How to use jsonContent method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:server.js Github


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1/*//update title of tab2Take Quiz, modify quiz, edit quiz, delete quiz3use templating for dropdown quiz selection?4*/5var express = require('express');6var bodyParser = require('body-parser');7var fs = require('fs');8var path = require('path');9var path = require('ejs');10var app = express();11app.use(bodyParser.json());12app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));13var content = fs.readFileSync("static/index.html", 'utf8');14app.use("/static", express.static('static'));15app.set('view engine', 'ejs');16app.get('/', function (req, res) {17 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');18 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);19 var titles = [];20 for (var i = 0; i<jsonContent.length; i++) {21 titles[i] = jsonContent[i]["title"];22 }23 res.render('index',{titles: titles});24});25app.get('/,/quiz', function (req, res) {26 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');27 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);28 var titles = [];29 for (var i = 0; i<jsonContent.length; i++) {30 titles[i] = jsonContent[i]["title"];31 }32 res.send(JSON.stringify(titles));33});'/quiz', function(req, res){35 var sentQuiz = req.body;36 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');37 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);38 if (jsonContent.length > 0) {39 sentQuiz["id"] = jsonContent[jsonContent.length-1]["id"] + 1;40 }41 jsonContent.push(sentQuiz);42 var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonContent);43 fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzes.json", jsonString);44 res.send("updated");45});46app.get('/quiz/:id', function (req, res) {47 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');48 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);49 var targetQuiz;;50 for (var i = 0; i < jsonContent.length; i++) {51 if (jsonContent[i]["id"] === parseInt( {52 targetQuiz = jsonContent[i];53 break;54 }55 }56 res.send(targetQuiz);57});58app.put('/quiz/:id', function (req, res) {59 var sentQuiz = req.body;60 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');61 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);62 for (var i = 0; i < jsonContent.length; i++) {63 if (jsonContent[i]["id"] === parseInt( {64 jsonContent[i] = sentQuiz;65 break;66 }67 }68 var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonContent);69 fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzes.json", jsonString);70 res.send("updated");71});72app.delete('/quiz/:id', function (req, res) {73 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');74 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);75 for (var i = 0; i < jsonContent.length; i++) {76 if (jsonContent[i]["id"] === parseInt( {77 jsonContent.splice(i, 1);78 break;79 }80 }81 var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonContent);82 fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzes.json", jsonString);83 res.send("deleted");84});85app.get('/reset', function (req, res) {86 var readIn = fs.readFileSync("data/defaultallquizzes.json", 'utf8');87 // var readInAdded = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');88 // fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzesRevert.json", readInAdded);89 fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzes.json", readIn);90 res.send("default quizzes restored");91});92app.get('/revert', function (req, res) {93 var readIn = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzesRevert.json", 'utf8');94 fs.writeFile("data/allQuizzes.json", readIn);95 res.send("reverted");96});97app.get('/users', function (req, res) {98 var readUsers = fs.readFileSync("data/users.json", 'utf8');99 res.send(readUsers);100});'/users', function(req, res){102 var jsonString = JSON.stringify(req.body);103 fs.writeFile("data/users.json", jsonString);104 res.send(req.body);105});106app.get('/titles', function (req, res) {107 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');108 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);109 var titles = "[";110 for (var i = 0; i<jsonContent.length; i++) {111 if (i < jsonContent.length -1)112 titles += "\"" + jsonContent[i]["title"] + "\"" + ", ";113 else114 titles += "\"" + jsonContent[i]["title"] + "\"";115 }116 titles += "]";117 res.send(titles);118});119app.get('/titlesandids', function (req, res) {120 var readQuiz = fs.readFileSync("data/allQuizzes.json", 'utf8');121 var jsonContent = JSON.parse(readQuiz);122 var titles = [];123 for (var i = 0; i<jsonContent.length; i++) {124 titles[i] = jsonContent[i]["title"];125 titles[jsonContent.length + i] = jsonContent[i]["id"];126 }127 res.send(JSON.stringify(titles));128});129var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 4000, function() {130 var host = server.address().address;131 var port = server.address().port;132 console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port);...

