How to use relativeToSandbox method in stryker-parent

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Source:PackageEnvironment.js Github


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...75 * if a location is actually a symlink to somewhere in the sandbox, but encode76 * the path (including symlinks) if it points outside the sandbox. I believe77 * that will work with tar --dereference.78 */79function relativeToSandbox(realFromPath, toPath) {80 /**81 * This sucks. If there's a symlink pointing outside of the sandbox, the82 * script can't include those, so it gives it from perspective of symlink.83 * This will work with tar, but there could be issues if multiple symlink84 * links all point to the same location, but appear to be different. We85 * should execute a warning here instead. This problem is far from solved.86 * What would tar even do in that situation if it's following symlinks87 * outside of the tar directory? Would it copy it multiple times or copy it88 * once somehow?89 */90 let realToPath = fs.realpathSync(toPath);91 let toPathToUse = pathIsInside(realFromPath, realToPath)92 ? realToPath93 : toPath;94 let ret = path.relative(realFromPath, toPathToUse);95 return (ret == '0') ? "$esy__sandbox" : `$esy__sandbox/${ret}`;96}97function getScopes(config) {98 if (!config.scope) {99 return {};100 }101 var scopes = (config.scope || '').split('|');102 var scopeObj = {};103 for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) {104 scopeObj[scopes[i]] = true;105 }106 return scopeObj;107}108/**109 * Validates env vars that were configured in package.json as opposed to110 * automatically created.111 */112var validatePackageJsonExportedEnvVar = (envVar, config, inPackageName, envVarConfigPrefix) => {113 let beginsWithPackagePrefix = envVar.indexOf(envVarConfigPrefix) === 0;114 var ret = [];115 if (config.scopes !== undefined) {116 ret.push(117 envVar + " has a field 'scopes' (plural). You probably meant 'scope'. " +118 "The owner of " + inPackageName + " likely made a mistake"119 );120 }121 let scopeObj = getScopes(config);122 if (! {123 if (!beginsWithPackagePrefix) {124 if (envVar.toUpperCase().indexOf(envVarConfigPrefix) === 0) {125 ret.push(126 "It looks like " + envVar + " is trying to be configured as a package scoped variable, " +127 "but it has the wrong capitalization. It should begin with " + envVarConfigPrefix +128 ". The owner of " + inPackageName + " likely made a mistake"129 );130 } else {131 ret.push(132 "Environment variable " + envVar + " " +133 "doesn't begin with " + envVarConfigPrefix + " but it is not marked as 'global'. " +134 "You should either prefix variables with " + envVarConfigPrefix + " or make them global." +135 "The author of " + inPackageName + " likely made a mistake"136 );137 }138 }139 } else {140 // Else, it's global, but better not be trying to step on another package!141 if (!beginsWithPackagePrefix && envVar.indexOf("__") !== -1) {142 ret.push(143 envVar +144 " looks like it's trying to step on another " +145 "package because it has a double underscore - which is how we express namespaced env vars. " +146 "The package owner for " + inPackageName + " likely made a mistake"147 );148 }149 }150 return ret;151};152function builtInsPerPackage(153 sandbox: Sandbox,154 prefix: string,155 packageInfo: PackageInfo,156 installDirectory?: string157) {158 let {159 packageJson: {name, version, esy},160 rootDirectory,161 dependencyTree,162 } = packageInfo;163 let isRootPackage = name ===;164 function builtIn(val) {165 return {166 __BUILT_IN_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_PIPd: true,167 global: false,168 exclusive: true,169 val,170 }171 }172 return {173 [`${prefix}__name`]: builtIn(174 name175 ),176 [`${prefix}__version`]: builtIn(177 version || null178 ),179 [`${prefix}__root`]: builtIn(180 esy.buildsInSource181 ? targetPath(sandbox, packageInfo, '_build')182 : relativeToSandbox(sandbox.packageInfo.rootDirectory, rootDirectory)183 ),184 [`${prefix}__depends`]: builtIn(185 Object.keys(dependencyTree).join(' ')186 ),187 [`${prefix}__target_dir`]: builtIn(188 targetPath(sandbox, packageInfo, '_build')189 ),190 [`${prefix}__install`]: builtIn(191 installDirectory != null192 ? installDirectory193 : targetPath(sandbox, packageInfo, '_install')194 ),195 [`${prefix}__bin`]: builtIn(196 `$${prefix}__install/bin`197 ),198 [`${prefix}__sbin`]: builtIn(199 `$${prefix}__install/sbin`200 ),201 [`${prefix}__lib`]: builtIn(202 `$${prefix}__install/lib`203 ),204 [`${prefix}__man`]: builtIn(205 `$${prefix}__install/man`206 ),207 [`${prefix}__doc`]: builtIn(208 `$${prefix}__install/doc`209 ),210 [`${prefix}__stublibs`]: builtIn(211 `$${prefix}__install/stublibs`212 ),213 [`${prefix}__toplevel`]: builtIn(214 `$${prefix}__install/toplevel`215 ),216 [`${prefix}__share`]: builtIn(217 `$${prefix}__install/share`218 ),219 [`${prefix}__etc`]: builtIn(220 `$${prefix}__install/etc`221 ),222 };223}224function addEnvConfigForPackage(225 {seenVars, errors, normalizedEnvVars}: EnvironmentConfigState,226 realPathSandboxRootOnEjectingHost,227 packageName,228 packageJsonFilePath,229 exportedEnv230) {231 var nextSeenVars = {};232 var nextErrors = []233 var nextNormalizedEnvVars = [];234 for (var envVar in exportedEnv) {235 var config = exportedEnv[envVar];236 nextNormalizedEnvVars.push({237 name: envVar,238 value: config.val,239 automaticDefault: !!config.__BUILT_IN_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_PIPd240 })241 // The seenVars will only cover the cases when another package declares the242 // variable, not when it's loaded from your bashrc etc.243 if (seenVars[envVar] && seenVars[envVar].config.exclusive) {244 nextErrors.push(245 (seenVars[envVar].config.__BUILT_IN_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_PIPd ? 'Built-in variable ' : '') +246 envVar +247 " has already been set by " + relativeToSandbox(realPathSandboxRootOnEjectingHost, seenVars[envVar].packageJsonPath) + " " +248 "which configured it with exclusive:true. That means it wants to be the only one to set it. Yet " +249 packageName + " is trying to override it."250 );251 }252 if (seenVars[envVar] && (config.exclusive)) {253 nextErrors.push(254 envVar +255 " has already been set by " + relativeToSandbox(realPathSandboxRootOnEjectingHost, seenVars[envVar].packageJsonPath) + " " +256 "and " + packageName + " has configured it with exclusive:true. " +257 "Sometimes you can reduce the likehood of conflicts by marking some packages as buildTimeOnlyDependencies."258 );259 }260 nextSeenVars[envVar] = {261 packageJsonPath: packageJsonFilePath || 'unknownPackage',262 config263 };264 }265 return {266 errors: errors.concat(nextErrors),267 seenVars: extend(seenVars, nextSeenVars),268 normalizedEnvVars: normalizedEnvVars.concat(nextNormalizedEnvVars)269 };270}271function computeEnvVarsForPackage(272 sandbox: Sandbox,273 packageInfo: PackageInfo274) {275 let {rootDirectory, packageJson, normalizedName} = packageInfo;276 var packageJsonDir = path.dirname(rootDirectory);277 var packageName =;278 var envVarConfigPrefix = normalizedName;279 let errors = [];280 var autoExportedEnvVarsForPackage = builtInsPerPackage(281 sandbox,282 envVarConfigPrefix,283 packageInfo284 );285 let {286 seenVars,287 errors: nextErrors,288 normalizedEnvVars289 } = addEnvConfigForPackage(290 {seenVars: globalSeenVars, errors, normalizedEnvVars: []},291 sandbox.packageInfo.rootDirectory,292 packageName,293 rootDirectory,294 autoExportedEnvVarsForPackage295 );296 for (var envVar in packageJson.esy.exportedEnv) {297 nextErrors = nextErrors.concat(298 validatePackageJsonExportedEnvVar(299 envVar,300 packageJson.esy.exportedEnv[envVar],301 packageName,302 envVarConfigPrefix303 )304 );305 }306 let {307 seenVars: nextSeenVars,308 errors: nextNextErrors,309 normalizedEnvVars: nextNormalizedEnvVars310 } = addEnvConfigForPackage(311 {seenVars, errors: nextErrors, normalizedEnvVars},312 sandbox.packageInfo.rootDirectory,313 packageName,314 path.join(rootDirectory, 'package.json'),315 packageJson.esy.exportedEnv316 );317 /**318 * Update the global. Yes, we tried to be as functional as possible aside319 * from this.320 */321 globalSeenVars = nextSeenVars;322 globalGroups.push({323 root: relativeToSandbox(324 sandbox.packageInfo.rootDirectory,325 rootDirectory326 ),327 packageJsonPath: relativeToSandbox(328 sandbox.packageInfo.rootDirectory,329 path.join(rootDirectory, 'package.json')330 ),331 packageJson: packageJson,332 envVars: nextNormalizedEnvVars,333 errors: nextNextErrors334 })335}336function targetPath(sandbox, packageInfo, tree: '_install' | '_build', ...path) {337 let packageName =;338 let packageKey = packageInfoKey(sandbox.env, packageInfo);339 let isRootPackage = packageName ===;340 if (isRootPackage) {341 return ['$esy__sandbox', tree, ...path].join('/');...

