How to use yellow method in storybook-test-runner

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-test-runner

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1import pygame2import os3pygame.font.init()4# create variables for the dimensions and then inser them into pygame.display5WIDTH, HEIGHT = 900, 5006WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))7pygame.display.set_caption("First Game!")8# variables for reused numbers, always helpful to store numbers u are going to use many times9WHITE = (255, 255, 255)10BLACK = (0, 0, 0)11RED = (255, 0, 0)12YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)13BORDER = pygame.Rect(WIDTH/​/​2 - 5, 0, 10, HEIGHT)14HEALTH_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont('comic sans ms', 40)15WINNER_FONT = pygame.font.SysFont('comic sans ms', 100)16FPS = 6017VEL = 418BULLET_VEL = 819MAX_BULLETS = 1020SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT = 55, 4021YELLOW_HIT = pygame.USEREVENT + 122RED_HIT = pygame.USEREVENT + 223# calling the assets folder and taking the images from there using the OS import24YELLOW_SPACESHIP_IMAGE = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'spaceship_yellow.png'))25YELLOW_SPACESHIP = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(YELLOW_SPACESHIP_IMAGE, (SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)), 90)26RED_SPACESHIP_IMAGE = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'spaceship_red.png'))27RED_SPACESHIP = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(RED_SPACESHIP_IMAGE, (SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)), 270)28SPACE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'space.png')), (WIDTH, HEIGHT))29# all drawing will go under this define. .update is what allows the color to change30def draw_window(red, yellow, red_bullets, yellow_bullets, red_health, yellow_health):31 WIN.blit(SPACE, (0, 0)) # if SPACE (the background) was after the blit method then you would not see the ship because the order of drawing things matters32 pygame.draw.rect(WIN, BLACK, BORDER)33 red_health_text = HEALTH_FONT.render("Health: " + str(red_health), 1, WHITE)34 yellow_health_text = HEALTH_FONT.render("Health: " + str(yellow_health), 1, WHITE)35 WIN.blit(red_health_text, (WIDTH - red_health_text.get_width() - 10, 10))36 WIN.blit(yellow_health_text, (10, 10))37 WIN.blit(YELLOW_SPACESHIP, (yellow.x, yellow.y))38 WIN.blit(RED_SPACESHIP, (red.x, red.y))39 for bullet in red_bullets:40 pygame.draw.rect(WIN, RED, bullet)41 for bullet in yellow_bullets:42 pygame.draw.rect(WIN, YELLOW, bullet)43 pygame.display.update() # any changes above will updated from display.update44# Controls for the yellow ship45def yellow_handle_movement(keys_pressed, yellow):46 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_a] and yellow.x - VEL > 0: # Left47 yellow.x -= VEL48 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_d] and yellow.x + VEL + yellow.width < BORDER.x: # right49 yellow.x += VEL50 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_w] and yellow.y - VEL > 0: # up51 yellow.y -= VEL52 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_s] and yellow.y + VEL + yellow.height < HEIGHT - 13: # down53 yellow.y += VEL54# Controls for the red ship55def red_handle_movement(keys_pressed, red):56 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and red.x - VEL > BORDER.x + BORDER.width: # left57 red.x -= VEL58 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and red.x + VEL + red.width < WIDTH: # right59 red.x += VEL60 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and red.y - VEL > 0: # Up61 red.y -= VEL62 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN] and red.y + VEL + red.height < HEIGHT - 13: # down63 red.y += VEL64 65# bullet speed, and removing the bullets when they hit the other ship and the back wall66def handle_bullets(yellow_bullets, red_bullets, yellow, red):67 for bullet in yellow_bullets:68 bullet.x += BULLET_VEL69 if red.colliderect(bullet):70 yellow_bullets.remove(bullet)72 elif bullet.x > WIDTH:73 yellow_bullets.remove(bullet)74 for bullet in red_bullets:75 bullet.x -= BULLET_VEL76 if yellow.colliderect(bullet):77 red_bullets.remove(bullet)79 elif bullet.x < 0:80 red_bullets.remove(bullet)81def draw_winner(text):82 draw_text = WINNER_FONT.render(text, 1, WHITE)83 WIN.blit(draw_text, (WIDTH/​2 - draw_text.get_width() /​ 2, HEIGHT/​2 - draw_text.get_height()/​2))84 pygame.display.update()85 pygame.time.delay(5000)86# this loop allows you to end the game87def main():88 red = pygame.Rect(700, 300, SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)89 yellow = pygame.Rect(100, 300, SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)90 red_bullets = []91 yellow_bullets = []92 red_health = 1093 yellow_health = 1094 clock = pygame.time.Clock()95 run = True96 while run:97 clock.tick(FPS)98 for event in pygame.event.get():99 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:100 run = False101 pygame.quit()102 103 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:104 if event.key == pygame.K_LCTRL and len(yellow_bullets) < MAX_BULLETS:105 bullet = pygame.Rect(yellow.x + yellow.width, yellow.y + yellow.height/​/​2 - 2, 10, 5)106 yellow_bullets.append(bullet)107 if event.key == pygame.K_RCTRL and len(red_bullets) < MAX_BULLETS:108 bullet = pygame.Rect(red.x, red.y + red.height/​/​2 - 2, 10, 5)109 red_bullets.append(bullet)110 if event.type == RED_HIT:111 red_health -= 1112 if event.type == YELLOW_HIT:113 yellow_health -= 1114 winner_text = ""115 if red_health <= 0:116 winner_text = "Yellow Wins!"117 if yellow_health <= 0:118 winner_text = "Red Wins!"119 if winner_text != "":120 draw_winner(winner_text)121 break122 # these are the declared functons we call above for their each individual uses123 keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()124 yellow_handle_movement(keys_pressed, yellow)125 red_handle_movement(keys_pressed, red)126 handle_bullets(yellow_bullets, red_bullets, yellow, red)127 draw_window(red, yellow, red_bullets, yellow_bullets, red_health, yellow_health)128 main()129# dont quite understand this130if __name__ == "__main__":...