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Source:index.js Github


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1var websocket = new WebSocket("ws://" + location.hostname + ":81/");2// websocket event declear3websocket.onopen = function (event) {4 onOpen(event);5};6websocket.onclose = function (event) {7 onClose(event);8};9websocket.onerror = function (event) {10 onError(event);11};12websocket.onmessage = function (event) {13 onMessage(event);14};15// websocket events16function onOpen(event) {17 console.log("Server Connected!");18}19function onClose(event) {20 console.log("Server Disconnected!");21 alert("Server Disconnected!");22}23function onError(event) {24 console.log("Error:" +;25 alert("Error Occured!");26}27function onMessage(event) {28 var message;29 var switchStatus;30 var JSONContent = JSON.parse(;31 if (JSONContent.hasOwnProperty("LED")) {32 if (JSONContent.LED == "ON") {33 message = "LED ON";34 switchStatus = true;35 } else {36 message = "LED OFF";37 switchStatus = false;38 }39 document.getElementById("LED").innerHTML = message;40 document.getElementById("output").checked = switchStatus;41 }42 if (JSONContent.hasOwnProperty("Mode")) {43 document.getElementById("ledmode").value = JSONContent.Mode;44 message = "Mode:" + JSONContent.Mode;45 }46 if (JSONContent.hasOwnProperty("Hour")) {47 var hour = parseInt(JSONContent.Hour);48 var minute = parseInt(JSONContent.Minute);49 if (hour < 10) hour = "0" + hour;50 if (minute < 10) minute = "0" + minute;51 message = hour + ":" + minute;52 document.getElementById("timepicker").value = message;53 }54 if (JSONContent.hasOwnProperty("Year")) {55 var month = parseInt(JSONContent.Month);56 var date = parseInt(JSONContent.Date);57 if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;58 if (date < 10) date = "0" + date;59 message = JSONContent.Year + "-" + month + "-" + date;60 document.getElementById("datepicker").value = message;61 }62}63// Swtich click send data64function switchLED(element) {65 var command;66 if (element.checked) command = '{"LED":"ON"}';67 else command = '{"LED":"OFF"}';68 websocket.send(command);69 console.log(command);70}71// Select led mode72function selectLEDMode(element) {73 var modeValue = document.getElementById("ledmode").value;74 modeValue = '{"Mode":' + modeValue + "}";75 console.log(modeValue);76 websocket.send(modeValue);77}78/* Set time */79function setTime(element) {80 if (document.getElementById("ledmode").value != 0) {81 alert("该功能只在显示日期模式下有效!");82 return;83 }84 var time = document.getElementById("timepicker").value;85 time = '{"Hour":' + parseInt(time.substr(0, 2)) + ',"Minute":' + parseInt(time.substr(3, 2)) + "}";86 console.log(time);87 websocket.send(time);88}89/* Set date */90function setDate(element) {91 if (document.getElementById("ledmode").value != 1) {92 alert("该功能只在显示日期模式下有效!");93 return;94 }95 var date = document.getElementById("datepicker").value;96 date =97 '{"Year":' +98 date.substr(0, 4) +99 ',"Month":' +100 parseInt(date.substr(5, 2)) +101 ',"Date":' +102 parseInt(date.substr(8, 2)) +103 "}";104 console.log(date);105 websocket.send(date);...

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Source:contenttypes.spec.js Github


