Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
Source: script.js
1/โ*button color*/โ2$(".one").hover(function() {3 $(this).css("background-color", "#ffcf00");4}, function() {5 $(this).css("background-color", "#00cdff");6});7$(".two").mouseenter(function() {8 $(this).css("background-color", "#ffcf00");9});10$(".two").mouseleave(function() {11 $(this).css("background-color", "#00cdff");12});13/โ* top button*/โ14$(".bimi").hover(function() {15 $(this).css("background-color", "#9bacb6");16}, function() {17 $(this).css("background-color", "inherit");18});19$("#colorchange").dblclick(function() {20 $("body").toggleClass("green");21 $("body").toggleClass("purple");22 $("button").toggleClass("three");23 $(this).removeClass("three");24});25/โ*button functions*/โ26$(".play-again").click(function() {27 $(".end-message").hide();28 $(".entry").show();29 $(".story1").text("Yay, we're on the final stage! Let's do this!");30 $(".story2").text("");31 $(".toRoom").show();32});33$(".toRoom").click(function() {34 $(".story1").text("We're in a big room now, but... Oh my god!");35 $(".story2").text("There's a big ferocious beast to our right! Should we fight it?");36 $(".toRoom").hide();37 $(".decision1").show();38});39/โ*decision 1*/โ40$(".fight").click(function() {41 $(".story1").text("Let's do it! Should we use our sword our our magic wand?");42 $(".story2").text("");43 $(".decision1").hide();44 $(".decisionMS2").show();45});46$(".no-fight").click(function() {47 $(".story1").text("Okay, let's be peaceful. Hopefully the monster is as well.");48 $(".story2").text("Should we run away and hide or stay and hope it doesn't kill us?");49 $(".decisionP2").show();50 $(".decision1").hide();51});52/โ*decision magic/โsword-2*/โ53$(".sword").click(function() {54 $(".instructions").show();55 $(".instructions").text("(Double click the sword to pick it up!)");56 $(".story1").text("");57 $(".story2").text("");58 $(".story1").hide();59 $(".story2").hide();60 $(".decisionMS2").hide();61 $(".imgsword").show();62});63$(".no-sword").click(function() {64 $(".story1").text("Let's use our magic wand then!");65 $(".story2").text("Should we stun it or damage it?");66 $(".decisionMS2").hide();67 $(".decisionM3").show();68});69/โ*MAGIC*/โ70/โ*decision magic-3*/โ71$(".stun").click(function() {72 $(".instructions").show();73 $(".instructions").text("(Double click the wand to stun the monster!)");74 $(".story1").text("");75 $(".story2").text("");76 $(".story1").hide();77 $(".story2").hide();78 $(".decisionM3").hide();79 $(".wand").show();80});81$(".no-stun").click(function() {82 $(".story1").text("Uh oh, the spell wasn't enough! IT'S STILL MOVING, IT'S-");83 $(".story2").text("Our bodies have been ripped to shreds! :)");84 $(".end-message").show();85 $(".win-message").hide();86 $(".lose-message").show();87 $(".decisionM3").hide();88});89/โ*wand*/โ90$(".wand").dblclick(function() {91 $(".wand").fadeOut();92 $(".instructions").fadeOut();93 $(".star1").delay(500).fadeIn();94 $(".star1").delay(500).fadeOut();95 $(".star2").delay(2000).fadeIn();96 $(".star2").delay(500).fadeOut();97 $(".star3").delay(3500).fadeIn();98 $(".star3").delay(500).fadeOut();99 $(".story1").text("We've done it! The monster is stunned!");100 $(".story2").text("Now, should we run away? Or should we run towards it and finish it off?");101 $(".story1").delay(5000).fadeIn();102 $(".story2").delay(5000).fadeIn();103 $(".decisionM4").delay(5000).fadeIn();104});105/โ*decision magic-4*/โ106$(".runaway").click(function() {107 $(".story1").text("Quick! Before the monster catches up!");108 $(".story2").text("Should we go behind the column or towards the burning door?");109 $(".decisionM4").hide();110 $(".decisionM5").show();111});112$(".no-runaway").click(function() {113 $(".story1").text("We run towards it, but! IT'S UNSTUNNED AHHHHHHH");114 $(".story2").text("That was a dumb choice. Now we're dead. :(");115 $(".end-message").show();116 $(".win-message").hide();117 $(".lose-message").show();118 $(".decisionM4").hide();119});120/โ*decision magic-5*/โ121$(".column").click(function() {122 $(".story1").text("The monster isn't stupid. It saw us go behind the column.");123 $(".story2").text("The beast pounced on us and ripped us apart limb by limb!");124 $(".end-message").show();125 $(".win-message").hide();126 $(".lose-message").show();127 $(".decisionM5").hide();128});129$(".no-column").click(function() {130 $(".story1").text("When we reach the door, we see two power-ups, a half-burnt doll and a telescope.");131 $(".story2").text("Which item should we use?");132 $(".decisionM5").hide();133 $(".decisionM6").show();134});135/โ*decision magic-6*/โ136$(".fish").click(function() {137 $(".story1").text("We launch the flamin' fish into the monster!");138 $(".story2").text("The monster disintegrates into ashes.");139 $(".end-message").show();140 $(".win-message").show();141 $(".lose-message").hide();142 $(".decisionM6").hide();143});144$(".no-fish").click(function() {145 $(".story1").text("We peer into the future and see ourselves dying ");146 $(".story2").text("as we wasted time looking into the telescope.");147 $(".end-message").show();148 $(".win-message").hide();149 $(".lose-message").show();150 $(".decisionM6").hide();151});152/โ*SWORD*/โ153/โ*sword image*/โ154$(".imgsword").dblclick(function() {155 $(".imgsword").slideUp();156 $(".instructions").hide();157 $(".story1").text("Ok! Now, should we wait for the monster to come to us?");158 $(".story2").text("Or should we run up to it instead?");159 $(".story1").delay(500).fadeIn();160 $(".story2").delay(500).fadeIn();161 $(".decisionS3").delay(500).fadeIn();162});163/โ*decision sword-3*/โ164$(".stay").click(function() {165 $(".story1").text("We'll wait for it to come to us then.");166 $(".story2").text("The monster runs up and slaps the life out of us.");167 $(".end-message").show();168 $(".win-message").hide();169 $(".lose-message").show();170 $(".decisionS3").hide();171});172$(".no-stay").click(function() {173 $(".story1").text("We're right in front of it now.");174 $(".story2").text("Quick, should we go for its leg or neck?");175 $(".decisionS3").hide();176 $(".decisionS4").show();177});178/โ*decision sword-4*/โ179$(".leg").click(function() {180 $(".story1").text("Great! The monster is losing it's balance!");181 $(".story2").text("Now should we go for the neck or another leg?");182 $(".decisionS4").hide();183 $(".decisionS5").show();184});185$(".no-leg").click(function() {186 $(".story1").text("The monster sees us running towards it's neck.");187 $(".story2").text("It turns its head and gobbles us up instead. Yum.");188 $(".end-message").show();189 $(".win-message").hide();190 $(".lose-message").show();191 $(".decisionS4").hide();192});193/โ*decision sword-5*/โ194$(".neck").click(function() {195 $(".story1").text("We successfully sliced its head off!");196 $(".story2").text("I can see the exit now!");197 $(".end-message").show();198 $(".win-message").show();199 $(".lose-message").hide();200 $(".decisionS5").hide();201});202$(".no-neck").click(function() {203 $(".story1").text("We slice off another leg causing the monster to fall down.");204 $(".story2").text("Unfortunately, it fell on top of us. :(");205 $(".end-message").show();206 $(".win-message").hide();207 $(".lose-message").show();208 $(".decisionS5").hide();209});210/โ*PEACEFUL*/โ211/โ*decision peaceful-2*/โ212$(".hide").click(function() {213 $(".story1").text("Good idea. We don't know if it's hositle or not yet.");214 $(".story2").text("Let's hide first. Should we go left or right?");215 $(".decisionP2").hide();216 $(".decisionP3").show();217});218$(".no-hide").click(function() {219 $(".story1").text("Alrigh- AHHHHHHHHH BEHIND YOU!");220 $(".story2").text("We were mauled by the monster. :'(");221 $(".end-message").show();222 $(".win-message").hide();223 $(".lose-message").show();224 $(".decisionP2").hide();225});226/โ*decision peaceful-3*/โ227$(".left").click(function() {228 $(".story1").text("This wasn't the right choice! It was the left!");229 $(".story2").text("The monster follows you and bites your head off. :(");230 $(".end-message").show();231 $(".lose-message").show();232 $(".win-message").hide();233 $(".decisionP3").hide();234});235$(".no-left").click(function() {236 $(".story1").text("This was the right choice! I don't see the monster behind us.");237 $(".story2").text("Hey, there's book here. Why don't we check it out?");238 $(".decisionP3").hide();239 $(".continue").show();240});241/โ*continue and image*/โ242$(".continue").click(function() {243 $(".story1").text("");244 $(".story2").text("");245 $(".story1").hide();246 $(".story2").hide();247 $(".continue").hide();248 $(".closed-book").show();249 $(".instructions").text("Double click the item to open it!");250 $(".instructions").show();251});252$(".closed-book").dblclick(function() {253 $(".story1").text("The book opens and reveals a giant yellow door--the exit!");254 $(".story2").text("We can escape this dark place now!");255 $(".instructions").hide();256 $(".closed-book").hide();257 $(".open-book").delay(500).fadeIn();258 $(".open-book").delay(500).fadeOut();259 $(".story1").delay(2000).fadeIn();260 $(".story2").delay(2000).fadeIn();261 $(".end-message").delay(2000).fadeIn();262 $(".win-message").delay(2000).fadeIn();263 $(".lose-message").hide();...
Source: StoryWin.ts
1/โ*2 * @Author: zhoulanglang 3 * @Date: 2020-07-14 11:14:29 4 * @Last Modified by: zhoulanglang5 * @Last Modified time: 2020-07-17 21:02:496 */โ7class StoryWin extends BaseEuiView {8 private img: eui.Image9 private arr1 = ["story2_00_png", "story2_01_png", "story2_03_png", 'story2_04_png', 'story2_06_png', 'story2_07_png', 'story2_09_png', 'story2_10_png', 'story2_12_png', 'story2_13_png', 'story2_15_png', 'story2_16_png', 'story2_18_png', 'story2_19_png', 'story2_21_png', 'story2_22_png', 'story2_24_png', 'story2_25_png', 'story2_27_png', 'story2_28_png', 'story2_30_png', 'story2_31_png', 'story2_33_png', 'story2_34_png',]10 private arr2 = ['story3_00_png', 'story3_02_png', 'story3_03_png', 'story3_05_png', 'story3_06_png', 'story3_08_png', 'story3_09_png', 'story3_11_png', 'story3_12_png', 'story3_14_png', 'story3_15_png', 'story3_17_png', 'story3_18_png', 'story3_20_png', 'story3_21_png', 'story3_23_png', 'story3_24_png', 