How to use eqPosition method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:script.js Github


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1window.onload = function() {2 /​* colorText */​ 3 window.colorText = function(text) {4 if (text.length) {5 text = text.replace(/​(\<br\>|\<\/​br\>)/​g,"\n");6 7 function grayizer(text) {8 text = " " + text;9 var position = 0;10 var startPosition = Number(text.indexOf("/​*",position)); /​/​ find next comment start11 if (startPosition < 0) { startPosition = false; }12 var loop = 0;13 while ((startPosition > position) && (loop < 100)) { /​/​loop through up to 100 times14 endPosition = text.indexOf("*/​", startPosition + 2); /​/​find the comment end15 if (endPosition < 0) {16 endPosition = text.length;17 }18 var before = text.slice(0, startPosition) || ""; /​/​split into before...19 var between = text.slice(startPosition, Math.min(endPosition + 2, text.length)) || ""; /​/​...between...20 var after = text.slice(endPosition + 2, text.length) || ""; /​/​and after sections21 text = before + "<span graytext>" + between + "</​span graytext>" + after; /​/​recombine them with <span>22 position = endPosition + 32;23 if (position >= text.length) {24 break;25 }26 else {27 startPosition = text.indexOf("/​*",position) || false; /​/​find next comment start28 loop++;29 }30 }31 text = text.replace(/​\/​\/​(.*?)(\n|\<br\>|$)/​g,"<span graytext>/​/​$1</​span graytext>$2"); /​/​regex for regular double-slash comments32 return text.substring(1);33 }34 function yellowizer (text) {35 text = " " + text;36 var position = 0;37 var dqPosition = Number(text.indexOf("\"",position)); /​/​ find next double quote38 if (dqPosition < 0) { dqPosition = false; }39 var sqPosition = Number(text.indexOf("\'",position)); /​/​ find next single quote40 if (sqPosition < 0) { sqPosition = false; }41 var loop = 0;42 while (((dqPosition > position) || (sqPosition > position)) && (loop < 100)) { /​/​loop through up to 100 times43 if ((dqPosition > position) && (sqPosition > position)) { /​/​determine which is closer44 if (dqPosition < sqPosition) { /​/​double quote45 var type = "double"; 46 }47 else if (sqPosition < dqPosition) { /​/​single quote48 var type = "single";49 }50 }51 else if (dqPosition > position) { /​/​double quote (same as above)52 var type = "double"; 53 }54 else if (sqPosition > position) { /​/​single quote (same as above)55 var type = "single";56 }57 else {58 var type = "none";59 }60 if (type === "double") {61 if ((text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", dqPosition) < text.indexOf("<span graytext>", dqPosition)) || ((text.indexOf("<span graytext>", dqPosition) === -1) && (text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", dqPosition) > 0))) { /​/​if quote is within a graytext section62 type = "none";63 position = dqPosition + 1;64 }65 }66 else if (type === "single") {67 if ((text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", sqPosition) < text.indexOf("<span graytext>", sqPosition)) || ((text.indexOf("<span graytext>", sqPosition) === -1) && (text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", sqPosition) > 0))) { /​/​if quote is within a graytext section68 type = "none";69 position = sqPosition + 1;70 }71 }72 if (type === "double") {73 var attempt = dqPosition;74 do {75 eqPosition = text.indexOf("\"", attempt + 1); /​/​get the next end quote76 if (eqPosition < 0) {77 eqPosition = text.length; /​/​default to the end of the text78 }79 var close = text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", eqPosition);80 if (close < 0) {81 close = text.length;82 }83 var open = text.indexOf("<span graytext>", eqPosition);84 if (open < 0) {85 open = text.length;86 }87 attempt = eqPosition;88 }89 while ((close < open) && (attempt < text.length))90 var before = text.slice(0, dqPosition); /​/​split into before...91 var between = text.slice(dqPosition, eqPosition + 1); /​/​...between...92 var after = text.slice(eqPosition + 1, text.length); /​/​...and after sections93 text = before + "<span yellowtext>" + between + "</​span>" + after; /​/​recombine them with <span>94 position = eqPosition + 25; /​/​move up 25 characters (length of <span yellowtext></​span>, plus 1)95 }96 else if (type === "single") {97 var attempt = sqPosition;98 do {99 eqPosition = text.indexOf("\'", attempt + 1); /​/​get the next end quote100 if (eqPosition < 0) {101 eqPosition = text.length; /​/​default to the end of the text102 }103 var close = text.indexOf("</​span graytext>", eqPosition);104 if (close < 0) {105 close = text.length;106 }107 var open = text.indexOf("<span graytext>", eqPosition);108 if (open < 0) {109 open = text.length;110 }111 attempt = eqPosition;112 }113 while ((close < open) && (attempt < text.length))114 var before = text.slice(0, sqPosition); /​/​split into before...115 var between = text.slice(sqPosition, eqPosition + 1); /​/​...between...116 var after = text.slice(eqPosition + 1, text.length); /​/​...and after sections117 text = before + "<span yellowtext>" + between + "</​span>" + after; /​/​recombine them with <span>118 position = eqPosition + 25; /​/​move up 25 characters (length of <span yellowtext></​span>, plus 1)119 }120 dqPosition = text.indexOf("\"",position) || false; /​/​find next double quote121 sqPosition = text.indexOf("\'",position) || false; /​/​find next single quote122 loop++;123 }124 return text.substring(1);125 }126 function rgbopizer(text) {127 /​* math(old) */​ /​/​text = text.replace(/​(^|\{|\[|\(|\.|\s|\d|\w|\n)(\%|\-|\-\-|\+|\+\+|\*|\*\*|\-\=|\+\=|\*\=|\/​\=|\%\=|\!|\!\=|\!\=\=|\=|\=\=|\=\=\=|\&\&|\|\||\\+)(\d|\w|\s|\.|\,|\)|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span redtext>$2</​span>$3");128 /​* math */​ text = text.replace(/​(\%|\-|\-\-|\+|\+\+|\*|\*\*|\-\=|\+\=|\*\=|\/​\=|\%\=|\!|\!\=|\!\=\=|\=|\=\=|\=\=\=|\&\&|\|\||\\+)/​g,"<span redtext>$1</​span>");129 /​* < = > */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|\{|\[|\(|\.|\s|\n)(\<+|\>+|&amp;|&amp;&amp;|&lt;|&gt;|&lt;&lt;|&gt;&gt;|&lt;&lt;&lt;|&gt;&gt;&gt;|\=&lt;|\=&gt;|&lt;\=|&gt;\=|&lt;\=\=|\=\=&gt;)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span redtext>$2</​span>$3");130 /​* logic */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|\{|\[|\(|\.|\s|\n)(else\ if|if|else|return|typeof|switch|case|break|default|new|for|while|\$|const|do|continue|try|catch|throw|finally|this|in|instanceof)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span redtext>$2</​span>$3");131 /​* booleans */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|\{|\[|\(|\s|\n)(true|false|null)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span purpletext>$2</​span>$3");132 /​* types */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|\{|\[|\(|\s|\n)(Math|Number|String|Object|function|var|eval|Date|Error|Array)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");133 /​* misc */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(caller|callee|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|escape|eval|exec|length|log|parse|parseFloat|parseInt|pull|test|toArray)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");134 /​* arrays */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(concat|copyWithin|every|fill|filter|find|findIndex|forEach|indexOf|isArray|join|lastIndexOf|map|pop|push|reduce|reduceRight|reverse|shift|slice|some|sort|splice|toString|unshift|valueOf)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");135 /​* numbers */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(isFinite|isInteger|isNaN|isSafeInteger|toExponential|toFixed|toPrecision|toString|valueOf)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");136 /​* math */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(abs|acos|asin|atan|atan2|ceil|cos|exp|floor|log|max|min|pow|random|round|sin|sqrt|tan)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");137 /​* strings */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(charAt|charCodeAt|concat|endsWith|fromCharCode|includes|indexOf|lastIndexOf|localeCompare|match|repeat|replace|search|slice|split|startsWith|substr|substring|toLocaleLowerCase|toLocaleUpperCase|toLowerCase|toString|toUpperCase|trim|valueOf)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");138 /​* dates */​ text = text.replace(/​(\.)(getDate|getDay|getFullYear|getHours|getMilliseconds|getMinutes|getMonth|getSeconds|getTime|setDate|setFullYear|setHours|setMilliseconds|setMinutes|setMonth|setSeconds|setTime|getUTCDate|getUTCDay|getUTCFullYear|getUTCHours|getUTCMilliseconds|getUTCMinutes|getUTCMonth|getUTCSeconds)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\(|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span bluetext>$2</​span>$3");139 140 /​* numbers */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|-|\-|\{|\[|\(|\s|\,|[\-|\+|\!|\/​|\*|\=]\<\/​span\>|\n)(\d*\.)?(\d+)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span purpletext>$2$3</​span>$4");141 /​* again */​ text = text.replace(/​(^|-|\-|\{|\[|\(|\s|\,|[\-|\+|\!|\/​|\*|\=]\<\/​span\>|\n)(\d*\.)?(\d+)(\s|\.|\,|\)|\]|\}|\;|\:|$)/​g,"$1<span purpletext>$2$3</​span>$4");142 143 /​* functions */​ text = text.replace(/​([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\s?\<span\ redtext\>\=\<\/​span\>\s?)(\<span\ bluetext\>function\<\/​span\>\s?)\((\s?[a-zA-Z0-9_,\s]*?\s?)\)/​g,"<span greentext>$1</​span>$2$3(<span orangetext>$4</​span>)");144 /​* functions */​ text = text.replace(/​(\s?\<span\ bluetext\>function\<\/​span\>\s?)([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s?)\((\s?[a-zA-Z0-9_,\s]*?\s?)\)/​g,"$1<span greentext>$2</​span>(<span orangetext>$3</​span>)");145 /​* functions */​ text = text.replace(/​([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\s?\:\s?)(\<span\ bluetext\>function\<\/​span\>\s?)/​g,"<span greentext>$1</​span>$2$3");146 return text;147 }148 149 text = rgbopizer(yellowizer(grayizer(text)));150 return text;151 }152 else {153 return "";154 }155 }156 /​* eval_code */​157 window.logs = [];158 window.consoleLog = function(line, log) {159 window.logs.push(line + ":: " + log);160 }161 window.lines = [];162 window.lineLog = function(log) {163 window.lines.push(log);164 }165 window.evaluating = false;166 window.eval_code = function() {167 if (!window.evaluating) {168 /​/​reset169 window.evaluating = true;170 document.querySelector("#console").innerHTML = ""171 /​/​get code and inputs172 window.code = document.querySelector("#code").innerHTML.replace(/​<\\? ?br ?\\?>/​g,"\n").replace(/​<\/​([^>]+)>/​ig,"").replace(/​(<([^>]+)>)/​ig,"\n").replace(/​&lt;/​g, "<").replace(/​&gt;/​g, ">").replace(/​&amp;/​g, "&");173 window.code = window.code.split("\n");174 window.inputs = document.querySelector("#inputs").innerHTML.replace(/​<\\? ?br ?\\?>/​g,"\n").replace(/​(<([^>]+)>)/​ig,"").replace(/​&lt;/​g, "<").replace(/​&gt;/​g, ">").replace(/​&amp;/​g, "&").replace(/​\s/​g,"");175 window.values = document.querySelector("#values").innerHTML.replace(/​<\\? ?br ?\\?>/​g,"\n").replace(/​(<([^>]+)>)/​ig,"").replace(/​&lt;/​g, "<").replace(/​&gt;/​g, ">").replace(/​&amp;/​g, "&");176 /​/​clean up code and add path following logs177 for (var line = 0; line < window.code.length; line++) {178 if (window.code[line].replace(/​[\n\s\t\}\;\)\,\]]/​g,"").length === 0) {179 /​/​no executable code - just space /​ close brackets180 }181 else if (window.code[line].replace(/​[\s]*?\/​\/​.*?