How to use throwErrorIfNeeded method in stryker-parent

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Source:i18n-service.js Github


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...33 if (subs) {34 angular.forEach(subs, function (value, key) {35 var subValue;36 if (value === null || value === undefined) {37 throwErrorIfNeeded('Value for ' + key + ' is not provided.');38 subValue = '';39 }40 else {41 subValue = value;42 }43 result = result.replace(new RegExp('{' + key + '}', 'g'), subValue);44 });45 }46 result = result.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');47 return result;48 }49 function throwErrorIfNeeded(msg) {50 //1. We don't want to interrupt the return of the value... 51 // If the service is being called by filters or directives.52 // That could break bindings, etc.53 //2. We do want to tap into or error handling infrastructure.54 //3. So we need to log, async.55 //4. But we must do so within angular (vs. window.setTimeout()),56 // so that angular error handling can capture it.57 //5. A single filter or directive binding call can happen many times,58 // during multiple angular digest cycles. We don't want it to 59 // be logged a zillion times. Once per page is enough.60 // So, we limit it here.61 //6. $timeout will cause another digest cycle (which re-evaluates the62 // the filter, which can cause an endless loop if we were not to do #5.63 // invokeApply = false below should prevent this? TODO: research.64 // But in the end it doesn't matter... we don't want to log multiples anyway.65 if (!thrownErrors.includes(msg)) {66 thrownErrors.push(msg);67 $timeout(function () {68 throw new Error(msg);69 }, 1000, false);70 }71 }72 function _getValue(token) {73 var pieces = token.split('.');74 if (pieces.length >= 2) {75 var library = _entries[pieces[0]];76 if (library) {77 var value = library[pieces[1]];78 //if enum...79 if (value && pieces.length === 3) {80 value = value[pieces[2]];81 }82 if (value) {83 return value;84 }85 }86 }87 return undefined;88 }89 function getLocalizedString(token, subs, options) {90 if (token) {91 if (angular.isString(token)) {92 var value = _getValue(token);93 if (value) {94 return applySubstitutions(value, subs);95 }96 if (options && options.suppressErrors) {97 return token.split('.').atsLast(); //library.key --> key98 }99 var msg = '%%KEY_' + token + '_NOT_FOUND%%';100 //don't break function (log to the side)101 throwErrorIfNeeded(msg);102 return msg;103 }104 else if (angular.isArray(token)) {105 return getLocalizedString(token[0], token[1], options);106 }107 else if (angular.isObject(token)) {108 return getLocalizedString(token.token, token.subs, options);109 }110 else if (angular.isFunction(token)) {111 //handle selectors (i.e. dynamic tokens)112 return getLocalizedString(token(subs), subs, options);113 }114 }115 if (options && options.suppressErrors) {116 return getLocalizedString('site.Unknown'); //This will be displayed to users117 }118 /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */119 var msg = '%%KEY_NOT_FOUND%%';120 //don't break function (log to the side)121 throwErrorIfNeeded(msg);122 return msg;123 }124 this.getValue = _getValue;125 this.getString = getLocalizedString;126 return this;127 }]);...

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Source:throwErrorIfNeeded.test.js Github


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...18 });19 it('should throws a error and not emit a message', async () => {20 try {21 const response = { error: 406, msg: 'Authentication error' };22 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response);23;24 } catch (error) {25 expect(error.status).to.equal(403);26 expect(error.message).to.equal('eWeLink: Authentication error');27 }28 });29 it('should throws an error and emit a message', async () => {30 try {31 const response = { error: 406, msg: 'Authentication error' };32 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response, true);33;34 } catch (error) {35 assert.calledOnceWithExactly(gladys.event.emit, 'websocket.send-all', {36 type: 'ewelink.error',37 payload: 'Authentication error',38 });39 expect(error.status).to.equal(403);40 expect(error.message).to.equal('eWeLink: Authentication error');41 }42 });43 it('should reset authentication values when authentication fail', async () => {44 eweLinkService.device.accessToken = 'NoMoreValidAccessToken';45 try {46 const response = { error: 406, msg: 'Authentication error' };47 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response);48;49 } catch (error) {50 expect(eweLinkService.device.connected).to.equal(false);51 expect(eweLinkService.device.accessToken).to.equal('');52 expect(eweLinkService.device.apiKey).to.equal('');53 }54 });55 it('should throws a error and not emit a message', async () => {56 try {57 const response = { error: 404, msg: 'Device does not exist' };58 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response);59;60 } catch (error) {61 expect(error.status).to.equal(500);62 expect(error.error).to.equal('eWeLink: Device does not exist');63 }64 });65 it('should throws an error and emit a message', async () => {66 try {67 const response = { error: 404, msg: 'Device does not exist' };68 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response, true);69;70 } catch (error) {71 assert.calledOnceWithExactly(gladys.event.emit, 'websocket.send-all', {72 type: 'ewelink.error',73 payload: 'Device does not exist',74 });75 expect(error.status).to.equal(500);76 expect(error.error).to.equal('eWeLink: Device does not exist');77 }78 });79 it('should not reset authentication values', async () => {80 try {81 const response = { error: 500, msg: 'Device does not exist' };82 await eweLinkService.device.throwErrorIfNeeded(response);83;84 } catch (error) {85 expect(eweLinkService.device.connected).to.equal(true);86 expect(eweLinkService.device.accessToken).to.equal('validAccessToken');87 expect(eweLinkService.device.apiKey).to.equal('validApiKey');88 }89 });...