'story3_26_png', 'story3_27_png', 'story3_29_png', 'story3_30_png', 'story3_32_png', 'story3_33_png', 'story3_35_png', 'story3_36_png', 'story3_38_png', 'story3_39_png', 'story3_41_png', 'story3_42_png', 'story3_44_png', 'story3_45_png', 'story3_47_png', 'story3_48_png']11 private arr3 = [12 'story4_00_png', 'story4_01_png', 'story4_02_png', 'story4_03_png', 'story4_04_png', 'story4_05_png', 'story4_06_png', 'story4_07_png', 'story4_08_png', 'story4_09_png', 'story4_10_png', 'story4_11_png', 'story4_12_png', 'story4_13_png', 'story4_14_png', 'story4_15_png', 'story4_16_png', 'story4_17_png', 'story4_18_png', 'story4_19_png', 'story4_20_png', 'story4_21_png', 'story4_22_png', 'story4_23_png', 'story4_24_png', 'story4_25_png', 'story4_26_png', 'story4_27_png', 'story4_28_png', 'story4_29_png', 'story4_30_png', 'story4_31_png', 'story4_32_png', 'story4_33_png', 'story4_34_png', 'story4_35_png', 'story4_36_png', 'story4_37_png', 'story4_38_png', 'story4_39_png', 'story4_40_png', 'story4_41_png', 'story4_42_png', 'story4_43_png', 'story4_44_png', 'story4_45_png', 'story4_46_png', 'story4_47_png', 'story4_48_png', 'story4_49_png', 'story4_50_png', 'story4_51_png', 'story4_52_png', 'story4_53_png', 'story4_54_png', 'story4_55_png', 'story4_56_png', 'story4_57_png', 'story4_58_png', 'story4_59_png', 'story4_60_png', 'story4_61_png', 'story4_62_png', 'story4_63_png', 'story4_64_png', 'story4_65_png', 'story4_66_png', 'story4_67_png', 'story4_68_png', 'story4_69_png', 'story4_70_png', 'story4_71_png', 'story4_72_png', 'story4_73_png', 'story4_74_png', 'story4_75_png'13 ]14 cur = 015 next = 016 callBack: Function17 public constructor() {18 super();19 this.skinName = 'StorySkin'20 }21 public open(...param: any[]): void {22 this.addTouchEvent(this.img, this.onClick);23 this.callBack = param[0]24 this.upView()25 }26 private async upView() {27 /โ/โ await RES.loadGroup('storyGroup')28 ViewManager.ins().close(LoadingUI)29 this.cur = 030 this.img.source = this.arr1[this.cur]31 TimerManager.ins().doTimer(1000 /โ 8, 0,, this)32 }33 fun() {34 this.cur++35 if (this.cur >= this.arr1.length) {36 TimerManager.ins().remove(, this)37 return38 }39 this.img.source = this.arr1[this.cur]40 }41 fun2() {42 this.cur++43 if (this.cur >= this.arr2.length) {44 TimerManager.ins().remove(this.fun2, this)45 return46 }47 this.img.source = this.arr2[this.cur]48 }49 fun3() {50 this.cur++51 if (this.cur >= this.arr3.length) {52 return53 }54 this.img.source = this.arr3[this.cur]55 }56 end() {57 TimerManager.ins().removeAll(this)58 this.callBack && this.callBack()59 ViewManager.ins().close(this)60 RES.destroyRes('storyGroup')61 }62 public close(...param: any[]): void {63 this.callBack = null64 }65 private onClick(e: egret.TouchEvent): void {66 switch (e.currentTarget) {67 case this.img:68 if ( == 0) {69 if (this.cur >= this.arr1.length) {70 = 171 this.cur = 072 this.img.source = this.arr2[this.cur]73 TimerManager.ins().doTimer(1000 /โ 8, 0, this.fun2, this)74 }75 }76 else if ( == 1) {77 if (this.cur >= this.arr2.length) {78 = 279 this.cur = 080 this.img.source = this.arr3[this.cur]81 TimerManager.ins().doTimer(1000 /โ 8, 0, this.fun3, this)82 }83 }84 else if ( == 2) {85 if (this.cur >= this.arr3.length || this.cur >= 60) {86 let obj = { isFinish: true }87 CacheUtil.set(Constant.STORY_DATA, JSON.stringify(obj))88 this.end()89 }90 }91 break;92 }93 }94}95ViewManager.ins().reg(StoryWin, LayerManager.UI_Popup);...
