How to use plugins method in storybook-root

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1import os2from bisect import insort3from Tools.Directories import fileExists, resolveFilename, SCOPE_PLUGINS4from Tools.Import import my_import5from Tools.Profile import profile6from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor7import keymapparser8class PluginComponent:9 firstRun = True10 restartRequired = False11 def __init__(self):12 self.plugins = {}13 self.pluginList = [ ]14 self.installedPluginList = [ ]15 self.setPluginPrefix("Plugins.")16 self.resetWarnings()17 def setPluginPrefix(self, prefix):18 self.prefix = prefix19 def addPlugin(self, plugin):20 if self.firstRun or not plugin.needsRestart:21 self.pluginList.append(plugin)22 for x in plugin.where:23 insort(self.plugins.setdefault(x, []), plugin)24 if x == PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART:25 plugin(reason=0)26 else:27 self.restartRequired = True28 def removePlugin(self, plugin):29 self.pluginList.remove(plugin)30 for x in plugin.where:31 self.plugins[x].remove(plugin)32 if x == PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART:33 plugin(reason=1)34 def readPluginList(self, directory):35 """enumerates plugins"""36 new_plugins = []37 for c in os.listdir(directory):38 directory_category = os.path.join(directory, c)39 if not os.path.isdir(directory_category):40 continue41 for pluginname in os.listdir(directory_category):42 path = os.path.join(directory_category, pluginname)43 if os.path.isdir(path):44 profile('plugin '+pluginname)45 try:46 plugin = my_import('.'.join(["Plugins", c, pluginname, "plugin"]))47 plugins = plugin.Plugins(path=path)48 except Exception, exc:49 print "Plugin ", c + "/​" + pluginname, "failed to load:", exc50 # supress errors due to missing* files (badly removed plugin)51 for fn in ('', 'plugin.pyo'):52 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, fn)):53 self.warnings.append( (c + "/​" + pluginname, str(exc)) )54 from traceback import print_exc55 print_exc()56 break57 else:58 print "Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in", path59 try:60 os.rmdir(path)61 except:62 pass63 continue64 # allow single entry not to be a list65 if not isinstance(plugins, list):66 plugins = [ plugins ]67 for p in plugins:68 p.path = path69 p.updateIcon(path)70 new_plugins.append(p)71 keymap = os.path.join(path, "keymap.xml")72 if fileExists(keymap):73 try:74 keymapparser.readKeymap(keymap)75 except Exception, exc:76 print "keymap for plugin %s/​%s failed to load: " % (c, pluginname), exc77 self.warnings.append( (c + "/​" + pluginname, str(exc)) )78 # build a diff between the old list of plugins and the new one79 # internally, the "fnc" argument will be compared with __eq__80 plugins_added = [p for p in new_plugins if p not in self.pluginList]81 plugins_removed = [p for p in self.pluginList if not p.internal and p not in new_plugins]82 #ignore already installed but reloaded plugins83 for p in plugins_removed:84 for pa in plugins_added:85 if pa.path == p.path and pa.where == p.where:86 pa.needsRestart = False87 for p in plugins_removed:88 self.removePlugin(p)89 for p in plugins_added:90 if self.firstRun or p.needsRestart is False:91 self.addPlugin(p)92 else:93 for installed_plugin in self.installedPluginList:94 if installed_plugin.path == p.path:95 if installed_plugin.where == p.where:96 p.needsRestart = False97 self.addPlugin(p)98 if self.firstRun:99 self.firstRun = False100 self.installedPluginList = self.pluginList101 def getPlugins(self, where):102 """Get list of plugins in a specific category"""103 if not isinstance(where, list):104 # if not a list, we're done quickly, because the105 # lists are already sorted106 return self.plugins.get(where, [])107 res = []108 # Efficiently merge two sorted lists together, though this109 # appears to never be used in code anywhere...110 for x in where:111 for p in self.plugins.get(x, []):112 insort(res, p)113 return res114 def getPluginsForMenu(self, menuid):115 res = [ ]116 for p in self.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_MENU):117 res += p(menuid)118 return res119 def clearPluginList(self):120 self.pluginList = []121 self.plugins = {}122 def reloadPlugins(self, dummy=False):123 self.clearPluginList()124 self.readPluginList(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS))125 def shutdown(self):126 for p in self.pluginList[:]:127 self.removePlugin(p)128 def resetWarnings(self):129 self.warnings = [ ]130 def getNextWakeupTime(self):131 wakeup = -1132 for p in self.pluginList:133 current = p.getWakeupTime()134 if current > -1 and (wakeup > current or wakeup == -1):135 wakeup = current136 return int(wakeup)...