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Source:ts-config-preprocessor.ts Github


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1import path from 'path';2import { StrykerOptions, File } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core';3import { tokens, commonTokens } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin';4import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging';5import { FilePreprocessor } from './file-preprocessor';6interface TSConfigReferences {7 references?: Array<{ path: string }>;8 extends?: string;9}10/**11 * A helper class that rewrites `references` and `extends` file paths if they end up falling outside of the sandbox.12 * @example13 * {14 * "extends": "../../tsconfig.settings.json",15 * "references": {16 * "path": "../model"17 * }18 * }19 * becomes:20 * {21 * "extends": "../../../../tsconfig.settings.json",22 * "references": {23 * "path": "../../../model"24 * }25 * }26 */27export class TSConfigPreprocessor implements FilePreprocessor {28 private readonly touched: string[] = [];29 private readonly fs = new Map<string, File>();30 public static readonly inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, commonTokens.options);31 constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly options: StrykerOptions) {}32 public async preprocess(input: File[]): Promise<File[]> {33 if (this.options.inPlace) {34 // If stryker is running 'inPlace', we don't have to change the tsconfig file35 return input;36 } else {37 const tsconfigFile = path.resolve(this.options.tsconfigFile);38 if (input.find((file) => === tsconfigFile)) {39 this.fs.clear();40 input.forEach((file) => {41 this.fs.set(, file);42 });43 await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(tsconfigFile);44 return [...this.fs.values()];45 } else {46 return input;47 }48 }49 }50 private async rewriteTSConfigFile(tsconfigFileName: string): Promise<void> {51 if (!this.touched.includes(tsconfigFileName)) {52 this.touched.push(tsconfigFileName);53 const tsconfigFile = this.fs.get(tsconfigFileName);54 if (tsconfigFile) {55 this.log.debug('Rewriting file %s', tsconfigFile);56 const ts = await import('typescript');57 const { config }: { config?: TSConfigReferences } = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(, tsconfigFile.textContent);58 if (config) {59 await this.rewriteExtends(config, tsconfigFileName);60 await this.rewriteProjectReferences(config, tsconfigFileName);61 this.fs.set(tsconfigFileName, new File(tsconfigFileName, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)));62 }63 }64 }65 }66 private async rewriteExtends(config: TSConfigReferences, tsconfigFileName: string): Promise<boolean> {67 const extend = config.extends;68 if (typeof extend === 'string') {69 const extendsFileName = path.resolve(path.dirname(tsconfigFileName), extend);70 const relativeToSandbox = path.relative(process.cwd(), extendsFileName);71 if (relativeToSandbox.startsWith('..')) {72 config.extends = this.join('..', '..', extend);73 return true;74 } else {75 await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(extendsFileName);76 }77 }78 return false;79 }80 private async rewriteProjectReferences(config: TSConfigReferences, originTSConfigFileName: string): Promise<void> {81 const ts = await import('typescript');82 if (Array.isArray(config.references)) {83 for (const reference of config.references) {84 const referencePath = ts.resolveProjectReferencePath(reference);85 const referencedProjectFileName = path.resolve(path.dirname(originTSConfigFileName), referencePath);86 const relativeToProject = path.relative(process.cwd(), referencedProjectFileName);87 if (relativeToProject.startsWith('..')) {88 reference.path = this.join('..', '..', referencePath);89 } else {90 await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(referencedProjectFileName);91 }92 }93 }94 }95 private join(...pathSegments: string[]) {96 return => segment.replace(/\\/g, '/')).join('/');97 }...