Source: index.js
1import { equal } from 'assert'2import tehanu from 'tehanu'3import sort from '../โlib/โindex.js'4const test = tehanu('test/โindex.js')5test('exports a function', () => {6 equal(typeof sort, 'function')7})8test('sorts unnamed stories', () => {9 const story1 = [null, { kind: '', name: '' }]10 const story2 = [null, { kind: '', name: '' }]11 equal(sort(null, story1, story2), 0)12 equal(sort(null, story2, story1), 0)13})14test('sorts one unnamed and one named stories', () => {15 const story1 = [null, { kind: '', name: '' }]16 const story2 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story' }]17 equal(sort(null, story1, story2), -1)18 equal(sort(null, story2, story1), 1)19})20test('sorts one unnamed and one named stories with an explicit order', () => {21 const story1 = [null, { kind: '', name: '' }]22 const story2 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story' }]23 const order = { '': { story: {} } };24 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)25 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)26})27test('sorts without groups alphabetically without specific order', () => {28 const story1 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story1' }]29 const story2 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story2' }]30 equal(sort(null, story1, story2), -1)31 equal(sort(null, story2, story1), 1)32})33test('sorts without groups according to a specific order', () => {34 const story1 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story1' }]35 const story2 = [null, { kind: '', name: 'Story2' }]36 const order = { '': { story2: {}, story1: {} } };37 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)38 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)39})40test('sorts in a group alphabetically without specific order', () => {41 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story1' }]42 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story2' }]43 equal(sort(null, story1, story2), -1)44 equal(sort(null, story2, story1), 1)45})46test('sorts in a group according to a specific order', () => {47 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story1' }]48 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story2' }]49 const order = { test: { story2: {}, story1: {} } };50 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)51 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)52})53test('sorts groups at the second level', () => {54 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond1', name: 'Story' }]55 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond2', name: 'Story' }]56 const order = {57 first: {58 second2: {},59 second1: {}60 }61 };62 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)63 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)64})65test('sorts groups at the third level', () => {66 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond/โThird1', name: 'Story' }]67 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond/โThird2', name: 'Story' }]68 const order = {69 first: {70 second: {71 third2: {},72 third1: {}73 }74 }75 };76 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)77 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)78})79test('sorts stories at the third level', () => {80 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond', name: 'Story1' }]81 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'First/โSecond', name: 'Story2' }]82 const order = {83 first: {84 second: {85 story2: {},86 story1: {}87 }88 }89 };90 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)91 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)92})93test('sorts with a wildcard at the first level of groups', () => {94 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story1' }]95 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'Test', name: 'Story2' }]96 const order = { '*': { story2: {}, story1: {} } };97 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), 1)98 equal(sort(order, story2, story1), -1)99})100test('sorts complex example', () => {101 const story1 = [null, { kind: 'Articles', name: 'Getting Started' }]102 const story2 = [null, { kind: 'Articles', name: 'Versioning' }]103 const story3 = [null, { kind: 'Components/โHeader', name: 'Collapsed' }]104 const story4 = [null, { kind: 'Components/โHeader', name: 'Default' }]105 const story5 = [null, { kind: 'Components/โHeader', name: 'Expanded' }]106 const story6 = [null, { kind: 'Elements/โButton', name: 'Active' }]107 const story7 = [null, { kind: 'Elements/โButton', name: 'Default' }]108 const story8 = [null, { kind: 'Elements/โLink', name: 'Active' }]109 const story9 = [null, { kind: 'Elements/โLink', name: 'Default' }]110 const order = {111 articles: {},112 elements: {113 '*': { default: null, },114 },115 components: {116 '*': { default: null, },117 },118 };119 equal(sort(order, story1, story2), -1)120 equal(sort(order, story1, story3), -1)121 equal(sort(order, story1, story6), -1)122 equal(sort(order, story2, story3), -1)123 equal(sort(order, story3, story4), 1)124 equal(sort(order, story4, story5), -1)125 equal(sort(order, story4, story7), 1)126 equal(sort(order, story5, story6), 1)127 equal(sort(order, story6, story7), 1)128 equal(sort(order, story6, story9), -1)129 equal(sort(order, story7, story8), -1)130 equal(sort(order, story8, story9), 1)...
