How to use titleToStoryCount method in storybook-root

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Source:StoryIndexGenerator.ts Github


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1import path from 'path';2import fs from 'fs-extra';3import glob from 'globby';4import slash from 'slash';5import type { Path, StoryIndex, V2CompatIndexEntry, StoryId } from '@storybook/store';6import { autoTitleFromSpecifier, sortStoriesV7 } from '@storybook/store';7import type { NormalizedStoriesSpecifier } from '@storybook/core-common';8import { normalizeStoryPath } from '@storybook/core-common';9import { logger } from '@storybook/node-logger';10import { readCsfOrMdx, getStorySortParameter } from '@storybook/csf-tools';11import type { ComponentTitle } from '@storybook/csf';12type SpecifierStoriesCache = Record<Path, StoryIndex['stories'] | false>;13export class StoryIndexGenerator {14 // An internal cache mapping specifiers to a set of path=><set of stories>15 // Later, we'll combine each of these subsets together to form the full index16 private storyIndexEntries: Map<NormalizedStoriesSpecifier, SpecifierStoriesCache>;17 // Cache the last value of `getStoryIndex`. We invalidate (by unsetting) when:18 // - any file changes, including deletions19 // - the preview changes [not yet implemented]20 private lastIndex?: StoryIndex;21 constructor(22 public readonly specifiers: NormalizedStoriesSpecifier[],23 public readonly options: {24 workingDir: Path;25 configDir: Path;26 storiesV2Compatibility: boolean;27 storyStoreV7: boolean;28 }29 ) {30 this.storyIndexEntries = new Map();31 }32 async initialize() {33 // Find all matching paths for each specifier34 await Promise.all(35 (specifier) => {36 const pathToSubIndex = {} as SpecifierStoriesCache;37 const fullGlob = slash(38 path.join(this.options.workingDir,, specifier.files)39 );40 const files = await glob(fullGlob);41 files.sort().forEach((absolutePath: Path) => {42 const ext = path.extname(absolutePath);43 const relativePath = path.relative(this.options.workingDir, absolutePath);44 if (!['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.mdx'].includes(ext)) {45`Skipping ${ext} file ${relativePath}`);46 return;47 }48 pathToSubIndex[absolutePath] = false;49 });50 this.storyIndexEntries.set(specifier, pathToSubIndex);51 })52 );53 // Extract stories for each file54 await this.ensureExtracted();55 }56 async ensureExtracted(): Promise<StoryIndex['stories'][]> {57 return (58 await Promise.all(59 (specifier) => {60 const entry = this.storyIndexEntries.get(specifier);61 return Promise.all(62 Object.keys(entry).map(63 async (absolutePath) =>64 entry[absolutePath] || this.extractStories(specifier, absolutePath)65 )66 );67 })68 )69 ).flat();70 }71 async extractStories(specifier: NormalizedStoriesSpecifier, absolutePath: Path) {72 const relativePath = path.relative(this.options.workingDir, absolutePath);73 const fileStories = {} as StoryIndex['stories'];74 const entry = this.storyIndexEntries.get(specifier);75 try {76 const importPath = slash(normalizeStoryPath(relativePath));77 const defaultTitle = autoTitleFromSpecifier(importPath, specifier);78 const csf = (await readCsfOrMdx(absolutePath, { defaultTitle })).parse();79 csf.stories.forEach(({ id, name }) => {80 fileStories[id] = {81 id,82 title: csf.meta.title,83 name,84 importPath,85 };86 });87 } catch (err) {88 if ( === 'NoMetaError') {89`💡 Skipping ${relativePath}: ${err}`);90 } else {91 logger.warn(`🚨 Extraction error on ${relativePath}: ${err}`);92 throw err;93 }94 }95 entry[absolutePath] = fileStories;96 return fileStories;97 }98 async sortStories(storiesList: StoryIndex['stories'][]) {99 const stories: StoryIndex['stories'] = {};100 storiesList.forEach((subStories) => {101 Object.assign(stories, subStories);102 });103 const sortableStories = Object.values(stories);104 // Skip sorting if we're in v6 mode because we don't have105 // all the info we need here106 if (this.options.storyStoreV7) {107 const storySortParameter = await this.getStorySortParameter();108 const fileNameOrder = this.storyFileNames();109 sortStoriesV7(sortableStories, storySortParameter, fileNameOrder);110 }111 return sortableStories.reduce((acc, item) => {112 acc[] = item;113 return acc;114 }, {} as StoryIndex['stories']);115 }116 async getIndex() {117 if (this.lastIndex) return this.lastIndex;118 // Extract any entries that are currently missing119 // Pull out each file's stories into a list of stories, to be composed and sorted120 const storiesList = await this.ensureExtracted();121 const sorted = await this.sortStories(storiesList);122 let compat = sorted;123 if (this.options.storiesV2Compatibility) {124 const titleToStoryCount = Object.values(sorted).reduce((acc, story) => {125 acc[story.title] = (acc[story.title] || 0) + 1;126 return acc;127 }, {} as Record<ComponentTitle, number>);128 compat = Object.entries(sorted).reduce((acc, entry) => {129 const [id, story] = entry;130 acc[id] = {131 ...story,132 id,133 kind: story.title,134 story:,135 parameters: {136 __id:,137 docsOnly: titleToStoryCount[story.title] === 1 && === 'Page',138 fileName: story.importPath,139 },140 };141 return acc;142 }, {} as Record<StoryId, V2CompatIndexEntry>);143 }144 this.lastIndex = {145 v: 3,146 stories: compat,147 };148 return this.lastIndex;149 }150 invalidate(specifier: NormalizedStoriesSpecifier, importPath: Path, removed: boolean) {151 const absolutePath = slash(path.resolve(this.options.workingDir, importPath));152 const pathToEntries = this.storyIndexEntries.get(specifier);153 if (removed) {154 delete pathToEntries[absolutePath];155 } else {156 pathToEntries[absolutePath] = false;157 }158 this.lastIndex = null;159 }160 async getStorySortParameter() {161 const previewFile = ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx']162 .map((ext) => path.join(this.options.configDir, `preview.${ext}`))163 .find((fname) => fs.existsSync(fname));164 let storySortParameter;165 if (previewFile) {166 const previewCode = (await fs.readFile(previewFile, 'utf-8')).toString();167 storySortParameter = await getStorySortParameter(previewCode);168 }169 return storySortParameter;170 }171 // Get the story file names in "imported order"172 storyFileNames() {173 return Array.from(this.storyIndexEntries.values()).flatMap((r) => Object.keys(r));174 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-root';2import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder';3import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-2';4import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-3';5import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-4';6import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-5';7import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-6';8import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-7';9import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-8';10import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-9';11import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-10';12import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-11';13import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder-12';14import {titleToStoryCount} from 'storybook-subfolder