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Source: Github


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1import pygame2import os3WIDTH, HEIGHT = 900, 5004WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))5pygame.display.set_caption("Game time baby")6VELOCITY = 57BULLET_VEL = 78MAX_BULLETS = 59WHITE = (255, 255, 255)10BLACK = (0,0,0)11RED = (255, 0, 0)12YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)13BORDER = pygame.Rect(WIDTH /​/​ 2 - 5, 0, 10, HEIGHT)14SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT = 65, 5515FPS = 6016YELLOW_GOT_HIT = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 # code for custom user events that we can check for and handle17RED_GOT_HIT = pygame.USEREVENT + 218YELLOW_SPACESHIP_IMG = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'spaceship_yellow.png'))19YELLOW_SPACESHIP = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(20 YELLOW_SPACESHIP_IMG, (SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)), 270)21RED_SPACESHIP_IMG = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'spaceship_red.png'))22RED_SPACESHIP = pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.transform.scale(23 RED_SPACESHIP_IMG, (SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)), 90)24BACKGROUND = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Assets', 'above_earth.png'))25def handle_red_movement(keys_pressed, red):26 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_a] and red.x - VELOCITY > 0: # LEFT for red ship27 red.x -= VELOCITY28 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_d] and red.x + VELOCITY + red.width < BORDER.x: # RIGHT29 red.x += VELOCITY30 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_w] and red.y - VELOCITY > 0: #UP31 red.y -= VELOCITY32 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_s] and red.y + VELOCITY + red.height < HEIGHT - 15: #DOWN33 red.y += VELOCITY34def handle_yellow_movement(keys_pressed, yellow):35 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_LEFT] and yellow.x - VELOCITY > BORDER.x + BORDER.width: # LEFT for yellow ship36 yellow.x -= VELOCITY37 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_RIGHT] and yellow.x + VELOCITY + yellow.width < WIDTH: # RIGHT38 yellow.x += VELOCITY39 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_UP] and yellow.y - VELOCITY > 0: #UP40 yellow.y -= VELOCITY41 if keys_pressed[pygame.K_DOWN] and yellow.y + VELOCITY + yellow.height < HEIGHT - 15: #DOWN42 yellow.y += VELOCITY43def draw_window(red, yellow, red_bullets, yellow_bullets):44 WINDOW.fill(WHITE)45 pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, BLACK, BORDER)46 WINDOW.blit(YELLOW_SPACESHIP, (yellow.x, yellow.y)) # order of drawing matters. Spaceship would not be visible if we had done it before color fill47 WINDOW.blit(RED_SPACESHIP, (red.x, red.y))48 for bullet in red_bullets:49 pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, RED, bullet)50 for bullet in yellow_bullets:51 pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, YELLOW, bullet)52 pygame.display.update()53def handle_bullets(yellow_bullets, red_bullets, yellow, red):54 # loop through red bullets and check if they hit end of screen or collide with other character 55 # vice versa for yellow56 for bullet in red_bullets:57 bullet.x += BULLET_VEL58 if pygame.Rect.colliderect(bullet, yellow):59 red_bullets.remove(bullet)61 62 elif bullet.x > WIDTH:63 red_bullets.remove(bullet)64 for bullet in yellow_bullets:65 bullet.x -= BULLET_VEL66 if red.colliderect(bullet): 67 yellow_bullets.remove(bullet)69 elif bullet.x < 0:70 yellow_bullets.remove(bullet)71def main():72 red = pygame.Rect(100, 300, SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)73 yellow = pygame.Rect(850, 300, SPACESHIP_WIDTH, SPACESHIP_HEIGHT)74 yellow_bullets = []75 red_bullets = []76 clock = pygame.time.Clock()77 run = True78 while run:79 clock.tick(FPS) # controls speed of while loop - run it 60 times per second at maximum80 for event in pygame.event.get():81 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:82 run = False83 pygame.quit()84 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:85 if event.key == pygame.K_r and len(red_bullets) < MAX_BULLETS:86 bullet = pygame.Rect(87 red.x + red.width, red.y + red.height /​/​ 2 - 2, 10, 5) # display x, display y, rect width, rect height88 red_bullets.append(bullet)89 90 if event.key == pygame.K_m and len(yellow_bullets) < MAX_BULLETS:91 bullet = pygame.Rect(yellow.x, yellow.y + yellow.height /​/​ 2 - 2, 10, 5) # display x, display y, rect width, rect height92 yellow_bullets.append(bullet)93 94 keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()95 handle_red_movement(keys_pressed, red)96 handle_yellow_movement(keys_pressed, yellow)97 handle_bullets(yellow_bullets, red_bullets, red, yellow)98 99 draw_window(red, yellow, red_bullets, yellow_bullets)100 101 102if __name__ == "__main__": #only run main if we directly run this file...

