Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent
...150 return dryRunPromise;151 }152 it('should report completed specs as test results', async () => {153 const specResults = [154 createKarmaSpec({ id: 'spec1', suite: ['foo'], description: 'should bar', time: 42, success: true }),155 createKarmaSpec({156 id: 'spec2',157 suite: ['bar', 'when baz'],158 description: 'should qux',159 log: ['expected quux to be qux', 'expected length of 1'],160 time: 44,161 success: false,162 }),163 createKarmaSpec({ id: 'spec3', suite: ['quux'], description: 'should corge', time: 45, skipped: true }),164 ];165 const expectedTests = [166 factory.testResult({ id: 'spec1', status: TestStatus.Success, timeSpentMs: 42, name: 'foo should bar' }),167 factory.testResult({168 id: 'spec2',169 status: TestStatus.Failed,170 timeSpentMs: 44,171 name: 'bar when baz should qux',172 failureMessage: 'expected quux to be qux, expected length of 1',173 }),174 factory.testResult({ id: 'spec3', status: TestStatus.Skipped, timeSpentMs: 45, name: 'quux should corge' }),175 ];176 const actualResult = await actDryRun({ specResults });177 assertions.expectCompleted(actualResult);178 expect(actualResult.tests).deep.eq(expectedTests);179 });180 it('should run karma with custom karma configuration', async () => {181 // Arrange182 projectStarterMock.start.resolves({ exitPromise: new Task<number>().promise });183 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaConfig = await karma.config.parseConfig(null, {}, { promiseConfig: true });184 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaConfig.hostname = '';185 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaConfig.port = 1337;186 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaConfig.listenAddress = '';187 const parseConfigStub = sinon.stub(karma.config, 'parseConfig');188 const expectedRunConfig = { custom: 'config' };189 parseConfigStub.resolves(expectedRunConfig);190 const initPromise = sut.init();191 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowsersReady();192 await initPromise;193 // Act194 await actDryRun({});195 // Assert196 expect(karmaRunStub).calledWith(expectedRunConfig, sinon.match.func);197 expect(parseConfigStub).calledWithExactly(null, { hostname: '', port: 1337, listenAddress: '' });198 });199 it('should log when karma run is done', async () => {200 await actDryRun({});201 expect(testInjector.logger.debug).calledWith('karma run done with ', 0);202 });203 it('should clear run results between runs', async () => {204 const firstTestResult = createKarmaSpec({ id: 'spec1', suite: ['foo'], description: 'should bar', time: 42, success: true });205 const expectedTestResult = factory.testResult({ id: 'spec1', status: TestStatus.Success, timeSpentMs: 42, name: 'foo should bar' });206 const actualFirstResult = await actDryRun({ specResults: [firstTestResult] });207 const actualSecondResult = await actDryRun({});208 assertions.expectCompleted(actualFirstResult);209 assertions.expectCompleted(actualSecondResult);210 expect(actualFirstResult.tests).deep.eq([expectedTestResult]);211 expect(actualSecondResult.tests).lengthOf(0);212 });213 it('should configure the coverage analysis in the test hooks middleware', async () => {214 await actDryRun({ options: factory.dryRunOptions({ coverageAnalysis: 'all' }) });215 expect(testHooksMiddlewareMock.configureCoverageAnalysis).calledWithExactly('all');216 });217 it('should add coverage report when the reporter raises the "coverage_report" event', async () => {218 const expectedCoverageReport = factory.mutantCoverage({ static: { '1': 4 } });219 const actualResult = await actDryRun({ mutantCoverage: expectedCoverageReport });220 assertions.expectCompleted(actualResult);221 expect(actualResult.mutantCoverage).eq(expectedCoverageReport);222 });223 it('should add error when the reporter raises the "browser_error" event', async () => {224 const expectedError = 'Global variable undefined';225 const actualResult = await actDryRun({ runResults: createKarmaTestResults({ error: true }), browserError: [createBrowser(), expectedError] });226 assertions.expectErrored(actualResult);227 expect(actualResult.errorMessage).deep.eq(expectedError);228 });229 it('should report state Error when tests where ran and run completed in an error', async () => {230 const actualResult = await actDryRun({231 runResults: createKarmaTestResults({ error: true }),232 specResults: [createKarmaSpec()],233 browserError: [createBrowser(), 'some error'],234 });235 assertions.expectErrored(actualResult);236 });237 });238 describe('mutantRun', () => {239 let sut: KarmaTestRunner;240 function actMutantRun({241 specResults = [],242 runResults = createKarmaTestResults(),243 options = factory.mutantRunOptions(),244 mutantCoverage = factory.mutantCoverage(),245 hitCount = undefined,246 browserError = undefined,247 }: {248 specResults?: KarmaSpec[];249 runResults?: TestResults;250 options?: MutantRunOptions;251 hitCount?: number;252 mutantCoverage?: MutantCoverage;253 browserError?: [browser: Browser, error: any] | undefined;254 }) {255 const promise = sut.mutantRun(options);256 actRun({ specResults, runResults, mutantCoverage, hitCount, browserError });257 return promise;258 }259 beforeEach(() => {260 sut = createSut();261 karmaRunStub.callsArgOn(1, 0);262 });263 it('should configure the mutant run on the middleware', async () => {264 const options = factory.mutantRunOptions({ testFilter: ['foobar'] });265 await actMutantRun({ options });266 expect(testHooksMiddlewareMock.configureMutantRun).calledOnceWithExactly(options);267 });268 it('should correctly report a survived mutant', async () => {269 const result = await actMutantRun({ specResults: [createKarmaSpec({ success: true })] });270 assertions.expectSurvived(result);271 expect(result.nrOfTests).eq(1);272 });273 it('should correctly report a killed mutant', async () => {274 const result = await actMutantRun({ specResults: [createKarmaSpec({ success: true }), createKarmaSpec({ success: false })] });275 assertions.expectKilled(result);276 expect(result.nrOfTests).eq(2);277 });278 it('should report a timeout when the browser disconnects', async () => {279 arrangeLauncherMock();280 const onGoingRun = sut.mutantRun(factory.mutantRunOptions());281 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunStart();282 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowserError(createBrowser({ id: '42', state: 'DISCONNECTED' }), 'disconnected');283 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunComplete(null, createKarmaTestResults({ disconnected: true }));284 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowsersReady();285 const result = await onGoingRun;286 assertions.expectTimeout(result);287 expect(result.reason).eq('Browser disconnected during test execution. Karma error: disconnected');288 });289 it('should restart the browser and wait until it is restarted when it gets disconnected (issue #2989)', async () => {290 // Arrange291 const { launcher, karmaServer } = arrangeLauncherMock();292 // Act293 let runCompleted = false;294 const onGoingRun = sut.mutantRun(factory.mutantRunOptions()).then(() => (runCompleted = true));295 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunStart();296 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowserError(createBrowser({ id: '42', state: 'DISCONNECTED' }), 'disconnected');297 // Assert298 expect(launcher.restart).calledWith('42');299 expect(karmaServer.get).calledWith('launcher');300 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunComplete(null, createKarmaTestResults({ disconnected: true }));301 await tick();302 expect(runCompleted).false;303 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowsersReady();304 await onGoingRun;305 });306 it('should report a timeout when the hitLimit was reached', async () => {307 const result = await actMutantRun({308 options: factory.mutantRunOptions({ hitLimit: 9 }),309 specResults: [createKarmaSpec({ success: false })],310 hitCount: 10,311 });312 assertions.expectTimeout(result);313 expect(result.reason).contains('Hit limit reached (10/9)');314 });315 it('should reset the hitLimit between runs', async () => {316 const firstResult = await actMutantRun({317 options: factory.mutantRunOptions({ hitLimit: 9 }),318 specResults: [createKarmaSpec({ success: false })],319 hitCount: 10,320 });321 const secondResult = await actMutantRun({322 options: factory.mutantRunOptions({ hitLimit: undefined }),323 specResults: [createKarmaSpec({ success: false })],324 hitCount: 10,325 });326 assertions.expectTimeout(firstResult);327 assertions.expectKilled(secondResult);328 });329 });330 describe('dispose', () => {331 beforeEach(async () => {332 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaConfig = await karma.config.parseConfig(null, {}, { promiseConfig: true });333 });334 it('should not do anything if there is no karma server', async () => {335 const sut = createSut();336 await expect(sut.dispose()).not.rejected;337 });338 it('should stop the karma server', async () => {339 const karmaServerMock = sinon.createStubInstance(karma.Server);340 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaServer = karmaServerMock;341 const sut = createSut();342 await sut.dispose();343 expect(karmaServerMock.stop).called;344 });345 it('should await the exit promise provided at startup', async () => {346 // Arrange347 const sut = createSut();348 const karmaServerMock = sinon.createStubInstance(karma.Server);349 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaServer = karmaServerMock;350 const exitTask = new Task<number>();351 let disposeResolved = false;352 projectStarterMock.start.resolves({ exitPromise: exitTask.promise });353 const initPromise = sut.init();354 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowsersReady();355 await initPromise;356 // Act357 const onGoingDisposal = sut.dispose().then(() => (disposeResolved = true));358 // Assert359 await tick();360 expect(disposeResolved).false;361 exitTask.resolve(1);362 await onGoingDisposal;363 });364 });365 function actRun({366 specResults,367 runResults,368 mutantCoverage,369 hitCount,370 browserError,371 }: {372 specResults: KarmaSpec[];373 runResults: TestResults;374 mutantCoverage: MutantCoverage;375 hitCount: number | undefined;376 browserError: [browser: Browser, error: any] | undefined;377 }) {378 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunStart();379 specResults.forEach((spec) => StrykerReporter.instance.onSpecComplete(null, spec));380 if (browserError) {381 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowserError(...browserError);382 }383 StrykerReporter.instance.onBrowserComplete(null, { mutantCoverage, hitCount });384 StrykerReporter.instance.onRunComplete(null, runResults);385 }386});387function arrangeLauncherMock() {388 const karmaServerMock = sinon.createStubInstance(karma.Server);389 const launcherMock = sinon.createStubInstance(karma.launcher.Launcher);390 StrykerReporter.instance.karmaServer = karmaServerMock;391 karmaServerMock.get.returns(launcherMock);392 return { launcher: launcherMock, karmaServer: karmaServerMock };393}394function createKarmaSpec(overrides?: Partial<KarmaSpec>): KarmaSpec {395 return {396 description: 'baz',397 id: '1',398 log: [],399 skipped: false,400 success: true,401 suite: ['foo', 'bar'],402 time: 42,403 ...overrides,404 };405}406function createKarmaTestResults(overrides?: Partial<TestResults>): TestResults {407 return {408 disconnected: false,...
Using AI Code Generation
1var stryker = require('stryker-parent');2var config = stryker.createKarmaSpec({3 { pattern: 'src/**/*.js', mutated: true, included: false },4 { pattern: 'test/**/*.js', mutated: false, included: false }5 karma: {6 }7});8module.exports = function (config) {9 config.set(config);10};11module.exports = function (config) {12 config.set({13 preprocessors: {14 },15 coverageReporter: {16 },17 });18};
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createKarmaSpec } = require('stryker-parent');2module.exports = createKarmaSpec({3});4const { createKarmaConfig } = require('stryker-parent');5module.exports = createKarmaConfig({6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const createKarmaConfig = require('stryker-parent/config/createKarmaConfig');2const config = createKarmaConfig({3});4module.exports = function(config) {5 config.set(config);6}7module.exports = require('./test.js');8module.exports = function(config) {9 config.set({10 karma: {11 config: require('./karma.conf.js')12 }13 });14};
Using AI Code Generation
1var createKarmaSpec = require('stryker-parent').createKarmaSpec;2module.exports = createKarmaSpec({3 karmaConfig: {4 {pattern: 'src/**/*.js', included: false},5 {pattern: 'test/**/*.js', included: false},6 {pattern: 'test/**/*Spec.js', included: false},7 {pattern: 'test/**/*Spec.js', included: true}8 preprocessors: {9 },10 coverageReporter: {11 }12 }13});14preprocessors: { 'src/*.js': ['coverage'] }15coverageReporter: { type: 'in-memory' }16{pattern: 'src/**/*.js', included: false}17{pattern: 'test/**/*.js', included: false}18{pattern: 'test/**/*Spec.js', included: false}19{pattern: 'test/**/*Spec.js', included: true}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createKarmaSpec } = require('stryker-parent');2createKarmaSpec(__filename, {3});4module.exports = function(config) {5 config.set({6 });7};
Using AI Code Generation
1const stryker = require('stryker-parent');2const path = require('path');3const files = stryker.createKarmaSpec(path.resolve('test.js'), 'test', 'test.js');4console.log(files);5[ { pattern: 'test.js',6 includedInMutantRun: true } ]7const stryker = require('stryker-parent');8const path = require('path');9const files = stryker.createKarmaSpec(path.resolve('test.js'), 'test', 'test.js');10console.log(files);11[ { pattern: 'test.js',12 includedInMutantRun: true } ]13const stryker = require('stryker-parent');14const path = require('path');15const files = stryker.createKarmaSpec(path.resolve('test.js'), 'test', 'test.js');16console.log(files);17[ { pattern: 'test.js',18 includedInMutantRun: true } ]19const stryker = require('stryker-parent');20const path = require('path');21const files = stryker.createKarmaSpec(path.resolve('test.js'), 'test', 'test.js');22console.log(files);23[ { pattern: 'test.js',24 includedInMutantRun: true } ]25const stryker = require('stryker-parent');26const path = require('path');27const files = stryker.createKarmaSpec(path.resolve('test.js'), 'test', 'test.js');28console.log(files);29[ { pattern: 'test.js',
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