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();3storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');4const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');5const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();6storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');7const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();9storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');10const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');11const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();12storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');13const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();15storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');16const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();18storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');19const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();21storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');22const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');23const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();24storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');25const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();27storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');28const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root');29const storybookRoot = new StorybookRoot();30storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount('test');31const StorybookRoot = require('storybook-root

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { titleToStoryCount } from './storybook-root';2const storyCount = titleToStoryCount('Button');3console.log(storyCount);4import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';5import { Button } from './button';6storiesOf('Button', module).add('with text', () => <Button />);7export const titleToStoryCount = title => {8 const storybook = require('./storybook-root');9 return storybook.storiesOf(title, module).getStorybook().length;10};11jest.mock('./storybook-root', () => ({12 storiesOf: jest.fn(),13}));14jest.mock('./storybook-root', () => ({15 storiesOf: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({16 getStorybook: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]),17 }),18}));19I want to test a component that has a button in it. I want to test the button click event. I am using react testing library. I tried to use but it is not working. I am getting this error: "Unable to find an element with the role "button". Please use the "role" option to find a button element."20import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";21import Button from "./Button";22test("test button click", () => {23 const handleClick = jest.fn();24 const { getByRole } = render(<Button onClick={handleClick} />);25"button"));26 expect(handleClick).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);27});28I have a button that I want to test. I am using Jest and Enzyme. I want to test the click event of the button. I tried to use simulate('click') but it is not working. I am getting this error: "Method “simulate” is only meant to be

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storyBook = require('storybook-root');2const storyBookRoot = new storyBook();3storyBookRoot.titleToStoryCount('Button');4module.exports = function storybookRoot() {5 this.titleToStoryCount = function (title) {6 }7}8import storyBook from 'storybook-root';9const storyBookRoot = new storyBook();10storyBookRoot.titleToStoryCount('Button');11export default function storybookRoot() {12 this.titleToStoryCount = function (title) {13 }14}15module.exports = function (config) {16 config.set({17 });18};19Chrome 83.0.4103 (Mac OS X 10.15.5) storybookRoot titleToStoryCount should return the story count of a given title FAILED20 at storybookRoot.storybookRoot.titleToStoryCount should return the story count of a given title (test.js:12:31)21Chrome 83.0.4103 (Mac OS X 10.15.5): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) (0.007 secs / 0.001 secs)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { titleToStoryCount } from "storybook-root"2export const titleToStoryCount = ({ title }) => {3 const stories = getStories()4}5export const getStories = () => {6 return { "Hello World": ["story-1", "story-2", "story-3"] }7}8export const getStory = ({ storyId }) => {9 return { id: storyId, title: "Hello World", name: "Story 1" }10}11export const getStoryUrl = ({ storyId }) => {12}13export const getStorybook = () => {14 {15 { name: "Story 1", id: "story-1" },16 { name: "Story 2", id: "story-2" },17 { name: "Story 3", id: "story-3" }18 }19}20export const getStorybookUrl = () => {21}22export const getStorybookStoriesUrl = () => {23}24export const getStorybookKindsUrl = () => {25}26export const getStorybookStories = () => {27 return {28 { name: "Story 1", id: "story-1" },29 { name: "Story 2", id: "story-2" },30 { name: "Story 3", id: "story-3" }31 }32}

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