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...10class PluginPool(object):11 def __init__(self):12 self.plugins = {}13 self.discovered = False14 def discover_plugins(self):15 if self.discovered:16 return17 self.discovered = True18 load('cms_plugins')19 def register_plugin(self, plugin):20 """21 Registers the given plugin(s).22 If a plugin is already registered, this will raise PluginAlreadyRegistered.23 """24 if hasattr(plugin,'__iter__'):25 warnings.warn("Registering more than one plugin at once will be deprecated in 2.3", DeprecationWarning)26 for single_plugin in plugin:27 self.register_plugin(single_plugin)28 return29 if not issubclass(plugin, CMSPluginBase):30 raise ImproperlyConfigured(31 "CMS Plugins must be subclasses of CMSPluginBase, %r is not."32 % plugin33 )34 plugin_name = plugin.__name__35 if plugin_name in self.plugins:36 raise PluginAlreadyRegistered(37 "Cannot register %r, a plugin with this name (%r) is already "38 "registered." % (plugin, plugin_name)39 )40 plugin.value = plugin_name41 self.plugins[plugin_name] = plugin42 if 'reversion' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:43 try:44 from reversion.registration import RegistrationError45 except ImportError:46 from reversion.revisions import RegistrationError47 try:48 reversion_register(plugin.model)49 except RegistrationError:50 pass51 def unregister_plugin(self, plugin):52 """53 Unregisters the given plugin(s).54 If a plugin isn't already registered, this will raise PluginNotRegistered.55 """56 if hasattr(plugin,'__iter__'):57 warnings.warn("Unregistering more than one plugin at once will be deprecated in 2.3", DeprecationWarning)58 for single_plugin in plugin:59 self.unregister_plugin(single_plugin)60 return 61 plugin_name = plugin.__name__62 if plugin_name not in self.plugins:63 raise PluginNotRegistered(64 'The plugin %r is not registered' % plugin65 )66 del self.plugins[plugin_name]67 def get_all_plugins(self, placeholder=None, page=None, setting_key="plugins", include_page_only=True):68 self.discover_plugins()69 plugins = self.plugins.values()[:]70 plugins.sort(key=lambda obj: unicode( final_plugins = []72 if page:73 template = page.get_template()74 else:75 template = None76 allowed_plugins = get_placeholder_conf(77 setting_key,78 placeholder,79 template,80 )81 for plugin in plugins:82 include_plugin = False83 if placeholder:84 if allowed_plugins:85 if plugin.__name__ in allowed_plugins:86 include_plugin = True87 elif setting_key == "plugins":88 include_plugin = True89 if plugin.page_only and not include_page_only:90 include_plugin = False91 if include_plugin:92 final_plugins.append(plugin)93 94 if final_plugins:95 plugins = final_plugins96 # plugins sorted by modules97 plugins = sorted(plugins, key=lambda obj: unicode(obj.module))98 return plugins99 def get_text_enabled_plugins(self, placeholder, page):100 plugins = self.get_all_plugins(placeholder, page)101 plugins +=self.get_all_plugins(placeholder, page, 'text_only_plugins')102 final = []103 for plugin in plugins:104 if plugin.text_enabled:105 if plugin not in final:106 final.append(plugin)107 return final108 def get_plugin(self, name):109 """110 Retrieve a plugin from the cache.111 """112 self.discover_plugins()113 return self.plugins[name]...