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1import { isJSONContentType } from "../contenttypes"2describe("isJSONContentType", () => {3 test("returns true for JSON content types", () => {4 expect(isJSONContentType("application/json")).toBe(true)5 expect(isJSONContentType("application/vnd.api+json")).toBe(true)6 expect(isJSONContentType("application/hal+json")).toBe(true)7 expect(isJSONContentType("application/ld+json")).toBe(true)8 })9 test("returns true for JSON types with charset specified", () => {10 expect(isJSONContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8")).toBe(true)11 expect(isJSONContentType("application/vnd.api+json; charset=utf-8")).toBe(12 true13 )14 expect(isJSONContentType("application/hal+json; charset=utf-8")).toBe(true)15 expect(isJSONContentType("application/ld+json; charset=utf-8")).toBe(true)16 })17 test("returns false for non-JSON content types", () => {18 expect(isJSONContentType("application/xml")).toBe(false)19 expect(isJSONContentType("text/html")).toBe(false)20 expect(isJSONContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")).toBe(false)21 expect(isJSONContentType("foo/jsoninword")).toBe(false)22 })23 test("returns false for non-JSON content types with charset", () => {24 expect(isJSONContentType("application/xml; charset=utf-8")).toBe(false)25 expect(isJSONContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8")).toBe(false)26 expect(27 isJSONContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8")28 ).toBe(false)29 expect(isJSONContentType("foo/jsoninword; charset=utf-8")).toBe(false)30 })31 test("returns false for null/undefined", () => {32 expect(isJSONContentType(null)).toBe(false)33 expect(isJSONContentType(undefined)).toBe(false)34 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('@storybook/react/standalone');2const path = require('path');3storybookRoot({4 configDir: path.resolve(__dirname, './.storybook'),5});6import { configure } from '@storybook/react';7function loadStories() {8 require('../src/stories/index.js');9}10configure(loadStories, module);11import { configure } from '@storybook/react';12function loadStories() {13 require('../src/stories/index.js');14}15configure(loadStories, module);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';2const content = jsonContent('my-content.json');3console.log(content);4import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';5const content = jsonContent('my-content.json');6console.log(content);7{8 "cars": {9 }10}11{ name: 'John', age: 30, cars: { car1: 'Ford', car2: 'BMW', car3: 'Fiat' } }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root'2const json = jsonContent('test')3const json = jsonContent('test', 'en')4const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us')5const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json')6const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us')7const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test')8const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test')9const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test')10const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test')11const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test')12const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test')13const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test')14const json = jsonContent('test', 'en', 'us', 'json', 'en-us', 'test', 'test', 'test', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');3console.log(content);4{5}6var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');7var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');8console.log(content);9{10}11var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');12var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');13console.log(content);14{15}16var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');18console.log(content);19{20}21var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');22var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');23console.log(content);24{25}26var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');27var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');28console.log(content);29{30}31var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');32var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');33console.log(content);34{35}36var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');37var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');38console.log(content);39{40}41var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');42var content = storybookRoot.jsonContent('test.json');43console.log(content);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;3var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');4var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});5var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');6var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;7var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');8var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});9var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');10var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;11var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');12var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});13var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;15var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');16var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});17var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');18var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;19var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');20var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});21var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');22var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;23var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');24var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});25var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26var jsonContent = storybookRoot.jsonContent;27var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');28var content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json', {encoding: 'utf-8'});29var storybookRoot = require('storybook

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';2const content = jsonContent('content.json');3console.log(content);4{5}6import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';7const content = jsonContent('content.json');8console.log(content);9{10}11import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';12const content = jsonContent('content.json');13console.log(content);14{15}16import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';17const content = jsonContent('content.json');18console.log(content);19{20}21import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';22const content = jsonContent('content.json');23console.log(content);24{25}26import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';27const content = jsonContent('content.json');28console.log(content);29{30}31import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';32const content = jsonContent('content.json');33console.log(content);34{35}36import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';37const content = jsonContent('content.json');38console.log(content);39{40}41import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';42const content = jsonContent('content.json');43console.log(content);44{45}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root';2const content = jsonContent('path/to/file.json');3{4}5import { textContent } from 'storybook-root';6const content = textContent('path/to/file.txt');7import { yamlContent } from 'storybook-root';8const content = yamlContent('path/to/file.yml');9import { xmlContent } from 'storybook-root';10const content = xmlContent('path/to/file.xml');11import { htmlContent } from 'storybook-root';12const content = htmlContent('path/to/file.html');13import { mdContent } from 'storybook-root';14const content = mdContent('path/to/');15import { csvContent } from 'storybook-root';16const content = csvContent('path/to/file.csv');17import { tsvContent } from 'storybook-root';18const content = tsvContent('path/to/file.tsv');19import { iniContent } from 'storybook-root';20const content = iniContent('path/to/file.ini');21import { sqlContent } from 'storybook-root';22const content = sqlContent('path/to/file.sql');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { jsonContent } from 'storybook-root'2console.log(jsonContent)3export const jsonContent = {4}5{6}7I want to be able to import the components from the storybook-root directory. I tried creating a symlink to the components directory but this doesn’t work. I tried adding a path to the components directory in the .babelrc file but this doesn’t work either. I’m not sure what else to try. Any ideas?8I want to be able to import the components from the storybook-root directory. I tried creating a symlink to the components directory but this doesn’t work. I tried adding a path to the components directory in the .babelrc

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