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1var stryker = require('stryker-parent');2var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');3console.log(path);4var stryker = require('stryker');5var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');6console.log(path);7var stryker = require('stryker-api');8var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');9console.log(path);10var stryker = require('stryker');11var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');12console.log(path);13var stryker = require('stryker');14var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');15console.log(path);16var stryker = require('stryker');17var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');18console.log(path);19var stryker = require('stryker');20var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');21console.log(path);22var stryker = require('stryker');23var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');24console.log(path);25var stryker = require('stryker');26var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');27console.log(path);28var stryker = require('stryker');29var path = stryker.relativeToSandbox('test.js');30console.log(path);31var stryker = require('stryker');

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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const path = require('path');3const pathToSandbox = strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('sandbox');4console.log(`Path to sandbox: ${pathToSandbox}`);5const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');6const path = require('path');7const pathToRoot = strykerParent.relativeToRoot('test.js');8console.log(`Path to root: ${pathToRoot}`);9const Stryker = require('stryker-api/core').Stryker;10const stryker = new Stryker({11});12stryker.runMutationTest()13 .then(() => {14 console.log('Done!');15 })16 .catch((error) => {17 console.log(error);18 });19module.exports = function(config) {20 config.set({

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1const path = require('path');2const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');3const testFile = relativeToSandbox('test.js');4const testFile2 = relativeToSandbox('test2.js');5console.log(testFile);6console.log(testFile2);7const path = require('path');8const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');9const testFile = relativeToSandbox('test.js');10const testFile2 = relativeToSandbox('test2.js');11console.log(testFile);12console.log(testFile2);13module.exports = function(config) {14 config.set({15 jest: {16 },17 });18};

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1var path = require('path');2var stryker = require('stryker-parent');3var sandbox = stryker.relativeToSandbox('sandbox');4var sandboxedFile = path.join(sandbox, 'file.js');5console.log(sandboxedFile);6### `relativeToSandbox(relativePath)`7### `relativeToRoot(relativePath)`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var parent = require('stryker-parent');2var path = require('path');3var test = parent.relativeToSandbox('test.js');4var test2 = parent.relativeToSandbox('test2.js');5var test3 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test3.js'));6var test4 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test4.js'));7var test5 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test5.js'));8var test6 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test6.js'));9var test7 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test7.js'));10var test8 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test8.js'));11var test9 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test9.js'));12var test10 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test10.js'));13var test11 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test11.js'));14var test12 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test12.js'));15var test13 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test13.js'));16var test14 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test14.js'));17var test15 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test15.js'));18var test16 = parent.relativeToSandbox(path.join('subdir', 'test16.js'));

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1const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');2const { relative } = require('path');3const path = relativeToSandbox('some/file.js');4const path2 = relativeToSandbox('some/other/file.js');5const path3 = relativeToSandbox('some/other/file.js');6console.log(path);7console.log(path2);8console.log(path3);9const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');10const { relative } = require('path');11const path = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');12const path2 = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');13const path3 = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');14console.log(path);15console.log(path2);16console.log(path3);17const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');18const { relative } = require('path');19const path = relativeToSandbox('file.js');20const path2 = relativeToSandbox('file.js');21const path3 = relativeToSandbox('file.js');22console.log(path);23console.log(path2);24console.log(path3);25const { relativeToSandbox } = require('stryker-parent');26const { relative } = require('path');27const path = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');28const path2 = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');29const path3 = relativeToSandbox('other/file.js');30console.log(path);31console.log(path2);32console.log(path3);

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1var path = require('path');2var relativeToSandbox = require('stryker-parent').relativeToSandbox;3var path = relativeToSandbox('src/app');4Stryker 0.7.0 is a major release that adds support for running your tests in a sandbox. This means that your tests can no longer access the file system, which means you can't use `fs` or `require` to load files. This is a huge step forward in terms of security, but it also means that you need to change your tests a bit. The most important thing to know is that you can no longer use `require` to load files from your project. Instead, you can use the `relativeToSandbox` function to get the path to a file in your project. The `relativeToSandbox` function is provided by the `stryker-parent` package. You can install it with `npm install stryker-parent --save-dev`. You can use it like this:5var path = require('path');6var relativeToSandbox = require('stryker-parent').relativeToSandbox;7var path = relativeToSandbox('src/app');

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1var path = require('path');2var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');3module.exports = function (config) {4 config.set({5 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },6 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestFramework.js'), mutated: false, included: false },7 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineReporter.js'), mutated: false, included: false },8 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestAdapter.js'), mutated: false, included: false },9 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestResult.js'), mutated: false, included: false },10 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },11 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },12 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },13 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },14 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },15 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/JasmineTestRunner.js'), mutated: false, included: false },16 { pattern: strykerParent.relativeToSandbox('node_modules/stryker-jasmine-runner/src/Jasmine

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