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Source: tocolor.js Github


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1function toyellow(){2 /​* 绿变黄 */​3 $('.green').removeClass('green').addClass('yellow');4 $('.green-g').removeClass('green-g').addClass('yellow-y');5 $('.green-none').removeClass('green-none').addClass('yellow-none');6 $('.green-left').removeClass('green-left').addClass('yellow-left');7 $('.green-box').removeClass('green-box').addClass('yellow-box');8 /​*蓝变黄 */​9 $('.blue').removeClass('blue').addClass('yellow');10 $('.blue-b').removeClass('blue-b').addClass('yellow-y');11 $('.blue-none').removeClass('blue-none').addClass('yellow-none');12 $('.blue-left').removeClass('blue-left').addClass('yellow-left');13 $('.blue-box').removeClass('blue-box').addClass('yellow-box');14 /​* 红变黄 */​15 $('.red').removeClass('red').addClass('yellow');...

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Source: colors-yellow-deprecated.js Github


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1const scaleYellow = require('./​scale-yellow');2const colorsYellow = {3 'color-yellow-dark': scaleYellow['yellow-800'],4 'color-yellow-base': scaleYellow['yellow-600'],5 'color-yellow-mid': scaleYellow['yellow-500'],6 'color-yellow-light': scaleYellow['yellow-400'],7 'color-yellow-lightest': scaleYellow['yellow-200'],8};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { yellow } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import { red } from 'storybook-test-runner';3import { green } from 'storybook-test-runner';4import { blue } from 'storybook-test-runner';5import { purple } from 'storybook-test-runner';6import { cyan } from 'storybook-test-runner';7import { white } from 'storybook-test-runner';8import { black } from 'storybook-test-runner';9import { gray } from 'storybook-test-runner';10import { grey } from 'storybook-test-runner';11import { bgYellow } from 'storybook-test-runner';12import { bgRed } from 'storybook-test-runner';13import { bgGreen } from 'storybook-test-runner';14import { bgBlue } from 'storybook-test-runner';15import { bgPurple } from 'storybook-test-runner';16import { bgCyan } from 'storybook-test-runner';17import { bgWhite } from 'storybook-test-runner';18import { bgBlack } from 'storybook-test-runner';19import { bgGray } from 'storybook-test-runner';20import { bgGrey } from 'storybook-test-runner';21import { bold } from 'storybook-test-runner';22import { dim } from 'storybook-test-runner';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { yellow } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import { red } from 'storybook-test-runner';3import { green } from 'storybook-test-runner';4import { blue } from 'storybook-test-runner';5import { orange } from 'storybook-test-runner';6import { pink } from 'storybook-test-runner';7import { purple } from 'storybook-test-runner';8import { grey } from 'storybook-test-runner';9import { black } from 'storybook-test-runner';10import { white } from 'storybook-test-runner';11import { brown } from 'storybook-test-runner';12import { cyan } from 'storybook-test-runner';13import { lime } from 'storybook-test-runner';14import { teal } from 'storybook-test-runner';15import { indigo } from 'storybook-test-runner';16import { blueGrey } from 'storybook-test-runner';17import { deepOrange } from 'storybook-test-runner';18import { deepPurple } from 'storybook-test-runner';19import { lightBlue } from 'storybook-test-runner';20import { lightGreen } from 'storybook-test-runner';21import { lime } from 'storybook-test-runner';22import { teal } from 'storybook-test-runner';23import {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { yellow } = require("storybook-test-runner");2const { blue } = require("storybook-test-runner");3const { green } = require("storybook-test-runner");4const { red } = require("storybook-test-runner");5const { white } = require("storybook-test-runner");6const { black } = require("storybook-test-runner");7const { gray } = require("storybook-test-runner");8const { lightGray } = require("storybook-test-runner");9const { darkGray } = require("storybook-test-runner");10const { orange } = require("storybook-test-runner");11const { purple } = require("storybook-test-runner");12const { pink } = require("storybook-test-runner");13const { brown } = require("storybook-test-runner");14const { cyan } = require("storybook-test-runner");15const { magenta } = require("storybook-test-runner");16const { lightBlue } = require("storybook-test-runner");17const { lightGreen } = require("storybook-test-runner");18const { lightRed } = require("storybook-test-runner");19const { lightWhite } = require("storybook-test-runner");20const { lightBlack } = require("storybook-test-runner");21const { lightOrange } = require("storybook-test-runner");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { yellow } = require('storybook-test-runner');2const { blue } = require('storybook-test-runner');3const { green } = require('storybook-test-runner');4const { red } = require('storybook-test-runner');5const { purple } = require('storybook-test-runner');6const { orange } = require('storybook-test-runner');7const { gray } = require('storybook-test-runner');8const { black } = require('storybook-test-runner');9const { white } = require('storybook-test-runner');10const { brown } = require('storybook-test-runner');11const { pink } = require('storybook-test-runner');12const { cyan } = require('storybook-test-runner');13const { magenta } = require('storybook-test-runner');14const { lime } = require('storybook-test-runner');15const { teal } = require('storybook-test-runner');16const { navy } = require('storybook-test-runner');17const { maroon } = require('storybook-test-runner');18const { olive } = require('storybook-test-runner');19const { teal } = require('storybook-test-runner');20const { fuchsia } = require('storybook-test-runner');21const { aqua } = require('storybook-test-runner');22const { silver } = require('storybook