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Source: module.js Github


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1angular.module('ngCordova.plugins', [2 'ngCordova.plugins.actionSheet',3 'ngCordova.plugins.adMob',4 'ngCordova.plugins.appAvailability',5 'ngCordova.plugins.appRate',6 'ngCordova.plugins.appVersion',7 'ngCordova.plugins.backgroundGeolocation',8 'ngCordova.plugins.badge',9 'ngCordova.plugins.barcodeScanner',10 'ngCordova.plugins.batteryStatus',11 'ngCordova.plugins.beacon',12 'ngCordova.plugins.ble',13 'ngCordova.plugins.bluetoothSerial',14 'ngCordova.plugins.brightness',15 'ngCordova.plugins.calendar',16 '',17 'ngCordova.plugins.capture',18 'ngCordova.plugins.clipboard',19 'ngCordova.plugins.contacts',20 'ngCordova.plugins.datePicker',21 'ngCordova.plugins.device',22 'ngCordova.plugins.deviceMotion',23 'ngCordova.plugins.deviceOrientation',24 'ngCordova.plugins.dialogs',25 'ngCordova.plugins.emailComposer',26 'ngCordova.plugins.facebook',27 'ngCordova.plugins.facebookAds',28 'ngCordova.plugins.file',29 'ngCordova.plugins.fileTransfer',30 'ngCordova.plugins.fileOpener2',31 'ngCordova.plugins.flashlight',32 'ngCordova.plugins.flurryAds',33 '',34 'ngCordova.plugins.geolocation',35 'ngCordova.plugins.globalization',36 'ngCordova.plugins.googleAds',37 'ngCordova.plugins.googleAnalytics',38 'ngCordova.plugins.googleMap',39 'ngCordova.plugins.googlePlayGame',40 'ngCordova.plugins.googlePlus',41 'ngCordova.plugins.healthKit',42 'ngCordova.plugins.httpd',43 'ngCordova.plugins.iAd',44 'ngCordova.plugins.imagePicker',45 'ngCordova.plugins.inAppBrowser',46 'ngCordova.plugins.instagram',47 'ngCordova.plugins.keyboard',48 'ngCordova.plugins.keychain',49 'ngCordova.plugins.launchNavigator',50 'ngCordova.plugins.localNotification',51 '',52 'ngCordova.plugins.mMediaAds',53 'ngCordova.plugins.mobfoxAds',54 'ngCordova.plugins.mopubAds',55 'ngCordova.plugins.nativeAudio',56 '',57 'ngCordovaOauth',58 'ngCordova.plugins.pinDialog',59 'ngCordova.plugins.preferences',60 'ngCordova.plugins.printer',61 'ngCordova.plugins.progressIndicator',62 'ngCordova.plugins.push',63 'ngCordova.plugins.push_v5',64 'ngCordova.plugins.sms',65 'ngCordova.plugins.socialSharing',66 'ngCordova.plugins.spinnerDialog',67 'ngCordova.plugins.splashscreen',68 'ngCordova.plugins.sqlite',69 'ngCordova.plugins.statusbar',70 'ngCordova.plugins.toast',71 'ngCordova.plugins.touchid',72 'ngCordova.plugins.vibration',73 'ngCordova.plugins.videoCapturePlus',74 '',75 'ngCordova.plugins.insomnia'...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';2import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';3import { withTests } from '@storybook/​addon-jest';4import results from '../​.jest-test-results.json';5export const decorators = [withKnobs, withA11y, withTests({ results })];6module.exports = {7 stories: ['../​src/​**/​*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],8 core: {9 },10 webpackFinal: async (config) => {11 config.module.rules.push({12 test: /​\.(ts|tsx)$/​,13 {14 loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),15 options: {16 presets: [['react-app', { flow: false, typescript: true }]],17 },18 },19 {20 loader: require.resolve('react-docgen-typescript-loader'),21 },22 });23 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');24 return config;25 },26};27import { addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/​react';28import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';29import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';30import { withTests } from '@storybook/​addon-jest';31import results from '../​.jest-test-results.json';32addDecorator(withKnobs);33addDecorator(withA11y);34addDecorator(withTests({ results }));35addParameters({36 options: {37 },38});39import { addDecorator, addParameters } from '@storybook/​react';40import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/​addon-knobs';41import { withA11y } from '@storybook/​addon-a11y';42import { withTests } from '@storybook/​addon-jest';43import results from '../​.jest-test-results.json';44addDecorator(withKnobs);45addDecorator(withA11y);46addDecorator(withTests({ results }));47addParameters({48 options: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configure } = require('storybook-root');2const { plugins } = require('storybook-root');3const { addDecorator } = require('storybook-root');4configure(() => {5}, module);6plugins([7]);8addDecorator(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const plugins = require('storybook-root').plugins;2plugins({3});4import { configure } from '@storybook/​react';5import 'storybook-root/​register';6const plugins = require('storybook-root').webpack;7module.exports = (baseConfig, env, defaultConfig) => {8 defaultConfig.plugins = plugins({9 });10 return defaultConfig;11};

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