$/​g,"").length === 0) {182 /​/​no executable code - just /​/​comments183 }184 else if (window.code[line].replace(/​[\s]*?\/​\*[^\*\/​]*?\*\/​[\s]*?$/​g,"").length === 0) {185 /​/​no executable code - just /​* comments */​186 }187 else if ((/​^[\s]*[a-zA-Z0-9_\"\']*\:[\s]*[a-zA-Z0-9_\"\']\,?[\s]*$/​g).test(window.code[line])) {188 /​/​object189 }190 else if ((/​^[\s]*catch/​g).test(window.code[line])) {191 /​/​catch block192 window.code[line] = window.code[line].replace(/​catch[\s]*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_\"\'])\)[\s]*\{/​g, "catch ($1) { \nwindow.lineLog(" + line + ");\n").replace(/​console\.log\(/​g,"window.consoleLog(" + line + ",");193 }194 else if ((/​^[\s]*finally/​g).test(window.code[line])) {195 /​/​finally block196 window.code[line] = window.code[line].replace(/​finally[\s]*\{/​g, "finally { \nwindow.lineLog(" + line + ");\n").replace(/​console\.log\(/​g,"window.consoleLog(" + line + ",");197 }198 else if ((/​^[\s]*else/​).test(window.code[line])) {199 /​/​else or else if200 window.code[line] = ("else if (window.lineLog(" + line + ")) {}\n") + window.code[line].replace(/​console\.log\(/​g,"window.consoleLog(" + line + ",");201 }202 else if ((/​^[\s]*(case|default)/​).test(window.code[line])) {203 /​/​ case or default204 window.code[line] = ("case (window.lineLog(" + line + ")):\nbreak;\n") + window.code[line].replace(/​console\.log\(/​g,"window.consoleLog(" + line + ",");205 }206 else {207 /​/​normal code208 window.code[line] = ("window.lineLog(" + line + ");\n") + window.code[line].replace(/​console\.log\(/​g,"window.consoleLog(" + line + ",");209 }210 }211 /​/​execute code212 try {213 window.output = eval("function codeRunner(" + window.inputs + ") {" + window.code.join("\n") + "} \n " + "codeRunner(" + window.values + ");");214 console.log(window.output);215 }216 catch (error) {217 window.output = "";218 document.querySelector("#console").innerHTML = ("/​/​" + error + "<br>");219 }220 /​/​display code, logs, output, errors221 console.log(window.lines);222 console.log(window.logs);223 console.log(window.code);224 window.code = window.code.join("\n").replace(/​else\ if\ \(window\.lineLog\([\d]*\)\)\ \{\}\n/​g,"").replace(/​case\ \(window\.lineLog\([\d]*\)\):\nbreak\;\n/​g,"").replace(/​window\.lineLog\([\d]*\);\n/​g,"").replace(/​window\.consoleLog\([\d]*\,/​g,"console.log(");225 window.code = window.code.split("\n");226 document.querySelector("#code").setAttribute("contenteditable", false)227 var element = document.querySelector("#code").closest(".field_frame")228 element.className = element.className.replace(/​\s?active/​, "");229 document.querySelector("#inputs").setAttribute("contenteditable", 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Source:eqStar.js Github


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1/​*2Don't modify this file manually!3*/​4var _p = {5 1 : {6 "eqPosition" : 1,7 "cost" : 10000,8 "item3" : 100,9 "item4" : 100,10 "item2" : 100,11 "item5" : 100,12 "success" : 50,13 "splitReturn" : {14 1 : {15 1 : 12001,16 2 : 1,17 },18 2 : {19 1 : "gold",20 2 : 10000,21 },22 },23 "Bid" : 1,24 "star" : 1,25 "increase" : 2,26 "item1" : 50,27 },28 2 : {29 "eqPosition" : 1,30 "cost" : 30000,31 "item3" : 80,32 "item4" : 100,33 "item2" : 60,34 "item5" : 100,35 "success" : 20,36 "splitReturn" : {37 1 : {38 1 : 12002,39 2 : 2,40 },41 2 : {42 1 : "gold",43 2 : 30000,44 },45 },46 "Bid" : 2,47 "star" : 2,48 "increase" : 2,49 "item1" : 30,50 },51 3 : {52 "eqPosition" : 1,53 "cost" : 100000,54 "item3" : 60,55 "item4" : 80,56 "item2" : 30,57 "item5" : 100,58 "success" : 5,59 "splitReturn" : {60 1 : {61 1 : 12002,62 2 : 2,63 },64 2 : {65 1 : "gold",66 2 : 30001,67 },68 },69 "Bid" : 3,70 "star" : 3,71 "increase" : 2,72 "item1" : 10,73 },74 4 : {75 "eqPosition" : 1,76 "cost" : 250000,77 "item3" : 30,78 "item4" : 60,79 "item2" : 10,80 "item5" : 80,81 "success" : 0,82 "splitReturn" : {83 1 : {84 1 : 12002,85 2 : 2,86 },87 2 : {88 1 : "gold",89 2 : 30002,90 },91 },92 "Bid" : 4,93 "star" : 4,94 "increase" : 2,95 "item1" : 10,96 },97 5 : {98 "eqPosition" : 1,99 "cost" : 500000,100 "item3" : 10,101 "item4" : 30,102 "item2" : 10,103 "item5" : 60,104 "success" : 0,105 "splitReturn" : {106 1 : {107 1 : 12002,108 2 : 2,109 },110 2 : {111 1 : "gold",112 2 : 30003,113 },114 },115 "Bid" : 5,116 "star" : 5,117 "increase" : 2,118 "item1" : 10,119 },120 6 : {121 "eqPosition" : 1,122 "cost" : 750000,123 "item3" : 10,124 "item4" : 30,125 "item2" : 10,126 "item5" : 60,127 "success" : 0,128 "splitReturn" : {129 1 : {130 1 : 12001,131 2 : 1,132 },133 2 : {134 1 : "gold",135 2 : 10000,136 },137 },138 "Bid" : 6,139 "star" : 6,140 "increase" : 2,141 "item1" : 10,142 },143 7 : {144 "eqPosition" : 1,145 "cost" : 1000000,146 "item3" : 10,147 "item4" : 30,148 "item2" : 10,149 "item5" : 60,150 "success" : 0,151 "splitReturn" : {152 1 : {153 1 : 12002,154 2 : 2,155 },156 2 : {157 1 : "gold",158 2 : 30000,159 },160 },161 "Bid" : 7,162 "star" : 7,163 "increase" : 2,164 "item1" : 10,165 },166 8 : {167 "eqPosition" : 1,168 "cost" : 1250000,169 "item3" : 10,170 "item4" : 30,171 "item2" : 10,172 "item5" : 60,173 "success" : 0,174 "splitReturn" : {175 1 : {176 1 : 12002,177 2 : 2,178 },179 2 : {180 1 : "gold",181 2 : 30001,182 },183 },184 "Bid" : 8,185 "star" : 8,186 "increase" : 2,187 "item1" : 10,188 },189 9 : {190 "eqPosition" : 1,191 "cost" : 1500000,192 "item3" : 10,193 "item4" : 30,194 "item2" : 10,195 "item5" : 60,196 "success" : 0,197 "splitReturn" : {198 1 : {199 1 : 12002,200 2 : 2,201 },202 2 : {203 1 : "gold",204 2 : 30002,205 },206 },207 "Bid" : 9,208 "star" : 9,209 "increase" : 2,210 "item1" : 10,211 },212 10 : {213 "eqPosition" : 1,214 "cost" : 1750000,215 "item3" : 10,216 "item4" : 30,217 "item2" : 10,218 "item5" : 60,219 "success" : 0,220 "splitReturn" : {221 1 : {222 1 : 12002,223 2 : 2,224 },225 2 : {226 1 : "gold",227 2 : 30003,228 },229 },230 "Bid" : 10,231 "star" : 10,232 "increase" : 2,233 "item1" : 10,234 },235236}; ...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1import { contramap, struct } from 'fp-ts/​lib/​Eq';2/​/​ Eq 타입 클래스 : 동등성3interface Eq<T> {4 readonly equals: (a: T, b: T) => boolean;5}6/​/​ Eq 인스턴스 예시7const eqNumber: Eq<number> = {8 equals: (x, y) => x === y,9};10/​/​ Eq로 만든 createIncludes11/​/​ 특정 타입의 배열의 includes를 생성12function createIncludes<T>(eq: Eq<T>): (item: T, array: T[]) => boolean {13 return (item, array) => array.some((value) => eq.equals(item, value));14}15/​/​ 더 복잡한 타입의 Eq 인스턴스16interface Position {17 x: number;18 y: number;19}20const eqPosition: Eq<Position> = {21 equals: (position1, position2) =>22 position1.x === position2.x && position1.y === position2.y,23};24/​/​ struct로도 만들 수 있음25const eqPosition2 = struct({26 x: eqNumber,27 y: eqNumber,28});29interface Vector {30 from: Position;31 to: Position;32}33const eqVector: Eq<Vector> = struct({34 from: eqPosition,35 to: eqPosition,36});37/​/​ contramap으로도 만들 수 있음38interface User {39 userId: number;40 name: string;41}42/​/​ userId가 같으면 같은 유저...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;2var assert = require('assert');3var pos1 = { line: 1, column: 2 };4var pos2 = { line: 1, column: 2 };5var pos3 = { line: 1, column: 3 };6assert.ok(eqPosition(pos1, pos2));7assert.ok(!eqPosition(pos1, pos3));8var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;9var assert = require('assert');10var pos1 = { line: 1, column: 2 };11var pos2 = { line: 1, column: 2 };12var pos3 = { line: 1, column: 3 };13assert.ok(eqPosition(pos1, pos2));14assert.ok(!eqPosition(pos1, pos3));15var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;16var assert = require('assert');17var pos1 = { line: 