027 it('handles unknown errors', function (done) {1028 const app = express();1029 nock.disableNetConnect();1030 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1031 res.status(200).send('OK');1032 });1033 request(app)1034 .get('/')1035 // This expect should never get called, but exposes this issue with other1036 // errors being obscured by the response assertions1037 // .expect(200)1039 .end(function (err, res) {1040;1041 err.message.should.match(/Nock: Disallowed net connect/);1042 shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err);1043 done();1044 });1045 nock.restore();1046 });1047 it('should assert using promises', function (done) {1048 const app = express();1049 app.get('/', function (req, res) {1050 res.status(400).send({ promise: true });1051 });1052 request(app)1053 .get('/')1054 .expect(400)1055 .then((res) => {1056;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const request = require('supertest');2const app = require('../app');3const shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile = require('../test-utils').shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile;4describe('GET /', function () {5 it('should respond with a 200', function (done) {6 request(app)7 .get('/')8 .expect(200, done);9 });10 it('should respond with a 200', function (done) {11 request(app)12 .get('/')13 .expect(200, done);14 });15});16const path = require('path');17function shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err) {18 const stack = err.stack;19 const thisFile = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js');20 return stack.indexOf(thisFile) > -1;21}22module.exports = {23};24const express = require('express');25const app = express();26app.get('/', function (req, res) {27 res.send('Hello World!');28});29module.exports = app;30{31 "scripts": {32 },33 "dependencies": {34 },35 "devDependencies": {36 }37}
Using AI Code Generation
1const request = require('supertest');2const app = require('../app');3const should = require('should');4const shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile = require('supertest/lib/test').shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile;5describe('Test Suite', function () {6 it('Test Case', function (done) {7 request(app)8 .get('/api/v1/users')9 .expect(200)10 .end(function (err, res) {11 if (err) {12 if (shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile(err)) {13 done(err);14 } else {15 done();16 }17 } else {18 done();19 }20 });21 });22});23const express = require('express');24const app = express();25app.get('/api/v1/users', function (req, res) {26 res.status(200).json({ message: 'OK' });27});28module.exports = app;29 at Test._assertStatus (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:268:12)30 at Test._assertFunction (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:283:11)31 at Test.assert (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:173:18)32 at assert (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/supertest/lib/test.js:131:12)33 at Test.Request.callback (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:718:3)34 at parser (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:906:18)35 at IncomingMessage.res.on (/Users/username/Projects/username/app/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/parsers/json.js:19:7)36 at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:198:13)37 at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:
Using AI Code Generation
1var should = require('should');2var supertest = require('supertest');3var app = require('./app');4describe('app', function() {5 it('should return a 404', function(done) {6 supertest(app)7 .get('/doesnotexist')8 .expect(404)9 .end(function(err, res) {10 if (err) {11 return done(err);12 }13'stack');14 res.error.shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile();15 done();16 });17 });18});19var should = require('should');20var supertest = require('supertest-as-promised');21var app = require('./app');22describe('app', function() {23 it('should return a 404', function(done) {24 supertest(app)25 .get('/doesnotexist')26 .expect(404)27 .end(function(err, res) {28 if (err) {29 return done(err);30 }31'stack');32 res.error.shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile();33 done();34 });35 });36});
Using AI Code Generation
1app.get('/test', function(req, res){2 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});3});4app.get('/test', function(req, res){5 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});6});7app.get('/test', function(req, res){8 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});9});10app.get('/test', function(req, res){11 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});12});13app.get('/test', function(req, res){14 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});15});16app.get('/test', function(req, res){17 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});18});19app.get('/test', function(req, res){20 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});21});22app.get('/test', function(req, res){23 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});24});25app.get('/test', function(req, res){26 res.status(500).send({error: 'error'});27});
Using AI Code Generation
1const shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile = require('supertest/lib/utils').shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile;2if (shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile()) {3 console.log('include stack trace');4} else {5 console.log('do not include stack trace');6}
Using AI Code Generation
1supertest.shouldIncludeStackWithThisFile = function () {2 const err = new Error();3 return err.stack.includes('test.js');4};5const supertest = require('supertest');6const app = require('../app');7describe('GET /', () => {8 it('should return 200 OK', () => {9 return supertest(app)10 .get('/')11 .expect(200)12 .expect('Content-Type', /text\/html/);13 });14});15const express = require('express');16const app = express();17app.get('/', (req, res) => {18 res.status(200).send('Hello World');19});20module.exports = app;21{22 "scripts": {23 },24 "devDependencies": {25 }26}
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