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { yellow } = require('storybook-test-runner');2module.exports = yellow;3const { red } = require('storybook-test-runner');4module.exports = red;5const { blue } = require('storybook-test-runner');6module.exports = blue;7const { green } = require('storybook-test-runner');8module.exports = green;9const { purple } = require('storybook-test-runner');10module.exports = purple;11const { orange } = require('storybook-test-runner');12module.exports = orange;13const { pink } = require('storybook-test-runner');14module.exports = pink;15const { brown } = require('storybook-test-runner');16module.exports = brown;17const { grey } = require('storybook-test-runner');18module.exports = grey;19const { black } = require('storybook-test-runner');20module.exports = black;21const { white } = require('storybook-test-runner');22module.exports = white;23const { cyan } = require('storybook-test-runner');24module.exports = cyan;25const { magenta } = require('storybook-test-runner');26module.exports = magenta;27const { teal } = require('storybook-test-runner');28module.exports = teal;29const { lime } = require('storybook-test-runner');30module.exports = lime;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import test from 'storybook-test-runner'2test('yellow')3import test from 'storybook-test-runner'4test('blue')5import test from 'storybook-test-runner'6test('blue')7import test from 'storybook-test-runner'8test('yellow')9import test from 'storybook-test-runner'10test('blue')11import test from 'storybook-test-runner'12test('yellow')13import test from 'storybook-test-runner'14test('blue')15import test from 'storybook-test-runner'16test('yellow')17import test from 'storybook-test-runner'18test('blue')19import test from 'storybook-test-runner'20test('yellow')21import test from 'storybook-test-runner'22test('blue')23import test from 'storybook-test-runner'24test('yellow')25import test from 'storybook-test-runner'26test('blue')27import test from 'storybook-test-runner'28test('yellow')29import test from 'storybook-test-runner'30test('blue')31import test from 'storybook-test-runner'32test('yellow')33import test from 'storybook-test-runner'34test('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybook = require("storybook-test-runner");{3});4{5 "scripts": {6 }7}8import { configure } from "@storybook/​react";9function loadStories() {10 require("../​src/​components/​button/​button.stories");11}12configure(loadStories, module);13import React from "react";14import { storiesOf } from "@storybook/​react";15import Button from "./​button";16storiesOf("Button", module).add("with text", () => <Button>Hello Button</​Button>);17import React from "react";18import "./​button.css";19const Button = props => <button className="button">{props.children}</​button>;20export default Button;21.button {22 background: #ff0000;23}24- (required) The URL of the storybook to test. For example, if the storybook is running at25- (required) An array of files to test. For example, if you want to test all files ending with26- (optional, defaults to false) If set to27- (optional, defaults to false) If set to28var storybook = require("storybook-test-runner");

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