1, column: 2 };18var pos2 = { line: 1, column: 2 };19var pos3 = { line: 1, column: 3 };20assert.ok(eqPosition(pos1, pos2));21assert.ok(!eqPosition(pos1, pos3));22var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;23var assert = require('assert');24var pos1 = { line: 1, column: 2 };25var pos2 = { line: 1, column: 2 };26var pos3 = { line: 1, column: 3 };27assert.ok(eqPosition(pos1, pos2));28assert.ok(!eqPosition(pos1, pos3));29var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;30var assert = require('assert');31var pos1 = { line: 1, column: 2 };32var pos2 = { line: 1, column: 2 };33var pos3 = { line: 1, column: 3 };34assert.ok(eqPosition(pos1, pos2));35assert.ok(!eq

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { eqPosition } from 'stryker-parent';2import { Position } from 'stryker-api/​core';3const position1: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };4const position2: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };5const position3: Position = { column: 3, line: 2 };6import { eqPosition } from 'stryker-parent';7import { Position } from 'stryker-api/​core';8const position1: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };9const position2: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };10const position3: Position = { column: 3, line: 2 };11import { eqPosition } from 'stryker-parent';12import { Position } from 'stryker-api/​core';13const position1: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };14const position2: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };15const position3: Position = { column: 3, line: 2 };16import { eqPosition } from 'stryker-parent';17import { Position } from 'stryker-api/​core';18const position1: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };19const position2: Position = { column: 1, line: 2 };20const position3: Position = { column: 3, line: 2 };

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;2var assert = require('assert');3assert(eqPosition(1, 1));4assert(!eqPosition(1, 2));5module.exports.eqPosition = function (a, b) {6 return a === b;7};8"scripts": {9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;2var assert = require('assert');3var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});4assert(result);5var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;6var assert = require('assert');7var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});8assert(result);9var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;10var assert = require('assert');11var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});12assert(result);13var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;14var assert = require('assert');15var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});16assert(result);17var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;18var assert = require('assert');19var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});20assert(result);21var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;22var assert = require('assert');23var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});24assert(result);25var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;26var assert = require('assert');27var result = eqPosition({x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 1, y: 1});28assert(result);29var eqPosition = require('stryker

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;2var eq = eqPosition(1, 2, 3);3console.log(eq);4module.exports.eqPosition = function(x, y, z) {5 return x === y && y === z;6};7{8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eqPosition = require('stryker-parent').eqPosition;2eqPosition(1,2);3module.exports = function(config) {4 config.set({5 });6};

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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