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/โreact';3import { action } from '@storybook/โaddon-actions';4import Button from './โButton';5storiesOf('Button', module)6 .add('with text', () => (7 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</โButton>8 .add('with some emoji', () => (9 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ</โButton>10 ));11import { configure, addDecorator } from '@storybook/โreact';12import { withInfo } from '@storybook/โaddon-info';13const req = require.context('../โsrc', true, /โ.stories.js$/โ);14function loadStories() {15 req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));16}17addDecorator(withInfo);18configure(loadStories, module);19import React from 'react';20import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/โreact';21import { action } from '@storybook/โaddon-actions';22import { withNotes } from '@storybook/โaddon-notes';23import Button from './โButton';24storiesOf('Button', module)25 .add(26 withNotes('A very simple button')(() => (27 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</โButton>28 .add(29 withNotes('A very simple button')(() => (30 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ</โButton>31 );32import React from 'react';33import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/โreact';34import { action } from '@storybook/โaddon-actions';35import { withNotes } from '@storybook/โaddon-notes';36import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/โaddon-knobs/โreact';37import Button from './โButton';38storiesOf('Button', module)39 .addDecorator(withKnobs)40 .add(41 withNotes('
Using AI Code Generation
1import story2 from 'storybook-root';2import { story1 } from 'storybook-root';3import { story3 } from 'storybook-root';4import { story4 } from 'storybook-root';5{6}7Import your stories into the `storybook-root.js` file. You can import them using the following methods:8import { importAll } from 'storybook-root';9importAll(require.context('../โsrc', true, /โ\.stories\.js$/โ));10import { importStory } from 'storybook-root';11importStory(require('../โsrc/โstories/โButton.stories.js'));12import { importStory } from 'storybook-root';13importStory(require('../โsrc/โstories/โButton.stories.js'), 'Primary');14import { importStory } from 'storybook-root';15importStory(require('../โsrc/โstories/โButton.stories.js'), 'default');16import { importStory } from 'storybook-root';17importStory(require('../โsrc/โstories/โButton.stories.js'), 'Primary', 'MyPrimaryStory');18import { importStory } from 'storybook-root';19importStory(require('../โsrc/โstories/โButton.stories.js'), 'default', 'MyDefaultStory');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { story2 } from "storybook-root";2export { story2 } from "./โstory2";3export const story2 = () => "story2";4module.exports = {5};6module.exports = {7};8module.exports = {9 {10 options: {11 },12 },13};14module.exports = {15 {16 options: {17 },18 },19};20import { root } from "storybook-root";21export { root } from "./โroot";22export const root = () => "root";23import { resolve } from "storybook-root";24export { resolve } from "./โ
Using AI Code Generation
1import StorybookRoot from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/โreact';3import { withKnobs, text } from '@storybook/โaddon-knobs';4const story = storiesOf('Test', module);5story.addDecorator(withKnobs);6story.add('Test', () => {7 const label = text('Label', 'Hello World');8 return <StorybookRoot story2={label} /โ>;9});10MIT ยฉ [Shubham Singh](
Using AI Code Generation
1const path = require('path');2const distDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist');3const path = require('path');4const distDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, './โdist');5const path = require('path');6const distDirectory = require.resolve('dist');7const path = require('path');8const distDirectory = require.resolve('./โdist');9const path = require('path');10const distDirectory = require.resolve('dist');11const path = require('path');12const distDirectory = require.resolve('./โdist');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { storiesOf } from 'storybook-root';2storiesOf('test', module).add('test story', () => <div>test</โdiv>);3module.exports = function override(config, env) {4 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root'] = require.resolve('storybook-root');5 return config;6};7 "scripts": {8 },9import { configure } from 'storybook-root';10configure(require.context('../โsrc', true, /โ\.stories\.js$/โ), module);11import { storiesOf } from 'storybook-root';12import MyComponent from './โMyComponent';13storiesOf('MyComponent', module).add('MyComponent story', () => <MyComponent /โ>);
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In 2007, Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone, which revolutionized the world. But because of that, many businesses dealt with the problem of changing the layout of websites from desktop to mobile by delivering completely different mobile-compatible websites under the subdomain of โmโ (e.g., And we were all trying to figure out how to work in this new world of contending with mobile and desktop screen sizes.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we wonโt get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
When working on web automation with Selenium, I encountered scenarios where I needed to refresh pages from time to time. When does this happen? One scenario is that I needed to refresh the page to check that the data I expected to see was still available even after refreshing. Another possibility is to clear form data without going through each input individually.
When most firms employed a waterfall development model, it was widely joked about in the industry that Google kept its products in beta forever. Google has been a pioneer in making the case for in-production testing. Traditionally, before a build could go live, a tester was responsible for testing all scenarios, both defined and extempore, in a testing environment. However, this concept is evolving on multiple fronts today. For example, the tester is no longer testing alone. Developers, designers, build engineers, other stakeholders, and end users, both inside and outside the product team, are testing the product and providing feedback.
Have you ever visited a website that only has plain text and images? Most probably, no. Itโs because such websites do not exist now. But there was a time when websites only had plain text and images with almost no styling. For the longest time, websites did not focus on user experience. For instance, this is how eBayโs homepage looked in 1999.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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