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1const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';4throwErrorIfNeeded();5const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');6throwErrorIfNeeded();7import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';8throwErrorIfNeeded();9const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');10throwErrorIfNeeded();11import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';12throwErrorIfNeeded();13const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');14throwErrorIfNeeded();15import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';16throwErrorIfNeeded();17const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');18throwErrorIfNeeded();19import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';20throwErrorIfNeeded();21const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');22throwErrorIfNeeded();23import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';24throwErrorIfNeeded();25const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');26throwErrorIfNeeded();27import { throwErrorIfNeeded } from 'stryker-parent';28throwErrorIfNeeded();29const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');30throwErrorIfNeeded();

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1const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');4throwErrorIfNeeded();5const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');6throwErrorIfNeeded();7const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');8throwErrorIfNeeded();9const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');10throwErrorIfNeeded();11const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');12throwErrorIfNeeded();13const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');14throwErrorIfNeeded();15const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');16throwErrorIfNeeded();17const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');18throwErrorIfNeeded();19const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');20throwErrorIfNeeded();21const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');22throwErrorIfNeeded();23const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');24throwErrorIfNeeded();25const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');26throwErrorIfNeeded();27const {throwErrorIfNeeded} = require('stryker-parent');28throwErrorIfNeeded();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');4throwErrorIfNeeded();5const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');6throwErrorIfNeeded();7const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');8throwErrorIfNeeded();9const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');10throwErrorIfNeeded();11const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');12throwErrorIfNeeded();13const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');14throwErrorIfNeeded();15const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');16throwErrorIfNeeded();17const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');18throwErrorIfNeeded();19const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');20throwErrorIfNeeded();21const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');22throwErrorIfNeeded();23const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');24throwErrorIfNeeded();25const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');26throwErrorIfNeeded();27const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');28throwErrorIfNeeded();29const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');30throwErrorIfNeeded();31const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');32throwErrorIfNeeded();33const { throwErrorIfNeeded }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3exports.throwErrorIfNeeded = function () {4 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {5 throw new Error('Production error');6 }7};8{9}10{11 "dependencies": {12 }13}14module.exports = function (config) {15 config.set({16 commandRunner: {17 },18 });19};20module.exports = function (config) {21 config.set({22 commandRunner: {23 },24 });25};26const log4js = require('log4js');27log4js.configure({28 appenders: { out: { type: 'stdout' } },29 categories: { default: { appenders: ['out'], level: 'debug' } },30});31const logger = log4js.getLogger();'This is a test');33console.log('This is a test');

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1const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3module.exports = {4 throwErrorIfNeeded: function () {5 throw new Error('This is an error');6 }7};8{9}10const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');11throwErrorIfNeeded();12module.exports = {13 throwErrorIfNeeded: function () {14 throw new Error('This is an error');15 }16};17{18}19const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');20throwErrorIfNeeded();21Your name to display (optional):22Your name to display (optional):23Your name to display (optional):

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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const stryker = strykerParent.createStryker({ config: './stryker.conf.js' });3strykerParent.throwErrorIfNeeded(stryker);4module.exports = function(config) {5 config.set({6 });7};8{9 "scripts": {10 },11 "devDependencies": {12 }13}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2strykerParent.throwErrorIfNeeded('test message');3var strykerParent = module.exports = {4 throwErrorIfNeeded: function (message) {5 if (process.env.STRYKER_TEST) {6 throw new Error(message);7 }8 }9};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { throwErrorIfNeeded } = require('stryker-parent');2throwErrorIfNeeded();3 at Object. (/Users/username/Documents/git/stryker/stryker-js/test.js:3:20)4 at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)5 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)6 at Module.load (module.js:566:32)7 at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)8 at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)9 at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:694:10)10 at startup (bootstrap_node.js:204:16)

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